Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jun 1948, p. 10

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PLAIHDKALKft Ttaftday, Jraie l%19ii FASM ADVISWt'B COMMKHTS the farmer gave his milk free, it would still cost the city, housewife Ik dime a quart. McHenry County Agricultural 4-H1 » E. Rowlev of Crystal Lake Clubs have 272 members this year, i Ins a DurocgHt that hlfSine pigs I" 194T. the* were 848 and in 1946. that weighed an average of 45 there were 205. 194 r was 18.5 per to cent over 1946 and *948 is 32.6 per cent over 1946. According to the 11940 census, we have about 15 per pounds at eight weeks, according to cent ideational agriculture teacher Leo. cent over 1946. According to the - -- '1940 cent of the boys of club age on farms in the county in 4-H clubs. Too small, if club work is as good ICfcrber at McHenry. Harvard Milk Day this week has national recognition--recognition of SJhfrS.hjul Mason, ^director°of - f «• to be in developing s*ik marketing I.A.A., says that it ^ nUtens.^ ^ ^ ^ ^ you need phosphate on your alfalfa fields. I've seen alfalfa so big it was almost impossible to walk through it while a short distance away it'was not over 10 inches tall and thin. Plan how to put on some superphosphate after you get the first crop of hay off. Speaking of what the farm adviser ' actually does, as some farmers perhaps wonder, he does not drive around the county calling on farmers like he did 25 years ago, because there is no time for any- Lineatone VERN THELEN "»t " Trucking Gravel Black Dirt Truck for Hire * Tel. McHenry 588-W-l , Box 178, Rt. 1, McHenry ' ;#4i 1 *•?!« telephone No. 300 6TOFFEL * REIHANSPERGER UNES a Insurance agenta for all classes of thing like that.. Besides not going from farm to farm, He has, in McHenry County, at present, four men different capacities doing work property in the beat companies^ West McHenry, Illinois CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joslyn & Parker) Office Hoars: r Wednesday Afternoons--1:00-5:00 i Office--Koehr Supply Contpany, - 542 Main Street. West McHearj - Phone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 11S5 ihe use to do while he was calling! on those farmers. It is merely a I matter of the farmer coming to him, with requests for service ratner than, 'he going to the farmer. 1 Even so, I have made the follow-, ling farm visits, most by request, in [the past couple of weeks: Wm.1 • Disch, .Woodstock, not home; Johnj INSURANCE Emory, Woodstock; Ernest Swanson, EARL R. WALSH Woodstock, Wm. Dieckman, Wood-1 ThreT Auto, Farm and Life Insurance stock; Ed Hayden, Woodstock; Arn-I Representing jold Wittmus, Harvard; Robert Gren- RELIABLE COMPANIES -lund, Harvard; Harry Dowell, He-| When TOU need insnrance of any ktadjbron; Elmer Gregory, Woodstock;; Phone 43 or 118-M M. L. Heinz, .Tohnsburg; Clanyard; Green & Elm McHenry | Spring Grove; Robert Gardner, Solon i -- •Mills; Mark Hansen, Woodstpck; A. Still Wrong • ' • • y • - _____ .'fl TTWO YOUNG men had vited out to dinner by their employer. During the course of the meal the conversation drifted into channels which got the young friends into rather deep water for them. "Do you care for Omar Khayyam?" asked their host, at one point during the dinner, thinking to discover the literary tastes of the young men. , » "Pretty well," the one addressed replied, "but, personally, I prefer Chianti." The subject was abandoned, but on the way home the other said to his chum: "Why don't yOu simply say you don't know when you're asked something you don't understand? Omar Khayyam isn't a wine, you idiot. Ifl a kind of cheese." FARM DRAINAGE Tiling Work Done With Modern Equipment Can Furnish Tile LEO G. ZIMMERMAN Contractor i B. McConnell, Woodstock; Geo. C. * S m i t h , W o o d s t o c k ; J o h n S l a v i n , H e - j bron; and Walter Burton, Harvard. •£sItyCowtn Live Alone and Like It I The people of mountain-ringed Phone 1699-M-l R. F. D. 1 Tibet, after losing some of their Woodstock, 111. prized isolation during the war, are "-------------- | reported ready to close their border" until 1950. This perennial recluse among nations is about 10 times the site of Pennsylvania. Home of herders, farmers, priests and bandits, it is the core of a wild and harsh region, in itself a "no trespassing" sign. On the south rises the towering barriei of the Himalayas, which discourage contact with India's millions and block off the barren plateau from the monsoon tains. North and east into China stretch the soaring peaks of the Kunlun range. On the west are bleak