Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jun 1948, p. 4

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ID~ by A. Howard MKNNM $XT. Altered m second-class matter at v 1bt poetoffice at McHenry, 111., under |be act of May 8, 1879. Mr. and Mra. Joe Holly, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger, all of McHenry; Mrs. Louella Stephenson and Mrs. Lon Smith of Ringwood; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron; and Rev. Aldirrii ch of Woodsto^, k*rriy Barr. vocal solos One Year .........S2.50 L €DITORIAL_ SSOCIATIOfl jfumMm Approaching Marriage Of Virginia Stratum Told Mrs. Pearl Stratfon announces the approaching marriage of her daughter, Virginia, to Glen Olseon, son of Mrs. Grace Oleson of Woodstock. The marriage will take place on June 26 in the Graea Lutharan .church at 8 o'clock. Mort Ritts Wed lalf A Century The many McHenry friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. Mort Ritt of Crystal Lake will be interested to learn that the couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last Sunday between the • hours of 2 and 4 o'clock. Among 0fjthose who attended the observance ere Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson. ^SfrT Ritt owned and operated a jewelry store on Elm Street in Mc- 'tr- ' jfc'oodstock FVtlks jpntertained Relatives 1 Mr.t and Mrs. H. C. Hughes fVoodstock entertained old friends jff Dt. and Mrs. John RadclifTe of floston, Mass., last Thursday eve- Henry for many years. |ing when the RadclilTes paid them • • • :M short visit Dr. Radcliffe, dean of [Former SchooU»ates fufts college in Boston and a former; At Reunion Meeting minister in McHenry, is married to j Former schoolmates and-old friends a sister of Mrs. Hughes. j met last week Wednesday evening ^ Those who attended the gathering j at the Villa Hotel Resort at Pistakee •Were Mr. and Mra. C. W. Goodell,\ Bay for a reunion. A delicious lfiss Ethel Jones, Warren Jones,!dinner was followed by an hour I spent in recalling old times. Those {present to enjoy the got-together j were Irene Benwell of Woodtaock, I Clara Knntsman of Batavia, Lenore Cooley, Agnes Bienapfl, Genevieve Knox, Florence Knox, Edna Knox, Eleanor Foley, Mayme Boss, Vara A-POPing! Bolger and Julia Kent. . for Fathers Day % I Infant Christened I "Psmela Suzanne'* j The infant daughter of Mr. and 1 ; iMrs. Merle Blqwers of Fox Lake was christened "Pamela Suzanne** POP'S a word waitim? to be: at baptismal services held recently at _ # lip/1 a'o a1«I1 W/lU CaV f ,a)fA Vw h m n g 1 -- C o i e m a n o . . on Father's DaV. Celebrate!an aunt and uncle of the baby, Mrs.iserved by •Viio Ktt Victory Hunt of Woodstock and i Ann Hull this > ear by giving a line I Merje Freund of McHenry. The "jeweler's gift"! A ring,jbaby's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. fHifalTnudfesmomme* JFMJcgrilliVi urntr»h .counnf|fw INeircek fai-m oFnrge unthdo, saen den ttehretiari nseodn , aMt ethrlee links, pen set, blllold, Cigar- j Blowers home following; the baptisette case or gleaming lighter. mal service' "St. Agatha's Osart Planning Pieak St. Agatha's court, No. 777, is planning a picnic to be held at Wllmot State Park, Wis., Thursday, June 24, at 11:30 o'clock. Juvenile members are invited. __ .r . * • Local Residents ?•? " Attended Graduation1 ,,v ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schalfer, Mrs, Celia Knox and Carol Ann Schalfer attended a program presented by pupils of St. Peter's school of Volo at the Fox Lake school last Sunday evening. The formers' niece, Patsy Geary, of Volo, took part in * * * '• the program. , «? Howard Vasey Son Baptised Edward'Allen, two-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Vasey, former local residents, was baptized during the morning services at St. Matthew's church, Barrington, by Rev. H. Heinmann recently. Spon son were Mrs. Otto Mueller of McHenry and Harvey Volling. A dinner followed at the Vasey home on Quentin road. , Lawn Social At Lutheran1 Church ' The Ladies Aid of the Ron-Bran gelical Lutheran church is planning a lawn social for Friday evening, June 25. Here will be movies on South America for the adults as well as special films for the children. Lunch win consist of baked ham sandwiches, ice cream, cake and coffee. The public is invited to the social, whfch wUl begn at 6:80 