Wonder Lake * f gV -- $**•*#. *u f ~ Mr ate V "i . &•¥* -- v„y. i up a form of protest whkh signed ty a nftmber of each subi division. On Saturday morninf, May 15. the committee met at the county building in Woodstock and handed the protest to the county clerk, who « g - - - w i l l , i n t u r n , n a s i i t o n t o t h e Board of Review UeiT it meets in June. By Viomm 8db There the matter will rest until the » .... committee is summoned before the •*; Ijftien the real estate tax bills 0f Review to give testimony %eie .received by property owners of supporting th< petition of protest 4 the Wonder Lake district, a general i Signing: for the various subtiote of disapproval was voiced. The divisions were: Dan E. Moeller of found of the protests reached the Wonder Woods; James J. Novak of M(»ars of Jim Pavlik, who immediately Shore Hills, Ben Davis for Peep up petitions against the tax Spring Woods No. 1, and No. 2; ---Valuations, and had them signed by C. A. Nelson for Wonder Center; Several hundred voters. Percy Cormier for Indian Ridge; 4 Then, at a community meeting, Joseph W. Elliott of Lookoot Point W. T. Born of Wooded Shores was No 1; and Dr. ^ymond Watkins for asked to form a committee r e p r e - Lookout Point No. 2. H i c k F a l l s Renting all subdivisions of Wonder does not, as yet, have M JUJiDiia- |iike and the farms adjoining. This tion. foramittee came out in strength on " j Wednesday evening, May 12, to Before the Junior-Senior prom of * formulate ways and mearts of com- McHenry high school, which took The seventh and eighth grade banbating rising taxes. At this meet- piace on Saturday evening at thejquet vraa held at the Villa Hotel v Ing it was decided to appoint a sub- Fox Lake Country Club, Joan An- j Resort in Pistakee last Tuesday ' Committee with power to act, even dreen, niece of Mr. and Mrs. H. j night, with sevftnty-eifht persona " , i|o the extent of taking legal action Wohnrade, and a member of their i present. Those attending included ? Against high valuations. household, entertained several couples the youngsters themselves, their ^ J W. Elliott was chosen to head at • "coke-tail" party. " parents, the members of the school '% thi« committee with T. W. Born to! -- board, the chairman and vice-chairterve as secretary Mr. Elliott drew Three new pupils were enrolled in man of the Community Club, and ^ 'the teachers. Following dinner, Mrs. Durkee led the group in song, prior to the prothe Qaeen Mm nd schools' last week from fhe Lake area. They art: Jaaw Mahal in the third giade; his sister, Bhr» bara, in the second grade; and their big brother, Richard, in the eighth grada. '. JGeaAnaatlea Oase. At 10?45 a. m. last Suxidfejr ttoring, the first confirmation clasa of the Wonder Lake GMapel Center received their certificates and the blessing of Pastor Frfnk W. Anderson, pastor in whose bible class those being confirmed had received their instructions. Those granted certificates were Bill Cusick, Edward Cusick, Clayton Dornbush, Joan Dornbush, Grace Glauser of Ringwoed Jean Hay, Donald Jones, Mehrin Jones, Jamea Van Kanegmn, Esther Martin, Joanne Resheske, Barbara Sellek, and John West. WEED KILLERS We. carry a complete stock of WEEDONE, the original 2, 4-D weed killer. Increase your crop yield by killing the mustard, morning glory, dandelion, thistle, etc. ' •' . ^--Material costs • as low as 50c per acre. We also ca|i supply boom sprayers or make arrangements. for custom spraying. McHENRY MILLS, INC. West McHenrv. Illinois Phone 92 R Jbteiqn S&'wke the ovcrscas vctekans' maoazmi is... Yours Every Month >••• "KEEPS YOU POSTED ON VETEftAN AFFAIRS* If you served overseas, here's a msgsrinr yen and yoor whole family will enjoy! Helpful information about veterans' rights and benefits... good stories, serious subjects . .. yours evefy wonth whrn you art a nwber. Joia VJ.W* todayj « ^ Post No. 4600 McHenry, Illinois THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY ----- WATTLES DRUG STORE . • ' . West McHenry • • • Tirestone Tires Are • the Very Even Sherlock Holmes couldn't find a flaw in them-- they're perfect. Every one is precision-tested for greater safety, better performance, increased