Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Apr 1948, p. 14

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«?" « c T',, n ' *> •* \#t*iR)'?l?TeY*1lxT*l PAGE TWO OP J3UPBBVI80R8, McHENRY C0UNTYf ILUN0|8 -rate --jm?: Chin. Liquor License Comm. 55,600.06 County Officers' f>fi .. 29.74 Highway Fund „....... 1.0:>ti.40 Personal l^op. Back- Taxea...- 270.01 Inheritance Taxes 8.(Sir..21 Motor Fuel Taxes 7,669.61 Pay Hoi] Clearing; Acct. 3.560.02 Forfeited Tax Acct 329.62 III. Mun. Retirement Fund 1,715.06 " 282.00 16.97, Highway Fine> Non High Fund .--. TMfl Receipts 89,706.54 Grand Total .......,.........$332,581.66 •' BxpeadltUVM County Orders .......,..124,772.44 Grand and Petit Jurors' Orders 68.10 , record in the morning session, ooostitut- I John Sexton Co., groceries (ng a quorum present. j Belcher A Son. clothing -- i The Shurtiefr Co., si«>t eliminator The committee on Claims, l,at>or. Fees • Goodrow's Garage, gas nnd oil and Supplies presented the following re- pfeiffer Pharmacy drugs port, which on motion of Supr. Mackeben Crystal Lake Farm'Store. supplies and duly seconded by Supr. Meier and Cichockl Shoe Shop, repairs the roll being called, was declared unanl- Wool worths clothe* mously. adopted, to-wit: - . _ ... _ ; Thomas B. Merwin, niedloincoab! 278.42 i2.r»i 1.63 16.07 75.99 4.32 18.05 22.27 Treasurer"* offices. Supr. Rosenthal stated that he would advise that the 5.10 regularly mov 7.00 7.00 14.00 14.00 42.00 7.00 re'-',: 1 '>At W'f.j, IS/.-* •<. ? 'M*' iVf,;. ;>V' ir***'-., Bounty Orders Coroner's Jurors - Treasurer's Salary Clerks' Salaries general Fund .v„......: Highway Fund . Inheritance Taxes! ...... Motor Fuel Taxes .. -.. Payroll Clearing4 Acct. Dog Tax Fund . Nonl High Fund .. , Total Expenditures' Bal. as of May I; 1947. 34.40 6.00 r. 200.00 «... 939.22 ..1--^...^.. 135.47 4,220.41 15.QTI 4.43 presented to them and recommend the Marion Nelson, salary ... payment of the following, and that the Susie Mcpherson. salary Clork l.v directed to issue orders on the Kudy johnson, Hilary 4 mo County Treasurer to the Claimants for Mrs. c.udrun. salary % mo. ._... the se\ amounts allowed, us follows, j njjum Meiander la 1 arv to-wit: I. 76.00 60.00 "50.00 62.50 125.00 Aid Roads. We found that the roads Tuberculosis in Cattle meo at the Court' George Meyers shf doty came through the winter in unusually House on May 2»th, 1947 and made a Harold Fox shf dpty good condition. However, them are recommendation for the re-appointment otto Buchert, shf dpty ^' "1™" spots that need to be graveled and cul- of Dr. 11. F. Kennelly as County Veteri- Frank E. Keller, dpty shf""*."~~ZI verts that need to be placed, and nar- narlan for McHenry County to admlnis- Theodore S. Miller, shf dDty ...T" row places to be widened. ter the tuberculin test for the year be- Fred Kreni shf dntv ~ , •••• Id be the first improvement, t. We again met on the 7th day of June, ginning July 1st, 1947 and ending not George Swank shfl dDtv M OO L> further discussion, it was 1947, nt Woodstock, Illinois and audited later than June 30, 1948. Ralph E Joha'nnessen shf'dntv**" 14 00 noved by Supr. Wittmus and • and ordered paid bills of a general na- Your Committee would thereupon beg S B Lemon shf dntv ' li'n« «ed 1/y Supr. Meier.that the ' ture chargeable to the McHenry County lea^ to present the following contract Howard W CairnsWdDtv 14™ as a whole for and agreement, to-wit: Warren Berg, shf dpty 7'i r-County owned This Memoranda of Agreement, made Joel L. Murphy, *hf dpty .... 7i .nt^i n°fU! ,f"itn^d ,into "" ihe l8t da>' of Ju»y. Harold HOWjs, shf dpty W. total of $4103.73 A. D. 1947, by and between August W. Clyde C. Miner, shf dpty >63 00. he lSlmer ' iti left to the discretion patrol system of roads as luildings Committee, giv- repairs and supplies for County owned to act. 'machinery and labor at the County tool ... nted to the Board an house and grounds t acknowledgment of sympathy of the! Bills chargeable to the various sec- Ruth. Klmer C. Coy and Hariey Macke- bailiff 128 00 family of the late Supervisor from • tlons of the County patrol system of ben for and on behair of the Board of Vernon Ureeir*n<>od Township, John K. Harrison ~ -1" "*• --' -- '* v" " - - ----- which said acknowledgment was ord« placed on file. ; Frank Thornber Co., sup schs off ^xp |4.ll; clr.clk rec bk $85.62; Supr. Ruth addressed the Board •1.00 W. Kays, bailiff 42.00 Witnesseth: Thiit Whereas, tHe Board Frank Thornber Co., co elk off sup 14.84 3,234. 3.545.78 ; 1,486.64 . 3C.0W .$38,692.'89 293,888.83 rss. STS8.S Jr S •ir el'k sup $82.00 ... 114.66 P. ,F. Pettibone & Co., sup sch$ off exp $12.41; co treas oft sup v. : $177.48 lSf.S»' Burgess, Anderson (k Tate Inc., . co treas off sup $20.86; ct hse sup $259.24; sup schs oft exp $22.39 ? of Supervisors of the County of Mco6°' oS Henry and State of Illinois, has here- 149 09 tofore appropriated a sum of money to be used in the suppression of tubercttloito •rw / bn •- fr'lftv' - \ . . $332,581.66 . . . The above and foregoing report ~ is Crystal Lake Herald, co zbnlng exp. t|pie and correct according to my best - $12.65; supr prtg $43.35; co elk lra»wledge and belief. > off sup $67.00 . . ' ' *, 1 HEN'RV A. NULLE, ..National I'sed Car Mkt Rep. Inc. . County Treasurer' co treas off sup ' •Subscribed and sworn to before me Kilts Off. Sup. Co., co elk off sup this 13th day of May, 1947. > $$24.oo; co ti-eas off sup 166.80; • R. D. WOODS, I contingent $135.18 215.98 (Seal) ( County Clerk A. W. Andre Co., shf off sup 17.22 It was thereupon regularly moved by Baseley's Top Shop, shf off sup 4.3S Supr. Meier and duljt seconded by Supr. Ct. Hso. Sup. 46.00 • . . $2,939.84 stated that he had recently attended a Sections 4, 17 ^Wpodstpck, Illinois lUueting of the Farm Bureau wherein Sections 5, 6 Tuberculin and Bangs Sections 7', 8, 9, 10; 11', Ij" . - . , - were, under discussion. Sections 18, 16 : 0» . ,9 U P^TV ISCTR • r)y a. to t h« Ifl f* Iv of ail ff|( • I t liplt) t ka • . jjj , - - --> ! - Ji*0W MC,H.enoy ,FftrnV "ome State of TUlnois is advocating the' Tu- ' Total U:...u:i'I^^'i^:;^.i|« of^McH^n^v uSder The'dl^eJion C<rU?h® ' ^OIt^Dl^tee beg leave to berculin testing inl cattle to be required . Bills were audited and ordered paid J;ir1 - f P i V . r X J } e Z " i * , i 1 ° . n A ? 