Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jun 1948, p. 5

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"fi. » ; i , J«ae3 , '{* by EARL R. WALSH « ; . r j * f , ^ # • „ '"" ' * ' -*4 •** "*-J~' T V OtfVE jamtMimo sg wvs TH* McHXHSY FJ4WDKALK -TDEFEAT, 5 TO 3 ovnt OKYITAL LAXK The ,Johnsburg Tigers 1 stiff competition last Sunday LOCAL olmm* YSTAL FORM 1 A3 WINS I ANNUAL KCHENRY WATER CARNIVAL |SET POR Jims 27 'COUNTY 4 H •INVITED TO UNIVERSITY OPEN HOUSE JUNE 17 rah into i What, was billed -as If the past weekend was a boll* day. it all depends on the viewpoint. McHenry Vms a busy burgr" Tom Bolger Doubles In Winning Ron and Steals Home In 9th- Hissed seeing a good i Sunday In -which the knocked Richmond out in a 5 to 3 tussle. ball The McHenry Shamrocks fame e Sham rocks of first place from behind t<^ win. an important (Tame at Richmond last S_ujnnadaayy from the previously undefeated leaders of control, the. county baseball league. Final' score: McHenry, 5; Richmond, 3. Joluwbe|B. ^> Richmond scored one run in the Howie Freund, in the fifth inning, G. Jackson, c . W.'both runs being scored by Joe w- Smith, lb . j Freund, veteran catcher. This lad & Meyers, 3b held up until the seventh when Mc- B. Miller, If The boys have done a fine job of;**enry put across three runs. L. Freund, ss - providing * clubhouse and the pur-' Willard McCulla led off the seventh §?• Meyers, cf chase o: But, we can see ball games most' . , , any Sunday so decided to witness jr.. and on« the dedication of the new V. F. clubhouse and spacious grounds. fourteen acres of beautiful was safe on an error at short. P- Freund, rf 4.^ --i-j-i- - -- ; Jim and Jerry Lark;- --u - < and "Nick" Freund grounds is certainly a wise move. The dedication ceremonies 'were planned and performed in neat fashion, hnpressive--not too long. Bud Kosinski phones to tell us 4hat a new "Parish League" has been formed for softball players. St. Mary's and St Patrick's of McHenry, Cary and Crystal Lake make up the new league. With the exception of this week there will be a game each Wednesday night on the high school diamond., Games will start at 8 p. m. St. Patrick's will play Cary here to-night (Thursday.) The boys will use a 14-inch ball-- fast pitching. This isn't the pumpkin type ball nor is it too fast for some of the elderly boys on the teams. Totals Crystal Lake E. Feffer, 2b Larkin each hit safely Klapperich, p eund was safe on an error at first base. Richmond bounced back with three straight hits, after two were out in the eighth, to tie the game at 8-all. In the ninth, with one do#n, Jerry Rooney, ss Larkin hit safely to center. "Nick" Nuemann, Sb Freund forced him at second and Turanski, If then scored on Tom Bolger's double Scully, lb .... to left. Tom took th&d on the Wkkmann, p throw to the plate and stole home Danneby, p „ with the final run. Two hits in the Ohemke, rf ninth had Sonny Miller in trouble, but .Wagner threw May out stealing second to end the game. Sonny Miller hurled a steady game to gain the victory, scattering nine hits--none of them of the extra base variety-. Connie Miller struck out 13 McHenry batters and allowed no extrabase bloWs until Tom Bolger loose with the aformentioned 1 . _ a holiday i (Continued From Front Page) I - .... . , on thetr attraction between the Shamrocks 117 -- j: University of Illinois will home grounds as Ciystal Lake ex- and Crystal Lake here on Monday *he wmte,r- ,.R* M- Switw is work- n«W Open House from June 14 to tended them to win a 6 to 2 ball afternoon, turned into a parade of 11?,*.