Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Apr 1948, p. 1

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This year's bill is $2,361,- 708.B6, an increase over the previous year, which was $2,130,413.94. The following important information, released this week by Treasurer Mulle, will be important to tax- •pyers. • •„, , ; ; 1 . .'-'ftaiM -D«^ •' •' • •'(*"" ® 1. ygrsenft! property tares are due upon receipt of bill and are subfret to penalty of 1 per cent per •MHith after June 1 until paid. 2. Real estate current taxes may Me paid in two installments. The Urst installment is due Jiine 1 and Hie second installment, Sept. 1. First iastallment draws interest after June 1. and the second installment after Sept. 1, and will be advertised for non-payment. If you wish to pay both the 1947 installments on real i|tate, send both bills with your Remittance to the county collector. J8. When writing for bills or for utformation, you must give the full legal description; subdivision, sublot, lat, block, section, town, range and «|cres. , 4. Be sure to give your name MmI proper postoffice address. ' 5. Remittance by mail must be in ifce form of a money order or draft, ipts are held ten 'days, during li period a little longer, to permit Verification by the 'auditors. 6. Sale of both installments of H47 real estate taxes begins about «fce first Mondav in Ocober. 7. Make remittances payable to IJenry A. Nulle, county collector, and •pcloso the tax Mils. All remittances ace at the risk of tb«- mender. & Examine bilk carefully before them. See that all legal dets are correct; that they carer ALL property on which you «hk to pay and no other. The f collector Is not i--pe--lble payments made « wjtong . infermatkm abo«t fax mtti to the wanly clerk. t tcMft :-taoe^ «M» mt fioo •--w l«Q. . _i•i>0•9 B -_ Mm mK&mm>B KIW •1®- - 1 wimf to i(HI in Lske^i mail twnehl|i and HI MIMPI 'BRHBP'V-' MlMni hip; LW1 ia fiaae; lilt la }.6M ta malMk!i fiarr and 1J» la. Woodstock's Greenwood towaahlp., IHMTEAT.'g yiW0OtIQH POETABLS m •«..« ,y. LOCAL Local resideats will he lataieeied la • recent annoaweeaasat ly Adasfaal Corporation that It has doeenttaKmed its manufactariag activities ia a move to reduce peadactloft eoeta. Amouncement was aiade Iqr K. A. ftiwr, vire pr>wdWlt» i l . radloe Sheraton hotel, U distributor the compaayH apd televiskm in ate go He said that oroductioa of table models and portaMo radios had been transferred from tho main ppllaanatt in Chicago and that this ffaacdt ory hod ftaan engineered for maanfactaro of television and console fcadio recahrers. Production of portable radios is now centered ia McHenry. Another plant at Harvard is being aaad for the production of <4aMe irpH xadioB. The company displayad ift reftaed of the tabla style televlslou ^riaeeiver it broaght oat at the Jaa^ aaury furniture show. The company's line ef radloe included five table models, a similar number of rsble sola, eleven eonsolee and "television optfooal" equipment. The Chicago preview was the first presentation of the fine. It will be uaveded at three other sectional meetings. v.. Impressive Services ^ j Planned At Wonder ;fp Lake And McHenry t . Children of two Catholic churched m this community will receive their First Communion at impressive services which mark this annual ecclesiastical event. It has been customary in the past for the children of St. Patrick'® church, as well as the little folks of Christ the King church, to make their First Holy Commui on on Mother's Day, May 9. Ho-ever, because of the Consecration of the altars at St. Patrick's and Confirmation at Christ the King on that date, Holy Communion has been moved ahead one week to May 2. / The following children will mala their First Communion at St. Patrick's: < DENNIS CONWAY i * JAMES CONWAY •',{ JAMES JUSTEN J DOROTHEA -MILLER ' STEVE MILLER DONALD POWERS JAMES RAYCSAFT • , JACK SCHAEFEB SANDRA WIRTZ . _ RICHARD WHITB , ^ The two pages who will accompany the boys are Roy Aim and Michael Schaefer. The flower girls will be Penny Nye and Barbara Rauen. *iS The First Communicants at Christ the King will be as follows: ROSEMARY CHIHOS 3 CHARLES CORRADO - ^ SUSAN STENSRUD Hilly . Sten:,rud will aceompaajr ' Master Corrado and Kathleen Chihos Vill act as flower girl for the two young ladies. The services will be conducted at 8 o'clock at St. Patrick's and at 9 (o'clock at Christ the King. A large First Communion class will receive the Sacrament at St. Mary's church the following Sunday, May 9. TUESDAY, HAT 11, IS SEOIST&ATKHr DAT roa LITTLB rOLXS • '•tyj 'V' Fink IM( fMv •bait Becker, Jade Thlee, de«eiif 8chwerman, Sharoh Sells, Marjr Ann iMgar, Boesmsry Doherty, Sehmitt. Almka BMk Joba Tail, Haw BliM_l.Tiihu Mr floe Bldhaid |Ad^aia« • Jfcwirtt .'