CLASSIFIED S E C T I O N NOTICE Because of the great number of classified ads whicni aapplp ear Plaindealer each week, we to keep in the have found it impossible booka on such small accounts. Therefore, in the future, only ads which are paid for before this section of the paper ffoes to press at 10 o'dock on Wednesday mornings will be printed. Chevrolet LIGHTNING PROTECTION-- PtVf i coupe; good tires; heater; new tect your wiring and appliances with leather upholstering. Tel. McHenry , The Green Guard Lightning Arrester. 1289-W. *46 ; Proven at the Public Service Co. I • -- j Your present lightning rod system U I CONSIGNMENT AND RESALE -- not complete without one. $14.85 | Save your dollars! Come and see our ! installed. Also complete lightning ! beautiful, cleaned formals, ladies' j r0(j service. Old systems repaired, j suits, dresses, cftats, fur chubbies,; Gordon Gregory, Rt. 2, Waukegan, | hats, shoes, girdles and silk lingerie, j |fl.t Tel. Majestic 5406. *46 Men's suits, overcoats and sport j > I ccats. Left hand golf sets and bags, j NOTICE;--During the month of April white roller skates in metal case, the Villa Club Resort cocktail i boxing gloves, shades and rollers, I lounge and dining room at Pistakee Rexaire and Premier vacuum clean- | Bay will be open on Sundays, serving ers, two chicken brooders. Gen & Is's i Sunday dinners. Reservations can Store, third house on East River | be made for parties, weddings and Road, going south, McHenry. Tel. : banquets. Calf Pistakee 461.jC 46-5 493-W. 46 FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT--Year, around ihouse, insulated; 5 rooms, bath with ; shower; basement garage; fenced, j 30-tf fruit trees; lot 75x120. (Located j C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. Woodstock, 11L SPRING GROVE (by Mrs. 'Charles Freund) played after the meeting ireshmeats served. £ Rev. John DalehienA and the usl*ers of St.- Peter's Parish met at the home of Gregory Kattner for their regular meeting on Tuesday night. There was a social evening at cards and lunch wad served. Shirley's Lunch Room has moved : to a new location, in the Ben Smith SALE -- Year 'round, 7-room Wonder Lake Center.) Call Chicago DEAD Mid^o^cows ^horses 'Hid home, with basement; execellent Mohawk 2895. 46"2 i ILiif? J* lna/l T)*t fiSl ALL YEAR HOMES FOB SALE I"itil I-1'"' Fo» L«ke 46«8. j McCultom l*OR SALE--Springer spaniel, 1-year frontage; price $7,500. old; must offer good home. Tel. Six rooms; bath; full basement; Rich. 407. *46 ! also .furnished; water front; fine --r"-- , bathing beach; price $8,000. Owner FOR bALE -- New Artisan power wju accept small down payment. lawn niower, 18-in-cut, Briggs-Strat- At Wonder Lake; six rooms; bath; ten engine, $119.95. Quantity limited automatic oil heat; garage attached; gamble's. West McHenry. 46: iQt has seventy-five ft. frontage, JOR SALE-New 2-bedroom house. ; ^odVrn^room home, completely Grove Street. Wattles subdivision, <•. West McHenry. Lumber Co. Ready for occupancy ' iarge"corner'lot:*Vmifes'east'of'Mb- , ^ AP"' 15- 47-2 Henry. Price $15,000. For appoint-1 HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch PIANO TUNING & SERVICE Harry C. Calhoun--Woodstock 1063-W - or Harry J. Gearman--Cary 4502 Members of American Society of Piano Technicians . 28-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN; WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair (2r0ve Street IVattles subdivision c V 1V " V i*** fnr I snd install pumps. 