Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jul 1948, p. 4

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Pnbtiibed every Thursday at Mc- Bemrnr?y,, mr by A. Howard Mosher Editor--Adele Froehlich visiting in the home of her parents, McHEHRY DELlGATKI Mr. and M»*s. Jrhn Vycitnl. "T»*»T T a -AV WW*I*CI The Elmer Scheid family of He-1 VM" IVW« bron spent Sunday visiting John C. D. Of A. CONVENTION Scheid and daughter, Rena. ^ Employees of A P. Freund and Mrs. Elisabeth Schoewer, publicity i sons, as guests of their employers, chairman of Court Joyce Kilmer, No. Catholic Daughters of America, m m&m ,« V " • ?%• ' -•/ " Entered as second-class matter at; on Monday, enjoyed a visit to the the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under j Road Show, which opened last Friday the act of May 8, 1879. One Year $2.60 ALCDITORIAL. SSOCIATION ersonm iss Marguerite Johnson is spendin the paiknig yot south of Soldier's Field. I Mrs. Helen Heuser, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser of Chicago, visited in the Paul Achor home at Frankfort, Ind.» last week. Miss Mary Heuser is spending the summer in Frankfort. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan »pent Thursday visiting relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Peter Roche and son visited her parents in Rockford a few days thejast Of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Doherty returned last weekend from a trip through Wisconsin and Michigan. Mrs. Leslie Olsen and daughters, has received word this week from the McHenry grand regent, Mrs. Ella Buss, who is now attending the twenty-second national convention at Huntington hotel in Pasadena, Calif., as a delegate from Illinois. ' Delegates (represent forty-five states and from Puerto Rico. Five prelates addressed to convention, Archpishop J. Francis Mclntyre, archbishop of Los Angeles; Bishop Wm. D. O'Brien, auxiliary bishop of Chicago; Bishafp Joseph T. Mc- Gucken and Bishop Timothy Manning of Los Angeles and Bishop Eugene J. McGuinness of Oklahoma. At the^. opening business session, Miss MmC. Duffy of South Orange, New JelQey, supreme regent, rein* several weeks' vacation with Susan «*!P°rted a tot<l1 of nearly $900,000 friends at San Diego, Calif. She will „.,8^es i contributed for religious, charitable also visit •points of interest in other Richmond, and M ss S and educational purposes during the part. of the sttte. £•'.d R.p,dS, M,chs Brook-; p,st tw„ yrar( ,"lld^ ^ o('2662 Mrs. Walter Carey and daughter, M Ben Kennebeck Mrs Nick M ! *atml,es in Europe being helped by Nancy, left Tuesday morning for a j te' _ d daughter Jaeaueline 'senior an'1 junior members of the .tip through the E„«. tSTSS R^lS; Charles Venable spent several days visited in Dixon last Thursday. # ^ fk * sponsoring th. p..t week visiting J.m.8 Winkle- Mr.nd Mrs. Harry L.wrenee of '<°ny-three V, 22. 1MK saxr^T.. . The Happy Clover 4-H club of Ringwood held its annual Mothers Tea on July 14 at the home of Miss Carol Harrison. A review of the year's work was made, with a luncheon, and tea closing the evening's program. • « * Entertained «- Girl Scouts " Miss Barbara Eggwrt entertained members of her Girl Scout troop at her Waukegan street home last Monday afternoon. Games were enjoyed on the lawn, after which a tasty lunch was servedT ^Leaders of the troop are Mrs. Minnie Green and Mrs. Frank Gam. ' ' • i t r ' Hold Btenie At. ' the valuable prises to be awarded. Lunch will be served. The committee in charge of the party includes Mrs. Herbert Freund. Mrs. Howard Reinboldt, Mrs. James M G1 man, enroute home from Mexico to Chicago spent a few days the past!th*ne cjJJJJJjj* "L^Lh*™!!! °h Albert Members of the Ladies Aid of the Zion Lutheran church gathered at the home of Mrs. Paul Albert on East River Road last Friday evening to enjoy a picnic supper on the lawn. This was follpwed by several hours spent in sewing in preparation for the annual Christmas ba- The widely diversified program of za»r which the church fpoasepjJ Albert Vales and Mr. and Mrs. Givens. George Vales of Chicago visited in Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm of! the home of their parents last week. Kenosha, Wis., spent a few jays [being demonstrated throJgh simi- The JohnsburgJ's heldtheirfifth Dr. and Mrs. James J. Clark of the last week with her mother, Mrs. j nars> panel programs and discussion Richmond, Va., are spending several Zena Bacon. tne M- F. Clark Miss Rita Mae Courier of Maren- , go visited hi the home of her grand- Johnsbary J's days' vacation with family on Green street. (groups. Mrs. Ann. Tonyui of Pox uk.'J10ther' M™' N«1B« Bacon' for • '«»!