Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jul 1948, p. 12

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VERNON J. KNOX, ATTORNEY NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE . E s t a t e of R i c h a r d J . W i l l i a m s , d e -i Notice is hereby £iven to •!? P«f- NM that September, 6, 194S, js the flfh. date in the estate of Richard J Williams, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before " date without issuance of sum-; CHARLENE WILLIAMS, Administrator, (Pub. July $2-29 and Aug. 5F~ unra&xa uuckbUi Tfle duckbill of Australia is a mammal, despite the fact thai it lays eggs., Hew to Save KmI OB If you're an oil burner owner, you can save fuel by doing these four simple things: First, hold room temperatures down lo 68 degrees during the daytime and 90 degrees or below at night. Second, keep doors and windows clooed. Ibird, shut off rooms not in use. Fourth, draw ikhadles •! •nta asl Qartage Hsalth aathorlttM state that rata «trry at least twenty (Hseass* which oan be trsMmtttsd to man. As one nsans of controlling thorn diseases, It Is raoommandad that rata ba deprived of their chief aouroe of nourishment-- garbage left lying around to the open. Tills may ba dona by piackg all refuse In covered galvanised steel garbagre cans. ; Need Rubber Stamps V ftrder at! ' f i l e P l a i n d e a l e r . - : . i ' : ' r • : ' ] Eleetrtc Are Fnrnaee It generally is believed that Dr. Edward Weston was the first person in the United States to use an electric arc furnace industrially. This was in 1875.. Dr. Weston patented laminated pole pieces and cores for dynamos, raising their efficiency from about 45 to 85 per cent, and also patented an anode and developed a nickel solution containing boric acid for making a superior, dense, malleable plated nickel. Read the Want Ads ANNOUNCEMENT Have purchased A1 Phannenstill's Whitewashing and Spraying equipment WHITEWASHING -- WEED KILLING Wm. Ahrens, West McHenry (Across street from McHenry Sand A Gravel.) rrart to Larger Fmt ••tod li ClMMW That a trend toward larger fanae is wider way may be deduced from figures at the U. S. term census. In IMS, the average American farm was nearly 100 acres, which Is K acres more than in 1940, 50 acree i>ore than in 1910. While total farm acres increased from 956 mUliqos in 1910 to 1.1 billion in 1941, the number of farms declined, in the same period, from (.4 millions to 8.1 millions. An fc»- crefcse which ssems Significant has occurred in really, outsue farms ef 1,000 acres of mora. Theaa big-units, since 1910, have registered a IS per cent gain, numerically. Middle sised farms of IM, m or M0 acres accounted for one-third of all farms in 1910, but today they leas than one-fourth of the total. As further indication of this trend, farm population figures have declined, too, despite a natural increase of births over deaths and desqj^ e the recent upsurge of farm commodity prices, which has brought a good many thousands of city people hurrying to the country, to cash in on the inflated wealth of its land. In January, 1940, the farm population was 34.1 millions. By January of 1945 it had declined, partly because of war's demands on farm manpower, to 15,1 millions. As of January, 1947, the return of rural youth from the armed forces had boosted the figure to 17.5 millions, still considerably under the prewar -iota)*-- CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird houses, lawn furniture, lawn and porch swings, pier and parte benches, picnic tables, window boxes, trellises, etc. Kitchen cabinets and cupboards made to order, hand woven wash baskets, shopping and market baskets. - Full line of leather belts, suspenders, billfolds, etc. CLARENCE SMITH ^ Tel. McHenry 583-J-l Johnsburg, 111. Herring's Contribotleo i fhe herring leads all fish In the ! number of products which It contributes to Industry, lliey are sold for consumption as fresh, smoked, salted and canned products and are rendered for oU ind fish meal. The scales are used k the manufacture of artificial pearls. The chemist found the herring of vahta. A U C T I O N l J, - I On Hwy. 173, being 1 mile east of Antioch, 1 mile east of Hwy. 21 and 83, 2 miles west of Hwy. 45, on ! SUNDAY, AUG. 1st ir at 1:30 o'clock D. 8. T. -CATTLE-22 BILL ANNOUNCING _ THE SPUEHRS Newly Remodeled RUSS FIRESIDE TAVERN Rt. 31 -- 4 miles north of McHenry Ringwood, Illinois Fine Liquors -- Tasty Sandwiches Moderate Prices "Where old friends meet." -- OF REAL ESTATE vn ssrapasar, July 31, 1948, at 11 A. K. aft Mil .Main Street, McHenry, Illinois, the undersigned Executor of tike last will and testament of Patrick J. Ckflurjr, deceased, will, under the power of sals given in said will, *ell at pubilc aaetion to the highest bidder the following described