Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jul 1948, p. 1

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• f - A'l • * • ' f > . ' ' , . -- **W " ^ | : ; f f , T ' ' V ir « . . * * • * . » - ' * ;V *' •„ "«T * 7 ? ^ * * * " ; . • '"S&TW1& :V A^ji i." •-;^;v-.- - :"*"'"V. "i»> •£• ** -JT ^-T T J?. ^" ** " ' ». .j. ' < *• 1 „ . ^ ^ ^ ^ * •* * " ^ ' • • - • < , , ^ "•V^V *•_ * V". *'%>•„ S^t rotaune 74 MeHKNtY, ILLIHOIS, THUMDAY, JULY 22, lM8 Ho. 10 HFW SELECTS ^ CHAIRMEN FOR iUCUSrCARNIVAL Public To Be Offered ; Many Attractions At Gala Three-Day Event McCDLLOi LAKE ANNUAL FESTIVAL OPENS FRIDAY Even the adults of the McCullom Lake community are finding it difficult to -maintain their usual calm this week as last minute preparations are made^ for their annual three-day summer festival. The event, sponsored by the Property Owners As* sociation of McCullom Lake, win begin Friday, July 23, and continue through Sunday, July 25, and will be held on the beach park. There will be games, prizes, booths ROSE MUELLER DEATH MOURNED OY MANY FRIENDS : Greater Part 4>f > - Lifetime Spent In V'-v - Service To Others . HATZVE OF McHENRY,--HIaIJCIIDV riDOT ^ a mmmoh^y, MCntNKT rlnoI RETURNS FOR VISIT The interesting experience of local young men and women concerning their life in various parts of the world during the last war never ceases to prove interesting to their family and friends. Last week, however, it was the pleasure/jf several local residents to chat *rfth one who has spent thirty-three years in foreign lands. The McHenry visitor was Miss Jennie Smith, daughter of the late j ENTRY AT FAIRADS. 27 - SEPT. 6 flounty Display To y. Vie For $1,200 Prise For Best Exhibit HAROLD JEPSON FAMILY VIES FOR COVETED TITLE i ' Flans are progressing nicely for the carnival which the Veterans of Foreign Wars is sponoring in the •city park on Friday Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 13, 14 and 15. It is the second year that this veterans' organization has promoted such an _ . . _ , .•vent, and if the 1947 carnival was'families who desire to prepare their Mrs. Rose Mueller, who died this.moved to Portland, Ore., she left «ny indication, festival-loving folks j lunch on the grounds may do so. ! week at the age of 74 years, after j McHenry with them and soon afterare sure to want to circle Fame and fortune, as measured by jM r. and Mrs. Bradford Smith, early McHen„ry wa__s the first county gt ttr- Tlore than 300 Legionnaires refreshments stands and the! the world come to only a few, Taut settlers in this area and farmers in'rounding Chicago to enter into com customary attractions which are so j in each community there is at least | this community for many years. Miss 1 petition in the Cook County Fair necessary for the success of a; one whose quiet but lyatiring efforts1 Smith was born and raised here, j at Soldier Feld and surrounding, „ - , , festival of this sort. One interest- to .serve-others makes thlein worthy j graduated from the McHenry high! lake front area which will run for i after which he attended Mt. Morris! last week when officers were elected ing feature has been the installation 1 of the gratitude and praise of their j school and later taught for three elevent days, Aug 27 through SJept.'college for three years and received! -- ? of grills at various points so that fellowmen. Just such a person was years in this city. When her family * T •** • L:~ J s- . ' One of the leading families from the Fox valley in the annual contest to select the "Typical Farm (Family" from this area is tha Harold Jepson family of Rt. 1, Dundee. The contest is sponsored jointly by the Elgin Courier News and the Kane County^ Fair association. The Jepsons reside on a farm owned by the Oatman brothers of Dundee. Mr. Jepson, "son of Mrs. C. J. Jep^ son of Ringwood, is well known here, where he resided for several years. He is a graduate of the McHenry high school with the