Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1948, p. 1

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•CM-'* » • •I, I- •>*/* »b•> . f i ^ •3H5 .v r*"• " <• . 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Miss Kleinman recently returned from an LOCAL HOLSTEIN HERD HOLDS STATE RECORD Another enviable record tut* been established by the nineteen-cow Holttein herd o{ Hickory Creek farm at McCullom Lake, which topped 1,443 Illinois herds in average butter fat production for February. The 1 herds are all enrolled in dairy herd extended vacation in the South and ! improvement associations. C. S. has been hospitalized since that time. Rhode and J. G. Cash, specialists if Replacing Miss Kleinman, whose .dairy extension at University of " I talent as. a vocalist has been proven ; Illinois college of agriculture,, mad# The competetive spirit of election , on three previous occasions locally, ; the announcement last Friday. pe is in the air, and well it might "will be Eileen Sexton, lyric soprano, i The local herd averaged 60.6 be, for the public will be asked to go , and Agnes Hantak, coloratura J pounds of butterfat per cow comto the polls "twice in the next five : soprano. Besides offering their solos, riared with the state average of 4fKfn to express its preference for!to the accompaniment of their 126.4 pounds per cow for the month; favorite candidates. 'teacher, Miss ©essie Ryan, they will j Other high individual herds for • Wie first of the two elections will ; sing several duets. Also on the February included those of J. B. he held on Saturday, April 10, when program, as scheduled, will be Miss j Stouffer of Sterling. 51.1 pounds Msitions on the two lccal school Rosemary Andermay, pianist. j hut t erf at; Tuft and Bull, Stephenboerdfl will be filled. At the high ! I son county No. 2 association, 47.8; and Leslie Durward, Carrol county, 47.8 pounds. ol there is no race in prospect, I with two fbrmer members, C. J. j Keihansperger and Kenneth Cristy, ] inning- for re-election. Voting for | school board members is held at! ike City Hall between the houlrs ofl and 7 p. m. I At the grade school gymnasium, I J " ' •Iween noon and 5 o'clock, voters ! .. K - . . , ' A program amply provided with "WBl cast their ballots for favorites' hn' i,,t i vJ,ri°ty was presented last Sunday tafo. uor rv.i.e for twof upo.smitionn,s... Candi- week, „M a"r c\hf ' 3Q0n , _ ce,l erb:t ated hu;i„s- evesinp !fcy -th e' h-i gh" school, band, BERNARD FRISBY, NATIVE (F GUY, > DIED ON TUESDAY SiXrMonth Okl Sett" Of Lily Lake Coupl( Suffocated Sunday VFW AUXILIARY Will SPONSOR GIRL SCOUTS No» TOTAL COLLECTED IN MARCH OF DIMES DRIVE REACHED $910 A report of the amount collected in McHenry township during the WE OFFER YOB CONGRATULATIONS At the home of his daughter, Mrs. VARIETY OF BAND . PROGRAM ENJOYED^ BY LARGE AUDIENCL i:JTh» Fox River Auxiliary, ... 4600, Veterans of (Foreign Wars, i March of Dimes drive was made this has undertaken the great responsi- j week by Ray McGee, chairman. The bility of sponsoring the local Girl j total was $9l6.17, but Mr. McGee Scouts. With nearly 100 girls and expects that figure to be even higher parents interested in this organise-J when county headquarters credits tion, the Auxiliary is doing every- , McHenry with the monev which was thing possible to make the under- j sent directly there from local resitaking a success. I dents. Leader of the liewr ^ group is Mrs. j Following are collections made: _., .. . -j a * *» „ Shirley Ballowe, assisted by Miss j McHenry -schools, Mrs. Joann Kulien, Old time residents ^ of_ McHenry, i Kathleen Henn, chairman; and Mrs. j chairman, $112.90; Colony theatre, mends 01 Bernard rrisby,. 72, Gertrude Barbian. The Uoop com- jRoy J. Miller, chairman, $232.84; learned with regret of his death jmittee includes Mrs. Marion Schoen-' Main street business section, Elmer Tuesday morning, April 6, , holtz, Mrs! Kathryn Duesler, Mrs. J. Freund, chairman, $90.20; Green 1948. He passed *wii at St. Anne's j Grace .Stilling, and Mrs. Elvira Dur- street business section. A. J. Wirtz, hospital. Chicago, ^.ter a seven land. Leaders of the Brownie Scouts, chairman, $79.45;, Riverside Drive weeks' illness. 