Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Apr 1948, p. 4

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IS ' 1 ' 7 , T y a + Y*i. >*>.«£ „ • l *w*** fm :m+k ttEMHIY PUWOEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, lit, by A. Howard Mosher. Editor--Adele Froehlich $ . • Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. On* Year $2.60 NATIONAL €OITOWAl_ ISSOCIATION -5- ' Miss Christine Adams spent a few^days this past week visiting- her brother, Fred Adams, in DesPlaines. Mrs. Clinton Martin attended the district music contest in Crystal Lake on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Pabet and son, Michael, Mr. and Mrs. William Schneider and Mrs. Clara Scholefield of Chicago spent Sunday visiting in the Cornelius Quinlar. home. The family gathering was in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Pabst. Mrs. Scholefield is remaining for a three week's visit in th* Quinlan home. Mrs. Nellie Bacon and Miss Ann Trisby visited in the Weston Bacon home in Crystal Lake on Sunday. Miss Eileen Fitzgerald of Oak Park, formerly of McHenry, spent the weekend with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whiting of Elgin visited McHenry relatives on Sunday, x ___ Mrs. Ethel Munfcon of Wauconda attended the wake of Patrick Cleary on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tetlow of Elgin were local callers on Sunday. Mrs. Walter Vasey and infant daughter, Marcia Kay, returned home from the Woodstock hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson attended the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rossman in Crystal Lake on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting of Lake Geneva, Wis., spent "Sunday with McHenry relatives. Kathryn Keefe of Spring Grove attended the Cleary wake on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Larson have returned to their home at Hayward, Wis., after spending a few days with relatives in McHenry. They were called to Chicago last week by the death of their uncle, Bernard J. Frisby. William Cowan of Harvard visited McHenry relatives on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Aylward of Spring Grove attended the Cleary wake on Monday evening. Among those who attended the wake and funeral of Bernard J. Frisby in Chicago last week were Mr. and Mrs. Richard iFleming and son, Jack, Miss Mary Fleming. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin, Mrs. MoIHe Givens and son, DonafcL Mrs. Nellie Bacon and Miss Arih Frtsby. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Penny of Winnebago, Minn., visited relatives in McHenry a few days the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams and son, Thomas and Mrs. Jacob Adams attended the wake of Mrs. Alice Halleman in Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoelscher of Wheaton and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Larkin of Elgin visited McHenry relatives on Sunday. Robert Sutton of Chicago was. a McHenry caller last weekend. Mrs. Ada Hoelscher and family and Mrs. Lucy Tetlow of Elgin attended funeral services for Patrick Cleary on Tuesday. The Rernard Blum family of Elmwood Park spent the weekend in McHenry. Those from here who attended the Jean Cerk-Richard Bauer wedding reception dinner in North Chicago llast Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Mauch, Mr. and Mrs. Math ; Adams and sons, Richard, Kenneth and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bauer and sons, Lee, Ray and Donnie, and > daughter, Betty, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Freund and daughter, Mary Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bauer, son. Roman, and daughters, Terry ana Doris, and the Misses Frances and | Carolyn IBauer, also Miss Nancy Gibson of Fox Lake. I Miss Delores Vales spent Saturday , and Sunday with relatives in Chicago. " ! Arthur Staines and Louella .Madras of Kenosha, Wis* spent Saturday with hfe (parentis, the : William Staines. i Mrs. C. W. Goodell attended a ! meeting, of the Illinois State Music ! Teachers Association in Lyon and Healy hall in Chicago on Wednesday of this week. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum of Richmond are the parents of a daughter, born at the Wbodstock hospital on April 11. Mrs. Fossum is the former Miss Bobette Cristy of Ringwood. Their first child, was born at the Woodstock hospital on April 12 to* Mr. and Mrs. Claude Nickels of! West McHenry. Mrs. Nickels is the former Miss Eleanor Clark. A daughter was born en April 7, at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Grasser. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sghaefer are the parents of twin daughter, born Saturday, April 10, at the Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kennebeck of Phoenix, Ari*, are the parents of a daughter, bdrn last Sunday, April 11. Mrs. Kennebeck is the former Miss Louise Chamberlln. The coupK has one other child, a daughter, Gayle. CARD OF THANKS In this manner I wish to thank the workers and voters who supported me at the polls last Saturday, resulting in my election to the Consolidated school beard. 48 MRS. LOUISE SGBSSKMAN. •& ' J - SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIOH BY LEGION AUXILIARY Mrs. Arnold Chesak, president of the McHenry County Council, American Legion Auxiliary, announced last week that the organisation is again conducting its annual subscription sales campaign throughout McHenry County. The campaign began Monday, April 12, and will be concluded within sixty days. In previous years, through similar campaigns, the county council obtained and placed at the residents' disposal various pieces of emergency and hospital equipment which are available to be loaned out to the homes free of charge. The proceeds from this campaign will be used bv the county council to carry on the usual community service work and also to purchase an audiometer which will be placed with the county nurse. It is planned to give a hearing test with this equipment to all the children in McHenry county»schools and referring them if necessary for correction or clinical treatment. Mrs. Chesak also declared that no donations will be solicited or accepted. Representatives registered at the sheriffs office and carrying a letter of recommendation will call on the residents and explain the plan. This campaign is not to be confused with fly by night schemes or unsponsored campaign in 'dhich residents generally lose money after being subjected to unwelcome and high pressure sales methods. The Legion Auxiliary's sponsorship in an anmfal affair and designed to give residents of the county a safe subscription service based on value and ethical handling. Mrs. Alice Halleman, Bay Resident Thirty Tears. Died . sr Services were held from the funeral home at 4188 W. North avenue, Chicago, at 2:30 o'clock on the afternoon of April 6 for Mrs. Alice Halleman, 86, of 600 Clinton Place, River Forest. Mrs. Halleman, widow of the late Andrew H. Halleman, had resided at Plstakee Bay for thirty years. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Mabel Frankel, and two brothers, Charles L. and Archie Abba. Burial was in Oak Ridge cemetery. ATTRACTIVE PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED FARM BOYB, GIRLS I C E CREAM FLAVORS FOR APRIL RASPBERRY ROYALE TOASTED HAZELNUT CHOCOLATE - ' MINT"--^ - 1 -- VANIUJfc NEAPOLITAN BOLGEIVS DRUG STOR£ PHONE 40 McHKJNSY Development of new method* to ease the farmer's burdens will be the 1948 goal of scores > of 4-H farmers and farmerettes under a 'Setter Methods" activity being sponsored by the Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois, the Western United Gas and Electric Co., and the Illinois Northern Utilities Co. in McHenry county and twenty other northern Illinois counties. Plans for the program, which will be carried out under the direction off the University of Illinois Agriculture Extension division and local 4-H leaders, were outlined this week at a meeting in DeKalb which was attended by Home Adviser, Clara G. Sweeney,' and by Youth Assistant Alice Clark. Awards ace so attractive that aH 4-H boys and girl» » should be interested in working on this project. ' $50 U. S. savings bonds will be awarded to the boy and the girl in the county judged to have the best "Better Methods" activity. The boy and girl who place second in each county will receive an award which covers all expenses while attending the 1949 camping session at Sfeaw-rwaw-nas-see