Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 May 1948, p. 6

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•JBi § hj *«^ tr *H%' ^5 *. -j m$**m'. - *£•*• W^M^psrp '•"•; w *• • - • „ -r v • "•'•'•• -y^ • • ~ - - M<ti . tof** ; - «• > >-,~ -- w \ v.- .«^A * I, - >t< * >"' «• ^ m *>** *:\ **,*/ «.2>* .V *i » .*£ "**** * * * *;! * - W* - ,*v -%• SlTOATOJif I f W I F I E D SECTION St., Milwaukee 5, Wis. Phone Hopkins 2522. *61 t' • • NOTICB of the put number of classified ads which appear in the iSSdeaW each week, we hare found it impossible to keep books on inch small accounts. Therefore, in the future, only ads which are .paid for before this Mctka (I the paper jow to press at 10 s'clock os Wedssaday wfll bo printed. FOR SALE--Dayton scale; 5-drawer cash register; juke box; 3-hp. Walt's Auto Repair on Rt. 120, east of McHenry. *51 FOR SALE--5 pc. breakfast set, like new, porcelain table top, extension leaves, hairpin chrome legs, red trim $45.00; oil tank 60 gal. on legs with guage; complete set furnace controls with clock. Phone Wauconda 4627. 51 if" FOR SALE . FOR SALE-- Used Gould shallow --%well pump; Remington typewriter; " ; Sparton radio; portable Victrola and j records. Phone Crystal Lake 532-J. 51 FOR SALE--One tractor mounted ' 1 sprayer, 20-ft. weed boom; one John FOR SALE--Contract loan on 2-nat bean sprayer for weed control and building; 4% per cent interest. AdaU farm uses. The Dairyman's dress Box A, Care Plaindealer. 51-tf Supply Co., McHenry. Phone 684-J-2. , 51.j FOR SALE--Restaurant, all year ' -- business, including all fixtures. Rent FOR SALE--Aero-Craft 12-ft. alumi- I40 P*r month. On account sickness. "STlJKlB A1 YVILLE, ILL. McHenry 654-R-l. Also 2826 N. I We wiif Hell your car for you on Rockwell St., Chicago 18. Phone, a . flat rata or commission. Brunswick 9022. 51-13 ! Bring your car to us for a fair ap- ~ZT-- C T t " ; p r a i s a l a n d cash offer. TREE SPRAYING ^•^JHenkel,! We mak« no charge if we fail to Volo, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Tel. Me- : Henry 543-J-l. 45-tf Used Bought, sold and con- HXLP WANTED CAAsRbPesEtNosT ESRh inAgNleDs CaEnMd EINnsTa lWatOioRnK •'¥"K£>£ne. MLA*w»rttrytwviillllee 11000044 . Free Estimate ARVIDSON BROTHERS Tel. McHenry 653-M-2 50-tf iP.A.I.N TING--Pain. tinag and decorat- I"K» U1C, UmlO.4i V_I1 MB wur_&i_i. insured. For free estimate phone McHenry 552-W-l. (Bert Engstrom. 50-3 51 IF TOUR WATER IS RED, and your heater's plugged up, correct with MICROMET. Modern water softeners and heaters. Doherty and afertj, Wonder Lake, Ringwood, 111. Tel. L., 888, or McHenry 259-M. 48-tf CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK Cement mixer for rent, J. M. Stangarone, Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 661-J-l. 50-tf iram new boat, delivered in McHenry; $2,500. JACOB FRITZ, REAL 1*35-36 Hudson transmission, $10; TOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry new Hudson batterv charger, $17.95 37, or Chicago Lincoln 1333. See list, special $16.50; Hudson tire in- Hank Nell. 51-tf. HAVE YOU A .GARBAGE PROBflator and fire extinguisher emergency ___ . . , LEM? Call us for prompt and units, $5.95. McHenry Boat Co. & FOR SALE -- Reconditioned used; courteous YEAR-ROUND SERVICE. Cole's Radio Service. Phone McHenry wooden rowboats, $40 and i^an Rubbish hauled, loads or half loads. S03 or Richmond 404. 51 be seen north on Riverside. Drive r---- --^ ' (out of the city limits),vor phone FOR SALE-- Portable phonograph McHenry 69-W. ; ""1 attachment for radio, $10; double bed and spring, $5; two recap tires, 16x6.25 with tubes, $4 per tire and tube. Call Sunday, McHenry 627-R-2. SUMMER HOMES Five rooms, water, gas and electric; "all furnished; Fox River front- »t> 1 age; 2 car g-arage; north of Johns- • burg bridge. Price $9,500. FOR SALE--White enamel kitchen At McCullom Lake--2 rooms, large range; very good condition; cheap.1 perch; 2 lots. Price $2,500. Phone McHenry 611-M-l. *51 At Pistakee Lake--3 rooms fur- , nished. Price $3,500. FOR SALE--Rowboat in good con- JACOB FRITZ. REALTOR, at Johnsdition. Phone McHenry 433-R. *51 burg. Tel McHenry 37, or Chicago ---- Lincoln 1333. See Hank Nell. 51-tf I DEAL IN USED CARS THAT ARE IDEAL FOR YOIJ 3941 Mercury, 2-door. 1946 Ford Business coupe. 