Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Apr 1948, p. 6

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NOTICB BecuM of the great nonbcr of classified ads which aspear in the Plfindeato each week- we hare found it impossible to keep books on such email account*. Therefore, in the future, only ads which are paid for before this section of the papergoes to preea at 10 •'dock on Wedneeday mornings will be printed. FOR SALE -- 1938 Chevrolet. Call CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK Wonder Lake 556. Calvin Kolar. *48 Cement mixer for rent, J. M. Stanga- FOR SALE -- Choice jtaiilding lots, 100x200 feet; gas and electricity; water under pressure. Walter Walsh. Tel. McHenry 608-R-l. 48 FOR SALE--Two formals, light blue i and acqua, size 11 and 12. Mrs. Louis ' Stoflfel, 209 Court St., McHenry, I Phone 796-M. *48 FOR SALE -- Two full size maple beds and springs; 6-piece kitchen set. A Dick, Seminole Drive, Wonder Lake. Tel-^Wonder Lake 243. ^ *48 FOR SALE ••V "• f FOR SALE--Year- round 4-room cot- FOR SALE -- 1940 Ford, 5-pass, coupe; new motor, tires and paint job, $760. Call McHenry 568-M-2 after 6 p. m. *48 ALL YEAR HOMES FOR SALE At McCullom Lake; five rooms; rone, Emerhld Park. Phone McHenry 661-J-l. . *48-2 ATTENTION!!--Give your car that "New Look" with Wype, the miracle auto enamel that is applied with a powder puff. Anyone can paint his own car and get a factory-like finish. 1 qt. does an entire car. Costs only $3.95, at the McHenry Garage, 604 Front St. 48-2 CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging, no lawn mess. Septic tanks and grease traps cleaned, built, repaired. University engineer on all construction. Lake County Sanitary Co. Tel. Libertyville 1346. 48-tf HXU> WANTED HELP WANTED -- Senior high school boy for part time work. Also girl for work on Saturdays. A & P Store, McHenry. *48 HELP WANTED--TWO MAINTENANCE MEN; STEADY WORK. EDWAL LABORATORIES, INC. RINGWOOD, ILL., TEL. RICHMOND 5. 48-2 HELP WANTED--Girl or woman to do light housekeeping and help with children in McHenry; $30 a week. Address Box M, in care of Plaindealer. 48 HELP WANTED--Elderly Christian couple desires small comfortable cottage in Pistakee Bay or vicinity; near .transportation. Edmund Barany, 4044 N. Hardiqg, Chicago, 18. 48 tage, ltt lots, at McCullom Lake; 1 hardwood floors; insulated, 100 feet one block from store; completely : frontage; price $7,500. ' furnished; electric stove, refriger- { At Wonder Lake; six rooms; bath; ator; oil heat. $4,500. Tel. McHenry automatic oil heat; garage attached; 669-R-l. . *48 : lot has seventy-five ft. frontage, * --:-- . price $10,900. FOR SALE--State inspected bloom- Modern 6-room home, completely Ing size gladiolus bulbs, 25 for $1.00 furnished, including new refrigerator, 60 for $2.00, 100 for $3.00. One I cooking range; full cement basement; dosen each of ten differently colored i large corner lot; 2 miles east of Mcvarieties, labeled, $4.00. Prepaid Henry. Price $15,000. For appointpricete; free catalogue. Gladvale ment call JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, Gardens, Walnut, 111. 48-4 at Johnsburg, Tel, 87 or Chicago Lincoln 1333. 44-tf FOR SALE -- Year-round 6-rdom house, close to lake; good condition; j Griswold Lake, Scheids subdivision.'Downs Nash Sales' McHen*y. David Bfough, R-3, Box 283, McHenry. *48 FOR SALE--Used cars and trucks. 44-tf MISCELLANEOUS ~ FOR SALE--Beautiful inlaid walnut, NOTICE--We will not be responsible dining room set; cost $975. Table, for any debts contracted by anyone Sideboard, cabinet and six chairs. except ourselves after April 15, 1948. .Will sell for $400. Phone Pistakee La Verne C. Harmon and Anna Har- 4S8-R-1, Friday, Saturday or Sunday mon» or known as Harmon's Resort, after 6 p. m. *48-2 *48-3 FOR SALE--Roper gas stove, van it table type, cream and black. S3! Tel. McHenry 214-R. *48 FOR SALE--Blue taffeta formal, rise .11, latest style, full skirt, low neck, bustle back; worn once. Mrs, | IF YOUR WATER IS RED, and i your heater's plugged up, correct with MICROMET. Modern water softeners and heaters. Doherty and McCafferty, Wonder Lake, Ringwood, 111. Tel. W. L. 388, or McHenry 259-M. . 