desert olateaus and mountains. Valuable Animal! A man arranged to tiave his aged mother cared for in a nursing home, where he visited her twice a week. Each time he brought her a special lunch of delicacies from the farm, including a thermos bottle of fresh milk in which he slipped a little brandy -- on advice of the family doctor. The old lady always was delighted with the lunches, and one day, as she sipped' the milk, she said gravely, "Oh, Larry, don't ever sell that cow!" * SNAPPY RETORT MASBNGt) POLICE RESIGN Dorin* in rncent city council meet-, ing in Mimgo, James E. Rousey, patrolman, tindered his resignation, as did/Frank Bushell, patrolman, officially, ttoe resignation of Edward F. Riley, alderman from the second ward, was read. Disagreements in the police department and salary considerations appeared to be the root of the resignations of the two police patrolmen. These may have resulted from earlier grievances, it is reliably reported. Patrolmen! Bushell and Rousey have indicated ] that they will continue on duty until the mayor . and police committee i supply replacements, or solve current difficulties in the department . AB<| conduction of affairs. of Sky Line ranch, Lake Villa; Gladys [driven by Donald Oonneriberg, Rymal, 22, of Chicago and Robertj Villa on Rt. 21 in that village. gave TRAFFIC ACCIDENT • The Antioch Rescue squad aid in -the case of two traffic accidents Monday night of last week.j They took Roland Canuteson, 21, j Tonkin, 26, Sky Line, to Victory Me-i Canuteson was bruised and morial hospital, Waukegan to have received a injuries dressed after Canuteson's car was struck from behind by a car SU1®^ possible fractured ribs. A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contractors ^Tracking, Hydraulic V . «Bd Crane Service % BUILDING-- TeL 204-M McHenry, III DR H. S. FIKE Veterinarian On Highway 31 -- Office and Home TeL McHenry SI r McHenry, ID. Office Hoars: 1 p.m. to 2 pji. Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment 1 VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Green and Elm 8ts„ Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment .Phone McHenry 4S AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR ^ * SERVICE ••1 Main St, McHenry Electric Portable W«Mh« Xylene Welding and Cntt ALEX W. WIRF8, Operate Phone 615-W-l or 144 . M"HENRY, ILL. PLASTIC WALLTILE Eighteen colors of beautiful wall covering. See them before decorating your bath or kitchen. Coldrs are through the, tile--will not peel or scrathch off. Write for estimate or put it on yourself. Engstrom Sales 6 Service, McHenry,. 800 feet from Nell's ballroom. Phone Pistakee 662-W-l, DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J. McHenry ^ Office Honrs: Tuesday and Saturdays from It to 4. Evenings by appoint- • anpt. WATER PUMPS Fairbanks Morse Ejector and Pamp types. All slses. Complete and Easy to install. Sump pumps. Take old ImfsTOOMTlfcLES AND SERVICE Tel. McHenry 552-W-l (300. ft. from Nell's Ballroom) F. BRDA ft SOll Sheet Metal and Furnace Work 101 N. Green Sk, McHenry, HL Phone 24S-R ^ T BELL ft SHALES Interior and Exterior Painting Paper Hanging Also Spray Painting 106 N. Green St. McHenry TeL Mchenry 243-J or * * Crystal Lake J328-M-1 BERNIE MATCHEN LIVESTOCK HAULINQ GENERAL TRUCKING Fox Street Phone Mc&enrj WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. Attorney-at-Law 110% Benton ,St. Woodstock, Hlinoia * -- WANTED TO BUY -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horses, less for down horses and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsbnrg - Spring Grove Road Phono Johnsburg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE We* pay phone charges WEINGART .TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel \ Filling -- Black Dirt -- Limestone j Tracks for Hire | Free Estimating TeL 655-R-2* McHenry, IlLj ^ WELDING j Maintenance and Construction •> 'f? Portable Equipment ? : ^E. VANCE--McHenry St*JT7 009 South Green SL, McHenry, I1L _ ANNOUNCING ], • THE BILL SPUEHRS Newly Remodeled " RUSS FIRESIDE TAVERN Rt. 31 -- 4 miles north of McHenry . . Ringwood, Illinois Fine Liquors -- Tasty Sandwichen Moderate Prices "Where old friends meet." FREUNEPS DAIRY GRADE A BULK i ^ Homogenised Milk, Coffee Cream, Whipping Cream, Buttermilk, Chocolate Milk, Butter, Eggs, Half and Half Cream, Cottagfe Cheese. PHONE McHENRY 636-W-2 Dear Old Lady--Little boy, does your mother know you smoke? Little Boy -- Does your husband know you speak to strange men on {he street} McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 