Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 May 1948, p. 4

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PIMU.ER PahUehed «wty Thursday «t Mc- HjW»|, 11L, by AT HwmJlbrttr. Editor--Adele Froehlieh Entered u second-class matter at the poetoffice at McHenry, IU., under the act of May 8, 1879. One Tear .*1.50 erenini,' June 1. A r.-f!l precede the demonstration. 8:80 o'clock. • • • Lecal Ladies Attead Party Mrs. Nick B. Freund, Mrs. Thomas Doherty, 'Mrs. Nick Younf and Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson attended a meeting of their bunco club at the home of Mrs. William McCannon in Ringwood last Thursday afternoon. K. of C. T» Receive Annual Ceamaaiea The Knifhts of Cokuqtaa, Me- Henry Council No. 1288, will receive annual Holy Communion on Sunday, May 16, at St. Patrick's church at-the 8 o'clock mass. ."Breakfast will follow• . e I Mrs. Garland To [Be Guest Speaker j1 The McHenry County Business and | Professional Women's club will hold : its May dinner meeting: at the Presbyterian church in Woodstock at 6:30 ..-loci „ - - -- tion for members of Fox River Valley land of Ingleside, who taught at Camp, R. N. A., and their guests fol- Haskell Institute at Lawrence, Kas., lowing the next meeting, to be held for several years, will speak on ill' the Woodman hall on Tuesday ("Indians Are Just People Too." - Arrangements to have Mi's. Garland speak were made by a close friend, Mrs. Elisabeth Picji. UDITORIAt-- SSOCIATION Plastic Demonstration At R. N. A. Meeting MILLER Woodstock, IU. Phone 32 FRI. - SAT- MAY 14 - 15 MMKAUTRY Plus Co-Hit A COLUMBIA PICTURE SUN. - MON., MAY 16 - 17 Tlie Academy Award Picture! And Winner of 51 * " Additional Citations! ~~ • Most Acclaimed Picture of the Year! Gentleman's Agreement STARTS TUES, MAY . 18 Jeanne Cram - Dan Dailey in -YOU WERE MEANT FOR ME" •treat teat lowtar Mnv vtatitiitr it Awr: and Sirs. Henry Setoff«r, Mr. Mrs. Frank Wnait, Jfr. and Mrs. Donald Weingart, Mrs. Susan Adana and Mr*. Cecelia Knox, all pt McHenry, Mrs. Marie - JZimmer and daughter, Joan and Miss May Zimmer of Palatine, and Mr. aa4 JCkp. Edward Skoney of Oak Park. ' if? Rammage ~SaVle • * - - - * . At Kara Cafe * ' The public is invited to atop and view the many articles on display at Karls Cafe during the remaining two days of the rummage sale sponsored by the Christian Mothers and Altar society of St. Mary's church. The sale will continue through May. 14. * • • Mothers Club Plans - * Meeting and Party • > :':-d The May meeting of ttie Mothefs club will be held on Friday afternoon, May 14, at the home of Mrs. Peter M. Justen, with a program of great interest being planned. This (Thursday) afternon, May 18, a card party, sponsored IW the dub, la being held in tha Legion Hall, with Mrs. Henry Smith as chairman. This will be a dessert-bridge, twinning »t 1 'oclock. •• „ '"Jv" • s •• • • r- O. EL & Members „ ^ 'v •- Held Offices Sunday Family Dinner - Honored Carol Schaffer 4 | Miss Carol Schaffer, daughter of, Worth Matrons and Worthy Mr and Mrs. Stanley. was, patrons Night was held at Algon guest of honor at a family £ther- . last Thursday, May 6, with Mrs. mg held at the home of her parents j|£a Eppe, Bervin£ M i tron Chancy Harrison as secretary. Others from here who witnessed the impressive service were I Mrs. Elsie Reiker, Mrs. Buella | Stephenson, Mrs. Myrtle Harrison. | The following evening Mrs. Elsie ; Reiker served as chaplain at Mayj flower chapter, Wauconda. Others i who made the trip from here were j Mrs. Eva Eppel, Mrs. Betty Bohr, 'Mrs. Ethel Holly, Mrs.,Louise mer and George Reiker. Mildred Durland in contract Mrs. Rose Staines, Mrs. Mrs. Mary Bach, Miaa Mrs. Lena Bob; Miss and.