Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jun 1948, p. 1

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IEW RESTS ASSUME MTIES AT ST. rftTMCrS rfr. Coakley Soooaeda Bey. Wm. A. OTtourke, Rio# Pastor Emeritus Parishioners of St. Patrick's church have this put week weljeomed two new priests, Rev. Edward C. Coakley, who has been •named pastor, and Rev. WWna H. Regnier, assistant pastor. They arrived in McHenry last week, Fr. Coakley to succeed Rev. William A. CRourke, who has retired because* of illness. Fr. OHourke, who will continue to make his home in McHenry, has been named pastor emeritus of St. Patrick's church, by Bishop John J. Boylan. Fr. J. A. Vander- "pool, who had acted as administrator of the parish for the past year, ^feps been transferred to St. James fro-cathedral in Rockford. A native «f Chicago, Fr. "Coakley 8t Gabriel's parochial ISXLKOT OAST FOR • TALENT PLAT TO BE; aiviM oir juks 10-11 Rehearsals are under wa^ ft* "Fun For You," the local talent Stow being sponsored by the Mctnry Mother's club to be presented Thursday and Friday evenings, June 10 and 11, at the high school auditorium. The play is under the personal direction of Catherine 45. Lalca of New York City, veteran of World War II, having served in the morale department of the U. S. coast guard (WR) and who has had much ex* perience in this type of work. Miss Lake stated that she is greatly pleased with the co-operation manifested and anticipates one of the finest shows she has ever directed. The cast is expected to include about 180 to 200 local people im- 6MMENCEMENT HELD JURE m. SCHOOL GROUNDS ; Sixteen Awarded Diplomas At Pnl School On W< resonating famous stage,- radio and screei^rtars. One of provoking i rsonstfton REV. the most laug:. scenes will be an imof the Breakfast in Hollywood program. Included in the Breakfast in Hollywood scene are tiie Hollywood Glamour Gals, a group of local men impersonating Betty GraMe, Mae West, Lana Turner, Mariene Dietrieh, Gypsy Rose Lee and Gravel Gertie. Following the original Breakfast in Hollywood show, the scene will also include awarding a wishing ring, presenting a corsage to the eldest lady present at each performance and giving a gift to the person chosen as the Good Good Neighbor of the community. Any resident of this community is eligible to vote for the Good Good Neighbor, who amnKtirrcR MED SUDDENLY HUDAT M:s. Gertrude years old, for more than thirty a resident Of this commnnity, Wlfet her home on Broad street laat flHday afternoon May 28, IMS, at* MfcTclock. She was taken ill suddaal&jMst a few minutes before death. J / Mrs. Ritter was 1m at Grosse Point, now .Wilawtttb §H», in 1868, and last April 6 cybratfed her eightieth ribthday ann^ersary with her family and friends/ 'For several years, with her to a hotel at Lily Lake, living to McHenry about, thirty ymjrs ago. She remained quite attive even in advancing years, spending much of her leisure time playUlE cards and visiting with her nuAR. friends. Survivors include &.•( *, Ira Ritter, of Chicago; three gra idsons, Raymond Ritter and Ban s) d Ira Dowell two great grandcMUr n, Raymond Ritter, Jr., and T«|0 Ritter; and a sister, Mrs. Catherine Hiller, who made her home with Mrs. Ritter. The body rested ai the Jacob Juaten Sons funeral hofre until 9:80 ment service; rather there were o'clock on Monday aiming, when several highlights which will linger last rites were conflicted in St. long in the memories of the gradu- Mary's church. Interment was in ates. The awarding of special medals Woodland cemetery. for various achievements during! , their four years of high school vai fQIT OOHOSKT a prominent part of the program. 