'Rill Bacon, 2Q6 .tMine'S | •*»* P*"*-. ***10-*tf 2-niw<i I ment ca^ JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR,! basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned fnnr at Johnsburg, Tel. 37 or Chicago ( ^ Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Iour t-, ,ooo 44-tf " " - -- ' " IT nn Lincoln 1333. FOR SALE --- Beautiful Kroehler parlor set, used months. $125. Phone McHenry tt5 R 2- *46 FOR SALE--Used cars and trucks. *OR SALE--1940 Buick, super club j Downs Nash Sales, McHenry. 44-tf coupe; radio^ heater; excellent me- ; FOR SALE-160-acre farm, 2V4 mi. " " Best offer; east of McHenry; 8-room house, , bath, furnace heat; 2 barns, 2 silos. ' A lo/t 1 ^7 n«\t4k a/ AlXAnW Sianical condition. cHenry 668-M-l. FOR SALE -- New shipment of; Also 147 acres, north of McHenry; -- • -- -- '8-room house; automatic oil heat; large barn For appointment call (Hank Nell), JACOB FRITZ, REAL Kroehler living room suites. P. M Anten Furniture Co., West McHenry. *46 Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf SHEET METAL AND FURNACE WORK --Gutters and furnaces repaired. John MciDonald, Bowman St., McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 772-M. 38-tf FOR SALEr--Galvanized screen wire, 2$-in. width, 12c running foot; 32-in. *idth, 15c running foot, Gamble's, West McHenry. 46 GARBAGE COLLECTING --* Let us dispose of fireur garbage each week, or eftener if desired. Reasonable , rates. Regular year round roots. ESTATE, at Johnsburg. Tel. _Mc; j0hn E. Hill. P. O. Bo* 274,' McHenry 37. 43-tf Yogt. R-3, McHenry. 6B2-R-1. piano. Tel. 1 MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor furnaces. Let us estimate McHenry j your next job. *46 ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP --r-- ------1 304 Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. FOR SALE--Save housemaid knees »46_26 Phone McHenry 760. with. sponge' rubber kneeling pads,! : OMly 59c. Gamble's, West McHenry. ^ 46 FOR SALE--1940 Buick 4-door sedan; radio and heater; A-l condition. Tel. Fox Lake 4663. 46-tf PAINTING AND DECORATING PAPER HANGING First Class Work -- Free Estimates CONRAD GUSTAFSON, Phone McHenry 569-W-2 or Fox Lake 3451. Henry, Phone S65. WE BUT AND SELL USED CARS --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, McHenry, I1L Phone 277. - 4»-tf TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewriters and adding fhachines repaired and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 103 Main St, McHemy. Phon« McHenry 203-J. 62-tf HELP WANTED ,. HELP WANTED--Laborers, See I. 46-4 , Fredrieksen ,at Wonder Lake or call A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kattner at St. Therese hospital on Monday, March 22. , v« • ,rc« niwwwn, «.««= ucu uum.n Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kautz are the! and ^ °Pen on Thuraday, parents of • baby girl born Sunday, [Ap l lst- March 28. Mrs. Kautz is\he former • Easter vacation came to an end Dolly Weber. i and the students of Richmond-Burton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker and high school and the pupils *of the daughter, Jean, of Silver Lake, Wis., i grammer schools all returned to their visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. studies on Tuesday morning. Ben Busch, on Sunday. ' j : College students who were home j complete line of Beebe livestock •« F"nk T M*y. Jr' remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Me- University of Illinois; James May, | Henry. 