°°* details with the Lincoln Park "»» W1^}. 4-H boys and girls from all **2PeV . „ localpitchers wilting under a barege, 1 <1 . °i*r. {^lnols as guests. University Each team collected only 5 hits, of Iff hits and a 15 to 6 trimming! Aquaplaning and water skiing, off' play host to more tat Johnsburg power showed up in Six McHenry errors did no rood tot •un t^le d»»ction of Bill Wolf, is ~ian J 8,000 4-H members during the the form of home runs by Bud the cause. '-- 'sure to be a big feature on the pro- five-day period. The Open House is MUler and Howie Freund plus a two- We can glide lightly over the fact! S**™1- sPil,a and thrills go with this J\eM to acquaint Illinois 4-H membagger by Uoyd Freund. the Crystal that McHenry presented a makeshift type 8port" I the work that is being .* "!t» were all of the 1-base. lineup and lacked a starting- pitcher.' Comedy acts will be interspersed »one. University to improve . . . . We prefer, to credit Mickey Sund]: throughout the program to furnish 1* j"1!!)?, •ii °^neT^£in|r" The Klapperich again pitched a nice veteran of many seasons, with a lively entertainment. girls will be taken on tours of game for the Timers, striking out 9; smartly pitched ball game and credit • T° say that the inboard and out-' • campus and University buildand keeping the game under .his mates with a well-played game, board races will be handled by the I"*8, 'Eibisch at shortstop and F. Tipps at Chain-O-Lakes Boat Club is assur- June 17 has been chosen as Me- 'third were a hot pair on defense. ance that speed boys will be in able; Henry county's day for attendance.! ! Manager Bill Solger. who has not hands. While the entry list is not It has been planned to go by bus if I been advertised as a pitcher, was complete, it is definite that many transportation can be arranged. 1 I the fifth Shamrock to toe the pitch- °f the fastest boats in the country Watch the Plaindealer for further1 i ing mound and his efforts were per-' be speeding over Fox River details. Anyone interested in going! Ifeet. Bockman, who has been twirl-!on the afternoon of June 27th. lis asked to be sure to get their! : ing for the high school team, tried Joe Frett, representing the State' "otice in to either the Farm or Home! ; his hand in the ninth and got two of Illinois Division of Waterways,1 Bureau Office before June 9. c i 'men out. Then the 'Lakers started was present at the committee meet-! While the tour is open to all 4-H ! taking picks on his fast ball and ing Tuesday night in the American I members, is is felt the older ones i "lts to all corners. Manager i Legion hall and explained that he would receive more benefit from at- Bill stepped Jn to face th« dangerouS |-will mark off the course for the • tending the ' " 'races. He also reported that the' state department will have two boats on the river to assist in the orderl; Khey Ge tm _ Elfty-sevea per M an stock shipped to stockyards fell United States go trucks. Twto ffaSt Among devetopmaols cal appliances is a twin waffle baker that makes two full-sized waffle* at a time, v At t 4 4 I 4 4 t •. t . 31 M»- 0 0 0 2 1 » "1 J. Feffer Riley, c Van Der Walker, rf Bacon, cf Totals AB S 4 4 a 1 « 0 .1 t R 1 1 « I Or .0 « 0 0 H 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ;what does a good relief pitcher do? jHe struck out his man. This was not a league rane. 1 Praise the Lord! winning efforts in the ninth. Martin Smith, former west side McHenry barber and sports fan, called on us tK this week. Wearing dark glasses, j |i__i.