Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1948, p. 12

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.*!. Sound Pnjedar n. motion picture SO* , « now on the market. Boose Phone first telephone to be installed In the White House was in 1880 during the administration of Rutherford B. Hayes. OR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street ,Lrmmtt »2-J. McHW Office Ho«ra: Tueoday and Saturdays from 10 te 4.. Evenings by appointment. Wk| Strokes Per The humming bird makes up to 100 wing strokes per second, while •*» wild duck makes only eight. slaprun mane LAncemng ' 'JSC'" The navy has an electric catapult that can launch a four-engine airliner at 120 miles an hour within 808 feet Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hours-- Tuesday & Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 5 pJB. Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, I1L FARM DRAINAGE Tiling Work Doao With - Modern Equipment Can Furnish Tile LEO G. ZIMMERMAN Contractor Phone 1699-M-l RF.D.l Woodstock; ML BELL ft SHALES . -I.. - Interior and Exterior Painting Paper Hanging^ Also Spray 106 N. Green St. McHienry TeL McHenry 24S-J or Crystal Lake 1328-M-l £&•?, AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR I SERVICE > 601 Main St.. McHenry vt Electric Portable Welding .^Acetylene Welding and Cuttings ALEX W. W1RFS, -Operator it- Phone G15-W-1 Or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. Telephone No. 300 STOFFEL ft REIHANSPERGER Insurance agent§> for all classes of property in the best companies. ' . West McHenry. Illinois / | CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney' (Joslyn & Parker) Office Honrs: "Wednesday Afternoons--1JW :t§ Office--Koehr Supply Coiipaay, 542 Main Street, West McHenry Phone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 VERNON KNOX | Attorney-At-Law | Oer.Crireen and Elm Sta., McHenry! Tuesday and Friday AfternooMi | Other Days By Appointment J Phone McHenry 43 { Big Hiding Place A MAN hitched up the family nag ** and took his daughter for T 'drive. At a lonely stretch in the road, a masked bandit held them up. The man barely had time to whisper to his daughter, "Hide your diamond bracelet in your mouth." The bandit took everything they had and drove off in the gig, but he never found the bracelet. When he was out of sight, the father observed, "It's too bad we didn't bring Mama. We could have saved the horse and buggy." PLASTIC WALLTILE j Eighteen colors of beautiful wall; covering. See them before decbrat* ing your bath or kitchen. Colors are through the tile--will hot peel or scrathch off. Write for estimate or put it on yourself. Engstrom Sales ft Service, McHenry, 300 feet from Nell's ballroom. Phone Pista-i kee 552-W-l. ! ALL OB NOTHING INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH fire, Anto, Farm and Life IasaraajBe Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When rou need insurance of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Green ft Elm McHenry WEINGART TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel Fining -- Blade Dirt -- Tracks for Hire Free Estimating i TA 655-R-2 McHaary, IB. • WELDING Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE--McHenry 51-J 909 South Green St* McHenry, HL la iMarted UMhMry The year- 1813 marks the beginof cranberry culture on Cape Henry Hall, East Dennis, noticed the largest and best rries on his land grew had blown over them, promising vine* from a Ball reset tfcpm near his I sanded them as an sx- " Might and , Left Sector . < The right aide of the brain car***' ea the week of seeing for the rip 1 tide of both eyes and the left side of fee brain performs the seeing for the loft side of the two eyes, according to Better Vision institute. Nerves connecting