1 girls between the ages of 7 and 10 business section, Frank E. Gende, Mr. Frisby was botn in McHenry years, nre Mrs. Dorothy Miller, Mrs. chairman, $78.24; Zion Lutheran on March 21, 1876, the son of 1 Lina Kilday, Mrs. Helen Knifriit and John B. and Bridge! Frisby. He j Mrs. Mary Hetterman. Leaders of lived in this .community during his the Intermediate Scouts, girls between the ages of 10 and 14 years, are Mrs. Shiriey Ballowe, Mri Pauline Pries, Mrs. Mildred Reese and Mrs. Ercell Lock. Leaders of the senior Scouts ere Mrs. Louise Wahl and Mrs. Marilyn Reihansper- URGE MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS COMPETEAPRIL , Eight Soloists And *; Ensembles Won Tof Honors Last Week • -"••• -"5S 'K|- K-i t;$r youth end for a few years after his marriage to Miss Anfia Fleming on June 21, 1905. She passed away on #Feb. 27, 1912, frnc( several years later he married Mies Anna Flood of Chicago. *tee are; Louise Schwerman, seek- ^K- 4>.™"™n !dir^-Openimtt re-election, Dr. H.. S. FIke, ®'£hty-ei„hth bu-thday ani.iversary. n#r numbers were by the Sweetwind "Jinn*. - C. SM 3SSS*^l l?,.nSildrm: ™t»s« Te" »Me .!?*de"; The deceased wsflT a carpenter by ' ger. trade, having carried on this work j The Girl Scout meetings are held from the time he was a young man j the first three Mondays of each ...... , until his last illness. A great lover month at 3:30 p. m., meeting ?ted by Paul R. Yanda. Open- 1 °f nature, his lifsure hours were i temporarily at St. Mary's-St. Pat- - t- -- - -- -- n -- m ^1. A O ••• II • I -- • -- J I IR ft O AIP'A • nli n ft! A MMA n AMA 1M church. Emil Patzke chairman, $22; .-"••at'N' ;'*-r • . . { " ' j %: Local musicians had hardly re^ • turned from last Saturday's district, music contest for solo* and en^,.-\- sembles when they were making *- preparations for an even bigger dajIK' ahead next Saturday, April 10. At «" that time the high school bandj\y orchestra and girls' chorus will g<j\ l&. to Crystal Lake to vie for honor^ < Lt ilt y Lr akl.e kbu"s-i nKeLs s section, Joe in ^the ir respective divisions, xaeger, chairman, $20.07: McHenry County Liquor Dealers^ Association, Dan Daniels, chairman, $119.22; Lily Mrs. The orchestra's selections will be ^11 Ballet Music No. . 2 from "Rosa- "i munde" by Schubert, an overture^ - "A Night in Tripoli" by Richards^ • .,"j Wegener, ch.irm.n, $25; Lil, .Ufa g* » o«Bure, "The Orwta" P. T. A., Mrs. Louise Nielsen, chair-. Th« ' K«n<l k.« • mnriry-.; man, $10; special gifts, $120.25. i „JhiL bani:hti 1 f ^ Lake Ladies League, George spent in hunting and fishing, a i rick's school. Arrangements are in ••u. a-. uiiu»f >u'i ««iiiimii. , .. . »wiu, n.iUSC .civ ®u.c mucn we« hobby which afforded him great progress for meetings to be held in' Greats. The only candidate for pres- c g children and gran^hilaren, joan ^0uins an<j Kay Kirk. Follow- ! pleasure even in later years. j the Veterans Memorial Park. i ident is Elmer Freund. ^re presenfK, °r- , infj were several numbers, including Survivors include the widow; six Any girls or parents who ar% | Mrs Schwerman who has had I 'S occas'on- j contest selections, by the band, I children, Mrs. Bemadette Anderson. | interested in the Girl Scouts and two children graduate from the local caHeJ0 to ^xtS^e^t wishes dur'ing whose na^y and.l?0,d uniforms gave I Kenneth Bernard, Robert and : desire to know more about joining --*--. _?