Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jun 1948, p. 1

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4 " * * 2 , $%v ?y* • «t-:- *-v^ -'.v • - ,> :w •• '^ ' L»: • (/ ' •'•. ••: .'i -v - ». -- - * . , . % *. r . ** 5 * t *.• i c v rr/ - *£.':• ^\X - KU : „jir ~ ».•••' ' r..zzx.i r ' ^' . tr ** ^1/ »# : *-; • . '- Mpi S ' I-*****-/ -"y* -.-. «3o%.1-"<>" :•;•?% .•",r\"-',"- >'« r-M'r'bi-"; ,v, ,T.' .!);'»•* ;"' *" »*»,?'. .',»>^ •«« ; • ;.. - • . •* i|-v* , ' V< f -•> * f ^ J _ _ „ J #»»>. •# .v*a> • "v"* ^ * * - V -.?< -*/ •• .«V,« , ^ = A# *-•&_:• -- •• '4 74 NcHKNSY, ILLINOIS, TBOISbAY, JUNE 10, 1948 Wo. 4 ASK runic ISSUE ^ In the presence of Rev. W, Coak TeV, Rev. E. Baumhofer, and many High Co«ta, Great ^ Need For Room Face School meetings of inity High tion, indica- TfflRTY-ONE GRADUATE FROM PAROCHIAL TRUCKS MEET IN HFAD ON COLLISION TUESDAY; 1 DEAD •& George Golbeck. Beautiful watches offered t>y the merchants of McHenry county for As the result of recent flhe McHenry Community iiims ai^tiiat ?n t^eUM*r "future a ImercnFnta 01 "cnenry county ior wwHetf. oonn ,a supplementary bond issue sportsma-n_Jsh ipiL, _ character, _*s• cholastic lor the erection of an >%ddition to the presents school building, will be presented to the public. Bids on the proposed addition were taken on May 20, with twenty contractors 'present to bid on the various types ef work. Bids were taken in four divisions: general work, heating. - A minor collision .which resulted in a traffic death occurred at 2:30 »-• J . . . .. p. m Tueeday afternoon, June 8, at ta^ds thirty-one graduates of St. the intersection of Main street and Maiy-St. Patrick school received Crystal Lake road. their diplomas Irom Rt. Rev. Msgr.: T>. n < Charles S. Nix at the 8:80 mass °1 ^este Sunday morning, June 6. American 0 . * Legion certificates and school awards ] EJ^P 1 WuS on for honor, courage, scholarship, rf* ". J? ^ r .?p7 leadership, service, ccAnpanionship, rV* * fc^,on. J*e {a and character were presented to ^ ? P t? Patricia nB^mii^el.i1a, Wohlert and Harold;®no" rtt»h2erLn terminus of the Crystal Lake road. The second truck was driven by Lavem Gregory, 28, of Route 3, Woodstock. He had as a passenger a Mr. Johnson, and they ability, and the practice of religion,^ as their passenger, a pig. which were awarded to Chylene AgneS wag in a crate in the back end of Dowe and Paul Robert vMarke, Jr. the truck. Said swine was due to Those receiving diplomas were be delivered to the "Ernie Malsch Dorothy Ann Brake, Bernard M Buss, Charlene Agnes Dowe, Merle Lee Freund, Mary Jane Gerasch, Harold George Golbeck, Patricia Lor slaughtering plant at Johnsburg for butchering that afterncon. However, a moment later Mr. Wheelock's jeep and Mr. Gregory's nedrcd, eorcrhw JT work, mm 7& I {Kitta bSS S2? F*™' SSS i f»»Mon. »• Mr. Wheeloek pcocMded per cubic foot, which compares favor- j rpi„. iJSk. 1to make a left-hand turn on his •Uy tobida !|l«y Binbrth Mlll.r, Mymi P.- inside Une. . «mo.,n«rOATt,f*i #^Ttrid* Nixon. Catherine O'Brien,!. Wh««'ock offered minor laceraawtraging SOc to fl.OO per cubic foot.|joan Karffaret O'Brien. Ann Marie t,ona o{ ^ head an<i face. Both tt was early in 1946 that the pub- paladCjohn Frederick Pepping, Eu- were slightly damaged, and fe was Arst asked to express itself j gene Joseph Perry, Bernard /Jerome;tlw M-- MMIMINV &9HMIMIfl hAauUil '*• V^I « I_ N AII S.. t TA. J ^ door'nftll ill the Gregory truck. The .. v - , „ - . -- -- jf threw the animal -- '.f6!?" . ,e P"fP°a* °' j Ann T. Smith, Carol Sue A. Stoller, forward with such a force that its IM vote at that particular fame wasiHichard • Francis Thrush, James,neck was broken. 2 interest. The projwt met ^with isfejv* W«.