1846 Ford club ecoupe. .3946 Ford one-half ton pick-up. . 1947 Chevrolet, 2-door. •1947 Ford Sportsman. j FOR SALE --' Boy's khaki overall ! pants, regularly $1,95; special, $1.49; [sizes 6 to 12. McGee's, Green St. 5l FOR SALE--ALL YEAR HOMES Riverside Drive--6 rooms, tile kitichen and tile bath; 2-car garage. Lot We can't sell all the cars in the 50x200. •rid--so we just sell the best Wcnder Lake -- Modern 5 rooms, j like new; oak floors; automatic oil Open Evenings jheat; fine recreation room in base- • ©all Lake Zurich 2262. fment; combination steel screens and ARMAND PAQUIN MOTORS storm windows; large grounds. Rt. 12 and old Rand Road, across Fox River, near Chapel Hill--2-story, from Breezy Point. 51 well built, 6-room home; 125-ft. water front lot, garage, FRED 751-J. WIRTZ. Phone McHenry 47-tf ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor furnaces. Let tis estimate your next job. ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP 304 Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. *46-26 Phone McHenry 760. ' MEN WANTED We still hava a few openings in our Production Department for reliable men. Experience desirable but not necessary. * Good starting wage. * Opportunity for rapid salary advancement. * High bonus for second and third shift work. * Two weeks paid vacation. * One week paid sick leave. * Six paid legal holidays. * Group insurance and hospitalisation plans available. * Steady work. Only men seriously desiring steady work with a progressive And expanding company need apply. Phone, write or call in person. THE EDWAL LABORATORIES. • inc. : Ringwood, III. TeL Richmond 5 • , 51 EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL--INSURED FREE ESTIMATES HELP WANTED--Housekeeper for employed couple; stay or go home nights; no laundry work. Tel. McHenry 486 or 93-R. 51-tf HELP WANTED--Couple for summer to run kitchen and bar at Pistakee Yacht Club; live days, Wednesday through Sunday. Phone J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 163 j Pistakee 693-R-2 or write Stacey Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, 111. jGifford, secretary, 1125 Davis St., 45-tf ; Evanston, 111. giving name and ad- PLOWING, ROTARTILLER, wood idrC8s- Interview will be arranged. 51 sawing, etc. . Herman Dowe, 208 Richmond Road, Phone McHenry 241. 45-tf POUCELAIN WALL TILE FOR ALL PURPOSES FRED KLING VEOS -- TILE -- SERVICE 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave., Crystal Lake 41-tf Phone Crystal Lake 490 FOR SALE--1946 jeep; best offer. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johns . Call Wonder Lake 523. *51 burg, Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago 634-R-2, Lincoln 1333. 51-tf FOR SALE -- Vacuum cleaner, cylinder type; Apex cleaner in- FOR SALE -- Seven-room home on eluding all attachments; perfect Riverside Drive in McHenry. Three condition. Call McHenry 63. 51 bedrooms, living room, dining room, FOR SALE--Extra large lot 300 kitchen- sun room and enclosed rear feet from good fishing lake; small Porch; .automatic oil heat; all modern - - - - -- -- and in River- 51-2 private subdivision. McHenry 522-M-l. $1,000. Call convemences' two-car garage *ci i large grounds. Possession j thirty days. The Kent Co., FOR SALE--Kroll folding baby car- ] side Drive, McHenry. Tel. 8. riage, Pal stroller, and panel back, r«D ~T. ~~~ Ugh chair. Excellent condition. Call, ^ S^E. ~ 1947 Johnsburg 584-R-2. *51 %hd*r' 22 /ee*', W- p. Swanson on * highway at Lily (Lake, Rt. 2, Mc- FOR SALE--^6-room completely fur- Henry *51 nished cottage at North end of Gris- i wold Lake. (Has red roof, white I FOR SALE--New Boe-Craft 16-ft. fence) in Dr. Pell subdivision. Can inboard runabouts and utilities, 12- be seen Saturdays and Sundays.! ft.' cutboards, 14-ft. rowboats. Qpen Basement; 168-ft. well; lot 50x150; Sundays until 5:30 p. m. Boe-Craft fireplace; inside toilet; year round Boat Co., South McHenry Ave., home; fruit trees. C. Wagner, 4035 ^Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 1273. 