class of 1925, OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF LE6I0N SELECTED M. L. Schoenholts To Guide Activities Of Post For Year 1948-49 of Uek Henry Post, No. 49, enthusiassttiiccaallllyy look forward to another successful year. A large number were present M 6. Local participation was announced l"8. degree in agriculture from the ! this week by W. H. Tammeus, farm i University of Illinois. Mrs. Jepson adviser for the county, wjjo will have'! is a native of Vernon, Texas. i the above! It promises to be a gala weekend snentfing more than half of her life-; ward began her long period of charge of the local exhibits The Jepsons include, in addition to; August dates on their calendars. ] at our nearby subdivision. The time in helping to makev life happy J missionary work for the Methodist j it was only natural that the event' the parents, ^three children, Harold,: George Brda is general chairman festival is not only for residents of for these about her. Mrs. Mueller j church. V . should attract this area where farm- i '11» JBtftes> 5> Margaret Ann, 8. McCullom Lake, but for all others died on Sunday evening, July 18, j According to their ruling regarding jng is now a seventeen million dollar; live on a well kept 266-apre in this area who want some fun. | 1948, in the Woodstock hospital, j missionaries, one remains in a for-la year business Under the guidance' *arm> where they raise 100 acres of 'where she was taken, five daysjeign land for six years and then'0f Mr. Tammeus a variety of 1948 c?rn» thirty-five acres of oats, sixtyprevious. She had been ill for thejreturns for one year in the States.1 agricultural produce will be on f've Seres of alfalfa and varied crops. past seven Weeks. | However, because of the war it has I official display when the fair opens I ^hey have 700 chickens, sixty dairy The deceased was born in Maxwell,; been twelve years since Miss Smithlnext month " I cows, a team of horses and a pony. Mo., near St. Louis, on June 17, 1948,: has pisited home folks. She is I . i Mr. Jepson was born and raised nuo._w retired and expects to makel *Zlu 1{&*™- Farm life for Mrs. Jep- L -- entered in competition with other aftn •»_ if the carnival again this year and %ill be assisted by the following: Finance, LaVerne Harrison, James Ijurkin, Thomas Bolger and Vernon McKinzie; advertising, Gene Dobyns;| arrangements of stands and rides, I George Duesler, M. L. Schoenholtz PROGRAM IN COUNTY and George Brda; ticket selling,! women's auxiliary; insurance, Frank | A one.t!ay registration program, DESIGNATE OCT. 5 FOR ONE-DAY REGISTRATION Low; lighting, Leo Rothermel, Leo that date being set as Oct. 6, was Heimer and Ray Deskis; soft drinks agreed upon by the county board of and sandwiches concessions, women s ; supervisors to accommodate voters! auxiliary; beer stand, Robert Kra- prjor the November election. Pre- Jowetz, Richard Smith and Robert vjous to the decision, there was: 5<4y' lce' Lester Bacon* prize considerable debate as to whether i atand, William H. Althoff; Big-Six, to ho,d a one-day or two-day pro-, Fred Meyers and Andrew Warwick; gram or whether any program at all! Be™ over and under Eugene Miller; was necessary. i Wlk bottle game. Howard Voeltz,. Since this is a presidential election ^ f9®1. Gats, Chester Grandt; Pea- year, however, it was finally decided: ball, Vernon Reinboldt; Hooligan, ejegibie voters be given every. Gregory Cairns; Beat-the-dealer, Jerry opportunity to register. According! Hermann; and Aluminum wheel, to*^ounty Clerk Raymond D. Woods, Kicnard Weber. the present registration is high and Select Workers iwith the present system of having The above chairmen are now busily a special registrar in every city the aagsged in selecting workers to help Hst has been maintained at nearly than carry out the various work 100 per cent yMA is entailed in the presentation Registration booths will be set up ^ *. [arSe V,n A il -ii the