Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jun 1948, p. 2

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v*- „ ,<5- ; "?• V"* i> ' • ' i>fl<i I > 1111111 Minium By V«n--• 8db < Andy Kunt was elected chairman ^ the Rod and Gun Club at a meeting held on the club grounds Sunday morning at 10:00 a. m. directors elected were: Ross Moore, Charles Garbe, Jr., Jimmie Pavlik, Mike Druml, Jim Selsdorf, Carleton AMAZiNG A S K h OR ALL STANDARD SOCKETS .v h, : vV<x i"VAC HON DRUGSTORE G«EENSTREET McHENRY, ILL. ruau, Elm Mr Murphy, i#d l%d| LecLLand. Selsdorf ana Moore are to serve as secretary «nd treasurer respectively. " I The new chairman is already planT ning for a "safe-and-sane" 4th of; July with fireworks to be displayed for the pleasure of all from the Yacht Club island. A box for contributions toward this display has been put in Milbrandt'a. by Mrs. Ellen Bergdahl who will assist in the enterprise. If you would like to participate in the program remember the display will be as large as the donations. Also set for the 4th are a trapshoot between 9 and 10 a. m. at ! Horn's; a sailboat regatta at 10:00 a. m. and motor boat races in the afternoon. Row boat races and other contests are being sponsored by A1 Horn and A1 Repan. In co-operation with the safe-and sane program advocated by the Rod and Gun club, fireworks will not be sold in any of the local stores. Sorry to repert that William Diesing of Chicago, father of Mrs. Robert Scott of Wonder Center, had a stroke while a visitor in the Scott home over Memorial Day. Mr. Diesing is now recuperating^ in the Chicago home of his son. This unhappy occurrence has * somewhat marred the pleasure Mr. and Mrs. Scott were experiencing in planning a trop to Ponoka, Alberta, Canada to visit Mr. Scott's mother, Mrs. Minnie Scott, whom he has not seen in ten years. The Scotts will leave for Canada on June 24. About fifty friends if Gloria Biggers were present at a pre-nuptial shower held in Rolaine Grill by Libby Repan, Ellen (Bergdahl, Esther Christopherson, Marie Milbrandt, and Mrs. Josephine Wendt. Gloria, who will marry George Freund of Mc- Henry oh June 12, received many lovely and useful gifts which she can >use in the little home next door 1 to her parents which she and her groom-to-be1 have purchased and are getting ready for occupancy. The Rod and Gun Auxiliary held a reception and party for their new members on Friday evening in had! RtagMOji They being honored were Mrs. Glenn* KinsaBa, Mrs. Ketherne AimUhi, . Mr*. Nancy Fruit, Mrs. Miriam Mrs. Louise Dkk, Mrs. Margai Langs ton, Mrs. Katharine Hint, if rs. Ann Landman, Mrs. Jeannette Petersen, Mrs. Juanita Willits, Miss lone Willits, Mrs. Frieda Stromski, Mrs. Ines Schmike, and Mrs. Vera Jervis. ' Visitors at the meeting were Mrs. Deasie Stuvinga, Mrs. Carrie Rohde, Mrs. Mary MuSiy, Mrs. Helen Clark* and Mrs. Jane Setrier. Following the business meeting, % gas tic demonstration was given by elbert Sabel of Crystal Lake. Two plastic items were awarded isprises. The lucky winners were Mrs Setsler and Mrs. Hazel Von Bampus. The next meeting of the club will be held on Friday, July 1, at a place to be announced later. At one of the most impressive ef ceremonies on Wednesday, June 2, held on the spacious lawns at Mc- Henry high school, the graduates of 1948 received their diplomas from Mr. Duker, superintendent of Me- Henry schools. Five Wonder Lake youngsters were in the graduati: class. They were: Janet Van Kanegan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Van Kanegan of Wickline Bay; Joan Andreen, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Wohnrade of Deep Sprint Woods; Roy Noren, son of Mr. an< Mrs, Roy Norm, Sr., of Wonder Center; Ardell Krueger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Krueger of Look outPoint; and Nancy Cristy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cristy who reside on s farm at the edge of Wonder Lake. Mr. Cristy is the rural mail carrier for the route through Wonder Lake out of Ringwood. Edward Stullken, principal of the Menteftore School in Chicago, gave an inspiring talk on "A Pattern for Education." Srf" - V • • • < SPRING DANCE