1afianw WTf.t. BE always greatly1 HONORS BESTOWED UPON McHENRY NURSES AND COLLEGE GRADUATES Lovely summer weather prevailed on Wednesday evening of this week, much to the pleasure of sixty-five seniors at McHenry high school who hM held high hopes for such cooperation from the weatherman for many weeks. It wns the first time in four years that commencement exercises were held out of doors. Majestic strains emanating from the fifty-piece band opened the evening's program, after which the musicians played the processional for the young men and women to approach the outside platform. One could hardly point to a highlight of the impressive commence- Ii !tf graduating time, not only f&rjnite plans as to her future work, the sixty-five seniors at M. C. H. S. j' but also fbr several young men and i •fce opeiated!women 'rom McHenry and the sur-' rounding community who are this1 month receiving degrees from higher j schools of learning. Some have i already completed their courses, while others nave only a few days or weeks before packing away their books. Miss Patricia Jean GrisU, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Cristy of Ringwpod, will graduate from the University of Wisconsin on June 19. She has been enrolled in the school of commerce and will receive her degree with a major in marketing. Miss Cristy has been Coveted awards mw beca ticipated by use names the class members of the winners are PUSKHTKD Jinn 4 should be some man or woman, who withheld until the final evening are! The first of nine summer band has done outstanding work (civic or those presented by the American. concerts to be presented in McHenry charitable) for individuals or the. Legion. They are awards given fori this season will take place on Fricommunity at large. All letters honor, courage, scholarship, leader-; (lay evening, Jane 4, in the City should be addressed to this news- j ship and service and are presented park. As in past years, the first paper and mailed by Tuesday, June 8. j to the senior toy and girl judged to A eomariitee will judge the letters'r*nk highest in these qualities by and the Good Good Neighbor will be the faculty. This year's awards were notified so that they may appear and | &iven Caro1 Harrison, daughter be presented to the audience the first j °* Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Harrison nignt of the show. of Ringwood, and to Patrick Williams, Other scene in "Fun For You" are'son of Harvey B. Williams of Shalithe Barn Dance Scene with Joe ! mar. Honorable mention was made Kelly, Duke of Paducah, Minnie' °f Margaret Bolger, daughter of Pearl, Uncle Ezra and a group of, R«P Thomas A. Bolger, and to Alan local square dancers and musicians; I Bockman, son of Mr. and Mrs. ool, St. yola U rick and hood on June SMHOBtiwdSftl in 'RMSEM Excellency, the Most Bar Hoban. D. ©.. OSefiMil iigh aolkaol and He staAed at Webster Grove, I to the priaat- 1988, at 8t Jamas •Hocese. ; His first assignment was as assistant at St. Peter's church in Rocklord, where he remained for seven fears until named, pastor of St, Mary's parish in Morrison. He was, pastor there for two yaaia. after fhich he was appointed a .anaplain in the U. S. army. After *1 comnletion flf the chnplain's «wera» at Harvard university, Fr. Coafcity was assigned to the army air bane Walla Walla, Waah., serving as wium oucers ana °.v" v the Quiz Kids, boys and girls from {.William Bockman. the fifth and sixth grades of school,; ^ New awards^ ] answc USt SU'lz audience correctly answering his questions. The Rosy Rocketfes, girls Aom the high school personating tfrotp lindng darl presented for the answering questions that have al-i first time this year were those given been aafced the original Quiz by the Business Men's association to wi the natwork show. Dr. I.| the seniors who held strnight A <J» fiviag away silver dollars to [records during their four years Three class awards, ladies of the graduating j March, esented with these | --Ri< Diane Freund, daughter of |Chi four programs are given in the park and the last four on the high school grounds. One additional concert is usually presented on the Legion carnival grounds on July 4. Paul R. Yanda is director of the band, which will offer the following selections this Friday evening: Program "The Star Spangled (Banner." March, "McGehee"--Richards. Walts, "The Band Played On"--Wart and Palmar. Overture, "N arrator"--Buchtel. Selection, "Home On Die Rapge," arr. by*4 ~ <Briegel. JOAN R the gradaates marching ia pr»» cession and each carrying a rose. Others in the class included Miss Gladys Meyers of Spring Grove aad Miss Juanita Stanfel of Richmond. ' At 8 o'clock in the evening at tlfetf' Rockford theatre, the graduates wef» Eresented with their diplomas by [is Excellency, the Most Rev. John J. Boylan, bishop of the Rockford diocese. Rev. Fr. Burns o i St. Thomas high school, was the main speaker, with Fr. Lessman, -hospital