o'clock. ; .» ' * « Johnahorg Plan Meeting The Johnsburg J's 4-H elub held its second meeting at the George Hilled home, at which time a demonstration was given by Adele Schmitt and Betty Ann Stilling and talks and were Peggy Whiting and Betty The next meeting will i June 22 at the George s church, Fox Lake, Fr. were given by Elaine Turner officiating. Sponiowr were j Betty Ann Huff. Refreshments ' " L~ ™ 1 ] held Schmitt home at 2 o'clock. ' J ft *r Art Following consin, young Mr. and Mrs. will make their home in Wonder in a cottage next door to the bride's parents. *4IY MATTIHS r -v; AND rn M. FREUND SATURDAY On Saturday morning, June It, St. Mary's church, McHenry, Miss Gloria Mae Biggers, daughter of Mtf. and Mrs. Harvey Biggers of Wonder Lake, was united In holy matrimony to Mr. George M. Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund of McHenry. The double ring ceremony was performed by £fsgr. Nix amid a galaxy of peonies m red, white, And pink Members of the junior and cheruh choirs met at the home of Mrs. Lisle Bassett for a picnic on Saturday. The light shower did not their enthusiasm and all fell too ThV beautiful"dark-eyed bride re-fct«n .£• "<*** *nd. ** if Steffan will help von choose 4 gift--large or small, but remember Dad on his day, June 20th. Attended GraduatittHk Of Phyllis Reinert Miss Phyllis Reinert, daughter j»lr. and Mrs. Arnold Reinert of Entertain For Young Graduate , \ Mr. and Mrs. George Miller entertained a few relatives and friends recently in honor of the graduation from St. Mary's-St. Patriot's school of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth. sembled a princess in her floorlength satin gown which was made with a beaded neckline and a long train. Her fingertip veil was held in place by a crown of seed pearls and she carried a shower bouquet of white roses. She was given in marriage by her father. Joan Biggers, only sister of the bride, served as maid of honor. She wore a gown of orchid taffeta and carried a bouquet of pink carnations and white daisies. Her veil and long gloves were pink. LuAnn Howorka of Wonder Lake and Doris Freund of McHenry were bridesmaids. They were dressed identically in yellow taffeta with a bustle effect in back. Both carried bouquets of yellow daisies and White carnations and had short veils held in place by flower crowns. Each wore a rhinestone necklace, gifts from the bride. Long gloves which matched the yellow of their gowns and vails completed their costumes. Elmer Myers sang "On This Day, Oh Beautiful Mother," and "Ave Maria," at approprate moments during the ceremony. Mrs. Biggers was attired in a gray print dress with black and white accessories, complemented by a corsage of red and white carnations. Mrs. Freund chose a black and white print dress for the occasion, which she wore green accessories. Her corsage was of pink carnations. The groom's brother, Robert, and the bride's uncle, Stanley Gara of Chicago, were ushers; and James Freund, also a brother of the groom, waB best man. The bride is a graduate of Mc- METHODIST CHURCH NOTES was given. They wish to thank the mothers who entertained them. Sunday a group of Junior •Leaguers were not to be disappointed by the postponement of the sub-district pienic at Wodstock. They had one of their own. Swimming Was a bit cool, but they reported the water wet. A committee has beeen appointed to make plans for the church picnie, to be held after the morning services on Sunday, July 11. Watch for the announcements that will be forthcoming from this committee. Have you forgotten the new time for the Sunday Services? Sunday School is at 9:80 and the morning worship following at 10:45 Keep this time in mind this Sunday, and bring Dad along with you, remember it's Father's (Day. The report of the parsonage campsign stands at $8,807 subscriptions and pledges, paid to date $1,971. Does this include yours ? If it doesn't, please add yours next Sunday. "CH--CH doesnt mean much unless UR there." WED IN ALGONQUIN At a 5 o'clock wedding servic* which took place on Saturday afternoon, June 12, at the Lutheran church in Algonquin, Miss Marilyn Naatz, of that city became the bride with | of Mr. Howard' Grandt, son df Mr. and Mrs. John Grandt of McHenry. < The couple will reside at lily Lake following a short honeymoon trip. < S >* m z o s TWO WAYS TO * !' •• »'--H * * CUT CAR COSTS.:. J /- 1* While yoa'n mkta| ftr ddir> bank with Ha the eqniva* . lent of yoor monthly inatallmenLYoollhmleMto! 