Sponsored by BOLT NAME SOCIETY OF Christ the King Church of Wonder Lair FRIDAY, JUNE 18 HXLL'S BALLROOM, JOHNSBU*<| • . ' . ' 0 - - ---- - ' SOWARD DITTRIOH AND HIS ORCHESTRA When Mrs. Clyde Fisher and her two children, Charlotte and Alan of Montana, arrived in Wonder Lake to visit Mrs. Fisher's sister, Mrs. K. B. Richards, thfe reunion-was not as happy as it might have been. A third sister, Mrs. Josephine Abbott, her husband and her two daughters, had not been heard from since the inun dation of their Vanport, Oregon home took place a little over a week ago. Mrs. Richards, who was very active in the Junior Red Cross during the war, and who also served day, tail th graders fram ten 'SBmBOpB* * •*© yuuiy^wW _ chosen by • poll of tljfir schoolmates and Umct 'faachers on scholarship, sportsmanship, popularity, etc. Joanne laa&aske was the outstanding student from the graduating class of Harrison. The next meeting nawiy formed poet of the American Legion auxiliary will be held on June 17 at Harrison school. Those wishing to become members, who are also eligible, are reminded to note that the charter will only be held open until June 28. Mothers, wives and daughters of Legionnaires or Gold _ _ r wmm Star wives, daughters or mothers are jng. More rich's The loeary flodety lnd -btte sak wH be Md m the church basement on Saturday. June 19 from 10*0 a. m. until all la sold. AU the parishioners are asked to contribute and to please have their contributions at the ohurch at 9:00 a. m. There will be a reception for Fre. Coakley and Regnier on Sonday evening at 8:00 p. m. All members of the parish are invited. eligible for membership. Gfcepel Center Some of our men are off Jiurily engaged on "their spare moments" n painting "the exterior of our buildng. More men could be used in | order to finish the job more si At the evening service of the same day, at 7:4o, Pastor Corneliua R. Stam will be our guest speaker. Mr. Stam is the dean of the Milwaukee Bible Institute, an outstanding Bible teacher and a forceful preacher. Singers from the above mentioned triMe inetitute will tale part in the meeting. , Our next -Fellowship night, June loth, *rill be an out of deer event, when a fellowship supper Will be served on the lawn of the Center. Welcome, friends and neighbors! Our Daily Vacation Bible School is scheduled to open on Monday 'morning July 12. Officers of -the new auxiliary are j If interested, report: for worL^next' "®ee TH.kingdom of God many European countries* ||| . to that am ooa written by JmuJubIii ; 100 years ago. Prior it had been crown as a hagr in a number of aarthaMtai •how that it mm after John H«< it growing along a river Portsmouth, R. H. lata timothy became the common as a result of the efforts of Hansen, a man suppoeed to bean responsible for the spread of the use of the graae. TM0 is really quite a short span for a cultivated plant to become so versally accepted. It la grown eita»> sively la this country as wt^aa ip imd the Wstot Adf follows: Gradelle Proper, presi-1 Saturday morning, June 12. *!!?• righteousness; and all dent; Marian Cannon, first vice- Next Sunday. morning, June 13, i |S&>r president; Florence Dean, second there will be another children's dedi- wfA ^ unto J0"** vice-president; Jean Dean, s^geant-|cation gervice at the Center. Children; • at-arms; L«uise Di^k, secretary; Mrs. mppijed f0r this time are Richard " " Complete line of Le^s sJlvi ®'^ie and Order yrui rubber stamps at The'remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Miriam Corcoran, treasurer, &y«via William Theadore Martin. The pastor i Plaihdealer. . ! Henry. Paknik, historian; and chairman of | ' j «*wiry. the -t'Hf'g committees: music, Virginia Monteleone; social, Glenna Kinsella; and community service, Hasel Von Bampus. Other chairmen will be announced later. The poppy day sale was most successful as the girls realised $95.25 with $25.00 of the amount being sent to the veterans who made the poppies. The remainder will bo put into a special fund for child welfare And rehabilitation. The Legion Auxiliary will hold a bake sale on June 26, the time and place to be announced later. Watch for this! Our deepest sympathy