| „Jo~Pk OtM, McH«nry polW Patricia Emelia Wohlert. favor by residents of McHenry and F0RI8T OOLLIOI period, the board deemed it wiae to! AWARDS B. A DEGREE withhold erection until prices took a! po VALE ADAMS downward trend. | nirnnn ^ More than a year haa.i>as8ed and: . . , Br ^ „ „ the need for additional room be-J Mr. Vale Adams, Wert McHenry, CHKS more pressing while prices j W** awarded the B. B. A., Bachelor continue to rise. The original plans1®* Arte in Business Administration for enlarging the structure cannot be degree, at Lake Forest college s 70th accomplished with the $295,000 on *nnu»l commencement, Saturday, td; consequently, the question of June 5. 1 best manner of handling the situ-; Mr. Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. confronts the board of educa- Lester V. Adams, West McHenry {majored in (Business Administration {.officer ea duty, investigated the accident. WE OFFER YOU CONGRATULATIONS HOLY NAME WELCOMES rASTMSSUNDAY <. Community High and Parochial Graduation The reception which was held in St. Patrick's church hall Sunday evening, June 6, for the purpqpe of welcoming the new pastor, the Rev. Edward C. Coakley, and his assistant, the Rev. Wflfiam Regnier, was attended by a large assembly of parishioners and friends. The welby MRS. WILLIAM GREEN AUXILIARY YKX-PRESDWENT At the business session of the county council, American Legion auxiliary, which was held in McHenry Friday evening, June 4, at Legion hall, it was announced that $307.70 was sept from the magazine subscription fund for the purchase of hearing equipment to be used for ear _ .testing. The newly-acquired equipr& rties JHOBOP Students !m«ftt will be located in the office of the county nurse. Miss Mabel Hobbs, court house, Woodstfek. A second announcement was issued. This pertained to the formation of a new unit in the county, the Rpbert Van Stratton unit at Wonder Lake. A Fex River Grove girl was also named as county representative at Girls' State this year. Other business pertained to the de- SEASON'S SECOND BAND CONCERT TONIGHT. CITY PARK coming was staged by the Holy Name Society, assisted by the Altar! partment convention which will be and Rosary Society, of St. Patrick's, j held at the Palmer House in Chicago Father J. A. Vanderpool, who has In September. National president, acted as administrator of the parish i Ruth Hutton of Indianapolis, will be tor the past year and who has re cently been transferred to St. James pro-cathedral, Rockford, was present. Local rwidenta were especially grateful* for this guest speaker at the Chicago meeting. Mae Chesak, Huntley, county president, was named as a delegate. County officers for the new year . hM- F., nW-N •„ HAV were named. Mrs. William Green »nd thD McHenry was designated to fill kind «HfM« exuTd^the °*i,n vic^P~id.rt und«r to his congregation dfcring his stay in McHenry. In addition to the Welcoming festhe administration of Gaile Benton, Marengo, who was named president, The second in the series of sum* mer band concerts planned for the McHenry community . is scheduled for this Thursday evening, June 10, in the city park. Attention is called to the fact that the weekly concerts will resume their regular Friday schedule, June 17. The program for this evening's concert which will begin at 8 p. m. follows: "The Star Spangled Banner." March, "Sons of America"--Jones'. Waltz, "When Lights are Low"-- Dunham. Overture, * The Crusader"--BuchteL Fox Trot, "Haywire"--Higgins. "The Lost Chord"--Sullivan. March, "Salute to Washington" •L-- Smith. Overture, "The Elves"--Kiefer.. Waltz, "Alpine SMnset"--King. March, "Salute the Colonel--Skornicka. Selection, "Beauties of Erin"--arr. by Lake. Fox Trot, "Southern Echoes"-- Jones. March, "Kiefer's SpecialKiefer. Finale, "God l)less America"--Berlin. ITHENRY FAM&JES BREVE LOSS OF MEMERSiRIENlif '..Jfrs. Matt B. Laures ^ . . |Med at West ^l^hnrsday, June 3 Sadness