Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jun 1948, p. 6

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CLASSIFIED SECTION U)TS FOR SALE--Lots, KfxSSO ft.,' FOR SALE--Two innerspring maton Route 31, about two block from tresses, twin sixe| excellent con- NOTICB Becauae of the rmI number of ieht aaqp pear reek, we to BMP In Um have fied adi whii leato each weel found it impossible - . on such small accounts. Therefore, in the future, only ad* whkb are paid for before this section of the paper roes to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday moraines will bo printed. depot. Inquire at 715 Center St. Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-t< "FOR SALE--Johnson outboard motor :9 8/10 hp. KA 39 model; like new; | Thompson boat and new truck {trailer, steel body, to be assembled; i Simmons warranted cross-cut saw, new. Niesen's Sunrise Sufc., Johns- • burg. R. C. Homburg. *4 ' FOR SALE--All-year homes, $5,000 • and up. Stompaoato's Real Estate, Woodstock, 111. Call Cecelia E. Knox, dition. Phone 310. FOR SALE!--iForty acres M. Gladstone, McHenry. alfalfa. FOR SALE -- »xiz rug Like new. Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer. P h o n e 1 0 3 - R a f t e r 6 p . n i . . 4 MISCELLANEOUS VETERANS -- Accept nothing less than the best if you want training to become a skilled mechanic in the fol- McHenry Tel. 421-J. *4-8; lowing big pay jobs. Auto and Diesel - „ „ ~ .a„- TT 7771.' i Mech., Body and Fender work, Re- : i!^ i u n i W?er*t'on. Electricity, Radio, Televan body. Call McHenry 245-M. 4|viaiftn Bldg Construction, Meehanio »»*. irtj-r Ical Drafting. Earn while you learn ! £2!^ "J ^7 hnlLnpS at America's greatest trade school .speedboat with 17-hp. engine, 5^65. T__P_ -ho,,* - . . - , Phone Crystal Lake 1300-W-l or see JJJ™ J*01* MR 8ALR--Refrigerator, IS «. £2. ' oDenings. Plaindelaer. FOR SALE the increased benefits Bill. JHill details, no -- 0„.I1 n};l® Jf* . obligation, write now while we have suitable for tavern, grocery or home R'dgefald on West Road. openings. Box AC, care McHenry use. Pox Ten ice cube trays. Reasonable. poR SALE--Singer sewing machine, Lake 3783. 2. drop head, round bobbin; floor lamp; ~ grass rug. Very reasonable. Fox Lake BARN SlfcAYING-- Whitewash or DDT. FriHk Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, Volo. TeTKJtfcHenry 548-J-l. 3-tf RENOVATE YO«R BRICK OR STONE BUILDING New and old brick tuck pointed, cleaned, replaced. Water proofing, window caulking, concrete restoration, patios, sidewalks, barbecues. Free Estimates Hank Jackson, 'Box 852, Fox Lake, Illinois. Phone McHenry 207-W- *4-12 TREES--Trimming, spraying, feeding, tree surgery. Latest methods used. 'Phone J. W. Gustafson, 326-W, Crystal Lake, 111. *4-3 PAINTING -- interior and exterior. Plastic tile. First class work. Insured. For free estimate, phone McHenry 562-W-l. Bert Engstrom. 4 FOR SALE--1939 Mercury, 4-door; jftgg* excellent condition. Worts Service Station, lOl Richmond Road, Phone FOR SALE--250 sq. ft. new hardlfcHenry 356. *4 wood maple flooring; pair boy's size , _ • ~T~ 5 rink shoe skates; complete outfit FOR SALE--1935 Chevrolet coupe; for j,ome sauerkraut making, consistoutboard motor; two spring formals. in of large cabbage cutter, 10-gal. Tel. McHenry 542-J-l. ,iar and presser. Call J. Kostuch .Tel. FOR SALE -- Cement mixer. Call Wonder Lake 601. *4 after 5 p. m. McHenry 85-W. _*_4, , DEAL, jN USED CARS THAT ARE IDEAL FOR YOU EED CONTROL SPRAYING--We are equipped to do weed control spraying promptly and efficiently. Two sprayers with row crop and open field boom". Also lawn spraying. Anderson Tree Service. Phone McHenry 113-R. 4 DO YOU NEED CARPENTER 4-3 WORK? -- Cabinets built or plumbinstalled or repaired. Call us, we will come at once. Call McHenry 674-J-l *4-4 FOR SALE--Business lot at Wonder Lake, * block from lake. Only lot 2-door. available in main business center. 