Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 May 1948, p. 5

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Thursday, Xi| «, 1MB v ' '"" . J?*, .-a3fik.t Johasburg HEAR" by EARL R. WALSH . There is a pack of interest among *Ur boys of rrade school age in ^§|rming baseball teams. ^"Shorty" Long is doing a nice job it teaching the boys how the game should be played. You will see a separate story on this page about the boys. ^In the teen-age group, Bill Green, making strides with the American 1 Teams of all ages are springing •tp and it looks like a big summer frith baseballs flying in all directions. Next Sunday the Shamrocks will «|>en at home in the first county Mague game. Dundee will be her*. We are fcyta* to get an appropriate cat u -a heading far the eohmM and hope to him ft ready next week. In the meantime a brief bit of marine news creeps Into this column as a starter. Business Men's irt»w*w>v GAME AT MA SCHOOL TODAJ AT «:46 P. M. The McHenry "Crusaders'* will play their nrst intrasquad baseball game l BUILD BOIL OTOP YOKLDS DROP The McHenry Association appoi -- , _ -Marine Activities Committee" «t i 2" Thursday May their meeting Tuesday night: Russell I ,p- m at the high school dia- Switser, Roy Kent, Art Henschel, mondfor crop yields to drop (_ 'ore building your soil is like callappointed^ the^ollowing; °' ^"on wemther permitting J your cSiti,. CommitU," Thur^Uy. M., 6th, .Urt,nl « ^« i points out in a recent statment. Geor^e^Collette and possibly more to later. McHenry will have a big marine show June 27tb boat races, swimming, diving exhibitions, canoe contest (where one guy tries to tip the other guy into the water) and rowing contests. The "Crusaders" an a group ofi_TThe time to build irp your soil is local beys of grade school age who'when ero like to play baseball and are organised for that purpose. Watch for other games. They up outside teams. The committee will meet at Roy "Expectant)*" Jackson, p Mprrnre Ah Uneapa hope to line ". XKent's office next Tuesday night and; Bolger, ss, halve invited Edward J. Zender, Commpdore of the Chain O'Lakes Club, to be^ present! There must be plenty of little items of marine interest' in this community so please send in your notes. TCiis means everybody who is interested in such activities. Well help. Will you? ^ ; | The Shamrocks will start on the lid diamond. However, it won't be long before the new athletic ffcld will be ready. A new backstop has been ordered. Just as soon as it ar- Jtves the field will be put in shape. •j-» Hie Johnsburg Tigers will open at Hebron next Sunday. Then comes a game with the Shamrocks the following Sunday. We are crusading for somebody to Make a shrimp salad with the lettuce cut so we can quit the fussin' around. Now, we do not profess to be a great lover of lettuce. But just pour that sauce over it and the appeal is there. BOWLING NOTES -- SCHAEFERS* -- Business Men's Doubles-- 1. McCafferty, Noonan, 972, Nimtr, Sheriff, 960. Oxtoby, Bowman, 955. 2. 3. 4. Pierce, lb Huemann, -a Wohlert, § Kinsala, 2b Kent, rf May, cf Prince, 2b t> Tonyan, sis Landgren, lb Aim, c Blake, 3b Schmidt, cf Preund, rf Stoffel, If rop yields are high," the statejment declares. "That gives you immediate as well as long-range benei fits. It increases your profit margin .at current farm price levels, even {though they have slumped from the ) postwar peak. It will give you a ;good living when the present recordbreaking demand for food decreases l and price* are definitely lower. | "Production costs such as seed, | plowing and cultivation are about the ! same whether your yields are high lor low. Thus it coats twice as much per unit to produce a 60-bushel crop las it does a 100-bushel crop. That ay, , „ can s.p ell the difference between red Utility men: Adams, Budil, Giese, or black in either good or bad Foley, A. Freund, D. Smith, A*^«nes. Which yield you get depends Schmidt. ~ l«rcr«»K- on tin. soil management Rourke, H. McDonald, 986. u M»jo Schaefer, 202-511; R. Bennett, BASEBALL -- / Sunday, May » Dttndee Vs. Shamrocks at McHenry ^^Tonhsburg Tigers at Hebron Monday, May 10 «. iMCHS--District Tournament Tuesday, May 11 MCHS AT DELAVAN (night game) NATIONAL SERVICE LIFE INSURANCE HAS ESCAPED INFLATION ' Inflation has affected nearly every largely on the methods you use. "Good soil management means more than putting fertilizer into the ground. It means replacing organic matter burned out by too many crops of corn and grain and too few crops of deep-rooted legumes. It means, ^ rebuilding broken down soil struc- W ture and improving tilth and work- A ability. It means increasing the a