Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1948, p. 7

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* ** mwK rv &1CW SiiB? ?V$0p?0^?'Tf &&k& i^J^foiifairtL .nw^inni i m i ri» r n 1W-. Imi i l t lKN 10HI»|i>ltll after tki takan out. Belated East*1 nogsstell BM that Mr. and Mrs. Ray BMf of Wonder Woods «m cowta • that d»v in NextSuaday, April 11, at 11 a. m. tho little of the G. C. will be filled MIX WM>»MM>IH»> war* gussts a* day the Imwm of Mrs. Btt^r'i parents. Mr. an Spring and Mr*. Frank Wandt, a former in MeHenry Ugh Jaaahaan of da seventh magic show, those present. Tlnltoyi javi quite a- finished performance. Refnahments were served by two mothers of the seventh and eigth flKVt Stt O9S0%Sll8UlflF low, which greatly s^stiied ' Yi Spring really officially arrived an April 1 with the opening.of Hate's Lake View ice cseam.parior. AUof the young fry were present to see if the concoctions were as good as ttey had remembered and many of , them were^on their first "dates." r, Among the twosomes were Bobby Riggers and Barbara Reinhard; Lewie Betgdahl and Diane Benson; Lynn Cheney and Etta Reinhard; Wayne Tronsen and Jean Selsdorf; Randy Sellak and Jasiea Prans; and a threesome composed of Danny Cheney, Ilene Behrens and Lynne (^anyone Suess. Danny, now 7, is starting out pKetny young. ' Albert Horn# alone, bat properly Welcoming the opening of the ice «aam parlor, ate three -large sodas : pad then tapered off with two ice Cpeam bars. Winn Davidson, disappointed at not having his girl friend along, comforted himself by eating two 85 cent sundaes which made him turn 'A pale gre^n color approximating ' the shade of pistachio ice cream. . The Wonder Lake Voters' League sponsored a "Meet you Candidates" evening on Thursday evening at the Lake View Inn. Present at the meeting were Walter E. Miller, ^mayor of Elgin, and a candidate for nomination as congressional repre- , sentative from the fourteenth dis- „ „ trict; George Murphy, secretary of Mrs. Mary Endres spent Friday the Illinois Industrial Commission, »nd Saturday in St. Louis, where and ably representing Bernard M.' *k® attended a convention of Delta Long, who is candidate for the nomi-1 KSppa Gambia, national. leathers' 'nation for state central committee* sorority. Mrs. Endres waa in charge man from the fourteenth district; °* * P*rt of the frtogram. Charles "Choek" Miller, highway! His Wonder Lake Chambar of Commerce meet on Wednesday, Aprfl 14, at the Uka THnr Inn. This ia a vary important nuttf and t whb wduld Un to ha present at the meeting, is eordially invited to attend. . Lillian Larson, Bfflv Wright, Diana Benson and Janet urQl are on the list this week widi the measles. Diane sat right in aehool and began to break out! Baifcara SeOek received a bad Wow on the head in a collision in which Vohn West accidentally ran his Mke intp Barbara, as she was walking toward heme. Jimmie Jacobsen is carrying temporary scars from a fall into the gravel from his hike, and Bobbie Cormier is nursing a nasty head wound suffered when he fell from a horse an Banday afternoon. ** supervisor for McRenry township; and the two localentries in the coming contest on April 13 for precinct committeeman. . These men, John Viola and James Pavlik, are competing against Earl Whiting as Republican committeeman from Mcifenry 1 precinct. ' Mr. Viola, now a deputy-sheriff iri Wonder Lake, as well as voters'- registrar, told of his efforts to bring the precinct to Wonder Lake. This would require a total registration of 700 voters. Mr. Pavlik, well known ' in .the district, is the recent sponsor of the »Easter Egg hunt for the local young -Ay. -The Community Club of Harrison school district met on Tuesday 'evening, with Mrs. Charlotte Meyer vice-chairman, presiding in the absence of Mrs. Pauline Grill, chairman of the club. Mrs. Rose Saranac read the minutes of the two previous meetings (there were only eight present at the last meeting) and gave the results of the Valentine'-a pary held in Muzzy's hall in February. This very successful party put a fine sum in the bank, $100 which ' was voted to be used for the purchase of books for the school library. Mrs. Meyer thanked all of those who had made donations for the party, in cash, in various- items ADVBtnSaMT An election will be held in Harrison School on Saturday evening, April 10, to elect a new director who •will serve a three-year term. Met Sellek, whose term is expiring, ha*; * not indicated his candidacy. Those v interested in the school should be ' there to vote. Any legal voter of the district is qualified for voting. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott were Mr/ and Mrs. Ward Ellofson and sons, Tommy, Jimmie and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Esaer and Mr. and Mrs. William Diesing and son, Billy. A potluck dinner was greatly enV joyed t>y the group. Betty Lou Druml, 18, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs, Mike Druml, is a surgical patient at Woodstock hoapital. Mrs. Wallace Sinclair was released from the hospital on Wednesday. Her infant daughter, born on April 2, only lived an hour. The Sinclaira have a 4-year-old daughter, Sharon. Two sewing groups met at the home of Mrs. Louis iScott last week. One? on Thursday evening, waa composed of Mrs. Virginia Corrado, Mrs. Nancy Elberson and Mrs. Kathryn Hinz; the other which met on Wednesday afternoon, .wa AUVKKTJ MPIMUCAN CAMMDATI POt STATE. SENATOR 8th Senatorial District * MUMARKS APKIL II, IMS af Wickiins birthday teat wade with a special dinner and an evening oat with her basis the recruiting sergeant for this district. Other birthday celebrants for this week wars Peggy Sebdorf, who waa IS; and Sandra Sella, who was 10. Both of these ware on April 4. Fhre new members were welcomed iftto the Rod and Gun Auxiliary at its listing on Friday evaaJng. They «e Mrs7 Inoe Schmike. Mrs. MarjBHrat Langston, Mrs. Alice Wagner, Miss LouiaeBahrsns and Mrs. Robert and . .'» and Mrs. _ furnished the for coffee. VW the next meeting, which will also be held at the Inn, on May 7, hostesses are to be Mrs. B. Proper, Mrs. Tad Paknik, Mrs. A1 Dick, and Mrs. Lorraine Mouie. ' The Left-Handers' chib met on Saturday night at the Rolaine Grill. The accumulated fines of the members were used to give the party which, aeeortiing to those I talked with, Waa lots of fun. That barn dancec in the making is to be tile combined effort of the Conunanity Ctub, the Rod and Gun Club, and the Rod and Gan Auxiliary, and will be heMon April 24 in Richiaond halt Plans are underway to have two orchestras, so that eontfoneae dancing can be enjoyed. Mark the dato on your calendar. All proceeds wfll be split three ways Mr. and Mrs. Philip Carroll entertained callers ftom Chicago and from Indian Ridge an Stater Sunday and Mr. and lbs. J. Noble and family spent the day in the home of Mr. Noble's sister, near Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lathrop and two daughters stw guests in the | CONTINUE BUILDING ^Residents of Rural Community Consolidated District 10 voted~almoet unanimously last week to continue with the school building program as outlined by their board of education to keep it as district 10 and submit it to the state supreme court for decision as to the validity of the district. Although this procedure I* White li tte Iwbl\ somewhat the buOdin, Mission Convant Churcn at Belvidere j -- on that Sunday. Y~m- v - The third anniversary of the! ~ be observed the pulpit by Prof. Wa. B. Wslhnaa of the EvangelicaihVVee Church Bible Institute and 3eminary In Chicago. Professor Hallman Is a preacher of exceptional ability. The pastor will program the idea by the vote that It ternative of three sented by the bond' M. Hughes. Year Maw It takes a total of steel to turn out a passenger car. home of Mr. and Mra. W. Lathrop of Greenwood an Easter, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schweitser 'and family spent the day with Mrs. Schweitzer's parents at tneir PtStnkee Bay home. Mr. and Mra. D. Moatler and family were dinner gnosis an Sunday in the home of Mrs. Mooter's parents, who live near Richmond; and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pretsman and family were sallow at the Thomas and Pretsmaa homos in Wonder Woods. Gospel Center will Sunday, April 25. The program of the day will be announced later. - "It is not how much we have; but how much of us God has." Christ the King Charch Masses each •Sunday at 10 a. m* Confessions heard before Mass. First Communion instruction every Wednesdsy, starting yesterday, at 4 p. m. and alao hilar Mass on Sundays. April 11 is Holy Name Communion Sunday. Pr. Vanderpool is ea vacation in San Diega, Calif., for the next two | weeks. Taking his place will be Fr. . Doherty of Harvard. Anyone needing a priest is aaka* to call Mcj Henry 24. I Fr. Vanderpool and the parishon- I ers are deenly gratafal to Mr. and i Ms. Carl Man, who donated an I organ to the church.