8-tf University of Wisconsin, and James Busch of Whitewater, Wis. Mr. and Frank Mikoleit of Channel Lake purchased the Joseph Brown tavern and began operating last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown moved to McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brit? and family of McHenry spent Easter with Pkorie 1699-M-l FARM DRAINAGE Tiling Work Done With '.: Modern Equipment > r . Can FuraiiUi Tile ; ISO G. ZIMMERMAN Contractor 1 " r i 1 1 jpnsuiT - , in a three car accident on March 81. George Li*kopula« filed suit in the ! Route 14, two miles north of circuit court JaaC week against Keith Harvard. Lampert and; BergSSr {Sanson, asking Toni Permanent Wave Kits, $1.25 $5,000 damages for injuries received j and 12.00. Wattles Drug Store. 35-tf •H: Fish RINGWOOD very RAOEK BEEl vrSSD BOWHAM, Prop. - ' '.t *•' V' . . . Vi.. ; Ar jdht L fi'ru: I .sn;-' •it jjaifttfi'&l his parents, the William Britzs. Eugene Meyer of Chicago spent the weekend at his home here. Mir. and Mrs. John Sanborn visited their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Schulz and son in Chicago on Sunday. ' The Community club held its regular meeting at St. Peter's Parish hall on Monday night. Cards were R. r. Woodstock. 111. BELL A shales Interior and Exterior Painting Paper Hanging A Bo Spray Painting . . io6 N. G reen St. McHenr^ ^ V" TeL McHenry 243-J or - Crystal Lake 1328-M-l GARBAGE COLLECTION "SERVICE ^ I desire to announce that I am ready to pick up garbage .at regular intervals. For prompt and courteous ' i FRED WIRTZ 2- SLRrLUS TREE SPRAYING -- Anderson Tree jW- L- 221 .. 46-tf ho^takfSttJj^TSSS: SCTViCe- Ph0M McHe"ry 113"«-2'"ELP WANTED-Boy WMted for farm buildings, etc. Various floor : j ^ in 8'ore" ® *• plans. Delivered on your property, RADIO REPAIR. -- Call McHenry ; McHenry- 46 $329.00 plus freight. Also 16'xl6' 87-J to have your set picked up. No hfiJ> WAXTF.n PORTER Good plus freight. Contact. ^-Fabs, ^Ra^.o »Rseeprraiicr?,» F- ox< cSitmreet ., SMfcs"H*en™ry1 .nT™ Shady Rest, Woodstock. 46 WANTED: ELECTRICAL WORK Anything from an extra outlet to complete re-wiring. Young Chicago electrician moving to this area. Work by contract or by hour plus materials. Work guaranteed to meet Underwriters', standards. Available now. : Leave word at 651-R-2. I ZOIA MONUMENT CO. MODERN DISPLAY Near Court House Since 1890 Woodstock, ill. Sunday Afternoon^:,. PYEOFAtT tiAS SERVICE superior BOTTLE GAS »**VK« Magic Chef Ranges Servel Gas Refrigerators TOWN and COUNTRY UTILITIES lidtOTJH. SMITH : Phone 77D-W Apt. 9 - 419 Main 8t enry room 12, Charleston National Bank m. Building, Charleston, 111. Phone 222. •46-2 •46 REFRIGERATION OPENING-- Announcing the opening of the Arrow Rjvers^e Drive. HELP WANTED -- Waitress Saturdays Ind Sundays at 13' for N. 46 VOR SALE -- Two metal kitchen , Refrigeration Co., Sales and Service, cabinets with porcelain tops, price • on an makes and models, commercial, HELP WANTED--Lady for foook- £# eac2o„, qui<* sale- Tel* Mf: domestic air conditioning. P. O. Box keeper in McHenry business place. Henry 227-J. . 46; gg> phone 686-R-l. 46 Steadv. Address Box "6" care Mc- SHEET METAL WORK--For your 46 Steady. FOR SALE -- American Kitchens ^ Henry Plaindealer. ?nk;, double drain; new. . furTiaee and sheet metal work call HELP WANTED--YOUNG MEN-- el. McHenry 583-J-2. 46' MrHmrv 480-M. ' Free estimate. 1 DET tircc nr PVI> A vnivf PRfi. I DEAL IN USED CARS THAT ARE IDEAL FOR YOU McHenry : Cripe's Tin Shop. estimate. BECAUSE OF EXPANDING PRO- *44-4 DUCTION, WE NEED SEVERAL1 i MORE YOUNG MEN FOR WORK j T McHenry land and Gravel Co. Excavating and Crane Service Black Dirt -- Sand and Gravel Road Grading , ' CALL McHBNRY 97-1 ENJOY F I N A N C I A L SECURITY Hew Maty DOLLARS Will Yetr Social Security PENNIES Bring? Yoar Sidsl SecvHty petmies ova slofine up volv* oble banelMs lor yow. tf you don't know what these .benefits ore# yos end your fomify Let me show yo*, .. without oblifk* tioiv., ,, what benefits Social Security vrll provide for yon and your family. CURTIS G. NEWMAN Special Agent Wiat-McHenry. 