Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jun 1948, p. 2

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"^H!! Wtwifrwi Wonder Lake *lj§0 i l t l t t t t t f t t t * " * * 1 * * * * * , - ^ Vbdoom Sells flwights dn Menorltl _ In 1868 General 8e* asi°^ pate in the the 80th day of May to be observed! .ill h. lus one of memorial to American division; planii^ were also made to fcxlenu the pier at the south.beach; and plans were made to ft*de all roads just as soon as -the weather is just right. Several visitors were Sresent at the meeting. They were: [enry VonDralek, Andrew Moehder and Henry C. Setzler. Anthony Audino, president of the association, would like to invite visitors to be present at the meeting and particiis year, i CrROVK birthday served ocr its Us soldiers who had lost their lives in nervice to their country. The General Aid not know that we would add T . - - Logan set aside j jn ^ plans for this year. The next meeting will be held on June 9, the place to be announced later. Xlifat dw King Cfcareh - . Masses will be at 9 and at 11 a. m. e dead of two more wars to those confessions heard before each j*hose deaths he so regretted. 'mass. * The shocking grief of losing a Next Sunday, June 6, the Altar .v '*'« v. •' • ' .. : .Sx^"v young man at the peak of his physi- and Rosary , Sodality will receive csl perfection is always greater than corporate communion at the 9:00 the heartbreak caused by natural a. m. mass. ' death. Human hearts instinctively On Thursday, June 10, the Altar feel that death by war is really and Rosary will meet at the church murder and it rankles in the hearts at 8:00 p. m. ' « of mothers and fathers, brothers, The Holy Name Society would ' sisters, and widows as just that. like to thank all of those who • ' Since all of civilization is retarded; attended the dance held last week 1 by the killing of any portion of a at Nell's Ballroom in Johnsburg. nation's finest young men, it is well They will sponsor another dance on . that our country gives just one day June 18, to be held at Nell's. .oiit of each 365 to grief for those. Rev. Fr. Vanderpool was appointed •Who paid their unfulfilled lives that assistant at St. James Pro-Cathedral, the rest of us might be free. Rockford, and he assumed his new * Our grief for these lost ones duties tat week. Hie new pastor " should be manifold. We should of Christy the King church will be 'grieve for the splendid children that;Rev. Fr. Edward C. Coakley, who V. will never be born from the love of j has been serving as chaplain at St. * these dead young stalwarts. We; Joseph's MercyHospital In Aurora. , • - should grieve for the poems theyj 1 ' , will never write; for the bridges andj " * ' towers thev will not build; and for-! Qaapal Center the land that will not know their It was a beautiful sight to behold tilling hands. l in -thte Gospel Center on Sunday We should grieve that with all of I"0™1"*' *** *°, wbc" foqr P"?*0?8 mankind's achievements, with all of'1*"® cniwen Pf*jeutea in W<5 intentive genius; with all of his dedication to the Lord at . conquering & disease; with his o'clock service, a ain^ tat Scripthe sea, and the air; -- . been able to ovevrcome the necessity, o® present. Of war. ~ : another It is therefore fitting that on Me- Included.' morial Day we should frie™ A large number of "out of town" young lives spilled attended both the Sunday of home, and hearth, and country. a^oo! session and the Morning This Memorial Day, for the first Service last 'Sunday. Among them time a home-town American Legion were Mr. and Mrs. Morris Tv Ness Pbst marched the roads of Wonder an(j family, it was certainly good Lake in their first parade as a unit.: ^ this fine christian family in ATRUCK drive*, la-a hurqr to get to his destination, missed a turn in the road. He ran across a farmer's yard and straight into the kitchen of the house, where the farmer's wife was cooking a meal. She