Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jun 1948, p. 6

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LPSSIFIED S E C T I O N NOTICB fm, in the •N paid for «! the o'clock OB wfll be FOE SALS . ft, iNSP AIRING CARS - G from sharpening lawn 'mowers knives; welding. 148-R. Buchert Front St. Phone McHenry Service Stn. 601 •61-4-tf LOTS FOR SALE--Lota, en Route 81, about two depot Inquire at 716 Ce Tel. McHenry 278-J. FOR SALE--All equipment and stock oM___ nrBWir. 'necessary to start in good paying SHEET METAL AM) FURNACE business. Can be operated from here WORK and furnaces reor moved. Cm be handled by row i paired. Joh* ^!}n and wife. Inquire at 220 WVst 3rd | McHenry, IU. Phone McH&ry 772-M. St., Woodstock, 111., or Phone Wood- • stock 195-M -- I CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have the FOR SALE--ALL.YBAR HOMES-- electric rod cut out the Four rooms and bath, large lot, 120 M» .^^£*0 lawn i ft. from Hwy. 120. Price $5760. Two- tanks and grease trap* cleaned, built, story 6-room home on Fox River, repaired. U^vwity wi^neCT on aU 120 ft. water front. For «}>PO«"t- c<matniction. Lake County Sanitary ment call at Johnsburg JACOB Co. Tel. Libertyvtlle 1M8. 48-tf FRITZ, REALTOR. Tel. McHenj GARBAGE COLLECTING-- Let ua FOR SALE -- Ready to show each week end at the farm on Route No. FOR SALE -- Motor bike in condition; S h. p. engine. Tel. mond 689. dispose of year or eftener if 20, 2 miles west of ®elvidersea,i ifiordri Athtfei Henry, m rest of the season, Hereford, Shorthorn MM IN. s yearling: - reasonable prices. Guaranteed against ich •3 and Angus P. O. Box 274, Me- . «f at something like HELP WANTED FOR SALE--Johnson 5 hp. outboard |d eath loss. Priced ^the same for one HELP WANTED--Girl for general „ ireliable people at reasonable rates.lveniencw; two**"7 FOR SALE -- Hog self-feeder, 10- H. L. Dunning. 2-3 • per week. Call Pistakee 652-R-l. 3-2 hole, P'a^°im„includ"J: ^T«ipoR SALE--Pints auarts gaUons 'HELP WANTED--Janitor at Art m man. Tel. McHenry 638-M-l. ; ^ W^Sblf|. ?h?1 Restaurant. Riverside Drive, %.**• FOR SALE--Convertible Chevrolet, original 2,4-D _^eed killer. Priced McHenry. 1931 model; good condition; good! reasonable. McHenry Mills Inc., w. tires. Call McHenry 494-W. *3 j McHenry. Tel. 92-R. 1-3 FOR SALE--Thor Automagic wash machine with dish washer. Used M8CELLANEOU8 only four months, $100 complete. H-BARN SPRAYING-- Whitewash or Eg***- Sabath. Call Johnsburg 621-W-l. »3; DI)T Frank Henkel, P. O. Round, 6BZ'K'1 HELP ' WANTED-r-Woman to cook forfamily of six, Saturdays and Sundays. Can leave after Sunday dinner. Stay nights or go home. Good At Pistakee Bay. Phone *8-2 FOR SALE 1940 Ford dump truck; j ™>. T«L McHcnry MW. | WANTOD ^ 2-speed axle; reasonable. Prone Mc-' Henry 298-R. *3 ELECTRIC WORK DONE IM- •8 _ , v , . . MEDIATELY -- One outlet or anjhbLP WANTED--Waitress full or FOR SALE--Year round home; two | entire house. Work guaranteed to "j time work, board and room bedrooms, large living room, kitchen Public Service standards. Tom Art and bath; large enclosed porch; com-; Allan McHenry 651-R-2 or Fox Lake: vf u ' pletely furnisWed; ideally 1--^ .iMctienry. of F< ft Lee's furnished; within block radius and Griswold Lake. located J •ox River. •52-4 Restaurant, *3 Leaving state; ! CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK must sacrifice for $7,500. m^176 Cement mixer for renW. M- Stanga- Krause News Agency, 308 Elm St^ at Burton's Bridge, Wood ave., Riverdale subdivision. Paul A. Peterson. . *3 NEW REMINGTON, PORTABLE TYPEWRITER, never used, still in original