«r>ty Thoiaday at Mc- Wbmn, HL, by A. H~ owvaarrdd Moahar. Editor--Adele Froehiich 4'-,, • V . 10 a. m., i Henry. St. Mary's church, Mc- . frofrlm. Laeky Nfaw 4-H M«Ha AtFrank Midab Have special ftature of The Lucky Nine a newly-formed __ _ , 4-H girls club at Johnsburg, held their: Mrs.' Emily Edmier, Pistakee" Bay, Pietakee Bay RaaMaata Attend Cicero Racital Mr. and Mnf. John Kropik and Entered a* second-class matter at first meeting of the year the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under 25 at the Frank Michels residence. the act of May 8, 1879. ! The new officers are Jane Michels, /y. v»«- t9Kn president; Rose Marie Schmitt, secre- One Year .......... tary; Cynthia Prett, treasurer; Elsie Smith, reporter; Marilyn game leader. A demonstration was given by Cynthia Frett, outside games were NATI lALCDITORIAl iSSOCIATION (Continued Prom Front Page) May spent the weekend in Cicero where they attended a music recital inhonor of Marilyn Edmier. They were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Edmier, Cicero, who were hosts to a Diedrich,; large group of friends at a delicious dinner following the recital. A good time was enjoyed by all present. Others who made up this happy played and refreshments were served.1 ga1t hering were Mrs. E. LeMaster, A definite date has not as yet been Mrs. A. C. Southon, Mae Regan, Mr. set for the next meeting. * • • McHenry Red Cross ; Names Officers For Tear The regular annual meeting of the McHenry chapter Red Cross, for the purpose of auditing the chapter's books and for selecting a staff of officers for the forthcoming year, was held at the city hall, Green street, Friday evening, May 28. Paul R. Yanda was designated to and Mrs. Wilfred Edmier and James, Marilyn, Jack, Patricia, Tommy, Billy and Kathy Edmier, all of Cicero. - McHenryites Attend Mass and Breakfast Mrs. Harry J. Stilling and Mrs. Ben H. Stilling, McHenry, attended , . w the graduation mass at St. Anthony's Per Monday evening, May 31, in hospital chapel in Rockford Thurs-I 5J°n°r. °* Mary Ann (Bunny) _ , , , .day, May 27, and also the breakfastiStoffel, a graduate of the local high head the local chapter, assisted by which followed. school on June 2. u" McGee as vice-president, I Miss Mercedes Stilling, daughter I The decorative note of the Millar ll-f ? daW, Esther, Robert L. Weber as treasurer, and|0f the Henry Stillings, was one of home on Waukegan street was of Milbrandt and--®usar> .Olson as secretary. the graduating nurses. J wine and white, the colors of the a« _C^nty offlcer« ^€re chosen for thej • • • j 1948 graduating class. Roses, the class flower, were used in conjunc- Wander Lakers Fete Miss Gloria Biggers A pre-nuptial shower with Libby Mrs Repan, Ellen Bergdahl Christopherson, Marie Mrs. Joseph Wendt as hostesses ensuing year at the annual county!Mrs. John Braeseke honored Miss Gloria Biggers of .Red Cross meeting and dinner last Entertaim Card Club Wonder Lake one evening recently.! evening, June 9, at the Woodstock Approximately fifty friends gath-1 Country club. ered at the Rolaine Grill to pre-: r n . . . * * * and l%£™wh£h STo ,ovely I "Dv If Recollection" ?„ a uSC Court Joy«* Kilmer No. 573, gLroolm -ttoo- bte Jnavie purchased aIt ! Catholic Daughters of America, in! vu. anj lirM «11 • tv 1 & George Freund, Jr., sot and Mrs. George P. Freund street, McHenry, will be wedded to 8:30 a! m Miss Biggers Saturday morning at; Rev. Leo Martin Shea, a Dominican father from 4he Dominican House of Studies, River Forest, will V V V V V V V V V V V V*• i conduct the services. A special invi- ... ;i_. - tation is extended to all women in ; this area to participate in this annual i event. afternoon's «- root MONt> The Ktafmod Mppy Clover 4-H HEy.' HOLD OKI THERE 1 v,* rA and Elaim _ . . club girls ware guests' last Thursday, afternoon, Jane 4, bf the Johnsburg 4-H group. Miss Alice Clark, McHenry eounty's youth assistant, and Miss Hienton, Public Service representative, were present to aid in demonstration work and to assist the newly-formed Johnsburg J's in their organisation