1 ? e v e r y t h r e e y e a r s i n s t e a d o f a n n u a l l y , o u t o f M o t o r F u e l T a x f u n d s a s f o l l o w s : \ W h e r e a s t h e s a i d ^ 3 r B F ^ K e n n e l i y has been appointed County Veterinarian to administer the tuberculin tests, by McHenry County, and said appointment has been confirmed by the Department off Agriculture of the State of Illinois. This memoranda therefore witnesseth that it is mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto! that the party th day of May, 194i. and audited and Supr. Ruth stated that he felt that too Patrol Sec. No. 1, maint. labor approved bills for payment In the foN^-much tlmo was being expended on and materials $ r?„wi.n, »0.un * t-••• ' V. Bang's dlsesse testing .and'he suggested , Piatrol Sec. No. 2, malnt. labor Permanent improvements ju»„.i.^,..f476.z7 that this shtild be held up, if necessary, nnd materials ^ x p ® n s e -- -- t o a l l o w s u f f i c i e n t t i m e f o r a n n u a l T u (Mothing, boots and shoes ..J.;...,.,.,. 91.60 berculin tests 19* on ' Medicines . 76.99 -J l*®-°® . Hospital. 1-87.50 Diet 478.97 Fuel 632.09 has been the practice heretofore. Supr. Ruth then presented to the Board a Resolution advocating the continuance of yearly Tuliercnlin tests and it was regularly moved by Schmitt that the report of the County Treasurer be approved and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Total The regular monthly . __ gTounds, buildings, equipment and live warded to the Representatives and Sen- " J!,revealed everything to be in good ator pf this District, and tho roll being Supr. Ruth and duly seconded by Supr. Right of Way Engi. labor J....:...,. ' 25.60 16.12 93.34 Sec. 33B, engineering - 24.00 Sec. 33, const, labor find mat. h.. 1219.77 Sec. 33, Right of. Way labofc-,. 1717.00 Sec. 34, engl. labor " 604.95 Sec. 32, engi. labor .20 Sec. 33, ciigi. labor J 32.88 nartv of the Ul Al Wo., I.'„ o-i I cn U,tI l'- OI l"e of the first part agreed to employ the CI. J. Carroll Goerlitr-Becknell Co., CId elk sup Sidwell Studio, ct hse sup 22.60 CO,1 Clk. Ins. Oep»dn.-- Dtr., Saul Burten, Petroskas 10.00 Dt: B. B. Neuchlller, Petroskajp 10.00 Burgess, Anderson & Tate IoC^ co elk off sup $6.12, co treas off sup >fi.'12, cir elk sup $6,12 1#.S6 Belcher A Son. ct hse sup 181.80 Mijhler Elec.'- Co., ct hs.e repairs 432.60 3upr. Salary Mileage*-- " ' Aug. W. Ruth .1 71,20 C. Perry Wright .; 194.80 Carl E. Wittmus u.U 76 50 F. E.- Beck*. 72.80 E. C. Coy |4.40 69.30 , one year he second part for a term of Charles T.. Dunnin|r ...... jl.60 •. $2,939.84 Coy that> said Resolution bo adopted by Municipal Employee's Retirement : endinc not bleagtienrn tihnng* i JTuulyn * 1«,A 1199447«,l a«nnd Cu*hrals». vH . Ackmaii 73.00 inspection of this Board and a copy of same be for- Fund - M FT Share for Pen. 220.05 ' der the following ^x^ess ® "term I'and Total ..$4,104.91 conditions, that is to say: Stanley Cornue ... "•••-r-rr"' Bohn Hardware Cd. ... Lndwig Wilson Co. ..._ Woodstock Trucking Setv. True Value Hardware Store Thomas B. Merwin The Committee on Roads and Bridges Sup. Schs. Off. Exp.--- presented the following report, which Roland McCannon, Supt. Schs. OB motion "of~Supr. Wright--and duly--The Heyer.Corp. seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell and Northern 111. Pub. Inc. the roll being called, was declared Hall & K<'kert, ct hse repairs -- Unanimously adopted, to-wit: R. D. Woods, Co. Clk., co elk ' ntfol <>• IH9<I r' - '• .. »;-.»I:ioO »v 1sja i IF.*:.; • JtodJ /t.. Ifei... SMI in'i ^ . Hdt !<• fc*3--4»aiS-li.'! r. odtrA i>fm s B-i aoUfsr,. V- Mf) <>: I/--. it.- '.. %3(tu "Sio • sp Uni'- te-V-/ fe. •' '$Mi &•; fits;-, t* . ffs?,-"'. «»«« - . uti* i. * . . . ' ©t,'" ! pi:.,' ,- SHin .- • #•/•"' '-jut; Kf;.'-; man • lull s'crij ;r; - igsih / •. ,bs' \3ti. 63.18 ld.»7 10.00 2.98 15.81 { 37.13 ! 3.7.8 i 26.26 63.00 '•onditlon . called--the Chairfnan declared, the mo- Township Roads, State Appropriation There being no further business your tion unanimously carried, to-wlt: Engineering $ 197.59 Kesolntlon Chemuntr Twp. Const. Sec. 1, Treas. Whereas, it has been proposed that McH. Co., treas. fees 40.62 the Tuberculin Test Statutes rules and G'afton Twp., const. Sec. 1, Rdft, regulations be amended and changed to A&C C. L. Trk. & Exc. Co., provide for a test on a three (3) year gravel basis Instead of the yearly basis now existing, and committee, upon motion duly made and seconded, adjourned. WiWRjectfully submitted, PAtlf. ROSENTHAL V FRANK B. McCONNELL ' R. C. COY T. F. NOLAN It was thereupon regularly moved by The party of the second part agrees Frank B. McConnell - -• Frank May . Hi 1..00 22.60 16.40 62.00 26.40 Mr, Supr. Carro.vll,„ a nd "duil.y,". Seconded^ b fy~ .s ".Ju:p, r:. ifor said change° fi st 1^du.ree ^tSo01 ?tuh oa ^laVcRk. neo^f >. Chairman and Gentlemen of the tax extn ...4,676.10 R^ard^^ and the roll beln*^ Mllei the ^ompetent help and the increased .t Board of Supervisors, McHenry Coun- Ero Erickson, contingent 60.00 ^«^(fn declared the motion ut^ni ^auired in connection with tla- M t»-. Illinois: Woodstock Public Hosp., contingent 7.60 mbUsW carried unanI" : Disease test, and K The undersigned members of the Road ^euc*»Hler, contingent ,time ngs 3187.16 Algonquin Twp. Const.-- Sec. 2 R<L D Ext, C. L. Trk. & .-.ilSxc* Co., trucks 2290.05 Sec. 2, Ril. D l!!xt, Carl Jv Rundt -~~ trucks 86.36 St-c. 2, Rd D Ext. Treas. McH. Co., treas. fees 41.72 Math N. Schmitt Henry C. Meier John J. Fllip [ Ai B. McConnell • Paul Rosenthal R. I. Overton, clr ct pro off aai aftd Bridge Committee for said County be* leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. We met on the 29th day of April, 1947, to organize and taik matters over. That we met at Woodstock, Illinois on the 10th day of May, 1947, and audited and ordered paid bills of a general nature charged to the McHenry County patrol system of roads as a whole for repairs and supplies for County owned machinery and labor at the County tool house and grounds to a total of $8332.33 . ,. , . ^ The above total includes insurance ™ estern Lnited Gas & Elec. Co. _ payment of $2,297.50 and payment on 9*^^ I)a£-V Products Inc. new D8 Tractor in the amount of $4.