|n he had us stumped for about a'o r minute. Martin follows the St. | preun(i j'w Louis teams and says he never [T Bol^r 2b ...^ misses when the Cubs hit town.-- ;Q M;U* ' •??, And he follows McHenry sports news1™' pnio-f»r <*f through the Plaindealer each week.;H; Stiifin^ tf ^ You may have heard the story go-1 wkJner^6« ' ^ TTiy 'tvtimjl waalp akAiti ; ® ' AB 4 4 4 4 4 . s J <4 'round this week about the Spinster Owl and Billy Goat geeting married and having a little hootnanny. There are high hopes that the new \ w'^ be here next Week and Totals Ridnaoad M. Stilling, backstops will work started on the baseball diamond at the new athletic field. We took a lot of ribbing for riding instead of walking in the Memorial Day Parade. But, the ribbing didn't hurt half aa much as our legs would have had we hiked. Of course we urged Mayor Overton to walk, but he claims to have walked every year for the past 35 years and thought he deserved a ride. Well, what were we to do! The State of Illinois Department of Conservation, in co-operation with sportsmen and fishing cluba of Illinois will sponsor a '^Pishing Rodeo" from Jane 15 through September'14, 1948. Winn, 2p V. Miller, If ... C. Miller, p D. Miller, 3b ... J. Miller, lb .... R. Miller, lb ... Hbff, rf Rudolph, rf Heelein, ss Christenseri, ss J. Freund, c VanEvery, t Totals IS ~i * May ran for Winn in 9th. Score by Innings: Shamrocks: 000 000 302--5. Richmond: 001 010 010--3. Stolen bases: T. Bolger (2) M. ing, D. Miller. _ jTwo-b^se hits: T. Bolger. * 1 '! t e 82 AB 6 5 5 S 2 1 S 1 1 2 8 1 Score by ImitiiffKV Crystal Lake: 000 002 000--2. Jonnsburg: 110 000 40 --6. c®* Struck out by Wickmann, 3; ©itigama nehy, 1; Klapperich, 9. Bases on balls off Wickman, 1; Dannehy, 1; Klapperich, 3» j McHeary " AB R H I McCulla, -Sb«*••»--»• 5 . 1 2 - Millar, lb-p 1 J. Laridn, rf • 5 .. .'X-- -' 2 G. Laricin, ss-p ....; ^ '5 _ | iiFreund, p-lb-ss-2b ' 6 • 0 i H. Stilling, If : B. Bolger, cf-2b-p 8 0 [Wagner, e »'v- 2 I Bockman, 2b>p ...*sy ,1 '"§• !W. Bolger, cf-c .... # 1 1 Conway, * 1 I Open House. Parents and leaders may also attend. R 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 H 0 0 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 H 1 S 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 IOHNBBURO TIGERS' TAKE OVER LEAD IN COUNTY LEAGUE Totals ...» 35 6 11 * Conway batted for Miller in 9th. .Crystal Lake ; Feffer, 2b M Legal, 2b -- |F. Tipps, 3b .. I Eibisch, ss !R. Tipps, If ' Mavis, cf Pennington, lb Tessendorf, c .. Nelson, rf 9 P " A-XS tit' ' '* , * tm&y"' • 5 ' m . 1 H 2 ,...^!Ki 1 0 .1. 7 1 2 6- • s 3 6 8 2 I. 2 •. • • 8 ...«•'?£ 6 i '1 0 .--a• ' % . 1~ 2 -1M ^ -6 0 8 -- 15 IS . 'With a 6 to 2 victory over Crystal Fanter rf Lake last Sunday, the Johnsburg: Sund. Tigers took over first place in thej , county baseball league. j Totala The McHenry Shamrocks knocked j ,#• , the previously undefeated Richmond Score by Inaiaga nine out of the top notch in a hard- | Crystal Lake 012 !03 215--16. fought to 3 game. Dundee beat McHenry 008 011 001--«. sarnngton marked j stoien bases. G. Larkin, Stilling, by ^taking Algon-, Two-base hits: Mavis, Pennington, Eibisch, F. Tipps, R. Tipps, Con- Hebron 9 to 3 and Barrini , up their first win »y conducting of the races and to avoid mishaps. ,| Appeal To Boat Owners j Now comes an appeal to boat owners along the river and lakes to stay off the course during afternoon j while races are being conducted > is only sporting to allow the oarticii pants plenty of space. Further, it t «• i is to the interest of all to use every1 t ounce of common