looked up "briefly, then nonchalantly went on sttfttng the stew on the stove. The/truck driver, somewhat confused and embarrassed, managed to blurt out: "Can you tell me how to get to Hagerstown?" "Yep," answered the woman calmly, "straight past the dining, roorr. table, then turn right beyond the piano." , . v s ••linn ' Hi# lift. WHO'S A FOOL? Wife: "I wasa fool when I Carried you." ^ Husband: "I know it--and I was so infatuated at the time I didn't notice it." ' . (tV - Jtn. Chprlas Frennd) communicants Guests in the Walter Brown boose for the holiday weekend wave- Mr. and Mrs. John Vofel of Minnesota, received Mr. and Mrs. Paal Ketares of Ke» Holy Communion at St. braslu^ Mr. utA Mn. Bob Gail of h Sunday morning, in churth in prodressed in pure white, rs with lighted tapers* iyi peach robes and flower wore floor _ht blue, -pink, grpna^jHth headpieces to match, and aufletl snapdragon and baby's breath; Seine of the little girls had a8 thpir eeeorts little boys dressed in *lti* jilts, with large bows, in the sama color scheme as their partner's dressSs. The girls from the length yellow • Browa's Isabel, Atom Iowa. Friends and relatives of Miss Gladys Meyer and Miss Juanita Stanfel witnessed an impressive ceremony atRockford on Thursday evening ft 8 o'clock when they graduate tfrora St. Anthony's School of .. H|s Excellency, Be*. John J. Boylan, bishop of RockfonL was present and fcMd the of diplomas, PwntiMi made W Rev. WVflter chaplain at the was man, Tiihstr" hospital, awl Perjury Deluxe , In a certain mid-western court a man was suing the local traction company for injuries allegedly received in a streetcar accident. The truth of the matter was that he had actually received his bruises when his auto collided with a telegraph post. And this had happened a full mile from the streetcar line. The plaintiff's witnesses swore to the facts of the accident, and things were going very nicely for him, when one of their number was suddenly beset with an attack of conscience and during a recess repaired to the te-- .• Behind the Legion marched the in- our mjdst again and to be reminded • fant Legion Auxiliary. A color guard 0ft that thru their most generous composed of, Sgt. Duttko and St. 0ffer to house the Sunday School in Steinke headed the parade beside their own home, that this work at Ed Dean, who proudly bore the the Gospel Center started three years colors. A group of the local children i There were fourteen people, carrying flags were also a part of j including the Ness fajnily ancfc the the parade. .teachers from Chicago, present in Otto Scholz, commander of the that first S. S. session in April, 1945. local post, spoke a few words and There were 82 in attendance when Mad the complete general order of j these good people came to visit us General Logan; and a prayer by | this Sunday in May, 1948. We Edwawrd Murphy who is a member | praise God for this evidencec of His of the Building Service Post in Chi- j blessing and goodness. Right now cago and who acted as chaplain, j we are facing the problem of finding Janie Van Kanegan, accompanied by i suitable room for the classes. We Arthur Kunkel of IBellwood on his! are seeking God's help and guidance qecordion, sang "America." , | in this matter. Following the placing of the | NexJ Thursday evening, June 3, wreath at the base of the flagpole in j is our monthly Communiqn Service front of Milbrandt's, an inspiring;at 8 o'clock. Christian believers, re- However, then will be \"d*?s chambers and confessed to service on Sunday, the frame-up. June 80, when he will be ^ Mge rurtecMwck -mto~the courtroom with fire in his eye, determined to make an immediate public revelation of the perjurers. But he was brought up short in his resolution when the traction company's attorney suddenly produced three witnesses prepared to s4ear that the plaintiff was drunk when he boarded the streetcar. r" :-- . • '•,* address on