came to the family and-' '^ friends of Mrs. Matt B. Laures, 52,' last Thursday noon, June 3, 1948, ' when she died at her home in West ^ McHenry after a lingering illness. ^ Mrs. Laures became ill last fall, and , " in Oct«|u- her daughter, Mary Jane, a nurse" returned from ±Jie west " 'j coast to care for hej. \(V S£4ti|' Veronica Catherine Knox, better, 'rAt known to her many friends as Vera, ' "» was born on June 28, 1395, in McHenry, the daughter of Anna and John Knox. She received her edu- •"! cation in the local schools and for tployed in the West v RADIO STATIONS AGREE TO AIR NEWS ON OUR The next meeting of the county BIG WATER Two years ago The Plaindealer's Birthday Book had its inception, and at that time Mrs. Gertrude S. Justen of 509 Waukegan Road, was. . . the first entry of the four score or j pattern iris t • w ii 8 ii ring liwhr i ii i rn council ^ held Friday evening. Sff t™ %' Au«- «• Richmond ani installajMwnt^ Vhwf hnlnlit? in rh!• mi tion of officers will be held at the ihS? September n^tinr. Father Regnier whe{ has recently I _ _ _ ___ ___ . . -- - completed hia theoU|gkal studies at 0. E. S. GELEBRATEB St. Mary's Roland Park | MEMBERS NIGHT, Baltimore, Md., the p6rshioners paid | • * * VTTW O homage to their retiraig pastor, Rev.: ACACIA HALL, JUNE 8 William A. O'Rourkei the Rt. Rev. ! Msgr. Charles S. Nix and Rev. Eu- j McHenry chapter O. E. S. observed gene Baumhofer of flt- Mary's par-1 Members Night Tuesday evening, ish, McHenry; Rev. Walter Conway | juw 8 at Acacia hall on Court street. of Notre Dame^ Ind.; and to Mr. andjA large and appreciative group of Mrs. Ray McGee, Mr. _*md Mrs. John j members of the local chapter were . M. Phalin, Mr. and Mrs. William F.; present to celebrate this annual! of space for the participants and Doherty, Mayor and Mrs. R. I. Over-1 event. Members, other than those j in the interests of avoiding^ acciton, and A. Kosinski. who hold office at the present time, I dents. The stage as well as the speaker's, were honored at this meeting. Guests table were decorated in a spring j were also present from other lodges and roses supplying: and chapters in this area. Diverse Opinion Ex pressed ;at Lake Forest. Activities in which' more 0f entries whiciT have followed, i'he color motif. Miaa Mildred Kin-j j|n Lillian Cox, soloist of the eve- An additional $185,000 in bonds «e participatedI include: members of Xhis week we are again honoring I --la was in charge of the decora-1 ning 8ang m gpecial greeting to those ill be necessary in order to erect the Golf and Basketball squads and ] McHenry,g «firgt» jady in observance t,ons an^ of »«rving the honored who fined the several offices. Warren • proposed -addition. The board ®'»° * member of the L^twmen s | Qf j,er ninetieth anniversary on Sat- i guests of the evening. Miss Km-jjoneSt nephew of the acting worthy •bers are of d_ ifferent opinions as y'u® ®nd the _ Economics Club. _ HHee | urjgy. June 5. ' sala was- assisted ly Miss Mane , matron, rendered three vocal num te whether' or not the public should » also a member of Digamma Alpha j Photo by A. Worwlck, McHenry ---i She was mar- ------ -- -- - ..~7 IT.,:!.. - I Mrs. Justen was the recipient of asked to support the project at Upsilon. ; mM„ carH« and tAlerrams flowara tids time. Mr. and MM. Lester Adams and! m>.ny .