- J°nn Carroll, shf dpty j. --,u™ 000.00 on account. Irving H. Stainets, shf dpty Bills chargeable to the various sec- ^'Ph Johannessen, shf dpty tions for the Couhty patrol system of Struck, shf dpty roads at rates heretofore approved by Warren Berg, shf dpty .......i. this Board were audited and ordered *®" Murphy, shf dpty $13.00, co clk ins dradn $10.00 Dr. B. F. Kennelly, er TB off sup Benton St. Restaurant, ct jurors Charles F. Hayes, Judcy jus fees R. E. Lush, co Ins Dr. Saul Burten, co clk in depdn (Jeschke) ...r. Fred C. Bau, shf per diem fees serv Shf. Feeding I*ris.-- ---- . E. G. Sliinner & Co. Inc. Edward Schuett Early American BakAe r-jmri / paid as follows: Sections 3. 14 ..; ..:.$413.06 Sections 4, 16, 12 1016.33 Section 4, 17 ...; ....... . 29.35 Sections 5, 6 14 68 Sections 7, 8, 9, 10, li, IS 1092.62 Sections 13, 16 184.43 Total $11,082.80 Bills were audited and ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax Funds as follows: Municipal Employee's Retirement Fund | 280.12 Patrol Sec. No. 2, labor and material (maintenance) Sec. 27-G-l Right of Way Sec. 32 Const., labor and mat. Sec. 32, engi. labor I9ec. 32 Right of Way Sec. 33B Engi. labor and mat Sec. 33 Rt. of Way, labor & mat. 347.10 Sec. 33 Engi. labor and mat. 194.85 Sec. 34 Engi labor and mat. .... 245.60 Sec. 35 Engi. labor 67.60 Rfc of Way Engl, labor 42.00 Joseph Frett, shf dpty Lewis Thayer, shf dpty George Meyers, shf dpty . Harold Hot-bs, shf dpty • i - , Fred Kunz, shf dpty I ,,,, Vernon W. Kays, bailiff Harold Fox. shf dpty $14, bailiff $7.00 . Clyde C. Miner, shf dpty $92.00; bailiff $21.00 22.00 16.82 10.80 20.00 76.51 10.00 10^.60 44.63 64.36 36.01 2.33 7.42 7.00 7.00 21.00 7.00 . 7.00 7.00 7.00 21.00 7.00 14.00 . 7.00 21.00 21.00 119.00 Whereas, this Board is of the Qpwtfon Richmond Twp., Const., Sec. 1 that the> Tuberr ulln Test is equally7 im- Treas McH. Co., treas fees .... Statements of conditions at the close portant as the Bangs Disease Test, and business on March 29, 1947, of the that said Tuberculin Test should l.-e con- State Hank of Richmond, Marengo State tinued on the yearly basis as heretofore, 42.79 to perform his services to the satisfaction of the above mentioned committee representing the Board of Supervisors of the said McHenry County for the salary of Two Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($2400.00) per annum, he to be governed by the direction of the . -- - Committee representing the Board of Dorothy Bartram, sup schs asst Supervisors as to the manner in which and clk hire I tuberculin' tests are to be made, he will City of Woodstock, ct hse jail ! keep or cause to keep an accurate ac- It and water I count with a card system of all cattle~Vestle Muldoon. ct h«e , JlTf /fff tested by himself and by his assistants Sabina Bau, shf cook for pris ...." 1*00.00 and to see that a proper annual report Alice Jones, er TB off sal 125.00 1 be furnished to the partv of tb^ fl^at. Roland McCannon, sup schs off part. The party «f the first part will exp 123.76 ; Issue to the party of the ser-ond part Roland McCannon, sup schs off I an order for a one-twelfth of the Salary , exp . 68 76 above mentioned In consideration for Grant Nolan, contingent 200 00 106.60 68.00 139.50 7.20 72.80 76.00 140.00 142.66 175.00 moved aniYheTidh/ ^ition be kp- stated thnTth,- Sheriff's Committee had 'Bond IshV^RmVte" Kfi! to" be kno#n as pi o\ eu and the said banks be authorized met with th* Sheriff nnd that they had Section 12T-32T M F. T. # continue as depositories of the funds been requested by him to allow his of- Th j.. . „,irVir.iotod „n fho of tho County Treasurer and Ex-Offlcio fij-e to complete a program of continu- The f^nftl papers are completed on the County Collector of McHenry County oua twenty-four hour radio service by construction of the gravel base on and the roll being called, the Chairman adding an additional operator to the of- ,i»lf°i^ i®2« ^motion unanimously car- rice force. It was thereupon regularly >?i* . . , . . moved .by.'Supr. t'ornuu and duly sec- Tlie Chairman then Introduced Mr. onded by Supr. Ruth that the Sheriff b-e Howard H. Hicks of thp Illinois Stale permitteti Lo increase the service o£ hie Housing Board who spoke on State -office and.that said referred Housing. Itr, Hicks stated that should to. the Feea bikV Salaries Committee for County .elect to participate In their i-onsideration. Motion declared 67.20 thp ate ™OU8lng program, their share carried. •01.73 189.26 121.62 C. L. Tryon, Co. Supt. Hwy., co sup hwy trav exp „..,w t ... .i- - Fred C. Bau. Sheriff, shf per diem would be $47,245.00. Mr. Hicks then fees sefv _...._1,486.40 rea" to the Board the statement of flnd- C. V. Seaman, shf dpty 21*00 °-' facts for McHenry County and R. O. Andrew Co., ct hse jail coal 26.77 the ProP<>sed resolution with regard to ~ ~ -- same. Supr. Beck addressed the Hoard and stated that last year he had been 30.80 Total i„._„..$2,190.98 Township roads, state appropriation Engineering $ 123.64 Dorr Twp., C. Lake Trk. and Exc. Co.. sec. 2, 1500 cu. yds. gravel 1875.00 Dorr Twp., C. Lake Trk. and Exc. Co., sec. 2 ext. 1341." 3 cu. yds. gravel 1677.03 Grafton Twp., C. Lake Trk. and Exc. Co- sec. 1-C ext., 2670 cu. jrw. P. run gravel 1644.80 Co. Zoning Exp.--r Ray Dusenberry it, Roy A. Kent b aa Frank H. Nagel 8 00 Harold J. Bacon E. J. Deneen Pearl Schultx, co coro reporter -- H. T. Cooney, Agent for Guy E. Still Agency, co ins H. W. Schmidt Co., co clk oft""-- sup 8oc; co hwy off sup 77c; clr clk sup $1.68 Supr. Sal. Mileage-- 56.20 49.50 55.50 47.00 62.70 7.60 Aug. W. Ruth ... C. Perry Wright Carl E. Wittmua I F. E. Beck | E. C. Coy ...... | G. J. Carroll | Chas. H. Ackman Ha rley Mackeben I T. F. Nolan Total 115.00 ..... 204.40 * 76.50 41.00 24.40 ... .." 