to *"• Leah Cormier, whose father, " J.T. McBride of Crowley, La. died suddenly while on a fishing trip near his home. Services and burial were on Friday in the Louisiana city. Mr. and Mrs. Cormier and son, Bobby, left for Louisiana early Friday morning and will spend a f*w days with Mrs. Cormier's family. Through a special system extended to veterans, Francis Stromski and Robert Von Bampus were able to finish their high school work this year at the Woodstock Community high school and receive, their certificates of graduation with the graduating class of 1948. The exercises were held on Friday, June 4, with Dr. Harold C. Hand, mariV hours folding bandages, finally Professor of Education at the Uniappealed to the county offices of the yersity of Illinois, speaking on "The Red Cross to help her- <n finding her -- -- sister. The word came through in only a few hours that the Abbotts had been found; they were all safe but completely destitute. All of their personal belongings and their home nad been swept away. Lucille E. Edgren, daughter . of j Mr. and Mrs. Edward McLean* recently of . Baltimore, Md., and now 1 residents of Indian Ridge, was J married on Saturday morning in St. {Patrick's church, McHenry, to I Maurice J. Herling of Baltimore. | Betty Lou Druml and Bill Kemp , served as the only attendants for the I bride and groom. The bride was employed at Wien's | in Woodstock for a few weeks and !the groom is employed by an insulat- Ballttiimm ore where will reside. They spent a honeymoon at the Villa Hotel Pistakee Bay. ing company in 1 rill ri of the Wonder area last Tuet- EMMETT A. DOYLE ANNOUNCES THE GRAND OPENING of tk» feat: W AUCONDA, ILLINOIS Principal Imperatives in the World Our Graduates Face." Happy birthday to: Winn Davidson who was 10 years old on June 8;. Joan Alletag who will %e 3 years old on June 19; Roland Porter who will be one on June 29; and Mrs. Gladys' Watkins who will just have a birthday on June 16. Christ the King Sunday--Masses at 9 and 11. Confessions are heard before each mass, Sunday, June 13 is Holy Name Communion Sunday. The Holy Name Society is sponsoring a dance on Friday, June 18, at Nell's Ballroom in Johnsburg. Music "SPEEDY" by NICK MILLER'S tycHENRY GARAGE 1MUWM WOUTKT. NKKMUiTS SMKMKfiMMt th*T nm rr M HST CUBS OONOmDN AH> INMRtM* TOOUStS. •08 ntoirr STEM* BOOTS 31 ys»> 108-R 1949 FORD CONVERTIBLE The distinctive stylinc of the 1949 Pond convertible features lender-width body and Huurious interior appointments. Completely "1| doubly reinforced. taring contours, full ivertiUe BUSS MOTOR SALES 5S1 MAIN STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS vioiVB 210 Kill St* on or w 1? ' Sy .,:-a Clothing • Shoes * at REDUCED MOST MERCHANDISE AT I.1B8 THAN WHOLESAUC IF TOU ARE LOOKING FOE NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS AT A SAVING, VISIT THE "TRADING POST." W® ARE BUYING THIS MERCHANDISE AT A GREAT SAVING AND PASSING THIS TREMENDOUS SAVING ON TO YOU. (Some Goods Slightly Irregular.) !$? • J Will Be Open Daily Ample Parking Spaee «• of the Year! And we just con't wait to teH you a few of ilw reasons why you're going to say# "The *49 •:4 Ford in my Fvjtwr»l" 3 HG pooplol Front anal 57* tear AO* ComftN^ The Ford's seats rival a fin* sofa far ^ comfort--they're so soft so wide. Plenty of room HgM "lifeguard" Body* Road-hugging safety* with o low "dream cor** silhouette in the rsvofo* tfonory NEW Ford! nd -tfisft justa IjlQfc of what the '49 ford will bring you I You've got to see it to believe HI $o for the thrill of th* year,.come in to oyr show- #oom June 18. That's the day you'll see "The Coif c j|»f th9_Y0orl" ' *Mi<l Ship'Ride in Ford's smooth-riding, ne>jf. " low center section ... extra-long, extra-strong "Pare* ^jFlex" Rear Springs . . . "Hydra-Coil" Front Spring; ... it rides like a dream on any reodl fH It to SU fnjJ ** » ^ • h4*d~- * ' Smjww ' "k\l BUSS MOTOR SALES ir jsi uinr sr. _ .... ' llaHKNKT, ILLINOIS i' y£ $ ' m iiki,. ivtfr, r. . '• :<4' :. 'ff- * .S . ,^4 "•iH fc.JP . I?! . A XrrlSt ..I . 1- ~ . < .r». _.*T J.v . . . "t?.-J*-. U.i, .f-x*. git... .H .Si... t»*i k ...

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