Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 May 1948, p. 1

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ELLA BllSt NAMED DELEGATE CONVENTION Ohostn Qne Of Sewn To Represent 7,400 State ODA Members - .,^Jt was a tir«d but happy group of •eH«nry ?&d)«8, members of the C. D. of A., irho returned to their tome town last Sunday erening from a aueeessful three-day state connstkm of the organisation held at DeKalb.. There was (»ide in the of each of the local representaas they told of the election which resulted in one of their mem- Mrs. Ella Buss, being named to the C. D. of A. national m to be held in Pasadena, CaHt, «in July. , Approximately 360 members from wits throughout the state were yment at the convention, among them being fifty-four delegates. Section of state officers and delegates was held on Sunday afternoon, tte concluding day of the meeting. Each court's delegate was entitled to one vote each for the fifteen candidates who were vying for the emted honor of attending the California convention. From the fifteen, WONDER LAKE TO DECIDE ON WILDING PROPOSAL A special election will be held on Saturday, May 22, for the voters in' School District Number 36 at Wonder Lake foi the purpose of voting on the proposal to build an addition to the Harrison grade jehooL n»e nboard of school directors has jpecently surveyed the pre-school "population to determine the adequacy of the school district to meet rapidly expanding enrollment. Results of the census have shown that 122.children will be ready to attend school during the next few years. Of this figure, twenty-four children will become eligible to enter school at the opening of the fall term, plus twelve children that are transferring into the district. Since twelve children will be graduating, enrollment will be increased by twentyfour children this September; or sufficient to occupy one classroom immediately. Plans for the new addittion consist of three classrooms and an auditorium. The auditorium has been designed to serve for physical education and school assemblies, and will also provide space for lunchroom facilities. Use of the auditorium will be extended to all civic and social groups in the community as a place to hold their group meetings and affairs. It has been determined that the MANY AGTNITIES FILL LAST DAYS OF were elected, including Mrs.'!*6®'™? bond issue, based on 1947 to represent the 7,400 mem-1 valuat,?n' increase taxes by ? & Baocalan^eate Is ^ - Planned Tor May 30; Commencement Jnne 2 would need to look long and h|*d to find any group of people quite so busy as the more than 280 students who attend the local high school. Although each year the mottth of M«v brings with it an assortment of activities which keep the entire school constantly moving, this spring of 1946 seems to all past years. The musicians' trip to Charleston on Buy 1 was followed closely by the seaior class play, these activities stealiigf the spotHght from slightly less ettiting evenfe such as the trip to Chicago to see the French tapestries in the Museum of Arts by the French flaas Jind last Saturday's trip to Chidagtf By the biology classes. There was also the trip to Rockford by the hqme nursing class, where the girls Visited the health department, the Rockford Tuberculosis sanatorium and other ^points of interest. INQUIRY HfcLD HERE IN SUDDEN DEATH OF BERTHA LUCKER Coroner Harry Ehorn. of Richmond conducted an inquiry at the heme of Mrs. Bertha I>ucker «t Oeffling's subdivision north of J^hnsburg last Tuesday evening after .the 82-yearold Chicago resident ^ wa& found dead by her granddaughter. Miss Shirley Schoning of >5300 Cuyler avenue, Chicago, accompanied by two friends, arrived at the ^Lucker home about 10 o'clock Tuesday night and found the aged lady dfcad in bed. Mrs. Lucker had come to this FIRST COMMUNION AT ST. JOHN'S NEXT SDNDAY Fourteen Renew Baptismal Vows At Mass, May 23 _ The same impressive service which vicinity last Sunday evening to spenti 1 characterized First Communion in a few days and apparently passed other churches in this community away after retiring eitlier that night during recent weeks