Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jul 1948, p. 6

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" ' < i F I E D E C I i 0 N noticb eC the it wfll be 9i inthe «d|T at !• »X)TS FOR SALE--Lots, RlxSSO ft.,'FOR SALE-*twr on Route Si, about two block from panel, all metal ltollawaybed .--^ * 1-- .i. wtr r>--»-- e* finish; new mattress; Win# davenport in good condition. Tel. depot. Inquire at 715 Center St Tel. McHenry S78J. 22-tt FOR SALE--Boat and motor; 16-ft. ThompsoiK center deck-wheel; 22-hp. Johnson; also summer cottage, river front. See X5. Bauer, No. 47, Sunnyside Beach subdivision, Johnsburg, weekends or week days call Roc. 6164. *10-2 FOR SALE--14-ft. Lyman boat and 33-hp. Evinrude motor; has run only twenty-five hours. Peterson Boat Co., Hwy. 120 east of McHenry. *10 FOR SALE -- Boy's bicycle, **Su- Erente,** 26-in.; like new. Phone Mc- [enry 410-M. *1® FOR SALS FOR SALE OR TRADE--One pair of glazed garage doors or trade for T two % -size beds. Tel. McHenry t*>R SALE--Mew Boe-Craft 16-ft.; 667.R.1. *10 jnboards, $1,650 and up. Also fast 1 -- ~ |2-ft. outboards and 14-ft. row- FOR SALE -- Century % speedboat, (oats. Boe-Craft Boat Co., S. McHenry ! 17-ft. Run less than 40 hours. Phone Ave., Crystal Lake, HI. Closed Suri- McHenry 227-J. 1® ^ >day afternoons. Tel. C. L. 1273. 10-tf FOR SALE--Reed baby buggy and jFOR SALE -- Restaurant dishes; ihi h chair; round oak dining table jHamiltoh Beech mixer and cups, like, ®. chairs. Tel.' McHenry 684-R-l. mew. Call McHenry 260-W. *10-2 "na *10 McHenry 105-J. •10 FOR SALE--2-hp. inboard motor boat, $350; also car top row boat, $50. Can be seen Sundays only. Wm. A. Pankomen, 168 Country Club Drive, McHenry. '10 FOR SALE--New 4-room year-round modern home, close to McHenry. Phone McHenry 227-J. 10-tf FOR RKHT FOR RENT--Place in West McHenry. Tel. McHenry 24S-J or adddrreessss 105 N. Green St., McHenry. •10 MISCELLANEOUS }X>R SALE -- Registered Holstein foR SALE--Ice box and gas stove, bull, 13 mos. old; sired by "King." Call after 5:30 p. m., McHenry 126-J - Dam classified "good plus. 4.2 test. 0r 74-M. Kane & Jepson, Ringwood. *10 FOR SALE--Storkline baby buggy. .F. OR SALE---6 -„y ear size maple babyJ Call McHenry 410-R. *10 4)ed; inner spring mattress. Tel. Mc , ' Henry 175 mornings or evenings. FOR SALE--Six cubic ft. Hibbard - ; *10 refrigerator, like new. Call McHenry 670-M-2. 10 FOR SALE--1935 Pontiac sedan. Tel. McHenry 571-M-l. *10 FOR SALE--Brand new 5-ft. built- • in bathtub in original crate. Complete FOR SALE--Cable piano; 14-in. pot with all fittings. Bargain price $70. fuel oil stove; gas range; kitchen Phone McHenry 549-W-2. Frank cabinet. Inquire at 202% S. Green Passalaqua, McCullom Lake. 10 "St., McHenry. Ring bell once. James ---- : -- D. Claybough. *10 FOR SALE--Modern buffet. _ Inquire FOR SALE--14-ft. Wolverine boat, $50. Phone Fox Lake 345S. *10 at Nook restaurant, West McHenry. 10 AMERICAN LEGIOK [ ^ A R N I V A E ^ illWLjr; 22, 23 and * AT HEBRON, 111* f r e e : ' « ; WATER FIGHTS. EACH EVENING AT 7:90 P. M, . ; RIDES V';>'y VALUABLE PRIZES CONCESSIONS COMBINING--Available to do custom combining .Frank Groell, phone sr«ars: Richmond 474. *10 and calf. Tel. McHenry 616-W-2 |152 go inc, Ux stelTan's Jewelry, | SHEET METAL AND FURNACE ™ I Main St., McHenry. 