the right sidfe of the retina of each eye are connected with the right occipital lobe of the brain, and the nerves from the left in both eyes connect with the brain's left seeing center. This arrangement assists the two eyes to fuse, together their pictures, and also to provide depth to vi*ua) picture*. '•* •. - q)CJ1£2> ELM STREET FLORIST RT£ !Z0<,11-PH WH6NRYU01 •WE tdcprtfJc.FLOWERS Floor Sanding Refinishirg, varnishing and Duro-Seal. Waxing new and old floors; also Kentile, a lifetime floor. Free estimates. Call McHenry 666-R-2 or 497-R The barefooted young man stood before the grizzled mountaineer. "Mistah Claghorn," he stammered. "Ah've--Ah've come hyar to ask ya fer yar daughter's hand." The mountaineer knocked the ashes out of his pipe. "Cain't allow no sech thing," he drawled. "Either ya takes the whole gal, or nothin'l" McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 404 One Mile South of McHenry on Route 31 Flowers for all occasions! FRANK S. MAY Trucking Sand -- Black Dirt -- Crushed Gravel Cinders -- Limestone Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 580-M-l R-l McHenry A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic '--and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- TeL 204-M . McHenry, I1L DR H. S. FIKE Veterinarian On Highway 31 -- Office and Home Tel. McHenry 31 , McHenry, 111. Office Hours: 1 p.m. to 2 Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment The Best Teaehgr • , • There never had been any argument about it: Julius was the wisest and shrewdest man in town. One day a youth of the community questioned him on the subject. "Julius," he said, "to what would you attribute the fact that you know so much?" "Good judgment," replied Julius readily. "I'd say it was my good judgment." "And where did you get your good judgment?" "That I got from experience." • "Where did you get your experience?" "From my bad judgment." World Plane Travel Pan American World airways, whose 100,000 miles of routes blanket the Western Hemisphere and girdle the globe, recently rounded out two decades of growth since its first flight from Key West, Fla., to Havana, Cuba. Since then, America's first international airline has flown more than seven million passengers-- as many as the combined populations of Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua, Ja-! maica and Trftiidad. In addition, huge Clippers have carried 465,012,- 759 pounds of mail and air express-- j enough to fill a freight train 75 miles long. And in those 20 years, PAA's [ Clipper .fleet has flown the astro- j nomical total of 540,311,479 miles-- the equivalent of 1,131 round-trips to the moon. A U C T I O N On Milwaukee Ave. (Hwy. 21), being first farm south of Half Day, % mile south of Hwy. 22, 4 miles north of Wheeling, 6 miles south of Ldbertyville, on SUNDAY, APRIL 11 j at 11:30 o'clock j CATTLE--37 head of Registered and ' grade Holstein cattle, consisting of ! 27 mile cows, 5 heifers (20 months : old); 3 calves (eligible for registia- j tion) and a registered bull. In the : milking herd there are 4 cows with ' calf at side, 8 springers; 6, fresh : past 30 days, balance bred back and i milking good. Hiere are t* registered Holstein eows carrying tin Ormsby, Kerndyke, Homestead and ether fasMus blood linos. LIST OF RBGI8TEBB> CATTLE Herd Sire:--Id*c Piotje Aristocrat, born April 17, 1944. PIGS--20 feeder pigs, ave. wt. 90 lbs. FEED, FERTILIZER -- 1000 bales timothy and red top hay; some b^sd straw; 1 ton fcarti lime. MACHINERY -- McD. Model' "H" tractor on rubber, like new, with starter, lights, P. T. O. lift, fluid in tires and 2 rbw power lift cultivator; McD. power lift corn planter with fertilizer attachment (like new); Wood Bros. 6 ft. combine on rubber with pick up attachment (in excellent