plans. The Johnsburg 4-H club has as its adult leader Mrs. Alfred Oeffling, prudent; Adele Schmitt, vice-presidetly Dorothy Hiller, secretary; Peggy Whiting, treasurer; _ Betty Huff, reporter; games. Mary A An Stoffel Feted at Buffet Supper Mrs. Nick P. Miller entertained friends and relatives at a buffet sup- The East River Road Pinochle club met at the Oakhurst home of Mrs. John Braeseke last Thursday afternoon, June 3. Prizes for high scores were merited by Mrs. Frank Adelmeier, Mrs. Albert Vales, Miss Eleanor Nye and Mrs. Thomas Thonneson. June 17th is the date of the next Ur ji?nu j _ Recollection" on regular meeting of this social group. . ™ur*day, June 17, at St. Marys Mrs. Amy Hinricks will act as hostand of Green; church, beginning with mass at ess. - pQpUlAK M Miscellaneous Shower Honors Bride-to-be Mrs. Rita Schaefer was hostess to a large group of friends'-and relatives at a miscellaneous' shower honoring Hiss Helen Brown of Mction with the color theme Miss Stoffel was the recipient of many very lovely presents. Local guests who were among the honorees were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stoffel, Mrs. Anna Miller, Mary Ann Miller, Robert Miller, Mr. and Mrs. "Chuck" Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miler, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Miller. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hermance and family, Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller and family, Fox River Grove, and Vern Thelen, Johnsburg, were also guests. * • * P. T.r A. .Announces New List of-vOffieers The Parent Teachers association ; W. S. C. S„ Community Charch, Plans Installation Luncheon - -- SINGLES -- "TAIW6 MISS MART TO THE BALL" Kay Kyser "^CLARINET POLKA" Ed Krolilowski "BEER BARREL POLKA" Espe Mussette Francis Craig's Recordings . "FOOLING" --'^EAR YOU" • DO ME A FAVOR" "I BEG YOUR PARDON" TIFF ME OR YA DOTTA DET OUT" Ray Herbeck "YOU'RE OVER THE HILL" Arthur Godfrey Brown residence on route 120. n uuiicinni Miss Brown's marriage to Richard The W. S. C. S. ofThe McHenry i als° of McHenry, will be Community church announces that it ®" ev«"' Wednesday, June 23. will hold its next meeting in the^ was thehappy recipient of church Thursday, June 17.; S'*££ at 1 p. m. with a pot-luck luncheon;a featured i by all Coffee for the meal will be bunco and a delicious lunch, served by Circle One of the society. Installation of officers will be a Henry Sunday afternon at the Matt)of St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school held an election of officers for the ensuing year at their last meeting of the season in the school hall last Wednesday afternoon, June 2. With the beginning of school vacation, the P. T. A. ceases to function; activities will be resumed in September. Business of the afternoon included* plans for an all school picnic spon- Prizes for the afternoon games were awarded to Mrs. Frances Klap Drsy in and look over oar large aelection of popular, classical and children's albanw. We carry a complete line of accesaariea for your record changer.-- ' Needles msy be had far tea cents or for ten dollars. PORTABLE RADIOS FROM $19.95 up. «4 W. Mate Street, McHenry Tel. McHenry 123-J Colony McHenry, Illinois FRI. • SAT- JUNE 11 - 12 Robert Young Maurine 0*Hara "SITTING PRETTY" Plua - News A Cartoon SUN. - MON^ JUNE 13 14 James Stewart - Helen Walker "CALL NORTH SIDE 777" Plus - World News ft Cartoon TUBS. - WED. Joan Bennett • Michael Redgrave THE SECRET BEYOND THE DOOR" STARTING THURSDAY Johnny Weisntueller Brenda Joyce Linda Christian (1) TARZAN AND THE MERMAIDS" Tim HoK - Nan Ualie (2) "WILD HORSE MESA" L?vjn» Schaefer and, 8Qred by the association. Walkup rs. Bernice Diedrich. Park at Crystal Lake was selected Photo by A. Worwlck, IfcHenrjr MRS. ELMER SMITH The wedding of Miss Bertha Freund and Mr. Elmer Smith took gace at St. Mary's church in Mcenry. Saturday, May 29, with the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Charles S. Nix officiating. Miss Freund wore a gown of white satin. Her fingertip veil was