£>rd? .an° L,nowe" Mrs. Lester The advertising and publicity committees designated to spread the news far and wide regarding the big McHenry Water Carnival were pleased to learn this week that most and possibly all of the Chicago radio stations will air the news of this big •vent. Owners of boats are urged to remember that the racing course will be closed from noon until approximately 6 p. m. on the day of the races and program--June 27. This must be accomplished to allow plenty The question of feeding some 15,000 spectators looms larger* each day. It has been decided not to allow outside concessions. This was decided with the thought that local eating establishments should be protected. „ . , _ However, a canvas of local restau- of their thirtieth wedding anniver rants brinfs the , conclusion that sary next year. McHenry postoffice. ried to Matt Laures of this city otv Jan. 22, 1919, and the couple was happily anticipating the observance^! Powers. {bers during the ceremonies. He was! stands serving Sftndwtehes and soft A rp r_oJ graAm*. was * p0r4e sented by |< anc compa^n1i _e _d J .lbl y • anoLtIh- er *J\iUn:t , Mrs.'1 drinks will be necessary to accommo- y*Tr land gifts, tokens of friendship, and!P»P™ °* St- Marj^s-St. Patrick's;Gretta Goodell, in hia renditions of dAma.4t-e^ »thVea lUarmge crowd Those in favor of the plan argue McHenry; sincere WishM for a venr hapW ***** the diction of Sister >if I Could Tell You." Idabel Fire- organisations such as the at the school is so badW in 4edj , a^iVtevnUdUeVdu ' tUhKe ^cvoviUive^gQe v's cvV^Hmii»iwciiiefVmiiiVeMnvt WprtiH IOr * very Andreelto after wWWfa buffet lunch|8tone; "When I Think Upon the Legion and V..P. W. Auxi _ enlarging and that the new addi- ®*crcises which graduated .. . i_ti_ 'was served by Mm John Murtaugh, \ Maiden," Michael Head; and "Ah, ten is an absolute necessity. With deBts^ ^r George ° ;4 St^d?.1^' nr!lnt it a -unner fn i chairman, assisted by Mrs. M. A. Sweet Mystery of Life," Victor prospect of 175 first grade pupils Pres.dent of the University of Illi- kra. Walter Brooks, Mrs. Herbert. - r- «e. s "•?,«« m.m .pjk.. _ ^ ^ "•'ij John Hartkc aetod u Worthy P»- ;i'noiir w,Sd2s."^unS-»d hesitate. Theerree hnaws bneceenn oonn«e »»•" years i--n the Air_ F. o.r ce', ,o f w0 hic..h Mnlit - i tnumTxni ami «»"«« wu... I assisted by Miss tlx rem in th. hi»h «h<K>l ' » w « . i n t h e M - W t . T h . o n m U t o . i n c t a n . . r . i n - J . w J S S L e M l . . h o O T r e d . . Uus year than the number of. Pacific. S to th. McH.Sr% qr»m- A»od.t. lbtrm .nd A««cUt. teachers on the staff. One "teacher- ~ had to conduct classes wherever a TA»W n«|HampnnvH mm was vacant. Increased en-,*P*f KKIHA^ xeQment will necessitate the addition 1RECEIVB8 B. A. DEGREE C°"u,rStXb.™"r.y£I' btodat AT BKLOIT It is quite Ukely that one class may need to be* conducted on the auditorium stage when sessions n resumed in September. Those who are in favor of post* the construction of the proaddition are of |he ooinion prices will go no higher ana that is a strong possibility of a tl rccassion following the" elecyear. They are concerned Willi the high tax bill of the past mar, which include only about three faurths of residents' proportionate share of the original bond ioM. They are also aware that the COBadioated school board must act Men ts secure the public's stfpport for additional room, and fM ttat tt* aided 'burden of anotl>er mm tax at this time should ait be under taken. Because of the dfWeuco ef epinion the board ts dMbrana of ht> tfcg the public make its own dednon in the matter h- * u ia a vote in the near Plan For Niae <r»^«i0'o#CtKr1<utf company for the supply of ice cream Patron respectively, wish her happy retanis of the fumished for this occa- Recently, Mrs. Justen, who is w£l ,ion and wish to »express their known for her needlework, contrib- ^n^ -for their splendid co-operauted a hand made quilt to the Sorop- tjon timist club of Chicago, of which her: • • . daughter, Verena, is a member. Th<> rammta Bitertain at** quilt was raffled and the club clear- Ciadaathia Party The deceased was active in Red; Cross work throughout the war amfcrj in the years since. She was a | charter member of the Mothers club* ! and also belonged to the ChristiailT"# Mothers and Altar society. pleaeant