Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Apr 1948, p. 6

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Iv" mmmm rfm* GLORIFIED SECTION FOR SALE--New Boe-Craft 16-ft. inboard runabouts and utilities, 12- ft. outboards, 14-lt. row boats. Open Sundays until 5:30 p. m. Boe-Craft Boat Co., South McHenry Ave., Ciystal Lake, 111. Phone 1278. 60-tf NOTICB Because of the great number of classified ads which appear in the Plaindealer each week, we ^haw found it impossible to keep books On such small account*. Therefore, in the future, only ads which Are paid for before this section of the paper goes to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornings will be feinted. FOB SALE--Choice river lots, one mils- from McHenry; twelve feet above water level. Priced' to sell. Tel. McHenry 227-J. 50-tf FOR SALE--Twin baby buggy, like new. Tel. McHenry 272-W. 50 FOR SALE--Used refrigerator, Coldspot, in good condition; clean. Cilll IMstakee 629-J-l. 50 FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Hammermill and brooder house, 12x24. Mae Wiedrich, Phone Richmond 627. *50 CARPENTER ANDCEMENTWI Asbestos Shinglee and lank ^ : Free Estimate » f ARVIDSON BROTHERS V* v Tel. McHenry 663-M-2 6©-tf MM pladidsals* PAINTING--Painting and decorating; plastic tile; first class work; insured. Foi^free estimate, phone McHenry 562-W-l. Bert Engstrom. 50-8 NOTICE!--We will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone except ourselves after April 15, 1948. LaVerne C. Harmon and Anna Harmon, or known as Harmon's Itesort. •48-8 FOR SALE--5-room, green shingle §Ad cue-' Oi tL U 'cottage in Emerald Park; 1% mile FOR SALE -- 24-ft. house trailer, from bridge on blacktop roarf. like new and modern. Price rea- Reason8We. McGrath. Phone Mcsonable. See it at Fairlawn and , Henry 53-j. *50 Renehan Road, Round Lake, 111. *50 IFOR SALE---Two tires and tubes, FOR SALE--Waterfront lot, 50x130, , 16x6.25,. $8; band saw, $10; air with seawall, in McHenry. Call Mc- ; compressor with motor for spray Henry 87-M, aftei\6 p. m. or Sun- gun, $15; double bed with spring, days. ••**** *50 $5. Call McHenry 627-R-2. *50 IF YOUR WATER IS RED, and your heater's plugged up, correct with MICROMET. Modem water softeners and heaters. Doherty and McCafferty, Wonder Lake, Ringwood, 111. Tel. W. L. 388, or McHenry 259-M. \ 48nf CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK Cement mixer for rent, J. M. Stangarone, Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 661-J-l. 50-tf HAVE YOU A GARBAGE PROBLEM? Call us for prompt and courteous YEAR-ROUND SERVICE. FOR SALE--Walnut bed and spring, FOR SALE--One pair French doors,' Rubbish hauled, loads or half loads, full size. Call McHenry 578-W-l. *50 • 2x6-ft.. 8x1%-in., complete with jam, j FRED WIRTZ. Phone McHenry -- - -- --' i screen dqors and inside trim and FOR SALE--One pair barn doors, Venetian blinds. C*!l P i s t a k e e 9J5 ftx6 ft., complete, track and 693-R-2. tillers, like new. Phone 860-W, Libertyviile. 50 •50 FOR SALE--Miscellaneous and lawn totils, including 150 ft. of hose; cross 751-J. 47-tf NOTICE--Call McHenry, 630-J-l for Raw.leigh products. *47-4 FOR SALE^irosley Sfielvador re-Lcut saw, block and tackle, etc.; 5-pc frigerator, 5 cu. ft., excellent run- ree^ porch set, consisting of chaise j your next^ Job. ning, $50; coal and wood heater, lounge, two chairs/two tables. Call ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor furnaces. Let us estimate victrola style, heats 4 to 5 rooms, McHenry 687-W-l. •50 good condition, $25; Wolverine boat, FOR SALE--Day bed, single bed 14-ft., needs repairs, $2o; Sears with coil and mattress; also electric piston pump, good running ful, gize mattress> all for $15. Call order, ?2o. Wicke Fair Oaks McIIenry 695-M-2. *50 subdivision, R-3, McHenry, Call i Saturday, Sunday or Monday. McHenry 675-R-2. Tel. FOR SALE--Fertile goose eggs, $5 *50 ' pgr (joz> Inquire at 715 Center St., Tel. McHenry 278-J. 50 FOR SALE--Grade Holstein bull, 18 mos. old, Bangs tested. John Koerber,: FOR SALE -- Delton Fibre Rugs, R-3 McHenry, Tel. 617-M-2. ^50 $12.25. P. M. Jus ten Furniture Co., West McHenry. *50 FOR SALE--1939 Chevrolet Special Deluxe Sedan; good mechanical con- FOR SALE--Bamboo fishing poles, dition; good tires. See Clark Chev-; 16-ft. 59c. Gamble's Store, West rolet Sales. Phone 277. 