various precincts in the county. Moptete list of all those who will Democratic judges in charge of fcalp to make the. carnival a success the odd number precincts and Repubappear in the Plamdealer within lican jud?cs in charge of the even •fce next two weeks. i nnmh*rt ' The Ruggles Carnival Co., has been' son, however, was new at the time of her marriage, -but she has grown. her home in Portland, iwhere three iIni i entrieg f h sisters reside. Uionn /V. X..... . oi ner ma Her accounts Of life in India are of j fu 1 ^„„ntv Snf • m'to love [tgreat interest, especially, her observ- (0ther awards in' thSt^ Competition for the coveted title ance that since England has with- brin(f the total to ,6^^" » between four families in this area, M. L. SCHOENHOLTZ drawn her influence the country has made great strides in progress. Two-Hour Parking In City Will Be Effective Boon money. Dairy Exhibit Although McHenry county, will popular vote. place special emphasis on its im-' -- portant dairy industry, (the county •is the most prosperous in Illinois in that branch of agriculture) exhibits will also include all branches of the Jepson family being the only one closely associated with this community. The winner will be decided by By order of the city council, in the very near future there will be two-|farm activity, livestock raising, dohour parking in the three business j mestic arts and flower raising. The sections of McHenry. Signs stat- > ing the hours in which the ruling is effective, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., are be ing erected at the present time and will be completed soon 100 PERCENT ASSESSED VALUATION IS SOUGHT FOR McHKNRY COUNTY Tax complaints continue to cause 1th£aSVt mM cwHeanbrlye »ha.Cs eT1,7™42f i5dUai-reyS f/ahromWs headaches "in the office of county officiais. Ef^ ^ now being made producing more than 13.5 millions v,,,. u»u __ " to serve for the ensuing twelve months. They are as fellows: . Commander, M. L. Schoenholtz. . Senior Vice-Commander, Williaw . It-. Green. Junior Vice-Commander, Charles , N. Freund-- - - - - - Finance Officer, Harold Vycital. Sgt.-At-Arms, Lester Bacon. Chaplain, Harry Lock. Appointed Officers Other officers and committees were selected, as follows, by the new commander •y* dollars annually.^ The total farm1 a«e88ed va/urtion anH wlfK I Adjutant: Eugene A. Cochrane pmoopouilta tion of the" countiy oisw liis t#e d a-t !tthhee mmuullttiinpllpe onff 4A.f6i nnooww_ hboeiinng» iu>s«e!d^. | SEenrtveirctea inOmffeicnet r:f oJor hCn aDrnrievyaml ilWleiofc« fc. The police department is issuing a 10,226 persons, living on 2,604 farms j a'^w T^ Photo by A. Worwlck, MoH«arv MRS. ROSE MUELLER and asks the co-operation of the $49,000,000. business men and their employees in (enforcing it. County Bond Sides Through July 10 Reach Total of $616,720 The Illinois headquarters of the -- i.ciu w.. ciciiutg . , „ „ - treasury's U. S. Savings Bonds Dithose which brought hundreds to Harold Bacon of Crystal Lake is the agro .8he came to McHenry to carry: vision reports security loan sales of "oy new first vice-president; Mrs. Leslie on the nursing profession by over $i46 million aS of July 10. angaged to handle* the general at-; tractions and the Dispensia Co., has ^ w . been employed to bring to McHenry Jack Byers of Woodstock was re- and f 1 young woman completM a variety of rides. Besides the prise elected president of the McHenry \ nurses training in a St. Louis hospihooths and refreshment stands there County Theatre Guild at a meeting i - her aunt a'nun served as wfll be many other attractions such 1 held on Monday evening of this week, j ^ tte city park last summer to enjoy1 three days of well planned entertain- 3oume of Harvard is second vice- assisting Dr. Arnold iF. _ T--,--,--, president; Donald Still of Woodstock I ?rhom "he later married at Johns-, Series F, $6,275,365, and Series G, is itreasurer; and Mrs. George Kauss1 