Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jul 1948, p. 1

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None Seriously Injured An unusual accident took place «on Monday afternoon shortly before 1 o'clock in which four occupants of a speed boat escaped keriooi injury Only one of the four, a life guard at the camp, was injured slightly. The other three, A1 Ponti, driver of the boat, Orlando Ponzi, director at the GOWTY DAN.Y TAPER SOLD TO MXON PUBLISHER Long Association Of * Vj Mrs. C. r. Renich With Newspaper Ii Severed • An announcement which is being aset -with interest throughout the county is the change in ownership' of the Woodstock Daily Sentinel, I only daily paper in McHenry county,! effective Aug. 1. That date vrill mark i the closing page in the story of the long association of Mrs. Charles j F. Renich with the paper, having j been interested in its growth and' Jrogress for almost half a century, j few owner is Mrs. Mabel Shaw, > publisher of the Dixon Evening Tele-1 graph. Dixon, 111. ^ | •llie Sentinel, as a weekly, was established in 1856, just ninety-two years ago. In 1391 that paper was j consolidated with the McHenry! County Volksblatt, a German news- j Mper which Charles Renich's fatherj Md owned for many years. In 19061 Mr. Renich became editor and busi- j Mas .manager and just ten years _, . later his publication purchased the I Edward Btermer photo Woodstock Republican. In 1921 a; Above is the view which a wide- this picture was the boat's aream of long standing was realized' awake amateur camera enthusiast four occupants had left the craft when the first daily the county had captured on Monday afternoon just and arrived safely on shore and three known ran through the presses, to be! before a speed boat owned by Sena- McHenry firemen were preparing to known as the Woodstock Daily {tor James J. Adduci exploded in the tow the boat to land. Many wit- Bwtinel. jFox river near Johns burg. When nessed the accident. With a desire to expand, Mr. .. -- -- -- Banich purchased the McHenry | «lthough the large craft was damflaindealer in 1925 from Frank beyond repair. Bchreiner, and remained as publisher! Following a search for an expen- Of both papers until his death on1 "H which had been*lost near March 13, 1*46, when his widow,! the bridge, four men associated with Mrs. Lucy Renich, became owner. On the Jolly Boys Club set out for Jan. 1 of this year the local paperi can>|P ln the speed boat, towing a row; by the time they had reached the %ns sold to its present owner. {.boat some distance behind. The burning boat little of the interior Mrs. Renich, who had gained con- former belonged to Senator James remained. On towing it to shore the •iderable knowledge of the news-! '• Adduci, member of the state legis- damaged vsesel exploded, resulting in paper business through her pro-! lsture, who is also associated with names^ and ^smoke rising many feet SMRd interest during the time her'the camp. has band was at the Sentinel's helm,1 , The four men had gone only a was determined to carry on. work-' ®hort distance whan'the speed boat -- w.*, i«g toward, the ideals for which he! caught on fire and they were forced expressing only relief that none of long had St rived. Her success can to abandon it and swim to shore. I the passengers wtito seriously infrrsd. Mat be measured by the timely «M - •M&WGtP COUNTY LEGION MEETING HERE WELL ATTENDED Youths Present At Boys' State Honored By Their Sponsors JLOCAL TQUTHS VIE l*OR "A" RATING IK ® DISTRICT CONTEST v Local youths figure prominently in the district contest which is to be held on Thursday evening, July 29, at the Dean street school in Woodstock. The contest is open for all AWARD CAROL HARRISON DNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP Miss Ca?ol Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison of Ringwood, was notified this week that she was one of three county dances and musical numbers desiring youths to be honored with scholarto participate in the Sport Festival ships by the University of Illinois, i U.rb*na 'n. August. Numbers rat- The three were among seven in the Ing "A" tonight