Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jun 1948, p. 1

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" •; - ^ , - ;^m." •• ", ' • ' ""* ^"y- '•'- - •; •• fty ?• ' •<!$*></i ^ ',U. 74 MeHUTRT, XLUK0IS, THUS8DAY, JUNK 24, IMS (MILS' STATE TO BE ATTENDED BY KMOTHT JIISTEN '», Mythical Government ,| To Be Conducted By v ;"t: 380 Sponsored Girls Z?sd\ WARREN JOKES WAS TENOR SOLOIST AT SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT A thrill of accomplishment must have been realised by his family and friends and iqr Wntm Jones himself last Friday evening when posters outside Orchestra Hall at 220 Si Michigan avenue, Chicago, carried his name as one of the soloists at the fifty-third annual commencement of the Sherwood Music School. < Warren, was one of several choseif to appear as soloist with the very line school orchestra in recognitionof his accomplishments as a student at that musical institution. He chos^ • as his solo, "Salut demure Chaste ef Pure" from Faust by Gounod. The local soloist was awarded hii •7* Miss Dorothy Justen, daughter of •r. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen of 205 H. Green St., McHenry, a jupior at Ike local high school last year, has Men selected by the McHenry unit af the American Legion Auxiliary 1 degree in musk and next year wii l» attend *thu~e eighth annual s--es-s4io"»n continue his studies, working for ^ af Illini Girl's State, which will again this year be held June 27, to July 6, at MacMurray college, Jacksonville. bachelor of music degree and major ing in voice. He has been a voic< student for more than ten years anc girl attending Girls State is , had made a special study of oratori< .. ? because of her outstanding • for tht_ past two. He has done con apalities of scholarship, sportsman- j an(f choral work and has ap , fMPv an<* courage for service. She peare<j regularly of late as a churcli la £urn brings back to her class-1 s0]0ist in this area. > ktes and community the interest Warren resides with his aunt sndf and sense of responsibility in government gained at Girls State. Dorothy is a member of the stu- SINGING CAST OF "PLANTATION PARTY" pncle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W, Goodell, on Mill street, where he and! Mrs.Goodell still spend many hour* council, a board member of the each week in rehearsing his exten CL A. A. and Future Homemakers. of sive repertoire. Ah able accompanist IIII i ii s. a member of the chorus, herself, Mrs. Goodell has done much Mi has been an A student during to further her nephew's musical hsr three years of high school. Her ^career, which was interrupted for fhvorite hobby is sewing. I two years when he served in India Miss Marita Williams, daughter of during the war. Ibrvey B. Willaims, was selected as1 Among those who attended the alternate delegate. j commencement service 3ast week " Pairing that week, 820 girls spon- • Vere Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell, " by the various units of the Miss Ethel Jones, Vaughn Jones, 1 Missy Maud Granger and Miss Edith Sherman ef McHenry ami Floyd Foss of Richmond. Pboto by woiwtek. FOX RIVER TO BE SCENE OF GALA EVENT £7:>#§ UTTLB INTEREST SHOWN IN $185,000 SCHOOL BOND ISSUE Several Above is a picture of the east of evenings, June 18 and 19, in the third program given by the organ- has thirty-one members. After two "Plantation Party," two-act musical high school auditorium by the Mc-> ization, which came into existence months of rest, the singers will recomedy which was presented on two Henry Choral Club. This is the in January of 1947. The club now sume rehearsals in September. "STATE FARMER" TITLE AWARDED PAUL TONYAN Workers Selected For Big Legion Carnival NEARLY 900 WITNESSED CHORAL CLUB PROGRAM A coveted honor was bestowed upon a Ringwood lad, Paul Tonyan, last week when he was cited as one I of twelve from this area in'the field I of vocational agriculture for the | With the nam-- of most workers Donald fVeund, Eugene Frost, James honorary degree of "State Fanaer."