Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 May 1948, p. 9

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Cum Shcuaxdi _A gronp of friends came in irpri ,Jak her home Tuesday evening at a ly surprised Mrs. Roy &1 Glowser, Betty Feltes, Jane Betta, Frank Smith and Floyd Feesel. Mr. and Mrs. iohn Hogan entertained at a party flanday evening honoring their daughter, Charlotte, jrho graduated from the eighth grade. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wagner and family of Walworth, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman and family of Lake Geneva, Mr..and Mrs. Everett Ziegler of De- Kalb, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ackerman Violet A..,...,- ; aerved. Those to attend were and Annabel Wagner, of ^Chicago j|t tastes better because the soil has letterheisd is "More joars, less plows," taw warming. Cards and " banco law played after which hmch hvenght in by the self-invited guests; and daughter of Marengo, srved. Lona Brever i»m> Mesdames I Russell Lee of Belvidere, Mr. iLaiia Winn, RoV Dodd, Andrew! Mn. Alan Wagner and daughter, Hawley, Antone Wieser, John Skid-1 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hunt and ^en Walkington, Arthur Lou, family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walking- Sebastian, Loella Stephenson, ton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Flanders, Roee Jepson, Viola Floyd Fecsel and family. Leon Grosby, E. E. Whiting,! Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas Meekman, John Hogu, George entertained a few relatives at their _ ml, Ben Tortfan, S. W. Smith,1 home Wednesday evening to cele- •aymond Harrison B. T. Botler, brate the graduation from eighth riu AOVISXK'B oomonTs „ Last week as J came Kane County, I saw a eai out one field, tear pp the sod, fertiliae, and reaeed it with a leguMe „, mixture and pastor* the other three of | fielde* rotating Iran one to the steers in a pasture all with their ] other every weak. In this way, each iMNids khrough the fence eating portion of the fMi is reworked, grass. The grass was just as big1 reseeded, and fertilised once every in the pasture as it was on the other {four years. side of the fence. It's not a matter A letter came from Farm Adviser gram is to divide the pasture into \ for the fact that in the limited four equal fields. Each yew lay 8pace we haTe to work, can't a-- 1-- 1. test all the reaunts almost space we- have to work, yr» can't dry samples fast enough to the time. .We hope to get all testing done that has been ed of us in 1948. It seems unbelievable that right in the middle better than a disc for putting in oats. After his first cutting, he plans to go one way on his two-year* old alfalfa, nut on super phosphate, and then go the other way using the narrow teeth. Sounds like an later on? We shouldn't cows that we expect to living for us by kidding I as serious d thing as their of feed. ^ of Iowa, they should be three years j exS*Ilen* .... _ _ behind us on so generally accepted T^*. "'m' Ridding the Farm of1 a service. °L <<th*-^ S™"8 u is /wener ori the! Haroid Holder to Appanoose county, I-d It b^t ™e ^J{' th^to ^ fenced but. that Iowa, who« motto - printed on hi.! ]* that'they ar?.do'SgTh.t ^aS If good news travels Flies," was shown to all high school groups in the county last week. I saw it eight times. Pictures showing cows on pasture that were nd minerals in it. to W .bout the E'"f„„UP'rm"£^JW t^.'^HfTot™^" Have you planned to do something! cost of setting up a county somethine we don't know about 1? *|>fnd W much time chasing about that permanent bluegraS testing laboratory; what our exper- olf the' harks with their heads, pasture? Many have the idea that ience is. what o«r charge is, etc.I fh#y r£" • " wore tiVne eatby patting on a little ammonium He says now farmers have to send j "I™*™["*• ThU mean* wt should provide nitrate they have solved their pas- their samples to the college at Ames school reorganization meetings wind better pasture so their can use that ture problem. They Save only ad- and it takes about si* weeks to get up with road condition discussions, extra tlm» to food advantage '"..liams Hawley and Keqneth