77.00 41.00 164.00 113.60 Stanley H. Cornue 41.00 Frank B. McConnell 26 80 advised of this proposed program) and was not impressed with the provisions contained therein. He said lie did not , teel it necessary in McHenry County-- to participate in such a program and ! for this reason did not think It worthy 72 00 °.' the consideration of the Board at --^--.-.that time. Supr. Beck further stated j that although it would appear that ther 2 26 taxpayers, they would be diverted from i • funds would be a gift, or free, to the the taxes allocated to the Farm to Mar- I ket Road program. Mr. Hicks again The Chairman stated that if there was nothing further to come before said meeting, he would entertain a motion to adjourn. . It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell to adjourn- Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. JOHN J. FILIP, Chairman - <- Regular June Meeting, 1947 cost was ?f,fl,439.17 (exclusive of contractors profit). The actual cost of construction by day labor with the County's machinery and road workers was $29,890.44. a saving of $23,518.73 exclusive of contractors profit. Howover, the original estimate of cost in the County's original Improvement Resolution, made several years before the construction- started and -before wages were raised was $25,000. All Mils are paid except for part of the rental due the County for use of County machinery and for cost of materials taken from County stock pile. We. therefore, recommend that a supplemental resolution be passed by this Board at this time for $7200 or so much "thereof as is needed to reimburse the County Highway funds and Right of ' Wny J?:nds for said Sect,ion 32 MFT iti I order that the books may be closed on 4-a»ld section, 1 The Murphy Bridge on the Wood-*- i, stock-Aldcn ror^d is 1/eing built and the The party of the second part shall keep Jack Meyers, contingent art accurate record of all reactors. The Fred C. Bau, shf per diem fees party of the second part is to have serv 150 00 charge of the buying of necessary ear „ All of which is respectfully .'submittags for branding of cattle and also aU ted. Tptal .....$5,886.29 Bank, The Harvard State Bank, Home "now "Th^oVe! Y^Tt'lU^olvcd~b7 Hie tensionTrtinre8^^^^ of thi suc^se"^'^^ L^e' ROIHl;tnhVni^enLv,M„^--. °m C T$yStal State ftnnk Chairman and members of the County Town Roads contract for graveling work nartv thp „P„)nd n«rt Rh«ll keen ntlngent of Huntley, McHenry State Bank, Car^ Board of Supervisors of McHenry Coun- from the Crystal Lake Trucking and State Bank, Hebron State Bank, The ty that the State officials responsible Excavating Company. Owing to the State Bank of Woodstock, Algonquin for.the administration of the Tuberculin unfavorable weather last fall and win- State Bank, First State "T*ank of Har- Test Law be urg>d to continue such Tu- ter nnd so far this Spring and also due vard, and the State Bank of Union, to- berculin Tests on the yearlv basis as to several additions to the original qongether ^with a communication f^om the heretofore. " tract, we decided to recommend that the First National Bank of Woodstock.stat- Be It Further Resolved that copies of contractor be granted an additional 60 Ing that they were not required by the this Resolution tie sent to anv and all days extension of time to complete the Comptroller of Currency to issue a-call State Officers, officials and employee* contract. If r^r.preBentfdw,ai?d may be interested in the change of we decided to recommend that a moved Aslf «5nllr v?o^renV1 X thf Tuberculin Test Act. resolution be passed by this Board at dtiiv MmniU w ill lPlfi : this time to blai ktop the River Road . j ^. S u p . r ' M a c k e b e n t f i a t , S u p r . C o r n u e a d d r e s s e d t h e B o a r d a n d e x t e n s i o n , s o u t h o f M c H e n r y t o S t a t e other necessary supplies to carry on the said tests party of the first part to pay for same. , The party of the first part reserve* the right to supervise and direct the services of the party of the second part so long as this contract is in force an# effect and In case the services of the party of the second part are not satls- T. F. NOLAN, Chairman C. PEJtRY WRIGHT •MATH" N. SCHMITT CHAS T. DUNNING S. H. CORNUE The Committee on Claims, County Poor presented the following report, , , which on motion of Supr. Mackeben and factory to the parties of the first part, duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt and and upon a report of such dissatisfaction the roll being called, was declared unanW to the Board of Supervisors in session mously adopted, to-wit: either at a regular or special meeting of said Board and if said report of dlsw" H*'<i ®tated McHenry County mot in regular * ln!iS h jiiS . was true that the funds at the Court.House i« the City of M«rl t p \e from the Farm to stock on 2Vlohdayr the SHh day of ,' |» 9 O A 47 " IctllK 13. J instruction wofk"i^tiiTWood8tock Maih\^lchmitt i'^ ko AWen Road is to start about May 13, .Henry c -- - The Huntley - ^five Corners road appears to be moving along satisfactorily leading to taking of bids before July 1, 1947. Some right of way trouble Is reported. Th, HnoraMe of »«P.rvl~r. o« - "g-fi 'tSTtSSfU.rtM on Wood- the Woodstock-Alden Road but is handivf.- i, .» d , v.- nn iuunu«i>, me fin uay Of Juntf, Hml fh^ w'i„i>I0^ram iat i*e ..Prw?rt A- D 1!l47 *t 10 o'clock A. M. (DST). fnnS'a replaced with. MI< T The meeting was called to order by ; it ;„„?i ? me fu^ discussion, the Chairman, John J. Flllp and the A 1 . 0Ve»d by Supr Ruth Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the thii ihlt 00w Asst. Supr. Rosen- United States of America was, giver 8^ld 8t!,tement of findings be , the Clerk with all members* of the capped by wet weather and due to pole lines and some fences not having been moved as yet. We have received from motor fuel tax funds rental on County owned machin- -..o""^w-V-r. ery inoliided in the above report $342.02. We also received $26.03 for a metal culvert pipe taken from the County stoclc . Meier John J. Filip ...: A. M. Maxwell --:37.00 89.50 t29.00 Placed oil file. Board and visitor* orient imrileinntini culvert pipe taken from the County stociC The Clerk presented and read to the afTer'^ w^fch'the'^ou" was'cXd0 by'Ihe nile. we have turned same over to the Board a report of the Sheriff on the O rk 7nd the fo iw n? ra mlm re! Treasurer for the County road yar ous activities in his office pertaining sponded to their names to-wit: Suoer- £"nd.