--, L, .. cauea to extend Lest wisnes uuung them a very m,htary air. One of , Weston Frisby and Mrs. Clair Blum; may contact any of the above named school, has served very ably on the the afternoon. " (the numbers, was directed bv a I three sisters. Mrs. Mollie Givens. leaders kmnoowwnn vveetteerrnnaarnUann , aanndd MMrr.' kb oMmr " oBnl aka% fiasr m8 nb?e"tVwteLe0nt fhcetrlee nraynd- sje nior studejn t. Dick" Heuser, ~w.:h*uo |! F Mrir»sh. v Nellie Bacon and Miss Ann »rd for several demonstrated his leadership with Frisby. i _ k - uv.v, i - w +u the baton in leading the band The body will rest at the funeral | GUARD AGAINST mJio i! V.I& in thfruKh "The Ohio Special" march, home at 3440 N. Central avenue T)READ RABIES SAY Ann Miller, he resided in | Specia, numbers on the concert until Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock, Iindsay, who has successfully oper- johnsburg in 1860, and has always ated a farm south of McHenry,^for lived here. •«ny years, have both shown great former Aim in.uei, r»iucu ... . interest in the Wal educational Johnsburg for twentv years before • „ " •> .nVn 2*tem fo* some time. Both have nicving to Pistakee Bay, where he ^0*^t« 5 Ev H«r' ^dren m the local school. Mr. served very capably as manager of °* "A Creute ha* teen su^rvi«mg engineer the Sayer Farms and Hollenbach ; for the Illinois Bell Telephone Co. estate for many years. Following the and served as a cantam with the death of his wife seventeen years ago I p acted as narrator. The protwelfth air force, with four years Se has Ln reS7wT hi! con[lu^ w,th J™* lov?Z mt overseas service. He is nresident , selections by the seventh and eighth i grade chorus, with Miss Carolyn when it will be taken to St. Bartholo- HEALTH AUTHORITIES mew's church for last rites. Burial j will be in St. Joseph's cemetery. Joseph R. Hyatt A Lily Lake home was the scene of tragedy last Sunday morning, .With one local dog now held as a rabies suspect, authorities are anxious that the public take the utmost precautions to protect their MOUND THE COURT HOUSE A record number of fifteen indictments were returned by the January grand jury on Monday. The bills include the following: 1. Larceny of an auto owned by Don Freund, bv Robert Helfvogt, on March 15, 1948. 2. Larceny of an auto owned by Don Freund, on March 15, by Henry Trombone King" by King an oven* ture, The Vogue" by Holmes, an#' an overture, Graham. 'Bronxe Eagle" bjc Rogman. 3. Larceny of an auto owned by Don Freund, on March 15, by William Johnson. Selections to be rendered by thirty* , five members of the girls' chc will be "The Green Cathedral" b| Hahn and "In The Silent Night" b| Rachmaninoff. . Twenty-eight schools were re( sen ted last Saturday in the all-daj contest which was held at tt Crystal Lake high school, the junic high school and Bethany Luthera* church. Four local soloists and foufr ensembles brought home blue Hbboll^ gold medals for first division rating^ :, and three soloists and three ~ serrtbles were awarded red rit silver medals for second place. off the McCullom Lake Property j Owners Association. Mr. Freund, ' peetinaster in West McHenry for; several years, is well qualified for j the position as president having; always taken an Interest in civic j betterment. j Before the excitement of Satur- ! day's election HPS died away, swing »ry day will be here on Tuesjr, April 13. As there are no races la prospect for county offices, little interest has centered in the election «f these candidates. However, lit several precincts interest will run I** in selecting committeemen. On the Republican ballot, three Ms, James Pavlik, John Viola and I •arl Whitinsr, are seeking the pos- j ition in McHenry Precinct 1; two, Gerald P. Newirian and Charles J. : Miller, will run in Precinct 2; while ! in Precinct 3, R. I. Overton ,k un- i apposed, as is Joseph Frett in Pre- | diet 4. Charles J. Frennd of! Bering Grove has no opposition in Knton township, but Nunda has two ssntests in prospect in its three precincts. In Nunda 1, John Jllarnings and George H. Witt will appose each other; in Nunda • 2. Claude T. Moan and William Zink will be adversaries; while in Nunda S only Henry L. Cowlin is Tanning. At Greenwood, John W. McConnell and Fred Wendt will vie for the public's vote. Other precinct committeeman races 1H31 take place in Marengo 1, Dorr ."HI- and Algonquin 2. On the Democratic ballot no races are expected, with only one having filed in each precinct. Stanley H'jnt i April 4, !948 when the infant son ! pets against this dread disease. IE,^ fwSSff S of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. Hyatt Farad with the most serious rabies ! n , . ,« .' .