.XMamd, . Donald Pwol Yaada, director; p^oand, Joaa Settman, BslMt Nye, Richard Reuser, William Nja,|JFatter Madhr, Jamee Nott. Mar'orie Thomas, Joaa - "WW* 1 Third Iteart Mary Kay Freoad, Glean Manwde, Jayne Cristy. Msh-1 Fourth Row: Elaine Nell, Gera}d ard Siller, Carol Fetereea, Deaald Rogara, Clarence T^dea, LeeCooney, McCracken, Clarence Feiereiael John Strever, Lester Bacon, Kenneth Roger Svoboda, Sally King, Joan, Adams, Duane Andreas, Martin Freund, Carol Freund, Doris Jean ; Klapnerich, Ferol Martin, Carol >FreJmd, Dieae Freoad. Harrison. U, irsw OEAlfD JOTLY iMLtTBii OF TWO RFCOM HI&L ^ Last we<h the board, of supervisors selectedi rf now grand fury and supplemental paael. Members of the ragolar fury are aa follows: Riley--Lawrence T. Burke. Marengo--Ernest Robb and Kfoyite BeaaetL Dunham--Clara Freese. Chemung--Irene Cooney and Lalu Strain. . Alden--Charlea B Kramer. ^ Hartland--Patrie • Murray. *M; M Seneca--Viola Kaiser. Coral--I. Opel Church. Grafton--Herb Stumph. Dorr--IMjdi Ostraacwr and Ethel Offer.* Greenwcod^tlelvin L Twomley. Hebron--Louie Wilbrandt. Richmond--Orrie F. Sayles. Burton--Paul Weber. McHenry--John Bode and Jolia Jastea. Nanda--John C. flotow aad Ethel Algonquin--Claude C. Lace and AM^Sehaer«r of McHenry Is on the supptoaental panel. M MIMMMXT&M ANNUAL V-E BAY OVEN TWENTT-FIYE YEAXS FTANCE PLANNED MAY 5 airUHD CHSOKS WILL KEACH TAXPATKK8 Bf • ; LAST PAST Or JOtT!?jj? Collector of internal Revenue John T. Jarecki urged all taxpayers who are expecting to receive rerand Checks for overpayments of their 1947 income taxes not to ™»le+ Inquiries of his office at this time. Approximately 700,000 refund dhecks for 1947 taxes that' were overpaid have already been $ne million more cheeks wiH be _ Out within the next few months. -- Most of the refund checks for 1947 overpayments will be Issued and in the hands of the taxpayers bv the end of July. ' Complete recoils will not, be available for research until Sep£ 15, 1948, so taxpayers are urged not to make inquiry until after that?Shales, Waukegan. OUHD WAS BUST nuow. nr OVXK LAST >OOMTOITMT ) ; There wee probably not a busier man in M*Henrv countv last weekend than Clerk Raymond D. Woods. On Friday four counles annroached his desk seeking marriage licenses, and on the following day he issued nine more. Another was iseued early on .Monday. The total of fourteen included two couples from, McHenry. Richard J. Williams and Charlene Marten, McHenrv. Joseph H. Simon and Kathleen Frtund, McHenry. Francis W. Heath. Crystal Lake, aM SUrie Walker, Chicago. Hatry E .Freemuth and Shelia M. Delaney, Stillman Valley. Rienhold J. Cenz, Wrod«tock. and Marjorie R. Abbott. Crvst«»l Lake. Glenn R. Gsvlord Woodstock and Norma R. Ashbv. Hebron. .John S. Eubanks, Aberdeen. Washirarton. and Mary Frances Holmes, Woodstock. John H. Whitlach and Elisabeth Dunn, Norfolk, Va. Dan Ruthowski and Helen E. "ante. ' NOTICE -- Next week, May S to May 8 inelusive, has been designated as CLEAN-UP WEEK in McHenry. Fiace tin cans or rubbish in contains an and place on curb. No ashes will be haijl®d. .'.•^CITY COUNCIL, City of McHenry. PLAN FOR CQNFEkENCE Work has begun in Woodstock! on the hundreds of details •which /are Carl E. Nickell, JVaukegan and Marie P. Van Oeyen, Antieo, Wis. Robert J. Wilson. RcckfoM. and Genevieve DeMars,_Crystal Lake. George Moffat and Betty Ann Hooper. Crystal Lake. Frederick A. 'Sevller. Flgin, and Barbara Harvey, Woodstock. Robert H. Meier and Viola M. Rauhut, Crystal Lake. CHANGES IN MASSEt Two local churches have announced a change in the church time of services for the summer months. _ At St. Patrick's church masses wiii be at 8, 9, 10 and 11 o'clock during accessary prior to the World" Citi fens' Conference to be held on May 11 and 22. Committees and sub- j the summer, while at Christ the King Committees are being formed under church. Wonder Lake, they will be at the general chairmanship of Phillip. 