JlurK-J . Aft«r , death she con- $40,788,300. P«>t. WARREN JONES TO iOLOIST WITH BAND ^ ^T FRIDAY CONCERT - i The eighth and next to last band ert of the summer season will be nted on the high school grounds riday evening of this week, beginning at 8 o'clock. Guest artist will be Wferren Jones, who has •elected' "The Bells of St. Mary's" gad "That's an Irish Lullaby." Also •cheduled to perform on the evening's program is the high school trombone quartet. The entire program will be as follows: •The Star Spangled Banner." . March, "El Caballero"--01ivad<K Overture, "Vogue"--Holmes. Mueller, | Series E sales were $99,114,636, of McHenry is secretary. Forty-one 1 "n"ea 10 minister 10 inose in neea jn McHenry county of the fifty directors were present at of hei »ervices. and for » sh°rt time totalled #419,Ott. the meeting. j«Pfrat L ed_ a «ce cream parlor in; |9>157. ard Series G> $188,500; to Series E 1 ®er_c Series F, « . Johnsburg. About fifteen years agoj^e'a toUl of* $6167720 ^ 8he moved to McHenry. | Arnold J. Rauen, state director of MnA||l|l| THr ' Mrs. Mueller had no children of Pistakee Bay, said the final figures fllfllllHIl I Hr !her own' but her kindnesa to un-! will not be available until late in nil Will# I Ilk {fortunate youngsters who had lost July. • "aaAaaMv as a >s#%a* ! their parents knew no bounds. Since; • ,--Ml|ll||lT ljflllvt her residence here she had taken ' -WlfUlt I nUUuL into ^er h°me and acted as mother HURDER CASE |to nine children, whose continued demotion through the years are testimony to the fine home and cheerful BUS SERVICE While more than 160 «Mwl j atmosphere in which they were ||£^y|y|£Q ||| cases were stricken from the docket raised. Many years ago she took into in circuit court in Woodstock last her home Emil Simon Sr., of Ch%- week, one, a murder case of morejCHf®. Walter, I^uis and Alex Simon than twenty-seven years standing,' fd Charles Mueller of St. Louis, remained. The case involves Tony ^ter she adopted two sons, Fred J. 1 Mirabella wanted since Feb. ^.'Mueller, now residing at Warner #alte. "Songs of the Island^ltlng., 1921 when he is aUeged to have shot Robins, Ga., and Lyman Mueller of Irieetion, "On the Ranged-- mnd killed Walter Forbish in Har- St. Louis, Mo. She also took into AREA THIS WEEK Executive Committee: Lester Ba- A toul premium lUt ofJM.Mli. j Drfymn™""' all branches of farm activity has solution is being sought. The major-! ° wiWia^ HauroM F is s, rm pl,r I v^: and marks the renewal of the Cook! munitv- j t*l- ... County Fair for the «r,t time In In of b., berry, clerk of the board of review, ] Albert Barbian the 100 per cent assessed valuation A fifteen years, Maywood having been host at that time. According to Mr. Tammeus, plans are being made to depict the work of • his office and to use a 4-H club show exhibit, the same one which will be shown at Woodstock on Aug. 23 and 24. While no other entries had been made from the surrounding Chicago area at the time that McHenry county listed its name, it is known that many other northern Illinois counties -are making preparations to challenge for the top awards. JULY 31 DEADLINE FOR VETS TO REINSTATE SERVICE INSURANCE by Frankiser. March, "Strike up the Band" Briegel. Overture, "Horizon"--Bays. Trombone Quartet, "Annie Laurie"-- New Owners Release Tentative Schedule; Fine Service Planned vard. Mirabella, a railroad section her home and guided in their childemployee at the time, was never >H>od Emil Simon and Miss apprehended. He disappeared follow- Emily Simon of McHenry, Miss Siing the murder and although a man-jmon having continued to make her. ^ . hunt was continued for years the law home with Mrs. Mueller until the: i>he WAF Transportation Co. re- •rr- by Guentzel. Carol Harrison, never caug-ht up with him. The court;time of the latters death. ^Besides sume(j itg bus service this week under Ferol Martin, Martin Klapperich, to keep the murder charge on; the