Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 May 1948, p. 10

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"T* t. >ya Pi? n s ; -wgr rn^ Mter. in the water, but they la the sand away bit m i. h*b Vetsrtaariaa _ Wtfciraj SI -- Offles aai Mm T»L McHeary 31 McHeary, ULf HMIiNBini: 1 |Jk te * *m. H IWnriara iy «p 'fi JOHN Fs BRDA ft SON Jt|»e« Metal aad Faraaee Werk 0g W. 6ma St, McHeary, HL Pfcea* SO-K . - BELL ft SHALES . Interior and Bilmiar PaWki Payer Hanging Alaa 8»ray Paiattaf ,, MS N. Gram St. McHeary y#:"" ' TeL McHenry 243-J ar W • Oystal Ufce lMS-M-l J < VHtNON KNOX '• Attorney-At»Lew ~ V.- Car. Green pad Etaa Sta^ McHeary Taeeday aai Friday Afteraoeas 'Other Days By Appatatnat . " Phone McHenry 41 II.'B WELDING AND RBPAIX SERVICE CM Mala St. McHcary • Bectrie PertaMe Weidinc rleae Welding and Catting _EX W. WIRFS, Operator 'Phase S15-W-1 or 4S4 MUENRY, ILL. W WATER PUMPS " , Fairbanks Morse Ejector aad Pnap types. All siaes. Co-plet* sad Easy, to install. Saap pumps. Take old ENGOTIKOM SALES AND SERVICE! TeL McHeary 552-W-l ] (SM ft froai Nell's BallroonO j -- WAN!ED TO BUY -- "~l Wa pay $f to $25 for Old Horses,! laaa for down horses and cattle.! MATTS MINK RANCH Jafcaabarg - Spring Grove Road I Pfcoae Johnsbarg 314 I rif l. AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges McHENRV FLORAL CO. Phone 404 Oaa Mile Sooth of McHeary oa Roate 31" Flowers for all occasions! FRANK S. MAY Tracking -- Black Dirt -- Crashed Gravel Ciaders -- Limestone Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 58®-M-l R-l McHenry | " A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- Id. 2t4-M McHenry* I1L PLASTIC WALLTILE Eighteen colors of beautiful wall covering. See them before decorating your bath or kitchen. Colors are through the tile--will not peel or scrathch off. Write for estimate or put it on yourself. Engstrom Sales A Service, McHenry, 300 feet from Nell's ballroom. Phone Pistakee 552-W-l. » DR. R. DeROME • .i .... -- Dentist -- tTT™ 12C Green Street Pheae 2t2-J. McHeary Office Hoars: Taeaday aad Saturdays frost It to 4. Eveaings by appoint* •j ft. G. ADL1NOTON TpHE old caretaker was nof I prised whan confronted by the man with the gun. He had been expecting something of the aort ever since the publicity In the paper. He was swiftly but thoroughly searched. "Where la HT" demanded the gunman. "In the table drawer," said the did caretaker. "I never cany it with ma. I'm afraid of it." Hie old man darad to relax. "Thanks," ha said, "I was getting kinda tired holding 'em up. Do you mind if I sit (town?" "Yea," ha said, with a sigh. "I told Mister John ft was foolishness, putting all that stuff in the paper, no good would coma of it" "How right you ware," grinned the man with the gun. "According 3 • _ to this spread, „. , ha'a closed the • MMStl joint op while ha mer on the coast Must ba nice to bave dough." The old man shrugged. "That's the story the paper got" * "What do you mean/' asked the gunman shandy. "Aren't you alone here?" "Sure I'm alone," said the caretaker hastily. "I meant there was more to 'em closing the house up than the paper was tokl. Mister John's wife didn't like itLhere." "Most dames could stand living in a shack like this/' Tbofoo only boom married three months. Sho liked k bore at frit, then the said it got on bor nerves. Claimed tbo place was spooky. It's m pretty old place, you know." "Enough of this spook talk," the gunman said roughly. "Here's what I'm interested, in." He scored a few lines on the paper with his. thumbnail, then tossed the paper to the old man. C LOWLY the caretaker read aloud ^ from the society page blurb. "Among the many treasures gathered under the roof of the historic old house is an early Van Gogh . . ." "I was going to tie you up first," said the gunman, with another quick glance at the dark passage, "but on j second thought I'll let you show me I where it is. Let's go." j They were half way through the J passage, the caretaker leading, i