sense to prevent | accidents that would mar the day. I Local business places are being ] urged to be alert to the fact that ; many thousands of people are sure i to be attracted to this community {for this big Water Carnival. Restau- ! rants and ice cream parlors in parj ticular will have to make plans to j feed the large crowd. "I ] It has been asked that this report! ' of activities carry a request that J interested persons wishing to make) •t donations toward covering the ex- 1 pense of the Water Carnival do so j immediately. All funds "will be •i hsndled by the McHenry Business] | Men's Association through its secreta: y, A. J. Wirts. j! This Water Carnival is to beebme 1 an annual event and should be a< great boost for McHenry and the 1 entire community. Some will bene- j fit directly. All will benefit indirectly. As a sports event it wiHj be unsurpassed in magnitude and importance. IN APPRECIATION I wish to express my sincere preciation and thanks to my friends1 and relatives for visits, get well cards, prayers and spiritual bouquets during my long illness in the l"j hospital. I especially want to thank all the blood donors also Father Daleiden for prayers and masses. W1DHALM. ayers am ANTON fWKM Remember him wit^ t gift A^cGEE'S ^quin into camp 5 to 2. . Stagings: . w h Waa- Johnsburg 8 Dundee ....... 2 Richmond ............................ 8 | Mcjlfenry * 2 I Hebron ........................... 1 Barrington ............. I 'Algonquin 0 Crystal Lake 0 Lost 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 Btiii- Camp Shaw-Waw-Nas-See To Attract Weary Homemakers Homemakers are urged to check the dates July 25-28 on their calendars as their VERY special date for a vacation with other homemakers in northern Illinois. The first Homemakers camp to be way. Three-base hits: MeCulla, J. Larkin, Mavis. Double Plays: Ettrfaeh to Legal to Pennington. Struck out by: Sand, 3; Freund, 2; Bockman, 1; Bolger, 1. Bases on balls off: Sund, 4; Freund, 4; Larkin, 1; Bockman, 2. RETURN FROM TRIP Miss RoVena Marshall, accompanied by three couaina, Beverly, Marjorie and Annetta Montgomery of Chicago, have just returned from a two weeks' trip to Florida. The four young ladies traveled 3,800 miles by car, greatly enjoying a bit early the warm sun and gentle breezes which are just now invading our own community. Enroute home they passed Fish will be tagged and awards i ^ out by: Sonny Miller, 4; C. held" aV'CamV^Shaw-Waw-NalhSe^! throught^EvergladeB and stopped IN K. WAJ KV Am** I _ Miller, 13. _ will be held tnis year, and will be *or * sbort time in Birmingham, Ala., and b?ndivi^alsy totereste^^^the B*®es ?n ^f1,s °^: Sonny Miller, 4; open to any Home Bureau member wbere they visited friends, promotion of outdoor recreation in! Conn,e MUler* II promotion Illinois. Thm so 1"6W0BT 80TS plan over riglit away. If you want; "AVE BIO INNING TO to post a prist, let us know. We are BEAT HARVARD 15 TO 8 roing to try to get the McHenry business Men's association to take hold of the plan. This should be i right down their alley. Who gets her reservation fee of $4 in the Home Bureau office by June 10. A program is being planned for busy tolks, folks who will enjoy a rest. There will be crafts and activity for those who are interested. We will print complete list of rates I next week. 1 McHenry's Junior Legion baseball, | team toured up to Harvard last Sua-1 and hammered out a 15 to 8 iwin. I Gene Schaefer was the leading I hitter with a "home run and two That's all for this week. H wei8*1*1®* FeiereUel ^ * triple and make this column too short, the I . . ... . "Boss" raises a fuss. On the other Hai7a™!