48-tf NOTICE]--Closed Sundays and Mondays until further notice. Consignment and resale on any usable items, from thumb tacks to furniture. Gen I HELP WANTED--Couple: Man for & Is's store, third house on Ea^t outdoor work, wife for cooking and River Road going south from state bridge. Tel. McHenry 493-W. 48-tf TREE SPRAYING--Anderson Tree Service. Phone McHenry 113-R. *46-3 NOTICE!--During the month of April the Villa Hotel Rcsiort Jbocktail lounge and dining room at Pistakee Bay will be open oh Sundays, serving Sunday dinners. Reservations can be made for parties, weddings and banquets. Call Pistakee 461. 46-5 C. J. H. D1EHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, I1L DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day ana night, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 86-tf Donald Howard, 400 John St. Tel. PAINTING--Painting and decorat- McHenry - 274-W. 48 ing; plastic- tile; first class work; FOR SALE-Bradford Pennsylvania insured. For free estimate J™pho™ne Motor Oil. 1 gal., $1.00; 5 gals.,! McHenry 652-W-l. Bert Engstrom. 14.60. T3--~ --- ---- " 47"3 HENR Bring own container. Mc Y GARAGE, 604. FRONT ST. HAVE YOU A GARBAGE PROB- 48-2 v LEM? Call us for prompt and FOR SALE-Waterfront lot, 50x130^ ^ou.r^°^,Y^R:R0.UND with seawall, in McHenry. Call Mc- hauled^ lo^ps or half loads Henry 87-M, after 6 p. m. or Sun- £ci t days. »48 j '"l-J. WIRTZ. Phone McHenry 47-tf TOR SALE -- Simmon's metal bed- ' ^OXIC&--Call McHenry 630-J-l for room furniture; vanity and Oencb. f Rawle'gh T>™Aucts. *47-4 chest of drawers, twin beds and j ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ^ n*ht stand and 2 double coil springs j Floor furnaces. Let us estimate tJ jt "® ° Price $60. Tel. I your next j0h. wenenry ^ *48 ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP FOR SALE -- Two-piece overstuffed , 304 Riverside D™®?- McHenry, 111. davenport and chair; also two-pieces,! *6-26 settee and chair, in mahogany; 500 chix electric brooder, in good condition, reasonable. Tel. 493-W. 48 Phone McHenry 760. FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors voltage regulators and ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco S a l e s & S e r v i c e , L i l y m o o r , F r e d J. Svoboda,' Prop. TeL McHenry 183. 4'J-tf PAINTING AND DECORATING PAPER HANGING First Class Work -- Free Estimates .CONRAD GUSTAFSON, Phone McHenry 569-W-2 or Fox Lake 3451. *46-4 SALE -- Corner frontage, vable EXPERIENCED • LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL--INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 163 Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, 111. 45-tf FOR 120x120 ft., with unfinished liva quarters on rear of lot. Wildwood °L5,ndSr-,>Lake' fi°ne TREE SPRAYING-- Frank Henkel, Pphfconjpe £Blemlmnonn^tK 5«8n077 , XChXicLa g8oa.C V*4?77-*2 , Volo, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Tel. Mc- Hpn;v 543.J.1. 45_tf •AHl YEAR HOME FOR SALE j RENOVATE YOUR BRICK OR S afJSnn 'j I STONE BUILDING -- New and old 50x200. Riverside Drive. Price brick tuck pointed, cleaned, replaced. faSm home on foi river. I north of Johnsfcurg. Five rooms, walkg barbecues. FREE ESTIrunning water, gas, electric. Price ( MATES. HANK JACKSON, Box 852. MODERN ALL YEAR, S-ROOM ! F°* Lake* I1L Ph°ne McHenry 20J^ HOME, like new. Automatic oil • : heat; insulated; fine recreation room , NEW FIXIT SHOP--Electric appliin basement, with Knotty-pine walls; ] ance repairs or work done on other large lot on blacktop road; combi- j articles needing repairs. "BUI" nation steel screens and storm j Comesky, on Chippewa Drive, half windows. THIS IS A BARGAIN, 1 block east of blacktop, Wonder Lake. YOU MUST SEE IT. JACOB FRITZ 1 Address P. O. 265, Woodstock,; Ot- REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. Mc- j R-l, Ringwood, 111 i'Henry 37, or Chicago Lincoln 1333. 47-tf. *45-4 FOR SALE--New 2-bedroom house. Grove Street, Wattles subdivision, West McHenry. Inquire at McHenry Lumber Co. Ready for occupancy April 15. *47-2 PLOWING. ROTARTILLER, wood sawing, etc. . Herman Dowe, 208 Richmond Road, Phone McHenry 241. 