15,41 ^nevroiet Club Coupe, new Ptame Woodstock 113-J. 4.21 motor. 1946 Chevrolet 4-door. FOR SALE--Crane 80-gal. eleictric'1947 Chevrolet 2-door. hot water heater; 6-room oil heating 1946 Dodge Pickup. stove; double ledge porcelain sink; We only buy clean care. Our cus- •11 steel trailer. Phone McHenry | tomers won't be satisfied with less, 871-M-2 *4 so neither will we. -- ! ARM AND PAQUIN MOTORS FOR SALE--Zenith arm-chair radio; Rt. 12 and old Rand Road, across pre-war 2-pc. living room set, with I from Breezy Point. 4 matching 9x12 rug and pad. 'Phone McHenry 188. *4 j FOR SALE--Oliver typewriter, completely overhauled, in good FOR SALE -- Table top gas stove, j dition. $25. Jos. $50; single bed and spring, antiques, McHenry 272-J. z-pc. living room couch and chair; | ; -- 4C16 rocker, antique; 16-tube Midwest: FOR SALE--Refrigerator and two radio, world-wide reception; one an-j sewing machines; two-piece wicker tique hanging electric lamp. Fair set; walnut dining room table and Oaks subdivision or call McHenry jothers; three three-quarter size beds; &42-R-1. *4; two folding beds; two gas heaters; --; three gas stoves, oven on side; two FOR SALE -- Interested in metal porch gliders; two used beds; fiber self-storing screen and storm sash? rug; davenport and rocker; settee Call McHenry 674-R-2 for demonstra- an(j chair; wicker cahir and rocker; tion. 'Be sure of installation before buffet serving table; two vacuum f^U rush. C. O. D. or three-year pay- cleaners; breakfast table and chairs; mqht, few dollars a month. Keep right and left-handed golf clubs; house cool this summer, warm next china cabinet; baby buggy; Philco winter. *4-2 radio; ironing board; window shades; .. ....... ; three combination china cabinets FOR SALJ^Five combination screen! an(J desks; buffets; 3hoeS, and storm doors, painted white, wit . ^ dothes, and many other articles, hardware and ^rclosew; 2 30x80 Gen and Is's Store, Third House on 3 36x84 in. Fred W Heide. Phone ^ River Road ^ing south from _ ! state bridge. Tel 493-W. 4 MOWING--Lots or acres; wood sawing. Herman Dowe, 208 Richmond Rd„ McHenry. Tel. 241. 4-tf ELECTRIC WORK DONE IMMEDIATELY -- One outlet or an entire house. Work guaranteed to meet Public Service standards. Tom Allan, McHenry 651rR-2 or Fox Lake 4081. 4-4 CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK Cement mixer for rent, J. M. Stangarone, Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 661-J-l. 50-tf CARPENTfeR WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. <Free estimate. Lessard ft Panza. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. *3-4-tf M. Frtu^ Phone 'WEED SPRAYING -- Lawns and *4 j fields; whitewashing and DDT spraying. A1 Phannenstill. Phone McHenry 433-R. 1-4 McHenry 150. FOR SALJE -- Registered u>cJcer FOR SALE--Silver King boy's bike,' Spaniel puppies, blondesami blacks, reaaonaMe. Phone McHenrv! $25 and up. George Reiker. GENERAL CONTRACTOR for • cement, plastering, and brickwork. Nick Hasler. Route 3, McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 654-R-l. Also 2826 N. Rockwell St., Chicago 18. Phone Brunswick 9022. *51-13 CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK Asbestos Shingles and Insolation Free Estimate . ARVIDSON BROTHERS Tel, McHenry 