10 ' " " HELP WANTV» -- CM er m w. : • HWM COOLEY I-R mi uvna FOR WALLS >R8 _ fbr estimate- HUNG ' Lake Avi^ •ke.HL * Lake 490 6-tf cAunDfnm work-- and repelw «f ad kinds. Free esi mate; Lwrd * Panaa. Pto McHenry *7-5tf GENRAL CONTRACTOR for cerin*. and brkkwork. Nick McHenry, HL Phone t-t, Also 2826 N. St. CaScago 18. Phone *51-18 merit,. Haatar McHenry Rockafou Brunswick AMD CEMENT WORK and Iwaalatiea Free Eettaiate ARVIDBON BROTH MlSeniy 653-M-2 m IN THIS TtrPE WORK. APPLY RIVEKSUMB MFG. Cft, jM, RIVEStSIDE DRIVER McHBNKY. Mrs. John Jong and, Mrs. Tinney PHONE St. 10-tf! were hostesses at a card party for (by Mrs. Charles Freud) the of St. Peter's HELP WANTED--Man to work fa I ~i HV' pUnt. McHenry 1c Cnra Co., Pl»~ resent and those whe HELP WANTED--Men Buffers and' Potuihers; first and 'second shifts; steady work, top wane; paid vacations and paid holidays; incentive systei*. Na Expsrlsacs Necessary. ELECTRIC AUTOUTE CO, DIECASTING DIVISION, Woodstock. 111. T3 HELP WANTED--Several men under 40 for shift work in production prises were Mrs. Tony Sduaitt Mrs. Ben May, Mrs. Maranal. won department of progressive company manufacturing line chemicals. Inter-1 from the hospital on Wednesday and Mrs. William Brits, Mrs. Gregory Kattner, Miss Patsv Hinea, Mise Peggy McConnell, Mrs. Marfe Bed, Mrs. Steve Engels, Mrs. J. Hines, Mrs. Koatny and Mrs. Richard Burton. Cake and ice cream was served after cards. Mrs.. Bertha Esh returned home ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor fumaoes. Let us estimate your next job. ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP 304 Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. *46-26 Phone McHenry 760. esting and steady work; good pay;lis recovering nicely, opportunity for advancement; sickj Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner spent leave; Blue Cross and group insur- ^ weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed 50-tf'anCe P,anj nix *>»*?, Mondays Per- i!offmlln in Wilmette. They also 's°n» J1'?*1 will be eligible for | visited Mr. and Mrs. Mel Kutish in two full weeks paid vacation next Chicago on Sunday. summer. Call or phone The Edwal Mr. Oliver Stark and son, David, Laboratories, Inc., Ringwowod, Ih.j of Chicago were dinner guests in the phone Richmond 5. 9-2 home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowling, fee Amaricap way, Is twfcoming a po^ulw gataa hi:' Germany--the country, where, eocdiaf fa ten^lB historiaaa, ^BfA><jf*5e,daya whan «m occupfad bf enfar two laatafed at tmr, aad aoaa taw wa*»|: called Oh Yndah and the QUi r;:' gultia the gama of tinWllag gal tta^ atari It waa about Ml A. D., trftear Oannaaieo kwim «^ar«^*uiec' Aral bffap to "aet them vp in thap;.: cathedral datetara." r In thoae daya, the gama had a^h Each£r ' pin repreasnted a heathen. Thai'r prieat handed a nmgh atone or a*f - wooden ball to a parishioner and,'; , told him to strike down the heathens. If ha miaaed, or failed tar knock down all the pina, the iotiii»^ tion wis that he was guilty of ain. L; - - More than a thouaand years later,1^ Martin waanft posting HELP WANTED--Male or female,: Fr«und ^ Thursday evening. teacher for summer work, to repre-1w KiPKKirNrKii 1 sent our outsUndinr tducstionfil1 Saturday ind Sundty ynh LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY; leadership inyour community. Oppor- j Km™ SlSto AND REMOVAl^NSyRED |tmnty (?'. *ood„ pay._ Fun or part R^rfv^ 9-s!f*Gmuilevs t,sa 8otf wMeerks*. Shirley Dawson on FREE ESTIMATES i^f- Write 'Box 38" in J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 1631 Plaindealer ^ ^ ^ Phone 298-R --- W. McHenry, I1L WANTED--Pin boys. Inquire Sunday were Mrs. A1 Malecki and - 40-tl I .1. T)^a. , . a# Pai*uiir« anil Me«»il C. J. H. D1EHL Woodateck Piano Taner Phoi^e 208-W. 526 Washington St. 30-tf Weodatock, IlL WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN, WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pomps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 98-J. . 