50) McHenry. 50 ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP 304 Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. *46-26 Phone McHenry 760. EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL--INSURE® FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Bo* 16S Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, I1L 45-tf FOR SALE--Oak top breakfast set, j I DEAL IN USED CARS _ regular $69 value, now $55. P. M. THAT ARE IDEAL FOR YOU Justen Furniture Co., West Mc- i 1940 Pontiac, 2-door, radio and Henry. *50 heater. -- -- --i-- 1941 Buick super, 4-door, radio and FOR SALE--Year-round house, in? ! heater. sulated; 5 rooms furnished, bath 1941 Buick special, sedanet, radio with shower, electric water heater an(j heater. " and range, basement garage; lot 1941 Ford, 2-door, heater. 75x120, fenced. Located at Wonder i 1946 Chevrolet Stylemaster, 4-door, Lake. Price $9,000, not less than heater. *' $6,000 cash. Call Moh. 2895, Chi- 1946 Plymouth, 4-door, heater. c»go. | 49-2 1946 Mercury, 4-door, radio and FOR SALE--Two men's blue plaid heater. •port coats, size 42, like,, new; one 1947 Mercury convertible club coupe, radio and heater. Schaffner? Sg jlMT fw>tl»c »ed.n coupe', radio and rare cooker, used .George W. Knaack 136-M. only once, $15. j Phone McHenry *49-2 FOR SALE -- Available for spring planting, complete line of nursery stock, including evergreens, fruit and shade trees, magnolias, shrubs, roses, berries, etc. Get our prices and see wo"d our stock before you buy. Westman 'ones* Evergreen Nursery, one-half mile I west of Woodstock on South St. Tel. 1 __ Woodstock 232-R. 49-2 ARMAND PAQUIN ^lOTORS Tracks 1946 Ford pick-up, H ton. 1946 Ford stake, 1% ton, l«tt* wteel base. 1937 GMC stake, ltt ton, short wheel base. We can't sell aU the cars in the we just sell the best Open Evenings Call Lake Zurich 2262. PLOWING, ROTARTILLER, wood sawing, etc. Herman Dowe, 208 Richmond Road, Phone McHenry 241. 45-tf. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY--Boat shop. 40x60 ft. on lake, shop attached 16x20, extra building, 16x16; two cabins, sleep 8 people; possession April 1. Price $13,000; cash $9,000; balance terms. Lake Region Realty, Fox Lake, 111. Phone F. L. 3941. 43-8 atches and Jewelry tt iony Noonan. 200 $o McHenry. (Front pari re Bet-uty Shoppe.) 18-tf WANTEIV--Within ten-miles radius from McHenry, modern home, apartment or living quarters in exchange for part time farm work. (Best of references furnished. Address Box 30, care Plaindealer. *49-2" FOR RENT FOR RENT--Modern three-room unfurnished stove heated house at Mc- Cullom Lake Estates. Bath, hot water heater, large screened porch and garage; suitable for couple only. Will consider lease term up to 36 months. Occupancy about August 15 or when alterations are completed. Rent $10.50 per week. In reply state references and lease term desired. Box 2, Address Plaindealer. _ *50 m t ^lif: yHs* W ' SITOATtOIT WANTED--Position as companion and to do light housekeeping. Phone McHenry 218-M. *50 FOR RENT--Resort property, fur--| nished cottage, 5 rooms, gafr, electricity, water; no pets; references; at McCullom Lake, $50 per month. For information write Box 25, care Plain- i ises.' UvNfNk Dictate Central MmaM