653-M-2 50-tf IF YOUR WATER IS RED, and your heater's plugged up, correct with MICROMET. Modern water softeners and heaters. Doherty and McCafferty, Wonder Lake, Ringwood, IU. Tel. W. L. 388, or McHenry FOR SALE j --' Registered Cocker 259-M. 48-tf "call' reasonable. Phone McHenry IhAVE YOU A GARBAGE PROBPistakee 633-J-2. *4-tf 698-W-l. *4 L EM ? Call us for prompt and -- [ ; ZZ--, FOR SALE--China cabinet reason- ' courteous YEAR-ROUND SERVICE. FOR SALE--Choice lots on Wauke- ^ 204 Wtoukeean Road McHenrv I ^u^bish h®uled, loads or half loadB. gan street, one block from schools,awe* Wlaukegan Koad, McHenry. FREJ) W]RTZ< Phone McHenry and business district. Phone Mc-j 751-J. * 47-tf Henry 89-R. 2-tf j FOR SALEI--Gas stove; double drain oad r-- »pli u- I sink; hot water heater, coal; water FOR pump; doors, sizes 29% and 33%-in.; ldi woe 1 ^ ^ combination 42-in. door; Champion, 4%-hp. outboard motor; also outside FOR SALE -- SUMMER HOMES,! P»»nt. Plhone McHenry 552-W-l. * 2 , 5 0 0 a n d u p . C a l l a t o u r o f f i c e a t 1 E n g s t r o m . 4 Henry 131-W or Washington street. TOR.SbTef MCHS" S?"2, 1931 model; good condition; good FOR SALE -- New Boe-Craft 16-ft. tires. Call McHenry 494-W. •4 inboard runabout and utility, $1,650 rnp c.. _ . and up complete; also 12-ft deluxe!^ JALE-iaSe Pontiac 2-door seoutboard runabout and heavy service 'R goo^ condition. Call Johnsbunr 14-ft. row boat (ideal for resort 659-R'2 after 6 P- mpwner.) Boe-Craft Boat Co., S. Mc- pOR SALE--Ten-foot racing hull; ?erl^w7oavenU€' ^ , steering wheel, boat cover and seat. It. 1273. 1*" ; Good condition. $125.00. • *>»»«««» FOR SALE--One and one-half ton!564'1*'2 Saturdays Phone 4 used International truck Box body, j for SALE -- About 30 ft. silage; Alexander Lumber Co., McHeniy. jmbout 100 New Hampshire pullets! ; one new disc, 8-ft.x20. Morse. Phone FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, McHenry 610-M-2. *4 Starters, fuel pumps, distributors ' for SALE Movable 10x34-ft. voltage regulators and ignition parts , cotu we„ ^ wired for elec. for Ford and all other cars. Seaco ;tric; 8uitaUe for home or cabin. fc1"* ^rviceLilymoor, Fred J. j Locited at Volo. Svoboda, Prop. TeL McHenry ^183.; 573.J.2. Call McHenry *4 KmwLUANVTi t v1 F°* 8ALE -- Ho?" self-feeder, 10- FOR SALE JOHNS-MANv ILLE hole, platform included. iR~K <av'"- TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- man 8ULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. (Bob Sher- Tel. McHenry 638-M-l. *3-2 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor furnaces. Let us estimate your next job. ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP 304 Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. *46-C6 Phone McHenry 760. EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL--INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAF-T P. O. Box *163 Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, IIL 45-tf PORCELAIN WALL TILE FOR ALL PURPOSES FRED KLING VEOS -- TILE -- SERVICE 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave., . Crystal Lake 41-tf Phone Crystal Lake 490 C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W. 526 Washington St. 30-tf Wood&tock, IIL PIANO TUNING & SERVICE Harry C. Calhoun--Woodstock 1068-W or Harry J. Gearman--Cary 4502 Members of American Society of. Piano Technicians 28-tf Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or FOR SALE--ALL-YEAR HOMES-- write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl Four rooms and bath, large lot, 120 gt, Tel. McHenry 18. tf',ft. from Hwy. 120. Price $5750. Two- VOK 8ALB TYPEWRITERS, ADD- 'fr™'t. ING MACHINES. Service on all ment makes. Also ribbons fo*j fritz .