chaplain introducing the sneakers. Dr. J. Harry iBenaes, president of the staff at St. Anthony's hospital, also spoke to the graduating class. Miss Stilling was vice-president -- of the senior class and was -pr of Our Lady's sodality, the latter Warren Jones, son of Vaughn Jones, will receive a degree in voice at Sherwood School of Music in Chicago this month. He has been chosen from a_large class to sing the tenor solo with orchestra at the commencement program at Orchestra PATRICIA CRISTY "Junior and Senior Frolic' darlings of' Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund of Johns- i Foy Ya"--King. "Con Tftoaa already assigned to parte the play are John Van Kanegan Harry VonZell, Robert Felse, vocal ist; Marion Frefcnd, pianist: Kathleen, story lady; Gert Barbian as Jfinain< Pearl; Jacque Hopkins as Undo Ezra; Gene Wagner as the Daks of Padncah; and Otto Pyrits and Janet Van Kanegan in special numbers. Other members of tile cast were not selected as the paper goes to press. High school girls will be featured in singing and dancing [parts of the play, and children will show. & grade sehool part in the quiz Friends Learn With Regret Df Wi'lfem Conley's Death termezso, f oy " " scene jburg, Carol Harrisdn and Margaret i March, first Bolger. \ 1 iTonb'r pffirTrtver. ^jy^Se" scfTool^ , „ -in* far excellent scholarship during the ( as! four-year period were presented to eleven members of the class. They were AJan iBockman. Lorraine Michels, Mary Lee McCarroll, Virginia Fracmd. Dorothy Pfsnnaa^ still. Dtane Freuad Thelen, Marie Rolger and Carol able mention was mins at Kent, who held superior grsdhs btft! was not eligible for the sward-slioai he had not been a member a# this class for the necessary four years. Edward Stullken, principal at Montefiore school, Chicago, was an unusually forcible guest speaker. hi his thirty-minute talk to the praHuntes on "A Pattern for Education," he stressed the need of placing emphasis on real values, be "Ung Kung Nasaann. e"--Graham, tbone unusually active during her collage senior year as president of Alpha Phi sorority. She wfcs Pan-hellenic queen as a sophomore and as a junior won a scholarship in the marketing course as one of the two hignest in grade points. On June 9 Miss Edith Sherman, To-1 danguhter of es^ Mrs. Lester Sherman of West McHenry, will re* II Bacio" ("The Kiss") The Hoe Down," Waltz. Arditi. A Rural Medley, arr. by Yoder. "Ohio Special"--King. "The Chaser"--arr. by Yoder. "God Blaas Amertea"--Ber- Bn. ANNUAL MCHENRY WATER CARNIVAL SET FOR JUNE 27 wnc d i . r adding that this cfcn best d8ne William R- Con ley for thirty tbro„^h service. He further re- A-n G-W"*®'minded the seniors that thev are at the Woodstock News Depot, died ifree to choose the wa, they wish to on Monday, May Sly 1948, in the: but cautloned that cnce that way Woodstock hospital after a short illness. He had also held a responsible I chooge the is selected they are not free - to position with the Oliver Typewriter;^ thig raoderr) definition of Colorful Parade To Be Lead-Off Number On Festive Program j Old Fox• River has bean the scene of some/great boat races in the past EDITH 8H MERCED1LS STiL.L.iiNG role tf HRioto tor A- Worwick. Mc WARREN JONES honor entitling M<*y queen. These from this vicinity wtio attended services were Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Stilling, Mr. and Mrs.. Clarence J. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. I Clarence Young, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stilling, Ray Stilling, Mr. and Mr*. Wm. Stilling, Rosemary Stilling of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Josenh B. Stilling, Gladys Stilling, Mr. and Mrs. William Foley, and Mrs. Nick M. Justen and Dorothy. A class of 98 graduating nnrsas wili be honored at commencement i-xcercises to be held this morth at Cook County Nursing, includiner Miss Therese Mergen, daughter of Mrs. In conclusion, ha m igave company for many years. cation--'"It's business is not neces- -- L •, • . . He is survived by hu. widow, sarilv to mnke ug know what ^.but never before has such an elabo- ceive bar degree Alice Senger Donley; two sons would „ot otherwjsP know. it J. n^ rate and entertaining a Program Teachers college, «*m®8 1 and,..l BPbe^' b«th °') nece«sarilv