above, she is survived by two new ownership and management. the docket in hope that some day he I grandchildren Susan and David Muelmight be found. . hr' of St. Louis. In the conference which saw the In keeping with her great interest many cases stricken from the docket | in home was her culinary talent, her were Judge Wm. M. Carroll, State's i reputation in this endeavor being fSllU iwu |ICISVI»B HUi aoov«WWU WII.H Attorney Don A. Wicks and Circuit widespread. Possessed of a friendly 1 that business, George Hoffman of Clerk ILester Edinger. Since action {personality she continued to keep in " - was taken, the office of Mr. Edinger I close contact with her comtempor- For the present, however, the company will operate under the same name. The new stockholders are the owners of Downs Motor Transport and two persons not associated with John Strever. -ilareh, "Invercargill"--Lithgow.-- - lekction, "Stout Hearted Men" arr. by Yoder. Fox Trot, "Nobody's Sweetheart Now"--arr. by Buchtel. Vocal Solos, A. "The Bells of St. Mary's-- Adams. ^ |s busv entaring the orders in each j aries, regularly attending her card B. "That s an Irish Lullaby -- cmae. Some of the cases were: club until poor health forbid. Shannon. stricken with leave to reinstate. j The body Vested at the Jacob War™ Jones, soloist. The decision to clear the docket of Justen Sons funeral home until 10 March, '|Our Director"--Bigeloir. | jon>, standing criminal cases, some o'clock .Wednesday morning, when j Since it was impossible to serve all March, • Trombone King --King. __ I of m minor nature, will mean addi- last^ riles were conducted at St. the communities which formerly had W m aIhimU Oii*tal waa im Qi Last chance for Illinois World War II v e t e r a n s t o r e i n s t a t e N a t i o n a l S e r - j vice Life Insurance without a physical! examination will be July 31. | At veteran Boy^s State Peter Roche, chairman; seems to be a fair answer to the {Leo Kerber and Ray Page. problem. To install the new system) School Awards: Paul R. Yanda, would take approximately a year and | chairman; Ray McGee and William would involve some expense. A sug-: Green. gestion was mad* to contact Merrill j Auditing: James Larkin, chairman; Calame, Elgin assesor, to learn more tLaVerne Harrison and Eugene Cochabout the system, which is now in I rane. effect in Kane and Lake eounties j Rehabilitation: Glen Draper, chairand has been approved by the state.'man; Andrew Warwick and John It was brought out that under the' Dreymiller. 4.6 multiple system the total valua- Building: William Meath, chairtion is sure to be more than 100 man; Henry Tony an, Floyd Covalt, per cent on a $100 valuation. j Charles Miller and Ray McGee. 1 j Boy Scouts: Harold P. Owen, chairman ; A. L. Kosinski, Ray McGee. Leo Stilling, William Green, Harold Vycital and Lester Bacon. Public Relations: A. L. Kosinski, nAnaallaP aDaA m TvnIIsI • « ati a i chairman; William Bacon, LeRoy MIiINV Con^y, and Charles N. Freund. liUVIblf AI ULAIIUNo 235 ch<SSS: i chairman. WE OFFER YOU Dprreesseenntt aa ssttaait-eemmeenntt obyv itnhee f.. Jt wnIaPsA «twuroe ynefa rsi natpgrov itphwaitn eW e Mhra«d ' c.n a^iremmaonn.a I Day: W,U,am Altho<^» 1 saying his health is as good | g® Pleagj£k °'^ n^ ^a. Rifle Squad: Richard F. JoatM. as when the policy lapsed and pay-1 *" ® int^our Birthdav Sook on chairman. ment of two month premiums »re;jjj® Jhty?Jix?h birthday anniversa- At last week's meeting, delegates all that is required to reinstate. ^ ^ y year8 have tou y hed IightIy and alternates were named to the A veteran may reinstate term m- !on this charming lady, and at 88 she department convention to be held this surance or convert to any of six 8tili derives a great deal of pleasure ®""?.mer „ Delegates chosea were plans including 20-year endowment. from iiving , Wlham Green, Ray Page and it. 1* and endowment at age of 60 or 66. | Last Saturday evening, June 17, j Schoenholts, and