to Un Wait# A riz-point campaign to avoid waste of feed and loas of moat by eontroKteg livostodK disease during the winter months was |aunchod by tho American Foundation for Animal Health. „ Farmers everywhere were urged to join in a thorough, well-rounded program of livestock health conservation, based on these six practical measures: (1) Exclusion of diseased animals. "Buy only tested, disease-free stock. Then keep tho new stock away from the home herd for at least two weeks." (2) Quarantine. "If disease does strike, h&ve the trouble diagnosed immediately. Isolate the infected animals and quarantine the premdealei^ *50 HELP WANTED MEN WANTED We still haw a few openings in our Production Department for reliable men. Experience desirable but not necessary. '* Good starting wage; * Opportunity for rapid salary advancement.. * High bonus for s&ond and third shift work. * Two weeks paid vacation.* * One week paid sick leave. * Six paid legal holidays. * Group insurance and hospitalization plans available. r * Steady work. Only men seriously desiring steady work with a progressive and expanding company need apply. Phone, write or call in person. THE EDWAL LABORATORIES, INC. Ringwood, 111. Tel. Richmond 5 50 j (3) Strict sanitation. "Thorough Cleaning and disinfection of buildings and equipment is a wise pre- I caution at all times. It is a vital necessity when a disease outbreak , does occur." | (4) Disposal of infected stock. "In | some diseases, sick and exposed < animals must be disposed of im- : mediately. In all cases, carcasses of 1 disease victims must be destroyed ; at once in a manner complying with j state law." ] (5) Vaccination. "Immunization is the only sure means of preventing } certain livestock diseases such as | hog cholera and erysipelas." I (6) Wise feeding practices. "Pro- ! vide balanced rations and watch for i signs of nutritional deficiencies." PORCELAIN WALL TILE / FOR ALL PURPOSES FRED KLING VEOS -- TILE -- SERVICE 618 W: Crystal Lake Ave., Crystal Lake 41-tf Phone Crystal Lake 490 CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. Free estimate. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. *46-9 CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging, no lawn mess. Septic tankB and grease traps cleaned, built, repaired. University engineer on all construction. Lake County Sanitary Co. Tel. Libertyviile 1346. 48-tf Rt. 12 and old Rand Road, across FOR SALE--State inspected bloom- from Breezy Point. 50 tag size gladiolus bulbs, 25 for $1.00 -- " 60 for $2.00, 100 for $3.00. One F0R SALE -- At Ringwood, two dozen each of ten differently colored acres land- 8-room modem house, varieties, labeled, $4.00. Prepaid furnace heat, $8,500. Carl Ohrwall, Slices; free catalogue. Gladvale 1 Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 1207, ardens, Walnut, I1L 48-4 1348-M-2. 49-2 FOR SALE--Generators; armatures, F0R SALE--Eleven-room house on starters, fuel pumps, distributors John street; all modern. Tel. Mcvoltage regulators and ignition parts Henry 649-W-l. *49-2 for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. 47-tf 'ALL YEAR HOME F6R SALE Six rooms, glazed in porch, garage. Lot 50x200. Riverside Drive. Price $9,250. SUMMER HOME ON FOX RIVER, north of Johnsburg. Five rooms, . . . n ^- running water, gas, electric. Price f00 ^ range; full cement basement; 17^50 1 large corner lot; 2 miles east of Mc- MODERN ALL YEAR, 5-ROOM I Henry* HOME, like new. Automatic oil men- ? . JACOB FRITZ, RE1ALTOR, ALL YEAR HOMES FOR SALE At McCullom Lake; five rooms; hardwood floors; insulated, 100 feet frontage; price $7,500. At Wonder Lake; six rooms; bath; automatic oil heat; garage attached; lot has seventy-five ft. frontage, price $10,900. Modern 6-room home, completely furnished, including new refrigerator, heat; insulated; fine recreation room i Johnsburg, Tel. tasement. with Knottv-nine walls: ! l^ncoln (lddj. 37 or Chicago in basement, with Knotty-pine walls; 44-tf large lot on blacktop road; combi- P0R SALE--Used ears and trucks. rXwsS^ISCTsenA 'BARGAIN^ ;po^ N,sh Sales, McHenry. 