Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 May 1948, p. 11

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T.-. ,• Hr*~yt' >-i,. •¥*; • V • me •a* * -~v - *1 ' • , • -w J, ; . ;: f!?Vi • .. ' - ^ n '*> *$ ttiaiii mww *V.!f*' •• • m 8IXTT TEAB8 AGO . ..IPred Schnorr is boildint a nam wn on the premises occupied by A. CI Granger. Up to this time fire applications Sir saloon liceneses in this Tillage far the conrinc year have been made and granted. Fitsahnmons * Henderson ia the name of the new ftrrr who will, about May 16, open the store lately occupied by the nest office in Weat McHenry, which they hate filled with a new and complete stock of general merchandise. Jas. B. Party, Esq., has been ap- Sinted school treasurer, Tice Henry >lby resigned. i: ^TOTY TEABS AGO board of town auditor*, *f their meeting last week, appointed James Green thistle commissioner for the ensuing year. x Wm. S toff el, of this village, haa V Mrented a protection for pneumatic tire et bicycles that Is one of Dm things of its kind we Orion CHDbert, Newell Colby aad George 8tlmpin went to Nunaa on their wheels on Sunday. Mrs. Lanph«re is moring up from ' this Week and will occupy her lately purchased of Wm. D. IWsatwoxth. , . «._____ i-g FOBTT YKABS AGO f ;J The new depot is here at last in the shape ofxa crushed stone platform. If McHenry gets that new railroad the villager! won't give a snap whether the Northwestern builds that new depot or not. Mrs. E. Hunter and daughter, Edna, have packed their good^.and gene to Elgin, where they will make their future home. Now that the local option question it satUnd for at least one year, let us get together and lend our encouragement toward the electric light and electric railway enterprises. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Word has been received in McHenry last Thursday that the contract for the building of the McHenry- Volo stretch of rood has bean awarded on that day. Miss Frances Vycital, who has spent the winter in Chicago, has returned to McHenry and again taken charge of the variety department of her father's store. J. A. Conrad, cashier of the Fox limestone VERN THELEN TRUCKING "^^RAVEL BLACK DIET « ... Thick For Hire' • TeL McHenry 688-W-l Box 172, Rt. 1, McHenry Valley state baali tow moved his family eat ftoat CHcmeo and are now occupying the Laluager house west of the railroad tracks. Walter Fay haa entered the employ of the Elgin Watch factory, starting work on Monday morning of this week. UllJ aM - AbbIAA ' Ht Btst Flmr ia IMer •arlatkna k flavor maybe one «f tha main reaaons for the public'a In* difference to apjfla older as a beverage, according to Ohio agricultural experiment station. Flavor to dder la obtained by Being a blend of applea, of sweet and add varieties. Varietlea with a rich aroma also add a deatrabla characteristic to the flavor, iwh a bland mp<y be aecured by nstog Jonathan, Crimea, DaUdoua, Btayman, Baldwin, McXntoab and other highlyflavored varieties. Juke from bland variettea such as Bome or Be* Davis may be uaed for aa much aa wwhalf of the total volume, pro* vided the aharp Jufcoa from the other varieties are Included. A few people like an astringent flavor, which ma^ be aacurad fagr- the inch*- atom of aome crab applea. Cldar apples should be mature, firm and Juicy. Flavor can bt destroyed or partially destroyed tay fermentation, the addition of too much preeervative, unclean applea or equipment, pasteurisation, especially fta kn| heat treatment, or contact with iron, copper or tine. Galvanised containers never should be used for dder. Although filtration, clarification and pasteurization can be uaed to advantage In the preparation of clear dder, these processes should be uted only by those thoroughly familiar with their limitations and poaaibilitiea. Fruit growers who handle lesa than 800 gallons of dd«r dally should rely mainly on tha sale of unfiltered fresh dder. MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Records Installed and Maintained* ELMER P. ADAMS . Certified Tax Consultant ; One Mile North of Fox Lake on Rt. U. 8. 12 ^ r Pbone Fox Lake 5501 FOX LAKE, VA1K ADVttnt'8 - oowmn . Hats off to the town of Marengo. Mayor Echternavgh had with him Mr. Finn, rep»eeentii»g the Chamber of Commerce; Mr. Dowell, of the Marengo Republican News; Vocational Agriculture teacher, Robert Vogan; and Hatcheryman, Paul Whalen, at our meeting last Thursday night to discuss the Illinois "Fly Free" Campaign. They mean business, so I'd hate to be a fly J own that way tlds summer. Mayor Spooner of Hebron sent Alvin Schmidt, the vocational agriculture teachei- there, who plans to encourage co-operation in Hebron. Mayor Johnson, of Woodstock, who invited the mayors of all cities and the presidents of all villages in the county, told about how Woodstock got started on the D. D. T. spraying program last year after the five