crate. Mail order catlog price incl. tax is over $86. Our price $75. Phone McHenry 661-M-l. rone, Emerald Park. Phone McHenry McHenry 661-J-l. 50-tf I HELP WANTED -- Girl and young man for reneraFWork in store. A1 Ne » j i- HELP WANTED -- General office CARPENTER WORK--Remodeling; worker; young mata preferred, with and repairs of all kinds. Free estimate. Lessard ft McHenry 634-R-2. some bookkeeping knowledge; ex- Panxa. Phone ceuen^ opportunity. Will train to ^ake ,I coommppll ete charg_ e of office. A_p p ly. „„„ . _ , D. E. Johnson Tool ft Mfg. Co., 525 J | WEED SPRAYING -- J^wns *nd,West Street, McHenry. _ 3 'fields; whitewashing and DDT spray- FOR SALE--Ten seres alfalfa^ hay. > ing. A1 Phannenstill. Phone Mc-| HELP WANTED--KITCHEN HELP. Clarence J. Stilling. 541-W-2. Tel. McHenry, Henry 433-R *3 1-41 WAITRESSES FOR DINING ROOM _ -r- FULL TIME OR PART TIME GENERAL CONTRACTOR for ce- WORK. VILLA HOTEL RESORT, * <% W. H. Tammeua) We moved May 1. Even moving from on*, beOse to another in town Create# await' problems. I can appreciate "whs* happens to a farmer who am»,»m oifk |daee to another. I uaad to do everything almoet auto«Mtgeally from habit, bat now | on* wink of where thing* are--how to do this and tbat. A farmer ha* to live on a farm at loaat a fear before he knows the soil and W fe handle it--how bast to arrant* hlc hog feeding--where the weak plates are in the ffences where t&a fed tiles are -- and probably am* important of all, he inherits j# the previous tenants' filth, diaaas# eontamination, etc. No wonder the tenant who has to move every year or two never gets ahead, because he jam never attain any degree tot eVeeiency. Weed sprtorfng is all the talk nowdaya. Oir, demonstrations just completed wire arranged for one purpose--4/f eall the farmer's attention to the fact that he must THINK. Calibrating a sprayer may sound like nonsense when a chart came with it telling all about it. I've looked at the charts, which are all-right on paper, but do things actually happen that way? Wfeat we were trying to' do was get 1948 spraying out of the swivel chair stage into the field. Regardless of what the chart"says, the only way. to be sure is to stake off an acre, put ten gallons of water in the sprayer, and cover the acre at the speed and pressure at which the { outfit works best. After covering the acre, see how much water was used by measuring, then put the correct amount of spray material for an acre in that amount of water. How else can you be sure? A bottle of spray material that I saw yesterday had in fine print words to the effect that regardless of whether or- not you used . the product according to directions they did not guarantee it to kill, or not to kill weeds or crops. Regardless of what the salesman said, those words are still on the bottle and constitute the manufacturer's opinion of his product. He does not stand back of it. I suggested to a custom sprayer that he draw up a contract with the same lingo for each farmer to sign wjiom he sprays for. The Pure Milk Association has issued some information on using D. D. T. in the milk house. They FOR SALE-- Norge electric stove.; ment, plastering, and brickwork. Nick | pieTAKEE BAY TEL McHENRY say it is permissible if an experi- Call McHenry 571-W-l. 3; Hasler. Route 3± McHenry, 111. Phone 37g ' 2-tfienced operator does the work "and „ .. . , t McHenry 654-R-l. Also 2826 N. | Rockwell St., Chicago 18. Phone HELP WANTED--Middle-aged wo with corn and hay attachment and; Brunswkk 9022. Mower. Ehredt Brothers, phone i . _ Round Lake 2223. *31 CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK ------ r I Asbestos Shingles and Insulation FOR SALE -- 18-mos. old female j r pree Estimate Springer Spaniel; also gas stove.; ARVIDSON BROTHERS Call Fox Lake 4218. *3» Xel. McHenry 653-M-2 50-tf *51-13 nian, general housework, stay or go home nights; good salary. Robert E, Ludford. Call McHenry 609-R-l. 2-tf FOR SALE--5-room modern home; bath, enclosed porch, full basement, garage, chicken house attached; fruit trees; furnace heat; lot 66x250. , , . . North Pfcrk St, Tel. McHenry 151-J. softenei* ^ heaters. Doherty and HELP WANTED--Year-round work, J. W. Raycraft, West McHenry, 111. Call McHenry 298-R. *2-2 *« I McCaffert?, Wonder Lake, Ringwood, _ | 111. Tel. W, L. 388, or McHenry FOR SALE--Choice lots en Wauke- 259-M. 48-tf IF YOUR WATER IS RED, and HELP WANTED--Woman to help your heater's • plugged up, correct with light housework, one day a with MtCROMET. Modern water week. Five miles from McHenry; can furnish transportation; good wages. R. F. Blash. Mail applications *52-4 S3 feU'" H*VE YOU A GARBAGE PBOBHenry 89-R. ages to Plaindealer, Box 19. 9 ff < LEM? Call us for prompt and __ courteous YEAR-ROUND SHIYICE. HELP WANTED -- Waitress. Mi Place Restaurant, Green St., McHenry. 62-tf if all equipment is removed and the cooling tapk is covered. FOR SALE--4-hp. outboard Johnson Rubbish hauled, loads or half loads, motor; one gas stove. Call Pistakee j FRED WIRTZ. Phone " " 655-J-2. *31751-J. HELP WANTED--Yard man. LumnuHcnnr! ber and coal. Alexander Lumber Co. 47-tf McHenry. 52-tf FOR SA1£--Lawn chairs. Tel. Mc-| ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Henry 131-W or call at 117 W.| ^oor furnaces. Let us estimste Washington street. *2-3 7°ur next job. g --. ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP FOR SALE -- SUMMER HOMES, f 304 Riverside Drive, McHenry, HI. $2,500 and up. Call at our office at i *46426 Phone McHenry 760. JACOB FRITZ, REALHELP WANTED--Saleslady, full or part time job, in ready-to wear department. Gambles, West McHenry. johnsburg. TOR. Tel. McHenry 37. 2-tf 1 EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY FOR SALE -- New Boe-Craft 16-ft. j AND REMOVAL--INSURED inboard runabout and utility, $1,650 j FREE ESTIMATES and up complete; also 12-ft deluxe J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 168 outboard runabout and heavy service Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, I1L HELP WANTED -- BARTENDERS TO WORK AS EXTRAS. VILLA HOTEL RESORT. PISTAKEE BAY TEL. McHENRY 378. 2-tf HELP WANTED--Laborers, See I. Fredricksen at Wonder Lake- or call W. L. 221. 48-tf 14-ft. row boat (ideal for resort owner.) Boe-Craft Boat Co., S. McHenry avenue, Crystal Lake. Tel. C. L. 1273. 1-tf 45-tf FOR SALE--One and one-half ton used International truck. Box body. Alexander Lumber Co., McHenry. 52-tf i 41-tf fOR SALE--Generators, armatures, [ --- Starters, fuel pumps, distributors voltage regulators and ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. PORCELAIN WALL TILE FOR ALL PURPOSES FRED KLING ^ _ VEOS -- TILE -- SEftVlCS 618 W. Crystal ^>ake Ave., Crystal Lake Phone Crystal Lake 490 mmL -- C. J. H. DIEHL X . Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St.' 30-tf Woodstock, 1IL PIANO TUNING & SERVICE HELP WANTED--Girl for general work in drug store. Bolger*s, Green St., McHenry, 89-tf HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 208 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE 39. ,2Mf Use of Iron Egyptian (,'iaroahs of 4,000 B. C, wore strings of Iron meteorite beads to ward pff evil spiriU. Swords forged from meteorite iron by the Assyrians . and Persians were^supposed to possess magical power that protected their owners from all possible harm. An Iron meteor that fell tn Asia Minor was worshipped by the Phoenicians as Cytoele. mother of the gods. The sacred Black Stone of the Mohammedans enshrined at the center of their Ho!y-of- Holies In Mecca, has been described, doubtless by disbelievers, as a large meteorite. The Romans drove Irion nails Into the wals of their homes as an antidote against the plague. IlliWnt Cats la California Towering palm trees, which range from 75 to 90 feet in height, are a challenge to the felines of Southern California. When an adventurous cat climbs to the top of one of these trees, it Is usually a one-way trip. The anltnal begins ailing for help and neighbors put in a frantic can to the SPCA. At these dizzy heights, the . harmless looking palm fronds are lined with razor- sharp blades which frighten the cat and discourage Mm from making a try at descending. To effect a rescue, this humane organisation must hire tree trimmers at a cost of from $60 to $100 per tree, depending on the labor involved. Cats have been marooned for several days before being rescued. May taction statement sf ] BURHKMSfcTKI TOWNSHIP DUnrltlCT fuads Ar te mr May , 1st, tm, Is according to my bast ~ hfffcrf JOSEPH X. REGNER, STATE OF ILUNOia T*mUT0e- County of McHenry, as. me this Balance on hand as of May, 1, 1947 County Treasurer, from taxerf ..... County Treasurer, from taxes County Treasurer, taxes County Treasurer, taxes ..................... County Treasurer, taates Coujaty Treasurer, taxes County Treasurer, taxes Illinois sssessments insuraaae companies Illinois Municipal LeagtofL assessments Iron foreign insurance Illinois M from trim from fttm •••••••««? ' froal « 6,689.11 2,000.00 900.00 451.13 #ti-fteese >tAdts 556 Vemon J. Knox, title iBfaT &53TV . Ftre Dfptricts, d«es 168 % purchased 868 Matt N. SqjSui additional prm on Compensation Insurance .... and siwn to befor*|560 Earl R. Walah, secday- of May A. D. 1948. HEUOT KMOX , Natanr Piddic. Munidnii Lwign^ ments fron fordgn ,37.58 22.64 28.06 98.81 257.12 .58 54*1 salary to 178.87 24^9 insurance Illinois Mi assessments insurance companies Illinois Municipal League, assessment from foreign insurance companies ...w Illinois Muid^al- Leagul^i c assessments f] rom foreign insurance companies 81.25 Illinois Municipal Leagu^. assessments from foreign insurance companies ...<* ... 8t.21 Illinois Municipal Leagu*, assessments from foreign , insurance companies 54^4 Illinois Municipal Lea8«ir^;:: assessments from foreign!, . insurance companies ...«< . . 7.01 Illinois Municipal Leagu|| • assessments from foreign; :F: insurance companies ...**,•/ . 62.75 Illinois Municipal Leagufi °. assessments from foreign insurance companies ...«» 491.83 Illinois Municipal Leaguf, assessments from foreign insurance companies' ...... 323.87 :13.00 FOUND Svoboda, Prop. TeL McHenry 1^ Ha c Calhoun_WllodKtock 1063-W. FOUND--Cameo. Owner may have *' ~ - 'same by identifying and paying FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVTLLE; TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME 1N-| SULATION. Guaranteed not to settle.! -- or Harry J. Gearman--Cary 4502 Members of American Society of J ®d. Piano Technicians 28-tf Marie Powers, phone 442 ng for -W. *3 FOUND--Brown and white spotted, I«Rteli^"bv thTwS Co "C^lfor WELL8 DRILLED OR DRIVEN,!short-haired, dog; ®w"er write Leo J Sti^nir 2()0^*E Pearl W ATE® SYSTEMS--We sell, repair may have by filing at,4OT Wauke- TelJIcHeni^ 18 i - I • i.i. nm « <UW) van ntroof McHonrv Tel. 65-M. *8 Main FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- 93-J. ING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes; carbon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St.. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf tfjind install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 street, McHenry. Street, McHenry. Telephone FOuND--Rhinestone pinL at Nell's ballroom on Maavy 19. Owner may HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch have same by identifying and paybasins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned ing for ad. Tel. McHenry 4<x*-W. o by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie FOR REHT Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf FOR SALE--10,000-ft. full 2-in. cylumber. Best lumber for re- DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash FOR RENT--Four-room ap#rtm fafnkig "walls. Calf McHenry 631-M-l. prices paid for cows, horses and 202 So. -- *2-3 nogs; no help needed to load. Day, McHenry 360. ^ and night, Sundays and holidays. FOR SALE--Choice river lots, one [Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, mile from McHenry; twelve feet j Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. above water level. Priced to sell. 50-tf 3nt. Green St., McHenry. Tel. 8-tf WANTED. El Salvador Well Cultivated Ranking next to Haiti. I with an area of 181,716 square miles. Is the smallest country all the Americas. Almost every bit of the land Is cultivated, for not only Is O Salvador an Industrious country but It has 1,- 800,000 inhabitants to support. Ooffoo Is the chief product and Chief export Item. This country ranks third in world coffee production. Bt Salvador Is an agricultural country which boasts a great many products. Surrounded by volcanoes and .mountains, this ttay country Is beautiful beyond description. TOTAL ..$11*447.46 Disbursements 511 William Green, salary to date 512 Thos. Diedrich, salary s to date ... 513 A1 Blake, salary &<£ date mi*'" 9.50 514 Dick Miller, salary ® ; date 9.50 516 Bott's Welding Service two tanks (D tanlll . 5-96) 7^6 516 McGee's Store, Decent* ber 1946 balance^ merchandise si"™1* 11.63 517 McGee's Store, rain coats and boots .™. 21.51 518 Bott's .Welding Stervico, oxygen tanks - 11.48 519 McHenry Plaindealer, ' publishing reports and ordinances 83.60 520 Duo-Safety Ladder Corp., one laddor , 37.62 521 Gus Freund, gas, oD and miscel. supplies for fire tracks 45,77 528 J. W. North and Company, auditing Are District books 25.00 524 Harold Vycital, /ra|K plies -- 1.# 525 Kent and Co., fire and theft insurance on Are truck equip*- . ment 1M 526 Earl R. Wfclsh, Insurance on Feard fire truck retary> 561 Harry Ferwerda, salary to data 562 RobertTburlwell, salary to date 563 Harold Dickow, salary to data ................ 564 .William Green, aaliury to data 566 A1 Make, salary to date 566 Rieluttd Miller, salary to date 567 Tom Diedrich, salary to data 568 Jerome Buch, salary to 669 Ed 1^«n',' date 570 Ed Conway, salary to date 571 Ed Thennes, salary to date 572 Gus Freund, six mas. salary as fire chief 578 Harold Hobbs, six moa. salary as asat fire chitf 574 Tad MiUer','"'six'^ moe! .salary as aas't lira ..k 575 McHenry Fireman's Fund, practice time 576 Cash, trip to Galena, Illinois, to fire college 577 Harold Vycital, to date 578 Anton M. Schmitt, one year's salary aa trustee 579 Clayton Harrison, one year's salary as trustee 580 Joseph M. Regner, one year's salary as trustee, secy, and treas. 