Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jul 1948, p. 6

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OSSIFIED E C TID N Nones of tlM imt ntuaker el which mwr in tke «ek mtk. m tow «NDrf it teposaMe to keep books e« ia^ null accounts. Thara- §Ml in tto fnta% only ads whkfc an paid for before this ooctfoa of Um papor cooo to prees at 10 e'deek oa Wedneodaj morninga wffi bo printed. FOR SALE -- 1929 Model-A Ford coupe. Merlin Staines. Phone 546-R-2. *11 FOR SALE--Rowfcoat, 18-ft. long. Csll McHenry 667-J-l. Friday, Saturday or Sunday. 11-2 FOR SALE--Having- received a new Roper aas stove which we do not need, will sell same very reasonable. Oriffirial price $199.60 Tel. McHenry 758-J. *11 TOR SALE ! FOR SALE -- Avery 5-ft. horse I mower, excellent condition. U. V. {Comes, Urbandale Farm. Phone McHenry 680-W-2. SWIMMING LESSONS--At McCullom Lake, swimming lessons tot anyone interested. Call McHenry 607-J-2. *11 NOTICE--Having purchased Rocky's Tavern as of July 1, 1948, we will not be responsible for any debts incurred before the above mentioned date. ELLEN STICHAUF AND LEO LEHMAN. " *11-2 ANTIQUES AUCTION -- Saturday, July 31, at 1:30 p. m. at Curtiss Antique Shop on Route 20 in Marengo, Illinois. Cuckoo and china clocks, Hj lamps. china, glassware, chests ot i drawers, drop-leaf tables, chairs and FOR SALR-From now on ready to ^ ^L^ FOX ^^ HOMES household items. If you want an show from one to three hundred J £o"£ flS i £queS' ^ ture to ,*tt^ld th,V? t* feeding steers, heifers and cows at 1 r?oms\ n*ar. beach" "Ice M,000.j Terms: Cash as sold. Owner, Ralph repaired. University engineer on construction. Lake County Sanitary Co. TeL Libertyville 1346. . 48-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Lot us dispose of yew garbage each week, or afteoer if deaired. Roaaonable rates. Rogalar year round roots. John K. HHL P. O. Box 174, McHenry, Phono MS. tf BARN SPRAYING-- Whitewash or DDT. Frank Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, Yolo. Tel. McHenrjr 548-J-l. 3-tf RENOVATE YOUR BRICK OR STONE BUILDING New and old brick tuck pointed, cleaned, replaced. Water proofing, window caulking, concrete restoration, patios, sidewalks, barbecues. Free Estimates HELP WA tank complete _ a. m." Saturday or Sunday. Brown cottage at end of left road in Hickory Grange on Hwy N, McHenry J. dig far septic job- himself. Apply after 10 Richard, owner. *11 HELP WANTED--Yard man. Alexander Lumber" Co., McHenry. 11-tf CARPENTER WANTED--For reneral plant carpenter work. The Bdwal Laboratories, Inc., Ringwood, 111. TeL Richmond 5. 11 HELP WANTED--Experienced bartender, full or part time. Buck's Town Club Riverside Drive, McHenry. 11' my farm on RW 20, two miles west 4 rooms' near be»ch'r Curtiss. Auctioneer, John Whitman'^ Jaekwj£ ©oV"^,8 Fox . Lake of Belvidere, 111. Clean, healthy cattle . . • . RlinBV.M ' ; if Illinois. Phone McHenry 207-W. HELP W ANTED--Young lady to clerk in food and delicatessen store; must be neat and honest. Apply In Eer&n or cell McHenry 754. Pantry delicacies, Inc., 135 Riverside Drive McHenry. 11 on your place at reasonable prices, 5 rooms' *ater /ront,_in Sunnysidc,! guaranteed against death loss for thirty days. Visitors always welcome1 whether you want one or a hundred. Private sale only. H. L. DUNNING. 11-4 NEW DRAW DRAPE CURTAIN RODS--Extending from 28 in. to' WANTED "Soma nay sooa" waa tha aoog adopted by the Goulbiimjailttrcheetra, near Sydney, Aostradia, for ita theme during broadcasting. The toad also faaturaa "All tto Time" aad 'Tm Confeeete'." Tto toad during one of Ha broadcaata playad two numbera compoosd hy a man who ia aenring a Ufa aentence far murder. Oae waa "Tto Cliffs," a ?