\Mtafe* KwOnor Freund in pinochle. • • • Belated Party Hfwww M«wriyweda A -Mated wedding party honoring Staff 8|t and Mrs. John Andrew 8eott, Jr., was held last Saturday evming • at the Nick Nett home. Sft. Seott and the former Miss Arlene Nett of this city were mar ried on April 9 at Elgin Field Army chapel in Florida. The couple will leave for Germany, where he will be statiofted with the ground air force. .. *;-4»wr«u" ^ Worthy Matron/,.. •v • Patitoaa' Night " v :; Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons Night was held at thp Masonic hall on Tuesday evening of this week with the following holding office: Worthy matron, Nellie Ehorn, Richmond: worthy patron, Harry Ehoi Ann McHenry, Illinois Operating on Daylight Saving Time FRIDAY - SATURDAY In Technicolor Tjntone Power Jean. Peters "CAPTAIN FROM CASTILE" SUN. - MON., MAY 16 - 17 Cary Grant - Lorretta Young /"THE BISHOPS WIFE", Also • World News ft Cartoon TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY Walter Brennan - Ruth Warrick "DRIFTWOOD" Laurel ft Hardy ' "THE CHIMP" THURSDAY - FRIDAY Gregory Peck - Dorothy McGuire "GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT" 19 j«w«l lady 0. |k. 14 K natural Officers Of Court Joyce Kilmer Elected Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 678, Catholic Daughters of America, met in the K. of C. hall Thursday evening, with a good attendance. Election of officers took place, with the following members elected: Grand regent, Ella Buss; vice grand regent, Marie Powers; prophetess, Helen Weber; lecturer, Mildred Kinsala; monitor, Bertilla Freund; financial secretary, Laura Weber; treasurer, _ Elizabeth Schoewer; historian, Elsie Entertained For Winkel; sentinel, Gertrude Weber; I Returned Veteran | organist, Marie Yegge; trustees, Anna IThennes and Olive May, one year; Irene Guffey and Laura Weber, two years; Helen Hettermann and Helen Miller, three years. Following the meeting, the picture "Eternal Gift" was shown to members and guests present. Chaplain E. C. Baumhofer, Clarence Anglese and William N. Boetsch operated the movie "machine. The picture was shown the children of the parochial school on Friday, through the compliments of the C. D. oi A. Mrs. Helen Miller and committee served refreshments at Thursday's meeting. On Thursday, May 20, members will .hold a social meeting. Cards will be played. Installation of officers is planned for Thursday, June 3, at 6 o'clock in St. Jlary's- St. Patrick's school hall. Pot-luck supper will precede the meeting. Members are requested to bring a dish to pass. New members will be guests of the court at this time. District Deputy Ethel Ronan of Elgin will install the new officers. A Day of Recollection is being planned for Thursday, June 17. All Catholic women of the community are invited to attend. •wwny. WVI Uijr |r«MViiy Aimij