stamina. SPECIAL' SALE ON FIRESTONE TIRES AND BATTERIES FIRESTONE TIRES -- ^ 6.00x16 Passenger Tires ... .. $12.85 plus tax 6.50x16 Passenger Tires $15.90 plus tax All other passenger tires are priced proportionately low ^ Special .prices on all Truck tires Evajruue operating one or more trucks will save considerable money by buying at our sale prices. We have in stock ail sizes of FIRESTONE "Transport frock Tires. Prices gladly quoted on request. FIRESTONE BATTERIES-- ^ Trade in your old battery on a new Firestone, allow $2 to $4 for your old battery. We. have batteries to fit all cars, trucks and tractors, as low as $12.85, mtchnngy, WALTER J. FREUND " * 7- :'j Phone H« TJws -- Tubes -- Batteries -- Accessories Tire and Tube Vulcanizing All Work Guaranteed ' ' • OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYSW#rt 'V ;• - McHenry gram put on by the youngsters. A play of prophecy for the future of the ; graduates was put on, with Pat i Fallow, James Jacobsen, Joanne Resheske, Barbara Smale, Mary |8oldt and Barbara Sellek taking- part. Later' Ronald Fredricksen read the | class history and Jerry Cristy read the last will and testament. of the ' thirteen graduates and Bob Wohnrade, representing the seventh grade, accepted the items willed, j Speaking a few words to the i graduates we're: Mrs. Durkee, Mrs. Mean, Jtliss Ogan, Mrs. Noren, Mrs. Auduino, Mr. Behrens and Mrs. Foley. Funeral services were held on! Saturday, May 15, at 9 a. m. in the | chapel at 2114 I r v i n g Park Road f o r j Lawrence J. Schreiner of 3415 N. j Claremont Ave., Chicago. "Larry" | was a summer resident of Wonder j Center for many years and had j made friends out here who will miss I him. Surviving itfr. Schreiner are his [ wife, Joan, and one son, "Buddy." Also surviving is his father, Stephen! J.; four brothers, George, Stephen,I Clarence and Kenneth; and one' sister, Mrs. Gertrude O'Higgins. j Interment was in St. Joseph's cemetery, Chicago. Happy Birthday - Johnnie Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hansen, celebrated his second birthday on Thursday. May 13, by entertaining a group of little friends, and big friends. Big brother, Jimmie, who is 6%, assisted with the party. Among the little folks present were: Joan and Jimmie Marke; Douglas and Leanna - Sellek; cousins Mickey, Jackie and Pfettie Hansen; atfd "Chickje" James. Grown-ups present were: Mrs. A. James and Mrs. Fred Hansen (the little boy's two grandmothers); Mrs. Jay Hansen, Mrs. Virginia James and Mrs. Grace Sellek. A long table was set up at the right height for t^e children and they enjoyed paper hats which had been made of pink paper by Mrs. Hansen and covered with cutouts suitable for, the child to whom it was given. A dark and pink cake, covered with pink frosting, was much admired by everyone present, and everyone wanted to take his or her turn at blowing out the two candles. Chocolate milk completed the refreshments. , . OmwM n Back Slapptf •r BOY V. FBJCE , j DOITO suit certainly looked Hi * seven years drooped on his tpn form, making him look older than hi* lOyecra. His wife piut her arms •roand Us neck Ilk* a girl, "Now don't jroa worry about a younger man taking your job," she said. "There's always an opening for a food advertising salesman, dear." Pop pitted her cheek and kissed her. He forced his most cheerful manner, .but somehow he knew he wasn't fooling her. ' All then yornng mpttsrU usotbo uum» *PPromb om everybody. Bseb-tlmppimg «m bomtm 4mkdtbshttl Not on* of tbom km * rod bnowUdg* of tbt ttrvico he's sMmg. NM MM of tb*m bst s d*op mpprofitiem far tb* psychologicsl mshtmp of mm tmHiidmtl b* bsppout to b* fmemg. Pop^left the bus, as usual, several blocks before he reached the office and walked through the park with an agility that proved he was more than strong enough to be an active salesman. But his brow was farrowed. He'd have a terrible time finding any job anywhere at his age! He was already breaking under the rivages of the pace he'd set for himself--a pace to outstrip all the other salesmen, especially Brown, who was looked up to as the best despite his back-slapping technique. "Good morning, Pop," cam* a familiar voice. "Hello, Reckless!" Pop