Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jul 1948, p. 14

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frv'l 9?? " £ V "^i M ^ " FABM ADVlSBR'B :fc\< :,-; COMMENTS 7* .'I, jour attention to fruit tree pruning. iThey say that trees were not pruned j during the war as they should have j . |'b UeTeCnll s8Vo ( tWhia^vt nnuowwf, wwaivtih* t»h""ev addition\j •ttfte of 2-4-D, the thistles in of nitrogen, trees have become too eary County aren't nearly all thick. Heavy fruit sets have r«- j yet. From the display of yellow suited in too much small and poorly j the landscape not all the oats developed fruit. Moderate to heavy, sprayed to kill mustard either, pruning: lets sunlight in for sugar j It seems the adverse drying manufacture, resulting in larger, weather for curing hay has caused redder apples for the teacher. Large q«ite a few farmers to put hay in sufficient leaves with plenty of sun- <J» silo. Herbert Malstrom, Green-; light on them makes the best situianj Township, Louis Lockwood, ation for plant food manufacture. A north of Crystal Lake and Windy, leaf so located that the sun never Knoll Farm north of Crystal Lake hits it had better not be on the tree, iaqoired in one day. Veterans in j The college is giving fruit trees hay silage are John Lindsay* Nunda ; injections with solutions containing Township and Luke Oberwise in all the necessary nutrients for plant Dunham, to my knowledge. {growth and fruit production by More dope on the conference at means of a pressiire pump and a the University of Illinois. Pellet quarter .inch, hollow rod around the aiXDolement and 1 meal supplement roots. , , . •elf fed to pigs were compared, all According to * card reaeived the other factors equal. Both lots gained other day from Village Clerk, Perry the same but the pellet fed yigs L. Prison of Cary, that community ate 6 per cent less feed per 100 plans to get after the flies this Serve FrtArUh Tq Improve fered far tare car with X-Ray lUilrt*d* of tu an investment of approxl 38 billion doHars pounds of £Sn thin the n£ml fed!year with more attention to correct * "garbage disposal and bv the use of V^fer-Heniculture Department calls : D. D. T. around town. rCBUC NUTICK Schedule ni c. C. € \ '• 'Western UnTTM^ai and Electric Obmpany hereby gives notlee that U - with the Illinois commerce. mauanon on June 10. 1948, the folrlns proposed change* tnlt« cciMd* Mt <a rates tor gas aervlce 111. C C. b. "1 Rate ». Water Heatlng^Ciae Serviee-- Oft-Peak. Th!» reduced rate (w commercial and lndu«trlal use to made available from April 16 to October 31 only. In conformity wltb the Company » lead condition! durlas o(f-p«ak months. Minor change^- to the content of U* rate are Toi* purpose* of standardisation ana clarification of Intent. « & Rider 5, Hlsh Pressure Uas Senrice and RMer T. Industrial JHlfh , **rt Gas Servlea are fUed to define ' the esattttona wider which this tars* of MI I><S (s available. l&nceUatloatf lute Off-Pea* Natural Gas Service. This rate has t--n superseded by other rates and customers are being served theniotdtr. Further Information may bo obtained ^^SpEt tSereto .rfhtr dlr«ctly thtsCompuy or by addressing y or the Illinois Commerce --iiibbiipii at Springfield, Xlllnols. llwitil party at any business office The latest corn borer bulletin from the Natural History Sur\pv says that all north of U. S. Highway 6 [through Joliet and Ottawa, cool weather has delayed the c6rn borer. . Very few eggs are laid. Very little treatment will be necessary with the j exception of ?ome early market sweet corn and not on it until about June 30th. If the corn doesn't come up the corn bcrer north can't lay eggs on it, that's sure. UNITED GAS AND ITS1C COMPANY Dlllna, vice President. aa Old Wlnd-Baf i lf you think you're using modern dang when you call someone an old j "wind-bag," you're wrong. Aeolus was the father of the winds in Greek mythology. World Book encycloi pedia says he kept the wind in bags and loosed them according to his 'whims. Sometimes he released geni tie winds to help sailors on* their j way. Sometimes he let out fierce * ones to create? great storms. The j term "wind-bag" came from this j ancient legend. I- Need Rubber Stamps? Order iri 1 The Plaindealer. lire Protection Ml the Nl« Parm pfople lost mors than 100 ntllion dollars last year from flrei. Here are a few Ideas for fire protection: Farms should be kept clean" at all times. Good housekeeping in and around farm buildings will remove many fire hazards Electrical equip- jment and ,circuits should be checked! regularly. Worn wiring shoulr. be re- J placed Heating unit* should be kept in good condition, and chimneys and flues kept Tree from cracks Stored ha> •hoiild be inspected regularly for odors smoke, gas and heat all warning stgnals. Approved fire extinguishers t .ould be on hand In the home and In every outbuilding, and every member of the family should kiuwpr th»e m. • , ..•. / • ; • . * • > • /.' ... */ i-. x * Economical Soap* for Every Day With a little thrift and foeaatght succulent soupa can be made from the every-day larder at a minimum of cost. Save th« liquid from boiled potatoes, carrots, peas--any vegetable that Is cooked or heated on the stove. Iben boil op the bones for roasts and •teaks. Combine the liquids and add of left-over vegetables or Mta of meat If it's still rather thin, dump in a can of condensed soup. Make It has enough salt and plenty tt Billings lor Fires The Are bill for every man, woman and child in the United States during 1M6 was $4-01. This is nearly 73 per cent greater than the $2.32 per capita loss in 1940. Uncle Sam Says -- SPECIAL - rf^UAN SPAGHtTT^ EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 'S TAVERN TOST MoHENlY Toe de aet need te be a crystal ball gaser to figare eat the trath of the saying that the fatare holda fer jroji what yea held for the fatare. If yoa leok into yoar preaeat yoall And the aaswer te hew siach secarity yua csa count apoa for yoarself aad yoar family. Are yea bringing heaie , United States Savings Bonds regularly? Millieaa of aiy aieeea and aephews know that these heads are among the meat eaaeatial sssets to held far their fatare hecaase savings heads an safe aad pre! table. New hope tar young victims of one of U|e meat «innmon forms of cancer la chttafftMipid out in a report from the of California medical achool te the •'Journal of Pediatrics. Doctor. Haory K. Silver, Inatructor at peduladaa la the school, describes Improved rasutU In the treatment of Wilms* feamor, which is a highly malignant, apparently congenital growth Of the kidnej. the phystotan reports a darlas oi l* patients treated since IMS Hf a variety oT lwethods. Of the IS treated by surreal raaMnral of the kidaey, 10 have survfved lnr p«a«od5 ranging from two and om Jhaif to 1R rwa • survival rate of per cent. bi meat of survival, treatment with X ray lihu il mumty The physlctan reported that, of four patients I treated wtth ray both befoni and af- ! ter surgary. ^ fre stiu alive. | Until a *w l^ars ago. there was little hope of survival of the young victims of thla affliction. Medical literj ature shows that the beat results previously obtained-were in s* series of 12 patienta, with a survival rate of W I per rent. The affliction appears in moat caaea i before the age orsl» years, and 15 of I. the lfn)vw»ity of California case# were | undet »hle age. The youngest, s boy • only three days old, operated on lr 1P42 <o still alive and healthy. Th> old est parent 27 years of age, was also . alive whan last feen in .1944, ten year? after openfaen. ^ _ ' * Whether rreah caught at bought at the market, flah are excellent food. Served