*>» Virginia Passfldd aid taS^Mk' *°°t' M™' ,0e "***""• l ift. «a Mr,. Roll.nd Ensign two sons have been vacationing in #nd, Robert Smith Wed July 15 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murtaugh ^e home of'herl^latives' Tt^en"! In. a simple but lovely wedding meeting at the Joseph Miller home last week, at which time a demonstration was given by Betty Ann Huff and Janice Oeffling and talks werfe Siven by Dorothy Ann Hiller and [ildred Hiller. Refreshments were served by Elaine Turner and Mary Ann Miller. Mrs. Gloa Hoateaa.. -A To Pinochle Club Mrs. George Glos was hostess to members of the East River Road Pinochle club when they met at her home last Thursday afternoon. [ Strandel Doherty, Mrs. Joe Glosson. Mrs. George Miller, Mrs. Harry O'Brien, Mrs. Robert Frisby, Sr., Mrs. Lawrence Klapperich, Mrs. John Reinboldt, Mrs. Frank Zimmerman and Miss Marion McOmber. Young girls who will assist in the serving of lunch will be Rita Bolger, Nancy Siemon, Barbara Russo, Eva Unti, Joan O'Brien and Rosemary Doherty.. • m:*'-?; J* '* Celebrate > Two Birthdays-'1' m" A double celebration honoring twrf birthday anniversaries was held in the Edgar Landgren home on Green' street last Sunday, July 18, the oecasion being the first birthday of Cathy, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman, who reside with her parents, the Landgrens. Since Mrs. Coleman's birthday occurs today, July 22, the two occasions were celebrated at the same time. Guests from Park Ridge, Lincolnwood and McHenry gathered to enjoy dinner at 5 o'clock, with two attractively decorated cakes adorning the table, followed by a social evening. Twenty friends and relatives were present to offer best wishes and present the celebrants with lovely gifts. Gathering Honored ~ f7 ,:1 Miss Eleanor Strandel ,r. •», - Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton were hosts to relatives last Saturday at a gathering held in honor of the fourteenth birthday anniversary of Miss Eleanor Strandel of Aurora, who is spending the summer with her aunt an<^ uncle. A picnic dinner and supper were enjoyed, with a variety of games providing entertainment. .*IY MATTIKS vYOUR JNQNf> • • ™ ... ^ ** . 9 o |it\ I Ipfef I X'"- • •' •- ' i z o s u D. O o c HORSE SENSE ABOUT CAR FINANCING F„ any car-financing plan the- ini* portant thing is over-all cost--ii|. dollars. Our bank auto loan plan a0? fers you economy and all-around satw isfaciion. Come in for the figure-facts^ * if ,; * asfe..- m •< m 70 IH bfAT£ BANi! Member Federal Reserve System • I Member Federal Davea't IiisHrat.cs Cof^aratMr <' S Those in attendance were Mr. and, Report On Oonnty Health h ™oid°st« J'rMr,;".„d m •" G,""e1 Submitted By Mirf HoM* and children, Therese, I and Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer n-_j N k ( service solemnized in the rectory of visited in the £• E Denman home at Viola JuateT1 Mrs. Evelyn'^; Mary's church last Thursday p^eon T h u r s d a y e v e n i n g <>f Diedrich and Mrs. Mary Ann Thennes, Miss Virpnia last week. visited Mrs. Phillip Thennes at Sacred ^ssfieW daughter of Mr and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Jr.,!Heart sanitarium in Milwaukee, Wis.,;HoyPassfieUl of Woodstock formerly »nd baby of Chicago are spending one day last week." ' ' xnursaay ax^rnoon. this week visiting m the home of his Mrs. Timothy McClarey and baby 5®j*rt ®®n « ** an° Mrs. Prizes were merited by Mrs. Frank parents. of Chicago spent a recent day visit-1 Sr.