to nr^vide us wWi skills b«n planned^as now tehasishape for ... _ Woodstock; tw» brothers, two sis- which we wou]d mt < the Annual McHenry, Water Carnival mathematics. Her plans are not Iter and four grandchildren. nossess: but r»tb'r to m«ka us ba-i^o be held Sunday, June *7. |definite for the future, but she will Funerai services wiH be held this U,aw we would not otherwise be. ~ (Thursday) afternoon at 3:30 o clock I w from the Merwin funeral home, with' T_ o c,l ose the m'moTiN.e commencement. S'irt. C. H. at DeKalb State where she has majored in chemistry and minored in Jbwrial in Oakland cen^tery. chaplain from Nov. 26, 1943. Sept. until On being assigned to overseas service, he went first to Iceland, then to England and shortly after the invasion of Normandy, Fr. Coakley moved with his squadron to France, accompanying the troops through France, Luxemburg and Germany. He was ordered to return to the United States, late in 1946, receiving his discharge on Oct. 13. t On Jan. 1, 1946, Bishop Boylan appointed him chaplain at St.! Joseph Mercy post he held miry. hospital in Aurora, a until coodqg to Mo Fr. Rogaier • 8 . C. D. ff;A. Installation of Officers-- St. Mary's-St. Patrick's * School Hall. Jane 4 McHenry County Council Legion Auxiliary--McHenry Legion Hall. Jane 7 Altar and Rosary Sodality Meeting. Woodland Cemetery Association Annual Netting--Masonic H'«'l -8 o'clock. Forester Installation and Pot-Lack Supper--St. Mary's HalL Meeafcera' Night--Acaoia Dukar yrsaantad the diplomas to tve gradaates after » few interesting words spoken to the class. Nineteen Gradaatas Nineteen eighth grade stufcnts The name Water Carnival has 'iikely either teach been chosen tecsuse the committee! chemical knowledge wants everybody to know that the work program will include much more than the usual boat races. Having seen boat races alone draw near capacity crowds to McHenry, or into carry her laboratory the McHenry Business Associ ation has the more Miss Joan Reihansperger, daughter of the C. J. Reihanspergers, is completing four yiars of college' work at Beloit, Wis., cn June 6. She has Hall on June 18, He has chosen as his selection, "Salut! demeure Chaste et Pure" from Faust, by Gounod. Warren will 'continue his studies next year, working fcr his bachelor of music degree with a voice major. Two young men, Both army veterans of the last war, will graduate with honors from Loyola University at commencement exercises to Le held at 10 o'clock in the morning at the Grenada theatre in J'hica- &o. They are Edward Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy of McHenry, and Edward Lay, son _ of Mr. and Mrs. John "Lay of Snring Grove. The former is graduating with a major in history and the latter from Loyola's accounting school. During June, Rudolph E. Johnson, son of Mrs. Rudolph Johnson m of Pistakee Bay, will graduate from the University of Chicago. With s major in physics and a minor in mathematics, Mr. Johnson pla'is to some day be a physicist. He intends to continue his studies at the University for his doctor's degree. Graduating Nurse Sixty-five nurses graduated from St. Anthony's school of Nursing in Rockford last Thursday evening, M*iss Merced e« Stilling, daughter of Mr. and Sirs. Henry J. Stilling. member of the class. The Fr. WilliMn Regnier wts ortfalMlA Chela I, W. & C. Sr-Mrs. Keith on Saturday, May 8, at 8t Half's church, Aurora, by Bishop -Boylan. and soon afterward was namsi assistant at St. Patrick's. Fr. Regnier was trorn on P«k 1, 1919. He was educated in the parochial schools of Aurora and was graduated from Mansion MiKtanr Academy. He attended St. Meinrad. Ind., and completed his theolcgical studies this year at St. Mary's seminary at Roland Park, Baltimore, Md. Parishioners of many years regret the illness which has made it necesisrv for their beloved raster. Fr. OHourke, to give up his duties; those who had made the acquaint-j ance of Fr. Vande»-pool during the' past year regret also that he must! leave after so short a time at St. | Patrick's. However, all join in; wishing the new pastors success hit their work, a success which seems; Faster. M K. of C. eiaetiaa of officers. •> tarn 1«. 11 Home Tslant Play--High School Auditorium -- Sponsored by Mothera Chd>. Jane !•, 11, It Rummage 8ale -- Sponsorsd by O. E. S. Jane 11 Circle 4, & jQ. S.