will be evident or on Monday. Death was attributed!in beautiful St. John's church Johnsto coronary occluaion. | burg, on Sunday, May 23, when a The body was takett to the Peter class of fourteen children, eight M. Justen funeral home and then re- j hoys and six girls, will receive the moved to Liddy Brothers at 4920 W. • Sacrament. Before the 9 o'clock Irving Park Road, Chicago, where j mass, the communicants will walk in arrangement were mfde for last i procession to the church, up to the rites. Burial will be ia Irving Park main altar, where they will solemnly SELECT NADYNE LEWIS AS WINNER IN ESSAY CONTEST WORLD CITIZENS' CONFERENCE OPEN ON FRIDAY • iam *• cemetery. MASS 9CEDIJLE Masses at St. John's church John*, burg, will be held at 7, 9 and 11 o'clock on Sundays for the summer months. ,, VISIT -CURTAIN FACTORY Mrs. John J. Murtaugh, Mrs. John Lang and Mrs. Fred Schoewer Last Saturdav mmin. xi»v ik •»,„ visited the Marshall Field curtain Iloonmg aawwaitiau^ Jjunnnitoerr prom was hhe?ldE i»,mu d lac« tablecloth factory a•t. Zion!, at the Fox Lake Country club, with a II Thursday. TTley witnessed larsre crowd of lo»W l.rfiL £ «.ILi th? ent,r? procedure of making cur- > Of Illinois. Other neaaby citiesof.__assess^ Property; attendance. Bob Art and his nine- ^Vr?™ 52nHli ' had delegates elected Selvidere. d were Elgin owners in the district will thus pay | piece orchestra of Milwaukee furapproximately $6.00 more on their | nished the music. tax bill. Since it is anticipated that valuation will increase over a period of years, thf average tax bill will decrease proportionately. The new addition will not only re- Local Ladies Attend Those who attended the three-day from McHenry, besides Mrs. Boss, local delegates were Miss Marie Powers, alternate, Miss Gertrude Weber and Miss Laura Weber. Others who attended the Sunday ses- ^ aiorw only were Mrs. Bthel McGee, ments of a state-approved educational during the J?irls and ^efr "pro*iects! Eleanor Kinsala and Miss Lor- ^ ^ The next major event will be the homemaking tea to be held today (Thursday) at 4 o'clock in the school auditorium. Fifty-seven girls, members of the homemaking classes I and TT :II A 4»_ IL • „ AI . .* • cloth. Clara Bandli conducted them through the various departments. Thennes. The activities opened with a •alnn high mass sung in St. Mary's church, with Rt. Rev. Msgr. Connor •f Aurora, state chaplain, officiating. Bar. Fr. J. A. Vanderpool of St. Ftfrick's, McHenry, was the main at Friday evening's meeting, for his topic, "Share the Guest speaker on Saturday was the Most Rer. John J. . Bishop of Rockfrrd diocese. Mrs. Buss has been a member of Joyce Kilmer, C. D. of A., tot ^ eighteen pMj and is noia hef se0MM tlMp Her many frintds lieve the over-crowded condition and j II, will entertain their mothers at this allow the school to operate on a full- annual fashion show and tea. Ferol time basis, but will meet the require- j Martin will serve as narrator, intro- 1 ducing girls their projects, which include dresses, skirts, blouses, beach coats, pajamas, hand bags and program. UNTIMELY DEATH OF MRS. HARRY NIELSEN MOURNED BY FRIENDS i formals. The following evening, May 21, AROUND THE COURT HOUSE renew- their baptismal vows. Communion Claaa The following- are members of the class: ADAMS, DANIEL ' HILLER, JOSEPH JUSTEN, RONALD MAY, BEVERLY - MAY, DENNIS OEFFILING, ARDELIJ® OEFFLING, ARLENBG REGNER, JOHN SCHMITT, DONALD SMITH, NANCY STILLING, EILEEN THIEL, ALLAN THOMPSON, ROBERT TURNER, JOYCE The same evening at 7 rSO1' o'clock, they will be enrolled into the Blessed Virgin scapular. Following this ceremony, the May procession and the crowning of .the May queen will take place before the grotto. Congratulations of their relatives, friends and Sisters are extended these boys and girls, with the hope that they may daily grow in God's grae and love. The long avfaited announcement of the 1948 winners in the essay contest sponsored by the local chapter of the V. F. W. Auxiliary came this week Wednesday, when Miss Nadyne Lewis was proclaimed as having merited the first prize, and 915. She •Was presented with her award