^r Saturday Winners Solo winners were three senic Carol Harrison, troftibone; Jai . T . . . . VanKanegan, mezzo soprano; Riehani i„U^Xy.l.0f *r"„*,U.t,'> clarinet; Photo bv A. Worwiok. McHenrv CHRIS BLAKE daughter and husband, the Justens. Mr. Blake's health is quite good and he enjoys daily walks, playing cards with his friends and amusing his young grandchildren. Our heartiest congratulations to this long time resident of our* community. Mrs. Gertrude Hitter A TO reached April ur MpHmmw *. .nif sih» Whit*! family at her koma on Broad •n. ucruioc amer try charming McHenry ladjr her eightieth birthday anmlast Sundav. 4. She Miller in McHenry 3; and Sibre Whitiag in McHenry 4. Ben J. May's same will appear on the Burton . , nuUmM township ballot; Robert E. Knox in street about noon. Guests included her son, Ira A., Mbnda 1 and Paul Doherty in Nunda a No one is seeking the post in Munda 2. . Among contests scheduled for grandchildren, nieces and nepl An ample supply of delicious edibles was brought by the guests and after an enjoyable repast a social afterinclude the heated race noon was spent. fctween Chauncey W ^ an3 Mrs" -?f itter w»s Walter E. Miller, mayor of Elgin, many ?,ft8' ®.ne of.h" m.ost. rp»nt*tivp in from I possessions being a bouquet of eighty ! She was srenerous in giving some of beautiful flowers to her friends, for representative in congress from 1 • . - , »- _ the fourteenth district. For state j iSLA central committeeman, three, Gecrge j ri*1® ft. Perrine, Lloyd W. Ziegler and 1 tne Bernard election. ^viiuiuci- >vii>. ue oe- i .. _ . ~ > 1 nf Iween Rav Paddock and Albert E. j ^ntmuing to her of o »e of Kordstrom for state senator from j)*® ,1"°^' pleasant days Wlthln her the eighth district. Four names will recollection Bauer at the piano. (Eefore the audience joined the band in four popular numbers, Mr. Yanda presented the young people who had been awarded blue ribbons in Saturday's contest. 10VERNOR UAGES \LL CITIZENS TO VOTE IN PRIMARIES Governor Dwight H. Green has issued an appeal to all citizens of Illinois to vote in the state's primary election Tuesday, April 13. "The primary election this year has become unusually important because of the turmoil and chaos prevailing in many sections of the world and threatening the peace of all nations," the governor said. "It is in our April primary that the delegates from Illinois to the national party conventions will be chosen. It will be the task of these delegates to name the candidates for president. From these candidates the voters next November will choose the man to guide our country through' the critical times ahead. All eligible persons should vote for delegates of the party of their own choice. "Polls all over the state indicate that, more and more, independent voters are planning to call for the Republican ballot in the primary and to vote for the Republican candidates in the November election. These voters are deciding that the Republican party is the truly American party and should be entrusted with the task of preserving the independence of our country and the freedom of its citizens." "We are proud to submit the record of our party and of its candidates, both in Illinois and in the nation, to the voters in this April 13 primary election." "If you are of voting age and are otherwise qualified, do not fail to vote in the primary." RETURN OF WAR DEAD AWAITED BY GOLD STAR FAMILIES suffocated in his sleep. J. Hyatt Faced with the most serious rabies j SoEert HelfvoS and^ Henrv Roeman !'B®verly Schwerman violin. Ensemble L The six- outbreak in Cook county since j p 5 n^h"ei^ a Ttitt dinners included the brass quarteL month old boy, Joseph Richard, was records were kept, Health Director ] seLCe stSn at Crvstaf Lake on I tTon?bone tluartet' *itX* "fxtette ani discovered covered by bed clothes Dr. Edward E. Piszezek of Cook w™! |clarinet quartet. Second place awarda early in the morning by his brother, March 16, by Helfvogt, Rogman and were ma(je to Betty Long, sopran% Kenneth, 6 years old. As the infant was not breathing at the time, the father immediately started artificial respiration as other members of the family summoned a doctor. All efforts to revive the child were unsuccessful. An inauest was held by Coroner Harry Enorn on Sunday afternoon, at which time a verdict of accidental death was returned. (Besides his parents, the baby is survived by a twin brother and sister, Kenneth and Kathleen, and another sister, Delores, 3 years old. Mr. Hyatt is an employee of the Omar Baking Co. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen funeral home until Monday , ;, . . • . - , morning, when services were con- Istrays and unmanaged home ductd at St. Patrick's' church, with doSscounty has recommended a bountywide compulsory vaccination against rabies in that area. Alaita was expressed (by Dr. Piszczek that with the spring season here, thousands of children will be exposed when the forest preserves open. McHenry, with its many summer visitors bringing their pets to this area, would take all necessary precautions to keep rabies from gaining a hold locally. According to an article in the March Illinois Veterinary Bulletin, seven townships have been quarantined, adding that "it is a step with little meaning when applied to the generality of dogs, without police action to rid the country of strays, burial in the church cemetery. NEW RENT CONTROL LAW LISTS SEVERAL IMPORTANT CHANGES fible as a dog, whether he be a king on Feb. 20, 1948, <if his breed or "just a dog." Too Following are' some of the more important changes in the new rent control law: A 60-day written notice must now be served on a tenant to be evicted instead of a 30-day notice. does not apply to a non-payment of rent or nuisance. A landlord may have a tenant evicted for his occupancy or for occupancy of his immediate family, such as son, daughter, father, mother, There is no animal so companion- Johnson. 6. Larceny of an auto owned by Joe Thiede, Woodstock, on March 15. by Helfvogt, Rogman and Johnson. 7. Burglary and larceny of the Tom Kiley servieec station on March 15. by Henry Rogman. 8. Burglary of the Tom Kiley many pets are blamed for wrong deeds of which they are unaware. Dog owners ^ith a little care can Joan Heilman, cornet; Robert M** Culla, boys' high voice; the cornel: trio, the girls' sextette No. 2 ani the boys' octet. Interest ran high this year, not only locally but in all other school* in this part of tile state, a. Burglary oi tne xom a.»y fc the unusually keen service station on March 15, by, w'hich exUtid ln ai^at Robert Helfvogt. . . . i cations. As a result, 9. Burglary and larceny of ! nharpcnvtl their pencils and pondered £?n*,r^rr?*e w W00d?»t0i.0n fc carefully the merits of contestants # I™ ^ Zue ,9we"8; T*1* before givin» the blue ribbons which sum of $7° m merchandise taken. entitled th« young musicians to take 1°-, La"Jn? °i arV^ part in the state finals st Charles* Charles Bischoff, Woodstock, byi£n th( #nd of thi„ month. Wayne Owens, on i There will be many fingers crossed , -5 *37 check on t g^urdey as more than 16® ?harloT ' by W*yn* 0wen8' on! student, from here enter into tY Ii •!,«. « cs-j 'final and most important part of t> P n ^b^p^th Vn a,if"nt°wfrd contest- when they strive to pla< r w on iqjo ' at | their large organisations into fir a con b? Praa. «JS - *• ** - cis Polley of Sidney Paxon, on <Feb. 20. 1948. at Harvard. 14. Forgery of a $125 check. protect their pets from the scorn oi 2*shed at_ Crystal Lake, by Eldon others. ' PAPER'S NEW TEAR GREETING BROUGHT This I WORD FROM GERMANY The unusual and interesting story of how, a German citizen learned of the whereabouts of a Former Residents Write Of ! Occasional Homesickness Together with a renewal for tip came*" Pate or Feb. 3, 1948. 15. Robbery with a flrun by Fran cis Polley and Robert Volk, of Sidney j ptaindeaier for "another W P*xon, Harvard, on Fefl>. 