Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jun 1948, p. 7

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*•" '*•***• "1 -- - • * -•->-- ---- 1 1 rL .'<• ' * V .*n , \ • •s4#v.-:. '* , ' '1 ~ * . * ^ _:*k__u1 sw» ; /•' i MpM I< To I^<|k Of Information Mn. n^M mh«, tq wistntat of the- Woodstock August 1. She will opttata a home die haa pnrriiaoad la Xutity for convaleecent patients, b«r present TED M. KDII " * £ : T f c ^ 1 1 " * " 5 E Plus being to openta September JSSfre it is readily accessible so that fiesher for ha^aaw work. A andnaerviee can be given quickly when an ate ^ Lakeside hospital in cEa M»cy arwy. jin 192S. she has served as nurss in IlUiiols Veterans Commission,|man/of the Chicago hospitals, at state agency with an office in | Forrest in Cook comity and ery county of Ilftaois and twenty j served at the Woodstock hospital Cook cornty, maintains a free re-j many years ago, before it was re rding sera** lor the convenience j modeled. She returned feur years the veteran or his dependents so'sgo as supe rintendent of nurses and t speedy reference is possible at for the past two years' has served times. Ifrery veteran should regis* hospital superintendent. with his local *IV"*C" servi5 c"e * i necessary! A copy ox record is forsrarded to the fcentral oflle* in Springfield, where fit is entered in permanent files. com] r giving information mjnete the records. "WH^apiaase-ef fsjslsns fhrania is not ita founder, TOlam Penn. j's own account of the name is it he suggested "Syhrania" and jpthe king added the "Penn" hi v honor of tte flounder's father,. Adm. tlSirWilBam Penn. „ • ' LlT^jfl. Ill .1 Dragging the Lather straps ware on the shoulders and hips of early day football uniforms. This was to enable the ball runner's teammates to drag him forward for extra yardage. ' fast Eat the Salt The average American eats only six^ pounds of salt a year, but he uses another 190 pounds in his clothhig, for freezing foods, and for sprinkling on sidewalks end roods. MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE v ' Records Installed and^ Maintained ELMER P. ADAMS ^ ' Certified Tax Consultant : ^ One Mile North of Fox Lake on Rt. U. S. 12 * Phone Fox Lake 5501 FOX LAKE, ILL. McHenry Sand and Gravel Co. Excavating and Crane 8ervio* Dirt -- Sand and Gravel 'V Road Grading • --y'- HALL McHENRT CONCRETE PRODVCTS feriek - Bry V Waterproofing Cement Blocks- Steel Sash PHONE 245-M WMT McHENRT, ILL. NEW RCA VICTOR RADIOS Table Phono Oombinations ^tortables FM-AM TILIV aWft SBTw Record Players Auto Radios WIRE RECORDERS Gome In Foe Demonstration iniLitA-U Batteries For Your Portable H7^|ed Radios Of All Typeit WILSON RADIO SERVICE Elm St. Phone 469 " McHenry HOMES, GARAGES and SUMMER HOMES / REM0®B(G ATTIC APIS. '..onoggl smnrAUBi:* STAiSsfc - " n ^ nmVLATIOK • " • - V KLSOTUP wisnro. .. ALL LUIWIR MATERIALS AND LABOR Mails Fletie* I jNdLE JAN twisted in his wicker chair on the front porch when he heard Carol*a heels *^"«g swiftly on the sidewalk. Baa Hammoa& towered one step briiind her and was pretty mad because the thin scar on his cheek looked twisted und*r the nlazing light of the street lamp. Then the storm tooke. "What's gotten into your niece, Jan? Yesterday, she insisted on buying her own ticket to the barn dance. Tonight, she paid her own way into the movies. Now, I ask you--" Ba* paused to settle his blue eyes' indignantly on Carol's bowed red head, but She said In a very bored tone,"Girls are becoming pretty independent nowadays, aren't they, Uncle Jan?" • "Well, for the hivVa Pete!" Bax gasped explosively. "We're engaged aren't we, Carol? And you'll be dependent on me for the rest of your life, won't you? Why, that's taken for granted, and that's the way 1 want it!" "04, ym M WM, tktmkt fm fatffac mm know tkt$, Mr. Bts Hammtmd, Nmm I'U toll yom iasmtUmg. Htrt't ym rimg Mtl" She jerked the sparkling diamond from