real estate to-wit: Tliat part of 1st 2, in Block 1, of the Original Flat of West McHenry, deeeribed as follows: Beginning at the most Easterly corner of said Lot 2, and running thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said Lot, 8 rods to the most Easterly corner of that part of said lot, which was conveyed by Deed Record Book 85, page 111; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of that part so conveyed to the South^ly line of said Lot; thence Easterly along said Southerly line to the most Southerly corner of said Lot; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of said Lot to the place of beginning (excepting and reserving therefrom that part conveyed by Book 269 of Deeds, page 162, also excepting and reserving therefrom the Easterly 70 feet thereof of Lot 2 aforesaid), in Section 26 and 35, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the third Principal .Meridian, , in McHenry countjr, Illinois. Said property is improved with a two story frame house and two car garage, fhiildings are newly painted and roofed. Terms cf sale 25% of Eurchase price at time of sale, alance upon delivery of Executor's Deed; Property to be sold subject to the 1948 general taxes and subject to the month to month tenancy of the present occupant of said premises. STANLEY J. SCHAEFFER, Executor of Patrick J. Cleary Estate. VERNON J. KNOX, Attorney for Patrick J. Cleary Estate 10-2 Man than ftfcsa mOSto eUUren, and DMttar one out of every 10 par. sons Jjp the United Statee Save • hearing defect, • Watt YMt two mafin sources of water pollution In the United States are (1) municipal -- sewage and publio wastes dumped into streams, lakes and rivers without being put through a modern and effective treatment, and (2) industrial--toxins and Injurious fluids and solids of various types discharged Into the public waters without adequate treatment to reddce their polaonous sffocts. Makey Baseball is played with rkUng on doaJMpir World's fair. In mr OMst of the two ef Forest perk, the rlvsr/front. Borne 340 acres roof. It tafllsd lg.TW.M9 HI 109.009 a day-- April through Novessbsr. The Bordlng to a at the fair whsa a vwdor icldng Us hokey pokey la wafflas. %rmwwmm fs wmmmmmrn Dr. Wlfflem Jamas Morton, Am**. lean phyatolaa, in lggl, ipsd Mghkavaacy electrical currant In m«*- cal treatment, for the ftrstttme. the winter than dun* tag the summer. This is Why: A ear only 90 miles an hour requires appradmatoty 19t feet to stop on aa icy street, aa against, SI feet on dry rnnrrito. Where Catftsh Feed Since the beginning of pole #M§ j line angling, the question aa* la where catfish feed has perplexed most fishermen. Missouri Conservation commission found that channel | catfish feed largely at night with j the heaviest period coming at dusk. J For the'most part, feeding during' ! the twilight hours will be confined J to the channel and deep water. As I darkness sets in, the catfish tend to j invade shallower water near the stream banka. \ . 'M. McHENRY SIGN SERVICE SHOW CARDS -- " OUTDOOR 8101(3 TRUCK LETTERING * WINDOW LBTTBEDIO H. REESE Pox'stegi-r ' rbeat 440-B Need Rubber Stamps ?" Order at The Plaindealer. • Z * ' 1 * *. '---'J .•* *\.'v •V V". PriLANlC E. LQW ^^ns surantfe , Writing Fire, "Accident & Health _ Auto, Casualty and Life, in Reliable Companies. Phone 95-J 301 Waukegan St. McHenry, 111. - PhOM McHenry 584-R-2 -- Basinsrt Excavating -- NETT8 SAND AND GRAVEL Special Ratee en Read Gravel and Let Filling . . Black Dirt . . Pewer LeveHag and Grading. J. KNOTT Jekasbery P. O.--McHenry ' 21 choke Holstein, Gaernsey and | Jersey cows, consisting ef 3 cleee springers, 6 recently fresh, balance 'bred back and milking good; Milk* | ing Shorthorn bell 16 months old. i This is a well selected, young herd,! | with type and quality, and are heavy, | producers. Yearly average herd test: of 3.7%. T. B. and Bangs tested. , r ! : DeLaval milking machine, 2 single units, complete. BEN CURL, Prop. & I Chandler and Elfers, Auctioneers Public Auctione Service Co., Clerk. DR. R. DeROMB -- Dentist -- 129 Greea Street T 292-J. McHenry Office Hears: Teesday *ad Satwdays from 19 te 4. Evenings by appsiat- WATER PUMPS Fairbanks Morse Ejector and Pamp types. All sisea. Complete and Easy to lastalL Samp posm». Take old INSSTROM SALES AND SERVICE TeL McHenry 552-W-l (390 ft. from Nell's Ballroom) GROWN and will continue to grow 40 Acres of Lake an# 80 Acres of High Land WAN7HD TO BUY -- pay H to 125 for Old Horses, for down horses and cattle. WATTS BANK RANCH Jehnsbarg • Spring Grove Road Phone Jeaasaarg S14 CALL AT ONCH ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE W*^ pay those charges McHENRY FLORAL CO. PhoM 494 One Mile South of McHenry on Route SI Flowers for all accssieasl -- FRAN* 8. MAY Tracking