| for the July 4 Legion carnival now Hettermann. Jerry Kettermann, C. J. . • , , . ... . . _ .. The attainments of the yoam men, > arranged by the various chairmen,1 Hyatt, Thomas L. Lawson, Johna^ J*}100} aud,to"um last Friday together with their qualifications for plans are very near completion for Rogers, Gordon Schmitt, Richard Saturday evenings. More than leadership, won them the honor, the annuai event which begins next Schmitt, Henry B. Tonyan, Peter A. 400 persons witnessed Fridays pre- The beautiful, moving songs of the negro--the sorrowful and the joyous songs--were WQven into the McHenry Choral club's musical comedy,, "Plantation Party," which was pre-)0* *h® sented before record crowds in the classrooms, a new. large wmniiliin . .Mrimi* caf»t*r i> «nH !"----•» tne annual event wmcn oegins nexx ocimun, nenry a. lonyan, reier a. *•- \--* ~ r*."~ f m^rn librlfJ wm i sdded to ^edal" wh,lch the" at Friday, July 2, and Continues Freund, Stephen N. Schmitt, Bernard mentation while on Saturday evening a modern "^fy wiU te the annual convention of the Illinois through Monday evening, July 5. Bauer, Ralph Bennett, James Althoff, dose to 450 were present, with some M. L. Schoenholtx is general chair-: Richard Heuser. John Barnimrs. u"»ble to be granted admission be- MISS DOROTHY JUSTEN mythical and dect will aaxiliary will live- in a atata, govern themselves their own city, county and officers. Each morning session ke given to instruction in government, as it'functions in the K%te,of Illinois, and to the election of officers of the mythieal government at Girls State, aeeofdtap to MasdaaMa Kvm Baeen and Lillian Mltr, unit Americanism chairman, who, with aid of C. H. Dakar, superinten- OHICAOO LAD LOST LIFE IN CRYSTAL LAKE DROWNING the present high school in the near Vocational Agriculture Association future as the result of the election held in Urbana-Champaign. held on Tuesday of this week regard- ..V. . hnnji tun* of S18S 000 to be Wine ox the twenty-three Future Li^J fui muul O.T •nrcin IFar™*™ of America chapters in ty-six votes were cast, sixty-three ?^jOI|c^' ^) orSPrised ?' McHenry, Two articles explaining the exist- ?°noiTd by having individual memj__ -I.-- .. ,8h,tf|.„ in tiw txn designated for the state farmers rSnt wSi 1IM5 Uwards. Paul is the son of Mr. and Bernard Ton,.. be given the issue and that a great' A senior at M. tH. 8. next war, number ef voters go to the polls. -The has been a member of tlw F.F. A. amall vote was surprising in view of *?r three years, centering hu attenthe importance of the project. tlon donn* that time on dairying as ft project. Ho won T MOO riboon his first year at the Elgin F. IF. A. fair with his Holstein heifer and his second year was awarded a second place ribbon. He spent two years in 4-H work and won first place for his _ . _ . , . . .. --Holstein heifer at the 4-H fair at Crystal Lake's first drownftif Woodstock last sammer. For three the year occurred last Sunday morn- years he has been a at the of Cbicsfo was drvwMd os m wm j j^| lisvo TAiwRff ' two attempting to 'swim , acres of certified CHnton oats, 160 row boats occumjd by friends. Whw dueks. testing a hard for. thkaa years hadcharte of the selection of Miss . t the ^ Mnk iothe drowning ^F. >Ccommittesa7^n addiSSTto The girls will be instructed in the ThJ°1dro™i£g Mm* of voting machinea, which wUl bo*ta c,ou,ld ^v nL.ix 1^<i VP*™6 ^ « SUte 15?°"- Mrs. Sarah McTague of Chicago, ^eir own daily n»w*paper. her two sons, llwaat, 1C, aad 17, Mrs. Minaie Teaag and drove to Crystal Ud» eariy on day and rented two raw boata. They wore enjoying a ride when the latter decided to swim between the Km" "JT* two boats. ^ ™ Twill {tmjS 1 At an inquest, it determined ,.iiL« Irtll that Taylor was a poor swimmer and kf •>4tatfr« -ISSi «<l«tion had eaten a heavy units. ^ water- - The evening program is Bauer, Ralph Bennett, James Heuser, Barnings, Bernard Smith, Carl ij. Freund, Frank Gans, Clinton Martin, Merwin Schmitt, Leroy Meyers, Carl J. Neiss, Mrs. Carl J. Freund, Mrs. Frank Gans, Mrs. Stephen N. C. J. Reihansperger, LeRoy Conway,! ®frn#p^ "• Freund, 'Aomas F. Bolger, • ^rs- Mrs- William man of the carnival, to be assisted by the following: Committees Named Finance: Peter Roche and Gene Dobyns, co-chairmen; \£iawr Freund 'l:): -Expect Thousands g.i-. To Witness World*« t Fastest Speed Boati "Welcome To McHenry" is the theme song as final plans for the annual McHenry Water Carnival raca down the stretch toward the big day --next Sunday, June 27. Since the McHenry Business Men's Association first took hold of the sponsorship of the program, it has been the aim not only to make this a day when thousands of people will witness the fastest boats in the world speeding over the course, but to include other feature events that would broaden the scope of entertainment to warrant the title of Water Carnival. Through hard work' and unselfish giving of time, the various committees have co-ordinated efforts to accomplish the goal. Underlying the entire plan is the effort to acquaint visitors with McHenry, the beautiful Fox River and Chain-O-Lakea area and to encourage them to repeat their visits to our community. Msny problems have been met anil many obstacles overcome as the program takes shape. Safeguarding large crowds and meeting their needs has been uppermost in tne minds of the committee members. Adequate police protection has been arranged through McHenry's Chief of Police, Lester R. Bacon. City police, county and state officers and the membera local fire department will take a hand in directing the crowds. Dick Hester has been named chairman of the committee to arrange parking facilities and wUl welcome any help in this big task. Parade At 11 O'clock The day's activities will start * parade which will assemble at 10 o'clock Sunday morning, line up on £•<-, r: -3 " '. -• Gus Gerald Carty, Robert Weber and La- g- A4thf?»1 M™. Vera Harrison. £*• H.°^rd' .C*,rn#' M™ Advertising: Thomas P. Bolger, ?^.ane» Joann Andrean, Mrs. LeRoy cause of lack of space. The story centered around the slaves on a southern plantation a little less Peafl street near the city park and than a century ago. Comedy and *>e prepared to start rolling promptly romance were intermingled, the at 11 o'clock. Charles" Vycital, gay colored chorus singing many, George P. Freund and William H. of the old favorites taken from Althoff are in charge of the parade the treasury of negro songs. The and ask that you contact them recolored folks danced the cake walk, garding your entries. the white folks the minuet, and all With the Chain-O-Lakes Boat Club joined with deep religious ferver in in charge of the inboard races, the : - <* ii$z ' ' i •Mrmmn- TV™IH--TW»n. Earl Meyers, Mrs. Jerry Hettermann, Mrs.!f®inea wiw aeep religious ienrer in in charge of the inboard races, the WalS^A H Mosherand Adele Donald Freund, Diane Freund and I thl,ag hymns of. t t he blacl^ rac«- committee is assured of aUe handling ff i i- . Mosner ana Aaeie jjenr_ g Tonvan The sincere appreciation and sup- m this department. Officers ana _ j R' . 'port of the public was gratifying members of the boat club have had. Police and Watchman Details:, . 5{^f™L,. to the chorus, which had worked much experience in handling racea "Lester Bacon, chairrniMi; William fcj8ince February on the production.' and have been most helpful in ar- Ahrens and Gilbert Howard, watch-j n®' e a ni ll ® " Special credit for the effectiveness of ranging the program. men; Harold Hobbs, Fred Kuni. i jj?" r^f'an«K ni"^" the work is due Mrs- Harry Barr, Jr.,| The half mile single small race and Donald Barger, Fred Schoewer, Ted p * ^ , director; Mrs. Joseph Monteleone 8-oar shell race will be something Miller and Ed Thennea, policemen. Ro> Blake- Ge©rge Brda, Chuck • - - •• - . . " " Athletic Show: Paul Barbian, nen- • rZLlJ nf«»^ a? 'n l«nd Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan, accompa- new on the local program. Membera ian, 0^^"' l ' w " rS^Tn*" nist; Mrs- Richard von Bampus, sUge of the Lincoln Park Boat Club will chairman; Leo Heimer, George Stei- Gien.