^which said sum is hereby re-ap- 19.60 96.80 A. B. McConnell ... Paul Rosenthal Richard . Overton, cir ct pro ** off sal , ir,75.00 Ridgefield Farmers Sup. Co., ct hse jail coal 444.50 Rosenthal Lumber and Fuel Co., ct hse jail coal 232.00 Roland McCannon. sup schs asst and clk hire 123.75 Dortfthy Bartram. sup schs aspt and clk hire 140.00 We received a request from the machinery operators and truck drivers of the County Highw;ay Department and from the stenographer in the Supt. of Highways office for a 10 cent per hour raise in pay. We discussed the matter and decided to recommend a raise in w***s f°r the time being of 10 cents ^,,0 C1K n] ??lx work fpr the"'machlnerj^operators inCoann°'SijSUR BC^B off the following list asi appoin'tand truck drivers gang, retroactive to v er ?«? by him to constitute the .standing May 1. 1947. Same not to apply on X?,stle Muldoon, ct hse jail sal t.... tSO.OO committees of this Board for the enwork out of the County Highway tax i.y ^ * r>'eal^• w5lcJ1 ,waa' upon motion of fund as the county stands the time lost w On "* i." »VWo'ii'o Supr Leek and .duly neconded ,b>' Supr. due to rainy weather, under present ion . ^PPf<>ved and ordered placed tr. »>.<» fp„,„ u,„, „ o "Z ™ sponded to their names, to-wit: Superforr. B 1.. Radio System now in visors August W. Ruth, C. Perry Wright, tmw nJripHSSi £oU"t>'- .SuPr- w,tt- Carl E. Wittmus, F. 10. Beck, G. J. Car- B«nrd and commented roll, Charles T< Dunning. Chas. H. Ack- »V Mackeben. T. F. Nolan. Al- After some further mer Aavang, Stanley H. Cornue, Frank Runp y moi'e? R McCJonnell, Frank May, Math N. iuSr Hoh^?iVr.k„f"«ti y 8«c2nd®.d b>' Schmitt, Henry C. Meier, John J. Fillp . fii® that said report hie placed , and Asst. Supervisors A. M. Maxwell, A. i B. McCgnnell and Paul Rosenthal, con- I stituting a quorum present. The Chairman addressed the Board ' The minutes of the Special May 13, and stated that he had now prepared a 1!>47 meeting were read and on .motionnew list of standing committees and made and carried were approved and •ial1 an<1 shf re* repairs $766.00 1,539.66 on file, to-wit: rrom Grant Johnson, do ..., 1,562.94 agreements. Usually the work the two funds is about equally divided! " i„.I , "Si In the matter of the Stenographer^. a. ,h„Se C^ ,V' >6 L® wage, we find that she received $1440 mutid ^hlch is respectfully sub* taat year and has her mUtea- T. P. NOlAN( chairman MATH N. SCHMlTTT CHARLES T. DUNNING STANLEY H. CORNUR _ , --- job well learned. We decided to recommend the granting of request for a raise of 10 cents per hour, retroactive to May 1, 1947. Funds being low, we decided to recommend that the County Treasurer procure $15,000'to carrv'the hlgh'wky w'o^k t> ^ Committee on Claims, County and provide funds^ 'for machinery oav- ^?rvPfeSent.ed th/o ^"o^ing report, mentsoon to be due, until new ta/funds ^ V "n.m°t'on of Supr Nolan and duly are available. tunas seended by Supr. Schmitt and the roll •tandlng Oomqtittees, 1047-1B48 •outo die ttrrittTiaoM . JOHN J. FILIF', Chairman RAYMOND D. WOODS, Cleric PERSONAL PROPERTY -- Elmer C. ordered of record. The following report of the County Treasurer-ft»r the month of May, 1947 \yd.a presented and read and upon motion made by Supr. Wittmus and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt was approved and ordered placed o"n file, to-wit: County Treasurer's Xeport Tor the Month of Kay, 1947 Meealpts Bal. forward May 1, 19 47 . ..$293,888.82 proprl.nted for road purposes including the repair, storage and purchase of road machiney or for improvements for buildings to house machinery. Your committee estimates there will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County, Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation from the County highway fund in the sum of $4000 until the next meeting of this lioard. All of which is respectfttfllH submitted. F. E. BECK G. C. CARROLL t\\UL ROSENTHAL CARLE. WITTMUS > FRANK 15. McCON.VBIX v. The following MFT Sectfbn 12T-$2l* Resolution was presented and read to the Boafd, to-wlt: General Fund We have received from motor fuel tax funds rental on County owned ma- Included in the above report 9119.45, also from the Municipal Employees Retirement Fund $259.19 for funds advanced prior to receiving Motor being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: May 13t A. D. 1947 Mr. Chairman and Board of Supervl Totif Oom mitte Gentlemen or«: Coy, O. Perry Wright, F. E. Beck, Carl I County Home Wittmus. Aimer Aavang. T * * _ ROADS AND BRIDGES F. B. Beck, Paul Rosenthal, G. J. Carroll, Carl E. Wittmus. Frank B. McConnell. EDUCATION Frank May, Hariey Mackeben, T. F. Nolan, Stanley H. Cornue, Aimer Aavang. FEES AND SALARIES--F. E. Beck, Chas. H. Ackman, G. J. Carroll, Henry Of. the JC. Meier, A.. B. McConnell, August W. r * : • -- v . ^ R 4 t h , H a r i e y M a c k e b e n . oh Coiinty Poor LANDS AND I OTfi (i T Fuel Tax allotment for pension, we have would beg leaivvee ttoo rreenpoorrtt •t*h*a»t• Math N Schmitt Hinrv r M,Jp:i .rC"airrr'o"lpl| aTlils vol oriretcne ived from jt hi e Motor Fuel Tax ^e>' examined all claims present- l'tck Frank Mav y ' ' E' Division refund on 410A2A. 7n ga_ liil ons In t..h e aein* tVn fh om recommendJ tith. e_ pay- CL'A *I M* S L*A'•B*/O • R PEES, AVT> <»TIP. amount of $123.08. Check No. D326009. of the following, and that the Clerk PIJES-T' F Sn C Pertv Wrlrtt We have turned all of the above over to e d,rected to Issue orders on the Coun- stanlev H rV,»nn!r the County Treasury for the County ^ Treasurer to the Claimants for the MathN Schmitt ' Char,efl Dunning, road fund, which said sum is hereby fiev*iral amounts allowed, as follows, tore- appropriated for road purposes in* -- - eluding the repair, storage and purchase impendent Ohildren-r. ' / S' r?a^Jrachlnery or for i'nprovement Lutheran Child Welfare Aam,.- for buildings to house machinery. 1 Daymond •-26 00 Your committee estimates there will Mrs. I^illian Gathman, Krezan .... fio'oo necessar-y. for the care uofi tmhee Maicc-- A/inllceunudaailee cFaarnmii,, uDt-e1L-.illniee .... 