***, maA theothera popular number called "Dream Serenade." Tto latter haa been publidiad commercially. The pianiat, whc alao is the conductor, piactieaa aad nniiuiinn in hla cell on a aOant keyboard which ha made himaelf. Members of tto toad apend all their recreational toye rahearaing. ^ ^ • Uaasel a Matf The camel, often called the ship oi the desert, is one of the ugliest and unci -- i . - - meanest of all animals. Its temper ia •4-12 HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND|^fnt. f"./>p€ra 1. ,at ]Vood8tc>ck aad and sullen, Interrupted by fits o« GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPOR-, hTh* and r<*u™ed! anger and rage. The personal habita TUNITY FOR THOSE INTEREST- v home ln MrHenry on Satur" of the camel are so tod It haafew HD IN THIS TYPE WORK. AP-;d"?; **. mm. JSrSJSJf; fb* Mrs. ^Charlea Frannd) Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers of St. Peter's parish were entertained on Tuesday night at the home of Charles Martin. A -meeting was held and there was a social evening at cards- Refreshments ware served. Mrs. Antoii May waa hostess to the members of her club last Thursday. Games of five hundred were played and prizes went to Mrs. Charles Gillespie, Mrs. Tinney, Mrs. Jos. Koberitine, Mrs. William Brits, Mrs. Martin , Nimsgern and Mrs. Anton May. A lovely lunch was served after cards. Miss Edna Hanford, who was a patient in surgery at Woodstock hospital the past week, returned homo on Tuesday^ and is recovering nicely. Mrs. Joseph Brown also under- FOR SALE -- Boxer puppies, $25 without papers-; one McHenry 128-M. north of Johnsburg. Price $7,950. ^JLACOB FRITZ, Realtor, - ^ 1, i?.° in.> easily installed by customer, j FArM WANTED -- 120 acres or'PLY* RIVERSIDE* MFG^CO.. lm\ /Mr., and Mrs. Walter Brown are! . T-.M'H*-" >'• M near gm^IDE DRIVE, McHENB,£j stock hospital on Wednesday, July ak Watt]te# D™* 8tor*. JJg BOATS FOR SALE Light weight plywood row boat, * v r . N U r M i U • c 1 m o r e ; m u s t b e " n e a r M c H e n r y o r ' W.Sf ?ji Johnsburg^ CMholto school. JACOB West McHenry. Phone 63 or 38. H-3 , FRITZ. Realtor, at Johnsburg. Tel. ftr piipp»es, ^25 ]0 {t> call Crystal Lake^ 369-W. SHEET METAL AND FURNACE McHenry 37. month old. C.1I -"lyOHK S ^ wT-frCT>_( 11-tf HELP WANTED--Male or female, 21. The baby will be christened, nr^' 'teacher for summer work, to repre- Charles Dean on Sunday at St' •Consignment and resale, sent our outstanding educational • Peter's church. FOR i - S c* i WANTED--Consignment aired. John McDonald, twwman sr, Second hand stcre. Gen A Is's, third leadership in your community. Oppor- Mrs. Lucille Nelson and son Bobby tcHenry, III. PW McHenr," TOj^hMM ,Iom sUit. bridge, sooth tunit, for. n.y. W or P£rt! of Sh.^S. W«. «« VhiS ?»X' . W1VV'"' <• 10'tflon East River Road. Phone Mc- time. Write "Box 88" in care of Math Nimsgern home several dav« FOR SALE--5-room house, complete- *|onarci, ly furnished with full basement and Joh^u^; Hous^W fll ithc. Also delicatessen with kitchen : ^^-- -- j t vi 11av raroMAV t FTRfinnN in rear, complete with stock and new poR SALE-FuU bed, spring | Pi.n^™ TeadSr «nd« J08- Wegener. Tel Residence studio, % mi. south of c™. M--nry-1 --^«SL.?cHe,lty on Roule Phom See Mr. Kaunp. Must sell because FOR SALE--McD. grain binder, nnvr fnr nrivat* nr of sickness. ^ *11 ft. right hand cut; good condition, j Bill Yung, Rt. 1, McHenry. Phone I f,ass. instruction m piano (each class DKi-c.n mond. gMinZ . *1i1t is limited to four children.)' Inu : i..j__ * i I Henry 493-W. 10-tf Plaindealer. Nimsgern home several days 9-8 last week. Mrs. Roy Haneline of Monticello FOR SALE--Myers pump with gasoline motor; Wrizser motor bike; reasonable; right hand corner sink. FOR SALE--Boat and motor; 16-ft. Inquire Saturday or Sunday at E. Thompson center deck-wheel; 22-hp. struction includes one free lesson weekly for all students in beginning harmony and musical appreciation. Mrs. Liebsohn has been a teacher of piano, and dancing for 16 years. She llivan's, on Fox River. Turn toward Johnson; also summer cottage, river river on Route 31 at Farm House front. See G. Bauer, No. 47, Suritay- Tavern. *11 side Beach subdivision, Johnsburg, is a graduate of the Chicago Musical -- n -- n ; r , w e e k e n d s o r w e e k d a y s c a l l R o c . | C o l l e g e a n d a t t e n d e d t h e C h i c a g o FOR SALE--Small grand piano; bed,j^ *10-2; Teachers College. Many of her stu- Spring and mattress; dresser; cedar chest; Westinghouse refrigerator. Can: FOR SALE--Dodge 2-door sedan; |e seen Saturday or Sunday. R. Grue-; late 1946 model; fluid drive; in clean •er, Johnsburg, Sunnyside Estates J condition; low mileage. Best offer TO. McHenry 688-R-2. *11 ;or call McHenry 522-R-l, between 5 FOR SALE--New Boe-Craft 16-ft'>nd 8 P" f --^ iabaards, $1,650 and up. Also fast' FOR SALE---Girl's Schwinn bicycle; tt-ft. outboards and 14-ft. row- excellent heats. Boe-Craft Boat Co., S. McHenry, 121-J. Are., Crystal Lake, 111. Closed Suncondition. Tel. McHenry »11 day afternoons. Tel. C. L. 1273. 