44-tf YOU MUST SEE IT. JACOB FRITZ MISCELLANEOUS REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. Mc- --^ w o afcpry 37, or Chicago Lincoln 1333. | ANNOUNCEMENT -- Opening of 47-tf. , Terra Cotta Consignment and Re- Located on Terra Cotta NOTICE--Closed Sundays and Mondays until further notice. Consignment and resale on any usable items, from thumb tacks to furniture. Gen & Is's store, third house oh East River Road going south from state bridge. Tel. McHenry 493-W. 48-tf HELP WANTED -- Waitress, full time; good salary. Also dishwasher for Saturdays and Sundays. Nagy's Restaurant. Tel. McHenry 422. 50 Telephone Exchange First telephone exchange in any J foreign country was installed in : London in 1879, with Samuel Insull as the first telephone operator at tho j exchange and George Bernard j Shaw as one of' the employees. Later Insull came to the United I States ahd became Edison's secrei tary. HELP WANTED--Waitress for full time work; good salary. Address Box 7, care Plaindealer. " 50 HELP WANTED--Experienced cook and waitress. Address Box 27, care Plaindealer. 50 HELP WANTED--Girls and boys, 16 years of age and over; after school work. Apply Admiral Corp., 507 W. Elm St., McHenry or call McHenry 470. 47-tf HELP WANTED--Laborers, See I. Fredricksen at Wonder Lake or call W. L. 221. 46-tf HELP WANTED--Girl for general work in drug store. Bolger's, Green St., McHenry. 39-tf Named After Hero . The word "academy" was derived from the name of a hero in tho Trojan war. World Book -encyclopo* dia says that the Greek philosopher, Plato, taught a group of young people in a grove which belonged to * military hero named Academus. In honor of the owner, the school was known as Plato's academy. HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APNOTIC13-- During the month of April j PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 Resort kocktail at Pistakee the V'illa Hotel lounge and dining room Bay will be Open on Sundays, serving Sunday dinners. Reservations can RIVERSIDE PHONE 39. DRIVE, McHENRY. 20-tf WANTED TO BUY be made for parties, weddings and banquets. Call Pistakee 461. C. J. H. D1EHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, 111. DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash Krices paid for cows, horses and ogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 86-tf 46-5 i WANTED TO BUY--Standard youth bed or low child's bed that does not exceed 35x65 inches in size. Phone McHenry 495-R. *50 Those Swedish Feet Investigations made by the Aflteo* ciation of Swedish Shoe Manufacturers with army aid and involving 8,000 men show that the inhabitants of Stockholm and other large Swedish cities have b:gger feet than the rural population. This curious fact is connected with the greater stature of the city dwellers, according to Prof. Gunnar Dahlberg, head of the Swedish Institute of Human Genetics in Upsala. The increase in the average height that has taken place in the lest century is most pronouncv d in the larger communities. This is said to be mostly due to the mixture of many classes and origins rather than to the dail) on hard streets. ' PIANO TUNING ft SERVICE Harry C. Calhoun--Woodstock 1063-W or Harry J. Gearmmn--Cary 4502 Mem ben of American Society of Piano Technicians 28-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN, WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install puntpe. Bill Baconr 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 98-J. 10-t/ WANTED TO BUY--Highest prices j paid for your calves. Call Joe Mc- ' Andrews. Tel. McHenry 601-W-l. *49-4 WANTED TO BUY--Have buyer for farm from 80 to 100 acres with good . modern house. Also buyer for farm,. 