Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1948, p. 8

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With a hau«hty air tha ••Marly woman enteted the Jewel's -hop «od settled IMTMK in * chair. Then «h* Inspected the youthful assistant through bar lorgnette and saki, cold, ly: "I want a present for an earl, but it must ba inexpensive." • The young man's desire to help went several steps too .tar as he suggested, briefly: "Well, madam, what about a can of metal polish to clean his coronet with?" HUNCH WAS BIGHT ' •U.': •' Professor -- Didn't you have a rather in this course last year? Student--No, sir; it was I. I'm teking it over again. V Professor--Extraordinary resemjlance, though--extraordinary! c v MENTAL HAZARD "Work, work! I'm tired ef work. Up »t six la the morning weillat hard all day till six at night," gramMed Pat. "Really," said Mike, "I dldnt know yon were working, did yon start?" ' "Tomorrow," replied Pat, • They Learn Fast " • Young George suddenly had be- tme interested in girls. Almost ery day he came home and talked about some youthful charmer, and almost every time it seemed to be a different girl. "George," mother gently chided, •*1 believe you've got a very changeable nature." "Oh, no, mom," the boy replied, isn't me that changes; it's the £rls when you get to knopr 'em stter." "I had a hunch on the races today. I got up at 7 o'clock and found ft in my pocket. There were seven of us at lunch and there were seven horses in the seventh race. So I picked No. 7." "And he won?" "Nope--my hunch was right -he ran seventh." t>rder your rubber stamps at The ftaindealer. Playing It Safe "Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you what you are," said a lunch counter philosopher. Whereupon a meek little man, sitting a few stuols away, called to the waitreas: "Cancel my order for shrimp salad, please." Bsd Tags Rvaafaarf £ FEW weeks a«o hi of the dtil service made an to^utoy about a certain case to a subordinate official In soother section, who allowed the master to slide. Later, the first official addressed a complaint to the subordinate's superior, and the superior passed on the minute to his subordinate with the qtkery: "Has nothing been done?" The minute was returned marked "Yes," and was sent back to the subordinate with a laconic "What?" "Nothing," was the subordinate's c&nment on the minute. Caafid Camera Old S| Whitaker stomped into the village store Mid dourly took his accustomed place near the pot-bellied stove. "I declare," he announced to his assembled cronies, "I ain't never goin' to take my wife to the photographers' agin as long as I live! I tell you, it was an all-day Job to get that'woman's picture." "What was the trouble, '-Si?" asked one of his friends. "Well," explained the disgruntled Si, "fust the photographer tried to get her to look pleasant, but, dadnab- it, she didn't look natural. Then he told her to look natural, and shp didn't look pleasant. The proofs frill be delivered toraoriow. Pray for. me, gentlemen!" lanstsflsn In , Something new in plupdMng il water heater with a tank'fined with glass to prevent corrosion. MARTIN JENSEN ACETYLENE AND PORTABLE ARC WELDING GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING Pulveriser* Sharpened Rural Route 3, Woodstock ^ ^ PjMme Greenwood 729 Use for Rice* Hulls Bice bulls are used in the mant* dure of furfural, a product used In the manufacture of synthetic rubber, rfyon, nylon and other synthetic products. Ground rice hulls are used as a filler in commerica! fertiliser and as an absorptive in the manufacture of expfcsives. # - Subscribe for Hie Plalndealer . r*V_ *35 Earl riafton JOIN recently whsn ka to board tfce marbm fine is t it Ma.) A totem *bere parents of 4aU» quart ililMi samay learn to be be*, toe Men lad mothers has been apafcNj to Das Moines, Iowa. Patterned after parent guidance centers' in flea Francisco and ether cities, the school staff will lead discussions with parents on personality development of children, importance of family living and family work, play and finances. The legal respowsfhflittoe of patents, familyschool teamwork and recreational, health and welfare facilities In Deo Moines also will be covered. Parents of delinquent children will be "referred" to the school by Juvenile court Judges for a series of weakly two-hbur sessions lasting 10 weeks. Officials hope parents will attend of their own accord, but reluctant parents may be required to attend If they want to retain custody of their c&Udran. A survey ot the first group of children whose parents attended the San Francisco guidance center showed a majority of the children made satisfactory adjustments following their parents' graduation from the center. The police juvenile bureau, the city adult education department and the citizens advisory committee joined in sponsoring the Des Moines