when the gunman stopped and gripped him by the arm. "What was that?" "I didn't hear anything." They crossed a couple of rooms that must have been enormous, j judging by the time it took to trav- ; erse them, before the caretaker 1 halted again, this time of his own accord. "This is the music room," he said. "The painting's on the far wall." The man with the gun gave a j grunt of satisfaction. With the piano j as a bearing, it was easy to locate | the Van Gogh. He let the light play kTV3' , ' 'j lie Council net for the hwi hail HVM annual aiatfrn with Mayor Overton y. Aldermen present: /* ergo J. Freund, Gaoive Regoer, Tonyan. Aboent: By ' iLdm RBNIVBU HPHS. stadium was filled to ity tot the opening game aad a swelling chorus of voices filled the air. The sun was a brilliant ball in a sky of blue. But Johnny Longstreet sat hunched in the dugout, his huge hands hanging loosely between his knees. The banter of his teammates was a meaningless babel to him. "I wonder how she is by now/' he though^ miserably. His blue eyes darkened in despair as he thought of the interminable afternoon before him. He groaned and glanced over at Corky Blanton. It was too bad that Chuck Leighton had sprained an ankle. Doc s*id he'd be back in 3Maate ^ 5Trw next week, b*u*t FlitlM next week was -------- too late and Corky was depending on Johnny to pitch this opening game. "How's it going, Johnny?" Corky dropped down on the bench beside him and laid a comforting hand on his knee. "Gotb, Corky, i. don't know. Tbt Doe tmd sbfd M right, hmt I wish to Hrov on I comid ho tbqr* with btr." His kmnck' Us whkonod os bo elomhoi bis bonds omd Corky votebod him with tromblrd 0y0io As Johnny took the mound for the top half of the first inriing, a cheer rose from the stands. His heart yrarmed at the sound and some of the sag lifted from his shoulders. He looked at Windy Norton, who was catching, and nodded as he caught the signal. As he started his windup, a fleeting vision of Milly's scared little face crossed his mind. He knew when the ball left his hand, it was a stinker. Sure enough. Bill Lofton, the big Pirate shortstop, laid on it for a three-base hit. A groan went up from the crowd. He got hold of himself and fanned the next three men up, leaving Bill Lofton stranded on third. As he fac*d the first man up in the second inning, Johmfy's arm felt like lead. "If I just knew how she was," he thought. "If I just knew she was all right." He tried desperately to keep his mind on.the game, to keep from thinking about Milly, but, in spite of himself, he failed miserably. He simply couldn't keep her out of his mind. IT HAPPENED in the sixth inning. * He walked the first man and the next batter up hit for a single, put-' ting a man on first and third. A sacrifice hit brought in the first run qf the game for the Pirates. As the seventh inning came up, and the boys trotted out to their positions, Corky turned impatiently as someone tapped him on the shoulder. He took the note handed to him. His face spread into a huge grin and he ran out to the mound "Well," Johnny thought, Ma. IN STOFFEL ft REIHANSPERGES laaarancc ageaito far all classes ,«f property in the best companies. West McHeary, Illinois CHARLES S. PARKER, Attoraey' ft Parker) Hoars: iraoaesaay After--una l.ti 5 Jj Office Keehr Supply Company, 542 Maia Street West McHeanry Plme McHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 (Jeslyn Offiee Motion by Hefner, seconded by George P. Freund, that the minutes of the last regular meeting be ap» proved as rsad. Motion carried. Motion ty AWm^ seconded by Teaiyan, Oat the treasurer's report fur the month of April be approved ss road. Motion carried. Motion by George J. Freund, seconded by George P. Freund that the collector's report for the month of April b« approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Tonyan, seconded by Althoff, that the clerk'p report for the month of April be approved as road. Motion carried. Motion by George P. Freund, seconded by Regner, that the treasurer's annual report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Althoff, seconded by George J. Freund, that the collector's annual report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion, by George J. Freund, seconded ay Tonyan, that the clerk's annual report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by George 'J. Freuntf, seconded by Regner, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance committee: Lester R. Bacon,, salary $200.00 John J. McCarthy, salary .... 