held in place with a scalloped satin headpiece to match her dress. She carried a bouquet of white roses with streamers of ribbon and sweet peas. Miss Freund's only jewelry .was a string of pearls which was a gift of the groom. The bride's attendants wore picture hats or organdy to match the dresses and carried bouquets of yellow and white daisies. * Other details of this beautiful wedding appeared in the June 3rd issue of The Plaindealer. Cake-walk! Music! Minuet! A PLANTATION PARTY Romance! Drama! Comedy! Presented toy the McHENBY CHORAL CLUB High School Auditorial^ ^ Friday, Saturday, rickets 50o Bunco Club Meets At Ringwood Home . , Mrs. Nick B. Freund, Mrs. Nick Young and "Mrs. Thomas Doherty attended the regular meeting u>f their Bufcico telub last Thursday afternoon, Jufie 3, in the home of Mrs. Ray Merchant, Ringwood. * *> * • Attend Supper and Dance at Libetryville Local residents who were in attendance at a supper and dance sponsored by a carpenter's local at Masonic hall, Libertyville, Saturday evening, June 5, include Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schaffer, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wegener. A high-light of the evening's entertainment was when the spot-light was turned on the one McHenry couple who were celebrating their, fortieth wadding anniversary on Saturday, namely Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer. Mr. and Mrs. Schaffer acknowledged the compliments paid to them when they were requested to take their bows before the large group assembled, and then the orchestra struck up ' When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" the Schaffers again responded with a waltz to their favorite number. • * • Johnsburg J's 4-H Clnb Will Meet Saturday ( The second organisation meeting of the. recently formed Johnsburg 4-H girls' club is scheduled to bo held at the home of Miss Mildred Hiller, Saturday afternoon at 2 p. m. Mrs. Alfred Oeffling, group leader, and Miss Janice Oeffling, club president, will report to the group at that time on their attendance at the federation group meeting which is to be held in Woodstock, Friday, June 11. • * * Riverview Camp, R. N. A. Plan. Meeting June 15 All officers of Riverview Camp, R. N. A., 6818, are requested to be present at the regular meeting of this organization which is scheduled for June 15 in K. of C. hall. Practice will be held for the county as the site for this year's outdoor gathering which is in progress today, Thursday, June 10. The Bell Telephone company provided the entertainment for the June 2 meeting by showing a movie entitled, "The Telephone Hour." The newly-elected officers who will conduct the business of the organization for the next year include Mrs. Jos. M. Freund, president and Mrs. Clemens Wirfs, treasurer. Mrs. Clarence F. Anglese and Mrs. E. G. Siemon were re-elected vice-president and secretary respectively. MAiRRIED MAY 29 MR. ft MRS.' SYLVESTER WIRFS Miss Margaret Elisabeth Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Rogers of Lilymoor, Lily Lake, was the lovely bride of Mr. Sylvester Wirfs, McHenry, Saturday, May 28, when the local couple became man and wife at St. Patrick's church. The, Rev. Fr. Heavey, Jesuit' father of Marquette university Milwaukee, officiated at the 10:30 nuptial high mass. Photo by Medlar, Woodstock MRS. JOHN REED The former Miss Jean Nickels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Nickels of Center street, McHenry, became the very charming bride of Mr. John O. Reed, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Reed, of Woodstock, in an exchange of marriage vows before Rev. Fr. J. A. Vanderpool at St. Patrick's chapel, McHenry, Thursday, May 6. A description of the nuptials appeared in an earlier edition of . The Plaindealer. Photo by A. Worwick. McHenry MRS. STEVE DONNELLAN St. John's church, Johnsburg, was the scene of a lovely spring wedding on Saturday , morning, May 29, at 18 and 19 SUNOM 8:15 p. m. fQ •Mtna THURS., FRI., SAT., JUNE 10-12 ' •M*"" co-hit "SEVEN WERE 8AVED" • He got a lift from a stmnger» and lost his wallet containing w $1500. Now he wishes he M ^ opened a checking account and •! deposited his cadi. We invite S to open a checking account J| • .... 