72*30 jaenry County. Illinois patrol system Diocesan Cath. Charities, Glosson 30 00 ?£ wlk..*1!. appropriation from the Cou- Mrs. Bernard Klinke, Holmes .... 60.00 Dr. L. L. Kagan, Holmes 10.00 Chicago Industrial Home for Chil. Krezan 30,00 Louise Brooks, dependent chlL Math N. Schmitt FINANCE--Frank B. McConnell, F. K. Beck, Paul Rosenthal, A. B. McConnell, Stanley H. Cornue. PUBLIC BUILDINGS--Chas. H. Ackman, August W. Ruth. G. J. Carroll. T. v Nolan. Frank May. .$ 694.75 . "81.25 3,350.00 4,242.30 f.01.72 113.81 8,4r.6,87 ^ .b^hway fund In the sum of $4,000 until the next meeting of this Board. mitted Is respectfully sub- F. E. BECK PAUL ROSENTHAL O. .1 f'ARitf >LL CARL E. WITTMUS ^oj^wlng report of the McHenry y Zoning Board of Appeals, operating under the McHenry County 1U1- I2li8 Zo"'"K Ordinance, was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: (Copy of this report on file in •*>» County Clerk's office.) " . *** T» ,v.-_ , The Committee on McHenry County Sunr Herk tnrt Ph°,o reKular'>' moved by Home, Farm and Hospital presented the 3151- »£ » Ji duly seconded by Supr. following report, to-wit: the Zoning RA ILRO^DS--Padl Rosenthal,. 'Math N. Scbmltt; A M- Max^rti; A. B. tt<£onnefl, Chitrres Dunning. ' . - CLAIMS,- COUNTY POOft--A. McConnell. Carl E. Wittmun, G. j. Carroll, prank ifay, Klmer C. Cov. SETTLE WITH tHEASURER--Frank , J41'£3' pro off trav exp $23.26.... 66.08 -May, Charles Dunrlng. C»rl E. Wittmus LAke County TB San., care TB Henry C. Meier. Aimer Aavang .Patients _...2,440.00 COUNTY HOME -- A. M. Maxwell Rockford Municipal T. B. San., "care TB Patients, Powers 160.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. A. B. McCONNELL, Chairman G. J. CARROLL E. C. COY FRANK MAY -V CARL E. WITTMUS Rosenthal, a bft aPProved and adopt J™. b>" this Board and that the action taken bj- the said lioard of Appeals be confirmed and that the McHenry County, Zoning Ordmance, and Maps May 7. 1947 Mr. Chairman and members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: Your County Home Committee met on May 7, 1947, at the McHenry County now on fH» in »v. ^ '""F Home and audited the bill* for the the County Clerk's office month of April, 1947, and' respectfully of classlflcat!on of Vi 'S the ,'hanK"3 submits the following report, recom- Je l)roPerty of the mending same be paid. applicants as outiine^ in said report. ',°V b"ln5 called, the Chairman aeeiared the motion unanimously carrled, the report approved and the ordinance amended Ridgefield Farmer Supply, fuel paint, etc 9639.66 Bohn Hardware, paint, screen, etc. 79.62 R. O. Andrew Co., feed, salt ,,, , i and grinding 7716 S-hrk presented, lists of claims Patton Baking Co., bread ; 63i67 SSi- ** f \-"unty and upon motion of Feltman Hardware Co., paint -166.35 ?, and duly seconded by Montgomery Ward & Co., clothing A"t McConnell and declared car- i-olts. washers and paint rted; said claims were referred to the Royal Blue Food Mart, groceries B. MeConnell. Paul Elmer C. Coy, T. F. Nol&n. ELECTIONS--Math N. Schmitt, August W. Ruth, Charles Dunning, Chas. H. Ackman, Aimer Aavang. RULES- A. M. Maxwell, A. B. McConnell, Elmer C. Coy. PURCHASING--Stanley H. Cornue, A. M. Maxwell, Frank B. McConnell. LICENSE--Hariey Mackeben, C. ferry ! Wright, Math N. Schmitt. ERADICATION OF T. U. IN CATTLE ----August W. Ruth, Elmer C. Coy, Hariey Mackeben. RIGHT OF WAY -- Henry C. Meier, Chas. H. Ackman, C. Perry Wright, Har- I ley Mackeben, August W. Ruth, i RESOLUTIONS--Charles Dunning, C. Perry Wright, Frank B. McSonnell. SPECIAL TAk--Paul Rosenthal, T. F. Nolan, Chas. H. Ackman. SHERIFF COMMITTOR -- Carl B. Wittmus, Stanley H. Cornue, Hariey Mackebep. • - Chm. Liquor" License Comm. County Officers' Fees Highway Fund .... Pers Property Back Taxes .... Inheritance Taxes Motor- Fuel Taxes ......27.642.20 Payroll Clearing Account S.S('>9.33 Twp. Road, State App. t,76G.27 III. Mun. Ret. Fund 1.803.5'! Highway Fines loo.oo Non High Fund • 15.97- State's Attys. Fund, - 742.00 - Total receipts I 49,786.05 Grand Total"7.7. ...$343,674.88 Bxpendlturei County Orders $27,057.67 Grand and Petit Jurors .......... 307.40 Coroner and Cor. Jurors ........ 4 2.00' I Bounty Orders 22 fio Probation Officer 127.05 Ooiiiity Treas. Salary - 200.00 Clerks' Salaries .' 1,316.97 Stamps -- 1,052.10 General Fund - -- - 314.64 111. Municipal Ret. Fund .r..~. *,521.59 > Highway Fund ........10,991 Ofr1 Inheritance Taxes 7.6S4.07 Twp. Road-State App. f>,P58.4fi Motor Fuel Tuxesr ; 1.931.90 Payroll Clearing Account-..-... t,591.21 Institute Fund 125.00 Non Hleh Fund 1 5.00 Bridge Bond Account 692.50 , Total expenditures _........^ 64,94 4.06 Bal. as of May 31, 1»47 ,.278.730.82 I (Copy of this resolution on file In the county clerk's office.) -It was thereupon regularly moved by I Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly sec- ! onded by Supr. Dunning that the Resoi lution be, adopted and the roll being jcal'cd, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the Resolution adopted. The following MFT Section 32 Resolution was presented and -read to the Board, to-wit: (Vopy of this resolution on file in the County Clerk's office.) It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Meier and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt that jthe Resolution be adopted and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the Resolution adooted. *A.,i» « , ine tioar-d ad- Highland Farm Gardens, potatoes -O clock P. M. (DST)1 for 5«-*n A See Laundry, laundry serv. Committee worn. i Sawyer Biscuit Co., crackers v tA. njnw nr., a Glenn Boyce, gas .r... 0*OtOO* F. X. (B. B. T.: i Roys Body Shop, truck repairs ... ' _ » . . . . ... I Ideal Oil Co., fuel oil pursuant to adojurnment , Arwell Inc.. pest control . 'y" f?1,1. cf11, the same members i E. A. Warner, labor painting .. responded to their w appeared of j Oscar Landls, labor painting .. Supr. Ackman. Chairman of the Public Buildings Committee, addressed the Board and stated that It was very apparent that various County Officers ur- I gently needed more vault and workroom 50.61 ! .sp,ac,. in order to accommodate the pres- 95.99 en*t. and constantly growing volume of 26.00 business. He further stated that the 6 02 Committee Would appreciate an expres- 16.89 slon of th« Board of their opinion as to 1'.04 Just what extent the Board felt was ex- .. 