9 and 11 o'clock. Masses at St. jfcasslich. 1 Mary's church will remain the same. After many months mt speculation as to tiie guilt of Joha A. Ffooancher in tho aiurder of Aadrew 8orenson, Chemaag tavera owaer, the former Bockfotd dstettlve aad Bquoff. salesman area cowkled faf* the •elrcuit court of Jadga WlWam R. Dusher in Rockford last Friday. His sentence was twoarty-ftve yaars in the state peaitaHpfy, The Junr had ai^dMHa of -fhre verdicts. It cculd fjft thi defendant guilty of anarder and ?liipoae the death pmalty, life imprleeamsnt or ] iaiprisoamoat for a dpiaiale period ! of time. It coald ftad the defmdant gaOty of haviag baqa aa iwasary after the fact, la which «aaa tho E;y would act be %gr the but by the judge, whs aright e a prices sawteaee of one to tans years and a line of f|90. The other alternative was to find the defendant not gailty. Provancher was talmi into custody last Doe. 6 es a suapeet when Rockford police noticed a daflarity la the dose tip Uea of the fsnasi detective's car and that of aa auto aeon parked aear the Soreaasa tavern Just before the letter's <Haappearance. j Provancher was first brought to Woodstock following bis arrest, I where, throughout questioning, he maintained that he was Innocent. | When the body Of Soreneon was ] found near Rockford, it became a) case for Winnebago 6oftnty. Numer- ' ous witnesses from McHenry county testified during the trial, including the widow of Sorenson and his soau OOLBEOK BROTHERS XHTERINO DffTO NXW BUSINESS VENTURE Additional evidence that our com- j munity is exnanding continuously | is brought again .to our attention by I ••he knowledge of a new and interesting business venture being Introduced j ~«»rv s^ortlv by Jerry, Rich and Jim : Ooibeck, who reside east of Mc- i Hf*»ry. | These ambitious. per*onatle I brothers, recent arrivals in our j district have devoted a considerable portion of their leisure time and energy for the past six months in the planning and c"n?trnct:0" of a miniature golf course and gclf driving range. These two amusements, opening Saturdav. May 8, irUl provide at a reasonable cost. * clear" outdoor entertainment entirely different and interesting. Knowledge of golf is not at all neee**-rv as *wvbody can t>lay, regardless of experience. We are advise tve entire *rea w'll be brilliantly floodlighted for night play. Needless to say, we are quite certain these y«ung men Will be pleasantly surprised by the public reaction to their offering; and we take this Opportunity to welcome them to our community with our sincere wishes for their future suc- Menshvrfs of the Veterans of Foreign Wars are busy making plaas for the third annaal V-E Day rlpara, to be held on <Wednesday eWfilns. May & because there are no dance nialls within McHenry spacious to accomodate the large that always attend this gala social event the dance will be held at Nell's ballroom. The dance is a benefit, sponsored bar the V. F. W. in observance of V-E Day. Thp purpose of the celebration is to raise funds for the new veteran's home. The public is invited to attend the dance, with aa fiae an evening's entertainment preaalasd as in years past. Price of * m will be fifty cents. YOUNG NBRIANS LEAVE FRMY FOR STATE FINALS "Charleston, here we come" lms been re-echoing in the halls at j M. C. H. S. this past week as eighty I music students made last minute j preparations for their long trip south ! this weekend. After a few aays of ' uncertainty as to where rooms might | be available for such a large group, j word was received from contest i authorities on Tueaday that reser- ' vations had been made at the France hotel in Paris, lil» ,.