161.10 William Lundy, salary »• 161.10 Philip M. Theimes, salary .... 161.10 W. C. Felts, salary 127.90 Earl R. Walsh, office expense 65,00 R. I. Overton, salary 48.00 William H. Althoff. salary .... 30.00 Arnold Anderson, salary ...... 30.00 George J. Freund, salary .... 30.00 George P. Freund, .salary .... 30.00 Joseph M. Regner, salary .... 30.00 Alfred Tonyan, salary 30.00 Vernon J. Knox, salary 50.00 Robert L. Weber, salary 30.00 Earl R. Walsh, salary 105.00 Special Sewer Fund, sewer service 75.00 Mayme Buss, salary ft commissions 51.24 Collector of Internal Revenue income tax 158.60 Dr. C. W. Klontz, board of health service B. J. Brefeld, board of health service A. J. Kamhols, board of health se^rice ... Ero Erickson, police, radio maintenance Frank Masquelet, labor at city park Philip M. Thennes, postage-- water samples Freund Oil Company, kerosene Smith's Shell Service Station, gasoline Earl R. Walsh, freight paid.... Carey Electric Shop, supplies P. F. Pettibone & Co., supplies -- .' McHenry Co. Farmers' Co-op.' Ass'n., salt Holly's Service Station, ice..v Carl J. Freund, sidewalks Tonyan Brothers, crushed road gravel j Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Div., repairing rpeters Jacob Freund, labor and seed at athletic field 21.75 Anton H. Freund, labor on * streets 132.00 "here's [A. S. Blake Motor Sales, Inc. repairs to police car Ed Huff, pumping out manhole Western United G. ft E. Co., gas service Public Service Company, power ft light Victor H. Kasser, Green St bridge plans - 1,200.00 SPECIAL SEWER FUND: Fred C. Felt*, salary $135.00 Mayme Buss, clerical ........ 20.00 P-u blic giaW lii C' ompany, Aft MrWW • f 'WmH mMum hr iitMr. MflnU Wv George P. FraoM, to designate week starting Hay 3rd, 1M8, as Clean-Up Week in the city of McHenry. Motion carried. m Motion by AftM, aaMsd by Gkiorge J. FEeugjlq- that the masting be adjourned; IMion carried, w R. I. OVERTON, EARL R. WAL ** City Clerk. ^ |jw |^y Aky, w ••MtaArak atatat Asm as rarmmediately following adjournment of the Annual Meeting, the City Council convened in a Special Meeting called for the "purpose of acting en applications for Alcoholic Beverage Licensee. Mayor Overton presided at the meeting. Alderman present: Althoff. George J. Freund, George P. Freund, Regner, Tonyan. Absent: Anderson. Motion by George P. Freund, seconded by Althoff, to approve the amplications of the following listed Class "A" Alcoholic Beverage Li- McHenry Country Club, Winfield W. Hafberg, Anthony G. Paluch, Marie ^egge, Matt B. Laures, John 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 82.50 1.04 1.00 5.25 2.55 3.75 4.70 1.50 .65 .880 18.77 28.08 77.63 15.00 6.81 74.15 INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Aato, Farm and Life Iasaranca Representing * RELIABLE COMPANIE8 When yon need insurance of any kiad Phone 43 or 118-M Greea ft Elm McHeavy FARM DRAINAGE THinjt Work Done With- Modern Equipment Can Furnish Tile ~~ LEO G. ZIMMERMAN Contractor 1699-M-l R. p. D. 2 Woodstock, HL Floor Sanding Beflnishing, varnishing n-wH Dnro-Seal. Waxing new old floors; also Kentile, a lifetime floor. Free estimates. Call McHenry 666-R-2 or 497-R Lightning Protection • P'"-- • ' '• 1; prr~r-;Vroo -Estimates,, o»'v New Installations and Repairs to Prcaent Systems. All Work Guaranteed. aIm ApfUucc Arresters. TeL McHenry 175 'Where * Itf on it, making audible noises of satis* faction. "You can help me--" he began, but