10-tf f P^' j FOR SALE -- 14-ft. Wolverine boat, ^ , n _ J ? " * ' c h a ' ^ n e e d s r e p a i r , $ 2 5 ; V i c t r o l a s t y l e c o a l J"., i iSkf8' *#! and wood heater, for four rooms, $30. aS n nil * "^.^rn^' Otto Bender, Fairoaks Sub., one mile gSlryB-67%;: "Sft. from Wd,e on E.„ River R..d, *1. <^y« 10 FOR SALE--Speed &Oat„ 1940 Century; 18-ft., 106-hp.; twin spotlights; flags; running lights; A-l conditionr F. O. Peterson, Fairoaks, one mile bridge. Address Box Hen FOR SALE -- Governor Winthrop desk; 7x11 rug and 12x15 rug with pads; 12-ft runner and pad; 5-piece, ___ ,, bedroom set; phone desk and chair;; 1)9q a pt o McHpnrv "three floor lamps; two Philco radios! ' ' y' 10 6-ft. Frigidaire; iron cot and matstress; other household utensils. Tel. "Mc"He nry 692-J-2. -10 WORK -- Gutters and furnaces re- Eired. John McDonald, Bowman St., cHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 772-M. 10-tf LILLIAN FREEMAN L1EBSOHN Pianist and Teacher Residence Studio, % mi. south of West McHenry on Route 31. Phone 666-M-2. Organizing classes now for private or class instruction in piano (each class is limited to four* children.) Instruction includes one free lesson „. _ „ „ , . . . weekly for all students in beginning SALE--Taveni, large dining , harmony and muXtal appreciation. , complete kitchen. This place j Mrs. Liebsohn has been a teacher of . • beautiful view overlooking (piano and dancing for 16 years. She FOR SALE--Used washing machine; j one of our fastest growing lakes. is B graduate of the Chicago Musical very good condition. Cheap. McHlec nry 643-R-l. Phom Call HANK NELL, with JACOB •Va | FRITZ REAL ESTATE, Johnsburg. Call McHenry 37. 10 FOR SALE--16 steel stanchions,, „„. complete. Lane's Farm, Rt. 59, ^ANT TO GET IN THE CHICKEN phone Fox 5901. *9.2 BUSINESS?--Complete set of build- • -- ----- • ings, dressing rooms, chicken picker, FOR SALE -- Registered Cocker, sharp freeze, large freexer, 1,000 Spaniel puppies, blondes and blacks,; chicken capacity; large .modern home. $w and up. George Reiker. Call I Leaving state, health reasons; must Piatakee 68S-J-2. *4-tf, be sold quick. Nothing like this in •MM, gAfl. -- 1 the lake region. Call HANK NELL, TOR SALE Year-round home. Vith FRITZ REAL ESTATE^ Johns- McCullom Lake; beautifully land- j^on. McHenry 37. 10 acaped lot, 100x125; 3 large well v entilated bedraoms; large living i FOR SALE--One pr. Eiarly Staffordroom with adjoining den; large kit-1 shire horses, 14-in. high; copper chan with built-in ^ cabinets; York- • lustre goUeta. Many other antiques; Shipley oil heating system (1947); good resale clothing; beautiful satin fall basement, approx 27x87; 1% car and other drapes; many other items, garage. Phone McHenry 67S-J-2. *10 Terra Cotta Consignment A Resale ZZ „ .. _ ~T~ --~-- i Antique iShop, quarter mile west of FOR SALE--One and one-half ton Terra Cotta factory. Phone Crystal used International truck. Box body. 1346 10 Alexander Lumber Co., McHemy. ! 52-tf FOR SALE--140 acres, cldse -town, I level productive soil, 8-room house, FMK SAIX Generators, | electricity, large dairy Darn, z silos, starters, fiiel pumps, distributors corn crjbt hen house, machine shea, iuci armatures, barn, 2 pump*, (f--4-1'-4 - v ign i and all other c 4 Service, Lily-moor, Fred J. | Farms all sizes for saie. Floyd E. voltage regulators and ignition for F Sates „ - 'n P*1*8 I other buildings. TTiis is a good pro- Ford and aU other cars. Seaco ducing farm priced for quick sale. Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. Howe Woodgtock m over Hubert's i Pharmacy, Phone 249-M. College and attended the Chicago Teachers College. Many of her students* are now professional musicians. Class Instruction, '$7.50 for 10 lessons. Private Lessons, $2.. Class fees payable in advance. Write or call for further informa- 1 tion. 10 HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch; basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned^ by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf DEAD ANIMAL8 -- Highest cash paid for cows, horses hogs; and Calls Wheeling No. . 86-tf prL_ ___ _ . nogs; no help needed to load. Day night, Stmda Wheel! iys and hoolliiddaa; vs. >ling Rendering Worka, o. 8; reverse charges. CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging, no lawn mess. Septic tanks and traps cleaned, built, at McHenry Recreation, formerly, ^bildren of Berwyn and Mr. and Schaeffer's Recreation, on Pox ~ " McHenry. g£, Mrs. Claim of Maywood. 9-3 The firemen entertained approxi- Bewa ra ef Acealte The gay-colored aconite's roots are deadly poison. The plant is used to make liniments and drugs which are taken internally to reduce fever mately 100 firemen from neigl|boring towns at the Town Hall on Monday night. There were guest speakers present who gave interesting talks and a meeting was held. Refreshments were served after the meeting. Gar KOUaga Ho one yet has been able to estimate how much wildlife ia killed by speeding automobilea annually, but checks along stretches of highway indicate it is enormous. Queen Bee Care Before placing a new quean in a new home the old queen and all queen cells must be removed. The small cage containing the queen flax Retting Arf r • Formerly an art in whicfi tfte Belgians have been pre-eminent, the water retting of flax has been reduced to science by the Australian council nf scientific and <nduatrial research. Aa a result of the experiments it has been p^fihlf to recommend to flax mills a baaically sound retting procedure adapted to the type of straw grrwn in Auatralia. and which economises time, labor, water and fUel. Up-to-date water retting ia carried out in concrete grease repaired. _ University engineer on all j comb so that worker bees have easy construction. Lake County Sanitary access to the candy-filled cage en- Co. TeL Libertyville 1346. 48-tf! - should be placed above the cluster Ul±a Mled with warm water S; of bees, or between two frames of "* trance. It ia assumed that during GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us | liberation operation the queen takes dispose of year garbage each week, on the regular ooloay odors and, or eftener If desired. Reasonable therefore, will be accepted. After inrates. R«rular year round route. -------- ' John E. HiIL P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 868. tf traduction, a week should elapse before the hive is reopened and the quean cage removed. D A N C ' B SPONSORED BY ULY LAKE P. T. 4> . ON SATURDAY JULY SI AT CLUB LILYMOOR ADMISSION 7fc, INCL. TAX «C-l40TE8" ORCHESTRA BARN SPRAYING-- Whitewash or DDT. Frank Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, Volo. Tel. McHenry 543-J-l. 8-tf RENOVATE YOUR BRICK OR STONE BUILDING New and old brick tuck pointed, Cleaned, replaced. .Water proofing, window caulking, Concrete restoration, patios, side- Wallcs, barbecues. Free Estimates rlank Jackson, Sox 852, Fox Lake,, llinois. Phone McHenry 207-W. *4-12. WANTED flax ia steeped until bacterial action haa separated the fibres from the woody portions by dissolving the pectic materials which bind'them together. , Tlrea Clove trees will continue to bear tor more than 100 years. noticea on the doora of the Witte»>£ bel-g church, he found time for howl-- .7 ing. Luther experimented with a : number of pins and flnaBy decided' that nine could be arranged in aa; " order moat appropriate for tha-'. game. s< ' . t ' - - - Ma Maar Wldely Ifeai - Ceramic- tile, widely uaed In American hoaaea for bathroomaand ldtchena, haa been even mora extensively uaed In home construotion in foreign landa. In ITth e» tury Dtrtdi homes, for instanee.