*bout twentyfive miles from Olierleston. I Soloists and ensembles, which include twenty-four students, will j leave early Friday morning so that! | they will arrive in time for early j afternoon performances. A bus con- , tainmg girls' chorus members "nOMIEO EVEHT9 Box Sodsl Ar Mothers Choir ling the girla I fVidi COUNTY BOARD TAKES STEPS TO STOP INFLUX OF INFECTED CATTLE An important step was tdken last vreek by the McHonry county board or supervisors in their effort to stop the influx of T. B. infected cattle in the count Supervisor August Ruth, chairman of the committee on eradication of T. B. iaaeattle started the movement at the April meeting. The beard is tighten the rulas governing the bringing of cattle from other states and other co'untiee into McIgfMfF' county. IfcHipty Veterinarian B. F. Kennelly toft the group that during the last three yeara the percentage of reactors in the county has doubled. The percentage of erectors on the first test of cows shipped in here of the tots wQl not A members Subscribe for The Plaindealer May 2 Benefit Party -- Nell's Ballrooan, JohnsbuTg. Msy S Altar and Rosary Sodali Patrick's. Church Hall. Msy 4 Riverview Camp, R. N. A---Meeting and Public Party. Ringwood Unit, Home Bureau. St. Marv's - St. Patrick'e School P. T. A. Initiation and Awarding Basketball Trophies, St. Mary's Court. C. O. F. Johnsburg Communit Clttb Nell's Ballroom. May 6 Circle 3, W. S. C.- Sw--Mia. Eric Peterson. , c. D. of A.--Business Meeting--K. of C. Hall. May 7 Senior Class Play -- High School Auditorium. | May 8 Scrap Paper Drive--Conducted bf Future Farmers of America. May 9 Mass and Confirmation at Christ the King Church. Dedication of Altars at St'. Patrick's Church. , Mey 10 C. D of A. Annual Mother's Day Partv--Vill* Hotel Resort. 'May 11, 12. 13 and 14 Rumrrpere Sale--Sponsored by Christian Mothers and Altar Society. . Mar 13 Desert Card Party--Sponsored by Mother's Club--Leeion Hall. May 13. 14. 15 Rummage Sale--Methodist Church Basement---Sponsored by W. S. C. S. May 19 McHenry Home Bureau--Mrs. Curtis Newmsn. May 29 Bake Sale--Sponsored by Altar and Rosary foda'-ity--St- Patrick's Church Hall. NOTICE i The public is invited" to see the new kindergarten room at 202 W. Waukegan road between the hours of 7 and 9:30 o'clock on Thursday evening, May 6. There will be no kindergarten classes in session. will leave JfTtdSy following morning 'will begin the long trip. An estimated crowd of 17S people was present last Sunday evening in the high school aaditorium as the district winners presented an hoar and a half program of eelecticns which they will uee in competition ltom outside of the county has been •Htt WW tvavnan/lAiis A Dr ICGY!* he had tried to Tuseday, May day for proep pupUa and firat •seme very eariy hi fact that tiie little tot gin their period of laaursiag uatll next September, but for these who must provide room for the anticipated increase in pupils, ampla must bo allowed. Registration for kindergarten pupils will be held at the kiadergarten, at 202 W. Waufaagan Children who will bo o yean old after June 1, will register between 9 and 11 in the morning; thaee who will reach 5 before June 1, will register in the afternoon between 1 and 3 o'clock. Mothers may register by telephone by calling McHenry 282-M on regletratlon day. First graders who will bo 6 years making an effort to l°^d on or before* Dec. 1, of this rejpi ' o'clock In the afternoon on May 11 stsfar*rr Youngsters who will enter Lfiy Lake's first grade next fall will register,between 1 and 3 o'clock at the Lily Lake school on the aame date. It is necessary that this registration be as accurate, as poas ble so that ample apace be provided during the next few monthi. tremendous, accordin; nelly. He said that impress the state officials with the great influx of reactors in this connection and has asked for aid in combating it for months past with no response. Dr. Kennelly blamed certain types at Charfeeton. The young musicians of people for this violation of the .r. fnr fk. ...nnnrt tk.. l*w: ad?.lng that many livestock regulations alT times. are grateful for the support of the iblic at this benefit concert. T/5 HAROLD WEBfOARTf / SNJOYED LEAVE ON BACtUIO ON LUZON . ' dealers live up to the while others violate it at POOR RESPONSE TO CANCER CAMPAIGN, CHAIRMEN REPORT ; ?LAMES DESTROYED I LARGE LIBERTYVILLE I TEXTILES STRUCTURE -Jk Harold Mia. Leaders McHenry to£»hfe h«ITnf«^ thj "rittaJ hf Zr,t iS PUindetler th«t th.