disposition and sincere tersst in those with whom she *«i| ber of made her a popular meal:' those organisations wit% The other officers on Meiribers Night were filled by Mrs. Mai>el Hawley, secretary; Mrs. Elisabeth Martin, treasurer; Miss LuAnn Howorka, 1 «*- - "Tk* conductor; Miss Marion Hawley, Th#r associate conductor; Mrs. Elsie to* V1™ * ' P"*™ Reiker, chaplain; Mrs. Stanley Mrs. Gretta crowd. Ladies American Auxiliaries and church organisations are asked to contact William Green if they earn to set up a refreshment stand. Locations of the various stands will have to be decided upon. AH boat companies along the which she chose to affiliate. river are co-operating to the ftt&eeti fcwlvws include the widower extent in offering their facQHiea and , three children, Erwin, Mary J space to the participants in the «acea> and Jack; all of McHenry; one sia* , Charles Vycital nas a big job on Iter," Mrs. Elmer Winkelman and his hands in lining up the parade. 1 brother, John F. Knox, of McHtnm^i You are urged to contact aim as; The body rested at the Peter soon as possible to get in your entry. Justen funeral hoeae, where manag ~~ called to pay taet reepects. Funeral^ Monday JULY 2. 3 4 A 5 n CARNIVAL TIME, McHENRY LEGIOK PARK The annual Fourth of July Legion WilHaas I. Mrs. Paul Patake, McHenry, notified Monday of the death of father, WUliam H. Sand. «5, Miss Joan Raihans perger, 806 Waukegan street. McHenry, was one ed $170. This turn was added to "XTroap of "approximately sixty Thompson, marmhall; °i the t r^0rd number IW gradu- their project fttnd which is entire- relatives and friends gathered at the GoodelTorganist. ate. at Commencement exercises at ly contributed to the Hadley School J. Miller home on Charles Mrs. Elsie Feireiael, Adah; Mrs. ^loit colttge Sunday afternoon. j for the IBind, a free school, at WIn- Btreet W^dnesday evening, June 2, to Vivian Bassett, Ruth; Mrs. Olga of netka The dub in appreciation | honor Robert Miller, a member of Nordin, Esther; Mrs. Elisabeth sorority at Belo^ sent her a beautiful plant on her the McHenry Community high Brand, Martha; Miss Edith Harri- . _ racjnvM a bachelor of ana degree. birthday. ' | school's graduating class. son; Electa; Mrs. Amanda Brown, carnival is now only three weeks Crystal Lake."Mr. ^ Speaker at ue commencement exer- On Sunday, June 6. the family' Cards were mlayed and a delicious Warden; Mrs. Florence Larson, away. In exactly twenty-one days-- at his Gate street elsea was trranluyn nf Un int»m Kui dinner at the lunch followed ihe evening's visiting --"--*- birthday and and reminiscing. 1 __ . ,. . w. William J. Out-of-town guests numbered Mr. IJJP*" w*8 ^ ^ new college i IhoN at-! and Mrs. John Aylwaid Mid Miss Qeldnouse. tending the dinner, wert£ Mrs. Ger- jean Conway of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs.^C. J. Reihansperyer i S. Justen, Mrs Peter M ^ * services were held on M«mr »ora%| iag at 10 o'clock from St. ltartf . h, with intaraeat la the dtifEdh^ • • • , as president SFranldyn Bliss 'of Mrc. Justen, had <(i of diversity, a villa, to celebrate h«r I * college. . fte that of her son-in-law, a was held in the new college; Marum of Edison Park. „ _ _ _ .. ! wen rod Mrs. Reihansperpr! trude Mrs. Mid dragster, Ruth, Mr. and Mrs.1 jUgten, Daniel Justen, Mr. and Mrs. | Graduate ef Class of '41 S? Reihansperger and daughter, j ym j, Marum, Edward and Miriam | Honored by Grandparents Mary Lynn and Mrs. Simon Stoffel: Marum. Verena C. Justen. Robert lfr. and Mrs. Nick Ye in that sentinel; Mrs. Lillian Cox, soloist; no more, no lea*--the McHenry!on Monday Mrs. Mabel Johnson, color-bearer. American Legion, with the assist- ness of several «««. ^ Refreshments were served by a ance of scores of fellow townsmen,! He was born April 15, 1888 if#- committee compoeed of Mrs. Aliee