--Mrs. Harold Raemer. Jane 18, 19 Masicel Comedy, "Plantation Party --Higii School Auditorium--Mc- Heary Choral Club. Jane 24. 2S. 2C Rummage Sale--Sponsored by and Rosary Sodality of St. rick's church. Altar Patre<* eived their dinlomaa at exeVdses an(j has ..., ,. . ^ held at McHenry Consolidated #eet sponsor the event.1 crlli>e la8t ycar school t-uildinc.on Wednesday morn ' -- - - - ing th»« week. Tfcar-v DOVAT D ARVTDftON PTCRART> BECK*?!* OFTPT*tTT>E FHANT) ALFRED CORK. JR. DOTOREW Gfl.L , JAN*vp HEIDK VALERIA JOFVSON BETTY TOCKWOOD JOHN LAWRENCE C-f FV MABW* PTCHARD OSTTRBY JAMES PATZKE J*ANFm5 SdfOfTO KVFTJJOT? 5TTOLLE ?/>?« SVYDF.R vpft> THOMSEV FONAT,n TRAVBVPO, PTifFFOnn WAT: ROBERT WALTERS America" liCckm awards were orea »ntod t" Richard BeHcer. s«»i of the Frank 'Prker* of West McHenry Business Man's Associ- " _nH minorMi sn »xnng a tne ine grasped the importance of; ™ Reihansoerrer i day's activities began with a high mversified program planned wa?candidate for aueen at the I ma88 'or members of the class • and A u.. i. who was candidateh aioTrn wquSeTen'n oa t w« ...• /.»:•!« in i>hanal. with defi.i their families in the chapel, with i-MM * . * ' /i-. THERESA MERGEN John Reed of McHenry. CommenceiKiit \% ill be held iu tae school aiKli- .orium at 1900 West Polk street, tiss Mermen will continue her tuties with the other graduating lurses until September, atter which cy \v«ll take their rtate board xr.mi nations. She expects to do >ursing work at the hospital for at <st t^e next v«>a'* . L18T RITES iXLD Olf SUNDAY TO* NATIVE " yw this vionimr The lead-off number on the program will be a big parade,'starting at 10 a. m." Charles Vvcital has linan named chairman of the parade committee and urges you to contact him regarding entries. Business firms will have floats. Various organisations will also have entries. Of course, the young boys and girls _ . ^ will want to decorate their bikes *nd Hatao*1- 77 dress up for the occasion. So--^ Thursday i SCHEDULE 07 &ONU9 PAYMENTS TO VlTft 5AS BEEN RELEASED in touch with Charles Vvcital Urn know what you have in mind for part in the parade. ' What won Id a p«rade be without a hand? Well, the McHenry Band will be out in full force for the parade and later take a boat ride, playing a few numbers to pep up the program. I Harold "Smalts" Miller has been j given the - resoonsibility of strangling a row boat race. Look for spme fun in this one. You wont Had pro- McHenry Meads this w~« ™owin* U •.r.^o^bv hnp^ive. patriot mourned the death of Mrs. Mary of bomw f^h-^^viTO weekend when the " * who The sdZ memorial clubhouse w rening. May I?*®fn", | on th. MvSJtif ®n Sunday afternoon, following a lloonngg iullinneessss,. listed below is /or the payment of ^ Monda/ morning She died in Woodstock, where she bonus dsims of veterans Uvii had lived in recent years. The deceased was. born wtaHwman patriotic events test new V. F. WT i dedicated and again the annual and Mrs Charles French. her marriage she and Mr. | McHenry. . ! Claim of Mr. After Hutsen resided in The body rested is living in downstate Illinois and processed by a nni the Springfield office. The • Chicago p ~ a " s -- - r h i c h h a n d l e s c l a i m s i n C o o k . . . . , , , has not set up a schedule of members and fnends ofthe Vi Memorial Day parade was held. It was a solemn service befiitting n« oeceuea *•«, «»'. «» "f-- .«{» which handles in Cook the occasion which 10, 1871, in Ringwood the daughter WIUcn n*na,em cimim ,n at the Merwin faneral home until Sunday, May 30, f|V9Sio to 000 when services were held st 2 ^ i 97SLOOO to 297JOOO with the Rev. A. J. Tavenner olHciat-1 M9{JJ ing. Interment Was in Woodland j t© 841^000 *n«i to Gertrude Brand, of; gftionals in this race--lust a bunch > cemetery, McHenry. CAIV06 w i the direction of R. M. Switzer, Will out some skilled operators. : But, somebody is going to get tilted iint^ the water--much to the plea- Earl Smith, of Woodstock and a 385(ooo to 407,000 son, Merlin L. Hutson, of Rockford. 