the sentence was never finished. High aad clear, came the tinkling notes of a piano. It was as though an invisible hand had brushed over the keys, or lightly ran up a scale, the sound was repeated, but this tiine the notes were slow and uncertain, as if the unseen player tried to pick out an almost forgotten tun^. The circle of light on the painting wavered violently, then jerked wildly down to the pia*o. By its light ,thc two men saw that the stool was untenanted, but as each note sounded a key was depressed by invisible fingers. The old man was touching the gunman, and he felt him go rigid terror. TUrhext second the room as in darkness as the lamp fell or was hurled to the floor. The kitchen door had slammed bohind the intruder before the caretaker recovered the lamp. Approaching the piano, he fumbled under the open top, and when he withdrew his arm the , music ceased abruptly. / "You tittU raseA, you," chuckled tbo old msn fondly, to the furry bundle in bis band. "It's a good thing for Mister John be told me I could use bis planner. Bmt it* no place for a kitten to play in." Reltased by WNU Feature. ' 3 t Johnny's arm fett like lead. Where 1 get yanked aad I don't "blame him. Any rookie pitcher could toss rings around me today." But Corky simply handed Johnny the paper. Johnny read it and let out a whoop. The fans watched in bewilderment as they saw Johnny go into a dance. Then they saw his teammates come running ip and cluster around him to break away with howls and back-thumpings. Finally, everyone back in position, Johnny toed the mound and squinted at Windy, waiting for the signal. As it came, he gave a satis fied nod and started his wind-up. The ball whizzed over the plate and you could almost see the smoke trailing it. The next one was a beautiful slow ball that broke just right Johnny grinned happily as the batter took a healthy swing at ti>e next one and missed. The Reds got two runs in the eighth, giving them s one-run lead over the Pirates and Johnny put them away one, two, three in the ninth. Not a very big lead, to be sure, but big enough, especially when you consider that Johnny hadn't really pitched much of game before Corky'd brought him that little slip of paper at the begin ning of the seventh. Oh yes, tbo note? IVeU, it really wasn't o very big message; that is, not very bif. im words. U merely said, "Ifs twins darling. Two future major league ball players. See that you make them proua of their Daddy today." And it was signed "Milly." Released by WNU Features. A. Thennea, Gus Unti, Lena H. Guerico, Ernie Freund ft Carolyn Justen, Frank J. Holt, Floyd A. Coleman, Arthur H. ft Leona Henschel, Frank J. ft Helen C. Immekus, Harold F. Miller, A. E. Noonan, Sr. and A. E. Noonan, Jr., Riverside Hbtel, Inc., Herman C. and Erma Buch. Motion carried. Motion by George P. Freund, seconded by Regner, to approve the applications of Thomas P. Bolger and Herman F. Nye for Class "C" (Licensed Pharmisists) Packaged Liquor licenses. Motion carried. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Tonyan, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. fc. I. OVERTON, Mayor. EARL R. WALSH, City Cleric. Beys ef Strap It Is estimated that every man, woman and child who lives in city area(s rides a streetcar, trackless trolley or bus at least 20S times a year. tha age of fire. itum aad S3 par ire mttarata. Eightyseven per cent of all cultivable land Ja omd tty 1 per cent of the peo- Mfte lfinaty per cent of the population, which if frightfully undernourished, suffers from trachoma; 75 par cent from bilharzta (disease ci blood); TO per cent froan pellagra; IS per eeat from rsalaria. The death rate Is higher than even that of India (ST J par 1,000). Hie average incoaneof farm worfc- •rs (who are not permitted to organlxe) is from $14.80 to $29.50 annually. The maximum wage of faotory workers Is $3.71 weekly, and ofjchildron about $1. SfTi*, another Arab state, la equallr an area of destitution, undernourishment