Americanism was given by Merritt Fossler. Those who saw the forty veterans garcHess of church affiliations are invited. Services next Sunday, June 6, will be at 10 a. m., Sunday Bible marching, some in uniform, suddenly i School. Morning Worship service at realised what a large percentage of n o'clock, the pastor preaching, ear young men had seen service in! Ch,r S. S. 8upt„ Edwin Dornbush the armed forces. They also realized I and his family, will be leaving for Athltaati these young MmkeAnM »w«e«r«e 4thk«e kb^ac.tkr iL • At f vtr? I. ' ^ . bone of the .Wonder Lake community. May we see them march again and in in the years to come; their vacation in Wisconsin next Saturday, June 5. Have a pleasant and profitable time, friends. Pastor Cornelius Stem, dean of the . . , , Milwaukee Bible Institute, will be A large group of friends dropped our speaker at the Sunday Evening in at the Cheney home on Saturday j services, June 13. light to help Mrs. Delia Cheney! "Remember the Sabbath Day, to Selebrate another one of those birth- keep ft Holy." --Exodus 20:8. days. We don't know which one but in that slack suit the boys all Whistled "wheee, wheee--" (you! Lang Ways Off know, as in wolf!) so it cannot be #o very many. v.. ^ Although the sun is about 93 inil* _____ lion miles away, it is close to the ?' Womm Votem earth in comparison with other ~^fwT 1 stars. The next nearest stsr is near- M u^truction and orientataen ( ^ wumt h™ u fx away as the meeting for the purpose of soon ' ^ Arming • lcc*l Leagu« of Women' *un' ' ; Voters will be held on Wednesday,' ' • ' ' June 9, at the home of Mrs. Lillian, .... Foresberg in Wonder Center, All! women interested in belonging to1 ^ i J^iis unit are invited to attend. He) corncobs and rice hulls was devd> iaeeting starts at 8 p. m. I •**" during the war for the removal , of hard carbon depoaita from cylin- A group of little folks were' ders and pistons erf aircraft engines present at the home of Sharon undergoing overhaul. The process, "Snooky" Sinclair on Sunday after- which originated at the U. S. northnoon for a party which celebrated: era regional research laboratory, Snooky'a fourth birthday. Sandwiches; now is finding extended use in other with colored filling and cake of industrial fields. At the same time it brown and pink and white formed u providing a market for two farm a part of the refreshmentr. and by-products and has given rise to little gumdrop girls with marsh-; rural plants that nrocesa fallow faces and big plaid hairbows, p •Id placecards in their cocktail- B^senUaUy tooth-pick hands. Several of the bla*ting consists of forcing mamas came to tea at 6:00 p. m. to| * °5 ground cobs and whoht -.add their good wishes to those ofv . pressure, against their offspring. Snooky is, the daughter of Mr. end Mr?. Wallace Sinclair of Wonder Center. upper grades took part in the pro- there was a Serenade by the student cession dressed as angels m -pastel glee chll) Those from here Who colored robes. The communicants j attended were Rev. John Daleiden, were led directly to the altar, where Mr> aHd Mrs. 'Anton Meyer, Mr. !i=JrefSi ™"!' e.nd S™" ftfr' »•? Duri the verne THE lawyer fflWhe defense w»* interviewing prospective jurors before "Do thia?" trial. know ai aiked ont o; them. about "lfijve you heart anything about itf" "Nope.'* "Have .jfou" read" anything * about it?" -Can't read." • • "Well, Chen, have you,formed any opinion about this esse?" "What case?" "Your Honor," said the lawyer, "the defense accepts this man." escorted to their seats., Mrs. Nkk F^iOi*. and Mrs. Ford mass they were led to,Handford, daughters, Luella and* taS-wStTlliS *«• dresses, to receive their Lord for the first time. The altars were sorge A. May, Clarice, Mr. and Mrs. Martin May, Miss Ann Spindler, Betty and Allen „ . Meyer, Eugene Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. beautifijlly decorated , m spnng John SheeU, Mr. and Mrs. Charles