at a Itudent assembly in the high school by Mrs. Helen Knight of the V. F. W. organization. Second prize of $10 was awarded to John Strever, and third prise of $5 to P4tsy|week for the World Citizens' _... Andree, all members of. the junior ference to be held in .Woodstock c cl*88- j Friday and Saturday, May 21 and More than eighty _ essays were I Hosts will be the people of . W< written on the frubject "Human'stock and McHenry county, the*, sei. Rights, the Key to World Peace,"!vice clubs, churches, schools, fCrmik after which the best of these were j business and social organizations selected to be judged by a committee | The purpose of the conference is tfe ' of five persons. No names were < arouse interest and responsibility olf placed on the essays, judging being citizens in local, national and intei# done by number, on a point basis. | national affairs and to stimulate intelligent participation in theii Radio, Press To Cover First Such Event In History final plans are being '-f • " : % •p.- .• Honorable mention was given to iPerol Martin, Patiicia Gilmore and Patric C. Krohn. The winning essays have now been sent in to the state contest^ Jmd at the V. F. W. and Auxiliary Convention in June, state winners Will be announced. Last year Jacque Hopkins, then a •junior student, won top honors at duties as citizens. The important two-day conferei is the first world conference i history to be held in such a smal community, its purpose being to ge% this plan into operation in other such communities throughout ti world. It is such a newsworthy evei that it will bring radio networ the state from a field of more than n,atAonal. maS"in.e,8 *nd press as f,000 who had won local contests. CHORAL CLUB WILL PRESENT "PLANTATION PARTY" TWO NIGHTS jCiations to cover the event. Schedul ! to be present in the press rcom| j among others, are representative!! [from the New York Times, j Christian Science Monitor, the Mill# jwaukee, Madison and Rockford newsKr j papers, the Acme News Service anj| ' -j ; possibly Life magazine. S. Friday, the eighteenth, and Satur- E. v. eryon. e , i.s inv.i.t.e d to atte.n .d wh^«* ^*" day, the nineteenth, of June are the'!? mte^st.ed in,fett'n? more ,nformM dates chosen for the presentation of ^ fbo"t fT°d V™" ,any«fe a "Plantation Party" bv the Mc- ,s interested m_a plan to stimula | Henry Choral Club. io The iastic reception which has more interest in their home com# ^ Reservations for SEEKS $s0,000 DAMAGES A suit was filed Saturday morning! in the circuit court asking $50,000! McHenry friends of 'Mrs. Harry Nielsen, 4S, were shocked to learn of her death on Tuesday, May 11, IMS, at Augustana hospital, Chicago. Last fall Mr* Nielsen and her husband went to Florida to spend the winter.-but poor health necessitated thairovturn ia January. They resided in Chicago after their com- . , >ng north, where Mrs. Nielsen underhearty congratulations ^ on went medical treatment. appointment and are hop-, Survivor include the widower, are ex- j for her an interesting and edutrip this summet. KIWANIS CLUB WILL BOLD CHARTER NIGHT ON TUESDAY, MAY 85 Tuesday, May 25, will be a gala •jght for the Wonder Lake Area Biranis club, as this is the night in which their charter is to be pre- Charter Night will be in form of a dinner at the Villa el Resort at Pistakee Bay at T a'elock and will be followed by a fly interesting program. The local club includes in its territory McHenry, Wonder Lake and its environs. The new organixatisa is being sponsored by the Grand- Harlem Kiwanis club of Chicago«and the Kiwanis club of Marengo. Resident of the club is K. B. of Wonder Lake and vice- I rit is Floyd E. Covalt, Jr.. of enry. Secretary is Joseph. Monand treasurer, Anthony Au- Officials also consist of a of directors of seven men. Members of the Charter Night Harry, who operated a bakery on Green street for many years; also a son, Eugene. ' The body rested at a chapel at S301 Fullerton avenue until 9:80 o'clock last Friday morning, when last rites were held from St. Genevieve's Catholic church. Burial was in St. Adalbert's cemetery. McHENRY COUNTY ONE OF TWO CHOSEN FOR SUMMER WORKSHOP -- McHenry county is one of two which has been selected from many northern Illinois counties as the location for a workshop in health education to be sponsored by the county superintendent of schools and the Northern Illinois State TeacheA members of the band aad orchestra; damages from the Crystal Lake are sponsoring a dance for their Trucking and Excavating Company, parents, teachers and th«aa members The plaintiff is Roy R. Smith, Sr. ed chords who helped in the j The suit is the result of an accident LAST RITES HELD ON SATURDAY FOR EDWIN VAN SLYKE presentation of the orchestra's con cert early this spring. On Wednesday evening, M«y 26, the annual G. A. A. banquet will be held In St. Patrick's church hall. The pot-luck supper will be followed by the presentation of aw«rdaiJ|ran^taring the year by the gr*t4^P^tf girls who participated in sports. May 25 is the day when the seniors will say farewell to M. C. H. S. te take a week's rest before returning to receive their diplomas. The evening of Sunday, May 30, is Baccalaureate, to be followed on June 1 by the senior class picnic and on June 2 by commencement. All of which seems to recall the old adage about life being gay if you don't weaken. After following such a rigorous schedule, who but youth could emerge on graduation day with confident smiles and abundant enthusiasm for the future? SUPERVISOR CORNUS DEFENDS HIS STAND ON SURVEY DISPUTl|| The old controversial subject of iMcHenry. They were: on Feb. 15, 1948, on Route 176 near!406 Powell Crystal * Lake. Smith seeks the PMS?d away damages for injuries received, i- Edwin Nelson VanSlyke, 76, of avenue, Waukegan, at Downey Veterans' hospitsl last Thursday evening, May 18, 1948. He had been in poor health for many months. The deceased was a native of Wauconda, but moved to Minnesota as a child. He served In the Spansih American War and later returned to this vicinity, and was employed by the American Steel and Wire Co., in Waukegan for ' thirty-seven years. Survivors include a daughter. Mrs. H. D. McColloch, of Waukegan, and a son, James, of Topeka, Kas. His wife the former Lenore Stevens and Mundet Cork, a!of McHenry, died in the fall of 1947. defendants. The bill Services were held at 2 o'clock on GRANTED DIVORCE Zelma Grotthuss of McCullom Lake s&ssr1 * *-* from Harold $96,tM SUIT A suit to recover $98,000 was filed in the circuit court last week in behalf of Richard E. Steinbrecher, Chicago attorney, naming the Fencil Co., a corporation, [William Fencil, Crystal Lake, F. D. Farnam Co., a corporation, corporation -- comprises ten counts and seeks the > Saturday afternoon from the chapel amount for legal services rendered j 251® Genesee street. Waukegan, as secretary and general counsel lor, JP™} interment in Cole cemetery, a period of time from Aug. 10, 1946,1 Spring Grove. on throurh 1947. ! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson of McHenry attended funeral services. PLACED ON PROBATION j Three youths were placed on pro- ] feation in the circuit ocurt last week i by Judge William M. Carroll, upon . ___ 9 recommendation of the circuit court! APPLY BY JUNE 30 probation officer, R. I. Overton ofj * Veterans eligible for automobiles VETS ELIGIBLE FOR AUTOS MUST previous programs has promoted the1„^^,v•"?B,, *% «| double showing of this torusical *2:20 °T C^ ° ?nd!y' comedy j Grace Lutheran church, and for the The story takes place on a typical ( £fn^et °n May 8*Z plantation about 1860 and shows onei^*r> 8 church hall, are available to phase of the colorful life of that the public. Luncheon tickets ara *ra. Interest revolves around the *1^ Occupants of the manor house and / their negro slaves who provided most!0 Woodstock *ill be among th» Of the music and entertainment. 'P^ers, and on Saturday afternoon* Special features of the include a tap dance, a cal and a moonlight minuet. nroeram ^ue*t b» Julian Beptley, f« wilk1 r&dio commentator, and James Averfr Joyce of England. Afternoon session# T* ISSSSi "committees h.V*'" •» *«** J™1 ' ' M been appointed: Costumes, Mrs. F. 8,ons at Jt _ . „ J. Aicher, Mrs. Robert Thompson! Hu dTjTh. ^ and Mrs. Leon Grosby; Tickets, one of China's a!SI griil? B^b*SvobSirland. Mral j/ Kenneth Cristy, iChri;^" 11 ft if rAurstsnipst. ingir *M rsU. rH« arrVy anBaatarra, cShaoIIrmal I ?