50-tf N. Drake Ave., Chicago 18, 111. j :--: Phone Ind. 6988. *51-2 : FOR SALE--Choice river lots, one ------------- ! | mile from McHenry; twelve feet FOR SALEI--Summer home with 120 above water level. Priced to sell, ft. Fox River frontage, Dundee, 111. Tel. McHenry 227-J. 50-tf Beautiful ground, fruit trees; inside i : gumbing. Must sell due to illness.! FOR SALE--Used cars and trucks. ;st offer. Write M. Smolik, 6909 Downs Nash Sales, McHenry. 44-tf Riverside Drive, Berwyn, 111. *51 FOR SALE--120 acres, 3^4 miles 1 from town; good 4-room house; tfun- | porch; large attic for additional rooms, basement; good water; barn;' chicken coop; machine shed; garage;! "about 600 ft. lake frontage; one 40, acres on highway; about 25 cleared, L the rest timber. Ben Schaul, Hazel-' hurst, Wis. *51 FOR SALE--Bissel's carpet sweep- IflSOELLANEOUS NOTICE Dairymen, Road Commissioners, , Commercial Sprayers and Land Owners SRAYER DEMONSTRATION < Friday, May 7 At 1:80 p. m. at CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. Free estimate. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry *46-9 HELP WANTED--One punch press operator, male; experienced or inexperienced. TVo women for light packaging work. Good wages, excellent working conditions. Apply D. E. Johnson Tool & Mfg. Co., 525 West Street, McHenry. 51 HELP WANTED--Sales girls, full or part time. Gladstone's Department Store, McHenry.1 51-tf HELP WANTED--Girls and boys. McHenry Ise Cream Bar. Apply 131 S. Green Street. *51 WANTED -- Job tikiny can of children or doing housework nights after school and Saturdays. Phone McHenry 55-J. *51 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Want old farm or town home that needs repairs. Lot or acres, near water. Pay taxes and mortgage* State price. Address Box 454, Chicago 90, Illinois; *50-2 WANTED--CEMENT WORK, foundations, driveways, walks, etc. Wiii furnish one man and mixer or a labor crewt Tjme and material or contract price. Phone JlcHen 647-M-2 or 786. WANTED--Opening tip new territory, need six, neat and aggressive girls, to hold plastic parties in the homes of hostesses. Contact M. Lembkey„ 1518 Ridgeland Ave., Waukegan, 111.. „ *50-2 WANTED--Small summer cottage, Fox River. Private party. Address Box "PB," care Plaindealer. 48-4 WANTED--Dwelling to rent or purchase, within city limits of McHenry. Possession on , or. about April 1st. Eatl It. Walsh, Phone 43. *37-tf DIES IN ACCIDB9VT Marsh G. Burton, 21, of - Herod, 111., employe at the Elgin State hospital, was killed in an accident on the hospital grounds last week Wednesday. He died almost instantly when a heavy chain attached between a truck and a coal car snapped striking him on the back. The severe concussion severed the aorta near the heart, the coyoner't jury was told at an inquest,. " . " - v \ Meters fa America Out of the 45 million motor vehicles in use throughout the world last year, nearly 34 miaioo ware is ttw United States. couptB moim \ A Batavia man Jivd his wife drowned last week when their boat overturned as they insptieted a fish set line in Fox river nefer the Sunnyside trailer camp, just north of Batavia on state route 26. Victims of the tragedy were Henn< Wilson, 62. and his wife, Millie, n, who moved to Batavia a year ago from Eldorado, I1L m > JjMaoaa flag ymen claim that method of teachinf calves to aat grain is to put it in front of th«m. It may tak« a mooth hut they «fl to eat much. BERNIE MATCHEN LIVESTOCK HAULING GENERAL TRUCKING Fox Street -O -fy >W»nwMy Phou 10M WANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So.; Green street, McHenry. (Front part A of Claire uty Shoppe.) 15-tf * WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--Highest prices paid for your calves. -Call Joe Mc- Andrews. Tel. McHenry <601-W-l. *49-4 WANTED TO BUY---Wei have cash! buyers for resort properties, homes i and farms. JACOB FRITZ, REAL-! TOR, at Johnsburg. Tel McHenry j 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 43-tf WAITED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf LOST LOST--New pair black Gold Cross oxfords; also grey dress, size 50, Reward. Mrs. John Klapperich, Ringwood, 111. 