Cristy. i grade of their daughter, Audrey. • * . TV Horn. CM. «H MMt .t th. I »*tcBd "J »• "J jgf ' feaasa of Mrs. Mitehell Kane, Thurs- £Ibert Ebel» Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. . Raymond Rattray and family of Al- Zl «. ' . ..., .. . . . gonquin, Mr. and. Mrs. Lester Ebel • ^ k At^leti J°Urj *nd family of Crystal Lake. Mr. ** ^ Woodstock,, May 2JT and ^ Mr8 Albert Ebe, Jr and family fcaat^Twinkling Star club m a thriH- of Barrington and Miss Marian j? a 20 to score- Schwenn and daughter, Jean, of r lb hitting star was Gene Acker- Mundelien. j w^° '°ur Wt8» including Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Thursday tw home runs. Anyone wishing a in chicago U5i"J0 * 12-inch ball, call | Mr and" Mrs. Robert Van Dusen ®({er ? o clock or con- m)j daughters, Marie Ritxert and et Richard KeUey m Ringwood. | Rugsel L^^nce of Elgin spent Fri- Mra. George Shepard entertained I day evening in the Oliver Laurence a Women's five hundred club at i home. --. only -- --, - . _ ministered~a shot in the arm, which a written report. We have three will produce its own hangover. years experience in this work, with A real permanent pasture pro- a great deal of satisfaction except home Wednesdla»;y - ed. to Mrs; Louis Hawley and Lester Carr. Tin W. S. C. S. was entertained ini A 1 o'clock; Mr. and Mrs. David Redmond of j Prizes were Chicago and( Mrs. Mingel Andreas of Marengo spent Sunday with Mr. : and Mrs. Weldon Andreas. | _ _ _ _ _ M r s . C o r a W a t t l e s a n d M r s . C l y d e i home of Mrs. Rose Jepson Thurs- Hayford of Crystal Lake were visitday. A pot lundt dinner was served ors here Saturday. I at noon I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and! TVwnship exercises were held at f?1"^ tended a family reunion of | tta McHenry high school auditorium the Thomas Clan at Veterans Acres HWnesday evening- There weret^C^sUl Lake S««iday , to graduate from the eighth . a"d„ ^ s" A " ^ They were Roy Dodd, Audrey of "eb!^n 8Pe"t gund*LT ^ ts, Charlotte Hogan, Grace ^r e^rent8' Mr> and MrS* * ' Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and Victor A" w T y* fft » T Wegner of Waukesha spent Sunday' |J I . 1 I ll f\| with her mother Mrs. Ni4k Wegner.' W ^ Mr. and Mrs, Earl Colby of Laeated on Twin Lakes Rd., being Crystal Lake were callers in the 1 afle north of Hwy. 173, 2 miles George Shepard. home Sunday afterst of Richmond, 4 miles south noon. Twin Lakes, on SUNDAY, MAT M at 1 o'cledc, d. a. t. I 4 M LUNCH WAGON Mr. and Mrs; Paul Norman and family of Evanston spent the weekend wit)i her mother, Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mrs. Viola Low and son, Robert, and Mrs. Emily Beatty spent Sun- CATTLB--Omrm? ( ,r,. .U. ^ Wllter """ 'vacoaated, HerefordM stmeer,, lUlaMO 'H"*m•! theM wi "ee kMe*ndr i oant Pheeer t hnofm eE |hKeirne . »P«" ' MACHINERY -- McD. Model "A I Mr. and Mrs. Dewev Beck and tractor on rubber, with starter, family spent Sunday with her father, fights, pulley and P. T. O.; McD. 16 Charles Carr. iw* Hi-Speed pick up. tjactor, plowr Eljjab Coat»S of Genoa, CitX «IWlt McD. pick up tractor corn planter/ Friday visiting relatives. with fertiliser attachment and check j Mrs. Rose Jepson was a Woodwire; McD. 2-row power lift culti- j stock visitor Sunday afternoon, •at*; McD. 5 ft. power mower;, Mr< and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and tractor mounted buss saw; McD. i daughters, Amy and Carol, spent Hedel 42R-4 ft. combine on rubber; Sundav in the Henry Marlowe home McD. 2-wheel spreader on rubber.! at Huntley. Tfce above machinery is new and is, Mrs. John Blackman and Mrs. Wm. in excellent condition.. McD. push. McCannon visited Mrs. Jennie Bacon type hay loader; J. D." side delivery! at the goion Miils Rest Home, Thursrakc; McD. 7 ft. grain drill (good (jay condition); McC. corn binder; corn Mr. an(j Mrs. Robert Shuetze and shelter; stalk cutter; rubber tired daughter of MUwaukee spent the wagon and rack; D-B. burr mill weekend wth her father, Dr. Wm.! J^D. 5 ft. disc. I Hepburn. FEED--100 bushel Vicland oats. Mrs. George > Bacon of Antioch MISCELLANEOUS -- 1917 Dodge called on Mrs. Cora Flanders Saturpackup truck; U. S. L. 