^ Rev.. | Adelmeier, Mrs. E. R. Sutton, Mrs. Tuesday guests in the Albert Vales, ing McHenry relatives. Icommnnw ciated at the 3 o clock jQhn Braeseke and Mrs. Albert Sr, home were Jack Swatek and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales,' y" I Vales. Mrs. Eleanor Nye will enter- Miss £tie Murray of Chicago. daughter, Delqres, and son, Albert, I T"e attractive, Monde bride chose! tain the ladies at their next meet- Mrs. Frank Justen and son. Ronald. Jr.. attended the wedding of Frank ® grey-colored suit with which she I ing on July 29. • left Friday mornine to return to Albert Thomas and Miss Matbel w°re white accessories, while her; * • •* their home in Chowchilla, Calif., after Marion Janacek in Cicero last Satur- ®Jten.danJ' ¥ls®Jlarian Sm,th. si8ter|Guest Speaker At ° visiting relatives and friends in this day. Mr Thomas is nephew of the the bridegroom, wore an aqjia- Kiwani8 Meeting community. .senior Albert Vales. Jack Smith iSv^H hU hrotW ««1 Members of the Wonder Lake Ki- Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer . Sundav visitors^ in the Leslie Olsen bJt l^a® ,th SCrVed h,S br°ther -as wanis club gathered at the Rolaine attended Douglas D. Getchell Day, ^"i . ' .. Grill at 7 o clock on Tuesday evensponsored by Grayslake Post. No. "ch u and d*ughtei' Donna^ of Mur-1 After the wedding, the young ing, July 20, to hear the very in- 659? with the co-operation of the Co]Z" Cresting guest speaker, Dr. James tenth district, American Legion, on a1^. Miss Nettie W^lednch of jWter which they will return to make F. Redmond, who is assistant to the] Enrollment of nurses for use m Sunday. i ^harcm, Wis., and Charles Olsen of their home in one of the apartments general superintendent of Chicago time of disaster is again underway Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Harris of Wo u™ Mrg c H left!ln_ e ;Wattles bu,ld,n?- | schools. Dr. Redmond's services were in Y(6UR MONt* Catherine, Rob«t\ and Harold, of Miss Mabel Hobbs, county health Aurora, Jack, Charles and Douglas1 ?.ur8®' submitted 'her report for the CARD OF THANKS/ I wish to thank all those who asafccards while I was in the hospital ap£ also those who offered prayers. ?>. j *10 MRS. FRANK S. MAT. Schick of Rock Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin and sons, Raymond and Kenneth, and A. V. Martin of Spring Grove, Mrs. Eleanor Nye, Arthur Martin, Mrs. Bob Peterson, Mrs. Earl Peterson, Thomas Charles Sutton. - ; Seek Enrollment of Nurse*. For Use in Disaster Period McHenry county. Miss Mabel Miami, Fla„ spent the past week "r and I The bride attended the local high i secured through the' efforts of the Hobbs, county nurse, long active in Wednesday morning for Indiana, school and graduated from the Wood-1 Richards. . - Red Cross activities throughout the i L Le R >«i • SAT. JULY n - u • t-ri ranuai i MBIIT TAYLOR NM HMBT inna cMgy-i MdSOD -- CO-HIT m Msv/oia T£XM 4IEPMIIC Pterin --EXTRA !- Satarday Mat. Only 'For the Kiddies!. Gi*nt Cartoon Carnival where they will spend a week visit- st0ck school in 1947. Since that mg reUtives. .... _ „ time she has been employed at a! Henkel Infant Mary Beatty and Helena Smalley | radio factory in Woodstock. The I Is Christened have returned home after spending groom is a local graduate with the! Mr. and Mr0. uvwy «ivvbu «o I?£ W?« ^lal8- °l and has be*1* employed j sponsors last Sunday at the christen-) Dulleck at Fay Lake, Wis., formerly, In his father's grocery store in West ing of David Jeffery, infant son of the Matt Laures resort. McHenry. New Zealand Bailor People of New Zealand eat more than twice as much butter as Americans do. Harmlos* to Livestock When used as a weed killei 21 t to not poisonous tn livestock. FATHER OF McHENRY RESIDENT, 92T, DIED SATURDAY, JULY 17 throughout . county, has been appointed as chairman of this recruiting project. At the end of the war, the enroll- Mr. and Mrs. Ja$k Geary acted as' ment of nurses was complete, but ' 'with many newcomers to the county and many of those registered having Mr. and Mrs. Henkel of Volo. The | moved away, it is thte desire to have baptismal service took place at St. the list complete. j Peter's church, with Rev. George i Schark officiating. Following the |j ceremony, a chicken dinner was served at the Henkel home. t Carl J. Schroeder, 92, pioneer Crystal Lake resident and father of Emil Schroeder of McHenry, died «n Saturday evening, July 7, 1948, at Shennan hospital, Elgin. ^ native s oi s»t. tiara s ire jMhking final eir picnic, to be 7, July 29, 'at Juvenile Foresters' Are Planning Pfenic Juvenile Foresters of St. Clara's Court, C. O. F^ are preparations for their Complete line of Beebe livestock I of Zornow, Germany, he came to {|le'd on Thursday remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me*'Crystal Lake in 1881, where he re- i Veterans Acres Crystal Lake. All Henry. 