404 > One Mile South of McHenry on Route 31 Flowers for all occasions! FRANK S. MAY Tracking Sand -- Black Dirt -- Crushed Gravel Light Excavating -- Limestone Track for Hire -- Phone licHenry 580-M-l R-l McHenry TeL Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hours-- 'Tuesday ft Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings and Sunday Mornings j by Appointment! j Lookout Point Wonder Lake, I1L MOSEY INN RINGWOOD TELEVISION Fish Fry Every Friday Night PRAGER BEER FRED BOWMAN, Prop. WORTH WINNING A generous tipper at a hotel found a new waiter serving him breakfast one morning and said --Where's my regular waiter, that boy called Mose? New Waiter -- Boss, Mose ain't serving you any more. I wan yon in a card game last night. Phone McHenry 584-R-2 -- Basement Excavating -- NETTS SAND AND GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black Dirt ; . Power Leveling and Grading. J. E. Niirrr Johnsharg P. O.--McHenry ELECTRIC MOTORS COMPLETE REPAIR SHOP •Rewinding i& Rebuilding Redesigning McHenry Electric Motor Service BRUCE W. KLQMTZ 102 w. WAUKEGAH ED. H&ONZ 1» ^ No Harm Done A man with a gun on his shoulder was walking down the street with his dog. An automobile approached. The dog ran directly in front of the car and was killed. The motorist stopped and expressed his grief to the owner of the dog. He took a $20 bill from his pocket and said: "Here, take that. Will that pay for losing your dog?" „ "Oh, yes," replied the man. "Everything is all right. I was taking him out to shoot him anyway." Remember last August 6th? Tngfcfl.11 now! CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird houses, lawn furniture, lawn and porch swings, pier and park benches, picnic tables, window boxes, trellises, etc. Kitchen cabinets and cupboards made to order, hand woven wash baskets, shopping and market baskets, Full line of leather belts, suspenders, billfolds, ete. CLARENCE SMITH ^3 . Tel. McHenry 583-J-l Johnsburg, Hi. Her Contribution The six-year-old came home from school to tell the events of her school-day world. Among other things, she breathlessly related that she had a long converstaion with her teacher. "Just what did you say?" asked her rtiother. The little lady proudly announced: "I said 'uh-huh' twice." THREATENING GESTURES I HSU RED SAFETY plus liberal -earnings are. Oatuoa io you OA IfOU/l We wfil gladly Yiandte your savings account by need for you to make trio* in. person to our wfice. Marengo Federal Savings and Loan Association Save by Mjpil - v \ Marengo, Illinois Assets Over One Million Dollars •- Av" :V"' It was Jimmy's first time at a concert and, watching the antics of the conductor, he turned to his mother and asked: "Why is the man shaking his stick at the lady on the stage?" "Sh-sh," pleaded his mother. "He's not shaking it at her." "Well, what's she hollering lor then?" ®:3>; ::ifc "Jim--* Learned His Lesson A little boy being very curious asked his father, "Daddy, how did you meet mommie." With a bit of a frown on his face, his father replied, "That's a rather big question for a little boy. But I'll tell you one thing -- it certainly cured me of whistling." A Good Beginning "What4 kind of oil do you use in your car, Bill?" "Oh, I usually start out by telling 'am how lonely I am." Just Cat's Whiskers Whiskers of a cat and the hairs in a man's nostrils are composed of the same substance--vfhrfesae. Sure, It was hot last summer. • .and . If s going to be hot again this year. j More than two months of over 85° temperatures are In store for this area • • • and youl Tou can plan now to beat the heat ** fa" ' fat your house or apartment. ' Even the hottest days are beanlde when youVrehad a good night's sleep. In a night cooled home, the hot, stifling air that keeps you tossing for hours Is drawn out at the rooms. • .and replaced by cool, refreshing night air from outside. Ihis ! flatly moviiv air makes you feel cooler.. Jstft *Jr 'XX. dead Ur.n?1** <*t *». • tbu "*P°r*a0o ™°«i* you sleep In comfort. • .and lowers the temper* stare of the rooms. Don't wait for the hot weather to get hers* find oat about this new way to summer sleep* log comfort. Platinum Product Powder metallurgists have ceeded in producing platinum and alloys of platinum that have all the well known properties of that precious metal plus greatly increased mechanical strength at high temperatures for long periods of time. It is called "S" platinum. See* your DEAIH or our PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS

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