^? . S #tHrd®JT» M®JT 22. Aa MZLV«61Ill*t]^5 director, are Mrs. Vanesse Sells, continuity; Mrs. Richard von. Bam* fifth generation descendant of thft pus, stage director; and Mrs. Joseph ££ during World War II. Another outatanding Chines ft Monteleone and Mrs. Cornelius Quintan, accompanists. xm what kind or reorganisation is best for McHenry county schools bobbed its head ag&in at last week's meeting of the county board of super- College. The other to be selected visors. It was Supervisor Stanley is Lee county, and both were chosen Cornue of Hebron who hit back at on the basis of the community! those who criticized his statement interest in health, the facilities avail-{made at the April meeting that "It! from not guilty to guilty on the in-! more' than $1,600 •hie, and the probability that the i seems foolish at this time for the 'dictment charging him with robbery < the government. health activities started in the work- j county to snend some $2,000 to; with a gun and was placed on pro-1 Veterans who are eligible have shop will continue after the work-j hold an election to substantiate thejbation for two years. been urged to make application at 8h2£ , 8 ° v e r- , . j decision of five individuals of Mc-' Wayne Owen, under indictment for least fifteen davs before the deadline T h e f o u r - w e e k s e s s i o n -- . . . . . . Eldon Pate, under indictment 'for at government expense have until forgery of a $125 check on the June 30, 1948, to submit their ap- Crystal Lodge in Crystal Lake on plications. Those eligible include Feb. 3, 1948-v, Pste is to be on pro- j veterans who lost one or both legs bation for two years and is to make! above the ankle or who have lost the full restitution. Pate is 17 years old. , Use of their legs as in the case of Francis Polley^ changed his^ plea j paraplegics. Automobiles costing not m._ -- are provided by LAST RITES SATURDAY FOR DONALD BAUR ACCIDENT VICTIM Funeral services were held last Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from St. Peter's church in Antioch for L. Donald Bauer, 21, who was killed early Thursday morning, May 13, 1948, when he apparently fell asleep at the wheel of his car enroute home from Chicago and the auto struck wa a cement abutment on Rt 41, injtary of the £ake Forest Interment was in YMCA's of Canada for tan y cemetery. ^ Ueneral secretary of YMCA visitor and speaker to the confer pace will be General Feng Yu-Jtsiaag, whjfc played a leading role in the Sstatfr~ lishment of the Chinese Republif^ Serving as stcond in coauaand dutf* ing China's war against Japan, h# has become a legendary figure. Hi|: will speak on Friday evening. m Charles W. Bishop, M. A., D. D* of Canada, is a distinguished del«| gate to the conference. Dr. Bishofk currently a lecturer in religfoug knowledge in Carleton college, Otta*. Canada, has been general National Council of iDers ol the Charter Night i The four-week session will begin Henry county made recently in con-! larceny of an automobile and taking to permit ample time for processing ? World War2, he „m lnclu„de ^r*eJuly.. 12.. * ^ , WT>^k, Com-1 nection witl/the county school S?-! money from a county parage on jJjof ^plications "nEof i OsDetteP. nfchhAarimrmAal n;F l<A\W.< l HV. MPoAsMhUer , | mA unityA hA igh school and wIi l._l• close on1I vevM committe1r re^oor t 20, 1948, was placed on ppi robation Forest Mount Carmel Donald, driving alone, wa* on Ms §ervice8 in w^rld War I; and wa# way home from Chicago about 2' principal of Albert college at BeUa*.