at the Folk Festi-1 county competing for the coveted val will be eligible to go on to the awards. Miss Harrison "received her state festival on Aug. 26 and £7. ($500 scholarship in home economics,' Among the local entries will be J Other winners were David McConar «r' McHenry, and Lillian j nell, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mc Woodstock, offering BAND PRESENTS FINAL CONCERT FRIDAY NISHT All Local Musicians Comprise Municipal Organization Of '48 J! Jj£ .'I. i* r ••• • more 'tfisr, I^»ionnairp«1 MarljP' | Mc- Only one more concert reinaijis f# i)resent last Thursda/ evenintr &t the i ^orf"J1' . ®Q{?stocJS' J?Bering two j Connel of Woodstock, whose scholar-j the summer series presented weekly in tne c«*o• unty meeting held vin_i i St.m „Miia ry's-!I "Kissf "T Dark, a•* "trvommubwoiniec j cchnooiucee,, aannda LL.uuk*ee Ouobeerrwwiissee,, Jjrr..,, oofi Ii •w»"»«>» "bce ggiivveenn oonn tmhee hmigghn sscchnooooli Thi» m>th»rin<F inrhijtji-l fnn^f i ™ac*eL"P Carol Harrison, | Rt. 1, Harvard, who won the agri- j grounds on Friday evening, July 30, 5S. ^artin- Martin Klapperich and! cultural scholarship. These annual! at 8 o'clock. nf the MpHonrv T win <"•«. i £aij Schnutt, playing "O Dem awards exempt their holders from tu-i Paul R. Yanda directed the first -il f n *> J? un" | GoldenShppers and "Annie Laurie;" lition fees p't, the university for four j few concerts, and after it was im- ? ! F L??n yi as wel1 as .th"® selections by the years; ^ * >ossible for him to be in McHenn* Dive' Joslyn of Woodstock- Robert FkL ? The chorus*• Examinations were held the first j reniainder of the summer. Duff and John L McCabe of Har iwill tp»»«>un rril^ this evening but 0f june Ull(jer the supervision of the , r®?ce,. ®'seil' Woodstock re>- R Schroldw and Prank! rale ii EfilSj i«o»ntir «' sch°.01! I "Tl Btockrogge Williams and !«rs33 uk.r P.. ; \ ?=! .HWi-iUtatyiilfe on AuJN.'VJrtS 4! ?',h: "l^r8,.£ hjHSSZ "da camp, and Joe Formusa, a counselor, were none the worse for their experience. McHenry. firemen answered the call for assistance immediately but into the air. Senator Adduci was little concerned over the loss of his beautiful boat. ley; Richard Burton of Richmond;! ceive its rating at that time. Clarence Ebel, Algonquin; Harold! • - ujton M#r®nf0> *nd ha,e ^"y-1 YOUNG DRIVER FINDS' Past commanders were introduced; ONLY FUN IN CRAZY by Mr. Joslyn, after which eacn n> BIDE INTO WATEK lated some interesting experience; "S™"*"' <tarto* the >»! Cheerfully unaware that she t v i violating any law regarding the age Thirteen of the tw«nty-sl* boy» 0f drivers, little Gerrie Bills, daughter from the county whoJiad attended,0f Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bills of Boy's State at Sprinefield in June Pistakee Lake, started the motor under the sponsorship of the Legion I of her father's car and drove iiito were present at the meeting andj the lake 200 feet away last week were introduced by Robert Andrew Thursday. of Woodstock, county chairman.. The little tot was playing with her Only one of the two McHenry boys {puppy when her father came home tnltA AifMkJlAj HAM' «kU M 1. • > * . * . ing granted the scholarship, Carol has been accepted at 4-H House on 5MS.£"23 SLrSLSft 5? Iks county have been served in the Who Attend VFW Carnival atwft columns of her publication. I m* may ret|re happy in the know-1 Do ^ h.Te a yearning for ar* ; another ride on the ferns wheel these ttispride of fellow newspaper pub-; warm summer nights, or maybe a re- IU«rs, the general pahtte and, even j freshing bottle n pop while visiting ' J U S ^ " • r a o r y o f o n e ' w i t h f r i e n d s ? I f s h a r d t o d e s c r i b e ^inspired her in this great under ! jut what make* everything we do Veteraa In field CHICAGO m NAKROWLY ESCAPED DEATH AT BAY A tragedy was averted by the quick thinking of an alert resident of Regner Road, Pistakee Bay, Hu- •acted with the newspaper publishfag business for almost a century. The late Benjamin F. Shaw, the granfather, founded the Dixon Eve* •hag Telegraph in 1861, and the paper has continued in the family us, plus conversing with cheerful . . ... . acquaintances, all add up to n* enjoyment. It is just neb fun that the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Auxiliary unit preaniae everyone in since that time. He «as one of the | McHenry who visits tbeir carnlvaL twelve editors who mat with Abra- will ba held the middle of lam Lincoln to found the RepuUiean jutj in IWaais. The fosmder was later succeeded tar his son, Eustace Shaw, and Ins early death his widen*, & Shaw, took over in the ef the 1900's. Three #ho is now editor of Telegraph, Robert who is genera* manager, Ben, who is national mfmrtiring manager, and A. V.'Lund, who is business manager, ate associated with her.. A very sincere tana of regret Is in our voice, as we say farewell to Mrs. Renich hi the business world. However, oar welcome to Mrs. flat and her associates is eqnally aineer* and it is our hope ana belief that the Daily Sentinel will continue to grow and progress under the new owners. RITE8 HKLH / # TUS8DAY FOR 6ATHSRDIS DVORA|K ^ tMrs. Katherine Dvorak, 78 yean Vd, a resident of Algonquin, passed ..Jiway at her home last Saturday, July 24, 1948, after several months ef poor health. She was a cousin of Mra. Richard Fleming of McHenry. ' A native of Csechoslovakia, she 4|ne to the United States as a young Soman. Her husband, the late Frank -4nwak, died twelve years ago August in the city park. _ thoee dates, Aug IS, 14 and Hospital Anzfllsiy- J % Undertakes Hew drifting down the bay. Qeueving that it had broken loose from the force of the wind, he set out in his own boat tar makt jfte rescue. When he came close to it he saw a man lying in the bottom of the boat. He immediately notified Harold Fox, deputy sheriff, of Johnsburg, a doctor and an ambulance. The man, i Fred Dechert, of SOtO Gunnerson j strett, Chicago, waa taken in an ; unconscious condition to the Wood j stock hoepitaL --"T* . '" -» - A" ' fHr htaurs later, foflowlng A meeting of the hoanl «f directers[ treatment, Mr.. Dackert told phyof the Women's Aajdlla» of the stdans ttot he had left Chicago for Woodstock hospital %*a Md tteWt-; MeHwiry etrHw in mt day, arriving ly, with Mrs. Charles Kawin of Ma-iat the Oak Park_hotel ab^vt t'JO in rengo elected a new beard member, the afternoon, Helmd rented a boat After hearing manK lnterestiig re- and prepared to do sAme fishing when porta and a diseusatoi of hospital .he felt ill and caMajssd. Lucidly, he needs, the Auxiliary described to por-jfeB backward into the bottom of chase two new wheel chairs from its! the boat rather than to either side general fund and a new focvbetor; into the water. When he was found from the Infant Alumni Vand. )Jie was lying in about three incherf of The most important business of the water. Auxiliary these days is the pro- j Mr. Deckert suffering from diaject to raise enough money to hvlla; betes, accounted' for his illness by and equip a new wing on the hoepital the fact that he had taken extra for children and mothers. This am- i insulin before leaving home in the bitious undertaking is progressing morning in preparation for his long very well under the leadership ofday atne lake. He aaid it had never Mrs. Frank J. Green, and auxiliary before affected him in this manner. members all over the county are working bard. In McHenry th«e MOTHER OF McHENRY include Mrs. George Stilling and Mrs. James R. Allan. ENLISTMENT POPULAR CONVERSATION TOPIC AMONO TEEN AGERS RESIDENTS BURIED HERE OK TUE8DAY who attended Boys' State was able to be present, Patrick Krohn. The other, John Stnftrer, has since moved to Arcadia, Mo., and although he returned for a few days with the intention of attending the meeting he arrived too late to be present. Mr. Andrew's only criticism of the Boys' Stat* program was that in his opinion 5,000 should have attended rather than the 1,000 boys who were sponsored throughout the state by, the yarieup Legion posts. Ralph) Chenowatk, nrinapal of the Woodstock high school and counselor at Boys' fltfite, aieo spoke k few words regarding the project, stating that in his estimation it was one of the finest programs for youth _ in the country. State Commander Douglass Getchell of Grayslake