^Draper Del Freund EiSrene f,rectoi;; £red Sell;s- M < rs- Q1,n.: participate in these events and ara len aad George Brda. B lan »"d Mrs. Barr, continuity; Emil sure to please with their exhibition chairman; Art. Thorn, Ed. Buchert gon Pete 01son Paul Harvey, Paul for!SiJ costume --J Eugene Miller. IKarls, George Kinsala, Herman £Sn The afternoon sessions an selectad by the.girls. These include daises la personal hygiene, vocational training, public speaking and parliamentary procedure, first aid •wimming. ' larged this year Jscrsational, Induding stanf^night, city and county suppers and mswoaxs OASUALTOS GRZATLY OUT TBSOOOH Paul was tn Urbana and Chamlast waek to receive his honor He also accompanied other H members from McHenry county on a tear through the Illinois State Experiments! Farm on Thursday. His ftmily and friends are justly proud of Paul's achievement in his agricultural endeavors and wish him continued suresss in the future. FRANK ROTHERMEL, NATIVE OF MEHEKRY, BURIED HERE TUESDAY ssrosonre ou>nraHOEs The coauaunity Hrfs wssh are honored. The ~ 3S5 Ridge Road, Kenaflworth, who of]died on Saturday, Jane 19, IMS. all I Mr. Rothermel was a native of Meioys June 20 to 27, at the state fair law -enforcement officers to enforce Henry, where he spent his early Ufe. Springfield. The 1M7 Girls local ordinances and the Illinois Illinois American Legion sponsors similar, The splendid co-operation week of instructional activities for mayors throughout Illinois and BPOUHdSt _ State officers will return to "the state" until the 1$48 are elected. LAST CONCERT HI CITY PARK TO BE PRESENTED JUNE 25 The fourth and final band _ act to be presented in the hark will be given on Friday even : ng, June 25, under the direction of ^ 3arence Ohm of Woodstock, who • replacing "Paul R. Yanda, rtnlsr Urector, for dw remainder ef tiw tsason. After this week, concerts will be presented on the high school fTOUnds. .Following is this week's state law forbidding the retail sale an' use of dangerous fireworks resu .> >: in the' safest and sanest Fourth of July in 1947 that Illinois has ever aajflQried. Frank H. Woods, Jr., preaident of the Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness, sn- . this week that fireworks at 10 o dock, when last rite were He was a cornice ssaker by trade. Survivors include the widow, Gertrude Rothermel; a daughter, Mrs. Regina Marsh; a son, George Rothermel; aad one sister, Mrs. Carrie' Schreiner, ef McHenry. The body rested at a Chicago funeral home until Tuesday morning . . . . T h e r e w i l l b e p l e n t y o f l o c a l c o l o r •u Wa.L.8peC1l an(^ comedy mixed in the program. Cat Game: Art Jackson, chairman; Kreutzer, John Mackinder, Leo entire" nroductionn0was 'handled Yy The rowboat races, in which Donald M. Freund, Gordon T, Knox, Meyers, A1 B. Miller, Harold Milter, ,e8idents of this community includ^ Elmer G. Meyers, James McAndrews,, Vic Miller, William O'Brien, Dick in_ m.jor minor details ' Joe McAndrews, John Rogers, Le-; Rosing,_ Herman Schaefer, Jack ft" m*l°r mi" r <wta118' over 40 years of age and a little on the heavy side will participate, are _ .being looked forward to with tha N<^^rR"ch^Ch,'w!Sr *F™!!k 2S. W*l*h' ^eber f^wingn«&fcto.nd teS) iJT.l" i4l3S°T«.| rieni 5!2m3 ^ain,Jan; A A^, 1 e" Buch' Helert Leiser, Aich®r, Ruth Barger, lUry Alice the water will not be disappointei Joe. McAndrews, Glenn Draper *nd|Mrs. L. A. Blomgren, Eva Stilling Barr, Harry Barr, Delia Cheney, Bs the world's fastest Class Eboata. "iSST -Bud" i*™6* ^Green^ Sunl®y Robert Chnstensen, Adele ffVoehlich driven ^ nationally famous dijvera. *Uk. "52? Cai™.'2^n'„Danny3n?n'JE^Tt S-,Buch- Jf°n Gr?»by- Grin EtheJ.skim over Fox tim. Those wh. riSSL Tho^ Brown, Marie Tsnyan, Eleanor Hansen, Louanne Howorka. Dorothv|know th«ir boats will be interested Nelson Cristy and Charles Tnomp-, Wirfs, Gertrude Weber, Margaret Heilman, Ann Kaiser, Clifford Kiehl, jn knowinr that there will he the 7S son. i Smith, Clara Fredrick*, Eunice Ko- Ruth Lsvin, Freida Mueller, Norbert class, the 96 the 10S Class Jar Deal: John Rogers* chairman: sinski, Shirley Ball owe, Minnie Msuch, Harry Mueller, Lillian Price, an(] the 121 Class inboard races. Tha Don Sthaefer, James Brooks, Bui Green, Ercell Lock, Jeannette Vance, Pearl Pietsch, Wayne Price, Nancy Outboards will have various