flowM*. First Communicants were:,Mayt Mr. and Mrs. Holland Mc- Jeanette Busch, Mary Kay Jung, Donald, Mr#. Jtfm Pierce, Mrs. SSS. P a t r f c l c ^^ ^^ Kagan, Charles Lennon, Roger -- Donald May, Thomas Brits, William AND PAST, TOO "1 feel sure, my poor man," said the sympathetic old lady visiting a state prison, "it was poverty that brought you to this." "No ma'am, quite the con trary," returned the prisoner. "1 happened to be coining money." ^POSITES REPEit Brady, Racer May, Edward Russell, Raymond Martin and Francis* Kattner. Commencement excercises were held at Natatorial Hall in Richmond for Richmond - Burton Community high school; on Tuesday night. The program- consisted of musk by the! Britz, Mr school band; a most interesting talk by R. S. Cartwright, guest speaker; presentation of diplomas by President, L. A. Siedschlag; scholarship awirds by Supt. Fred H. Gundefson. ... , , , . A-- A gift by the Senior Class was pre- _® j „«k?/ last week, her sister sented by their president, Richard i* »i. Burton. An appropriate closing was j^ ^ ' J*{)0 has ^een Benediction by Rev. Leister R. Vin- i J' ing. Our congratulations are ex- j . brother, Everett Orvis, tended to the class of 1948. Those ' from our town graduating were: Leon F. Ousch, Lorraine C. Huff, Waspi, Mrs. Glen Waspi, Mr. and Mr*. William Shotliff, Mrs. Daniel t Miller and Miss Elaine Smith. Guests in" the Albert Britz home in honor of their son; Tommy's Communion day were Fred Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Straub and family thej Frank Prosser family, Arthur Klein family, Paul Lewis family, Henry Britz family, Mr. and Mrs. .William Britz, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bereiter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Britz, Mrs. Nora Klaus and June, Ben Brits and George Klinger. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller had Complete line of Lee's Smedies at Wattles Drug Store, enry. Lake Villac !w Mr. and Mrs. Al Malecki and' children of Berwyn visited Mrs. i Shirley Dawson on Sunday. | Marceleen M. May, Richard J. Miller, I p *nd ^rs. Frank Sanders ot , n.n Olsnn L^«i« E ! Rockford spent the weekend James E. Lennon, Eugene E. May, j Easygoing, indifferently educated Sam Jenkins married a school teacher, a precise, extremely erudite woman of decided opinions, and it was soon evident that they would never hit it off very well together. "I guess," commented one friend of the unfortunate Sam, "that you are overcome by your wife's powers of diction." "Not at all, not at all," rejoined Sam. "What's got me licked is hp. almighty power of contradiction. *fV "Waiter, this soup is a«*> Waiter: "1 know, sir. you can see the pretty the bottom of the bowL" *, :>i| William Norman Olson, Louis E. Rudolph, David S. Siler. Mr. and Mrs. Frank May entertained at their home on Tuesday night in honor of their son Eugene, who graduated from high school, j There was visiting and cards and a lovely lunch was served. Those j present were, William Kattner, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kattner and familf, Mrs. John Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sdnitt, Mr. and Mrs. Math N. Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Freund, Mr. and Mrs. iFred Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner. There was a good attendance and all enjoyed the school play by the children of the public school at the school on Wednesday night. The children spent Thursday at a picnic in Fox River park. Students of Richmond-Burton high school held their picnic at the park on Thursday too. Sandra Sanders invited several of her little friends to her home on Wednesday afternoon for a part? in , . . . . vith| their son, George Sandero, and1 family. j Mrs. Lucille Nelson and son, Bobby CLASSES NOW FORMING BOOKFORD SCHOOL of BKAUTT CULTURE ENROtt N(^ Gall or write forfurther information STATE Vl§j: f;.X i'-.'M ' 3-6833 Rockford, m*," of the tfedth anniversary tftfi tbe opening festivWsa week ha tiie form off «m house for Woodstock's dtis^ry.