51 CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging, no lawn mess. Septic tanks and grease traps cleaned, built, repaired. University engineer on all construction. Lake County Sanitary Co. Tel. Libertyville 1346. 48-tf C. J. H. D1EHL Woodstock Piano Toner « . Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, I1L HELP WANTED--Two maintenanhc men; steady work. The Edwal Laboratories, Ringwood, 111. Tel. Richmond 5. 51 HELP WANTED--Top flight auto mechanic; good wages; ideal working conditions. Applicant must have at least ten years experience. Give full details and references in replying. Address "Box 17," in care of Plaindealer. 51 HELP WANTED -- General handy DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash | man to work with contractor in rices paid for cows, horses and building residential homes. Apply Etor Horses i uu'"""k ie»iuenu#i »««»»• ogs; no help needed to load. Day | Mendyk Kruse Construction Co., Kent and night, Sundays and holidays. " Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. and Freund Ave., rear St. church, McHenry. PIANO TUNING ft SERVICE Harry C. Calhoun--Woodstock 1063-W or Harry J. Gearman--Cary 4502 Members of American Society of Piano Technicians 28-tf HELP WANTED -- Baby sitter, vicinity of McCullom Lake. Call McHenry 567-J-2. *51 HELP WANTED--Girls and boys, 16 years of age and over; after school work. Apply Admiral Corp., 507 I W. Elm St., McHenry or call Mc- WELL8 DRILLED OR DRIVEN, j Henry 470. 47-tf WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair p wlimn t-h«rpr« I and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 WANTED--Laborers, See I. Main Street. McHenry. Telephone at Wonder Lake or «11 "" ~ 10«t/' * 40-LI LOST--Small, brown, lady's leather j purse containing new plastic rim ^ eye glasses, miscellaneous papers and! few cents change. Necessary for j school work. Please phone 210-J. j Reward. Geraldine Aeverman. *51; LOST--Fly rod and reel Friday eve-i ning,. Apr. 30, along Boone Creek, | east of Green St. bridge. Reward. Call McHenry 123-J. 511 LOST--Woman's watch with cracked crystal. Reward. Findefr address Box 12," care Plaindealer. *51 Villa Hotel Resort, Inc. Pistakee Bay ~ ANNOUNCES NEW HOURS s- Daily -- Luncheons and Dinners No Reservations Necessary Nice selection of entrees on menn. - Moderately priced --. A la carte and table d'hote. •6DEKN COCKTAIL lOtfiTOE ATTENTION CLUB WOKEN! For your next card party, relax for the afternoon and enjoy your social hour here. Luncheons from 75c up. No reservations necessary except for large groups. Complete line of Lee** poultry j remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf : GARDEN NEEDS 93-J. •02 West Waukegan Rd. McHenry, Illinois HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch | HE,LP. WANTED Girl for general basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned! work ln'drug store. Bolgers, Green by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie i St., McHenry. o9-tt Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf j SHEET METAL AND FURNACE! HgjP ""r5oD%POR WORK -Gutters and furnaces re- GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OFPORpaired. John McDonald, Bowman St., npp wftRK APMcHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 772-M -"RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us PHONE 39. 20-tf WANTED TO RENT ers, $6.95. Peter M. Justen Furni-! VtrtWw Tyon of' Soravefte. Booma 5AKBAt,B CULLK^riXNU - Let us tare Co., Weat McHenry. Phone 63. M | *TSA]TfiST TOR SALE--State inspected bloom- co,, ol (. wi.1J pirates. Regular year round route.I • - ---- Aig size gladiolus bulbs, 25 for $1.00 answered- 11 will pay you to attend. | John E. HU1. P. O. Box 274, Mc- i WANTED TO RENT--House at Mc- W for $2.00, 100 for $3.00. One 5 Henry, Phone 366. tf Cullom Lake preferred. Address dozen each of ten differently colored : REPAIRING CARS -- Greasing, varieties, labeled, $4.00. Prepaid \ sharpening lawn mowers, saws, S^j8' ca^ai,(?