45-tf FOR SALE AT AN ATTRACTIVE PRICE--Loop lots No. 242 and 243 in McHenry Co. Memorial Park cemetery, Woodstock, 111. Call Mc- Henry 189-W or J. 44-tf FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLEi TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN-, 8ULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. > Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St., Tel. McHenry 18. tfj FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes; , carbon paper. • L. V. Kilts, Clay St.,; Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf 41-tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY--Boat shop, 40x60 it. on lake, shop attached 16x20, extra building, 16x16; two cabins, sleep 8 people; possession April 1. Price $13,000; cash $9,000; balance terms. Lake Region Realty, Fox Lake, 111. Phone F. L. PIANO TUNING ft SERVICE. Harry C. Calhoun--Woodstock 1063-W or Harry J. Gearman--Cary 4502 Members of American Society of , Piano Technicians 28-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN, WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 93-J. 10-tf HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf first floor'work in modern residence on farm. No laundry. Four adults in family. Two funished rooms and bath. . $225 per month. Write Mrs. G. W. Rossetter, Wadsworth, 111. Phone Lake Villa 3328. 48 HELP WANTED--Girls and boys, 16 years of age and ove!r; after school work. Apply Admiral Corp., 507 W. Elm St., McHenry 0? call McHenry 470. 47-tf SPRING GROVE HELP WANTED--Man to work in plant. Inquire McHenry Ice Cream Co. Tel McHenry 302. *47-3 HELP WANTED--Laborers, See I. Fredricksen at Wonder Lake or call W. L. 221. 46-tf HELP WANTED--Girl for general work in drug store. Bolger's, Green St., McHenry. 39-tf HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD "OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORKA APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE 3». 20-tf SHEET METAL AND FURNACE WORK --Gutters and furnaces repaired. John McDonald, Bowman St., McHenry, Ill.<sPhone McHenry 772-M. 38-tf GARBAGE COLLECTINGLet us dispose of yeur garbage ea£h week, or eftener if desired.' Reasonable rates. Regular yenr round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box- 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf WE BUY AND SELL USfiD CARS --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, McHenry, 111. Phone 277. - 49-tf TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewriters and adding machines repaired and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 103 Main St, McHenry. Phone McHenry 203-J. 52-tf WANTED TO BUY WA]NTED TO BUY -- Got a calfl Want to sell? Call Joe McAndrews, McHenry 601-W-l. *46-4 Jack Pint PrtfueaJ Id Great Lakt Staffs During the past 30 years, jack pine in the Great Lake states climbed from obscurity to economic ^prominence. Once commercially unimportant, it now is used extensively in production of pulpwood, box lumber, mine timbers, cabin logs, piling, poles and posts. According to the U. S. department of forestry, the present total area of jack pine in the lake states is slightly more than 3 million acres. Present total merchantable volume is estimated at 12 million cords. Total merchantable volume includes more than 5 million cords of pulpwood and 2 billion board feet of sawlogs. The remaining 1.666 million cords are substandard cordwood. The current annual growth of jack pine in the lake states is in the neighborhood of 49 million cubic feet, or about 15 cubic feet per acre per year. This is only one-third of what can be produced under favorable conditions Of stocking. Depending on age and site, a fully stocked acre of jack pine land should grow from 25 t</ 46 oubie feet per annum. -- .... • hill. WANTED TO BUY--Have buyer for farm from 80 to 100 acres with good i ^ ^ modern house. Also buyer for farm, *^el. hollow ground was to Taking Care of Knives The old fashioned way of making 160 to 200 acres. Write Lake Region Realty, Fox Lake, 111. .Phone F. L. 3941. 43-8 WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel McHenry 37, or .Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 43-tf WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf WANTED grind them sideways, taking one side at a time. Now, however, blades are inserted between two grinding wheels and the concave edge is cut on both sides at once. Taking care of knives is the first rule of good carving, according to Steelways magazine. Hold the steel in a firm grip and place the heel of the blade against its tip. With a gentle wrist motion, bring the blade down the steel, then repeat the movement on alternate sides. WANTED -7- TWENTY THOUSAND PEOPLE to attend Harvard Lion's Club benefit auction at Harvard Speedway Saturday, April 17. New, hard to get merchandise galore. Watch your newspaper for particulars. Harvard Lions Club. 48 CARPENTER WORK Remodeling and Repairs Free Estimate a ARVIDSON Tel. McHenry 653-M-2 42-tf WANTED--CEMENT WORK, foundations, driveways, walks, etc. Will 8941. 48-8 i furnish one man and mixer or a labor crew. Time and material or contract . price. Phone McHenry 547-M-2 between 8 and 10 a. m. ana 6 and 8 p. m. *48-2 PORCELAIN WALL TILE FOR ALL PURPOSES FRED KLING VEOS -- TILE -- SERVICE -618 W. Crystal Lake Ave., ' Crystal Lake Phone Crystal Lake 490 , WANTED-- Small gas range. McHenry 566-R-2. Tel. *48 WANTED--Small summer cottage. Fox River. Private party. Address Box "PB," care Plaindealer. 48-4 WANTE1D--Dwelling to rent or purchase, within city limits of Mc Henry. Possession on or about April LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350 ft., CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling; 1st. Eail R. Walsh, Phone 43. on Route_ 31, about two block from and repairs of all kinds. Free esti-| *37-tf Complete ^line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Me Henry. 8-tf WALLEt MISSING A report was made to McHenry | county police last week by Walter | Vaney, Woodstock truck driver, that ( Carles Freund) h® slePt in his truck near the Fireside tavern at Ringwood over -«iight Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller, Mr. and and awoke to find that his wallet i Mrs. Ray May, Mr. and Mrs. Edward containing $700 was missing. He ! May and Mr. and Mrs. Charles tried to arouse the tavern proprie- Freund were among those who helped tor when he discovered his loss at Mr. and Mrs. William Stilling cele- j 1:30 a. m. so that he could search! brate their twenty-fifth wedding anni- j the tavern, where he had spent the j versary at a party in their new evening, but was unable to do so. 1 home. Approximately 100 people The loss was reported to Sheriff were present at this happy occasion. !Fred C. Bau. Cards were played and refreshments ' served. Lovely gifts were presented to the happy couple. We wish them many more happy anniversaries. Mrs. Math Nimsgern spent Wednesday spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mrs. Mary Freund visited friends in McHenry several days lasvt week. It was a great shock to hear of the death of John Schumacher of Pell Lake. He died very suddenly at his home on Tuesday night, Aoril 6. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Klein, Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weber, daughter, Judy, Mrs. George W. May and Mrs. Charles Freund were present at his home on Friday night to pay their respects. Miss Catherine Huff of Chicago visited her father, Mike Huff, this weekend. ' Lawrence Nimsgern, Miss Edith Stewart, Mrs. Bob Lent and Mrs. Math Nimsgern spent Thursday afternoon in Kenosha. Callers in the Math Nimsgern home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pittges and Mr. and Mrs. Connell of Chicago. Guests of Mrs. Shirley Dawson on Sunday were her mother, Mrs. Claim of Maywood and Mrs. A1 Malicki and children. of Berwyn. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Straub and I children of Chicago spent Sunday; with her mother, Mrs. Bertha Esh. ! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Britz and | children of McHenry were Sunday | visitors in the William Britz home. | Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent and [ daughter, Linda Lu, spent the weekend with Mrs. Lucille Nelson and Bobby in Sharon. -- The firemen' held their regular ' meeting at Town Hall on Monday i night. Cards were played after the 1 meeting and refreshments served. Ttan&y, April 15, i9H The sense of sponsible for the smoking. Acco dia Britannica, this much keener in primitive man, and along with the pleasure he derived from aroma, he probably also expert* enced a sense of mystery at the sight of the smoke ' Toni Permanent Wave lfits, "il.