was also present. He remarked that his plan was to extend Boys' State to five weeks in order to allow a greater number to attend. He added that forty-fi*« states now sponsor a program of this kind every yeat aader the supervision of the Legion. A report en the growth of the Legion in the county was given by Commander Lester Siedechlag of Richmond. The council now has a total of 2,586 members as compared to 2^09 in 1947. Woodptock'a commander, Emery Hansman, was presented with a gift for signing the moat members. The McHenry post now boasts more than 800 members. MOUND THE from work and parked the family car in the rear of the yard. Soon tiring of her playmate, Gerrie climbed into the front seat of the car and managed to start the engine, whereupon the auto began descending the kill toward the water. In ita travels the car hit a large oak tree, caromed across the pier of a neighbor, sent a boat to the bottom of tne lake and then plunged down into five feet of water itself. The experience might have proved tragic for another youngster, but not young Gerrie Bills. Before her faithful puppy could reach the water's edge, barking to attract someone's attention, tne little lady nad somehow managed to extricate herself from the sunken car and was happily making her way back to land. Her father, who arrived on the scene at about that moment, was relieved to find his daughter unharmed but failed to equal GerrieS enthusiasm for such sport when he took inventory of the damage which had taken place. DELAYS RESULT FROM FAILURE TO XOOATE DISCHARGE PAPERS COURT HOUSE ^ Delays experienced by veterans in obtaining emergency hospitalisation and many federal and state benefits sre due many times to the inability of the veteran to locate his discharge. By having discharge papers recorded and obtaining copies, veterans prevent the original paper from being . tied up in a processing operation at a time when such delay might be costly. Veterans may also have their the campus, which it limited to about forty 4-H girls attending that school from Illinois. Applicants are inter-, viewed by residents at the House, after which they ara accepted or rejected. This year only five were approved, which makes Carol's selection a reason for justifiable pride. The newly bestowed honor is added to many which Carol has earned in recent years. A graduate of the local high school, she was affected to receive the Legien awara, one of the Business Men's awards and was one of the honor students of the class. appeared as gftlest artists with the band during the last month, with the number of listeners increasing each week. Three vocal soloists and an accordian soloist have performed with the band during July, and on the last program a trombone quartet ^offered two numbers. While the audience greatly enjoyed their selections, few of those who listened to thd young high school trombonists realised the very great effort that was put forth to make their performance possible. One of their members, John Strever, moved to Arcadia, Mo* about 400 miles from here, a month ago, which made it appear for a time that the quartet would not play. However, wishing to make one last appearance with his former classmates (he will not return to the local school in the fall) he made the long trip by truck arriving later Thursday evening. According to Earl Pomerening, president of the band for the past three years and supervisor of the business activities of the organisation, this is the first time in many years that the band has been composed entirely of local musicians. In the past it has been necessary for some musicisns to be employed froas nearby towns. Besides its regular concerts thi* season,, the band al»u plami for the dedication ceremoiftefe of the V. '¥. W. home and for the Water Carnii parade on June 27. Mr. Olson states that he is well pleassd with the McHenry band and their fine spirit but expressed n wish that the contests would' be better attended. The increased number of listeners last Friday evening waa encouragian to the band and to ttnr serving this year as assistant "••wr, serving this year as assistant leader i wocer.t w^ilrl .M~ac. out all local music of the Happy Clover Girls at Ring-lf0***" wlu "Iff wood. In 1947 she wafc voted one of l^S™' . two girls from the county to attend T7|( - concluding State Leadership camp. MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS TAKE SHARP .RI8E program will fen-, ture the following: "The Star Spangled Banner." March, "On Wisconsin"--Purdy. Walts, "Tales from the Vienna Woods."