alternates seledtod Conversion to more than one plan 'member8 0f her famiiy gathered at were LeRoy Conway, Harold vycnai is permissible if the totol amount the F. C. Feltz home on Waukegan! Charles N. Freund. does not exceed $10,000. jgtreett where she reside8 and Ptan< were tar the Because there are no administra- j honored her at a social gathering, a*11"**1, entertainment nroTWed W • To those who know Mrs. Block it was carnival worken. No tocutoa "Our Director"--B^eloW. _ ,^ro,m^>ne K t kl* J" »nS; minOT "nature," "mew iddi- Finale, God Bless America Berlin, tional room as the files of these cases • . _ . . -- . will be removed to other Quarters. (doms OapiBi Released -&m Sommen Oirl Death - tion expenses paid from premiums, inose wno anvw mis. JDIOCK IV WiB -- v V V V . • m National Service .Life Insurance costs I not surprising that her interesting was reached but the suggestion M a less than any other comparable in-, .necdotes kept the guests in light P,c",c met .^th general approval, surance and has received endorse-1 hearted soirits throughout the eve-! There is little new concwwuf we or m#nt #f all the leading insurance njnK | Legion building which will be erected Woodstock and LaVerne Thomas, a companies in the United States. [ Besides Mrs. Felts. Mrs. Block has on tne site of the present parlclM Information and assistance in re- four other children, Frank Block of; Jpt- Members are instating lapsed insurance can be , Marengo, Mrs. Elsie Voeltr of Mc- fic plans, which when received wiu secured at any one of the 1^2 field Henry, Mrs. Elfrieda Dryer of Forest be submitted to tne arcniteci. •ll Chicago attorney. Only one bus is operating this week, but by the end of next week the new owners expect to have more buses running, both air conditioned. SEEK $12£M Mrs. Jean Goldberg and Max Gold- Mary's church. Burial was in St. John's cemetery in Johnsburg. beside die body of her niece, Mrs. Emil Simon, Sr. «>» »it not INJURED FRIDAY mers, 4, Edward Smith, R. (F. D. Har- "*"*- UlJUIUiW I IU1/A1 The identity of a driver aad killed Pamela Ruth -Summers, . «f Island Lake, on Monday afternoon accorfingTo a-bill of "complaint «|l PDICD AT IIITAC July 12, was not determined by a ;filed in drcuit court this week by |n LKAdll UT AUIU} eoonty coroner's jury which met last Attorney Louis J. Robinson of St.] weekend. Louis S. Capissi, 28, of ' > Chicago, who had been arrested in. bill alleges that Nov. 15 last WAF service with the One vehicle now available the schedule for the following week has been set up to care for the needs of McHenry residents and those in the communities north and west of here. When the three buses go into operation^ all communities formerly served will again find their needs adequately taken care of. Week's Schedale offices of the Illinois Veterans commission. In McHenry county the office is located at 100% N. Benton street in Woodstock. P,rk .™. U-U Block .f "cH.n„!MSrv STATE ALLOTS $79,487 TO IMPROVE COUNTY ROADS FRANK CLARK, 78, LIFELONG RESIDENT OF THIS AREA, IS PEAD ; the meeting to be held in St Mar ye- ! St. Patrick s school hall. Commander 1 Lester Siedschlag of Richmond will be in chaige, with guest speakwa Douglas Getchell of Gray slake, ^ denartment commander, and "Baldjr* A lifelong resident of this area, Peacock of Harvard, division com- Frank Mathews Clark, 78, passed manaer* --- away on Tuesday morning, July 20, TWO LOCAL PETITIONS ^ i ± 1948, at the home of his siste^*, Mrs.' vAUnt/'i «rpna Matie Harrison at Greenwood where FOR KJS-ZUHUIw W &&& -- . • u «... - -- . ©elieving that they *were still on _ connection with the case, said he is y#ar the defendant was driving hia Rt. 120 rather than Waukegan street, j Monday through Friday. No Satursore that his car was not involved in, tr^k on Route 173, one block south I a car in which five Chicago nurses | day and Sunday schedule can be the tragedy and that if it had been Harvard, and