160 to 200 acres. Write Lake Region Realty, Fox Lake, 111. Phone F. L.1 3941. 43-8 WANTED TO BUY--We have cash| buyers for restart properties, homes l and farms. JACOB FRITZ, REAL-; TOR, at Johnsburg. Tel McHenry 1 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333.' 43-tf i HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned TYPE^^IIOCK Road, % mile west Ten* Cotta j kby.. IETd/j/d1 IiAe"Os SCaawniiftaawrwy SOeiiMrvriicAea . Eddie SULATION. ^iaranteed noVf^ettVe. ^tory and Rt. 31 Open every day Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf Installed by t«h•»e= W" allfill Co. Call 0r eO^necnp t TTuhpufursiadva y,a 1n0H aT^mhn.r atoH a5,, "p o. vmo . '"SHEET METAL AND FURNACE write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl .p xuesaay and inursday eve- ^qdit Gutters and furnaces re• f8itt ., TTeell . MMccHHeennrrvy 1l»8. ntf ning» 7 to 9 p. m., Sunday 10:30 an° „ ef a_ m_ ^ 4 ^ Nice of paired. John McDonald Bowman St., FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- ladies' and girls' dresses, hats, suits -DIG MACHINES. Service on all and coats. Men's overcoats, suits, •takes. Also ribbons for all makes; slacks, dishes, miscellaneous items, cartoon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., Boy's Sike in good condition. Mrs. IVoodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf R. Dietrich. . Phone Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 50 LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 5Ux350 ft., McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 772-M. 38-tf On Route 31, about two block from TREE SERAYING-- Frank Henkel, depot. Inquire at 715 Center St. Volo, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Tel. Mc- Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf Henry 543-J-l. 45-tf1 WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of yeur garbage each week, or eftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular ye*r round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 366. tf WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf WANTED TO BENT WANTED TO RENT--Pasture for six heifers. R. G. Ullrich, R-3, McHenry, 111., Tel. McHenry 636-W-l. *50 WANTED TO RENT--House at McCullom Lake preferred. Address "Box 3," c/o Plaindealer. *49-3 PRINTER Top Pay (over scale) For First Class --PUBLICATION MAKEUP OR AD MAN. --STONE AND LINEUP MAN; --BINDERY MAN, experienced in cutting and trimming, also D^ter and iRaum' folders. --40 HOUR WEEK--Time and half for overtime. Vacation and holidays- with VOW* ' PERMANENT Call Mr. Hopkins Harrington 1311 The Courier Prew^ Harrington, 1IL DOUBLE MISFORTUNE - Little David Gavers, 15 months old, and his brother, Eugine, 4 were returned to the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Otto Gavers, Big Foot, recently, following a stay in the Harvard Community hospital. About three weeks ago, David was jring in the basement of his homo and got his finger% caught in the water pump motor. He was taken to the hospital where it was nec- TlmrwUy, April 1948 essary to amputate jjjie right thumb. His brother, Bagine,. was kicked in the head by a eow and was *1;m> taken to the. hospital. Letters jCaao CoOoct Postage on letters was paid by tho addressee until 1847. - Cotapleto ttbe of Loon remedies at Wattles Drag Store, M<s Henry. 