1 McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Depeslt Insaraace CarporatM(t "J' 2 *fYMATTKKf orov*~isreii«V nine o'clock. Miss Julett Thelen, WE BBG TOUR PARDON daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thelen, JohSsburg, was united in marriage to Mr. Steve Donnellan of Chicago. The double ring cere- _ - _- . „ , mony was performed before Rev. Fr. i ° q a A. J. Neidert. The couple are at £?« M.Sl* w""' ' th<L nan>c ~ home in Chicago. A review of the! Jfi Wegener who serve* services was published in the last " #s 8 •ma1^ . ? honor wm issue of The Plaindealer^ l'e p^o1rt comecso ut*ol n uosf }th*ise «wreooe,km - In the announcement which thfc affice received last week relating tin marriage of Miss Inga Anderson of Maple Park .to Mr. Anthony Wt CARD OF THANKS We wiib to extend our sincere thanks to our many friends and pof Woodstock was deleted from tha neighbors and to the business men of McHenry for the many acts of kindness, and expressions of condolence during the illness of our dear wife and mother. To these who, offered cars, and who assisted in any manner at the time of her passing, we are truly grateful. 4 THE MATT LAURES FAMILY. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf Miss Wegener is a niece of groom, and that the names of and Mrs. Joseph Passfield* and group of • people who attended nuptial high mass at St. Mant church, Maple Park, from all vicinity. We are sorry! BROWNIE GIRL SCOUTS All Brownie Girl Scouts of tha McHenry vicinity are requested ta meet in the city park Monday,' Juaa 14, at 11 o'clock. Each Brownia will brinf her own sandwiches isr this special outdoor event. Read the Want Ads I S YOUR F I G U R E S A G G I N G ? Brace up with a Shoulders drooping, middle sagging, clothes til fitting? You'll feel and look better if you wear die New BRACER. Exclusive features include a newly designed top that snugs up to you without rollina, special tubular leg bands that won t crease, curl or roll--a soft fly ftpnt pouch that's self adjusting, fits iiin any position. You'll know it's a BRACER tnly if it'i auer& Black. r $050 :• ov. s.rtQff. BOLGEirri5ltt^ STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. " " * • . ,'K, ' CrdMtClwh fY C«ff LMt» }U0 Svvfocf to MmI Tex Ctti nfold? NiK^M INITIALS Men's Jtwtlrf tie bcajuSt/s looked. In r> • An ideal gift for Father's Day. We have many other ^ fine gifts which the Mr. would greatly appreciate, among which are Shavemaster, Schick and Remington ! Shavers, Elgin and Bulova watches; also barometers, / #tc. Remember Father June 20th. 514 W. Main Street, MoHenxy ra. wmmr w mve HIM me "|lfonuys MOST WANTS* KM Parker"ST Yea know dad's iw«IL TeU h« se! Give Uai the beauty, the lawless writing « a Parke* "51* --the pen that "writes dry with wet ink!** Choice ef points to suit his haadwritiaf. 4 gift •flow. Shown, with listraloy cap, tIMO S14 W. Main Tat Me! McHenry 12S-J Hey Kids - and Adults, Too! GIANT CARTOON SHOW Saturday Matinee ONLY All Your Favorites Shown One After the Other In Addition To The Regular Saturday Program! SUN. - MON., JUNE IS - 14 Spectacular! As you read it . . . " So you sea it . . . lj Lana Turner STREET" Vith Van H«flin TUES. . WED., JUNE 16-16 Spine Tingling • Thrilling Chillftwt! BORIS KABLOFF * in ."sohof « FRANKElfBTEIN" "BRDD1 YRANK Beta Lagesi and Trim Fitting Gabardine SLACKS 6.45 and 6.95 ef pleyMwe sdM|. CMsselaway GamUed Aethorised Dealer GEO. COLLETTE, Owner Phena 4&t 5SS Main Street Waal McHenry GomMsa aumasr sau It-Piece PlotanHa Dish Sal 6IVBN WITH THi PURCHASE OP EVERY COMPLETE SIT OP OUR FAMOUS CATAUNA SEAT COVEtSi • BniAWA rVRTMnVf I v nmn^ ad. Sixes to III wort popular cars* 13.95 d Ym Get This Color fal Platonllo Sal Cewsls* lag of: a 4 cwps,4 sow tars, 4 Inch pliiMf 4 fnvltor I " 4 PC MfTl BOVM. HIS onaiPMMMMHaf W91Y B N Sal .ef heel Seal Cwwl •f Mi 6.95 $ S.NI 4ft Ihe Pnendhr SMre WEST McHKNIY «0. OOLLETTE, Owwir '"I •P