cases of polio in Woodstock in 1946. Nona were reported last year. He said they used about 1400 pounds of 50 per cent water wottable D. D. T. powder last year and ttt city spent about f 1000 for materials and spraying. Tber plan on putting the same amount of money into the deal this year, which will mean more spraying, because D. D. T. is about half the price this year as it was last Sanitary Engineer Vhilbin, of the state health department district office at Woodstock, mowed a 01m and made a brief talk on the house fly. He said the fly is by all standards the FILTHIEST insect on the face of the globe. It breeds in rotting material and seldom goes more than 1000' yards- from that place if it can get food within that radius and most flies never go over 100 yards. From this it can be seen that most people breed their own misery. H{ said further that if flies could not get into tick rooms and what goes with tjtem, diseases woald fl extinct a vary short whfle. ftammertime diseases like typhoid, dysentery, etc., are definitely fly bornfe. Aa fly, when caught, haa been found to carry almost all disease heard of. They eat their food by lifting on it, expunging a saliva from their inaides to soak up the food and then sop it up again with their sponge type mouth. \When they do this they leave the well known fly speck. He says a town may look clean jwhen you drive down Main street, I but the test is to drive down the , alleys back of the grocery stores and j restaurants, out to tha garbage disposal area, etc. Ha add a single ipair of flies could reproduce themi selves to the extent of 191. with 18 {zeros after it. Some family. ! Mrs. Sweeney, home adviaer, who was present, said the farmer's wife is i on her toes on this, fly problem and | if she can get the men folk to haul that straw stack bottom out, many [of her problems would be solved. | Folks in town should not pile up • grass clippings. Flys will breed in j them, too. L. A. Lafand, manager of the McHenry County Service company, said a farmer can spray completely j for a year for about $8 on the {average sized farm. I What is your mayor or Village lpresident doing about flies? By j using the usual reaction pattern as la guide where people who are doing [a- good job like to come and tell | about it, the rest of the towns aren't doing much about fiy control. Are Jwe right? It is our opinion that about 90 per cent of our farmers are spraying for complete control with D. D. T. SAVED FROM DROWUVG j Two canoeists were saved from! drowning last week when they ware pulled out of the Fox River near I the St, Charles dam. Donald Cardton and Carol Kimpbell, both of Chicago, were rescued by John Johnston, caretaker of the P>stside boat house, and Patrolman Arthur Johnson of the St. Charles police force. Johnston told police he neard shouts coming from the middle of the rfoir and rnshtd .ant if Ma boat houaa to fnvastigslsL Ha he saw the couple dmgiag to i capsized canoe. JoMnauat said ha ran to a nearby street aad ohtalasl the aid of Patrolman Johnson. . - Maw Is the Haa Ifow It the time to start _ sled catalogs and choosing tablaa your temfly likaa bast McHenry Sand and Gravel Co. Excavating and Crane Service Slack Dirt -- Sand and Road Grading CALL McHENRY 974 Storay lahaaat' History Retailed §• Amlftnary Postage stampa issued at Nassau marked tha 300th anniversary of the ! first European effort to develop the ' Bahamaa. In 1647 tha British parliament chartered the Company of "Eleutherian Adventurers" and vested in it tha proprietorahip of the ialand group aoutheast off Florida's coast. For their first settlement the colonists chose the narrow island that retains the old group name, Eleuthera, most fertile in the Bahamas. For their second they spread westward to New Providence, whose good harbor became Nassau, permanent center of Bahamas commerce and travel. Despite the colonists' success, Charles II in 1670 gave the islands to new proprietors. Spanish, French and pirate raiders hampered colonization. Among the 3,000 islands, keys and rocks are many bays and creeks well suited for pirate lairs. English, Spanish, Dutch and French ships were the prey of "Blackbeard," Captains Watling, Vane, Avery, Speed and others. Order your rubber stamps at-The Plainde&ler. First Direct Primary First known use of the di» rect primary In tha United States waa in Crawford county. Pa.. In 1868. MOTO-MOWER LAWN MOWERS POWER MOWERS 8ICKLE MOWERS WHIRLWIND MOWERS . LAWNJSWEEPERS BREADY GARDEN TRACTORS % Otto Adams Service Station Phone McHenry 434 Johnsburg, 111 CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird house*, lawn furniture, lawn and porch swings, pier and pack benches, picnic tables, window boxes, trellises, etc. Kitchen cabinets and cupboards made to order, hand woven wash baskets, shopping and market baskets. < * Vqill line of leather belts, suspenders, billfolds, etc. CLARENCE