8-tf U O N L Y H E A L T H Y P I G S r P O R T A B L E H O U S E S Ordinate SciHitatcaH tsi»* i»» Utetf IIM4 • Now you can select from the most complete group of hog houses we've ever been able to offer. Every size and shape to harmonize with your present buildings; From one pen up to as many as you want. Mounted on skids. You can always raise your pigs on clean grounds ' UMU Hog House Don't fail to see the CUB* ous UMU hog house, which can be used the year round -- as central fsrrowing quarters and range shelter --a "building that works every day in die year. Plans are available. :.v >.? Alexander Lumber Co. Phone McHenry 5 WEST McHENkY, ILL, INSPECTION STATION jKigWW' •ft-iM for all trucks up to 1Y% ton rating. > Under Illinois regulations you must have your truck inspected by May 1 > Come early and avoid last minute rush. McHKKRY, ILL. •WM Helen Weber Says: --CLARK CHEVROLET McHenry, 111. Phone 277. SALES, . 4t-tf } *Ute MIDWESTERNER by Robert Casey and W. A. S. Douglas IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU x Play safe--and don't let it happen to you. Our Insured mothproofing gives you full protection. NO EXTRA CHARGE. McHenry Gleaners Phone 1#4-M 103 El* St. Helen Wefcer, Mgr. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Want old farm or town home that needs repairs. Lot or acres, near water. Pay taxes and mortgage. State price. Address Box 454, Chicago 90, Illinois. *50-2 WANTED--Will pay cash for your car. Wm. Tamasy, R-2, Box 116. Phone McHenry 625-R-2. *50 Applications now being accepted for classes to enter July 5, 1948 and September 22, 1948. • Por dtscriptivt bookht writ*: Director of Nursed , iWEDISH-AMERICAN HOSPITAI l o c n o n 1 1 1 1 N o r* WANTED--CEMENT WORK, foundations, driveways, walks, etc. Will furnish one man and mixer or a labor crew. Time and material or contract price. Phone McHenry 547-M-2 or 786. *60-2 WANTED--Opening up new territory, need six, neat and aggressive girls, to hold plastic parties in the homes of hostesses. Contact M. Lembkey, 1513 Ridgeland Ave., Waukegan, 111. *50-2 WANTED -- Will give board and | room to young man in exchange for ; part time farm work. Address Box 4, care Plaindealer. *50 j WANTED--Small summer cottage, Fox River. Prhrate party. Address Box "PB," care Plaindealer. 48-4 WANTED--Dwelling to rent or purchase, within city limits of McHenry. Possession on or about April 1st. Eail R. Walsh, Phone 4$. *37-tf Subscribe for The Plaindealer SCRAP PAPER DRIVE r _ - r McHENRY CHAPTER OF FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA McHENRY HIGH SCHOOL SATURDAY, MAY 8 Starting at 10 a. m. f • Canvafcsing every house in McHenry and vicinity. Call high school 785 for special pickup#' . This is the story 6f Dwight H. Green, the Midwcstetner who believes that the preservation of die pioneer spirit is the hope of America and the world ... that die destiny of our country lies in its system of freeenterprise. Read the story of how this great prosecutor cracked A1 Capone's famous empire-outside-the-law and succeeded in die apparently hopeless task of sending him to a Federal Prison. Dwight H. Green is a man who has guided die government of Illinois for die past 8 years with uncompromising honesty and integrity, a man "who cannot be bullied or bought, who understands die state's problems and does something about them." Still echoing die quarterback spirit of college days die Midwesterner never hesitates to plunge directly into every job .. calling signals yet sriB doing his dure of die blocking and Okdding. Remember his drive and skill in legislative battles over the Illinois soldier bonus bill and the Congressional reapportionment act? Where seven previous governors bsd failed for 46 years, Dwight H. Green succeeded. THE MIDWESTERNER is a thrilling account of our own governor's meteoric rise from a struggling lawyer to die highest office in the state. Every citizen should read it. ,' $3W AT YOUR BOOKSTQRE^ \ or order from IfMeN Co. 1255 &Ur.V. atu. .. .. . ct- . jnlii

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