kee. A county rural chorus has been organized in the past few weeks, with more than twenty members having signed up for rehearsals in the Woodstock high school. Officers elected were; Mrs. Russell Reed, Woodstock, president; Mrs. Jack Sattorius, Woodstock, secretary; Audrey Krieger, Huntley, and Mrs. Arthur Hoppe, West McHenry, treasurer; Mrs. J. T. McNeil, West McHenry, librarian. The state program includes a county concert,district rehearsal and contest and a program at the State Fair by the entire chorus, a program at the Sports Festival and one at Toronto, Canada. HOMING EVENTS Social--Mrs. April 16 Iihr Lake P. T. A. Louise Nielsen. April 18 Last Concert in Library Series. April 2e 8t Agatha's Court No. 777--1 sfcon--Villa Hotel Resoffc April 21-8 . April 2t ./ M. • East River Road Pinochle Club- Mrs. E. R. Sutton, at Christ the King Church, [OBAiratD AT •8 CHOTWH In a tisautiful wedding service solemnised at St. Mary's church last Saturday morning, April 10, at 9 JO o'clock. Miss Augusta Pierotti, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Altissimo of Lily Lake, became the bride of Mr. Louis Diedrich, son of Mrs. Jacob Diedrich of McHenry, Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiated at the ceremony. The* bride was lovely in a gown of white slipper satin, trimmed in imported lace, and long train. Her finger-tip veil was held in place by a tiara of pearls, and she carried a bridal bouquet of white roses with an orchid in the center. Acting as maid of honor was Miss Van Diedrich, the groom's sister, bridesmaida were Mrs. R. A. Pierotti of Lily Lake, the bride's sister-inlaw, Miss Lillian Unti, a friend of the bride, and Mrs. Leonard Thennes, the groom's sister. All wore gowns of yellow taffeta and yellow head-, pieces made of veiling and matching ribbon. The bridemaids carried bouquets of,American Beauty roses, while the maid of honor carried yellow roses. Ray Pierotti, the bride's brother, served as best man. Groomsmen were Gregory Cairps, a friend of the groom, and Leonard Thennes, the groom's brother-in-law. Following the wedding, a breakfast was served to the bridal party at the Altissimo home, and at 1:30 o'clock thirty guests enjoyed dinner at the Crystal Lake Country Club. A reception was held for-about 250 guests in St. Mary's-SW Patrick's school hall in the evening, after which the couple left on a trip to Florida. The bride attended the Chicago schools and has been employed at the Autolite. The groom received his education in the McHenry schools, served in the armv during the war and is now employed by Tonyan Construction Co. McHenry 1 Of Ooirty Ladies Officers Rural Chora -• r '2 V* ' *' * .! * . * 7* •&;<< ; y; Ornamental Gate lions Stolen From Bay Home , News that tw$ lions were missing at Pistakee Bay may have frightened residents of that area, but it meant only unfortunate luck for the owner, S. J. VanHorn. The lions ware not real but were ornamental gate animals made of terra cotta and were stolen from the VanHorn formerly the Charles WielftfM between 6 and 8:80 o'dfpNt last Friday evening. C. . Of dark brown, jrith glossy greenish bronze shadings, the lions Lily Lake ' ^ P. T. A. Social " The Lily Lalfe *P.; f. A t! ning a social, to be held on Friday evening, April 16, at the home of Mrs. Louise Nielsen, wiH.begin promptly at 8 o'clockjf1 ^ • * St. Agatha's Court * Plans Installation St. Agatha's Court, No. 777, W. C. O. F., is planning installation for Tuesday evening, April 20. There will be a banquet at 6:30 o'clock at the Villa Hotel Resort. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Hida May, phone 649-J-l, or Mrs. Martha Freund, phone 696-M-l, before April 19. Installation will follow the dinner. Mrs. Schwermaa Voted To Office v Mrs. Louise SchwermiR was elected vice-president of the McHenry County Business and Professional Women's club at . the lasr meeting held on Monday night in Woodstock. Those from here to attend were Mrs. Carrie Justen,' Mrs. Edith Collette, Miss Ethel Jones, Mrs. Cora Duker, Mrs. Gretta Goodell and Mrs. Elizabeth Pich. • • • -- Mariola Club Will , Sponaor Stylo Stow .. r - ^ The Mariola club of Woocbtocl is sponsoring a summer style show and card party on Sunday evening1, April 18, in St. Mary's