Saad ^ Black Dfart -- Crashed Gravel Light Excavating -- Limestone Track for Hire Phone McHenry 589-M-l R-l McHenrv Lake Defiance is about 4 miles S. El of McHenry, a mile and one-half from Lily Lake, concrete highways except the last mile and one-half. , ' . The lake covers about 50 acres, we own the niain body, tliere are two bays of 5 acres each. One in the S. W. corner, the other \n the N. W. corner. The lake is spring fed, deep and clear, there is * ereo|| inlet and a creek outlet to the Fox River. The 80 acres lying east and joining the Lake are high and rolling land some wooded, the ideal spot for building. ...We have two smidt cottages on the south shore, on the north shore is Indian Mound; an Indian burial mound. In the 100 years this bag been m the family we have not disturbed the primitive look. It is. quiet, peaceful and serene, superb swimming, clean and cleaiv fisliing is fair some bunting in the fall. ' . , ' This lake is like it was 75 or 100 years ago, it would make j fine country place for a congenial group, private estate or camp} or it could be subdivided like other lake property at a nice profit. /. Take any route to Volo, then west through Lily Lake to schoolbouse, turn left, go 1 Vir miles to first right road, then % mile past old farm buildings "across creek and then turn right on private roadL A. P. FREUND SONS lb cava ting Contractors Trucking, HydraaBc ^ d Csane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- T<d. 294-M McHenry, ID. Limeetene VERN THELEN Trucking Gravel Black Dirt Track for Hire Tel. McHenry 588-W-l Box 173, Rt. 1, McHenry t". 5? TdcpixM No. S99 STOfTBL * REIHANSPERGR1 Insurance agent* for all classes of property ia the beet companion. Weet McHenry, Illinois Acres Town and Country For Subdivision, Resort Development, Institution, Corporation qr a superb'farm estate with background of unlimited possibilities. This property joins McHenry, Illinois, thirty acres being within city limits starting one block west of the depot and business center of West McHenry at the west end of Main Street and running 114 miles along each side of the Old Crystal Lake Road, a new blacktop. The -failroad borders the southeast line the entire length. / == Mow is the time to got in on the ground floor and be part of McHenry's growth. = We have openings now for women and girls to sew ladies' appareL j|| Bam while yon learn simplified sewing taught by the assembly line system. S --Women and girls will always be in demand itf this industry. --^--r §|| Work 40 hours per week--no Saturday work. You cannot earn less than 66c per == hour but can make a lot more, depending on yon. There are no limits s as to how much yon can earn. s Pleasant surroundings. SEE • * M +PVUI IN PER80N AT OUR OFFICE FOR AN INTERVIEW CO. . ^ McHENRY, ILLINOIS = S. PARKER, Attorney (Joslyn ft Parker) Office Hoars: Wedneoday Afternoons 1:00-5:99 Office--Koehr Supply Company, S42 Main Street. Weet McHenry Phone--McHenry 48f Woofrtock 119# I INSURANCE 1 EARL R. WAL8H Fire, Ante, Farm and f Life InaarsMS reuabE4*com?anies When yea need l--rsnrs of any kind Phono 41 or H8-M Green ft Elm McHenry FARM DRAINAGE Tiling Work Done With Modern Equipment Can Fanusk Tile LEO G. ZIMMERMAN Contractor Phone 1699-M-l R. F. D, I Woodstock, in. . . . F i n e f a r m l a n d , g e n t l y r o l l i n g b r o w n l o a m , c l a y s u b s o i l , f e r t i l e and well cared for, three sets of farm buildings with pressure systems, bath, electricity, etc., on each farm, plenty of buildings. The main farm has a two-story Victorian House with glassed •cupola overlooking the country once used to watch hired hands long ago, solid cream face brick construction with full main partitions of brick, cellar to attic, full basement, pressure system, two baths, fireplaces, furnace heat, electricity, maple floors, black walnut trim first floor. The house is as sound as the day it was built by the owner who made these brick with power from Boone Creek which borders the north and west running along the edge of 200 acres of beautiful woods. Boone Creek is a large spring-fed overflowing creefi; it is elear, cold, and clean. It once ran the mills in McHenry* the flumes are still here. It is the original Old Mill Stream; could makfe four lagoons oif 20 acres each- with woods adjoining; very close to tow*. The road frontage of about three miles could be sold now for Jots and acreage. Subdivision possibilities are enormous. Quite a bit of the city acreage has all utilities and the remainder could be connected easilv. " , offer. Ji* this ie a liquidating Trust we seU om offers. Make your own lj 900 RIVERSIDE DRIVE The Kelter Trust Martin Coonay, Trustee Phona 11941 . West McHanry, Illinois

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