will begin a four-day stand in the, Crystal Lake and was Married t*;g' f ijndser. Mrs. Lulu Klonts^ Mrs. Legion Park, just off Centerville's Bessie Babeock, who survives hiMfc* Mabel Johaaen and Mrs. Mary Page.. main thorooghfare, Green street., on July 24, IMS. \ _ According to M. L. 8choenholU, | Surviving * Jtwira ar* I this year's carnival chairman, the daughters, Marum, Justen, Robert' Mr. Young, Main dau^ter, Mr. and JJ™- rides will be open to the public on Crystal Lake and Mrs. Grace tors, (Sara and Lena, E. Sutton and Gertrude Sutton. {Street, were hosts to a gp» of' John W^er and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thursday evening, July 1. The side of McHenry; two eons, LaVeni# : the graduating ceremonies! thirty relatives and frienda attheir | Fred May, Mr. and Mrs. George ahowa, stands, and concessions will Siind of McHenry and Charies Sui^. ~^ , 1 r.rrg&Z--'. •aUSrrfSi< M^^r. is jij-r4 - *• WM WW W e»*v were graduated that evening. all purposes r , -- . Many have increased their,tin. Rajr Pajge of South Green Mr. and Mrs. Yomw« levies for school purposes. Most of street, with whom she spends some. granddaughterof the Nidt Tomjge, than faee che necessity for further time of each rear. i was the honored piest. Mwa Xf The nroDoeed to the build-' increasei in the immediate future." Mrs. Going's birthday this year was one of the sixty-five seniors who calls for a cafeteria with seat'I Sammarhtng the factors that are was passed quietly fan the #!age Z panacitv of 800. a kltrhsn and to make public school finances residence. A faadly dinner TburstSne room club room, lomplstsljl* »ajor headache during the next day eimning fittingly hoaoced another nedem girls' and boys' shower rooms decade, The DaUy News feature of McHenry's grand old ladies. Md possibly a recreation room on "tory suggests that they are three- Mrs. Going was born in Eastern the basement floor. On the first f<»W: _ „ . . , Ontario, Caimda. Her parents had floor -would be A boys' gynmsiain, The ovenll infletfam spini, settled in the Donsiiiion upon w-| , long enough for one full sixed; reflated 1 v 1 ! * ' May. " j this year's pyrotechnic display will and a brother, Ernest _ • __ , outdo any previous demonstration. Crystal Lake. Miss Ann Smith Honored I He added that "the big show" will Funeral services At Graduation Breafcfaat j be set off on Monday evening, July 5, 2 p. m. Wedneeday afternoon „„v ... . Mise Rita Martin, Main street,; rather than Sunday evening, July 4. the Warner funeral home, Tha liome was appronriately deoo-; entertained a small group of friends j Remember--Keep the carnival jg I*ke. Rev. Roger C. rated t^™fiower^i^e!ier spring and neighbors at breakfast Sunday|mind!||j P officiated. motifs. A large calfe served as ^"owin^^Jthe , 1 Burial was in Umon Sul centerpiece at the main j gradwntion exercises at St. Mary's j ATTEND GRADUATION JaaMU F. SaOth SrBical"edttcatjoiT*purpwasi; also one!higher" cost of equipment and sup-j to Chicago where Mrs. Going ^nd cbss room and gym storeroom, men's i _ . , , . . iceived her education. ^ teachers' room, girlo' physical ! 2. The In 1884 she was united in marriage 'nES'q-utli a'r _p. I served following an evening s oiver-1 -^-^55 »«*. -c«u"7 munity for only the post fear ffmf* t v v .. - , - :r - ,--v - ' I -;n»i «# airnlane bunco. received h«r diploma at tne 8-3" exercises at the Cook County School i.mM p a--ieW rmmsilf of rhira * , L »n higher salaries for riving in the hemisphere from | "10" were Mr. and mass, along with thirty other mem- 0f Nureing Monday evening, June 7. athi7 Fax rtvSr? lasketball court for inter-school teachers, higher coete of building Scotland '^^still •voune child, M?jSh^B^ Freund, Bichmond; Mr.! bers of the eighth grade graduating! Miss Theresa Mergen, daughter of »^* |j|ilSnfA two practice courts for;*!