Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jul 1948, p. 8

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^ • >;v~. ^^ ^ r^l r ^ < , . • •* OVERCOMES HANDICAP ] III., skillfully manipulate his tromiM- . gpsrially designed trom- bone with the Egyptian Muajc Cm»jj .. . ,f h|m f_ n8e ^ I band at DvQuoin, IM. Ralph lost wWct. P®™** f™ * left arm and right hand in a NJ^r iow. iV^ Emden', mowing machine five yean, ay), but Tri. WM*r Lake 418 BELL ft SHALES DR. E. nB<. WATKINS | r.h»i>*a Mllit Interior afed Exterior PntH| Qfglt# Hears-- j Paper Haniini A too Spray Paiatiac ftSatnrdays: •aja.toSp*. 105 jj. Greta St McHenry TeL McHenry I4W •» Crystal Lake lMt-M-1 , , aad Sanday Mornings by Appointment! _ jwtort Paint Wonder Lain, HI •>V:' McHenry Sand and Gravel Excavating and Crane Service . Black Dirt -- Sand and Gravel v;:: ; Road Grading CALL McHENRY 974 learned to a two-week be wen TWIGK TOLD • / TALKS h~'^ of inwrt Tain Fim tt> flu of the Plslalsslsr of Toara Ago 8IXTY YEARS AGO Altholf Bros, have come out with m handsome new delivery wagon, for their market and store. John Gracey shipped to Chicago* on Thursday last, the finest car of fat steers ever seen in this section. There were fourteen head, 4 years old, and they averaged 1,684 pounds each, and brought him at the stock yards on Friday the handsome sum of $1,414.20. Ray Owon went to Chicago on Mon- Jay, having accepted_ a position in the music agent for the Star has them Its good qualities. 4L Nickels, who is emtbe hardware store of H. Js on the west aide, wai marriad to Miss Mildred Dibler of Woditodfc Inst Saturday »orni|f^, NpiMw Ithi Hot Dip hti Hpmm at FawrHw The piAHe which demands ice ni « stick in the summer lot cream in a COM in the flda whim of production a industry. tin hdt summer months, at fair iroudi, beach resorts and parks wherever people Join in recreation--popsicles are as of tho American scene as pearn and hot dogs. are made In largo/tanks of brine, lgeld at between minus 80 and minus 49 degrees. The ice cream mix is conveyed from the freexers through a pipe to the pop. ^ ^ . aide tank where it is poured into ^ trays of popsicle melds. Sticks are .. McHeaajr •vmUajI Aa 4k« mIw Im aaAk mold, nOifj• CARE* OH Bob and Jim sons of the _ _ pnrchaaed theWkks ail Conlsy Mwa depot and wifi cany a* the boifiwea started Feb. I, 19l|, by their fatter and Albert G. Wicka. A1 Wleka and Bill Conley handed in their resigns tions at the Old Oliver Tj * factory thirty *aara ago the buaineae under tho Conley trade name. They not only handled newspapers and magasinea but operated a- soda femtsh and candy counter as cigars, to- NETTS Special Let Filling Leveling itWL ^ 6r»«4 aa Hack Dirt . . Pmm Jsknsbarg nttSfr P. O. Miltewi DR. R. DeROME FREUND'S DAIRY GRADE A MILK v - Homogenized Milk, Coffee Cream, Whipping Cream, Buttermilk, Chocolate Mill* Butter, Eggs, Half and Half Cream, Cottage Cheesed PHONE McHENRY 636-W-2 Arrow Refrigeration Co. COMMERCIAL, DOMESTIC AND ®r AIR CONDITIONING SALES AND SERVICE Phone 686-R-l McHenry, % MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Records Installed and Maintained ELMER P. ADAMS !Z2 Certified Tax Consultant • One Mile North of Fox Lake on Rt. U. S. 12 Phone Fox Lake 5501 FOX LAKE, ILL. -DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST . At 514 Main St., .West McHenry Steftan's Jewelry Store (Closed Thursday Afternoons) Eyes Examined -- Glaasea Fitted Visas! Training --- Vinos! Rehabilitation Complrl# Visas! Analysis Daily: 9 to 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Eveninga: f to ldll p.i PHONE McHENRY 45t CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird houses, lawn furniture, lawn and porch swings, pier and park benches, picnic tables, window boxfts, trellises, etc. Kitchen cabinets and cupboards made to order, hand woven wash baskets, shopping and market baskets. Full line of leather belts, suspenders, billfolds, etc. CLARENCE SMITH TeL McHenry 583-J-l Johnsburg, III if ?