--Strauss. Overture, "Urbana"--Roberts. Fantasia, "Sunny Spain"--King. March, "Indiana State Band"-- Farrar. tlFTY CASES STRICKEN Fifty chancery cases of long standing were stricken from the docket in court this week, a similar action having been taken last week with a number of criminal cases. More than a dosenx divorce cases were also Motor vehwle ragistratioiitT-ter; Waltz, "Alpine Sunset"--King, the firet half of 1948 exceed registra-1 Pa80 Doble, "Argentina"--DamereH. *Src*!or-t£?,Ilke J6™* Ust PS .byi and Evans. 180,471 vehicles. Secretary of State, 0verture> "Aurora"--Yoder. Edward J. Barrett, said this week. March, »Men In Grey"--Brahmstaft. ^ vv»wj. ...... Licenses issued total 2,088,761, Caprice, "The First Heart Throbs"-- war records recorded in any IVC as follows: Passenger cars/ Eilenberg. * office. 11,740,470; trucks, 283,583; trailers "American Patrol"--Meacham. | Service officers of the Illinois and semi-trailers 44,254; and motor- March, "El Capitan"--Sousa. f Veterans commission in all of the 7cles' 20»45*- registrations Finale, "God Bless Apserica"--BerB*.: 12 counties of the state have been dur«nK the first six months of the; Band Personnel < instructed to assist all veterans. ^r ^cUvkd J^l dealers andi ^ personnel of the' band is atf whether they served in World War 110 chauffeurs. i follows- # I or II, to safeguard the original j Flute: Ro®*mary Doherty. s discharge papers by proper recording. Secretary Barrett said that 630,646, cjarjoets: Richard Heuser, Joan' Under .tat. Uw. ther. i. no I Bigger* Warren _ DomM \ ' t t i A: taken from the records, some of these (for this service. In each county ^""*0 30, thl8,?e"; Of this Freund, Harold Nye, and John Mchaving been settled and others in!the officer of the county recorder 52,913 were licenses in the 1^5-48 ^ ' U ' which there was no effort made to lean and will furnish copies and will tenes issued between the first of the Cornets: George Freund, Robert have the * esses tried. All stricken, record the pertinent dsta so that at ye« and Miy l, and 578,048 renewals Freund, Richard Adams, John Hellcases were first called for action,! any future date the veteran or his °' licenses uhder the birthday amend-, m Donald McCracken and Richard with attorneys notified of the pro. J dependants can obtain information jmen* driver s license law is-. u:ner apeedily. • J ^ *a r y w mAtftri,t, J Saxophones: James Freund and These veterans who have not had| Tb« secretory urged motorists to darence Feiereisel. discharges recorded are being urged ^P^'0"^10".8 'or °' French Horns: Diane Freund and to do so at once. In McHenry county th?lr 1946-48 licenses thirty days Adojph Weideman. the service officer of tne Illinois Pr,or to the expiration date, which,; Baritone: Charles Page. Veterans commission is located at "P^er the law, w the applicant s first. ivombones: Carol Harrison, - - - birthday after May 1, 1948. jschmitt, Martin Klapperich Ferol Martin poeed action. 8CHOOL TESTIMONY Testimony was introduced in circuit court on Monday in the quo Warranto proceedings of Lloyd Me Cannon of Woodstock against Earl 100% N. Benton street in Woodstock. Hughas, president of Community Postal Authorities Check McCullom Lake Complaint The friends and acquaintances of Mra. Berget Skjoldager, 68, were Consolidated School district 10 and saddened this week by her death, the school board members. | which occurred in Billings Memorial1 The matter was continued by Judge "Signing up" seems to be the popu- hospital, Chicago, on Sunday, July j William M. Carroll. The suit ques-, ^ , . lar topic of conversation among 25, 1948. She had been in failing tions the validity of the district andj A complaint TO filed with Sheriff'_jrjS) wjjj ^ held at the Norman B Survivors include a son, Prof. Ray-! young men everywhere these days* health for many months but had the rights of the members of the Fred C. Bau last week by Mrs.