^ a. m. when the accident occurred. He vilie, Ontario, for eight years, had been visiting Miss Birdie! These are but a few of the hui* O'Brien, whom he had marry next September. The deceased was born in is> u vi ^ kegan on Sept. 14 1926, and spent | stock committee^ an^outif-to^ 'corai!. T "J1S . ear,y years there, moving to niittee is also spending many hour* Antioch ton years ago. He was alon deUils. The committee include#^ member of St. Peter s church and of : Eimer Freund of McHenry, Ralph! Name society. A veteran Boyle of Crystal Lake, Lowell Nye** ^e, enlisted in Sep- Ann Barber and Mrs. Leslie Bour|n Dianis off M. Dowell planned to; dreds expected to attend the con* j ference. Besides the planning which " au-1 js being carried out by the Wood- | »Bpni-«uuii». ioiai numoer oi! ;n jUne nf 194S wreinl'; ^®rvar^' Andrew C. for vehicles disbursed by the government; Fa? l,vfr n GH and "i fcTnd'Edward^F Coatoa E* Covalt'!6\ are now made | Supervisor Ccmue said that he be-}tw'o years. * " ~ j tWs'profram^as^f °Marc™C"'i"Au"1" al£ard an LCI ln fhe Pacific |and Fred R. Kelley of Marengo. fcjand Edward F. Coates ty Roland McCannon, county super- lieve,1 public opinion justified him was 18 405 The vehicles included Y^h a,rat,n» of seama" ^ classl_ Z?_r: -n iP°? n oft% j16 "tendent of schools, and college making such a statment and he re- FILES PETITION ! passenger cars, jeepi s ti t ion! AfteL 8e^,Co *1® COMMITTEES Slb^bv SDi?kerH fmm hnetl,W«in^e i ?erson"el »^: George Terwil-. ferred to a letter received by school Lloyd McCannon, who live* in the1 wagons, tractors, and trucks. | member of Sequoit Post, V. F. W nT^lithta ! Tger' ^°r of WOI1Mh®P8 1 ; Thomes I survey comimttee from Vernon L. newly organized Woodstock rural; Service officers of the instructor in biology; and j Nickell, state superintendent • -- charte niinoisjat Antioch. !TO M&KE PLANS FOR oriii Ko tVuL ~ . .. • . j r ;••• •>; »"»»».', suik supcnnienaeni of! community school district, last week j Veterans commission have been ad- _ ^ J"? ?"* .""(HOME TALENT PLAY will be the presentation of tlte Marguerite Fish, health coordinator, schocls and secretary of the state' filed a petition for leave to file pro- vised of the deadline for the ' auto! n™"11!" i » Lake courfty. »teT X Mr RfehiX^tw"' Th« workshop is being planned pri-'survey group. MrT Cornue £ad ceedings in Quo Warranto in the ^im^utees" pr^m^ ta ^ated S Il^,.sh^top ^ ** Covalt win then ?rM « me ry ann P*rts from the letter, includ-, circuit court of McHenry county ,100^ N. Benton St., in Wbodstock. • , 1 . , a c c e p t t h e g i f t s , t e a c h e r s i n M c H e n r y c o u n t y . P a r e n t s , i n g t h e f o l l o w i n g : 1 a g a i n s t t h e f o l l o w i n g m e m b e r s o f t h e , - ented to the local organization students, nurses, and other interested other clubs in the district. 2^90MING EVENTS May 20 C. D. of-A.--Social Meeting. -- ^ East River Road Pinochle Club-- J the college. "Did your committee give ; against con- board of following directors of the district: V F W baseball team > Plans are shaping up for the He'graduated from Antioch Town- talent play, "Fun For You," which , rRTk»riA wmn mire shiP hi*h sch°o1 in 1945» after serv-;*11.1 he presented on Thursday and^ .. --: 1 .,--" "• "v-- i UUOKOIA WARD DIES l in-. with the naw At the time of Friday evenings, June 10 and 11, nine rsons in the country who are j sideration to any other type of Earl Hughes, Esther ^rtung Roland ( As we go to press, word has been death he was a route salesman ithe high school auduitorium, under interested in health, however, will be | oreanization than the county unit? Leisch, FredyRSffel. Russell Beard, received cf the death this (Thurs- J'® Sen Glow Guemsev Dai^ at the sponsorship of the Mother* invited to take an active part. Not that the commission does not Alice .B MtConnell antf Charles'day) morning, Mav 20, of Mrs. A„ti^h guernsey L»*iry at Teachers are urged to register with approve rf your recommendations as Wagner. ' • Georgia W&rd, 80. She passed away Sun/ivors include his narents 1 Mrs. George Kramer, chairman of the county superintendents office as | submitted but often times opposition In his oetition he sets up that the at the Woodstock hospital after a ^„d Marcel rDietmever B«ier: the eve"t announced her committed soon as possible. Registration blanks; arises where they already have ex- ^people of the state of Illinois have I short illness. The body will be at the two si^ters Darlene and Bettv Lou members as follows at last Friday'* are available in his office or from • cellent schools. Such