^ue* I knives; welding. Phone McHenry MeHenrv I1L ardens, Walnut, 111. J 48-4 148.r. fiuchert Service Stn. 601 FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, ^ron* *51-4-tf WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, Phone 277. 1 "Box 3," c/o Plaindealer. *49-3 Order yrui rubber stamps at The 49-tf | Plaindealer. starters, fuel pumps, distributors t /ANNOUNCEMENT •oltage regulators and ignition parts Beginning Saturday, May 8, Nagy's Ford and. all other cars. Seaco Restaurant, 138 N. Riverside Drive,! Sales & Service, Lilymoor,, Fred J. wjn serve breakfasts Saturdays and, Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183- Sundays only. Open 7 a. m. Dinners * 4'-tf ; from $1.75 up. Specializing in FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE BpJet" ' TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- bt^ks, Chops, etc. $ULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. _______ Home Cooking 51 ^Installed by the Wallfill Co Call or RENOVATE YOUR BRICK OR ^riU_Leo J. Stilhng, 200 E. Pearly STONE BUILDING St., Tel. McHcnry 18. tf New. and old brick tuck pointed, FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- cleaned, replaced. ING MACHINES. Service on all Water proofing, window caulking, makes. Also ribbons for all makes; concrete restoration, patios, sidecarbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., walks, barbecues Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf Free Estimates Hank Jackson, Box 852, Fox Lake, LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350 ft., Illinois. Phone McHenry 207-W. on Route 31, about two block from, *51-4 depot. Inquire at 715 Center St. Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf Need Rubber alamos ? Order at The Plaindealer. Helen Weber Says: GOME JUST AS YOU ARE! How often have you heard that . . *. only to find the clothes on you and in the closet'are soiled? sure you're always ready for that big date -- Send us your dresses regularly for thorough cleaning! •^McHenry Cleaners 104-M 103 Elm St Helen Weber, Mgr. HOT water--and plenty of it--is a daily neceeaty in your home. Automatic washing machine*, particularly, require a plentiful supply of hot water to do a sparkling, dean wash. So plpn now to install a PTIOVAX gas-operated water heater which pro- Tides hot water automatically and economically. The new Ruttd or Bryant water heaters are made iA sizes suitable for every, family--large or smalL Come in and see our display and let tas tell yoft about the low coat o$. PraorAX gas for heatintf water. You'll be surprise}., how inexpensive it is. tUKRIOR lomu OAS TOWN and COUNTRY UTILITIES LeKOY 11 SMITH . Phone 770-W Apt. 9 • 419 Main St MtiHenry Brass Hos« Nosilt A rtal value! Machined from solid brass bar and rod. Adjustable from fine spray to coarse stream. $44* PUSH CULTIVATOR Sturdily made--easy to use. 24 in. wheel, steel' O" handles, . 5 prong cultivator, double ena shovel and mold* board plow. O.V.S. SPADING FORK $1-79 I Four 11J4 ia* * tines, bcoed raddianioad shaped for . exceptional strength. Steel "D" handle. 10" tubular SKIDY *1-19 WEIDiR Shape and bend of teeth eliminate need for chopping. Quick and easy for weeding and cultivating. Save extra work -- buy one now. RAIN KINO SMINKUk ' $4-95 Easily regulated for desired distance and type of spray. The Rain King will spray a 90. ft. circle. «rr*?9-+5 Omr Very Bert quality, con* struction and ease of operadon. Ball bearing; 17 in. cut; 5 extra wide, oil hardened, tempered,honed blades. LAWN SOAKK $1-98 MOK beneficial than surface Sprialding. 12 fc porous canvas screws to hose ia place of OOKXIC or sprinkler. WEED KILLS! $1.00 WEED-NO-MORE the Magic Weed Killer, kills ugly weeds but won't barn commoo lawn grasses. Just spray it on-- wteas die. P from lawn or iZ penetcatss ground so get at long roots. •ARDCN HOft . $3;^ Hibbard Quality garden hose. % r«yon cocd *ick seamkss inner tube. l^uipptd with standard •t couplings. A SQUARE MEAL FOR PLANTS i VIOORO KANT rooo 1 lb. $ 7»¥ For more luxuriant lawnfc lovelier flowers or tastier, more nutritious v^etables. 10 lb..... 25 lb... .T 10O .•S 1.50 4.00 ALTHOFPS HARDWARE St. Phone McHenry 284 West McHenry. i

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