classes Brda, Kenneth Cristy, Agnes Miller, gm Green, Willo McCulla, John Mc- Rodin, Laura Smith, Margaret A, B and C, a family outboard raea Eileen Smith, Katherine Nye, Nancy Gee, Agnes Miller, Joan Durland, Schaeffer, Henry Schau, Robert Svo- an(] a free.for.all in the outboard Carey, Phyllis Smith, Marion Freund, j^ocille Weber, Bess Grobel, Marge boda, iLeona Tonyan, Florence Wei- groan, Leoda McCarthy, Joan gchaefer, Doris Hedberg, Jack Thies, ter, Philip Wheelock and lFVedrick Gladys Stilling snd Dorothy Freund. jTmf Bob McCulla, Bob Green. Jean Wahl. w 'done a great job'ia spreading ^[T' I Clyde Hedberg, Sue Wirfs. i Following the program, Mrs. Leone of this ^ter Carnival faTand wide. wSJiTSSH' £?VeM )***•„ h?"!?* Smith,|Tonyan entertained members of the Radio stationa and newspapers, larga Hbert S- Buch. HewMJ Theresa Conway Maybelle Freund,. cast at a lovely party held at her and smal]| have time and anoea MweDegen, Robert Dohaity, Richard Christine Krinn, Robert Knnn, E3isa-|home on Richmond Road. The advertising committee in Me- Alfred Jamjm nugnes, p.uke, Ida G George Knight, George Kane, Thomas, Lin,an Miller, Phalin, Henry Reese, James J.,Weber, Gert B Sheehan, Art ' Smith, Sr., !«» J. j Leoda McCart Oonnty Employees Request Closing Offices Saturdays in advertising this big day Henry. Feeding the crowds that will attend the water carnival is looked upon as an all-important problem. Any normal week-end brings large ®e*Star Spangled Banner." ihrch, "The Eyas of Texas"--HalL Waltses, ' The Maiden Queen" -- • Skaggs. ^Dverture, "Grandios"-- Ddamater. "• ^^eratic Mingle"--arr. b^ Berry. March, "Man Among Men"--Fillmore. Walts, "Nights of Gladness"--Andjfre. "Princess of India"--King. "Bohemian Girl"--Balfe. "His Honor"--nilssore. folk Tune, MClariaet Pelka*--« March, "Band Pioneer"--Caneva. Match, "Mea of Ohio" FiBsSeia. Ihale, "CM Blees Asserica"--Berfer The were cut in half last year. were only fifty-one reported for half of Illinois, which is less than City for tha city of Chicago alone in 1946. What is more, not one child was blinded or killed as the result of a fireworks casualty in Illinois. Mr. Woods warned that there were several serious eye accidents, how-: tear, and some children either lost an eye or had serious impairment of yfariou. Mr. Woods cautioned farther that every year children are hurt after the Fourth of July when they find unexploded fireworks carelessly left in vacant lots. Police and public officials throughout Illinois have again pledged their full co-operation to enforce the Illinois anti-fireworks law, but Mr. Woods pointed out that parents have a grave responsibility to see to it that neither they nor their children buy or use illegal fireworks. Items prohibited by Illinois law may not be used in Illinois even though their purchase is legal in other states. Mr. Woods commended the action anti-fireworks actioa of tha state police to give support to local and eoonty authorities, in WOmatte, with interment Mary's cemetery, McHenry. J. Frett, Edward J• Gausden, Dr. i beth Rogers, Arlene Svobods, Doris Lee Gladstone, John H. Greene,; puhler, Lois Kurbyun, Francis Hirdler, Ja«* Pstske, Ids Greene, Marie Yeggtf, Helen Kuns, Helen Barbian, Alice Gaulke, _ _ _ - McCarthy, Dorothy Miller, j A request was made to the eoonty cVowds to our local restaurants, fo Streich, Art JulU Kralowete, Nettie Fleming,, board last week by County Clerk solve the pr0blem several resUurants Voelts, Joseph Wetzler and Clinord p^yllis Smith, Jack Thies, Sr., Kate j Raymond D. Woods, in behalf of are erecting outside stands to servo E. Wilson. - m Thies, Vera Kane, Pist Owens, Jennie | court house employees, Treasurer 8an(jwiches, coffee and pop. In addi- Seven^Pver and ^ odef; William Mm Richardson, Pearl Miller, Helm Henry A. Nulle and Circuit Clerk tion 8ome of the ladies' organizations Meath, R«dia«jlBerter, Miller, Marion Schoenholtx, Delia Lester Edinger, thst the offices of soch as the American Legion and George Collette, _Nick SUW, rmi Freund, Margaret Kerber, Florence the treasurer, county clerk and cir- .y p w. Auxiliaries will have