8-tfj sided for the remainder of his life, who plan on enjoying the outing are His wife, Sophie Kroeger, preceded; asked to meet at 11 o'clock at "St. , him in death. Surviving are five j Mary's-St. Patrick's school. Anyone ! children, Charles Schroeder and Mrs. | n°t having transportation should call Alvina Peters of Crystal Lake, Mrs. j Mrs. Carl J. Freund, phone 134-R, be- Mrs. Clara Peters and Mrs. Fieda fore July 28. Mothers are invited Bjtgelka of Elgin, and Emil of Mc-1 to. attend with their children,. Lttjfech Henry; also seventeen grandchildren' wiM be furnished. and seventeen great-grandchildren, j . * * * Funeral services were held on Riverview_ Camp Tuesday afternoon at • 1 JO o'clock Annual Picnic from the Warner funeral home and; Riverview Camp, No. 6818, R.N.A. at 2 o'clock from Immanual Lutheran I held its annual summer pienic on church, with Rev. G. A. Gehrs offici- Tuesday evening, July 20, at Veterans •" First ChsmptM Jamci J. Corbett was tfre first heavyweight boxing champion to win the world's title under Marquis oi Queensberry rules. fiscal year ending April 1, at the! CARD OF THANKS board of supervisors meeting held; In this manner I wish to express . last week. She also submitted a my sincere thanks to all those whoreport .for the three-month period visited me and "who sent me caxdk between April 1, and July 1, of this and gifts during my recent illne^ year- , jThey wer,e greatly appreciated. Under tuberculin testing there were 10 MRS. EMILY EDMIER. 278 students'" tested in three high| • , schools, with twenty-six positive re-| , j«iRD OF THANKS factors seven of these being X-rayed.! ° I would like in this way to thank County patients receiving care in relatives* friends and neighbors ftr the sanitarium last year numbered: cards, visits and the many other fifteen. The remainder of the report kindnesses extended during the time included information concerning the I have been confined to my home, immunization program, office work, These remembrances were very modi school and home visits. ; appreciated. A request made for a $2,000 ap-10 MRS. ELIZABETH SCHNEID^L propriation for the work in the county 1 was allowed and referred to thrift-j CARD OF THANKS nance committee. i I would like in this way to expnaamy sincere thanks to all those CARD OF THANKS " ' remembered me with cards I wish to thank all of those who prayers during the time I was sent me cards and gifts and who , fined to the hospital. I %m especially visited me during the time I was con- ; grateful to Fr. Neidert and tk» fined to the Woodstock hospital and Sisters. at home. 1ft LARRY BARTER. 10 HENRY WILLIAMS. J \. Oily 8kin Treatment , ! ; i iln oily complexion can be treated | by washing the face once a day Toni Permanent Wave Kits, fl.261 J", f^?sh> cl,ear wa*er which the and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 85-tf j *mc* °® one lcmon has been added. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mo- Henry- Wt Need Rubber Stamps f Order 0 i The Plaindealer. *. SUN. • MON. JULY 25 • 26 TUBB. - WBPn JULY 27 - 28* ONHM km* -CO-HIT-- "SWAMP WATER*1 Colony McHeAry, IQinoia FRI. - SAT., JULY 23-24 EJddie Cantor Joan Davis -IF YOU KNEW SUSIE" Plus - 'News & Cartoon SUN. - MON., JULY 25 - » Red Skelton . Janet Blair "FULLER BRUSH MAN" Plus • World News A Cartoon TUE8DAY (ONE DAY) Gloria Henry • William Bishop (1) "PORT SAID" William Boyd • Andy Clyde (2) "HOPPY'S HOLIDAY" WED. - THURS. Walter Pidgeon - Deborah Kerr "IF WINTER COMES" GomiMM ating. BIRTHS Acres, Crystal Lake. A large num ber of members were present to enjoy the twilight pot-luck supper. Mrs. Gladys S. Ames, district supervisitor, of Gurnee, was in attendance. Cards were played and