^REALTOr!1" TfeL* McHem? Mibon paper._ L. V. Kilt*, Clay Stj 37 ""tf ! 1 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN, WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pum; Main Street, 0ft-J. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Working mother desires woman, or girl, to assist in care of two pre-school age children. Part,<>r full time arrangments can be made. Address Box "J" in care of the Plaindealer. *4 HELP WANTED--Press girt; no experience necessary; willing to teach; excellent pay, plus bonus. Local Cleaners, Green St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 20. 4-2 HELP WANTED--Woman to assist in care of elderly lady, and with light housework. Address Box "E," The McHenry Plaindealer. *4 HELP WANTED -- Waitress, full time work, good hours. Dishwasher also wanted. Apply Nagy's Restaurant, 138 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 422 JJcHenry. 4 HELP WANTED--Couple for summer to run kitchen and bar at Pistakee Yacht Club; five days, Wednesday through Sunday. Phono Pistakee 693-R-2 or write Stacey Gifford, secretary, 1125 Davis St., Evans ton, 01., giving name and address. Interview will be arranged. 4 HELP WANTED -- Boys. Apply at McHenry Ice Cream Bar, Green St., McHenry.* * *4 • » M E N investigate the jobs now available at the ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE COMPANY For men who qualify, we have interesting steady employment with good pay, on the first, second or third shifts. Paid vacations, paid holidays, tonus ilor night shifts. No experience necessary. Apply in person at the personnel office of the Electric Auto-Lite Co., Woodstock. HELP WANTED--Woman or boy for clean-up work. Part or full time. Call McHenry 44. 4 HELP WANTED--Girl for general work in drug store. Bolger's, Green St., McHenry. 39-tf HELP WANTED--Girl for general housework; own room and bath; electric dish washer; modern conveniences; two adults. Salary $25 per week. Call Pistakee 652-R-l. *3-2 roa anrr view. Proj | visibility, ly for better llgnvs on a tele- 1049 FORD BOASTS* BEAtJTY AND OOXTORT; SUE IT JUNE 18TH FOR RENT--Furnished doubie bed-' scoped dial indicate tfpeed, fuel level, room. Older gentlemen preferred. rmt® °f battery charge and oil pres- Second house west of the Vogue sure." adds Mr. Buss. Tavern on Route 120 at Lily Lake,! Chrome trim throughout the car 111. E. Sundt. *4 , has been reduced. On the panel it" -j is- expressed in a neat arrangement of uniform knobs which control choke, windshield wiper, lights, heat and defroster. On each door, the chrome stripmakes a decorative arc over the heavy' artificial leather kick pad at A precedent has teen established the bottom. Flame-shaped center in the low-priced automotive field! pillar lights provide plenty oY illumiby combining handsomeness and! nation for the interior and for stepbeauty with durability ami comfort ping into and oat of the car. in the interiors of the 1949 JFord' Interior door handle* pull up incars. 