|g^r Camp on Lake Geneva August UpRTMPY T. A TITER n 1. JI * --o mr.n J. WW!- w ... v.. "person of McCullom Lake l5» R i^ln.ive Mrs. Bettv Perkins J County 4-H Girl8 To Attend 1 Basses: Earl Pomrening and Alfred Camp Wetomacheck Aug 3-6 Young. T ~ :M'. I Drums: Jack Thie*, John RogaNt Camp Wetomacheck, 4-H camp for and Lorrain€ Mkhel8- »ond Dvorak, director of music at land McHenry is no exception. While been seriously ill for only ten weeks, board and hinges on the supreme' Charles Stenerson ^ b lncluSiVe. mrs. oeny r«™inB, ____ . flw University of Wisconsin, and a we have record of only one who has * native of Norwav Mrs Skiolda-1 courts' interpetation of the word! regarding the rifiling of the mail box j SDecialigt in rural sociology and MAKE PRBrA&ATIUniJ •da*ug--hter, uM~rs . Howard Ifelley, of !Tr.nt ri»m<>Vo. » • " -- if to such s «t her home. According to the com-1 recreation, extension service, uni- J»QR HULLA-BA-LOO DAY Chicago, well known violinist. Both Frof. Dvorak and his sister, Helen, ware well known in this area during their youth whei^ they appeared as guests on many programs. The former, it will be remembered, was injured seriously in the wreck of a . train in the West three months ago, gnd is still confined to the hoapitu. Services for Mrs. Dvorak were, held m t£0 o'clock on Tuesday in St. Margaret's church, Algonquin, with burial in St. John's cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Fleming and Miss Mary Fleming attended the services. PEORIA-ROCKFOKD BUS COMPANY MAY ABANDON SERVICE TO McHENBY The Peoria-Rockford Bus Company --has filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission an application for per- . mission to discontinue and abandon service between Wbukegan, Grayslake, Round Lake, Vole, McHenry, -Woodstock, Harvard (to the extent of aerviee to and from the remaining , Joints herein mentioned) Marengo, tenoa, Sycamore and DeKalb, Illinois. Information as to the time and _ place of hearing upon this application •. *aoay be secured by communicating With the secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission, Springfield, Illinois. enlisted to date, Frank Cierocke, ge^r c^am e t^o t^hi os cVoWuMnllt„r y in her i "c°mP. *^" referB rumors are flying about many other mH lived for many years in I ®cbool district. j plaint, letters she had mailed had; yersity of Illinois, will assist with i teen-agers who are giving the subject Wisconsin sk. moved to Chicago in Mrs. Mary Endreas, superintendent failed to reach their destination and dvanCed swimmine and folk games , .. . of enlisting a great deal of thought. ^^JSrs bSt^St much SE Si®' the district, testified that theletters written to her had never bee" JndsquareZTing, as wPll as with' Big preparations are in the mALast Thursday the armed forces ^Hen^n^^M ^r ^autrand d^trict has been in existence for^1 received. Papers had also been taken, f a™n ^ pUy^ at 4.H ing for Hulla-ba-loo Day at the Mcopened their ranks for 161,000 Amen- ft., country itwo years and recenty two sites for! An investigation has been under-|club meetings. Miss Florence Kim- Henry Country Club on Tuesday. draft law limits the annual total of dr*"- _ the special enlistments to 110,000. The body rested at the Peter M. for the army; 36,000 for the navyjJusten funeral home until .2 o'clock including 6,000 for the marines; and > on Tuesdav afternoon,, when Rev. 15,000 for the air force. | Price of the Community Methodist Announcement was made the first church officiated at last rites. Burial of the week by Selective Service was in Woodland cemetery. Director Lewis B. Hershey that 25-year-old men would be drafted first; other age groups to be taken in order of their registration. He added that approximately 5,000,000 men will be processed in the fcst six months of the program, beginning with the older age group and working down through those in the 22- year bracket. Mr. Hershey stated that the first call will probably not be issued before Oct. 1. f AMONG THE SICK 1 »»e«»»»eo»»»»«»os i mil in asserted. Similar testimony was given by fSarl Hughes, Allen PhilHjM, Ralph Ostrander, Mary Rice, William Fyfe and Ferd Raffel. Tlie school district ia represented by C. Russell Allen, asaistant state's attorney, and Attorney Hugh Deneen is counsel for Mr. McCannon William M. Miss Frances Jung underwent surgery at the Wbodstock hospital "Harold Gold has "been a medical 'ilKA"1!?