581 Vernon J. Knox, one year's salary as attorney 582 Bruno Buttler, salary 583 Fred J. Smith, salary 584 Nick Pitzen, salary .... 585 City of McHenry, six mos. rent for housing fire trucks, - May to October inelusive 586 Illinois Bell Telephone Co., siren service for six mos., .May to October inclu- 11.50! 'r .«i*e 587 Joseph M. Regner, 82.00 82.00 16.66 48.00 8&M 18.00 100.00 80J0 1640 86.«0 . 440 5040 vM MVVM W™ iUK- T•mLma AWBiiw Athrn*ImAAJ # at 1$ a dartrabla aobla oalor of kaltar Si ' Jwa raft^inyanamriad or than rubbad Iigh4y with ted or sta^ wool to dull the old wrd paW Jraanovor and tha aurfaea p^i£S£ ba uaad, the mt csnt being a flat undarcoater, which uaually ia mada by tha nM&ufacturar of the anamdl. andtha aaooad coat agloaa or aany> gtoaa enamel, er an '^agc^h^T anamel, as pv%tarad. In any casa, the manufact«irer*s dtractions on HM can should be Observed. Canipleta Hne of ttWHOM A U C T I O N At the intersection of Hwy. 22 and Harbor Rd., being 8*mHaa west of Lake Zurich, -8 miles east of Fox River Grove, 5 mflea inorthwest of Barrington, 6 miles soudi ~~ conda, on / SUNDAY, JUNE L at 1 o'daek D. S. T. .iv •v?l ' Tha only VOUmum in tha United States which baa erupted alace white men reached tha Western Hemiaphere waa California's Mt. Lassen, McHenry 227-J. WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS FOR SALE--Used cars and trucks --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, Downs Nash Sales. McHenry. 44-tf McHenry, IU. Phase 277. 49-tf 86-tf WANTED--Dwelling to rent or Helen Weber Says: chase, within city limits Earl R. Wal purof McHenry. sh. Phone 48, *87-tf v Uncle Sam Says KS... PROTECTION to the traffic lights when crossing, best in daaiiing servicM. Loolf to McHenry Qeaners 168 Elm St. Mgr. WANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 108 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front of Claire Becnty Shoppe.) S3 WAMTKD TO BUT WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. TeL McHenry 87, or Chicago, Lincoln 1888. 2-tf WANTED TO BUY--House er cottage located an or naar river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 82-tf Order your rubber atampa at The Plaindealer. . -- Floor Sanding vanishing Duro-Seal. Waxing now and old floors; abo Kentilo, a lifotimo floor. Froo osti- CW1 481-W What ie yea phaita do an 1 am aa A a t r i e u " D a y Ma t -- t W a i I e ssmisns talk? |w • last Of •earss, yaav |m one of Amerleaaa wfce wl aa|sy ways«e skssrveMrfday wanM beta -- Iaa% liwrtThfMt SeseSS? >, S. Timmwf R office supplies, telephone, stamps, etc. 568 John J. Vycital, repairs to tank 589 Stoffel and Reihansperger, insurance on truck 590 Gus, Dickmsn, tank for water truck for fire dept. ,-- ..... 591 Jerry Horn, salary and services at Wonder Lake ....... 592 Gus Freund, miscel. expenses for trucks, lias *r, ing bids for truck 596 Henry A. Nulle, taxes on Fire District property --.. 697 Illinois Association of Fire Districts, legal - - expenses -- 6M M a n r y Fireman's ' - ftad, donation .... Entry McHenry State Bank printing checks for, checkbook K A M Lunch Wagon 80.00 36 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN ft HIGRADE CATTLE--Registered caw. I fresh, Leco Zeds Triune Matador, 200.00 born Jan. 5, 1944; Sire: Vaniard 5.00| Matador Pontiac Homeatead. Dam: 640! OIHe ZeUa Echo Triune. J5.00 Registered cow, fresh; Leco Deminator Mystic Mataal, born Jan. 9, 1945. Sire: Mr Lillian Dominator. Dam: Leco Mntnat Myatk. Registered Mfkrr Diane Bess Poach Beryl, barn &Mt. 9,1*46. Sire: Ulyria Adirjral BeMte JniaCh Beryl. Dam: Winlaae Be«s liii Delia 3rd. Registered heifer: Pooch Pontiac PeryL M11,1*47; Sire Hlyris lg.00 Ada>^J>^g^BHfcBsryi Dam: f ' [lS dwica WSLmtmi Gnsmssy mo et^ws, ssnsisilag af 4 with calf at Mnn reoaatly fresli; l^Hwktsin, hatfer, earning with lat crif In June; 8 Heftrtein jhdftn, H to .89 msaths aid, bred, m 7g dne fc»a» Sept. an; 8 Halstein hei- *^° fers, 4 to 8 laeilhs aM; 4 heifer cahrea.' 