26.75 pedient at this time. Supr. Ruth nd» .. 114.36 dressed he Board and stated that he -- 61.30 felF something should be done Irnmedl- 24.00 j ately to alleviate the congestion in the .. 192.00 J County Clerk's, Circuit Clerk's and $343,674.88 The above and foregoing report Is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. HENRY A. NIJLLE, Co. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th dav of June, 1947. (Seal) R. D. WOODS County Clerk The Clerk presented the semi-annual reports of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk, Sheriff and Treasurer, .which reports, oil motion duly made and carried, were referred to the proper committees. The County Treasurer presntd a report showing" payments due the County from Townships on County Home, whlcli wasj on motion duly made and carried. Ordered placed on rile. Thel Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Macketwn and the roll beiniT called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: , The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge Committee for said County bes leave to submit the followingia^eport on the matters before them. That we met on May 14, 16. 20, 22, and 27 and Inspected the County-State The cferk presented to the Board a petition signed by approximately twenty property owners of Crystal Vista, Grrfton Township. McHenry County, Illinois for the Township maintenance of the roadway known as Granada Vista. A delegation from the said subdivision was present and their spokesman addressed the Board in behalf of said Issue. Supr. Mackeben addressed the Board and stated that this matter should be presented to the Town Board of Grafton Township previous to presentation to the County Board as ft would be necessary for the roadway to become a Township road prior to becoming a County road. Until this was done, the petition would not come under the jurisdiction of this Board. . Th« Chairman called upon the two political parties as represented by the membership of the Board of Supervisors for suggestions of electors to act as Judges and Clerks of Election and also for the designation of polling places for the various precincts and districts In McHenry County for the ensuing year. After the selection was made, it was recrularly moved by Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Meier and declared carried that said selections be referred to the Committee on Elections for report. The Clerk presented and read to the Board a Highway Permit Application of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company* covering work along State Aid Route 17. known as the Hnrvard-Chemung Road. Tt was thereupon regularly moved by S'ipr. Beck and duly seconded by Supr. Nolan that said Application be granted, subject to the approval of the Road and Bridge Committee and the Superintendent of Highways of McHenry County. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on Eradication of Tuber -ulosis in Cattle made a recommendati^ i for the re-appointment of Dr. B. F. Kennelly" as County Veterinarian for McHenry County to administer the tuberculin test for the year beginning July 1, 1017 and ending not later than Juno SO, 1948, end presented the following contract and agreement, to-wit: - May £9. 1917. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of tkt Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Eradication of satisfaction is approved, this contract shall be terminated and the services paid for proportionately up to the termination of said contract, it being understood that In case such report Is made, party of the second part shall have the.right and opportunity to appear before the Board of Supervisors and make any explanation that he may deem necessary, in case the contingency herein mentlon- ',dItS"ls1fu'rther understood and agreed Mr^Cassfu^S^ that the party of the second part shall -- ^asslUR ^ eatman. hteaaman 60.00 for the sum of Fifty Dollars ($60.00) June J>, A. D. 1947. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment Of the following, arid that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Dependent Childrenper' month to be paid monthly by the party of the first part furnish his own means of transportation in and about his work and the upkeep of any automobile that he may use or pay for and other expenses of going to and from his employment. * 4 It is further understood and agreed that the party of the second part shall give the party of the first part sixty days notice of termination of employment and that the party of the first part shall give the party of the second part sixty days notice of dismissal. • In Witness Whereof the parties hereto have hereunto signed their names the day and year firBt written above.f Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Illinois. Party of the First Part: By AUG. W. RUTH E. C. COY HARLEY MACKEBEN Members of Committee. Party of the Second Part: -- B. F. KENNELLLY AH of which Is respectfully |ldb mitted. * AUG. W. RUTH E. C. COY HARLEY MACKEBBN ! It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by supr. Wrisrht that Dr. B. F. Kennelly be appointed County Veterinarian and that,,, said contract be approved and the roll ; being called, the Chairman declared the 1 motion unanimously carried and Dr. B. ' F. Kennelly appointed County Veterinarian of McHenry Countyj subject to con- . tract and agreement. ! 28.85 66.00 60.00 6,6.50 114.00 Mrrt. Cassius Sweatman. Steadman Montgomery Ward & Co., Gersman Allendale Farm School, DeLine .. Mrs. Lillian Gathman, Krezan .. Brs. Bernard Klinke, Holmes .. Chicago Indus. Home for Chll., Ketchum and Mclntyre Louise Brooks, dependt chll $57.98, pro off trav evp $34.45 II3T-- Dependent Children-- Diocesan Catholic CharitlM* Glosson 30.00 Care T. B. Patients-- • / Lake Co. Tuberculosis San 2,806.00 Rockford Munloipal T. B. San., Powers ... 