^ ^r^ng^l^W^CJ. _»^,the family mbved to RoAforJ; later, jjj-jj»hn B.nJ. °V;nd€r; cla» of St Mary.-St. faUid^ Mrs. Reed, was a membrnT of the ^rnoH, JunTV at^iT^^> • Mr* rft-,a°d M™ Mrs. IS^h FfceundJ school, d-- of ^thirty^ight graduating ^^thTck&CiSn fc^a *£ _ and Mr and Mrs. rgu^ at t^ Ma^n home . mmei. Studies wiU continue for Blooniington m. » 1888. Be. an4 - mm ......._ . . - . „.<» wo »...»» ... Gmith and Mr. and Mrs. Leo W"l»*ni Smith of Chicago, nr. ana Miss Mergen until September when w;, _;#* EJI* K. flifth whn~- enr-tffdirector's office and a health center, teachers. due in part to war ^pondi- to Frank Clifford Going and they qm:t|, johnsburg. jMra. Charies Corso and son Johnnie, gjie be eligible to write hfg. ' .... aar^ TbT second floor would contain a «ons and in. part to the increased to make their home in Sm,th' Jonnspurg.# ^ 1 , -- » ... • ^ • ' asusk studio and five practice rooma,1 »chool enrollment. The shortage t]w windy city, except for an nM «-«--« Grad Honored . T band room and "Eand uniform gi^ea the, teachers .better bargaining o^io^i' attended VuSt to our gpace, instrument room and director's!power. If the school boar?s„c""* fair city on the Fox river. McHenry j M Mrs John R. Freund. Mc- Skl The third floor would include|P*7 them hIAer wages^ the? can,then not new to Mrs. Going' Mr* Mr8 " * tmo classrooms, and a modern li-i »nd other joos. ^ kacy, with "two additional classrooms "f* needed; ZT\ ahop being availaUe also|tuning themeontinues through * discontinuance of use of thei ^ tremendous and William Kinsal^ were present.; state board examinations. Charles Dowe Family Mra. Catherine Young and danghpopulation ™ cKJld ^1^ t^T^fiye'8 yewi^bel^een*01942^,'47,! here*. Wy or th^locrf hiih schoo! ^ier ISS'lreuu'iproVidJ'for an incrauS, trnr'ir™""1 Mr. Goinc puued >w>; mom tkui >26 Tl» Joa^iUM .inc,tK.t tim. evening. ?» st : SL jS" vives him, have msintainsd a aank-om mer home in the McHenry conn ^ . munity for twenty years or amnM# TUN FOE YOU" Prior to establishing their residence r, Tom Brenneman is dead, but his north of Johnsburg they were fre.* on. Helping to keep quent visitors here, having owned frj# alive is the famous summer home in the Weingart Hollywood programN on division. For You" show which Funeral services are being hehl^' for the McHenry Com- this Thuihuay afternoon at the; school auditorium to- j«cob Justen Sona Funeral home at luraday) and tomorrow i :30 p. m. Interment at Gracelani ^.•S^r^S^^lSip^a. bi. com. to know Mebuz- ™" the community. there will be 2363,000. The number In a recent issue of The Chicago Daily News, a feature story entitled •School Board on Spot," airs the problems of Chicago's Board of Eauwti. i which passed a $97,000,000 budget last January and of the Chi- year-olds reraedayd v ttoo tHheannr^yg hane d ^its environs even inb et^ter earlier visits to this community. The past twenty-four years, dur- William Maya Honor ing which time McHenry has grown Daughter's Graduation to claim Mrs. Going as "our own," Catherine May, who has been divided between childhood graduated last Wednesday evening lf • th-t bv 1960 there scenes in Canada and the homes of'at the local community high school,(graduating ceremony & 2.*S2fA. TLinE her two d«orht«r». In nor. r«jnt.