•: Prompt Service Day w Night We're getting more phone calls from folks Who value their time and energy! And any time you call us -- night or day -- you're inre of prompt, comfortable service. McHENRY CAB Phone 472-J -- SPECIAL -- ITALIAN SPAGHETTI EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT BART'S TAVERN WEST McHENRY A photograph the grounds, near the depot car has located on •nd is openand ready for business. Miss Nettie Schiessle entertained her teacher, Miss D. Cooper and her classmates in the grammar department, on Thursday evening, at her home in West ^tpHenry. --J-- FORTY YEARS AGO After months of idleness the everjopular Riverside House is again apen for the season under the management of Bernard Mueser. O. B. Gilbert, who has during the oast few months conducted a grocery tpre in the old postoffice block, has losed out his stock and gone out of business. The price of butter on the Elgin board of trade Monday remained at 23 cents. The east end of Waukegan streetf has been graded and otherwise put into first-class condition. The Meyers Roofing company of this city is doing a big business these days. With six men employed, an average of a'bout a carload of roofing is being laid each week. The marriage of Miss Marguerite . Knox and Mr. Edward Conway was performed by Rev. M. J. McEvoy it St. .Patrick's church last week. Frank Kaiser and family of Ostend ire contemplating the purchase of a e liouse of Estey ft Camp.| ThSnthm E. Lawlus has hired a good tailor I ^ through the tank who will cut, fit and make up saits * submerged in the brine, in the latest, styles at lowest prices. FIFTY YEARS AGO. J. M. Van Slyke, Herbert Bennett, Frank Bennett, M. J. Thelen, Will Merz, Geo. Englen, Jos. Leicken, Albert Holly, attended a war meeting at Woodstock on Saturday evening last. Mrs. W. J. residence on village to F. ation $1,100. McLeod has sold her. Park avenue in this* K. Granger, Consider-! submerged In about 10 minutes the popsicle 1a from the brine at the other end of the tank. Here they sre loosened In the molds in a short steam bath, quick-cooled again la a compartment of dry ice to reset the auraiee malted by the steam, and dipped la chocolate. After being hung up for a few minutes to harden the chocolate, the popsicles are wrapped aad ahuttled into cold storage roomsto await shipment. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO -- WAN! ED TO BUY -- . We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horsea, less for down horses and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburir - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsourg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 404 One Mile South of McHenry on Route SI Flowers for all FRANK S. MAY Trucking Sand -- Black Dirt -- Crashed Gravel Light Excavating -- Limestone Truck for Hire » Pfcene McHenry 580-M-l R-l McHenry ' A. P. FREUND SONS Bxcavatjpg Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Berviee --ROAD BUILDING-^ feL 204-M MeHenry, IB. Subscribe for The PTalndealer rUBUO MOTICK Notice oI Proposed Chann tn Scbseul* III. C. C. « „ _ Wastern United Uas and Electric Com as ay asrebjr (Ives notice that tt has fllM with the Illlnol* Commerce . Commission on June 10. 