2. Finance your next ear with i low-coat honk automobile loan. I McHENRY STATE BANK | 3 Kanbtr Fedom) Kcmtt* SysUa ' 6 N » ^ Member Federal Deaesit lnsaraace Corporation ' WMXTTirI STYOuOTOWt* Henry high^ school, class^ of J4®., wh* : Mrs w Fi-ye of Johnsburg, beis employed ih the office of Montcame the bride of Mr. Thomas Lawgomery Ward & Co., Woodstock. The groom, a graduate of McHenry high with the class of '42, is now employed by his father in McHenry. After the ceremony, a wedding Chi the MARRIED JUNE 14 division; A marriage of interest here chased. occurred at 10 o'clock on Monday I Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams moved morning, June 14, when Miss Jdse^1 recently from Woodstock to their phine Carver, daughter of Mr. and new home in Lake View subdivision. The Vern Rudolph family has RESIDENCE CHANGES V card OF thanks ka*n *bis manner I would lilta la Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Peterson friends and neighbors for cards, gifts, visits and the many other kindnesses extended during my resent ilness. 5 --*-"MRS. - PETER F. MILLS®, tcago are making their home in i Boyd nlace in Fair Oaks subwnich they recently pur- CARD OF THANKS In this manner we wish to thank *r*i. auu rau. nmviu ivcin*ri i of! *>re8en i[' to enjoy a social evening | breakfast was served at the home of Elgin, was a member of^ the graduat- J2U fcAe «room'8 parents. _ Dinner for ing class of St. Edward's high school a"d Mi"n'e °f w f/"' in that city which received diplomas j ^r- and Mrs. Charles Miller at commencement exercises held last v, % week Wednesday evening at St, | Mary's church. Those who attended iwere Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young, _r ... i Mrs. Helen Young and son, Alfred, ®"v*r Wedding : Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N'. Schmitt, i Anniversary Observed i Mrs. Art Smith and daughter, i _ ™r* an" Mrs. Joe H. Adams Dolores, Mrs. Charles Dowe and I J«hn»burg last Sunday, June honor was presented lovely gifts. with several • Other gifts for Father's Day are Shavemaster, Schick and JHemiiigton Shavers, baromchildren, and Mr. and Mrs. Edw. N. Young, all of McHenry and Mr. rand Mrs. Louis Young of Waukegan. « « » j Mothers Club Held Final Meeting _=== The final meeting of of the Mothers club observed their silver wedding anniversary by entertaining approximately 200 friends and relatives at a reception held during the evening at Nell s ballroom. A buffet style lunch was served and the honored couple presented with a variety of lovely gifts. Miss Clara Mertes and Joe Adams were married at St. John's church in the season was held last Friday afternoon in the Legion hall, •ters, Boron lighters Jo*,.** 2 aation or plain. [literature by Mrs. Zion Baker and *UN* t o . Entertainment consisted of an inter-1. u__„ - t>- r, , - . . .. -- *£" ^,CU"lnt ^.k.S I sixteen 'y rneutyjem menvmrm WOHD9MOST WAMTWMN Mal ' You know dad's mL Tell him so! Give him the beauty, tlw lawless tiac a Patksr M51" •••'A- --the pea that "writes dry with wet ink P Choice of points to suit his haadwriting. 4 pit eel on. Smwb, wtth Isstraloy cap, $12^0 SteHanJl joutebuf 514 W. Main 8L, McHenry TeL McHenry 123-J -- SINGLES "NATURE BOY" "LITTLE WHITE LIES" W "IT CANT BE TRUE, DEA# "TOOLIE OOLIE DOOLIE" -DICKIE BIRD SONG" "HAUNTED HEART* "BABY FACE* "BECAUSE" * "SABRE DANCE* ^ "ST. LOUIS BLUES MARCWV - "WOODY WOOD-PECKER" "FELLA WITH AN UMBRELLA" Surprised On Her Birthday Anniversary Mrs. Jacob H. Adams was pleasantly surprised at a dinner and social held at the Alex Adams home on Tuesday evening of this week, the occasion being her seventy-fifth birthday anniversary. , Present to enjoy a pot-luck supper, followed by cards and visiting, were her eight sons and their families and a few other relatives. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adams and family, Mr. and Mrs. Math Adams and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Adams and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Adams and children, the above making up the immediate family, and Mr. and Mrs. John j Adams and children, Harold, Elmer and Alvina of Fox Lake, Henry Adams of Spring Grove, John Jackeon and Mrs. Margaret Hafner of Grass Lake. fifty was served in St. Mary's-St. Patrick's' hall, followed by a reception for about 300 guests who came from Chicago, Woodstock, Solon Mills, Barrington, Johnsburg, Ringwood, Spring Grove, Wonder Lake, and McCullom Lake. Music was provided son, son of Mrs. Emily Lawson Broeker of Elgin. The wedding was solemnized at St. Patrick's church, with Fr. William Regnier reading the nuptial mass and Fr. Edward Coaikley performing the wedding service. Soved from the Wattles apartment na®n,ber8 °f the cast and all others Crystal Lake. * --~ ' J ~ ' -- MARRIAGE LICENSES who in any way assisted us in pi g^Mothers club home talent Average Car Mileage ~ The average passenger car in the United States travels 9,300 miles a year, while a truck averages nearly 11.000 miles. The Paul Achor family (Dorothy Heuser) has moved from Cutler, Ind., to Frankfort, Ind. Howard Grandt, , McHenry, Marilyn • Naatz, Algonquin. y senting the Mothc play last week. This co-operation was deeply appreciated. *5 * THE COMMITTEE. Complete line of Beebe and remedies at Wattles Drag Stora, 1 Henry. . ' 8-tf Wedding Dan$« NELL'S BALLROOM JUNE 23 Barbara Horick's Orchektra •f FOUND * 1)0&--Black with Brown Peet. About two yean old. WILLIAM E. JONES 10 Orchard Beach . . McHenry^ Ulinoit Telephone Drop in and look over ear la: selection of popular, claaaieal children's albums. I3r I We carry a complete line of acees- : sories for your record changer.-- | Needles may be had for tan cents or 1 for ten dollars. " 0 AUXILIARY NOTES PORTABLE RADIOS FROM $19.95 up. S14 W. Main Street, McHenry TeL McHenry 123-J ANNOUNCEMENT We will be closed all day Thursday June 24th so "that our employees may enjoy the 1st McHenry Comity Dealers Association Employees Picnic to be held at Woodstock in new park, % mifo put hospital. BLAKE MOTOR SALE8 0LARK MOTOR 8ALE8 / ' OVERTON MOTOR SALES W The following slate of officers was unanimously elected at the last | regular, meeting of the American ' Legion , Auxiliary on Wednesday, June 9: President, Mrs. Winfield Pietsch; first vice-president, Mrs. William Meath; second vice-president, | Mrs. Wallace Dobyns; treasurer, Mrs. j Elbert Buch; sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. I Catherine Weber; chaplain, Mrs. j Harold Vance; and historian, Mrs. L. Allan Blomgren. The unit voted to sponsor an interi mediate Scout troop in this com- I munity. They have been given a group of sixteen sixth grade girls. A contribution of five dollacs was voted toward the Sister Elisabeth. Kenny Institute of Illinois, Ii>c. A ward party at Downey was announced for "Thursday, June 17. A piano donated by Mrs. Henry Reese was delivered for use in one of the hospital buildings recently. It wss voted to send the outgoing and incoming presidents to the department convention to be held in Chicago on Sept. 10, 11 and 12. A resume was made by Mrs. Ralph Varese on the district convention and committees made yearly reports. A total sale o( $180.59 from the Poppy sale was announced. A planned budget in the future was voted to fee added to the bylaw. Following the meeting a lunch was served by Mrs. Frances Patzke and her committee. Cake-walk! Music! Minnat! A PLANTATION PARTY Romance Drama! Comedy! Presented by the i McHENRY CHORAL CLUB - High School Auditorium Friday; Saturday, June 18 and 19 Tickits 50c 8:15 p. m. PbiceAt BEG YOUR PARDON In last week's issue of the Plaindealer it was mentioned that watches were given by the merchants of McHenry county to the high ranking graduates at the parochial school. The watches were given, instead, by the McHenry Business Men's association, who also gave similar awards to outstanding graduates of the nublic school ana th« high TROPICALS*. UOHT WBOHTS A LIT US tJUUMt YOUR SUMMBL CLOTHCS TO YOUR ORM* ANY STYLK YOUR CHOICS MADE IN lUX JOHN, THEfAILOR 416 MAIN ST.. McHENRY PHONE McHENRY 123-R GCMHICS4 mm« WHh AN Play Clothes! P010 SHIRTS 98c Painty White Cotton BLOUSES 4.98 • oey HM wahl. OdIm el co^ Par Km OoMaarOM DUNGAREES S2-3S. Mm hi l«c* MM ityfck SKIRTS BM MppwriMM •Stalw Wiefhatri ^Tises 7-14 24-32 i] i» ia Siaes 24-80 3.98 GAY SHORTS and PEDAt, PUSHERS Sixes 7-14 10-18 1.98 - 3.98 Authorised Dealer Phone 4S9 The Friandy Store 521 Main Street 'WEST McHENRY eso. 00LLETTS, Owner

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