soil's capacity to absorb rain and W. deliver moisture to your crops. It! £ means using conservation methods! a that will keep the soil from washing I ™ away once you have built it up. STATEOF^lLLlNOia, County of McHenry ss. In the Circuit Court. --Civil action in equity. No. 31207. ELEANOR KATHLEEN-NEWMAN, Plaintiff, vs. „ WILLIAM NEWMAN, Defendant. Affidavit showing that ;the del- May^ that lettuce is only put 233-567; Surtees, 220-573; Pries, 522; J of the nation's economy since fendant, W'illiam Newman, resides or were to pretty up the dish. If so, j 202-603; Snyder,, 159-2UZ- ^e beginning of World War II, with has gone out of this State or is they can effect quite a savings by „.," v10 iser^'. ino.Trne! i 10ne (notable exception--National j concealed within the state and on paintifig a few green leaves inside' Miller, '512; Larkin, 5ui; Low, Service Life Insurance. due inquiry cannot be found, so that the dish. a,e,*n c e«!k r?' 5 m'tJi I While other necessities of life process cannot be served upon said ---- » Freund, iJ0z-&41; r risoy,; have been altered and increased in defendant, having been filed in the We're tired of twisting that little 220-547; Bacon, 486. price, the features of NSLI have; office of the Clerk of -this court, fork around trying to be dainty. * *« " ! been liberalized and extended to per-' notice is therefore, hereby given to There have been times when we have ^j^e*®rette®--^ ' mit every, veteran of World War II said William Newman, defendant, ' quick looked to see if anybody was; M. Wilbrandt, 4o9; iu. Meeker, l'4" to take advantage of its tremendous j that the plaintiff in the above enlooking then taken our knife in hand D. bchaefer 4£i; M. stilling,j protection. | titled cause filed her complaint in and really whittled that hay into a 403; J. Oxtoby, 410; B. r reund, 194-. Those veterans who dropped their; said cause on the 3rd day of May, - Condition that it could be handled. 1484; M. button, 4od; o. weDer, if a- insurance can have it reinstated at j 1948, and that said action is now j f64; H.Knox, 415; C.l^ngnway,,i<o-i ty,e same premium rates as originally | pending and undetermined in said It isn't so often that we get a 430; B. Buergler, 426; M. Kochelle, paj(j in service. Liberal conversion court, and that you, the said William wack at a shrimp salad, but when 417; L. Hand, 194-47d; Peterson, j pians aiso are available. In addition, < Newman, defendant, must file-your we do we want the works. Probably 417; B. Justen, 410; A. rosso, 44»; provisions have been made to per- appearance in said action on or belike a kid getting the last drop of Weber, 434; M. Unherty, 4/i; * -, mit reinstatement without a physical fore the 1st Monday In the month of Coda through a straw. rson, 171-4dO; fc. Miller, 4UJ; ^- examination, if the veteran applies June, 1948, and in the event you fail . . v -- ! Smith, 408; II. aurtees; 439; before July 81, 1948. Two premium to do so default may be entered ^ Heard the editor of the official Blake; 4^y; r. Uean, 4ill. payments are required with the re-! against you anyway thereafter. Kiwanis magazine deliver a talk, | instatment application. < i LESTER EDINGER, with plenty of punch, to the Wonder *T°V,.^*,. AQO, A T. f 0ft9 4S7. Service officers of the Illinois Clerk of said Court.v Lake club Tuesday night. Tolerance „ % , „JS!,en| j? ao Veterans commission have been in-[Vernon J. Knox. Lawyer. id clear thinking were stressed. We ^vo-51o; H. r reuna, ^^8- structed on the provisions of Crystal Lake, 111. SATURDAY, MAy 8 and announcing the opening of KENNY & HOWIE S SPEED BOAT RIDES WATER TAXI SERVICE tedfeit. ,510.. -- PALACE -- National Service Life Insurance and 1 are ready to assist veterans in tak-1 j ing advantage of this liberal in- < In (Pub. " The Schaefer bowling girls had a , ...B „ .... . _ . ,, . , lug time and a grand feast at Het- City-- surance. Complete line of Beebe livestock | termann's a week or so ago. They Stoller, 198-513; Crouch, 205-660; in McHenry county, the service remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Mete 11 us a dance number by Helen Paluch, 2C8-5G5; J. Carlson, 200-526; officer of'the commission is Philip E. Henry. 8-tX Shirley Heide was plenty good. Rogers, 2C2-540; Pyritz, 196-41H;• Bierdeman, whose office is located ~'" iHoit, 498; Rosing, 501; 'Budler, 245-j at 100Mi N. 