called to the youngster. "Lookit this dive bomber I Made it myself." Their talk about dive bombers stopped *vhen Reckless fixed his books under his arms and glanced around, "Say, Pop, here comes I- Dad!" When the boy's father came | up, he was greeted with, "Dad! This i is Pop. He helped me when I fell' I off my bicycle." i The men completed the introduc- | tion and shook Viands. During the i next few moments. Pop sized up the man. Very sensitive. A T THE office the boss delivered a pep talk to his sales force. "We've been trying for the better part of two years to get the Hereford account. So far none of you has ever got inside his office. Brown, you were top man last month by a wide margin. And Pop, you've had m re experience than any five combined. I want you and Brown to see what you can do about the account. You know what' it will mean to the man who brings it in!" For an hour Pop had been patiently waiting, along with a dozen1' or more persons, to see Hereford. Suddenly the outer door opened and in barged 3^pwn with a package under his arm. Instead of taking his place in line and waiting, he strutted right up to the girl at the desk. "With my compliments, and I hope they're as delicious «§' you On Sunday evening, residents of Hickory Falls subdivision met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Waldy and ; unofficially formed a neighborhood j organization. Mrs. Warren Tallman I was elected to serve as social secretary. j On Friday evening, May 21, % all I legal voters of the Wonder Lak^ area are invited to a community 'meeting at Harrison school to disj cuss the bond issue which will be i voted upon Saturday, May 22. A legal voter is one that has made his home in Wonder Lake for thirty ' days, in the county for ninety days, and in Illinois for one year. He need not be registered. The bond issue, in the sum of $60,000, is for the purpose of building three rooms and a gymnasium on the Harrison school building and since it affects taxes, is the concern of every voter in District 36, which is Harrison. wSSiiASJi ^ Atoos laboratories reported to American Qwmloal aociety. Referring to phrtopiam toxicity , which ha termed 4 «re«t value in inf the Jtvea of wetfcaot engaged in developing pmmS^SESSoim <* mU*£° *»**• *e aa&f that ralaboratory testa indicate phi. te astremelr poorly abfrwn the intestinal tract, means that only slight --tasura oan ooour to workers who may, in the conrae of their work, swallow small amounts of it. Even wb stances like aocfium citrate, increases the solubility of toniura, war* added to the administecdd erally, rate ussd in4he study absorbed only about 0JI per cent of the total amount swallowed. . Water Needed for Crow||| It lakes from 270 to 576 pounds of water for plants to produce a pound of dry matter. vvv.V Exploding the Wead . : v 'ftli heat of lightning bolt tUfAs the moisture of the wood cells to steam, exploding the wood. Light-' ning aometimes completely girdles the tree. Christ the King Church Masses at 9 and 11. The Holy Name Society -will hold a dance at Nell's ballroom in Johnsburg on Wednesday, -May 26. The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Beckmbaugh was baptized Ronald Lee last Sunday morning. Mrs. Esther Chase served as godmother, and Henry Tonyan was godfather. Gospel Center A special and unique opportunity is offered the people of Wonder Lake and other communities to meet and to hear a group of prominent business men of the Christian Business Men's Committee of Chicago in a series of Evangelistic meetings this week. Harry J. Munger, executive of the Edison General Electric Co., will speak on Hhursday evening at 8 o'clock and the "Harmoneirs," a group of exceptionally talented young men, will furnish the musical program. On Friday evening, John Dun, Chicago contractor, will bring the message and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley N*hf. outstanding Gospel singers of Elmhurst, 111., will sing. On Sunday morning, May 23, at 11 o'clock, Harry B. Cork will preach, with 8tanley Keldson, Gospel singer as soloist. At the closing service, Sunday evening, the executive secretary of the C. B. M. C., F. W. Sheriff, will be the speaker. Professor Kenneth Wells, whose voice, loved by thousands and heard almost daily on the WMBI broadcast from, . , - -- - ,, „ - Victory Center in Chicago, will sing.