center and the Parent-Teachers association has volunteered to finance the project. First 0. S. Locomotive • Tom Thumb, one of first locomo. tives in the United States, ones lost * race with a horse. High mood Pressure Recent research reveals that a diet composed largely of white ilea Is highly effective in control of high blood pressure. on tV and ML One ef ran over htt right torn ligaments and severe braises but no broken bones. SBLBCT STATE TBBfc Edward C. Anrtin, superintendent of Burlington, Wis., schools, has announced),that school children will shortly tasSf official state tree for Wisconsin. All part In selection of an Wisconsin school children will take P art in the balloting osters and ballots prepared state tree committed list a choice of seven trees that are considered native to Wisconsin. They are the Norway pine, the American or white elm, the henlock the white pine, the sugar maple, the shagbetk hickory end^per or canoe _ . of M^see •••» *•*... .*'•* A parrot hidden la the design of an Oriental rug is syinbolised" as a messenger of love. This bird sometimes is seen in Indian rugs. for E 1 > r-- Beceaee eif her siss, Andersen • repaired seine assistants in the < form of construction ef her a«taaMt*taTifa^ SS? is a sheelslly eonstmetod Oldsaaobfle whleh waa fuetom buOt to amet her individual requirements. The Kenosha dealer altered three •Mjor operating foatures of the ear Aa^d the #aat.iLds Arrow Refrige iratii (Mi Ck>. -•N i * v • oommouL, ooHSSTjo i • Ant ooHomomite g*u •8Ain>g»noa 'fitoBSOOMW f./" , ,v;; MeHamr, DL -V " * - SAVE MORE CHICKS RAISE STURDY BIRDS iL.'- T/fodciit 7^aita(j-Cc 'Oioaciii^ you raise mort/birdi. Tiejr are property designed tot make it easier to control sanitation, reduce drafts, keep chicks comfortable. Conveniently arranged to save labor. Don't overcrowd jour baby chicks. There's a size ana type foe* every need. HANS AVA&ABU Come in and see tbeee modern brooder bouse?. They're engineered to staoai a lot of moving--to many years of service.' provide good light ani r ventilation. ®PA; litft, Many of fi*--' caa serve other uses. jiapf ut OUR WiYIRHAMISm 4-SQUARf FARM SUILOINO SERVICI ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. Phone McHenry 5 WEST McHENRY, ILL. to secure tea redectioa the Aswrices people yea hews been e tower of MieagHi. Accept aqr siaceffi theafci end good wiibs*. Vety sincerely. Harold Kantsod, M.C. ftfc District, Mian. P Cheirmee Committee etf "Very aMe Cungi time Chauncey W. Rt«d." CLARENCE J. BROWN. UJC. 7h District, Ohio. Mr Deer Clwaiir ' As ymt know. I an «crvins IMrtiiUi jrvar ia the Houae. I' have had UM privilege knowing you intimately and tiavlnf had an opportunity Obaervc the volume and character 0( your service. As I took back over the fear*, t And you are among the awat able. coMci- Mrtioui and indite trious aervaata of aU the people of this great land. I congratulate you upon the line aervie* you have given and am confldent your constituents will voice their approval in the contests now confronting you. Dear Chauneey: It has been an honor and priv- ' lege to serve with you in thr Congress of the United Stated. We greatly need conscientious^ and capable men likeVourself ia - Washington . ROBERT J CORBETT. Nth District. Pennsylv, • M van4i>p Km Two Important Questions Do you want to increase your poultry profit? 1 Do you want to make more money on en anil meat rrc J rction? ? ? ? • NatJiall , Your answer to tkese questions is YES--- here is where we come in. Our business is to help [--to give ; ou started chicks, thereby saving you expensive starting costs that will lower your profits. T.\k<v advantage of our years of experience in buildinf Cocl j? of hig-li producing, fast growing healthy chicks. CO-OP. AM - M'HENRY, ILL Dear Chauncey- When I review the work of tltf First Sessiqn of the 80th Comgresa I am truly impressed wiai our many constructive accomplishments. We have done exactly what we agreed to do. We have carried out the wishes of the people we are privileged to represent I am confldent our record will have the wholehearted approval of the vast majority «f the American people. -- 1 wish to express to you m? appreciation lor the very reftf contribution you have made to the Republican program being put into effect by Congress, la your years of service here you have reached a position of considerable responsibility Your constituents cannot but be proud of the high caliber of your work. ' g/LrJkJi:W-- CHARLES A HALLECK. HJ1 tad DMrict Indiana Majority leader Houie of Representatives. This to only another hwlanse Chauncsy Reed's thoughtftA. nees, lor wkidi he is so much adnlrad by kit colleagues and t certainly congratulate you en havfrg such & conscientious atfS Sne gMtleman as your Rapre* arntativ* here ia Congress.'