1948, the following proposed changes In its schedale erfntsgTsor (as service 111. C. C. 6: . BateJli. Water Heatln? Gas Serv- >Paak. This reduced rate inerdal and Industrial use available from April 16 to 1 only. IA conformity with jny's load conditions during off peak months. Minor chances In the content of the rate are lor of standardization and of Intent. h Pressure Gas Service Industrial High Predict are filed to define is under which this _ __ service Is available. H GsaosllatlOD of Rate 46. Off-Peali Natural Oas Service. This rate t"-n superseded by other rates castomers sre being rfice Honrs: Taeaday and Saturdays fron 10 to 4. Eveninga by appsMU nent. WATER PUMP9 Fairbanks Morse Eieeter ni types. All siges. Caiplete to tnatalL Susip puu^s. SSJGSTRoffftiLES AND SEKY1CK TeL McHenry SSS-W-1 , <300 ft. front Nell's Ballree«) ii-mu ate has tea and served itlon may be obtained , wspoet thereto, either this Oanymy rf b; _ at Sprlni i copy eC the prpi schedule may be Inspected by say y st say business office ID GAS AND COMPANY By crSSMllns. Vice President. directly sddresslag d. Illinois. changes la You Don't Have To Onoaaf J ^ \ piano Members of the American Society of Piano Technicians are sponsored by an international organization of professional craftsmen. The have the indorsement . piano mfgrsM music merchan and musical authorities. Their membership card is your su ranee or highly skilled tuning and repairing. Next time don't guess--be sure! HARRY OALHOUN ^" Woodstock 100S-W or HARRY J. OKARMAN , Cary 4502 PIANO TUNING AND SERVICE Members of Asterican 8ociety of Piano Tedmldans NINE COWS KILLED / Nine yaluable cows wert kflled and tkMs others hurt st <:80 last admj nMrning • into a herd of - - driven bf^k to on U. 8. route 14, two aitiss north of Harvard, by Fred L. Baers, farmer, and epployee. lbs tr*ek was Wvenby fiK V. Kilts, Sank City, yfit. Kflb told stats patrolbrakes the Ml accident w A Oomplote Done in Our Owe Mmw4$ Chriu-Crmft firing rwwSen* Come aboard# Sailors See 4p|Hr Chria-Craft diaplay today. \ 7 Get yonr free copy of the for 44-<Pskc Ckila Craft catalog in full color from us. Remember, we caa give ye* immediate delivery on many Chris -1 Craft runabonta and utilities; Come in. or caH Company, Inq* PHONE FOX LAKE 2401^ Free Pickvp DoUvory Sorvioo ;.%i w f; • 7 Sand Li VEEN THELEN Trucking Gravel Black INit Track for Hire • TeL McHenry 588-W-l Bra 173, Rt. 1, McHenry Telephone No. S00 STOfTEL ft REIHANSPERGER Inaarawe agents for all clsaaes of property in tho best campaniea. Weat McHenry, Illinois CHARLES 8. PARKER, Attorney Wednesday Office--Ki (Jeslyn ft Parker) Office F Aftei Honra: l^a-5^0 i 3(NJ oehr Supply Coatpany* S42 Main Street. Weat McHenry Phone--McHenry 486 --; Woodstock 1135 .INSURANCE V EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Fana and Life Inaarance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When von need insurance of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Green ft Elm McHenry ----I •• • 1 {4Mla>*" FARM DRAINAGE Tiling Work Done With Modern Equipment Can Furnish Tile * LEO G. ZIMMERMAN Contractor Phone 1699-M-l R. F. D. 2 Woodatock, I1L 7bj> 8*4*99*9 larou'LL tbbow away the match box whan yog X have a new GAS range. AU the burners light automatically--just turn on the gas tho rkisn. blue flame goes to work immediately. Hmm's no stooping to light the oven or the faraOsr of a modem, automatic GAS range. The speedy, instant-heat burners of today's OAS ranges give you exactly the shade of heat you need Cor every cooking operation. And best o€ all, tig burners are easily removed for rlasninf and can be dunked in the dishpan. Automatic cooking is yours with tho new, streamlined GAS rangee, too! Just pop an entire meal lute the oven, set the automatic control, and tho will cook while you spend tho afternoon shopping. The dependable control turna the range on udtft You'll experiment with now and ImiliM recipee .. accurate, automatic taiinwaluio ooabof insure perfect results every time. Modem GAS rangee are built to give tho long yosis of aervice you've come to expect from a flAfl rook ing appliance. All the many now featursa you want ...and aM tho <imw reliability and sooncpiyarsyouHfc Now you can raplooa your old range with one that'a •van mora aflVrisnt. Stop in at your dsalar't or our stara today and SGF me MetvMMommc MS UiCTRIC COMPAMy

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