200 volt day- , electric welder with Hercules engine;1 Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and Mrs. Champion Air compressor; battery. N1C^ Wegner and son, Victor, spent charger; 2 scales; 6 tires and tubes Sunday afternoon in the Linus (710x16); electric clippers; 50 ft. Wegner home at Woodstock. « in. belt; garden seeder; garden Miss Audrey Merchant, R. N., of cultivator; stock tank; 150-ft. hay Elgin spent the weekend with her npe; orchard sprayer; large amount parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant, aff angle iron and T iron. I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant went 22fI^i,t2SS!lESi^w^ enam «v>r.tor; ..tobl. model ° Mf» (.or.ion tan n« NEW RCA VICTOR Table Modola Phono Combination! TELEVISION SETS Record Plaven Portables FMAM Anto Radios WEBSTER WIRE RECORDER^ Come ln For Denaoiutriblioa V Batteries For Your Portable Used Radios Of All Types WILSON RADIO SERVICE 206 Elm St. Phon# 469 McHenry Math Schmitt of Johnsburg, says! I see many hluegrass pastures his new field cultivator is a real don't have anything to eat on them piece of machinery. He likes it right now. nltat wi Wot* conducted by Unix Illinois shows that there is no appreciable difference in the value of round kernel seed corn compared to flat kernel corn, so long, as both ara of equal quality. At one time there was a general belief that odd shaped kernels near the tips and butts of a seed ear were not good for plant* ing. Present methods of sorting and grading seed corn have removed this objection. rV&> MlHi V3F > Ordet- your rubber stampa wt Tfca . ,y will they have i Flaindealer. ,• -- ^ --^ Chrh-Crmh 2S-H. Kxpnm CMssr with Prompt Delivery on! New Ckrla-CraftS SAILORS, we can deliver this speedy new Chris-Craft 2^-ft Frpraf :• Cruiser NOW! Also many other new Chris-Craft models for prompt delivery. Come in today. Get a free copy of the new Chris-Craft 44-page catalog in full color and order your new Chris-Craft now. See us. " . HEWES BOAT CO- Inc. Pistakee Road -- Fox Lake, I1L e9 JUIV» Fox Lake 2<$1 • • r;!4l 'm? •rXrCr.KVLLTETNTff rFiU.?R NITURE WJj"e»"a'-r f^.-n« of Richmond aMnt Thurvbr th her £_ all(l SK * Sens mahogany player piano, ma- Kenneth Cnstv. qr cabinet for music rolls; 7 Kenneth Cristy, Jr., of Chicago is walnut dining room set; 3 P'ece havi his vacation this week. - parlor set (veir old); oak: Mr and Mrs Howard Shepard and table; antique electric lamp; gon Memphis, Tenn, are visiting upholstersd arm chair; Ms parente, Mr. and Mrs. George , ^^hol^red rockiry chair; 2 shepard. Iswn tables; Gen Elec. Monitor top, Quite a few from here attended nfngerator (excel, cond.) 2 elec.,th^ jones-Bauer reception at St. decks. You must see the above fur-1 Mary's hall in McHenry, Saturday to appreciate the wonderful on it is in. NEW 16 CU. FT. evenin»- • QUICK FREEZE. - ~ JOHN RYCHLOWSKi, Owner Chandler and Elfers, Auctioneers. Mb Auction Service Co., Clerk. farm Poaulatioa Ua There are 27,900.000 people ltv> ^ u s-1 FLAVORS FOR MAY ^REAL STRAWBERRY UBLB PEACH ROYXL| Itoaotbi) Wzeuojt *' : OHOOOIiA^TE % tAWW*k U i'-| .•» if*#?**' * •*" BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHEWRY ' mm **•* v ' % 1 "it h-:- *1 J&. . ftft" - -. !• vj ^ In the short time that has elapsed since die 1948 Cadillacs P O P V I A R ' were presented to America, the number of orders placed with Cadillac dealers has broken every existing record. And, every day, the car's popularity continues to grow \v „ ; There could be, of course, but one basic reason for this unprecedented swing to Cadillac: the extraordinary beauty and individuality of the new Cadillac models. For only a relatively few people have had an opportunity to drive these wonderful cars--and, thus, to learn that their performance is just as advanced as their exterior design. -m . Today, you can see Cadillac leadership, as never before-- and it is obvious that new thousands are resolving to end all compromise and make their next car die "Standard of 'W* die World." See these great motor cars in our showrooms. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT 8TRSST HcHXNRY, HJJHOia ^ • • J

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