Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jun 1948, p. 4

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\T"! w j'* ' r , AUDITORIALSSOCIATION " ' 1 ^ -V-o MMMPWW •MMtflinlk tuty lunch was wi wi Mlas K HHn njyHul.Lr| Miller WW become the bride of Roy VtaSS « •»»» « *>• m, A. Emri hw*«r- taifcrf*:-. Editor--Adele Froehlich ! &gage«entTold ^ fm I Mr. and Mrs. Mn J. Feabody of Entered as second-class matter at; 542 Edgebrook Terrace, El grin, have the postoffice at McHenry, IIL, under announced the engagement of their the act of May 8, 1879. daughter, Mary Susan, to' William it "_ • MM , Adams, son of George E. Adams of W» Year --? *Z-0U 503 S. State street, formerly of Mc- " "-- -- -- -- ; H e n r y . A f a l l w e d d i n g i s b e i n g planned.f * *•'. * Complete Plana For Lawn Social (Pinal plans have been completed for the lawn social which is being Sponsored by the Ladies Aid of the jZion Lutheran church, to be given ! on the church grounds oh Friday, June 25, beginning at 6:30 o'clock. The public is invited to enjoy movie? and lunch, which will include baked ham sandwiches, ice.cream, cake and Mr?. Douglas To 'coffee. Entfrtain Club i .* »' ' Circle 4 of the Wv$C&, ffgljMWt': Yaang Married* ' ,*.'a.t the home of Mrs. Velma Douglas -f^ntertcin Couple "On Friday, July 9. " ! The Young Married Peoples' club • * * j of this community gathered at the Marilvn Miller t Aome of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller Guest' At Shower : 'near Johnsburg on Wednesday eve- • Miss Marilvn Miller ittas goert of t «ing of last Week to honor Miss honor at a bridal shower given in; Marilyn Miller and Ray Benoy, who her honor last Sunday afternoon at, will be married June 30. Games -the Peter Miller home. Thirty-two were played and a tasty lunch friends and relatives were present served, and the future bride and to enjoy airplane bunco, after which groom presented "with a variety of ' pantry items for their new home. [Honored Gaot At „ ' [firidal Skawar | Miss Loretta DeLIre was guest [of honor last week at a pre-nuptial 'shower held at the Brya home in j Wadsworth, with Mrs. Tillie Brya . . _ acting as hostess and Mrs. Marie Waitmg.F«r iRjce and Mrs. Toya Rice as coj hostesses. Bunco provided entertainment, with prises awarded to Mrs. Elsie Frit*, Mrs. Loretta Rey*- I nolds. Miss DeLire was presented with a variety -of lovely gifts. She 1 will become the bride of George P. f Shelley, son of JjMk SIMMC^OH June 8®. ' • « > * ^ Lucky Nine Met x At Michels Hone j The Lucky Nine 4-H club of Johnsburg held its last meeting •* I the Frank Michels residence on Frijday, June 18. Lona Nowak gave a : talk and demonstration on first aid. wimm June 17, troa on Grand Lecturers' at Nunda chaster, of is a member, six members of thi Me- Henry chanter, Eva Eppel, EVora PetersonTlIildred Rochelle, Valeska Hdpye, Bthel Jones and Gretta Mrs. -"Gilbert was presented with lovely flowers and girts. Mrs. Rochelle brought as her guest Mrs. Anna Edwards, "past worthy matron Of Salmon chapter, Idaho, mother of Mrs. William Meath of McHenry. Other guests included wHIiam Rochelle, John Harthke and Eldred Wattles. mm v* , The Riviera ; Show Place Of The Middle West LAKE GENEVA, WISCONSIN AT LAST The Band We Have OPENING THIS SATURDAY, JUNE 25TH „_xu. Starting Thursday, July 1st COCKTAIL DANCING Every Afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30 With Lovely MONICA WITNIr\ Playing and Singing at the Mighty Hammond Organ For Something Entirely Different, Plan Your Dancing Parties at the Finest Night Spot in the Lake Continuous Entertainment