^. many material dianfM " Ml at Todd since it foundfcd S century ago, the religious background still as a tribute to the fomider, the Rev. R. K. Todd, a pioneer Piesbyterian minister who CKstts ta Woodstock from the east and established a boarding school in 18I4BL Order your rubber Stamps sit 11a Plaindeekr. iS- : T I M I r i l D - L A B O R • Yoo can produce more food eqoipsaeat. You can I more ssoaey left when you I costs low. Oar lumber I equipment its your need*. POf» able feinting floors, sMsHI troughs, earn corn and ! fcederi, electric pig bcoo Thev save feed and labor* Plans ace available. Cos aad see how eeoatMnicslIy. can get good-tto^' eaaiesiaate% ALEXANDER LUBBER COL PHONE McBENRY 5 WE8T MeHENRY, ILUNOffi < 'SPEEDY" by NICK MILLER'S McMENRY GARAGE MOmw>A 1/{r "FIbUOY M AUTC H \") /f AMMM7 OTUHN ACEP COFOP NRDEOVWFCnUoHR Ewr WMEU6HUOHUU C>HHAK/EM HMADB y i maiiutts K tnammm A such aAsN Y \ (ff WMSMT ^ ^ 608 FEOMT STE1 IT EOUT1 91 FHOHX 108-K At a recent meeting of the Indian the metal to be cleaned. Almost every kind of deposit except- hard mill scale can be .removed. Since the soft grit is not abrasive, the cleaning process does not cause di- Ridge Improvement Association, | mensional changes in the parts ^nd plans were made to put uo street; use of hand tools is not rmuirad. signs on each corner of the sub- See T. P. oft the " Lake Shore for your . Real Estate and Insurance WONDER LAKE urnished, modern eooepclosed sun porch, autocompletely furnished. Lointryside. ATTRACTIVE VACANT lake frontage, 100x400-ft., GEORGEOUS LAKE FRONT YEAR-ROUND 5-ROOM HOME, f"rn,8hed- electric hinge and refrigeration, tile bath and kitchen, large master hedrnnm cloeet, natural garage, boat. COZY, FOUR ROOM HOME with hot water heater on 3 lots overlooking lake BEAUTIFUL, 4-ROOM HOME, sun porch, complete bath, beautifully landscaped. vacant at FOR RENT or FOR SALE. T. P. MATHEWS AND mSUKANCK SK0KXR bfa Shore Drive, Wonder Center !^ %ond«r Lake, III, P. 0. fcngwood Wonder Uke 306 Sjtf -4 .* V t<- J*' it ^ ' That's YOU CANT WIN f£ar. at At Yaori Wt At flaild! It's a raad-4wBaino kidding, it looks Mce a with prido, and can't beauty RidoS Jrt ettdlel mr?? 6SSW KlM-SoeBrtfcest^Mt faichofafatherl M l- IIIUIV UM iraivgvnnu* woo, am* urone -Fbr"RMr low center of alms tod-hugtfng safety! showroom windows bt Announcemer|T)atcf BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 MAIN mm**' fMr km The National leagues redheadid j "Dusty" Boggess injected sound reasoning into his profession (during an exhibition game. A batter who | was wearing glasses became somei what annoyed at the way Bogg i was calling strikes on him, and | when the oount had reached two and j nothing he retaoved his glasees and offered them to the umpire. Boggess gratefully accepted the glasses and adjusted them to his eyes. On the next pitch, he bellowed: "Strike three- -you're out!" Later he admitted^juite frankly: "I couldn't sae the ball with the batter's glasses on, so I concluded that Jte couldn't sae it with his glasses off." For Fntare Refsreaoa Little Archie was served a variety of pie which ha found most delectable "What kind of pis is thatT" he asked bis mother. "Why, that's leman meringue pie," his mother replied. The youngster want ne«4oor to teO his friend. Cheater, about it In a little while he returned. "Mother.** he said, "what did you aay is the pie's middle name? naymg raaaos Tim habit of "playing poeqpfcn," or feigning, death bv the opossum, reaction The American a simple solution ft* the mother-in-law ptoblam. Dm Indian btidegroom Showed nipect tor his mothar-ialaW by utfver talking to her or meetteg her t*c*-to-ifcoe. the Indiana Iranldy sfdtettted this arrangement prevented » , - ' t ,r«"t ' Youf Impatient ford Osaler

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