™ is . decided T^wJk wJdMld^ of intcrMt shown in the campaign. With everyone s calendar IoS8 estimated at $780,000. It was so completely filled .it is eaAy to see tig-ge3t fire in the history of that how the drive may have slipped the v{jja * attention of many, but a reminder; _ ' . , . , . , should be all that is necessary to I. The,fir? is believed to have started have everyone give at least a little m * e °Pe lstexing room, a to such an important cause. Mrs. Minnie Green, chairman, and Mrs. Gertrude Barbian, co-chairman, tell us that the response hafe not: been PS gratifying as in Technician Fifth Grade NL .Weingart, son of Mr. a Peter Weingart, of 400 John St, McHenry, who ia now serving with the U. S. army in the PhiHpplnoe, recently spent a ten-day leave in Baguis, Luson, suauaf Capitol and playground of the Islands, aad seat pf the Food aad Agriculture Organization^ CoafersaKa m soatheast Asia. His' ftarlough was spent ia Csmp John Hay, u. S. araay ianreattenai center in the PhMmhe^ located in the Land of the Igorota, mad MbO feet above sea leveL 11# eauap, lying snugly among pins ma and zigzag roads, offers lis gapasts year round sports and rocrpiKtional - activities, such as tennis; golf, archfry, skeet shooting, bicycling, SMVies, badminton, bowling, minlatnm north end addition to the two story concrete building. Although firemen waged an all-night battle, all efforts to save the structure were in vain. ; Iibertyville firemen fought the fire r>K. dances and pool, vi - „ _ fil Vwl alone for an hour after the alarm T-5 Weingart, who . worthwhile campaigns held in the wag B0Uncjed at 10:30 oVIock. Later S student of McHenry Tv • Ci°mmf 1 tbU Mundelein, Vernor. Twnship and I high school, is now on duty as radio ^ ,n.wered wi,hi^ Gr.vsl.k, -r. ram.! wth th. ninrth the next few days. To date, $153 has been collected toward a quota of $400. a former Community Grayslake departments were sum-! operator moned, but it was impossible to con- the, second s|gnal^ service bettrol the blase. Squads from he sheriff's office were called to keep the huge crowd of spectators at a distance. Flames seemed to shoot hundreds of feet into the air from the nig plant Is talion located in Manila OPEN HOUSE The general puMic is reminded that -pen house will be held on the i ^ m'r ercninS of W«Jn„d.y, flnrKl.y ^ and Friday, May 12, 13 and 14, in ne*^ home at 903 Center street, ! West McHenry. constructed by the! trades class of the high school. ; Hostesses will be present between > the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock to show interested persons through the home. ! The house will be sold at public j auction on the last evening at about 7:30 o'clock. More details concern-J will appear in next j Plaindealer. ing the sky for miles. The Johnsburg factory whieh manufactures cotton Tumble Twist rugs is h branch cf the Libertyville ~lant. Robert Walliser, superintendent of the ru9 factory and president of the Libertyville chamber of commerce, had left on a vacation the morning of the fire. 4 .OV U tiwva. Aiiwi c ing |he building week's issue of the NOTICE \ Chief of Police Lester Bacon has teen informed by the Secretary of State's office that officials will pay McHenry a vim in the near future in an effort to see that all local cars have new license plates. SCRAP PAPER DRIYH A scrap paper drive is planned by the McHenry chapter the Future Farmers of America, to be held cn Saturday, May 8, starting at 10 e'dock in the morning. AO houses in MeHenry and outlying districts will be canvaased. Those i to call the high scl ickups hool, phone 785. Thief Takes $400 rn Daylight Robbery In a robbery which uciliiied in delight last Friday at Crystal Lake. M00 was taken when a truck owned by the Victor Meiswagner Voiding Machine company and driven by Calvin Davis of Elgin was rifled of seven money bags containing $400 and a tool box. The incident occurred at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The money was found in seeaateea sepai rate bags. . . Davis had parked Ms track la front of the John Hasaow stove aad. waa servicing cigarette and machines in the place. the truck was locked, one was down a few haehea. The gained entrance bp the window*1 doats. . -^4^ - 4: rwo mmm nd caa tbr Althoagii Head the What Ad^;, S. ; vSl

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