* mercially accepted syntnetlc fiber. , Pop thought it best not to take the initiative, bat encoaraged Hereford to talk. look." Smiling, Brown handed tor abo x of ucandy. "By the way, I thought if I might see Mr. Hereford for a minute?" "Go right in, Mr. Brown," she said, wrinkling her nose at him. Pop's chin was resting in his cupped hands as he wondered about his future and he didn't see Brown leaving rather briskly. Pop could already see Brown with the contract. Suddenly and to his surprise he heard his name called. Entering Hereford's office, Pop thought he'd never seen a more irritable-looking man. "Well!" Hereford barked. Then he recognized Pop. This was one time Pop thought it best not to take the initiative, but encouraged Hereford to talk. "5mw bigb-ft tssmro tmUnmm fortod bit wmy tmto at e|k# tmd triod to ram * bill of goods domm my throM." Hortford tripod bit ponfMmt forobosd. "| w*s bmrmtd mpr Next pay day, Pop's wife waa waiting for him on the porch. "Didn't I tell you so?" throwing her arms around his neck, slapping his back. "That increaae In salary proves ttt" "Aw, honey, H was nothing," Pep grinned, "but I certainly don't mind the back-slapping technique when you administer it." RdNMd If WOT VMtUTM. . Many Syatkatte Fibers No longer is rayon the only com- We extend a cordial invitation to friends and neighbors to these unusual meeting^t the G. C. The Confirmation Class, the first one to be conducted at the G. C., concluded their Bible Study course in a public examination on Sunday morning, May 16, before a large and appreciative audience. Certificates were awarded the thirteen members of the class and Bibles we^a sented to each one of. then. Glass, vinyon, nylon, aralac, all these have proved their values as textile fibers. They often are used in combination with cotton and wool and may be had in many combinations. Since introduction of rayon in 1911, it has increased in volume so that * it now ranks second only to cotton in the amount produced. PLASTIC CURLERS plus tax cf heavy rainfall dry i of threui£k action of r reason for: grazing value of weather Is that Ma to livestock as figures Mr, i detective bet improper use of that i taj^the m a "y"*- I chfeuMyi* In December of M* la rainy | t aa ««--• £ied from bom. D» er the teQ Is abeNlMi Subscribe fcr The Plaindealer line of Lee's at Wattles Drug Store, NOTICE fueund's dairy will be open daily from 1 I 1 : a. m. to 9 p. m. r.lJXf ^ Dairy Products "7.^!/ r Malted Milk -- let Orvm "it: tM'I-* 'itSOMS'S DAIRY, Kt. 1, UcBmj Richmond Road • *' FROM CUSS TO SCIEEIIIM SEMRN Miswvs CeMBINATIOM SUMMER SCREWS IT'S NEWI Toni Creme Shan^oo <1.41. KM 494 Bolger's Drug Store PHONE 40 McHENRY • IcoatnUclly • CviltM Bvilt t# ONm • Cut Ivtl €••«• 1/3 windows fee ENTIRE AVEltAGE HOME low at fcLrSeceon se «africi »« conoaical ¥«- ciiut of ALSOO* S citri ad- Vantagaa and llfitia* a«rv- Ice. Thru th« Baiijr aaviaga, ALSCO itora viadowa aad •creeaa pay for tkiaadvtt titki* a («• ytiri. • N» R«9tli« IP TO S TEUS TO PAT r-CHICAGO ALSCO------i -hi-. 1 MU LINCOLN AVE. .CHICAGO 1I.ILW " « " I Without obUstli«a,plMM ^ • •••aad Mprtiiititlv* O •' a - a • NAME - ai - ^ - '• ADDRESS CITT«^,^. "SPEEDY" THESE CARS MR HERE. ARC by NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE i wouLDtrr pw AM PRICE FOR MCKMUltt l NOfNOfNOl SBiTf lemme k -FWORl- M *V*5E*L' F. 608 FROHT STREET ROUTE 31 PHONE 108-R Read the Want Adsl invite the public to ©er feit post-war Spring Demonstration Day, Saturday, May -9th. Mr. Ruth, from the Chicago Paint Co., will be here to talk over your paint problems and will give every adult a free can of enamel. ' Frances Wolf, noted Home Economist, will demonstrate the Roper Gas Ranges and will give you a sample of her baking and the recipe®. • Ila Hall Wells, Home Economist, will demonstrate the Philco Home Freezer and Refrigerators. * The Roper Gas Range displayed in our window will be ' given away on this day, together with some other priaee. Don't fw«et fejtate, S^uiday. May 29th., ALTHOFF HARDWARE '•V: >; X