111. Tel. 7M-J i 194G Chevrolet 4-door sedan, $1750. | LANDSCAPINfr^-TR^^^SURGERY PRODUCTION DEPART 1941 Ford 2-door sedan, $1030. • Trucks 1937 GMC 1% ton stake, short Wheel base, $550. 1946 Ford IV* ton stake, long wheel ba?e, $1675. ~ Our best advertisements are driven--not written. ARMAXD PAQUIN MOTORS Rt. 12 and old Uand Road, across from Breezy Point. 546 MENT. INTERESTING WORK. NO AND REMOVAL--INSURED PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE RE-1 FREE ESTIMATES I QUIRED. LIBERAL VACATION, O. Bo* 163 S1CR LEAVE> AND GROUP INSURANCE PLANS. PHONE OR I VISIT THE EDWAL LABORA-1 TORIES, INC.,. RINGWOOD, ILLI-; J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, 111 45-tf TREE SPRAYING-- Frank Henkel, Volo, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Tel. McHenry 543-J-l. 45-tf RENOVATE YOUR BRICK OR NOIS. TELEPHONE RICHMOND 5. 46 HELP WANTED--Girl for general JPOR SALE--We still have about 200 ! brick tuck pointed, cleaned, replaced, bushels Clinton seed oats, cleaned j Water-proofing, window caulking, ] , and treated. Test weight 43 pounds i concrete restoration, patios, side- «->er Ibushel, 95 per cent germination; [walks, barbecues. FREE ESTiro noxious weeds; average yield in j MATES. HANK JACKSON, Box 852. 1947 was 94 bushels. Kane & Jepsen, : Fox Lake, 111. Phone McHenry 207-W STONE BUILDING -- New and old! w°rk in drug store. Bolger's, Green St., McHenry. 39-tf Ring wood. Phone Richmond 942. *46 *45-4 :dFOR SALE -- All steel wardrobe*, "§23. Peter M. Justen Furniture Co., West McHenry. *46 NEW FIXIT SHOP--Electric appliance repairs or work done on other articles needing repairs. "Bill!* Comesky, on Chippewa Drive, half rOR SALE AT AN ATTRACTIVE block east of blacktop, Wonder Lake. PRICE--Loop lots No. 242 and 243 t Address P. O. 265, Woodstock, or in McHenry Co. Memorial Park; R-l, Ringwood, 111. *45-4 cemetery, Woodstock, 111. Call Henry 189-W or • J. Mc- 44_tf! PLOWING, ROTARTILLER, wood ' sawing, etc. Herman Dowe, 208 FOR SALE--Tavern on U. S. high-: Richmond Road, Phone McHenry 241, way; also three cabins. Also tavern j 45-tf "in town north of McHenry, including- „ . ice cream parlor and barber shop, i BUSINESS (OPPORTUNITY Boat For appointment call (Hank Nell),' sh°P' 40x60 ft- ©n.lake, shop attached JACOB FRITZ, REAL ESTATE, at1 16*2°, extra building, 16x16; two Johnsburg. Tel McHenry 37. 43-tf cabins, sleep 8 people; possession April 1. Price $13,000; cash $9,000; FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE balance terms. iLake Region Realty, TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- Fox Lake, 111. Phone F. L. 3941. 43-8 SULATION. Guaranteed not to settle.' ~ Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call orl write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl j St., Tel. McHenry 18. tf! HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. COn 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE 3». 20-tf CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird houses; lawn furniture, lawn and porch swings, pier and park benches, picnic tabhs, window boxes, trellises, etc. ~ . Kitchen cabinets and cupboards made to order, hand wove^n wash baske'.s, shopping and market baskets. Full line of leather belts, suspenders, billfolds, etc. CLARENCE SMITH ^ Tel. McHenry 583-J-l Johnsburg, b a n k e r s C O M P A N Y iysiiiiiiiiiHmiiiiiiiiiiniiiiitiiiitMiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiHiHJBiiiwiifiiimiiiiiiiimtMiiiimiiiiHimHwwtiiiimiiuwHmBinmini: ! MILL INN Formerly Barnard's Mill J^jrtb J!cd Wonder Lake at tiie JBridge ^CLOSED ON TUESDAYS svana vnm honxbs tW.p' HELP WANTED--BRICKLAYERS Wanted At Once! • $2.75 An Hour Long Job O. W. POTTER & SONS General Contractors Wauconda, 111., Phone 3231 45-2 WANTED TO BUT WANTED TO BUY -- Got a calf* Want to sell? Call Joe McAndrews, McHenry 601-W-l. *46-4 FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes; carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St.. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf CARPENTER WORK Remodeling and Repairs. Free Estimate ~ B. ARVIDSON Tel. McHenry 653-M-2 48-tf LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350 ft., on Route 31, about two block from depot Inquire at 715 Center St. 41-tf McHenry 278-J. 22-tf PORCELAIN WALL TILE FOR ALL PURPOSES ° FRED KLING VEOS -- TILE -- SERVICE 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave., Crystal Lake Phone Crystal Lake 490 WANTED TO BUY--Have buyer for farm from 80 to 100 acres with good modern house. Also buyer for farm, 160 to 200 acres. Write Lake Region Realty, Fox Lake, 111. Phone F. L. 3941. 43-8 WANTED TO ®UY-*We have ca^h buyers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB FRITZ. REALTOR, at Johnsburg: Tel McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 43-tf ^ . ^COMPLETE REPAIR SHOP ' Rewinding ft Rebuilding Redesigning McHpry Electric Motor Service ^ ^ iRtTCE W. KLONTZ 102 W. WAUKEGAN RD. ' « PHONE 181 o *. » VT . CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling FOR SALES--National cash register, and repairs of all kinds. Free estilarge size. Tel. McHenry 597-W-2. mate. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry 46 ,634-R-2. V "46-9 Helen Weber Says: NO F0OLIN! Now is the time to send ip those drapes --slip cover* -- spreads--rugs, etc. Remember too! when potting clothes Jpay for summer storage, our fF-SAN-O Insured Mothproof jfletning protects ygn Xrom destructive mothe. / -McHenry Cleaners mm m . Msr. SC WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf WANTED WANTED--Dwelling to rent or purchase; within city . limits at McHenry. Possession en or about April 1st. Eail ' R. Walsh, Phone 43. *37-tf WANTED--Watchea and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan. 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Bei uty Shoppe.) 15-tf 1 ^ COCKTAILS - LIQUOR - WINES 1 COMPLETE DINNERS SERVED | From 6 to 9 p.. tt. Daily Except Monday and Tuesday | < Saturday 6 to 11 p. m.; Sunday 1 to 7 p. m. | llSH FRY EVERY FRIDAY | III? Wis CATER TO PARTIES --^ | frank and Jerry Wiedeman Phone Richmond 312 §rtit WINTER Cuiltieiir WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--Couple with two children desire three to six rooms, apartment or house. Call Keystone 0047; reverse charges. M. Lepticb, 2944 N. Fairfieltj^ Chicago FOR RENT ! FOR HIRE--One and one-half ton truck with driver; 9S per hour. Phone McHenry 4S8JL i 48-8 LOST parse at scene of accident on Sherman's hill, route 110, 8atarday A. M., pleaaa return eaoM to George BaumbedcT McCallen X^ke, Wert Me- Heiiry. Keef wmm^ M foar fwrarA IP 1 USED LUMBER and BUILDING MATERIAL HOSPITAL BUILDINGS AT GREAT LAKES NAVAL STATION NOW BEING -Dimension Flooring Ventilators Windows Valves Pipe Screens - B-X Wire Timber Partitions: « Radiation Doors - Trim . Miscellany Plywood - 12c a ft. BOSLEY WRECKING C01 OBXAT LAKXS NAVAL STATIOH „ SmiIIi Q«te (Hospital) Duo East Mon. Thru Fri fcflQ to 4:30, Sat. A Svu ^(KT. 1313 rji W ENJOY Ni IN JANUARY" «i*.VEKWM«Ak WW • • • svtu - _ savtof I Bdrtk to laal YOUR Urfni. Adk m ler Irfpyiw abeel VENUAEyEK IwaacM A J ceal, «mA •((. JOHN McDONALtl T«L KcHaur 77S-K fc-\ i'Jr. *• lb-; . • ' ~ .':