at THE RIVIERA Colony McH®nry. Illinois FRI. - SAT.. JUNE 25 - 26 Penny Singleton - Arthur Lake (1) "BLONDlS IN THE DOUGH" Michael Duane • Lenore Aubert (2) "THE RETURN OF THE WHISTLER" SUN. - MON., JUNE 27-28 Jack Carson - Ann Southern "APRIL SHOWERS" Plus - World News ft Bugs Bunny Cartoon TUESDAY (ONLY) Robert Young - Randolph Scott "WESTERN UNION" WED. - THURS. Robert Taylor - Audrey Totter "HIGH WALL" * •J After the outdoor freshmenta were served by Mrs. Michels and an hour was spent b» sewing. The next meeting- will he held on June 29. • • • . . AMMMI Betrothal Of Joanne Frennd Mr. and Mrs. Johft-ft.^ -announce the engagement of their daughter, Joanne Margaret, to Lewis Piaganetti, son df Mr. and Mrs. .Nick Piaganetti of Round Lake. Miss Freund is a June graduate of the local high school.. Pinochle Club At Henricks Hoil The East River Road Pinochle cluib met at the home of Mrs. Amy Henricks last Thursday afternoon, with prizes being merited by Mrs. E. R. Sutton, Mrs. Eleanor Nye, Mrs. John Braeseke and Mrs. Albert Vales. Mrs. Frank Adelmeier will entertain the group next on Julv 1. » • • • Hold Offices At Other Chapters On June 15, Mrs. Eva Eppel, worthy matron of the local chapter, O. E. S., served as Elects at Grayslake. Three evening? later she acted as associate matron at Wood- I stock chapter, and on June 21 was associate conductress in Harvard. Mrs. Elsie Reiker served as Electa in Barrington, also on June 21. * • * Father-Son Night Observed About twenty-five members of Wonder Lake area Kiwanis club and their sons met at the Rolaine Grill on Tuesday evening of this week to observe their first Father-Son Night. Guest speaker was Rev. Kerr of Woodstock, who spoke in an interesting manner on "Relationship Between Father and Children." The remainder of the evening was spent in community singing. McHenry Fofcs 1 1 Attended Reaafaa J Mr. and Mrs- Frank Meyer, Mr. I and Mrs. Donald Meyer and children {and Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Schaffer 1 attended a reunion of the Geary j family at the home of Mr*. Isabel' 1 Grantham in Wauconda last Sunday. ] The get-together honored Mr. and Mrs. Frank Geary of SanAndreas, Calif., who have been visiting here for a few weeks. A pot-luck, dinner and supper were served, with visiting and games enjoyed in the interim. I • • • 1 I Mary Ann Freund -- | 1 At Farewewll Party j Miss Mary Ann Freund attended a 1 farewell party at the home of Mary 1 Fran Zoia in Woodstock last "Satur- j day afternoon, the gathering being' in honor of Miss Mary Freitag, who! left Monday to make her home in j California. Cards provided enter-1 tainment, with prizes being awarded, to Hiss Freund and Miss Freitag. 1 The afternoon closed with the serving of a tasty lunch and singing of farewell songs. Bridal Shower For Miss Marilyn Miller Miss Marilyn Miller was honored guest at a bridal shower held recently] at the Peter Miller residence at-. Ringwood, at which a large group j of relatives and friends were vresent. Airplane bunco was played, with! prizes awarded to Mrs. Alvin Miller, Mrs. Gerald Miller, Mrs. Don Freund and Mrs. Eugene Miller. _ Miss Miller was the happy* recipient of many lovely gifts. She will become the bride of Raymond Benoy of Woodstock on June fb. ' * * * Surprise Shower _ For Bride-To-Be On Sunday, June 20, 'Miss Carol Peterson, daughter of Mrs. Frances Peterson of Center street, West McHenry, was guest of honor at a surprise pre-nuptial shower held at the George Deusler residence. Hostesses were Miss Patricia Henn, Miss Dorothy Pfannenstill and Miss Joanne Freund. Following the serving