6 weeks to 8 inaa. old. This is a - ;• 16040 2840 fer type. yeaag hard, hand picked Average manmy herd > 8« Vlbs. gas, oil A siwpli 594 McBenrv Plahideal publish i test fer serviceable >»ge are trad artMciaRy to buHs ef Nart^ern IBinoia Breeders Assoc. CaMhaed vswiastisn has wii jwh. -- Sl Choice 766 Ihe. They have m; y / i *i0 steera, 527 Bott's Welding Service oxygen tanks 528 U. S. Firemen's Equipment Co., fire sirtn for truck 529 McHenry Plaindealer, display ad for Fire Protection Week"..- 580 A. 8. Blake Motor Sales, 1 magneto for truck A fire extinguisher 581 Illinois Municipal League 7% on 81.22226 Fire tax collection 582 Matt N. Schmitt, compensation insurance 588 Gus Freund, gas, oil incidentals for fire truck 584 Phillips Auto Pai 5 lb. CO 2 Ext. 586 Illinois Bell Telephone Co., 6 months fire siren service, October to May, 1948 incl 886 City of McHenry, six mos. rent for fire tracks, October to May, 1948 -- 687 ThpsT Diedrich, salary to data 688 Robert Thurlwelij salary to date ...._• 589 Baity Ferwarda, salary to date 540 William Green, salary to data 541 Sd Juaten, salary ia date 642 Richard Miller, salary to dnto 548 Ed Thennes, salary to data ...... 544 Earl Conway, salary to date 646 A1 Blake, salary to date 646 Jerome Buch, salary to date --~... 547 Harold Dickow, salary to date 548 Harold Vycital, salary to date 4840 745 125.00 1640 109.04 8546 60.00! 24.81 5.40 18.00 • • ; j SHEEP AND GOATS -- 46 chaice ! Corridale awes, soma are 7R00 2 Goats. •mu} »A' MACHINERY -- Like new, A. C. Forage Harvester with blower, pipe • • ri;i: knife sharpener; new com drier; -• *S4 D. B. manure spreader (bn lubber); .w^ir Idwa push type fiay loa ler; Jay Total Oll^ri! bit" TOTAL -- $11^47.46 k ch^,<,; McD* ^ W -- ; ' [MILKING EQUIPMENT Biteway 1 car* la Fraaee Grew Big 2 single unit JaiUting machine, corn- There are aome enormous carp to U»! Plet?,: mi,\ coolerr I2 n»flk cans; 2 649 Gias Freund, six moa. ' iry as Are chief 660 Harold Hobbs, six salary aa aas't. fire chief 661 Tad Miller, six mos. salary as Asst. firs chief 66SBd Ji 90.00 49.00 49.00 86.00 40.00 56.00 26.06 2246 31.00 2946 24.00" «746 646 100.00 6646 fish ponds of tha Chateau ds Chantffly,, sterilising tonks; sterilising rack. France, which are believed to ba well MISCELLANEOUS -- Tappen Philover a oentury oML Just bsiors bottie gas raftge; 8 electric 150 war two m«. were punlshbd at Bad*. Ugg incubator; garbage burning Vienna, for from a local!stove; oil burning circulating heater, lake two carp --to be so old: TRUCK -- 1941 Chevrolet ltt ton, thev had been registered under the short wheel base truck, stake body, Adrian office for tha preservation of dual three, low mileage (good pnandent menumenta. There Is a record. dUlon ' too. of an enormous carp being caught RANGER MOTOR SCOOTER. some years ago In the moat of arcastle In Bavaria whlch had a ring In ita gtfle. NEW ESKIMO DEEP FREEZ% |T proving It have been at leapt 260 cuyears old. . -j DALE PASSOW, Owner Order ytui rubber ,stai^iiil»! F^fch, Wick and Oiaadler.AuctB. Plaindealer. 1 PubUc Auction Serr. CoM Clerk. 568 McHenry ftand, practka tfane THIS AD M aumr Post firtllBS^AVIIK A. S. BLAKE Motor Sales 861 B. PEARL 8TRHB momi PHONE 166 sf:......

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