stands cuit clerk close all day Saturdays. • erected st various points. Restaa- A state law paased a year afo rants and iunch stands outside tha makes it mandatory that clerks in cjty are slso preparing to serve the county offices work only forty hours jar»e crowds. per week. The law also makes it Th# following fonducted from St, Joseph's church j pohexty, Homer Fitxgersid. Jo; Mc- MUler, 'Roger Svobods^ Harvey Nye, Andrews, Dick Smith. Gene Schaefer, Roy Morrison, Dick Miller, Leo Smith, A1 Pearson, Robert Knox, Tom Sutton, Gordon Knox, Henry Jr., Richard Adams, Peajrl Nerstad, Ruth Newman, Frances Matchen, Clara Overton and Henrietta Vycital. *"• „ __j o.lL RRiiddeess:: MMiuldarreeda lKuinnssaailaa,, chnaiirman;; 7~~ __ ins iouowmg prognua nw dm Tonyan, Harold Vanca and *«,Ph|Ekanor Kinsala, Ult-a-whirl; Clara M that such offices can close on ^ up and will be ran off as near " 1 " " " " Saturdays to comply wiith this rule; to as possibles Most county offices nearby close all i Program ' day Saturdays. Others work • ®HA.M. Parade. C.G-me: chairman; Robert Justen, - - vieve Knox, children's ride. Unti, Don Tonyan, ^Uliam Pries, Paul Struck, Glen Wehy, Albert A. There they are, folks, the men and AffekL Charles Vydtal, Ernest! women from this community who William H. Althoff, chair- McBsnry's many recreation^, oppor- Lawrenoe CoRege Attracts Two 1948 XCHS Graduates Elaine Nell, Route 1, McHenry aad Roy Noren, Route 1, Ringwood, have been admitted as members of the 1948 freshman class at Lawrence cdttege, Apaleton, Wis., it has been announced by Marshall B. Hulbert, dean of administration. New students will srrive Sept JS for a week-long orientation program before classes begin on Sept. 23. Rushing activities for the six sororities and five fraternities on the campus will take place the week of Sept 19. Both Elaine and Roy are 1948 graduates of McHenry high achooL JULY 4 NOTICE Due to the July 4 holiday being Aaaociatwn recommends that acted as chairman of the camaaign: j mobile -- Johnlbui*. 148.74; and Me- Conway, P.IB. Conway doing tjmjat: Tha cSSam. Lake, flSJS, making a total M *ha Conway Dairy. Mail Palmar. ^Sffii»ph'M"'Schmitt Ran Ch^Uni. tunities'by day and spend the eve- Jr„ Volney Brown, Henry E. Buch, ning hours enjoying the color and Harry Conway, Louis Diedrieh, gayety of carnival time ~ SUIT to 4 schedule, clerks believe schedule would here. Local offkals aad ip.'x, that the five-day be most successful Raymond Bauer Studying At Illinois Wesleyan CANCER DRIVE REPORT Local residents who supported the recent cancer drive will ha interested telesrn the smounts collected in the various communities in this area. The following report has been re- DAMAGE William J. Barrett, Jr., a minor by his next best friend, William Barrett Sr., and William Barrett, Sr., are seeking to recover WMOO for injuries sustained by William J. Bar- % Mile War Canoe RacOk tt Mile Single Scull Raef^fe Row Boat Race. . jfl 2 P. M. Outboard Boat Races. S P. M. 8-oar Shell Race. Canoe Tilting Contest Overboard Canoe Rasa. Al&gator Race. €anoe»filling Race. Speed Boat Races. Includes Outboard and hoard. Speed Boats - all classes. Programs are being printa" 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. (Mar of 9KSJL «Coeney j. - ^1^-" rjy * ' . 1 ^ Raymond Bauer, son of Mr. aad Mrs. Joseph L. Bauer, Ingleside, has enrolled in the summer session of Illinois Wesleysn university, Bloomington which began Monday, June 14. . Summer school ^enrollment at distribute next Sunday. Theee Wesleyan has reached a total of; grams will not only show the nhsisH 418 students »ugt»terad la the College ^ents, but will also coatain hsof Liberal Arts and the School efifannatiea to help the ipiiliUM) Musk. H was announced Friday. I VM|erstaad the varfsas signals frees The thrse terms of three werin each, th* judges' stand. which last until August 13 include, Aay atlsmid to awra than forty-tve mar see with jltdli|il>sls who have "ar credit Mr. Baasr is ea- r . . . fovthe School ef Liberal Aith' (Cswtinasd en . .. ri> ' y" . S&L . * 2.

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