her finger and shoved it into the stunned young man's palm, then' slammed through the screen door with e speed that made Uncle Jan blink. "Bax, why didn't you end Carol get hitched right after your army discharge?" "How could I marry her, then, Jan? I was stone broke and had to start my automobile egency on a flyer. And you know how things went. First, I couldn't get any stock. Then, my garage j>uraed down and I had to start from scratch sgain. We're through!" IjNCLE JAN stopped his departure by quickly asking for a match. He had to untangle things someway. Why, Carol had always wanted to marry Bax. Even two years ago she'd come right out and asked if marriage wasn't a partnership where each person shared rain or shine as it came. Bax hadn't wanted her when things were going bad for him, so she was wondering why ha wanted her now when he was a success. After five long years of waiting, fear had replaced confidence, and her sudden desire to be Independent was nothing but a cover-up to hide that, fear. Maybe she was fearful that Bax just considered her another step up the ladder for himaelf, something to be bossed around because he was paying the billa. Bm wanted proof of his lore. Suddenly, he had an Idea for a cure. It would be a pretty dmtfle one but it would show them bow much they really cared for each other. LJ E TURNED to the door end bel- II lowed, "Did you say Carol won't marry you because et that bullet scar on your cheek, Bax? flt. Mary's CatheUe Charck r": 1109, 8JO. 19:00 and U:SQ . Days: S:0S; 8:00; 10:00. Wesk Days: S.-4S and 8:00. Priday: S:S0 and 8:00. Bvaaretkal Latheraa Chan* (The Church of the Lutheran Hoar) John St. H block east of Hwy. SI Weat McHenry, 111. Sunday Worship Semes--10:15. Sunday School and Bible Study-- 9 o'clock. For information call--C. F. KieU, phone 681-R-l. Well, that's' something to think about." In a second, the screen door Sew open and Carol stood there, her hand on his shoulder and her heart in her eyes staring down at Bax's white strained face. He'd taken the remark seriously, and Uncle Jan felt suddenly frights--d. If Carol didn't handle ttdetSs right, now . . . dmty, Imy* fm* I l0M iMe on the BYMCHENRY h , | ora cruAXAirref We will fuxpttb material aad labor witk superior oonstrnctisn and «na2t& honber for |ess than Chicago advertised prices. • -i, 'i;. r > ""-it* ' \ ••.. A B. Williams Si Associates McHenry, HHnoia Phone 227-J '% *bmxr *• Ummit for mlly, imcriftc*-- far im yom." Her hands rodf^farirem muscles ridgin^lds jaw grimly. Then, as he etmliaed, she stood on t^Qtt apd kissed the scar. 6e still stood like e granite end Carol started to cry, roared in high dudgeon, to arait five more yeara her back, you dumb galoot? jrhy ahe busted the engagement when e guy makes e girl watt that long she wants something besides words to prove he loves bar. Get it?" RflMiml b> WNI' F>nhir«^,.|; : 141 p. SS. and 7:00 «.! Moraine Worship: 11 a. m. First Friday-*- !JuP,0r «n Thursday; • 7»S p. m. C. & Nix, Pastor. St. Patrid^a Gathalic Chardi I 8:00, 9HK), 10:00 and 11:00 \ O'CNCI. | Holy Days: 6:10 and 8:00. Weak Days: 7:11. First Fridaya: 8:00 Communion diai «"°. 7:80 8^0 and during 8.-00 mass. j 440 to 6:00 p.m. and! 8:00 pj^ and on TTiurs- i Flan Fridays: 4:00- ind 740 to 8:00 p.m. i C. 1ft»nderpool, ;T Aftninistrator. St, Jahars Catbadc Umth. J^hnalMrc IM to days to SKIS pjn. Bev. Jami 00 and Ll:00. 