condition with new motor (mounted engine) ? McD. Model "M" wire tie pickup 'baler on rubber (with mounted engine); Wood Bros, single row com picker on rubber (good cond.); McD. silo filler; J. D. 3-bot. plow 4-sec. drag; 6 ft. grain drill; McD. 2--bottom plow.; McD. 8-ft. tractor disc; McD. corn binder; grain elevator; J. D. hammer mill: J. D. IT ft. tractor mower; McD. 8 ft. grain binder; New Idea manure spreader; rubber tired wagon ft flare 'box; rubber tired wag. and box; 2 side del. rakes (New Idea and j McD.); steel wheal wagon and rack. (MILKING EQUIPMENT--Rite Way j 2 single unit, milking machine com- Cende 2 single unit milking rik-mils cooler; tanks; Bafccock teeter machine; Kwik-Kool sterilizing "V-8" truck now motor, Hi-li> speed axle with platform body; Int. 1 tea truck; 2 Model "A" Ford notsm: FURNITURE -- Some MtSOBUANEpUS -- Cm radio: I elec. fence cont.; J. J>. gas eng. plat- davenoort: ' * " MISCELLANEOUS St j&HE" «•>* rs stock tank; hog feeder; 2 tarpaulins (14x20 ft.); 1000 copper screen# (8x7 ft.); ^bls. 2 cement troughs? 2 feed bunks; silage cart; 12 window sash. TRUCKS AND MOTORS--1937 Ford • 8 HOLE DEEP FREEZE JOHN WOLOWIC, Prep. Chandler and Elfers, Atactic Public • Auction Service Co^ Clerk -i- JOHN F. BR6A ft SON Sheet Metal and furnace Work 101 N. Green St, McHenry, I1L Phone 24S-B WATER PUMPS Fairbanks Morse Ejector and Pump types. All sizes. Complete and Easy to instslL Sajnp pumps. Take old pumps in trade. ENGSTROM BALES AND SERVICE Tel. McHenry .552-W-l (300 ft. from Nell's Ballroom) 8aad • J|VERN' "TH^LEISI c V • TRUCKING - •W TRAVEL " buck; 'Truck .For Blre Tel. McHenry 588-W-l Box 172, lit. 1; McHenry -- WANTED TO BUY -- We pay U to. $25 for Old Horses, lees for down horses and cattle. u WATT'S MINK RANCH Johnsbarg - Spring Grove Road Phone Jonnsborg 814 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges 0DMPL1TE KIPAIRSHOP Rewinding & Rebuilding ;;; McHenry Electric Motor Serrki 102 W. WAUKEGAN RD. *ruoe Bin a sir nn K it PHONE 181 Blue Can George Do It? eyed, golden - haired and WANTED; ELECTRICAL WORE Anything from an extra outlet to complete re-wiring. Young Chicago electrician moving to this area. Work by contract or by hour plus materials. Work guaranteed to meet Underwriters' standards. Available now. Leave word at 651-R-2. v fickle Betty Jean had many suitors. After narrowing the field to three, she still found it impossible-io make up her mind about which one she snould choose for her husband. In her quandary, she started to look ip the meaning of their names in ;he dictionary. "Mother," she said, "it says that Philip means lover of horses, and James means dearly beloved. What do you suppose George means?" "I hope," replied her mother, "that George means business." Phone McHenry 584-R-2 -- Basement Excavating -- NETTS SAND AND GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black Dirt . . Power Leveling and Grading. J. E. NETT Johnsbarg P. O.--McHeniy HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattle and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Loading -- Tankage n|il Meat Scraps for sale. Phones Arlington Heights 116 or McHenry 659-J-2. Reverse Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. PYEOFAX OAS SESTIOS SUPERIOR BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Magic Chef Ranges. Heater* • iiervei yW KMTijtrsxofi TOWN and COUNTRY UTILITIES, LeROY M. SMITH Phone 770-W i Apt. 9 - 419 Main St. r McHenry A "PUSH-BUTTON" FAXM 4ff IK HORTHCKM ILLINOIS With elertHOy avaWahls to 98^ of its farms, Northern Illinois is jevekqping mgny |emi<wiiri frrmfa>g aasthodi Close cooperation of our trsined with maan&ctums, turn orgsnixatioai and fannere tbenaeelves has wsultsd mmmomUixi-mvbt buwtrtioo. «Ud> «• ta^-Sn«jr0duc«0D «al mddof th.