7, J94S. , letter during the put week from Fred Goodsir of Mount Pleasant, OVERRULED MOTION • ! Newtown, Conn. Mr. . Good sir, his Juidge William M. Csrtoll on wife \nd children made their home oa Waukegan street in McHenry fer ve«rs bcfc^ returning to what was formerly their home, the East*. Like so many others who have Monday overruled a motion for a new trial in the $100,000 defamation of character suit of Georjre Huffman, , relative, j Woodstock real estate broker against ij » • through a copy of an the Prairie Farmer publication. The I moved away, the Goodsirs consider er.fawier, old Pnlaaiinnddeeaaileerr wwnniiccnh hnaada obeeeenn uusseeda ca8e wwaa«s rrAecre«nnttllyv Vhei«aarrHd iinn tthhae WWoaaoidI.. *thdr hoime" .pape.r a li;i*nikir wwiifthk ooll d grandfather, son-in-law, daughter-in- in packing a gift box, came to . | stock court before Judge Carroll and a friends. Their memories of life L. etc." . ^ , j during the past week. Following « > jury returned a verdict of not guilty | McHenry are all pleasant and they' Sleeping rooms in private homes the letter, m part, which Mr. Stilling, faTor of the piaintiff. |^ind themselves wondering many have been decontrolled, provided local garage owner, received there are no more than two tenants ; "For The Family of John Stilling" in the house, that is to say, one room ] "You'll be surprised to get a letter may be rented to two separate per- j from me, a perfect stranger to you. sons. | times why they moved away. Last DENY PETITION summer local travelers visited the Judge William M. Carroll this Goodsirs, and while the calls were ... week denied a petition for a writ of greatly enioyed, the former residenta. _ ... . .. . , I have entered a( correspondence with, mflndamu9 for W. G. Haag, former I report going through a siege of The opportunity to negotiate with |SOme of my relatives over there a | superintendent of schools in Huntley. • homesickness after such visits. , your tenant for an immediate in- , ion(r time ago. This was interrupted afrain8t the Board of Education of Their very welcome letter coa-Vf crease up to 15 per cent has been re-,,by the death of my grandmother jdjstrjct 158. Huntley. The petition eluded with the hope that they majr tf newed. In order to obtain this in- ! «nd mother. Some of my relatives ! asked that {.j,e hoa^ be commanded i "some day be strolling down thft 7 crease, the tenant musttoe given a j have granted me assisUnce fromito rejnstate him as superintendent! street in Centerville again." written lease up to I>ecember SI, 'starvation by sending me a parcel. ;of the Huntlev schools and to pay! _ 1949, or longer. copy # of this. An uncle gave me some more ad- j his „aiary at tho rate of ^4,150 from | RESIDENCE CHANGES ard M. (Barney) ILong, seek the remainder fill her dining | Seventy-one per cent of Gold Star lease- signed by both landloni and dresses of my relatives in Amer- j Sept g 1947 to preserit date, and ion. Another race will be be-1*"*' . the,1 families contacted in Illinois have tenant, must be filed with the rent | {<*. I took the liberty to ask them , in the future according to terms ofl M_ -n<1 Mr_ |iv«nci- wftrts ha«i 1' " indicated their desire to have their contract entered into Aug. 29, 1945. j Xm theTnie JwTSf' war dead brought back to the United States. This means that more than appear for representative in the TI Mr5; 15,000 Illinois veterans who died gmeral a^emW?.^1torjurty^ years, allof ;du'- the'iJt w^r'wilT be" return^ f - . . . ft . fi,. ... _ .... aid D. Kelsey, Adolph Gerlich andl*hls time being through the Chicago Distribution ren* without giving a lease by 18ent by a relative of mine, showing • Harvey Pearson. _ . I ^h^ knd ?n ^thin the _ next two years. ? Sf'® ' advertisements_to wish their friends ; On the Democratic side, only two | Jfnl .l^r office. _ ^ _ A report must be filed with the j they have either got a farm or run Waukegan office if the tenant moves j a business." out before the lease expires. «r happened to find an American You may still obtain a raise in I newspaper in one of the packages »••••< ******** t « eeeee ee e e Mineral Snnngs to their new