and disease, sccording to the report Agriculture workers earn! to 11 cents a day. There «• 400,000 cases of malaria mndOj. outof a population of leap Oian 3 million. Crude OH Products llw oil industry has helped develop approximately 5,400 different products from crude oiL Petroleum Is used as the base for thousands of essential products, ranging from lipstick to DDT and from candies to candles. A partial list of such products used in the home Includes cellophane, rust preventives, sewing machine oil. Cleaning fluids, laundry wax, insecticides, disinfectants, dyts, roofing materials, timber preservatives, furnaioe oil, gas for ths kitchen range, and the now familiar plastic items In use as fittings, wall tiles, luggage frames, Jewelry and gadgets of all aorta. Crder your rubber stamps *€ The Plsindealer. ar aB the individual know* to be in the tod*: to Bad ' •dmtt they ait •s Qiere la soane eadt- * b ynunaptari. Paraaifla who are esteemed with the welfare ef their cM. drsa know that nfllnlsni ha«2 riM; afeslfvat fim Si •> |lng aq * •Mint are of fanportaaoe to i aai growttr and develooaneaL Need RWfcer BtampsT Qrdar The Plaindeafer. WEINGART TRUCKING >8aad -- Gravel FlUng --- Blade Dirt -- Tracks for Sre Free Bdiaathg TeL lil-B-1 McHeary, WELDING Portable Eqaipaaeat H. B. VANCE--McHenry 114 •M South Greea St, McHc TeL Wearier Lake 411 DK. R. H. WATEINH * DeartJst __OCfiee Honrs Taeaday ft Satardays: SajLtoipA Bveadags aad Saaday Mornings b^ Appeintmeat! Leeheat Wonder Lak^ Phone McHeary 5S4-R-2 -- Basesaeat Excavating -- NETTS SAND AND GRAVEL Special Rates oa Road Gravel ari|t Lot Filling . . Black Dirt . . Po»5 Leveling and Grading. J. E. NFTT Johasbarg P. O.--Mdlisg Uncle Sam Says f MOSEY INN inrawooD Fish Fry Every Friday Night PHAGES BEES . RED BOWMAN, Prop. 4 Take year place in*the Parade te Security! No matter what your present income is, or what yonr future may be--saving today will get you further, faster! And there's no safer, more profitable way to save than the convenient Payroll Savings Plan right where yon work! Cvery dollar tacked away in bonds today Is part of yonr "take-home savings"-- money-that GROWS. It's a promise of better things ahead for yon and yonr family. For the selfemployed, the Bend-A-Month Plan where yon bank provides the automatic, safe, sure, profitable way te get into the Seearlty Parade. Sign ap far Seearlty today! Aad remember . . . AMERICA'S SECURITY B TOUR SECURITY! V. S. Treasury Depot tmeml ELECTRIC MOTORS COMPLETE REPAIR SHOP Rewinding & Rebuilding ^ McHenry Electric Motor Servict BRUCE W. KLONTZ 102 W. WAUKEGAN RD. PHONE 181 MEW LIFE-TIME GALVANIZED "i t. * TCHE S MOST MODERN FEATURES QF STEEL PIER---* Safe, Strong, Rust-Resistant, Durable, Attractive, * Aligning to Size, Easily Installed Scttttiethatold pre-warpier aad insUll tfci LlgE-TIME ptor. "0 : -- Also Break Necks According to J. Edgar Hoover, 88 to 90 per cent of the driving accidents in many large cities are caused directly by perrons who break traffic laws. May en Leewara 8Ue The young of the white bass generally are found on the leeward side •< the lake on a windy day, while Older fish are almost invariably u the Windward side. American Horsemeat At the rate of 100 million poundi a year, American horsemeat is be ing sent abroad to help keep the people of almost a dozen Europe aq countries from starvation. With the cost of cattle and hogs At pealf prices, it is estimated that hors^; meat, at about $14 a hundredweight, saves more than half the meat bill# Belgium leads all countries ir_ horsemeat shipments, with Sweden next. Cottage Owners, Camps, Resorts 1 Iff you need a new, outstanding, fuperstructure, Guaranteed P11P> ' > A Waterfront Comfort and • Needed Convenience ~ 8ee Dealer , . y • HENNING'S RESORT -- Movie Bar -- On Pistakee Ba^ near McHenry, m. PHONE PISTAKEE 346 WB CONTRACT -- BUILD -- INSTALL -- REMOVE j"1 STANDARD^ CORK SCREW »>« SAFETY

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