'Benton St., in- Wood- Need Rubber Stamps? Order at - Our high school 'baseball team is 587; R. Justen, 496; Thorsell, 200- stock. I The Plaindealer. getting along in good shape. This 212-161-573; Hagberg, 526; H. Smith, j week the boys won a close 3 to 11193-505; Regner, 209-536; B. Ton-i game from Woodstock here. Bock-iyan, 513; E. M. Smith, 504; Schreiman struck out 10 batters. Norminer, 495; Freund, 506; Steffes, 2S4- Freund had previously hurled the!608. • . i Warriors to an 11 to 3 victory over ------ • Woodstck. .. | Tavern-- " i i. I J. Rogers, 505; A. Jackson, 199-j If Vern Harrison wwitS, lo make 496; Aregger, 198-516; Rochelle, Jiredictions for a widely r¥ad paper 199-485; Behnke, 505; Wheelock, 192-: ike the Plaindealer, he had better 517; Steinsdoerfer, 212; Knaack, 497;1 Solish up that crystal ball. My Kamholz, 203-506. " I Request did not win the Kentucky ; ! Derby! ! • CARE SETS RECORD CARE set a record of 2,608,106 Officer John McCarthy has retired' food and clothing textile packages firom the McHenry police force. Sure delivered in seventeen European And We'll "Mick." be after mis sin' the' countries in 1947 and is on the way j to an even greater volume of overseas aid in 1948, Executive Director) Russ Switzer, of our local Switzer- Paul Comly French stated this weekj Craft Boat Company, comes up with i in his annual report to the board an idea that has met with favor in j otf directors. CARE'S non-profit, the Plaindealer office and should i government-approved service last prove popular in this particulairr com- year tripled the 992,749 CARE orders munity. The idea is to start jt shoit, column calfed "MARINE GOSSIP.1 lee-the 6 to i favorite filled for Americans seeking to aid friends and relatives overseas in 1946, the first year of CARE opera tion. RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Liebiohn and family have moved from the upper apartment in the Pries home on Elm street to their new home on Rt. 31, south of McHenry. Mrs. Francis Patzke and family have moved from the upper apartment in the Methodist parsonage on Main street to the home of Mrs. Augusta Patzke. e'|| treasure the RUST CRAFT CARD you send HER on MOTHER'S DAY ANTONSON'S CANDIES SM W. Elm St., on Highways 120 and 81, McHenry Hoars 14 to II ' Phone US-M m from Frank Nell's Ballroom Each child under 12 years of age will receive a free Speed Boat Ride with each paid adult ticket Sunday, May 9. May 6-13-20) MQSfOf TEXAS YELLOW AT YOII IllllUt Fit) HUE CALIFORNIA PASCAL CELERY . ; FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES 8L! ^H39» TEXAS'OR CALIFORNIA POTATOES..., 5 l* 30f WASHINGTON CHERRY RHUBARB. FANCY e 2 US. Ml e e QUART SO* FRESH RED RIK HOLSUM PSANUT CMMC SOAP FLAKES PEANIT BITTER CRYSTAL PURE SWANSON S IONEO TURKEY <* SwaaMi1! Chiekei C2N 48c LCC Je'i C6rnm Cipr --iin Lee Matched Shirts and Pants A n a t i o n a I survey by • prominent publishing company proves Uee Overalls, Lee Matched Shirts & Pants are the 6 to 1 favorites. For top quality work clothes buy Lee. HI - HO ! Kfi here, Starting Saturday, May 8th, and every day thereafter, EVENINGS UNDER FLOOD LIGHTS. We offer you PEE WEE GOLF,, anybody can play, young or bid, beginner or professional. A game now sweeping the country from coast to coast. It's sensational, the talk of the nation. We furnish balls and putters. CEB IT - **T BNJOT IT TOURSEI'F •OLD (Ml • 'THAT'S MOT ALL For those who like to take a lusty cut at the ball and see it fade in the distance or dribble a few feet past the tee, we offer a GOLF DRIVING RANGE complete with balls, tees, clubs, floodlights and a fence 275 yards away to shoot at.j Correct that hook or slice while enjoying the thrill of "whacking ' one without having to chase it yourself. Spend an enjoyable afternoon or evening at the ?OLF - RANGE Route 120 - 2 miles east of McHenry NEW -- DIFFERENT -- SENSATIONAL : McGees • McHeary +»nn i n 11 iim«»" " MI i f•uox. •LSNOALC CLUB Ghnti Spread $CHMIIER'S WISCONSlrf " ^ CkoMar Chom WHITE SLICED Tip Taste Bread PLAIN OK SUGARED Strawberry Preserves e e e 3 JAKS OVEN READY BALLARD'S BISCUITS . - 2^23* PETER PAN l-LB. .LOAF OR SUCARED p Natiosal Maid Deiits,.0^ I5c MOTHER S DAY SPECIAL ^ Algol Feed Cake 81® NATIONAL'SOUR m ^ _ Breakfast Ceffeo 3 IA« $llli MANOR HOUSE, MAXWELL HOUSE OR Hills Coffee 2ms.$1iMI 2* PEANUT BUnEB BREAD AND BUTTER HEINZ PICKLES FANCY^CALIFORNIA NATCO CATSBP lie e • • • e.' e • • 12-OZ. e JAR 24-OZ. e MR 29* 25* AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP FANCY QUALITY v. LAKE3H0BE MONEY • • • 29* REALEMON LEMON JIICE BROADCAST SEMI-BON PIGS FEET ANML SOFT Faeial Tluaes we. jjf BONELESS )F4M If* imw. BAe e • • • • BOTTU|^P ION ISLAND Helsaai Dretsiif HAZEL QUALITY Apple BNttfgr i„. RED STAR Fresh Yeasf ...... HIRES, PLUS DEPOSIT-- Reet Beer •jAtllC ^ lt€ CAKE 4c 12-OZ. 29c DREFT FOR FINE WASHABUS [FOOD -ir'

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