* patient at St. I^tereae hospital, Waukegan. Mrs. Louella Stephenson of Ringwood suffered a broken hip in a fall last1 Friday and iiaa been con- $25,000 SUIT Oscar and Bertha Osmundsen are seeking $25,000 personal injury damages from Sam Carson in a suit filed in the circuit court by Attorney .of Prof. John A. Klasson, head of the »£tiviti«»: department at Overland college Golf, Mrs. Earl Seepe, H. G. ®ordwell, Mrs. Carl A son was wbor TnW 9* .f th.1 in Ohio. Mrs. Sweeney, home adviser, ®*™ko1 *nd J*™ n on July 22 *t «ie i Vk- r*mn anin hndge, Mrs. Fred Heide, Mrs. uus Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Ja in charge of the camp •***", Freund> Mrs. A. A. Thompson and Willard Frever of Ringwood. tnls y 'Mrs. Georsre Collette; games, Mrs. A 7 lb 18 oz. son, T_i.m o.t.h y -L ee, -- -- Fitswas born on July 17 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Knox. The couple has one child, a son, Thomas. 4-H SHOW ! Elmer Freund, Mrs. Homer ordon Tb. igrU »rje .11 SS?W? JSWIW55 f«yler „nd Mr,G,o:r E. John,™,; A son was Mr. and Mrs.'jhald,,MondayLW 9, atjhe Wood-,^. is » William Ward at the hospital on July 22. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gitske, Jr. ' Stock Community high school. | j Demonstrations will be given PUBLIC SALE The executor of the Patrick J. Cleary estate will hold a public sale fined to the Woodstock hospitaL of real estate at 109 Main street,! Mrs. Nick Adams has been a McHenry, on Saturday, July 31, 1948,; medical patient at St. Therese hospiat 11 a. m. The property includes a | tal this week. two-story frame house and two-car. John Phalin, who has been ill at. Mrs. Patricia McCannon and baby garage. j his home on Richmond Road for the «f Chula Vista, Calif., are visiting her I P*«t week, is improving. fluents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Andrew Worwick left Sunday for ' -----;---- ftoflj- ', faw Tiih' TTitfun b i . Read the Want Ads uemonstrations wm^ jjen by liSeo^brid^'dinner of . Improveme\it ^tlrls^car^ -^ L 8 The suit involve, an "augffi bo"S atlt. 5^i?s hlpi^othing willH^V^C^Mrn °2 accident on Route 14, one mile south | tal, Elgin, on July , elected to represent the McHenry ^^-Lr^f^ion^mav ^mlE of Harvard, on Sept. 16, 1947. Mr. | is the former M._ss_ Jane Horner .of | se^ 4 R ^ at the Fair; i&^V.^'^AdTS. Carroll, Jr.. in behalf of i of Cary are the parents •* a^ Mrs. Osmu^sen were riding | McHenry. They have one other child, | ^y .4-«^iris^ne contactmg in a car operated by John Kundertla W'lham. s-t„rdav. in the State Clothing Revue will be „,aTn® at the time. They charge neglect on • A daughter was born ,on. the part of the defendant in causing: July 24, at the Woodstock hospital the accident. The Kundert and Car- to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Regner. son cars collided. selected. KESIDENCE CHANGES * - POLIO VICTIMS A 14-year-old girl and a two-yearold boy in the Genoa City area are, -«• . . , , , . . . Walworth coflnty's first two victims in the McHenry high school, joined of jppliQ this summer. 'the navy this week at Waukegan WnoHatock FLOWER SHOW I The Jet Diedrich family has moved A son was \The fortieth Flower Show spon-froin the Diedrich farm north of hospital on July^^21 to Mn nyp| sored| the Uke Geneva Garden McHenry to the Nimsgern home m Walter Brown of Spring Grov^ ! f,ub wiif be held on Aug. 6 and 7 at West McHenry, which they recenUy JOINS NAVY ! Horticultural hall, Lake Geneva, Wis. purchased. The place vacated by the Frank Cierocke, a former student honoring the Wisconsin centennial. Diedrichs ufn sSS fron Lake View subdivision. % '2 Subscribe for The Plaindealer r ar,

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