prizes awarded in pinochle to Mrs. Elizabeth Schoewer, Miss Barbara Weber, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller are j Alpha Pederson, Mrs. Catherine Wolf parents of a boy born July 20 at the;and Mrs..Gladys S. Ames. Mrs. Wolf Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Clark, who reside between McHenry and Woodstock, announce the birth of their first child, a son, born at the Woodstock hospital on July 19. Friends in McHenry will be interested to learn of the birth of a also received the^ .atiendance prize. Pabtic Invited j To Public Party. r A special invitation from the Cana dian ladies east o£ the river is extended to both men and women to be entertained on the McLaughlin j daughter on July 15 at the Wood- ^ lawn a week from today, July 29, I stock hospital to 'Mr. and Mrs. when* a card party will be held | Thomas C. WMson of Wauconda. there to benefit the Altar and Rosary I Mr and Mrs. Francis Cox of Cry- sodality of St. Patrick's church. Fan- | Lake are the parents of a son, i nie Freund is chairman of the event. | born on July 16 at the Woodstock There will be a basket of home I hospital. ^ bakery goods donated by Miss Kate Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nye of Wood- McLaughlin and a lovely angel food stock, former McHenry residents, are cake made by Mrs. Freund among the parents of a son, born July 14, j at the Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scheiwe of Rt. j 3, McHenry, are the parents of a daughter, born at Sherman hospital, Elgin, on July 17. ICE CREAM FLAVORS FOR JULY , COCOANUT-PINEAPPLE . ~~V ANILJLA C£ZESTED HAZELNUT NEAPOLITAN CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY - VANILLA BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PBOKBtt McHENRY * AMONG THE SICK Mrs. Jennie Bacon of Ringwood hai been a medical patient at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Robert Kohler was a medical patient at St. Therese hospital, Waukeg£ it| last week. Henry Williams returned home | from Augustana hospital in Chicago last weekend and is improving nicely. Cott--seed Hall Plastie Oottonseed hulls, made into plastics by a process developed at Univeraity at Tennessee experimental research laboratories, «are a wide variety of usee in commercial items and industrial equipment. Ak though the plastic is at present employed most extensively tor this industrial use, commercial products such as radio cabinets, vacuum cleaner hoods and automobile accessories are being manufactured from it. National Cotton couneil say* plastic manufacturers expect the new Industry to create a monthly demand tor 10 million pounds o< cot* tonseed hulls--hulls that were in the past considered useless waste material. Cottonseed hulls are shipped to the factory by cottonseed Ml mills which fiave ground them into flour. The flour is impregnated tilth phenolic binder and comes out in powder form. Had the Want Ads xm LOVE SOMEBODY" YOU CALL EVERYBODY DARUN" RAMBLING ROSE" WILLIAM TELL OVERTURE" by Spike Jasii "TWELFTH STREET RAG" by Pee Wee Host 'TELL ME A STORY" by fltauay Kay "YOU CANT BE TRUE" "WOODY WOODPECKER" "TEA LEAVES? ' "MY BAPPINEPS" -- ALBUMS -- Classical • Children's • Pepelar Select Year Needles Here! Den't Forget Our Aflbaat Record Clab 114 W. Main'Street, McHenry * 1W. MeHeary - 12M RON A 7 C*. t». DELUXE Refrigerator 249,s P^WVjr ^IP*.-.-; e Freexer Chest Holds 40 fee. e Chill Chest will hoM 22 H*. e FuN Seven Cubic Fool -t-- Tradb k your old tofngontor oowf Sanbeam AntomatH IsModv far UMiHm 1 Invest in the Best Buy On The Market 14.89 sq. ft. «helf area. 3-way latck Ldrge one bushel dry storage bin. 4 lit out lee cube troys, 56 cubes. Freezer Chest holds 40 lbs. of froxen food. Chill chest holds 22 lbs. of \ Warre^y» COFFEE MAKER . 128.75 E. 8-CUP COFFEE MAKER $6.95 $19.95 $19.95 fo&stmaater $. E. Antomalic Toaster Qainfield Toaster $2200 Dormeyer K M Mix •400" O. E. Mixer $37.50 $34^5 $34.95 O. E. Electric OrUl .. Q. E. Electric Roaster $13.95 $38.95 Federal Excise Tax Included Authorised Dealer Phone McHenry 4St The Wendhr S»ore ^ ; OOLLETTE, Owner SSI Main Street West McHenry -r*

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