> CmfV l o b « M h r . B « t o wm « l » w o t t l m t i h n l m m m i H i < . . . . . McHenry Sand and Gravel Co. Excavating and Crane Service Black Dirt -- Sand and Gtravel Road Grading "GALL McHENRY 97-J CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird houses, lawn furniture, lawn and porch swings, pier and park benches, picnic tables, window* boxes, trellises, etc. ^ Kitchen cabinets and cupboards to order, hand woven wash baskets,;shopping and market baskets. .Full line of leather belts, suspenders, billfolds, etc. CLARENCE SMITH ipjetst Tel. McHenry 583-J-l u*"./ fer .. Johnsbuzg, 111. "Have you a faces, dear?" "I have." "Splendid--I've Just dropped yWMf t •having mirror." A Few Keepsakes Little Margie had been attending a birthday party, and now her big sister had come to take her homle£ Crossing the street, the sister tool|- hold of the youngster's hand. "My goodness, Margie," she e#> claimed. "How sticky your hands are!" "Well," replied Margie, "yours would be too if you had a piece of chiffon pie, a cream puff and a chocolate eclair in your muff." % wHh Ihb owfo- • mhg» foots, rnv--n d» w* w--* nw Ifc* farmer k day* of wort mo OUMtHMO Aim mxmo for eatfk, ahesp and poultry it aneHhor "pwMMien" fob. With arindor, mixor and woff-pfocsd shutm and Sovot ffv* you just put In (he riph* ingrsdfeni* epd ^, flick tfw twitch... Ihe job t done. MO PRODUCTION it up, with Wim controMod wattr ontf MWors. Ihese aidt off. contribute to jncrsossd WPW, MmMw mm lSwMS 1m prkm an highott. MODERN CHILD Teacher--When little boys who lie grow up, where do they go? Willie--To golf courses. ---- ----ii--y--» My dad showed me H0V(jr0 CATCH EM He tn*w il the good fifhin" spots . . . wt always could count on D*d! Mom *gr«(t. Stic remembers wKen D«d bought « special Me insurance policy . . . that's what Mom and I are living on now! It's going I* jend m« to college too. And Mom will Have Dad's insurance chicks w the rest of her Me. tot l.le Mom says. Dod Imew a good Mm MIM M MW rt' 9 Let me show you how you can *ive your family this kind of pr toction. CURTIS G. NEWMAN _ , ... Special Agent TeL 79fc-J West McHenry, Hi ^IANRIMJ^ COMPANY MOIMI. IOWA Elimination Process "Daddy," said an eight-year-old student of a progressive school, "Ronald said a very naughty word to the teacher today." "Is that so?" asked the curious parent. "What did he say?" "Oh, we aren't encouraged to use such language," she answered, "but if you want to say all the bad words you know, I'll tell you when you come to it.? Good Enough He--Am I good enough Cdr yo% dearest? She -- No, you're not--but you'te too good for any other girl to get. Wild Sea Liens #emale sea lions weight from 400 f to 800 pounds; males, from 1,900 Is. MOO. Cemmea Railway Spike Spikes of various designs weie used from the earliest period of railway development, but the hooked-head spike, which is used today by railroads throughout the world to fasten steel rails to cross jjtVTn! -- j*- ft0* anil*** MAT *nwe smww psirn* voedy #•». MmAOAOAUsCseVeiIsOAMas MMSOAaRttan*.k ghdaw m ^i pigs tooth woanktQ ogs... fcsQt dbcsMNO |hei SSYt per cssf pig mortatty rat* end sand •we pttk te aaisii for sots -end L rsmrpsi >• r--«ma -- • Dbnois. Chicago has beoome the hob ct the world's greatest pecking and food: stArsge industry, •• wefl as (fat largait rinde five market. Because the Middle Wert is the nation's granary, Chicago and Northern IWnois is a huge grsin distributing center. As focal point for the nation's transportation network, the food wealth of the fertile upper MiNMppi prairies and livestock from the western ranges flow into this area. Agriculture and -- in Chicago and Northern Illinois. . >4 m TERRITORIAL INFORMATION DEPARTMENT •' IT'- • iv

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