* f JAMES C. AUCHmCLOSC asth OMrtet New Mmr. "I have served wMh Congrisa man Chauacey W. Reed of ». inois Is the Houae at Bepreaeefc ativee many years. law always known him Is be a man ef dillgeaae. paying strict attention to his lagialathre duties, and alert to the problswa of the nation and the people he OBOROE A. DONDERO. ITth Platrlst Michigan Chairman Committee on NMte Worfca. •:Dm Chauncey^ . .a. f' -j-: From time to time I na«t . noted with genuine interest the Splendid service which you have rendered to the Congress and to jUie country in your capacity as " the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee and I > tO commend you -on it : Your work on the many important bills coming before that Committee has been outstanding. "SPEEDY" MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE VR s> 608 FRONT ROUTS 31 PBONE 106-R la Oetnga a. lUtneta CHAUNCEY w Rtfc ROY O. WOODRUFF 10«h Diatrict, Miehigan. I have yea* letter at (ank I ssMag snSMwaaa t» ear aynvirsattcn ahen you «ere tn tfce «rrtce ^ha -«Mr a* late Chsnp Clark, fsran gpsetsr ef thai SPUSS, after aaay nara or sarvtee aade aoaa aiaarka en the fleet .ta ahleh he saldi . "CongreasMn are Mist tiMy ase M lath. It u thererere tn the beet Inter so fTeC • dlstrlet te Sag a an ttMn,tf he aaaaurae ,%'g| toM you the o\twr gay that t had ssreed et«b as thsn 2000 MenbeTs ef Congress* end thai eaparlanee.hiMI told ne that eertetn qaallfleattoaa nte eaaentlal te a eevth-saile Cnagrsssnaat first, ha anal be Intelligent! «eena</ he nast be Intwsteleaet ani. IklH, ha aaai ha* the eenfldeaee and reapeet of hla eolleaguae War* he i anphln^ln tfce Coa*reso si end* Ihlad* he naat h ' War* h a^rese fee klsaaf, far •try. I told feu tfcjl Cha--asy , - teallene. Be is an|f the _ end haa so eeewMttatlf tha» » aba elate esnfUenee eaad reepeet of MS salliagnea • «f their s»tr amUattau. i Chalraaa ef the en the Aadlelary. an «Mek he Is the awMng *ea> • ahevoof I spaan. Yew.eanbe Jaatly geent ef year Sapssssetattre as tfeg these apaeftf teat la Osagreee JOHN TABER Chairman Committee Oa Appropriations 38th District. New YcMl DOT Ckmmcty ft haa been my the Americon people recognise worth in a public e£|ciaL Thf\ confidence which your conetitiN» rats at homs ahd your friends in Congress place in you - is highly Justified. When you get back to Washington/ I will teB you more ia detail about the Jtigh eeteem In which you ere held la Congress and the many Sae eaprefstona which have been made concern- i tag your outstanding service. JESSE P "WOUCOTT 7th District Michigan Chairman Committee on Banking Dear Colleague: I wish to take this occasion te thank you for the hearing you gave me and the courtesy shown me in connection with making Section 'J a permanent pert ef •ur bankruptcy law • la other words, making the Frasier-Lemke Moratorium, with improvements. a permanent law tor the protection of the farmers, who find themselves in financial difficulties. I klso wish to thank you lor having vipported. and Jotaed nw with other members In legislation that actually benefits the former. We know that there to much yet to tu> dose tee Sgrfett! ture. and I feel confidant that agriculture will have your hill support In beneficial legislation ta the future ae la the past WILLIAM LEMKK. UjC. At I^arge North Dakota Chairmon. Committee Mtnse > and Mining. a a 14 i pCo asrl C. Wensnsty S*. S* Mpnstiitaliv* in Congr«ss Twtc* m VtUrmm In Ce»fr«gg -- Is fgr a«,,_ ' c»*a*ew« 'mi' iir^lMTiii 1 * lia • ---- ;• mg- % CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS PRAISE CHAUNCEY W. REEB Daar Chauncey: AS AN OUiSl A^llIAiti CONCiRESSJMLAN Ae I leak hack over the years and teallir the frequency wMi vhia I had to lean on you hr edvlae end guidance, the true velue of our association reesserta KNM. Mew you have maaterad sa tcnplinlid sublicts Mi haw ^ou saw readily the answsrs to perplemngr proMins wee ak weye e ewttar ef amaasansnt j loth Diatrict. New Ycgftu Mwsni^ yea «> the fimtjjah smrT"wJh^Tdas P^aaTimd^ "You are fortunate to have a man of Congressman Reed's cattbre representing yon in Conffraaa. He la e very able dnd outstanding legislator." MILTON H. WEST. JSC. lMh Diatrict Texas. "Ae a longtinae member el Ceatgi ass may I say thet the penpie of the FonrteeiAh Distrtet could do themselves ne greater service than to isnsminate 1 id to re-elect Chaumey Haed 01 the Fourteenth District as their ConarrssmsiL The e>0Hte*i0niakk>e.ia» latere maJeaMr aatU laet Friday together th^r wane who work with bin evecy day aa aMe le eia e grant viatocy la ovamdu« the nommlttaa. In party coatereaoet --a on the Praetdant'a. veto to give Ihs Q| HOUM Tbaae nana are moot ardent la their prates ' sf UM work AT ctaauaody W. Masd. your csaaroewnan who turn earvod your dlatriot ao during aoma «f the our eountry'a klataqr. Ihqr have •---g' - Witb Itfm to • »ending ot p M aMa aii i m ©REPUBLICAN -LLJ& -v

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