^ tiles ware highly prlaad aa decorations in the living room, being uaed to decorate flreplacea and over man- • tela, to fill apacas between windowe and doors and to form narrow wahw acots on walla. It Sipain, tOa long haa been popular not only for floora and walls of all rooma, hut even for ceilings. In Cuba and tropical countries, thia material ia uaed extenaively for floors in every room of the house, since it is both cool ir appearance and termite-proof. -~~ - Birds ef Paaaage VHty-aine bird apeciea which were formerly abundant in - the Northwest now are extinct in that area, or so rare that they seldom or never nest there. This list ineludes some of the smaller game % birda whoae passing lacked the drama that flares annually over the ducks and geese; but K alao ia* Cludea such large birda as the whooping crane and the wild swana. Complete line of Lee*a remediea at Wattles Drag Store, Heary. Nye PHONE 26 DRUG STORE WALGREEN AGENCY § WANTED--Car or small truck in :< exchange for sheet metal or fur- •• inace work. Nowak, Piatakee Bay Road, McHenry. * *10 FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE mT i^qd cm? iA.ioe :n u. TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- i J?*. ^5®/ » fC,' SULATION. Guaranteed not to settle., E pL°H Milcher ima Voirt St.', Blue ' 200 E- Pea5 Island, 111. *10 MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING 10 SERVICE -- Records installed and maintained. .Elmer P. Adams; Certified Tax Consultant. One ntile north of Fox Lake on Route-U. S. 12; Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fbx Lake 6501. 8-tf St., Tel. McHenry 18. FOR SALE--Five-room year-round ^ home; shingled; aluminum storm , . 1^ ,^" windows; tile bathroom; 2 bedrooms;1^ 75x226, on the river. EmeiSdHpMk^^eiirfits^TeP'McHenrv w>th JACOB FRITZ REAL «m3?2 g McHenry ESTATgj johnsburg. Phone McHenry FOR SALE--TtPkWRITERS, ADD- aaiii--ail vfar KAMF4 ING MACHINES. Service on aU 8^f-ALL-YEAR. HOM^ makes. Also ribbons for all makes; -ftjf® cartwn paper. L. V. Kiltx, Clay St- R KNM McAenrv* Woodstock/ Phone 549. 7-3 ^* R KNOX' McHenry TRUCKING -- Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St., McHenry. Tel. McHenry 60-R. *6-9 PAINTING -- Interior and exterior. Plastic tile; rubber flooring. First class work. Insured. (For free estimate, phone McHenry 552-W-l. Bert Engstrom. 5-tf WANTED--Consignment and resale. Second-hand store. Gen A Is's, third house from state bridge, going south on East River Road. Phone Mc? Henrj? 493-W. 10-tf WANTED-- I have clients interested in purchasing farms, houses, acreage and. business properties. Will apreci atqpisting of your properties. Phone Crystal Lake 495 from 7 to 8:30 a. m. or write me and I will contact you on sale of your properties, Floyd E. Howe, Crystal Lake. *10-8 Si? £? >OR SALK-Duo-Tberm. .U heater; SUe'SU^SSThSn jS?If-i. --13iTMn*b,y Tel. McHenry 227-J. 50-tf MOWING--Lots or acres: wood sawing. Herman Dowe, 208 Richmond Rd., McHenry. Tel. 241. 4-tf WANTED--CEMENT WORK, foundations, driveways, walks, etc. Will furnish one man and mixer _ or a labor crew. Time and material or contitact price. Phone MicHenry. 547-M-2 or 786. *10-4 GARBAGE HAULING Regularly and courteously with the best of service. Also rubbish hauled in loads or half loads. FRED WIRTZ. Tel. 751-J. 7-tf FOR SALE--Used cars and truc!ks. F OR SALE--1936 Packard 2-door D^.