opposition, if an interest in his relation and there Peter M. Justen fiyieral home.1 in 0f Antioch- and his grandmother' meeting of *the club, held at th<* Mrs. Thomas Thonneson May 21 L3y Lake P. T. A. Social--School house--8 p. m. June 24, 25, 26 Rummage Sale--Sponsored by Altar his office or from j cellent schools. Teachers from other agitated by the proper leadership,; is a good, sufficient and probable, Funeral arrangements - are counties will be permitted to enroll, \ could bring about the defeat of your! cause to believe that the rights,! plete. although it is hoped that most par- j county unit. ! privileges, and franchises of the ticipants will be from McHenry j "It would ibe most unfortunate if|*>e»>ole. residing in the district are county. j vour county unit plan should be de- being usurped, intruded into, and un- Each participant will select some|feated as your county lends itself to,lawfully exercised in violation of the health problem of importance and' about four or five community unit j law. and Rosary Sodality of St Pat- > concern in his local school or com-1 districts. lick's church. May 2S O. E. S. Initiation. May 28 Annual Meeting of Red • Ctoss Chapter--City Halt May 29 Bake Sale--Sponsored by Altar and ry Sodality of St Patrick's rch--Pries Market June S C D. of A. Installation of Officers-- fit Mary's-St Patrick's School June 7 Alter and Rosary Sodality Meeting. June 10, 11 Home Talent Play--High School Auditorium -- Sponsored by Mothers Club. June 18. 19 Musical Comedy, "Plantation Party" --High School Auditorium^--McHenry Choral Club. Htf further asks leave of the AMONG THE SOCK munity. The solution of these prob- j "We trust that you will take the! Honorable Court as a citizen, and! Mrs. Joseph Ginochio, wh© resides ®DJ°y Chicago TOUT lems* will be sought in the workshop; suggestions we have made in the j Qualified elector, residing in the[ northeast* of Johnsburg', has been a through the use of demonstration j spirit given, and hope that you will i district t^> file as a citizen, and on his J medical patient at the Woodstock achools, outstanding consultants, J make every effort possible through J ~wn relation an action in Quo War- hospital. field trips, special conferences, and! ranto inquiring into any and allJ Kenneth Rudolph has teen library facilities. The idea of a summer workshop for teachers is relatively new. ' It grew out of a felt need recognized by teachers themselves. The traditional type of summer school with its more or less arbitrary division into "cources they wanted. your publicity program and in the public hearings so that ycur people will approve the reorganization plan that you submit to them in your final report." At a recent election it was voted five to four to recommend the county unit plan in the survey group's final did not offer what report. Kenneth Cristy of Ringwood, TTiese teachers had the local representative on the board, incom-! Mrs Peter J. Bauer, of Waukegan. ^me, of Mrs. Peter M. Justen: Mrs. ! The body rested at the Strang Charles Reihansperger, Mrs. C. H funeral home until last rites on v?1!8- William Green, Mrs, Saturday - - William Pries, Jr., Mrs. Robert New-. kirk, Mrs. Roy Miller, Mrs. Vale A flams, Mrs. 'Robert Hirschmugl, Mrs. Carl Weber, Mrs. Charles Brda<j Mrs. George Kauss, secretary; ana. Mrs. Edgar Landgren, treasurer. Following the business meeting;' The first Home Bureau tour to be Mrs. Cornelius Quinldh presented taken this year was enjoyed by several lovely organ thirty-two county homemakers on! after which Miss Ann Home Bureau Women selections* Lyons off nuestions relating to the legality of! SUrgical patient at the Woodstock j Monday,, May 17. The tour in- Crystal Lake, secretary of the staU* the organisation of the district and; hospital. I eluded a drive through Jackson federation of Flower and Gardeal. the authority of certain persons toi Mrs. Theresa Horn of McCullom I Park, lecture at the Planetarium, I <Mubs, gave an interesting talk. Mrs. art as members of the board of edu- j Lake was a medical patient at the j lunch at the Stevens hotel, followed! Lillian Coi then named committee^ j tion of the. district. Anecify: problems - problem** of! voted against the plan, classroom techniques, problems of i administration, problems pertaining to their own local communities. They wanted an opportunity to work out answers to these problems with the assistance of other teachers and a BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Leo King of West RESIDENCE CHANGES group of professional experts. The; McHenry announce the birth of a summer workshop is an answer to! son at the Woodstock hospital on1 this need. j May 17. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huemann are 4-H MEMBERSHIP DEADLINE ! the parents of a daughter, bom at Girls interested in belonging to a'Victory Memorial hospital, Wau- Main street to the home of their daughter and family, the John Jones, at Emerald Park. The Oto Gygi family |>as moved from the Craver house on East River Road to Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. William Hay and daughter, Judy, have returned from Woodstock hospital this past week. | by a tour of the hotel, then as a; for the garden show which will ha j McHenry friends will be interested! follow-up of the lesson studied in held in August. j to learn that Miss Frances Michels,! this year's program, the group en-| | who underwent surgery at Rose-( joyed the Merchandise Mart tour. i MINOR INJURIES I land Community hospital, 112 Perry! Among those who made the trip! Roger Freund, 20 years old, ' were Mrs. Leo Winkel, Mrs. Arnold of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund of Rauen and Mrs. John Thennes of i West McHenry, received head in- McHenry and Mrs. John Hogan of!juries, bruises and cuts about 7 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gilkerson have j avenue, Chicago, last week, is im moved from the Noonan house on j proving nicely although still con- Ringwood. o'clock last Sunday evening when the truck which he was drivingswerved out of control after hittinglarge stone on the gravel jroaaS fined to the hospital. Carl J. Freund underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital this past week. Henry Schroeder has been a patient at the Woodstock hospital this week. «, , Eugene Geary of Zion, son of the Florida and are making their home Jack Geary's of Volo, underwent an]bum college, Carlinville, Illinios, street ^ with his parents, the Frank Hays. appendectomy at St. Therese hospital i when the commencement exercises : _L- '"J.i-'ieB Waukegan, on Saturday. are held on Monday, May 24, has MEMORIAL DAY NOTMai ANNOUNCE NEW HOURS | Mrs. Fred W. Meyers of Ringwood; made an outstanding record during Due to Memorial Day being 0% The Home Bureau office will be! underwent surgery at the Woodstock (his two year® in college, ^n addition Sunday,jtha holiday i J ... ... - .... .. j__ TO RECEIVE DEGREE Lyle Donald Franzen, nephew of _ Mrs. Alice Wagner, Spring Grove, i just off Rt. SI, a mile south of the is one of 140 candidates for an1 city. He is recovering nicely ffeoaSi Associate in Arts degree from Black- • his injuries at his home on Main HOME SELLS FOR $14,225 After hundreds of interested pa_ ... „ „ r.„ had viewed the four and one- girl's 4-H club are reminded tnat all,kegan, on Friday, May 14. half room home on Center street enrollment cards, application fori • . __ erected by thfc Trade II class of the, membership, due in the Homej Mrs. Nick M. Justen /aapd open during the morning only, from j hospital this week. j to being one of- the four highest on Monday. %jgh school, it was sold at public 'Bureau office on or before June 1. daughter, Jacqueline, and Shirley and' 8 a. m. to noon, during the sum-1 Mrs. Grice Devore has been a ranking students in his class Association taction last ^Friday evening to Mrs. i There can be no exception madep to Joan Wegener visited at Dixon, 111., mer months, effective last Monday,1 medical patient at the Woodstock scholastically, he has been manager, ness houses Jack Hart for the sum of $14,225. ! this, which is the state deadline. t on Saturday. 1 May 17. .hospital. ! of the men's work program. . nt*53 nvu 1 Monday.

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