407,(0010 429,000 JULY 4 CARNIVAL NEAR DROWNING ...v.. . iL . . , A drowning was "narrowly averted assured in view of the interest and (^ Sunday when Devid Ehlert of spirit which they have shown m Chicago fell into H.ily Lake when a their new church in the short time ^ cutter which he was trying to they have been in the community. ! manipulate capsised. Unconscious, ^ --~ :he was rpscued by George Norton, PIED AT PISTAKEE BAY lie, of YorkiMd, who was spending it Mmuurrrraayj , 74 of Ct^hniiccaapgoo,. ' the holidayasd maitn itshteer esdu marmtifeirc iarle sroerst-. j funeral --d iwtors at the Abraham, in bringing j lancoln hotel in Springfield on May 'ering from, 25 and 26. The anna*! banquet and i LJ1a1?k-e . E']G«l»e»ne tVM aBraruanndd e, ofs onM coC*u llMomr. ^j ^Vei^ws "who"may get their oarsj ' "™®^;^ include a daughter, Mrs-. SJJ6J3',JoJwJ ^1I0f slo'ooO.uOw and Mrs. G. Mamnde of McCullom J * Somebody Will Get Wet I*ke, danrttor cf unM tilting contest, under Mr. a«d Mr*. Fred Snyd«- of Wood-1 inB * j»wn Park. »'»*re ^ the scholar- . . •Hip itw»rd«t *4 H»e Business Men's j * Asp^ciatio" The Fi™*nis award was made to Robert Wa'*-rs. who r*- \1* V PAllTn ^T^r^ws^-d "pl®ns are under way at this time veiir 'to begone of the higMights of le P. All. n- This award, to in8tajj R divinur board on the old the summer season in this Keep nlvPvT, w i month com-, sides on ^ -«i»ure of "pectators uncle. I Ar{ I hundred* of t**e cl"as. O^her »werds were made by the faculty vote. James H. Murray, Chicago, rfi«d of a heart attack last Monday, . .. . morning, May 31, IMS, while viaii- uilation, =-- for the w^lMi»d at Plstakae Mm to emmmetm ATTFWn rONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Justen attended the sixty-eighth annual convention at>d exhibit of Illinois ranged to have expert divers on hand I Qf visitors as well as our own resi- , for the day to give an exhibition of dents to the carnival grounds. It wm close both fancy and comedy diving. the time of the year when Mc- Anj ,KftilW The committee is very pleased with, Henrv seems to swell almost to the local •hould the co-operation shown fcy the t bursting point, when our sidewalks. *°re tnat Lincoln Park Boat Club. This fine an(j highways need broadeniiyt and tion will ship racing shells our stores need a few extra feat of< partial of Wars organisation gathered T_ o. the new structure to Pll 1. jthese who had wwkad June *n ^ "action and also to the purpoae for which the clublHWB was August i •rec^e<l- September! After the program, gneats were October invited to inspect the aaMtoa, whidi .November! met with the approval of the large .. ..December! crowd in attendance. Jan., 1948, Monday Parade Feb., 1949 One of the largest parades ever 429^000 to 451,000 -- Mar., 1949 to take place in McHenry started Ha Veterans with a lower claim num-: long march through dtr streets just ber than the first listing above and i before 10 o'clock on Monday momwho do not receive their checks as ing. Led by the high school band and s now less than a ^.^eduled are those whose apptica- the members of the various service This continues each are incomplete. : organisations, the parade was -- i.„ temporarily halted at the Honor SCOUT REGISTRATION | Roll, where impressive services of Registrations for the Girl Steouts d^ommissioning todk P^ f« on Thursday. June 10. regularly piaanea interested in jomu« the nroaram. comsmnrters or so be- „ _ and V. F. in mind the big Legion car ich is now less than away. * s.. addition to the program, the past ^ T . local organizations, the Legian W., were introduced hei pants Help keep this year' Sfv I0^e^yW^"^tu~^ed TTtbi shock, he was token to the.cottage.instellation of Wl,s ™' -- * 1 v--_ 1. of his brother-in-law, oaganisa and bring about twenty rwHavsnw space. r . __ for the event. These mcea |J>ould vaj ^ raadly -Mg event of Ah bring out the skill mid coordination to attend and bring your needed to skim tMoot t^tils over and Mends. SENIOR DROWNED Hury P. Sullivan funeral home i« - ... . t. Chicago for funeral arrangements. sckaltz, in Lily Lake. Charles An-1 on WWnesdav in the ballroom, fol-". lowed by entertainment and dancing j Jldb (Conllnuad an paff D r's carni- 1 Edward M. Koval, 17, hoMr Ae year, dent at Palatine high sehooL di «r family ad last week, Wpdnesdsy. st fore the parade 1 on tinned j various cemeteries, atu- Hundreds turned, oat to Apown- activities in addltiea to tha tJ^ who took their plaean ia tki it of mafth. tha Want Aib ' vi Jr. ^

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