SMITH T*L McHaniy 583-1-1 NIGHT AUCTION 7:30 p. m. Every Wednesday GAULKE'S SALE BARN i ROUTE 47 WOODSTOCK, ILL. GOOD SELECTION OF CLOSE SPRINGERS FRESH COWS -:- STOCK BULLS CALVB HORSES SHEEP -:- FEEDER PIGS -:- STEERS Get Your Stock in Early Call 572 or 499 if yon want truck, to pick up Terms: 25% down, bal. in 12 mos. at Ms of 1% int. Best Calf Market in Northern Illinois , Bring Tour Calves Here For Top Pricli YOU CAN BUY ^ 7C YOU CAN SELL WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS J i ADMIRAL CORPORATION IS NOW IN ACTUAL PRODUCTION at our new 507 ELM ST., McHENRY (Formerly Kaiser-Fraxier Agency Bldg.) r Light, Clean; Interesting Work WHY TRAVEL FARTHER, when you can secure employment at or near home? Take pride la your job! Join the vast throngs who bail* America's Finest Radio Sets! Experience Not Necessary Stop In and See Qur Employee Counselor or Call McHenry 470 - \ . :V v I". -• - ..-"/.'V' . The Pablic SerTiee Conpaay has loaf followed a policy •> of informing the public of aev development* la electrical appliances for the home. Ia southern climates, an ecoaomlcal method of cooliaf the home at Bight has beea used for a aumber of years. Tkls method, adaptable to any apartment or hoase, Is cooyaratively aev to Northern Qllaoia. A discussion of this Important step toward more comfortable year-roaad living ia this area ia timely aow. 1 Comfort coolii*, by driving out the hot stagnant air aad replacing it with cool, outside night air, permits restful sleep etea oa the hottest nights. Everyone remembers the periods of «*- pressive heat of last summer. IB this area, the first hot spell can be expected aay time around the first of June, followed by heat waves at intervals until the end of September. Average temperatures for the past 4ght years show that Northern Illinois residents experience about two months of really hot weather every year - forty-six days with temperatures over = B°, and twenty-two days over 90°. All day daring the summer every part of a building exposed to the sun, absorbs heat. This heat is radiated through the roof and walls, raising the temperature of the air inside the baildiag. The apace below the roof frequently haa a temperature of 135° oa a hot summer day. The upptr rooms of the building hive a temperature aa high as 10° above the outside temperature tor aa long ss ten hoars altar sundown. To cool the home, this motioaless, heated air amst he removed aad replaced by cooler, moving air from outdoors. ^ ADVANTAGES OF NKHIT COOLING H is difficult to sleep or work when there Is UJ tfa movement of air to hasten evaporation of the moisture on the skin. On the other hand, it is possible to sleep restfully even on the hottest nights if air is moving freely through the bedroom window. The gently moving breeze of fresh air (produced by a night How a M&U Fan Works a«j wmn iaow< io a» abaorr btki tr *n4o!Mt,t nflcMMit .I MBo Mt aira. c(ttaagph t •rater* to m Mgk u 1IS° «1<l|lrn>H 110° ia tMHvara cooliag fan) rapidly abaorba heat from walU aad ceiliag, aai evaporates moisture from the skin. Ia a few Ixtars theie fMM can make you feel 10° to 1S° cooler. Wight cooling faa Inatellationa are designed lo change compirti |r the supply of air lathe hoarat liest oaca every twojodaatea. The faa blades revolve slowly, geatly circvlating the air over a large area, rather thaa blowing ia guata aad drafta. Thia. SKthod allows your eatire livlag qaartera to reaaia cooler all ' TYPES of INSTALLATION For those who live la rented apartments or houses, where it is aot practical to install a night cooling fan permanently, the window fan is recommended. When installed, the fiu drives heated air from all rooms da the same floor and fresh, cool night air is drawn in to replace it. Easily portable, the window fan can be plugged into any wall socket The night cooling f%a iastalled ia the attic of singlefamily dwellings, circulates the air throughout an entire one or twostory house. Methods of iaata)liag this eqapmsat have Jteea worked out to saeet successfully alsaoat every type (f heo* or apartment construction. SIMPLE LOW COST OPERATION For greater convenience and low cost of operation, a time-switch saay be installed to give you fully automatic comfort cooling. You can cool your home all night for less than the price of an ice Cream cone. The experience of many users of these faos in the South over a period of years indicates satisfaction of the highest degree. Uectric appliances have done much jo make the American Home more comfortable and convenient. The night cooling faa is an important advancement toward better, more pleasaat living in , Northern Illinois homes during the hot summer months. Employment office will be open each day $ a. m. to 4 p. m. Ior mww information too your deafer or noarott htbfc Swko Cowpcwy Star*. -f? -t\

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