„ tMi lt . p«rty, foUowin* ' p^J years Mrs. Going has foregone her; eraduation excersises, by her par- Commene«ent rarp^ usual Canadian jaunts and is content ents, Mr. and Mrs. WiBiam May of (Drent of ^Jnne 2 to spend part of her time with Mrs. Johnsburg. Later in the evening a will decline slightly until 1951, then will shoot upward to about 3,300,000 in 1962 ana to some 3,750,000 in 1953. A buffet lunch was nerved mornfn«r "at the 8:30 n'ght, June 10 and 11, at 8:15. j cemetery, Chicago, is private. guests who were present from Chi- school Sundayh _ ; The patriotic finale, an imperson%> | William H. Sharp cago, Waukegan, ^ime Charlene the *{on of radio's famous Treasury Star ! Friends and ^relatives of the McHenry area. Cards and vuit-; oredat ^ t • Charles Parade, featuring local men and'u. Sharp learned thia week of hifc? % ing provided a social^atmoephere. ! Jf awarded a beautiful women in a colorful dramatisation of J passing. Mr. Sharn a Chicago real* ij^teh by the merchants of McHenry j our country's progress from th.dent, at 6040 S. Paulina street,!* Uounty for her outstanding sports- Spint of "76 era down to our prea- survived by his wife, Mary n«* was mansMn character, scholastic abil-v«nt time, u one of the moat stirring i Spoo, who wiU be remembered by itv and' nractice of religion, at the numbers ever to be presented in many McHenry residents as being a nlnf B McHenry. Ifreauent McHenry visitor previous tie WiBto*S£ Oi, eound-bo i« :S TC _ and throughout the nation, the wticle continues: % "It is one in which moat citisens Local friends and relatives of the Albert Vales family assembled at Richard' the down river home Wedneeday The McHenry Mothers *elub is sponsoring these two big nights of entertainment in McHenry. AH RBG: feew NOW regietrationa i frequent ) ber marriage to Mr. Sharp. She I a cousin of Mrs. A. E. Noonan ef ^ {Main street. A son, Lawrence C. Sharp, ^ I daughter, Myra A. Lindseth, aa weH ftcing school board members in Chi- J® ^L^SSd eight J- F- Bnu,dt» ^ other daughter, in delicious lunch was served. for the ufour grandchikirea, WUham and g . . . . ----- ^lirstooro^ide^w kISoI I Hinsdale, and Mrs. Page.. Among thow present: tucnaru tne aown ^Srat5SSTiEi! Septemtar IMS'term at St. Mary's- MaiV»ia^~and Barbara and Nonaaa billion i960 She enjoys her daily walka m our Dehn, James Hettermann, Mr.. and 2' graduation; St. Patrick's school are requested: LteSneth, also bereave hia In the light of these facts and] city and h^many ftkmds with^hom 1 Mrs. Geoi*e_Michels th? lotal Tirfi schS^ earUerjto be made at once. This is rt^ Mr. Sharp was a wffl be torn by conflicting «notiona. j^-^^^^"^^"^"r^tionwide iiT their' she viiita. The local library furaiahea; Don and Doferes, Mr. and Mra. Ftord i osaary in order that the required 1W win want the community to,5*^ and the I her with the opportunity of drawing jgekaon J^ -aug^ EtlZ 'and uZTtiJZ V^were STte' ma^°t? Stoon/ Mr. and Mrs. Steve Freund, cago guesta. ^ ^ gSdid by "mounting tana and wm; - «J55Snte lWs~eom-1 "widlework claim v ^ ^ Ar± K*«aer and son.. A moat oleaaant tune wna enjoyedt P-&* ftc damormg for tax "ductoons. I jmjty hoping that the voters will of her free time. -What we are up againat ime ierious thought before mnnntinr coat of gnvern- ^Vttie of drawing which she ensewing and the balance -fridly mounting govern JSTin which the coat of education fc aooming out of control. Moat Bahecribe for TW Order yo PWfcdtaJer. your rubber stunpe at 1)w We are hamiy to aay "Conmtnlationa, Mrs. Going, on your eightyfourth birthday, and we do wiah you many* Many „»ofa happy days In jiiwiiifi. lif, mo Hff* 9UV9 Freuna,; cs§o jwtwit , _ ^1 AMnt«|V Mr. and Mrs. Art Kattaer and son, i A moat pleasant time wna enjoyed, opening « Mr. and Mrs. George W. May and by all Who were preawit to par^e j family, Mr. «nd Mrs. EMred Johnson in the visiting and of the delight- • ana and ftunily, Mr. and Mrs. Ben May ful lunch which waa served fcy and family. Mr. and Mra. Mw.Id May and famfly, Mr*. Jfgtt Valea. (Cwillaaed ea Page Brotherhood of Raflhrea* lodge. No. 848 Holy Name society of Fanetnl nrttaMji day. Jvae W» m Mra. Ernest Malaeh, son Smpet at fn«.18 V. M and John M. Freund of. St. Theodore's Jdhanharg drove to Delavan, Wia^1 was at Holy to eiUy^the eventa at thej

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