1 stead of down to open the door. This According to tkJward J. Buuss, I eliminates the possibility of the car local Ford agent and representative, • °or?, singing open if the handle "Ford has broken away from theish°"ld down,accidentally, neutral tones which have been tra- , The new Ford's functionalism has ditional for mass production auto- ^ extended to the roomy seatsmobiles as designers have turned to ? inches wide m front and 60 inches textured fabrics popular in fashions ,n rear, plenty of rcom for six and interior decorating." ^persons. J Of the three new fabrics, the most*; N®w wJPdo"ws demonstrate the new unusual is a soft gray tweed mixture The*rear window alone is with a blue stripe which gives the *8 Per cent larger--as large as the 1949 Ford interiors a freshly tailored ordinary windshield. The windshield look. It has been combined with a 1S. deeper and wider. They give a bolster of blue-gray broadcloth to pictu"* effect to t.he entire car and protect the upper section of both &reatly improve all around visibility, front And rear seats. ! These new Ford cars will be on The same tailored good looks are display at <Buss Motors Sales, West obtained with the other fabrics--a McHenry Fridajr, June 18. The staff smooth green striped broadcloth and of the West Side Garage extend a two new adaptions of mohair in a cordial invitation to the pt^riic to green and maroon stripe aikL green attend this showing at the 1940 and gray stripe combination. In .models. proper combiation, they compleipent; . • the new Ford exterior colors such as . Start Dyt Sea Mist Green, Eirch Gray, Arabian j ^ first gift dyers to achieve auOllr Sll ®|3o points out tn&ft 't.Uh e 1 c% ess' in America wte re Edward Vafc wi|A instrument panel of the new Ford j TI has been simplified. "All instruments 0 Co^ect,cu* ? ^ are combined in a single cluster I Th®T produced a permanent directly in line with the driver'* black dye. IKS wmgmtg . The ceremoaai of axtapug a mayor at Chepping Wycom(>», Knglanfel, a little Btxdcin^iamshire town known also as High Wycombe, is unique. There, following the «nwi«i meeting of the council, the members descend to the entrance of the old Guildhall where first thelnew mayor, followed by the aldermen, councillors and all the oftlcials, are solemnly weighed on an ancient aet of scales. Origin of this ceremony is unknown. Crder your jubber stamps «t The Plaindealer. Complete line or &s^ remedies at Wattles Drag Store, McHenry. |4f ATTENTION, FARMERS! Leave your orders for CROW'S HYBRID SEED CORN NOWwpd SAVE $1.00 PER BUSHEL TONY J. MILLER, Dealer % Phone Richmond 4710 McHenry, HI LIGHTNING * - PROTECTION FOR TOUR HOME $18.50 Installed Tel. McHenry 175 HELP WANTED--Woman to cook for family of six, Saturdays and Sundays. Can leave after Sunday dinner. Stay nights or ' go home. Good wages. At Pistakee Bay. Phone 652-R-l. *3-2 HELP WANTED -- Girl and young man for general work in store. Albert Krause News Agency, 808 Elm St., McHenry. 3-tf HELP WANTED--KITCHEN HELP. WAITRESSES FOR DINlNG ROOM. FULL TIME OR PART TIME WORK. VILLA HOTEL RESORT, PISTAKEE BAY. TEL. MeHENRY 378. 2-tf HELP WANTED--Middle-aged woman, general housework, stav or go home nights; good salary. Robert E. Ludford. Call McHenry 609-R-l. 2-tf nps. Bill Bacon, 206 McHenry. Telephone lft-tf Woodstock. Phone 649. HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned 2-tf • Eddie s Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf HELP WANTED--Laborers, See I. „ o __ IFOR SALE -- Ready to show each ir, 41UIM AT _ ,--7 Fredricksen at Wonder Lake or call FOR SALR--10,000-ft full 2-in. ey-, ^eek end at the farm on Route No DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash | w l. 221. 46-tf HELP WANTED Place Restaurant, Henry. -- Waitress. Mi Green St., Mc- 62-tf HELP WANTED -- BARTENDERS TO WORK AS EXTRAS. VILLA HOTEL RESORT, PISTAKBE BAY TEL. MeHENRY J78. 2-tf press lumber. Beat lumber for re- 20 2 mile8 west f lBelvidere for the pricea paid for cow., horsM and taming walls. Call McHenry 631-M-l., ^ Qf thfi Hereford, Shorthorn h°5s: P°.,helB "?