gymnasium, in that city. Hie show will begin] promptly at 8 p. m. and will feature "the new look-in summer fashions." A bride with four attendants, all outfitted by Marshall Field 4k Co., will be the highlight of the show. Admission price is one dollar including tax. * * * Dixon-Bailey „ j i Nuptial Vowa Mrs. John Franxen of* S*H Wancisco, Calif., a former McHenry resident, announces the recent marriage of her daughter, Bernice Franzen Dixon, and Mr. Waverley Clinton Bailey. The couple exchanged nuptiaj vows on April .3 at St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran church, with a reception following for members of the family and friends at the Rits club. The following evening a reception was held at Simpson's Pennsylvania Room, where dancing and a social hour were enjoyed. Mr. Bailey's pirents arrived from Topeka, Kas., for the service. Also present were the bride's mother and brother, Raymond, both ofJBy Public Party Fine Bare-- • . Tfce public party held in the parochial school last Sanday evening, sponsord tar St Mary's-St Patrick's school P. T. A. waa a fine success, with a great many in attendance, Mrs. Martha Freund and the mothers of seventh and eighth grade pupils were in charge of the evening's entertainment. Proceeds will oe used to buy a new victrola and records for the schooL Last week .Wednesday the regular monthly meeting of the P. T. A. was held in the school hall. A musical program was presented, including a violin number, "Allegro Brillante," by Beverty ;Schwerman, a vocal solo, Rosewig's "Ave Maria," by Robert McCulla, i - rt- ' : ' - •> , / TO PEOPLE WHO "DON'T LIKE TO BUDGET M'ii, m-M Ha S-mrr: EEP track oi whore this easy way: goM, at 0 >" ,;,V- 1 i 1--Open a checking aocxsqnt . 2--Deposit all your earnings. 3--Pay your bills by check. ; Tour checkbook stubs will tall you ; 'pM McHENRY Member Federal fteserve SysMlli Member Federal Deaeait Iaaararc* Cwpwatht' matters or6un" at Mercy hospltat therfc. Mr. Shanon 'Have you your "communion eih" served two years with the navy. j confirmation dress? We have * Pinochle Club {large selection of dotted At Diets Home organdie and rayon sn The East River Road Pinochle club !£? 14 years. $5.95 to and "The Green stood two feet high an^three »nd : Cathedral» and «The China Figure" one-half feet long and stood on a 1 stone platform. The decorations, of which there are said to be only three pair in the United States, were brought here from Italy, and are for outside decorative purposes only. Mr. VanHorn is offering a liberal reward for information leading to the person or persons who stole this decorative set. by the girls' sextette. We've rings for her fingers--that glitter andt^- gleam! No more fitting compliment for her lovely hands than a stunning engagement ringf from our lovely, varied assortment. SMABTNES8- 5 • km'- ' iT •Wtff • f i r ring in our lovely collection, is beauty. Choose artietic sets, sparkling gems to thrill a feminine heart! You can't find a mote *14 W. Main stmt, McHenrj Ifat MeH«oi7 ISM Mission Wonder Lake. April Circle 4, W. S. C. S.--Mrs. Dorothy Nickda. April U Farewell Party--G/een Street Tavern. April 23 Benefit Concert--High School Auditorium-- Presented by District Music Content Winners. Public P'.rty Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality of St. Patrick's Chut-ch. May S Benefit Party -- Nell's Ballroom, j Johnsburg. Msy 4 -- Public Partr--Sponsored River- Senior Class Play :Mi'; and ConSrmation at Christ the King Church. fthfieation of Altars at St Patrick's ChurdL , , May 11 Moth** 1 by C. D. of A. May 18 Dessert Card Party--Sponsored by Mother's Quit--Legion BaO. May S Bake 8ala Sponsored by Altar and Reeajrjj ^^dality--St PMrkkV HERMAN ALBKRRY DIES Herman Albmy. who has been a permanent resdieSstiaf Sunset View subdivision for a number of years, died last Tuesday morning. He had been quite ill most of last summer, but through the fall and until Christmas seemed to be improving. A few days after Christmaa, however, he and Mrs. Alberry Want to Chicago to stay with their daughter and sonin- law as ^ his health was again failing. It is there Iris death occurred. Need Rubber Stamps? Order at The Plaindealer. Announce Betrothal Of Patricia McCabe . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCabe of Council Bluffs, Iowa, announce th% engagement of their daughter, Patricia, to Charles F. Shanon, son of James Shanon, also of Council Bluffs. Miss McCabe is a graduate of Thomas Jefferson high school in that city and is now a student purse met last week at the home of Mrs. Ben Dietz, with prises merited by Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrs. E. R. Sutton, Mrs. Thomas Thonneson and Mrs. George Glos. The next meeting of the club will be on April 22 at the home of Mrs. Sutton. Mothers Club Has Enjoyable Meeting ; Last Fridayfc flttfeffrigr W the Mothers club was very interesting and instructive. Mrs. Erwin Berger gave six beautiful spring floral arrangements. She used just a few flowers in most of her "pictures," as die called them,, and gave two or three simple rules to abide by. Use shrubbery for line or design, broad leaves or foliage for accent or weight and color harmony in the flowers and container uaed. These suggestions are excellent for home use as well as the Flower Show scheduled lor ^August 20. The boys' octet from the high school sang two numbers, accompanied by Miss Betty Long. Mrs. C. Hoyt, chairman,, and her capable committee, served cakes and coffee. -- Mrs. H. J. Smith of the ways and means. committee announced a card party for Thursday, May 18, at the Legion Hall, and Mrs. George Kramer is working on a social event for June.- Members and friends are invited to take an active interest in the organization. sheers, sImb^ 18-96. Ill* AMoiram scat Mrs. John Lindquist of Island Lake haa been a psodical patient at the Woodstock hospital. Charles "Budd" Adams has been a medical patient at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan. William Spencer is a patient this week in Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan. Mrs. Martin Cooney has been ill at her home on Richmond Road. Robert Becker underwent an appendectomy at the Woodstock hospital the last of the week. Mrs. Frank Adelmeier had the misfortune to fall and sprain her arm last week, making it necessary to carry , it in a sling. SINGLES IN MEMORIAM 4n loving memory of our dear mother, Josephine Weingart, who passed away one year ago, April 17, 1947. One year has passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away; God took her home, it was His will. But in our hearts she liveth still. SONS AND DAUGHTERS. Toddler Shop, corner Elm and G McHenry. Complete line of remedies at Wattlea Drag Store, Henry. •48 "fill Want Ada McHenry. mtsois PHI. - SAT, APE. IS - j&4 Rsbert Msstpaiij, •' . Waada Bsadrix ' "RIDE THE PINK HORSET Plus - News Qsrteea SUN. - MON„ APRIL lft-» Abbott * Castells Marjerie Maia "WISTFUL WIDOW # WAGON 4*AP" Plus - World News * Novelty Sunday Matinee 2-JI Ceatinaoaa Price Ohaage at S^t CLOSED ON TUESDAY WED. - THURS. Dicksaa Novel • A strange stary of people with a vast lumber or eeeeatrka, aome of them charminfl^ amae of them sfksful, soma John Mifla . Valario Hshaoa "GREAT EXPECTATIONS" *TT HAPPENED ;IN HAWAII" by Glea SHlpr "ST. LOUIS MABOr by Tsi - WGA MOO -BABY FACV by Art SONGS OF OUR -ANNIE GET Y Ethel "BUSY FING: Throe Sana . - AL JOLSON ALBUM OKLAHOMA S SONGS BY JO Large Select iona Singles and Albuaia. Children's SiogUa- and' Albms. Dea't Forget Oar Beeagd Chh, §14 W. Main Street, McHsary Tel myy ISt-J -UGGA "IP I ONLY by A1 of ClitHkal, MILLER ni. FRIDAY - 8ATURDAY APRIL IS -17 Autry * fat -TRAIL TO SAN ANTONE" their Newest Piatuiel ; -BLON DIETS ANNIVERSARY" Phis: "SANTA'S SURPRISED SUNDAY - MONDAY APRIL 18 - It n^fUell - Slga*l •TO THE ENDS OF THE SAW*" Plus Selected News . TU JBL, WBD. * ^•V/APBILi8-ll SMI Saett 1 WALK AUKNIT MIDNITE SHOW -- Saturday Night, April I4tfc Dears Open 11^9 P> *• BUY TICKETS IN ADyANCE Only Ike Capacity- " *- Of The Theatrf Will Be 8old ! ' ^mission To All--44« t Xa-time Great ThriU FUsm - S leoi Forbiddea Secrets Of . The Vicious Virgin Jangle! ?AFB1CA SPEAKS" aad "GOONA GOONA" s- For Cosval Elmgaoce •'•'ish Cssosl jacket that dosbbs fsrt1 fashioned of 100J5 ill-woolflamd. Sim Wis H « all your fawtiM caton. iML/J Tlie Friemfly Slort ' «BO. COLLSTTE, Ownsr AUTHORIZED DBALBR PHONE SSI MAIN 8TREBT > ,-r -.ri. :•/ -

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