* Ganpal Center 1 Sevan new pnpOs ware enrolled in » In active theatars of World War II, the rata of paychiatric casualties was two or threa ttmas that of World War I. Chief cauae of the incraasa appeared to lie in the fact that warfare waa mora terrifying In World War n than ever before •ad the mental hazards were conaidwably greater than theaa WDoaunterad to the trcndi watfara of 1918, Fathar'a Oddities In Ecuador, the expectant mother ia put out of bar house, while the tether ia coddled, honored and dieted until ha recovers from the •bock of becoming a pappy. In the Sudan to Africa, after at least five ehildran, the wife may return to her parenta leaving the children as the property of the father. Ia the Philip- Pines and to Japan, luring the birth of * child, the lather mu*t take to his bad and ' • 'h V' - REPRESENTATIVE MCK KELLER CANDIDATE FOR RE-E1ECTI0N RflpaMkw LefUator ¥nm 8th Senatorial Dtetriel Has Ovtstasdiaf Votiog Reeeri fad CmBmittM Adpaaat HsutssMilaUrs Mlok KsDsr, Is for re-dsctkm from the Senatorial djMriot, hes 11 years inHprtiUfWd. a mlew of his rseord reveils As ehalipaB af toa Onmmlttae m Military and VMeran AfiEstia, and m--bwr of tba conunlttees an Xxecuttvs, Z4quar Bsgatotlon, Waterways, OonssrvaMon, Hsh and Game, and lDtools. Commission on Jnter-OoTScamental Cooperation, m has played an important rote In a numbsr^ af legislative fcs wholalMartsdly ~ ~ VMbeing paid bonus of any state in the Union. AORfCSLTIJBJI board, bratherhoods of railroad of his rseord toward laktog fee ards of lobar. of UbcR fee L and fee m the has one of fee 8Mst_ isoords in the in T"r Be is of fee half of pottos, tf, county, and £5 groups"*! aSfttlon1 to lil^ and acrlculturs, and of fee Mto qwenBMBt^jMMdgi^aM the limig 1 f ¥5' ,jii" •' Order your rubber stamps at The Plsindealer. (POLITICAL ADYSBRSKMSNTX ANNOUNCING JOE WILMAN "Will appear in person MONDAY, APRIL 12, 2 p. m, , a t t h e V - • EBCRKATtOir ; *»:' \ \ >• 'V "• «UMBfER MIXSD LEAGUE* ; NOW FORMING Starting pSday, April 90 Starting Wednesday, May 12 10IN 10ALL McHENRY 3# mm# W>.l- * X. >j Party Leaders rse rrine t andRe-Elect u' \ fu' 4.ji i> i/yy GEORGE R PERRINE! Gaoroe IL Parrina RapuMkan Stats Cawi m i/ ttie undersigned members of the HHnois Republican State Central Committee say: - - - /^George R. Perrine is considered by us to be one of the most valuable men on our entire committee. When he is assigned a job, we can count on it being well done. We trust that? the electorate of his district will see fit to return him to the committee this year. His valuably advice and counsel are much needed in the coming campaign. Hie finances of the State Committee have been well handled under his direction and management." 6th Ssvenns ISHi District 24th District WMBsas Maries, Lake V«a Stats Cammittaemaa. 1Mb PtoHlit Jsha F. Tyrrall, Ckkafa State Cumiittaawian, >*4§e Franklin J. Stvansky, State Committaanian, Mia Spance, Fairffiald > Stats Cammitteeman, Cariss CampbaH, SprinffisM ^tats Cammiftecman, 2lat Diatrici Ray Larson, Galasburg State CommlttaenMa, 15th PMritt Ban T. lUidy, Island State Committeeman, I4tk District Arthur I. Dahmlow, Chicago State Committeeman, 9th ( 1 fr A. Nanca, Chicago State Committeeman, 2nd Dialrlct C. Anderson, Eureka State Committeeman, 17th District Dnans Reed, Chicago State Committeeman, 7th District Hani E. "Doc" Fonner, Deland State Committeeman, 19th District Hohsrt Kossart, Chicago s Stats Committeeman, 4th District gel. East St. Louis te Committeeman, 22nd District N. Bergatrom, Chicago State Committeeman, 3rd District If You Believe He h the Best Fitted to Help the Republican Party Win in Hovamber, We Rejyeotfyly Request That You . . rO THE POU| AP*H 13 vTT (2) ASK FOE A REPUBLiCAM BALLOT (3) VOTE TO RE-ELECT R. PERRINE -ism iwi ml** :/V ; . p* x X, . A , RVtlBUCAN STATE COMMITTEEMAN, FOURTEENTH CONORBSIONAL (KAN(, McHINRY, DUPAGE COUNTIES)- DISTRICT T .J' ,r»-t ^

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