of refreshments, games were played, with i Miss Doris Freund, Miss Marie Smith and Joanne Freund receiving Entertained Flr--*^--: Glrl Graduate Among a class of seventy-nine students attired in dark blue caps and gowns who received dulomas during impressive services at Queen of Angels grammar school in Chicago recently was Patricia Anne Diedrich daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Diedrich of Chicago and McHenry. Miss Diedrich was honored by being awarded a scholarship to Alvernia high school for he* high scholastic rating. Following the commencement exercises, Mr. and Mrs. Diedrich entertained at a buffet supper for their daughter, the table being beautifully set in the class colors of blue and fold. The friends and relatives who joined Patricia on this happy occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Josepn Raeymaker and son, Ronnie, who is a student at Campion, Bernie Fernandez of Mexfeo City, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Wiedmaier, Carl Koch, Mr.* and Mrs. Gene Evans, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Sehlau, Mrs. Gertrude Heimer, Miss Ella M. Ott, Mr. and Mrs. John Becker and' Miss Adeline Becker. JUNE BUDS Photo by A. Worwlck, MoHt-nrv For her wedding to Howard Grand! of McHenry on Saturday, June 12, in Algonquin's St. John's' Lutheran church, the former Miss Marityil Jean Naatz of that city chose a , white, lace trimmed satin gown ' fashioned with a hoop skirt. Her fingertip veil was held in place with a tiara of satin and lace. Her onlyjewelry was a double strand of pearls and she carried a white prayer book on which was placed white rosebuds and stephanotis. Miss Norma Christian served as maid of honor and Mrs. Mary Rich as bridesmaid. They were attired in pastel green and yellow marquisette and taffeta and carried prayer books, gifts of the bride, on which were arranged yellow daisies and streamers. Chester Grandt acted as best man and Robert Kamholz, also of McHenry, as groomsman. ;i Dinner was served to 125 relatives in the church parlors following the service, with a reception later in the home of the bride's parents. LUy Lake will be the future home of Mr. and Mrs. Grandt. Photo by A. Worwick. Mclienrv MRS. THOMAS LAWSON hine Carver of Johns- Lawsori of Mcl^ iss Joseph burg an< il Th Henry were united in marriage at a nuptial mass read at St. Patrick's church on Monday morning, June 14. Order your rutfber stamps at The Plaindealer. Complete line of Beebe remedies at Wattles Ding Store, McHenry. g-tf | BtesytKTKUtiydrikbhtwty? s Here's « way to kMp part of it. Bank 4 S something every pay day before you start to spend. Try paying yourself first, in a thrift account with us. Open one today. McHENRY STATE BAN£ 3 Ifambtr Federal ttnm SyMaf. ' jjj Henkr Federal Deposit Corporation g' '+tY mattikS snrouirtreffit* jgerald, Mrs. Kenneth Lake and Mra. Robert Thompson. • THANK YOU • The McHenry Choral Club wishes; to take this opportunity to thank] NOTICE ^ the public for its support at the Licenses for the sale of fireworks club's program held last . week. 1 must be secured. license limits tin Members are grateful to all those sale to such fireworks arf are perwho gave special assistance and es- mitted under state law. Lieenaa pecially to the. following for donat- [ period covers five days previous to ing costumes: Mrs. Thomas Kane, and one day after July 4. _ Wayne FOBS, Mrs. .Peter M. Justen, 6-2 CITY OF McHENRY. livestodflfMrs. Clifford Kiehl, Mrs. Lisle Bas- j --:-- sett, Mrs. George J. Freund, Mrs. Need Rubber Stamps ? Order el Leon Grosby, Mrs. Homer Fitz- The