that Jean Goldberg j were riding crashed into an auto j arranged until the full number of he would have stopped and rendered WJUJ a passenger in a car driving. driven by Ray Roberts, 19, of Villa buses are in operation. pid. He had driven out of the P*1-*- west on the foregoing highway. Care-(Park, at the Intersection of Green Bus leaves Woodstock at S a. m., ing lot only a short time before the|je##negg amj negligence of the demand Waukegan streets in McHenry passes through Wonder Lake at 6:22 jgWs body was found. Pamela s head .fendant resulted in a collision be-, last Friday evening about 11 o'clock, and reaches McHenry at 6:49. Same was crushed by the wheel of an auto ^vreen the twto vehicles, causing Nine were injured in the collision and bus leaves McHenry at 6:66 a. m., W 1° evidence of the accident was yur{H to Mrs. Goldberg and damage'were taken to the Woodstock hospital, arrives at Wor.der Lake at 7:22 a. m. on Capissi s car. to their car. $7,500 .is aaked for although noae was critically hurt. and at Woodstock at 7:50 for conpersonal injuries and |5,000 for auto- The young ladies, all nurses at nections with the 8:02 Chieago train, Teachers From This Vicinity mobile damage. Htnmtin kmnitil weft en route to Bus leaves Woodstock at 10:30 a. Attending Health Workshop A Health Workshop is now ip-progress at the Wbodstock high school, irtaffed by instructors from Northern ffaofai State Teachers College Def «B> In addition to a fine staff of teachers instructors, there are many Jnaltfr consultants, top-notch in their apfirisl fields. Speakers on the next «** weeks' calendar include Carl fbx, assistant director of the Illinois Tuberculosis association and Stelle Graff, state supervisor of the school Isneh program. The following teachers from this communitv are attending the workshop: Gladys , MeAndrews, Alice Clark, Kathryn L. Conway, Lenore Geetey, Leta Clark, Velma Douglas, Dorothy, Genevieve Knox, and Knox, Mias WfattwAJiaMea nurse of Macomh, a The young ladies, all nurses at Henrotin hospital, were enroute to Chicago after visiting at the home of -FLEET TRAINING Mrs. Charles Rocr keted .a.t Wonder M. L. Schoenholts, new commander I They were driving east but of tee local Legion post, win report fatted to follow Rt. ISO when it to Norfolk, Va„ for training with Uie, branched to tha left in West Mc- Atlaiitk reserve fleet on Joly 26, the j Henry. Thinking they were still training period to continue for two' - weeks. During the last war, Mr. Schoenholts sorted for seven months as a seaman second elan, for a month and a half as specialist <T) third class, and for the remainder of totality-five months of service as a lieutenant (jg.) The state division of highways last: he had resided for the past seven APPROVED BY BOARD T. , „ • . weekend reported to Governor Dwight 1 years. Mr. Clark suffered a broken 7. ?. ? !? ? tentative schedule jj Green that it has completed al-iL:D :n a -fan ,n 1941 and since that , . - . will be followed for the next week, iocation 0f $7,500,000 to 1672 Illintfie | ti£e had in poor health. I The petitions for re-zoning of 1fcwo townships and road districts for con- j The deceased was born in 1870 on local parties .were struction of farm-to-market roads. |the farm where his brother, Clyde , be approved by the board oi supw- The allotment represents the second Clark, still resides. The two brothers: visors, which met last weea. tam operated the farm together for many reports ^ were made by the county until th« accident of E»U«r The only survivors are the sister Peschke for reJ0"1"5„. 0f-nHWT»r and b r o t h e r and s e v e r a l n i e c e s and a c r e s b e t w e e n McHenry a n d U l y nenhews I>ake from agriculture to Business 1 ^he body is resting at the Peter M. for the purpose of a Justen funeral home until Thursday range; the **e?n2 ^ afternoon at 2 o'clock, when Rev. of Marshall and Ann M. leather W Charles Stevens of the Greenwood the purpose of a gravel pit, tne Methodist church, will officiate at land comprising twenty acres, ana last rites. Burial will be M the the third wm a request by Gen- ANNUAL FWTIVAL ........ The second annnal Fall sponsored by the parish of Chrtet theKlng at .Wonder Lake, will be held over the Labor Day weekend, S, 4, 6 and • at the church. of Mrs. Dorothy Gihba, John 8tumm of Crvstal Lake and Lena H. Guercio of McHenry. Lawrence G. Freund and Dorothy M. Efaimenstill, hath of McHenry. on the highway, they were driving at a good rate of speed as they apoveached the city intersection. The Callahan cart driven by Ipharts, was going north on Green street. In fM car were Robert Thiol, 20, at Johnsbui «, Betty Muitger, If, and Patricia Callahan. 17, both of CWe|«B. " in which the npxaes wan riding bvrst into Umm Jjmpa<U|taIy after thp crash and ioau ffrMatfu were saaunoned to extinguish the Are. Except for their immediate response, the passengers might have been burned. *n»e nurses were Susan . . Hagenaan, Gestrude Huber, Julia, »um»er beat. Engd, Francee Dorn and Ruth Koester, the latter who was driving the was the " most seriously injured, receiving broken m., reaches Wonder T »ake at 10:66 and arrives in McHenry at 11:26 a. m. At 6:30 in the evening _ the bus leaves McHenry, accomodating commuters arriving on the 6:24 train from Chicago, passes through Wonder Lake at 6:51 and arrives in Woodstock at 7:10 for connection with the 7:S8 a. m. streamliner for Chieago. Bus leaves Woodstock st 8:40 p. m. except Friday, when it leaves at 9 o'clock, passes through Wonder Lake at 9:01 and arrives in McHenry at *:SQ o'clock. Residents throughout this area are happy to see local bus service resumed and will be suro to find the well planned schedules a very real accommodation especially during the ribe. Miss Huber and Miss Dorn •dhnd back injuries. Police Officer McCarthy investigated the accident. Ringwood cemetery. evieve and George Justen of McHenry for variation of the soning of a re-sale store in tha of their residence. half of a $15,000,000 legislative appropriation and brings to $30,000,000 the aggregate total of funds furnished by the state to build rural, access roads. McHenry county's allotment is $79,487 for 886.96 road mileage. This, of course, will be allocated to the various townships. The township road improvement program was inaugurated in 1946, at the instigation of Governor Green, when the 64th General Assembly appropriated an initial $16,000,000 for this purpose, marking th# first time tn the history of the state when such aid was extended. With this appropriation, approximately 16.6 per cent of % total 76,000 miles of unimproved ruia) roads in Illinois were surfaced undeiL the joint state-township program. Expenditure of the second $15,000,000 is expected to boost this figure to between 26 and 3® per In authorising the second $16,00*. 000 the 66th General Assembly liberalized state assistance W Pitting the townships and rmd districts to use the state funds for grading, and for construction^ of culverts ami bridges up to 2» per cent of their total allotments. allotment'^hiive until1*some ATTEND CAMP LOWDEN Twelve Boy Scouts from the Me- , _ _ M Henry troop left Sunday morningfor, Local HOUM BttlWl MemoefS On Ooantj Oommitt** Howard til Conmittf*s i™*** > WmtUe+ BVjgmgfmg countv executive b^ard of the wade at cainqp are IMnaM #acs j Hom€ iBuraau to assist in carrying IMS to expend the money. Eirtx, Charles Gies, Jabn J. Bolger, j " oi rtudy and ,*«rk firl^ pUnni* r-f2£^©reSS[ • • ' ' I of West McHenry. county vice-chair- BNTBB8 BUSINESS man, as ch^rmanjtbe William Ahrens of West McHenty, f«~»»tteeinclud« Mrs^ FVedS*^ has ?urehased the'whitewashing and, boda of Lily Lake and Mra. Wwwe spraying equipment of Al. Phannen- j Gardner of Solow' MMs. aad tb .4111 kae aataliMslM^ Ml ttittdf Dfojctt tat 607 Front strMt*

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