7:00 and d^K) First Friday: S:SS and 840 Coof(infamB £ Saturdays: IM and 8:00 Thursday before First Friday-*-- 2:80 and 741. Bev. A. J. NeClert, Paster. Pstert Csthate Oiereh, ^ ~ * Grave Sundey--840, 1040 and 114fii Holy Days: 640 aad 9:00. WsskrisM 8*06. First Friday: S:0Ql Gonfsssiew: Satardaya: S40 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday-- 240 and 7:lSw Bev. Jekn L. Dalalden, Pastor. Commanity Methodist CkaRl IChurch School: 10 a. m. ? League: 7 p. m. Janior and Cherub choir practice on Wednesday at '3:15 p. m. W. S. C. S. on third Thursday of, ' the month at 1 p. m. j | Official board meeting on second I (Wednesday of month at 8 p. m. , A cordial invitation is extended to . you and your family to come and I worship with us. % Wayne B. Price, Pasta?. ! Geepel Center ' > ; ! Ceater, Woader Likr" (Nonsectarian) Services. ' ,>-•• j Smiday Bible School--10:18 Morning Worship Service -11:001 a.m. I Midweek Prayer Service on Thurs-' day Evenings at 8:00 p.m. j A cordial Welcome is extended to ail the people of the community to worship with us. FRANK W. ANDERSON, i • • ' ' . • 1 •- Christ The Klag Mis^oa ' . Woader Lake/ : 1 Sunday: 9:00 and 11:00 p'clc Holy Days: 6:S0 and 8:< ^Confessions: Sundays: Immediately before the 10 o'clock mass. Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 toi 8:00 First Fridays, Communion distributed at 6 and 6:80 a. m. and during 6:30 mass. Rev. James A. VanderpooL Ringwood Church Ringwood, III. * ! Sunday--Public worship, 9:SQL j Church School: 10:80. Choir Rehearssls--Wednesday eve- : ning. Rev. George Marshall, pastor j BROTHERS KILLED The remains of two brothers. Privates Conrad L. and Clarence L.: Tm P4?";- 80ns of ,ohn c- Johnson, # lindlan* Ave-' St Charles, both of whom were killed in action in North Africa during World War II, are being returned from two temporary cemeteries in Tunisia, to Charles for burial. The bodies will arrive together at the distribution center in Chicago some time in June. r -Need Rubber Stamps? Order at The Plaindealar. COMPLETE Plans are r the McHenry Health Education to Woodstock, July 12, to the Community high McCannon, county superintendent. of schools, has announced that the workshop which is being by Northern Illinois IhadNis College, will be staffed by six wattqualified teachers of the comnfanity. Leaf Tailed Cows Certain species of cows in hive taila longer than Jhair Sand VERN THELEN Limestone •-W: i TRUCKING '/."V: GRAVEL BLACK DIRT *••••• Truck Per Hire v--; Tel McHenry 588 W-I Box 172, Rt 1, McHenry DR. HENRY FREUND w OPTOMETRIST At 314 M&in St., West tfc&enry Steffan's Jewelry Store (Closed Thursday Afternoon^ Byes Rxanlaed -- Glaases Fitted Vleaal Trsining -- vuaal RehshUHatlaa • Complete Visnsl Aaalysls Daily: S to 12 and 1 to 5--Satarday Evsnlaga: f ta SSI I HONR McHENRT 4S2 • t ' - . Th •?* S Saturday Afternoon Skating Session 2 to 4:30 p. m. for the Childrei Admission 46c including tax Just For Fun Roller Rink McHenry, HI. Prompt Service Day or Night ; e're getting more phone calls from folks Who value their time and energy! And any time you call us -- night or day -- you're^ Sure of prompt, comfortable service. , 1 McHENRY Phone 472-J ~ "~*Hdf " if % Eye to Brain From the brain to each »«wf eye extend about a million nerraa. new prodoet is al»l --oross, a ^.paWliqMiMiimhMa^ 5? m Twi not just literary lige--e. There is a key, and you can see it on the iaee ot evMQT pMnback issued by Uncle Sam. Take oat a dollar bill--or a InuMMhr UB!, yon have one. You'll see the key near the batten ef the little colored seal. Rs^ngh of these keys in ydur possession and yoi can open all the doors to future happiness for yof • •df and family. Haw to be a key»9ai9^^ Thousands of Americans have found the easiest^ safHj' way in the woHd to save money, to makajt grow •» with.United States Security Bonds.. ^ Many of them are building a fund far dtt fatafSr through the Payroll Savings Has. Those not on a payroll are America's Best Buy through the Pnnii ft Misath at their bank. Are yon one of these people? Or wQ , _ security be locked behind die door of --gleet? ^ .v STABILIZES ECONOMY. .WbetVi_„ # * buy doss it's part to keep ecooomy Strang. Fiaiaa^i more umiiUt tpmding. Fewer dolkvs go to purnireiisis, aesearse gee*Kk , - - * ' ••5 -S n T mmuc ictvici COMPANY OP ... . i 4 a-T , -*vv s Security

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