°N^ McHenry. ^ STSSwf <^W-2*X; FOR SALE--Choice building lots, 6 p. m. or see George Goranson, 100 ft. by 200 ft.; gas, electricity,; McCullom Lake. *10 water under pressure. Walter J. 1 . ., . »«.• Walsh. Phone McHenry 608-R-l. *10 Order your rubber stamps at The DO YOU NEED CARPENTER WANTED--Watchea and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front ^»rt of Clair* Betuty WANTED TO BUY Plaindealer. W(?R,? ^ Cabinets built or | buyers for resort properties installed or repaired. CaU us. we will anJ farms jACOB FWTZ, come at once. Call McHenry 674-J-l. •9-8 VETERANS WANTED TO BUY--We have cash homes realtor, at johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1883. 2-tf WANTED TO BUY--Live poultry, Accept nothing less than the best an kinds. Wm. Staines, West Mcif you Want training to become a i Henry, Phone McHenry 607-R-2. *4-10 skilled mechanic in the following big -- Helen Weber Says: wtm B, jofcs. Auto and Diesel Mech., SITUATION WANTjSD and Fender work, Refrigeraevtsi eper Earn while you learn at Ameri- j desires office work In or. near Mction, Electricity, Radio, Television,! SITUATION WANTED--Experienced Bldg. Construction, in£. Mechanical Draft- railroad stenographer and bookkeei ca's greatest trade school. Learn Henry. Phone McHenry 410-M. *10 about the increased benefits under ---- G. I. Bill. Full details - no oW«* ^®blic tion - write now while we have open- STENOGRAPHER -- Notary puouc, ingB, Box 50, care Plaindealer. 8-4 legal, real estate, insurance experience; statistical typing, address- CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK Ord< Cement mixer for rent, J. M. Stangarona, Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 6&1-J-1. " M-tf uxs new . . . w h k h w e - k e t h r o u o h " f * 4 9 i Our gcieotiflc methods remove all dirt and soil and renew liistre ^nd color to tlie f^wric. , Cleaners '» MiEha St. " H«4esi Ws^r. Mft Invention Alexander Graham Ball verified ing and copy work. Orders may be mailed. Call Selock • Secretarial Service, McHenry' 665-W-l. 4-12 LOST aa that ef the invention of the tela- Floor Sanding Reflnishing, varnisliinf and DnnMSfal. Wazi^ifw and old floors; also Kwtili, ft lifetime floor. Free eiftlmates . Call McHenry 481 LOST*--In Woodstock, black wallet containing social security card and sum of money; reward. Phone McHenry 682-J-2. - *10 Order your rubber atftofpe at The Plaindealer. •••• coptino ^'; |^ld Photograph* Bnapghots and Proofs for which negatives are not availably ^ | , ^ - |loo :| \ WORWICK'S STUDIO Phone 275 117 Riversic^e Dr., XcHeiffy rrr Ct \ f j* 11 t \ < ' } 1 4 4 ' f ; t «4 Oj 114 j 100 ASPIRIN PURS tWMN TAHJTt *Umm M 1 WOQDBURY41OO SOAP; 1 far 29a. add la and fat I ^Hl ABSORBINE & 7*- in l^s SOTTU. 4-OUNCI ibw 11 M w LUX FLAKES a 9 MCKAH LOW PftlCCB jUm* » . .. A H l t T E ' S ^ O O l Ai Ok bwrto. n iodutr * room, public showers, m (he pool „. . you may be exposed ia Mfectiout athlete's foot At the first m|m (slua cracking or pcrUnc between the toes) consult J0ut doctor for treatment When he prescribes, turn to tlrn store * Phanascut. TOM DELUXE Plastic Curters (IMM M. $1) BB Cool, Cool COLOGNES Tnut f Etty Amnritam a Cool Dovico-- "OLD sncr* • tl TeOn Water • 4ic Tak • Kab* haatr yHalt en4Uim #ANKT CLOVI1 rSSSfwSjf0 TCMPCST COLOONt Utiw UM|IJt CMAMSLT COLOONI '•*•«» 1JI Ctiiay Makeup HONCYStfCKLC Harm. $1 CAMfAIUI COn CMKtAUM TMM WMW IJI AHUt VIOtSTt v««tr€^#cr' IJI i n Ctymt (Limit (Limit UsftriM Tooth Smmkmrm saaily •jtease' SM TmI Taa Uqm4 COC |UaitI> Choc s> Vol' DEODORANT TIDY ARCTIC CREAM CeOOOttAHT h LAXGE . FRESH IEINRMT Omqsi- ojpf QIEST KINIMT

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