155.00 All of which Is respectfully submlt- A, B. McCONNELL. Chairman ~~X3Z- .1. CARROLL - - ---- CARL E. WITTMUS FRANK MAY E. C. COY The Committee on McHenry County Home, Farm and Hospital presented the following report, to-wlt: June 4, 1947. Mr. Chairman and members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County' Your County Home Committee met on June 4, 1947, at the McHenry County Home and audited the bills for the month of May 1947, and respectfully submits the following report, recommending same be paid. The Shurtleff Co., corn, fertiliser, fence posts, etc ..$110.50 Goodrows Garage, gas, oil and tires 66.68 Montgomery Ward & Co.. clothing 29.76. R. O. Andrew Co., mash, salt and grinding Conard Motor Sales, repairs r The Clerk presented lists of- Claims Bohn Hdw. Co.. seed and supplies Against the County and on motion of LuflWiir Wilson Co., supplies ... 'Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by John Sexton Co., groceries Supr. Mackeben and declared carried, the said claims were referred to the proper committees and the Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock P. M. (D. S. T.) for committee work. 1:30 O'COOX V. M. (of S. T.) The Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call the same members responded to their nq,mes as appeared of record in the morning session, including Supr. Coy of Alden Township, cohstituting a full Board present. 89.40 13.76 11.27 39.95 - . 207.91! Royal Blue Store, gro. and tob 119.53 Crystal Lake Farm Store, sup 79.62 F. W. Woolworth Co., notions .... 9.89 ; Superior Oil Co.. fuel oil and gas 127.3,3 i Boyce Service Station, gas, oil j and grease 13.41 Sawyer Biscuit Co., crackers, etc. 14.9t; ] Arwell, Inc., pest control 16 oo ! Public Service Co., lightft 86.8 4 ; Patton Baking Co., bread, rolls, etc. 64.0 George Moneur, plants 8 00 I Thompson Appliance Co., Shellane W. P. Allen, incidentals .... W. P. Allen, salary 24.7 5 62.70 200.00 The Committee on Claims, Labor. Fees Mrs. Esther C. Allen, salary 176.00 and Supplies presented the following re- ' Glen Nelson, salary .'.. port, which on motion of Supr. Meier Marion Nelson, salary and duly seconded by Supr Carroll and Susie McPherson, salary the roll being called,'was declared unani- , Rudy Johnson, salary mously adopted, to-wlt: j Gudrun Johnson, salary 125.00 June 9, A. D. 1947 Hilma Melander, salary 125.00 Gentlemen of the Rosenthal Lumber & FifBt~Ci!r, 125.00 75.00 60.00 loo.oo Mr. Chairman and Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on I-iabor, Fees and. Supply Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the" payment of the following, and that the Clerkl be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several arnount allowed, as follows, to-wlt: \ -- Frank Thornber Co., co clk off sup $69.7i. cir clk sup $7.63. co treas off sup $6.68, $ 84.08 Co. Treas. Wff. Sup. P. F. Pettibo/e & Co 113.65 Crystal Lakrf Herald 138.90 Moore Business Forms Inc^ •••••*>•' 59^22 Burgess, Anderson Tate Inc., co " treas ofT sup $61.20, ct hse sup $88.74 llt.M Security Envelope Co.. co clk off sup 36.07 Haloid Co.. cir clk sup 387.62 Kro Erickson, contingent -- 50.00 Woodstock ,Grill, ct Jurors 17.24 Sup. Schs. Off. Exp.-- Thomas Randolph Co., 15.90 Bvers Printing Co, 7.38 Northern Illinois Pub. Inc 7.00 L. A. Barmann Co. ..." , 9.06 The lleyer Corp ....'. 3.78 Roland McCannon, Supt. Schs. .... 46.28 Pearl Schultx. cont. $23.00, co coroner's reporter $15.00 18.00 Co. Clerk Ins. Depdn.-- Charles G. Seidel, Sts. Atty. Kane Co.. Mnrs Dr. Thos. F. Forrest, Hill Dr. Henrv W. Sandeen. Hill Dr. B. B. Neuchiller. contingent Charles F. Hayes, judcy jus fees Ct. Hse. Sup.-- Sidwell Studios Bohn Hardware Co. Broeker's Janitor Sup. Woodstock Trucking Serv. True Value Hardware StoM --~- E. L. Bakkom Co. Inc Dr. A. M. Yessler --- Dr. Sanl Burten oeed cum 29.70 30.40 10.00 10.00 82.00 26.00 120.00 11.59 21.11 10.00 8.73 1.00 1.00 6 3.00 United Research Lab. Inc. 123.92 Flovd Ingles, ct hse jail sal --.... 50.00 Fred C. Bau, shf per, diem fees serv ,.. 164.05 Shf. Feeding Pris.-- Asmltls Meat Market 44.64 Benton St. Restaurant 54.75 Walsh Grocery & Market 59.70 Trackett's Bakery 41.67 Oakside Dairy Products In«. John Viola, shf dpty --..™-- 8.00 „ $2,199.91 ' ' • ' - . Woodstock, 111. ~ " -------- Jun* 4th. 1947. To the Honorable John J. Flllp. Chairman and Members of the McHenry County Board of Supervisors: Your Committee would beg leave to report that they met at the McHenrv County Farm In Hartland on the 4th day of June, A. t>. 1947, and audited and approved bills for payment in the following amounts: Running expense $1,322.72 " ... 29.76 ... 28.00 ... 280.00 ... 387.35 .. 152.08 Clothing, boots and »hoe6 ...... Tobacco . _ Hosptiil'i... Diet ...1..^..:..:...... 1 Fuel .. _ $2,199.91 lour Committee was informed of the condition of the old stokers, which were purchased about 10 years ago and for some time past have not provided satisfastory results. The company which manufactured these machines has gone ®ut of business and repair parts are not available. New stokers of a reliable make are available now. Your Committee feels that this conditlon should be remedied before there is -tv complete breakdo\vn. and recommends that this Committee be authorized to purchase and install new stokers. ; The regular Inspection of grounds,: buildings, equipment and live stock was j made, and everything found to be in good order. No further business coming beforel this committee, upon motion duly made! and seconded, the Committee adjourned. I •* Respectfully submitted. AUGUSTUS M. MAXWELL, Chm. i FRANK B. McCONNELL PAUL ROSENTHAL E: C. COY • T. F. NOLAN _8«!»r. Maxwell then addresaeA the| Hoard arid commented briefly upon th€ condition of the stokers at the County Home. He stated that they are constantly being in need of repair and that parts are very difficult and expensive to replace. Supr. Maxwell further stated that if they are to be replaced witl new ones, the installation should b«| made during the summer months as th4 a*e and physical condition of the in} mates necessitates constant 1>« L

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