*** | and Angus yearlings at something like 5,n<?, ,an.d ^®JJdays. FOR SALE--Choice river lots, one !'r reeaassoonnaabbllee nprriicceess . GGuuaarraanntteeeedd aasgraaiinnsstt £5^ 9.. " ^in*. Rendering-h aWreeosr ks, mile from McHenry; twelve feet death loss. Priced the same for one wneenng no. a, reverse charge*, above water level. Priced to sell, or a hundred. Visitors welcome. -Tel. McHenry 227-J. 50-tf« Clean, healthy cattle are what you get when you buy here. 1 reliable people Downs Nash Sales, McHenry. 44-tf H. L. Dunning. Financed to WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS HELP WANTED -- Baker wanted, steady work and good wages. Call McHenry 44. SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- PUBLIC FOR SALE^Used cars and trucks; reliable^people at reasonable rates. IILHPhon^2?7. ISitwSice^exnerience; statistical typing, addressing and copy work. Order* may be 1 REPAIRING CARS sharpening lawn mowers, Selock Secretarial Helen Weber Says: SWING INTO SUMMER . .. ta fresh, crisp clean clothes! Get on the beam, now. Bring your suits, dresses, slacks 'n' everything to ns NOW for a super cleaning job. McHenry Cleaners, 1M-M 193 4H3 elen Weber. Mgr. l* > knives; welding. Phone McHenry! w . . 19 148-R. Buchert Servicp Stn. 6011 Service, McHenry 655-W-l. 4-1Z Front St. *51-4-tf j WANTED--Girl. 17 years of age, SHEET METAL AND FURNACE. d 1 e?1 i*'e8 ^K>sition taking care of WORK --Gutters and furnaces repaired. John McDonald, Bowman St., McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 772-M. 38-tf CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have the electric rod cut out the obatruction. No digging,' no lawn' mess. Septic tanks and grease traps cleaned, built, repaired. University engineer on all construction. Lake County Sanitary Co. Tel. Libertyville 1346. 48-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of yeur garbage each week, or eftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 866. tf children during afternoons, in or near McHenry. Phone McHenry 301^ WANTED WANTED--Dwelling to rent or pur chase, within city limits of McHenry. Earl R. Walah. Phone 43. •37-tf WANTED--Watches and Jeweity t« repiir. \nthony Noonan. 200 So Green street, McHenry. (Front par* of Claire B«i uty Shoppe.) 16-tf WANTED TO BUY Floor Sanding Refinishirg, varnishing and Duro-S?aL Waxing new and old floorfi; also Kentile, a lifetime floor. Free estimates. Call McHenry WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 2-tf WANTED TO BUY--House or cot £ge located on or near river. Write >x "VB," care Plaindealer. 62-tf WANTED TO BUY--Live poultry sll kinds. Wm. Staines, West McHenry, Phone ifcHenry 607-R-2. *4-10 WANTED TO BUY--Boy's used two wheel, 22-in. bicycle in good condi tion. Phone E. Eschbach .Shalimar subdivision. Phone 5W-W-J. , Knew ValM Sf loe In 43 A. D. Emperor Claudius ate mastodon steak wmich had been preserved for ages te Siberian lot. ' i ^ Li": '4 . .$ AOom^ete CLEANING ^4stoan- e-- iinn Xukumr uAvMs Plant 106 S. GREEN St, MeHENRY Jftree Pickup and Delivery Serviii - Phone 20 SEE and HEAR THE T CLUB 77 ULYM00R East of McHenry Saturday Evening, June 12 ~ DANCING and ENTERTAINMENT -- Delicious Jumbo Shrimp Gladstone's MEN* 14% to 17 Quality Percale® Btripee ' Patteras • $345 value Fathers •sir*-1-' Dress Oxfords MEN'S GABARDINE. Sport Shirts Tailored by Campus Long Sleeves Small - Med. - Med. Large - Large um 00D BRAKE Hatter Hats Gladstone's A. S/BL K PEARL STRJ5UT MOTOR SALES •i McBENKT. ILLINOIS MfiHENRT/n Phone 182 HONE fiWf IP-Vk

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