£$ and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 86-tf GOOD FOOD and DRINKS Dine here oft**. the perfect spot for atmosphere and fine ... steak, chicken and lobster tails. flSH ray EVERY FRIDAY AGAIN - SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Serving: Every day except Monday, 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday -- 6 to 11 p. m. -- Sunday -- 1 to 7 p..p.. MILL INN v Formerly Barnard's lfiU North End of Wonder Lato «*» bridfi Calcium Helps Apples Experiments at New' York State agricultural experiment station, C.e- ; neva, have shown that calcium I helps retain the original firmness of ; apples during canning and freezing, j Food scientists also have foiind that ! calcium-treated apples retain their i shape better in pies than do apple 1 slices which were not treated. When : apples are soft due to advanced j ripening, the calcium treatment is ! very useful in making the tissue j firmer before canning or freezing. J Apples should be treated before i they are packed into the container | in which they are preserved. For ! canning, the scientists found that adding 0.1 per cent calcium chloride to the salt water in which the apples usually are soaked before steam blanching will do the job. The treatment was successful when 0.5 per cent calcium chloride was simply added to the waier in which the apples were blanched before trees' ing. Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. MILK HOUSES AN I F O R G R E A I f k b A n t £ * 1 ry\ pn iMinJkiSSMiM A P P R O V I . D can be arranged to soli choice. Floor plans convenient arrangement of tank, separator, wash teak, can and neater 1 Designed for utmost noituiofl iMi in won. Available in sixes, 8'x 12', 10' x 14', 12' x 18' Plans are available. Ask to see them Note features ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. Phone McHenry 5 WEST McHENRY, ILL. MiniiniiiiimmiimiimiiiiiinifniiiiiiiniiiniiimiuiiiiiiniiiiHiiniiiiiiiiiinniiiiiHiiimiiiiiiiaiuniiiiiHiHiHiiimiiiiiiiiitr BOYS Inquire at 715 Center. St. mate. A. 22-tf 634-R-2. ilopot. Tel. McHenry 278-J. Lessard. Phone McHenry. *46-9^^ ANTED--Watches and jewelry to repnir. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beruty Shoppe.) Helen Weber Says: REWARD with freshly cleaned drapes, spreads, rugs, slip covers* •fc-. And don't pnt away toiled clothes for summer storage. All of oor dry cleaning is U-SAN-0 mothproofed at no ezti|k charge and insora^ at no cost to yon against dutrnotive moth damage, •I- McHenry Cleaners 1M-M 10$ El* St. Wsfcer. Msr. .. m LIBERAL' REWARD For return or infornlUktion of two entrance decorative lions made of terra, cofcta of dark brown color with glossy greenish bronze finish, size of each about 8% ft. lopg, about 2 ft. high, in resting laying designed position. .Stolen .on Friday night of April 9th, ! 1048, from the S. J. VanHorn Estate, ' formerly Charles Wieland estate, Pistakee Bay, Route 1, McHenry Uncle Sam Says 16 years of age and over CORPORATION OFFERS YOU AFTER SCHOOL WORK «|30 TO &30 \ ' - ••• at our Mm - McHENRY PLANT 507 ELM ST., McHENRY Some day day-one of Cade Sam's representattves ls getag to ring yew doorbell to moot trn; now (or 71 He er she Is stact,~er to _ Unffcjf Btetae a patriotic (formerly Agency Bldg.) FOE RENT FOR RENT--Modern three-room un furnished stove heated house at McCullom Lake Estates. Bath, hot water heater, large screened porch and garage; suitable for couple only Will consider lease term up to 86 months. Occupancy about August IS or when alterations are completed. ReAt $10.60 per week. In reply state reference and lease term desired. Box 2, Address Plaindealer. *48 Light/ Clean, Interesting Work sfjM* eoantry trlst every 93 a«*. Tk»7 ean 1 far far yea and Experience Not Necessary 'm:; .v>r£M8$ WANTED TO KENT WANTED TO RENT -- Cottage at j Wonder lLake for month of Jul;, j Reliable people. References. Write J. R. Griffin 488 N. Trumbull Ave., j Chicago 24, IK. *48 Subscribe lpi»1BfoJPlahideaier Stop ln andSee Our Employee Counselor ^ or Call McHenry 470 FOR SALE Ice Cream Cabinets 7 <4, 4 8 hota)^- Compressor Less Motor 125.00 McHcary fee Crtu Ct Employment office will fee open each day 9 fco 4 (*. ». " -- :4

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