_ . BtTOPK Wth 4 mitt, if we make it any longer ati™?? in the &r*t inning, bat ran into this late hour, hell raise plain hell. * big 8-run splash by the McHenry A mm portable haat lamp has been designed for the homa, tot easing aauscts strains or bruiaas and tor any other therapeutic treatments where infrared heat is recommended by a physician. A reflector, self-contained in the bulb, insures proper concentration of heat rays. POPPY DAY SUCCESS Poppy Day in McHenry was very successful this year, and the Legion and V. P. W. Auxiliaries are grateful to the school children who hleped with poppy sales. »ys N«e xt Sunday Crystal Lain will boys in the fourth inning. - ty C ' " play the local Legion here. McHeaury Hiller, 8b Jackson, rf Peterson, p .... , P. Freund, If .. G. Schaefer, 2b THUMB SAVES LIFE Louis J. Krec, 63, Fox Lake police marshal, wa* nursing a sore thumb last week but he wasn't complaining a bit r.s it was that same thuumb that piobably saved his life. Marshal Krec closed his fingers around the cylinder of a gun in the hands of Cheater Miller, 34, alias George Walker, identified through fingerprints as an exconvict, just as Miller pulled the trigger. Krec's thumb fell between the hammer and the barrel and prevented the weapon from firing. Toni Permanent Wave Kits, $1.25 and $2.00. Wsttles Drag Store. 35-tf Waat Ancient Cars --- Although San Franciscans voted to modernize their city's transit system with 958 trackless trolleys, tbey also said "No" to a proposal which would have retired the ancient cable cars. M I L L I N N v Formerly Barnard's Mill Worth End of Wonder Lake at the TELEVISION CKKIKTAftS -- LIQUOR -- WINES - COMPLETE DINNERS SERVED .From 6 to 9 p. m. Daily except Monday H Tnes<fay Saturday 6 to 11 p. m., Sunday 1 to 7 p. m. FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY in CATER TO PARTUS J Frank and Jerry Wiedeman ^--Phone Richmond 312 !-W •%\w- . • * THI NOISIEST SAVINOS IVENT Of 1M MOM " f*.. CHICKEN THIEVES Chicken thieves used to be quitelOlsen, lb J, common in Elkhorn, Wis., area but I McCulla, c » the first instance was reported re- Knox, c ...... fently of the theft of chickens thatjDowell, ss .. were already cooked and ready for j Kennebeck, cat Serving! Sixteen chickens, or to i Duncan, cf ... be exact, thirty-two halves of Feiereisel .... chicken, hot, steaming and ready for * the fryng pan for servng, were Totals taken from a rear entrance to the Knilans Steak house as the custom- Harvard ars waited for their serving in thej-Phil, rf front part of the establishment. ^--1-- RUNAWAY TRUCK Two men were injured, one fatatlly, late last week Wednesday afternoon, when a runaway truck baicked off of U. S. Route 34 in Oswego, ran through a yard, and craabed .into a reside ace. The fatality victim was Jofen Campbell, 84, of Oswego, who was ran over ^by tha truck as he sat hi a lawn ehirir in his yard. Cas»ball died eoriy the following morning In Coptsy hoar pita! ih Aorora. Jo ons JOB is a Irife ol tha wkAta Haw York CHjr, accordincte a inada by Oommarca and issoHaHwi si Waw Task. X age leagth ol sarvica of derical workers prsssaitly amplsyad by ttae iMisinaas men ol If** Yortr City li years, based on a computation of |2,e«3 employaea ol MS companies. Carlson, 2b McCarthy, lb Otto, cf Woodcock, If ^ Warren, If Watson, ss X. O'Halleran, 3b-p Overwise, c Crohn, ^ AB 4 4 8 '-r4 4 4 R H 0 0 2 1 1 t 1 I S 8 2 2 2 1 0 e 2 l 0 • 0 6 2 ' 2 15 18 R H 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 .1 e 1 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 'Scare by ianings: McHenry: 002 828 0--15 Harvard: 400 202 0-1 Sports :r Calandar --BA8B8ALL-- Sooday, lane S Algonquin at McHeary (Shamrocks) Johnsburg at oarrington ika guffty shows. Annthrr CCrryyssttasll LLAakkec Legion vs. McH®e nry Of the compilation shorn that 331 at McHenry (MCHS diamond) «ompanies studied only 12 gave gieir employoea formal ooat-of-liv- >|pg bonuses. Other firms apparently incorporated cost-of-living adjustments directly into their rata structures. Chimney inspection is essential durhftg winter months. Heavy firing can result in lire hazarda. ComjUi ft* of tart . lias at f«ttl»s Drag Store, *4* ' Order your cabber stavpa at Tha Plaindealer. Brasil at psoas* Is about MS tswlli FLL lis a mS9 h m whOs at Smooth As Any It's lika riding on a Magic Carpa4 «» whan your ear's 9tqiupp*d with 4 \ -- firestone Tires Built for axtra safety, longer miloago. SPECIAL SALE ON FIRESTONE^ TIRES AND BATTERIES FIRESTONE TIRES -- $12.85 plus taf^ $15.90 plus ta#^ .00x16 Passenger Tiree I.W>^16 Passenger Tires All OUMT psasettfer tiree are priced proportionately low Special prices on all Truck tires Everyone-operating one or more tracks will save considerable money by buying at our sale prices. We bave in stock all sises of FIRESTONE "Transport" Truck Tires. Prices gladly quoted on request. FIRESTONE BATTERIES-- ' -V YOU'LL FALL IN LOVE WITH THIS NEW LOW MtlCEl VALUE AT NRST SIGHT V-l FANCY APPLE SABOE 2HO.» CANS GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ss* WINTER VALLEY FANCY TEXAS NATURALLY SWEETENED-- A REAL VALUE CAMFSELL*S iV/z-OZ. CANS DEL MONTE FANCY USSTS FANCY Trade in your old battery on a new Firestone, allow to $4 for your old battery. We. bave batteries to fit all cars, trucks and tractors, as low as $12.85, exchange. We WALTER J. FREUND Tires -- Tabes -- Batteries -- Acts aasriss Tire and Take Takanhhg AB Week Guaraatesi ^ Wast MI smnici AND M^Beaary NATCO FANCY Strawbtrry PusifVii I DEL MONTE SANCY ~ Fnril OtcUal OBL MONTE FANCY TtMh tilNp ISTOKttrS DAtK RIO |KMMy Besis IVAN CAMPS Ferk i Beam... CAMFMLL'S I Ckiskss Socpt FANCY RED Alaska Salmea EVAPORATED I Nstee Milk NO. in CAN 1S« tZSklH ftfkaadlM* YELLOW CUNG HALVES . LUf's PM«tes SVIANWO OR CHOfftt •srbsrs FOODS ... S CANS 23C RfiaSCST BLACK RASMRRY ^rwtrvH MUBT tSMON ft Pisa Preserves PLAT CAN 3c^Ls3fc PLAIN OR CHOCOLATE Ovsltiss NATCO HIRE FRUIT Ass't Preserves .CAN 8I( ja*25C MO. 2% a CAN HAZB. asa FOR •loSaSda TISsaE'OMH SFKOO*N NATIONAL'S SLICSO WHFLF Tep Taste Bread NATIONAL'S OUR -A Breakfast Beiee FRESH PACK BeeeaitBiAes FRESH PACK MsrshMsllssrs SILVER SEAS SPA6NETTI IN TOMATO SAUCE Q CANS LIBSTS FANCY TMsale Mae 2r 44-OZ. CAN STOKELY'S FINEST HONEY POO FARCY PEAS 2nosm Mc CANS £9 VEGETABLE JUICE Vtfannto Gecktai ML JtVg CAN 25' OLENOALE CLUE Cheese Spread I FRESH DISH CLOTH ISttwDest I WATER SOFTENM ISefwask 2 m•OXx BBc LM. 34c Fresh CARROTS B bchs. 25c Bltfai Blsash AMMICAN FAMILY [Seap Flakes B-OZ.PM. ^Ilc Red Ripe Glass Grown TOMATOES Fresh and Tender PEAS lb. 35c .2 lbs. 25c TENDER FRESH 2 ^ 39e LAUNDRY SOAP I Aawrieas Fssiily 3 •ARS 23c I FACIAL OR BAIH SOAP CanaySeap 3£S»17c FACIAL OR RATH iCaauySeap 2^27c I FOR SILK AND WOOLENS Brefl PACKA«E3IC FOR WHI1H WASHES Dm ^13C ^33C FOR ULKS AND WOOUNS Home Grown ZSpny Gram ONIONS Sbchs. Grown ...Sbchfc 10c Golden Bantam Tender SWEET CORN 6 C^AJFC California Loof White » POTATOES . »lb. 25c Florida 8 lb. JUICE ORANGES Tsnnesaee Ftesh OABBAOB - lb.5c

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