honw ^ n Lake View subdivision. ? BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown have moved from Spring Grove to the >** «•* ir '->ome of their daughter, Mrs. Al- ' Notification of delivery of the re ssia are in evidence. Ivan A. Iher fVl gardcu mains wiU ^ made Ave days prior wuott and Joseph P. Burke each months. She has one hobby, ola> to the actual delivery date. , *i a- • « . . . ieek the nomination for attorney-| J"* cards, a pastime which affords During the past week county The Waukegan off^ is located at her great pleasure. _ families have been notfied that ini^® Washingtpn street. rieral, and A. J. Meadel and John Petit are opposing each other for state central committeeman. Polling places will be as follows: Precinct 1. Muzzy's Hall, Ringwood; precinct 2, City Hall, McHenry; precinct 3, Albert Blake Garage, SIcHenry: and Precinct 4, BildnerU Barber Shop building. Johnsburg. FORESTERS PLAN TOR ANNUAL FEST NEXT WEDNESDAY Our 'best wishes for ™any roire : very near future local boys _Ani(a _ happy anniversaries for Mrs. Ritter. | woujd arrive here for burial. Among OFFICIAL FORMS FOR W irs. • - V .. advertisements wisn tneir inenas * .: , f . *«««« Wirtx in T^ke View suhre- !ln expenses, such as taxes, heating h New. Year. Among those I, A son was born on March 31 at Th* F^nk Mikoleita. ior| costs, outside painting, new root, ^Jpy Ag T think that the the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and of ^hannePlike are now i furnace repairs, etc. . _ |tUlin Fre,jnd and Schaefer Mrs. fcstakee tL^vern in SorinV -" * « related I, ..Wlyl =J> | Mr and Mrs. Sibre^cf to you, dear family. If jou should- . Rmgwood announce the birth of a an(j ^jrs Wirtz, foi George Ebbler of Pistakee Bay. GroV, rowna. . n't, be able to assist me and my fam- daUghter on March 31 at the Wood- ofCrystal L^ke'^'ho ha'd^bin^touiJ « Jly at* least will hope that you are i8tock hospital. _ ing west for two years, Ijave moved | kind enough to reply. I would be ) A daughter was born at the W ood- M-u-nrv very thankful to you. I'm willing j stock hosnital on April 2 to Mr. j u . d *»__ paui Kark imd so« ^ to give you aU details about our^nd Mrs, Walter Vasey.' moved from the apartment * family in my next letter. /j Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Byrnes are a'r<>ve the apartment above Cole- "Your father or mother ami (the parents cf a girl, bom at the mnn's tivem on Riverside Drive to Patrick Clear? i. » traat- J" ^ I S£«~Illta.V"V»he TJiJr »1 1 Jik™86 i?-g_re^,r?*d for finaI interment in j change of ^dress :j thus insuring |of my famiiy you can find today jIsland are the parents of a] The Frank Zimmermann family some photographs. We have g^ot a | g0nt born on Thursday at the Wood-1 has moved from Chicago to the Coifc^ picture of the whole family of >'our-^ ?tock hospital. The couple has two ; way place east of the rivei^ whielf ancestors. My next letter will tell ot^r hoys. Mr. and Mrs. Ed N. they recently purchased. Among [these is included Pfc. Vernon E. Fish ! of Woodstock, who was killed in | Germany in 1945 and whose body interred in the Epinal temorary j military cemetery in [France. Pvt. John W. Adams, a former AMONG TH^ SICK CHANGING ADDRESSES AVAILABLE TO VETS Official forms are now. provided by the" Service Recognition board for That very gala annual social event, • Forester Fest, is scheduled for ednesday, April 14, at 8 o'clock in Mary's-St. Patrick's school hall, ittees in charge expect a number to" be present to enjap the dance, refreshments and the genera] good time which is assured p|| who attend. flie Forester Fest has grown in m number in attendance and in $he amount of entertainment offered "r»g the past few years until it become one of the most eagerly •waited social evenings on the calendar of the local organisation. NOTICE The annual meeting of the Cfty Council, City of McHenry, will be M April 26, 1948 (8:00 p. m.) at kegan, this week. ^ ^ , , iBarrington. 