rn, Richmond; associate matron, i Bannister, Algonquin; associate patron, Calvin McCray, Algonquin; secretary, Chester Camp, Harvard; treasurer, Ralph Mallory, Marengo; conductress, Jean Neft*, Woodstock; associate conductress, Mary Mallory, Marengo; organist, Irma Stockton, Woodstock; soloist, Carl Mitchell, Crystal Lake; chaplain, Harold Rudsinski, Wauconda; marshal, Thomas Merwin, Woodstock; Adah, Allie (Bernhardt, Harvard; Ruth, Bernice White, Crystal Lake; Esther, Edith Case, Wauconda; Martha, Dorothy Jacobson, Dundee; Electa, Olga Rolof, Barrington; warder , Victor Swanson, Dundee; sentinel, George Landwer, Barrington; color bearer, Mabel Johnson, McHenry. ^ A large crowd was in attendance to enjoy thp impressive service. • * « • Pinochle Club At Valee Home The- last meeting of the East River Road Pinochle club was held at the home Off Mrs. Albert Vales on Thursday afternoon. Prize winners were Mrs. 'Ben Dietz, Mrs. Thomas Thonneson, Mrs. Vales and Mrs. George Glos. Mrs. Thonneson^ will be hostess to the group on May 20. years w lowing • social evening, nipper was served " Made FW s'a Visit veningt a bottntifel i ^ tb» hosSas. which Will are being made for will be presented speaker wflKjbe Pr. Donavin chaplain of St. Cfearies Training School For Boys, who will speak on "Child Delinquency in Suburban Communities." The American Legion Auxiliary is sponsoring this tallc CARD OF THANKS i In thia manner we wish to express our thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for spiritual bouquets, floral offerings, donations of cars, sympathy cards and the other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. . r ;^MRS. EVELYN HART - * I. W. HART FAMILY _ •fit.; J. F. JUSTEN FAMILY. IN MEMORIAM In memory of Donna Ruth Rosing, who passed away two years ago, May 18. Somewhere above this troubled world, Safe beyond all grief and care, Our darling rests in heavenly peace, God grunt some day we meet her there. MOM, BROTHERS A SISTERS. . • 52 Tdiii Permanent Wave Kits. $1.25 and $2.00. Wattlea Drug Store. 35-tf •j£• liven: -** * eustoesei that day. Sti freeae deasmnstratlona by noted _ economists. 52-2 see p Mrs. Nellie Bacon spent Mother's day in the home of her aoiT and family, the Harold Baeona in Crystal CeaMtoOr*liM of Lee's medieeat WaMeal Bnry. (Staff a sntm str at a snoai noa y ^ MMKKMir WATIRIESS ^ " #reen St. J. VYC1TAL HDWE -- Phone 98-M -- McH«nry GnwuMed Mr. and Mrs. GeorgHe Reiker enter- W- -- SINGLES -- By Eddie Howard "DAINTY BRENDA LEE" "BLUE TAIL FLY" "CRYING FOR JOY" "LAROO, LAROG" . "LILI BOLI "JUST BECAU5 >1 jMwl lord B- |h. 14 K aotitra) goU filled com. Etgii|»ar« th« only waMfcsi with DuraPowcr Main* spring*. I* uir«! look for tli* mark "dp" on th« dial. « BDDB2I19 lily ELGIN watches km Hi snzii( REV PuraPowEr Mainspring* AMD... AT NO EXTRA COST! Bfin't nvolvlioMfy • •» At Mlmpriflf tfcot wini> rvrt or ow> vM end diNvifi o iltody •* ^ow • <pow#f day by IkfMfk rti# ytifli ^SxUOf *^AT1N1, KNOIMO SteJJani QeweUy . '514 W. Main St., McHen^f^ -rr-' JeL McHenry 123-J i • _^SY MATTERS • YOUR MONfj. 