at least dnce a *sek they add variety and needed nutrieat U^mfals And. compared with other meats, flah are less expensive and are easily and quickly prepared. Two or three peraona can be aerved from one pound oafish |H«h ran baked, broiled, steamed ot fried. They can be used In souoe. chowders and aalada. Although not the brain food some pernrma once thought, flah are rich In high quality protein. One serving a day provides the animal protein needed to balance the leas efficient protein of cereals and vegetables fto canned ffclh and some seoked fish the hones are softened and mav be eaten. An excellent source of calcium fish win alao gtve the Important minerals, phosphorous and Iodine. Only flah -- salmon, tuna. shad, mackerel, white fish--are rich In vitamin* A and D. Vitamin A promotes normal growth, protects the eyeaight and keeps healthy the protective mucous membranes of the nose, throat, lungs and Intestinal tract. Vitamin D, often called the "sunshlnem vitamin, promotes orderly development of bonis and teeth. Naval The naval stored industry sent* an annual income to Georgia varying from a low of $7,800,006 in 1932 to as much as (23,100,000 in 1945. It annually employs about 20,- 000 to 29,000 people who work approximately 40,000,000 lo«fl««! *Qd slash pine faces yearly. Subscribe for The Plaindealer on ent-over fayiMjiinshijof't' tree tojpa, Mmba, deiinush pad otheron the ground after logging. The burning must be done in smafi unlta and is safest when the slash is dagift, from reoent rains or snowfalls. Slash burning is unnecessary |r many forest regions. - Complete line of Beebe remedies at Wattles Drag Store, H.e nr*Jy . ' • J i' , ' 84( Kentucky Rifle The "Kentucky rifle" which Daniel Boone used to knock out a squirrel's eye at 100 yards was first made in Lancaster and Berks counties, Pennsylvania, in Revolutionary days. MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE rds Installed and Maintained' r ELMER' P. ADAMS Certified Tax Consultant » One Mile North of Fox Lake on Rt. U. S. 12 Pbohe Fox Lake 5501 FOX LAKE, ILL. HENRY FREUNO ^ OPTOMETRIST .-At 514 Main St., West McHenry Steltan's Jewelry Store (Closed Thursday Afternoon#) Byea Examined -- Glsssse Fitted • ^ '"<• • • Traiaing -- • V|mmI BehaUHtailea' £ •??. - .. , Cempl^ Yisaal Anatysla ' v' Hears Dally : 9 to 12 and 1 to 8--Saturday Bveahtgs: g to I'JI (La. PHONE McHENRT •H •1'/. Prompt Seryice Day or Night We're getting* more plgpie calls from folks who ralue their time aiid energy! And any time you call us -- ni^tit or day ~ yojilre jure of prompt, cdmfortable »ervice. McHENRY CAB Phone 472-J HOMES, GARAGES and SUMMER HOMES REMODEUNG ATTIC APR. CEMENT SIDEWALKS * STABS ' INSULATION HEATING ELE0TB10 WXUNO Q imi ' ALL LOHBEB HATESIALS AMS LABOB FURNISHED BY McHENEY • ' V ..nylrt 0 • . • ' OUfiOUAi^liiTEE We will furnish material and labor with superior construction and quality lumber for less than Chicago advertised prices. - 1 , • IL3. Williams & Associates McHenry, Illinois Phone 227-J . . . . . . . * t 'V \ tea • •• -jfel-- •>*: J v... /• '3 Jt "L-V. ^ :r-f. r. iWk • £ McHenry Post, 4919 American Legion e Invites you, your family and your friends to a '•F* k ' To Be Held in the 10Q • s t * FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY JULY 2, 3, 4 Ell / ^ the Holidays this year at McHerry on the l^auoi Fox River and nearby lakes. You can find sports availr j; able of every description, including the Legion Carnivajh 3 in the heart of McHenry^ This arniual event is th| I biggest in the entire lake region. Enjoy boating, fishing ^ golf, tennis^ swimming and games of all kinds, Mee|L_ old friends and make nipw^cgipjtances, all iowngjn the happy carnival " t * s J " F O U R V " ' li.fl A J..< y-M4- ^ 'ft' ' J' f ' ">f' W A S1;

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