Plaindealer. (amnMed REGKNT BRIDE attending the shower besides those already mentioned were _ -- , Mary Lee McCarroll. Betty Schons;' *nd George M. Doris Jean Freund, Rita Schmitt and Mary Ann Stoffel. Fboto by A. Worwlck. McHenry MRS. GEOKGE FREUND One of the lovliest of the early summer weddings was solemnized at St. Mary's, church on June 12, when Miss Gloria Biggers of Wonder I. Freund of Mc- SALE STARTS JUNE 35, ENDS v HISSES' ^ SEATED SHORTS f S i z e s 1 0 t o 1 6 R»g. Price $2.98 to $3.98 Special $1.98 BOTS' Novelty Sport Shirts S^zes 4 to 16 Reg.- Price $2:69 25 WASH DRESSES, Reg. Price • SpechU $2.19 •MMMb TURKISH BATH TOWELS ;7T $>ize 20x4Qr Keg. fnce SimMT 2 fdr'ttm WASH CLOTHX8 2 for 25c Local O. E. S. Members- Serve As Escorts Mrs. Lillian Gilbert of Crystal lake, grand lecturer for the McHenry chapter, O. E. S., last Thurs- Henry exchanged nuptial vows. The y°H!?g folks are residing in a cottage at Wonder Lake.. Exquisite Flawless rrs i LLC ft THURS„ FRI., SAli'"^;;;: -to JUNE 24^25-26 - M-6-M prM«nti Springtime ... . and two hearts beat in tune. Kver>*thing's settled . . . everything's wonder* ful . . . so .turn the occasion into a lasting mepiory with a magnificent, blazing diamond from Steffan's Jewelry. Blue-white and skill- , fully cut by experts, our diamonds are move brilliant, guaranteed free from flaws. For a ring that's true "heirloom-beauty," choose your diamond confidently at StefFan'a. Give Silverware _ Below we list a few items of silverware, which the ^ most appropriate wedding gifts: ; - 76-piece set "Morning Star" ^ 1101 TR 52-piece set "Morning Star'I. - ' • -'V ' : 53-piece set Tudor Plate-- •-- 50-piece set Win. Rogers & Son AhTin Sterling, place setting $38.75 $33.50 $22.75 Main St. "Ittioiie 123-J McHenry CARD OF THANKS In this manner I would like to thank ^ all those who sent me cards and gifts and who visited me during the time I was confined to St. Therese hospital. Your remembrances were' very much appreciated. . 6 MARILYN FREUND*-- . Playtex Wave-guard BATHING CAPS Assorted Colors 69c Complete lirte of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mcy* • . r. 8-tf : Read the Want Ada* - ^ INTRODUOTORT .SWF RICNEY Perfumes '10' •ir Six Enchanting Scents f OY one dram 79c Plus Fed. Tax Reg. Price Dram $1.00 w jlamboo POLES 14 ft. m -- O-HIt -- "LINDA RE GOODEXTRA! EXTRA! 8AT. MATINEE ONIOT GIANT CAI CARNI A Baal Treat for the Kliiiaal SUNl - MOK, JVNB 27 - 2ft Sporting Goods ^TvOroquet Site V Y*'* baU Electric Fani <,<unp chain -^ ~T-890 ^ f _ Bicycle Inner Tubes ijjEoldair 8'* $5.95 Beg. 98c Special 79c- 6 $10.95 Non Oscillating fti i l l c ri « One Perfarmanc* Only Mri>NlTE SHOW! Wednesday, Jut Mtk Oaora Opaa 11M 0. ' m. 5f,~ Oa tha Stag* Bay ndkata 74c Inc. Tax; South Bend Bamboo Fly Casting Rod |14.35 Donble AcUon Reel Reg. $i.I%«>-?:#pecill' %4§r Club 10" $12.95 , Oscillating Jack Froet 12" _ $26.95 Oscillating SACKS Special 29c Oaue Polishing Cloth Vo-lb about 12^} yds. 39e Saat Coat* ^ MOW STARTS TUES., JUNE 29 Authorized Dealer' * * Phone McHenry 459 On the Screen "VALLEY OF THE ZOMBIES lf#iace PlaUaite Dish Set ^ GIVEN WITH THE PURCHASE OF EVERY COMPLETE SET OF OUR FAMOUS CATALINA SEAT COVERS! • Fine Fall-Flfcre. Leatkervtte THMaied. Siaaa ta fit mmt ' popular eara. 13.95°-^ ; s and ap f Apd You Get This Colorful Platoaite Set Consisting of: • 4 cups, 4 saucers, 4 9-inch plates, 4 fruits, I creamer, sugar bawlt. . . they're easily warth* $1,981! . GumiMBA The Friendly Store 121 Main Street West McHenry SO. OOLLETTS, Owror . . . . LJ- i

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