1 5 IF YOU'RE BUYING k o>- ' • III ) NEW CAR., Ul Mother's Day Banquet Lovely " jvliest pi year of Joyce Kilmer Court, No. 573, Catholic Daughters of America, was held Monday evening, May 10, at the Villa Hotel Resort, when members sponsored their annual Mother's Day banquet qnd party. A total of 142 members and guests enjoyed this most pleasant evening, with Mrs. Richard M. Fleming as general tfhairman of the event, assisted by a capable committee. The grand regent, Mrs. Ella Buss, introduced the toastmistress, Mrs. Ethel McGee, who in her eloquent manner introduced the special gueats ©f the evening, namely Fr. Neidert. Fr. Vanderpool and the chaplain ox |the order, Fr. Baumhofer. Other guests were Mrs. Ethel Ronan, district deputy, of Elgin; Miss Heslin, pfend regent of the Elgin court; ind Mrs. Barr, past grand regent of |)eKalb court. Others present were nine members •of Elgin court and four from Court fteKalb. Tables were beautifuUy decorated With spring flowers. Mrs. Minnie Schuenemann was especially honored with a plant for being the oldest mother in attendance. Following this delightful program and dinner, cards were played and Ken Griffin at the Organ "YOU CANT BE TRUST* "DONKEY "VALENCIA" -- Rose Murphy Sings "HONEYSUCKLE ROSE" "WISHING" "TIME ON MY HANDS" AU -the latest papular aenf kita. OPERA ALBUMS ^ 'LA BOHEME" (Pwcdni) Vela. 1 and 2 TED LEWIS ALBUM ANDREW SISTERS YALE GLEE CLUB SHOW BOAT SELECTIONS Large Selections of Classical, Singles and Albama. Children's Singlea and Afesas. Dasi't Forget Our Record Club. 114 W. Main Street, McHenry « TeL McHenry 123-J . -- Money Saving, Values Qalore -- SALE STARTS MAY 12th, ENDS MAY 22nd H WWK SHIMS , 1.49 Roomy, medium weight blue dwmbroy. Won't biad. Sc. 1414-16. MEN'S OVERALLS SPECIAL $2.69 Hi^h .back, sanforized, blue denim, double stitched and bartacked for strength. • Sheer Circular Kalll • Hue-Seamed Bocfcsl • New Spring Shades! Amazingly low priced! Lovely, sheer ho$e with graceful, high LAWN BROOMS It's flexible - won't clog, strong wire teeth. S4e . . SQUARE SKYFUTI MIRRORS fOO UTES Owr Regular lew Price 1.19 Qf>eguiar lew Price »^»e^ fSXZZXU ' 169 1A95 I , Ito. Apprsi>si Is el IV m-' YOU are probably paying for your new car than you originally estimated. That's all the more reason why you should, finance the cost economically thrQMgh qui bank auto loan plan. ICE CREAM FLAVORS FOR McHENRY STATE BANK iber Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation matters EEAL STRAWBERRY I: DOUBLE PEACH ROYALfi TOASTED HAZELNUT ^ CHOCOLATE j VANILLA NEAPOLITAN . t BOLGER'S DRlJG STORE PHONE 40 V e \ Easy Carry--Gallon Si*l CAMP JUGS nicE1 .98 • H*ovy |CMg« SnI wMi pottery Umt Lor^« for CROQUET SITS Stand Msded. Cow C.Ati ph»> isllar 4 plsywa JsTa! NMada. SUPMMI mtalflarei 11 GLASS BOWL SETS l|eg. Price i5c Sale Price 29c Latge Beirry Bowl and B Nappies. DOUBLE ACTION REELS Jle'g. Price $1.19 - Sale Price 50c Junior Size Casting Reel Capacity - full 80 yds ^ ^ CANNON KITCHEN TOWELS Reg. Price 25c. j Sale Price 2 for 37c ^ . • • 1 : -- • Now you get 8 gaily decorated^,- , TUMBLERS and RACK Reg, Price 95c Sale Price 59c V.,: i* t Sanitary - Time Staving STEP OH 389W' MVASTE CANS Reg. Price $1.25 Sale Price M Ball Bearing ROLLER SKATES Waided 3 pc diauls. . Rubber thock absorb- 7lQ ws.lntf*pp<idontfrap« GaiiuUeA Ifte Mendfy Store GEO. COLLETTE, Ot Aethoriaed Dealer 921 Main Street McHeary 489 West HcHorj

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