'prompt payment and avoiding un- Miss Louise Stoffel underwent a , Since the announcement of the i necessary delays. tonsillectomy at the Woodstock nos- , shipmnt of the bodies of these two Correspondence, needless checking pital on Monday. _ , above named' veterans, word was I and delays are eliminated -by the new Arnold, son of the Ben -Freurjds recejved that Robert E. Abbott, who ; procedure. Official forms are of Johnsburg, has been ill at Ms killed in action in 1945 in the j necessary because the board will not home there. >' , South Pacific, would soon be sent' consider a letter or postcard as Tony _Widhalm underwent fur^'ry home. He made his home in Wood- [official notification. . Forms for change of address are available in all of the offices of the Illinois Veterans commission. Service officers can assist veterans in executing the forms properly and will supply the notarization required at St. Therese hosiptal, Waukegun, before entering service. Lieut, last week. j WSlford A. Bloom of rural Harvard Mrs. Robert Knes, who resides j wjjj ajso arrjVe . soon for burial in just east of the river, \ Rockford. undergoing treatment at the Woodstock hospital for the past week Eight veterans who have already been returned are Lieut. William I you more details. Ill close now w'th (young are the happy grandparents, lots . Of good wishes." Mr. an«l Mrs. Willis Wyman of MARRIAGE LICENSES ! Crystal Lake are the parents of a i • fon, born at St. Joseph's hospital, John E. GranatV and Mai^aret U # ' , i Elgin, on Thursday, April 1. Mrs.; Hpv«'rich. both of West McHenry. . VFW And Auxiliary . WVman is the former Miss Mabel ~ Held Installation Mrs. Peter A. Freund has retuired , Harold C. Karsten, Lieut. I by the board, to her home on Ann street afUr Robert Sweeney, John H. Clark, undergoing an appendectomy at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer underwent surgery at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, this past week. FLAMES DAMAGE ROOF , The McHenry fire department was called to the Fred Svoboda home in Lily Lake on ~TUeeday morning to extinguish flame* which caumLieiBe Elmer Peters, Robert Pete**, JRaul Currey and Rudolph Schutt, * GUEST SPEAKER. Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumnofer, assistant pastor of St. Mary's church will be guest speaker when Bishop's it for Catholic . Boy Scouts of the Rockford diocese will he observed on April 18 at St. James pro- Cathedral in Rockford. * In McHenry county, the Illinois Veterans commission service officer is Philip E. Bierdeman. The office is located at Woodstock. SINGS ORATORIO SELECTION "If With All Your Heart" from the Elijah by Mendelsohn was the solo chosen by Warren Jones for his performance at the Sunday service Fox Rive? Post, No. 4600, Veterahs of Foreign Wars, held installation of officers on Monday evening, April 5, ton. the McHenry poatoffices will be NOTICE Complying with instructions from the postal department in Washingwith Commander Carl J. Reis as closed installing officer. George Duesler wss installed as commander of the local post. The ladies Auxiliary of the V. F. W. also held installation of oiheers the same evening, with Past President Pauline Pries as installing officer. Mrs. Helen Knight was each Thursday afternoon beginning April 15. Mail will be dispatched as usual at 1:30 and 6 p. m. The lobbies will be open but there will be no window service after noon. 47-fp Mrs. Amy Hinricks and daughter, Betty, have been visiting another aTthe First BaptUt chureh'in~Elgin instaU*ed"to the office of president (daughter, Mrs. W. Stuermann, in |«i April *, v ifor the ensuing yei*. JNsI* ^ . T-ouise E. Miller and Jack Lombard I both of McHenry. , i Beth Calhoun West McHenry, an* *!lmer Groves. Elgin. COUNTY CANCER PRTVE . The American Cancer Society ». , t spmisoring a nationwide dnve fe* ; funds from April 14 through 30. Mra. William Green has teen named chaor> man for McHenry township, wtfc Mrs. George Barbian as vice-chairman. The campaign has the apwwv^ of the McHenry Businees Men's > Association. Need Rubber StaaapeT (Mar • <\4:

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