10-tf! FOR SALE--®oy'« bicycle, Ically new. Tel. McHenry 67- >racti- . *11 FOR SALE -- Restaurant dishes;. Hamilton Beech mixer and cups, like FOR SALE -- Woodstock standard Call McHenry 260-W. *10-2 typewriter, perfect conditiion, elite type. Phone Richmond 846. 11 WANT TO GET IN THE CHICKEN RU8INESS?--Complete set of build- ^FOR SALE--Ice box and gas stove, lags, dressing rooms, chicken picker,; Call after 5:30 p. m., McHenry 126-/ sharp frecse, large freezer, 1,000 or 74-M. *11 diicken capacity; Urge modem home.' „ QAIir Ainina. Leaving state, health reasons; must SALE--Tavern, large dining ha sold quick. Nothing like this in foom. complete kitchen. This place dents are now professional musicians Class Instruction, $7.50 for 10 lessons. Private Lessons, $2. Class fees payable in advance. Write or call for further information. • 11 MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE -- Records installed and maintained. Elmer f. Adams; Certified Tax Consultant. One mile north of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12; Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 5601. 8-tf TRUCKING -- Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St., McHenry. TelJ McHenry 60-R. *6-9 PAINTING --/Interior and exterior. Plastic tile; rubber flooring. First class work. Insured. (For free estithe lake region."CaTl'llANk NELU has * ^VutifuT^iew overlooking j gjjj,,^hone McHenry 552-W-l. with FRIT? REAL ESTATE, Johns-1 %n* «ro^n?I ]ak«£ g burg. Phone McHenry 37. t1 Call BANK NELL, with JACOB -- FRITZ REAL ESTATE* Johnsburg. FOR SALE -- Registered Cocker | Call McHenry 37. 11 8] YEAR-ROUND GARBAGE HAULING „ . . . ,, - - Regularly and courteously with the ^ andP^ failj^Rrinkerl>1clSi SALE--Duo-Thermo oil heater; I*8* °,f se™cf:. AJ° ral^h HarfjM Sstakee (ISJ.L *4-tf 5?°^ condition; reasonably pnced; °T r loads. FREID WIRT^ Phone McHenry 343. 5-tf! Tel. 761-J. SSd International t^ck B^x bodv F0R SALE -- 3-bedroom furnished1 DO YOU NEED CARPENTER ^ander Lumber Co M^enrT cottage north of McHenry. Nice WORK?--Cabinets built or plumbing «n»er ^o„ mcnenry^ groundg 75x226, on the river. 1 installed or repaired. Call us. we will -- j also - j come at once. Call McHenry 674-J-l. FOR SALE--Generators, srmatures, 5 rooms and bath, south of McHenry;! *9-3 starters, fuel pumps, distributors river front, 50x170. Call HANK voltage regulators and ignition parts NELL, with JACOB FRITZ REAL VETERANS for Ford and all other cars. Seaco ESTATE, Johnsburg. Phone McHenry' Accept nothing less than the best Sales A Service, Lilymoor, Fred J Svoboda, Prop. TeL McHenry 183. 37. 111 if you want training to become a -- I skilled mechanic in the following big 41 -tf FOR SALE -- Pickup truck, 1937 j pay jobs. Auto and Diesel Mech., cl,_, Studebaker, 1-ton; low mileage; like/Body and Fender work, Refrigera- £55^ . ~E, new; 4-speed transmission; heater; tion, Electricity, Radio, Television, WANTED-- I have clients interested HELP WANTED--Pin boys. Inquire and Mrs Peter F^?mH in purchasing farms, houses, acreage at McHenry Recreation, formerly i were caii'er- hern and business properties. Will apreci- S^haeffer's Recreation, on Fox St, Manv f^i, hp~ ^ i ffcHe"ry- . " wS3Jf:Fox or 'iSl. me ™ \ eont«t y«l -- ^ on sale of your properties, Floyd E. Howe, Crystal Lake. *10-2 U. WANTED--CEMENT WORK, foundations, driveways, walks, etc. Will *®v furnish one man and mixer or a labor crew. Time and material or contract price. Phone McHenry. 547-M-2 or 786. *10-4 Mara Minerals far U. g. to Bureau of Minea, the S. produeed IS per cent mora and mineral producta in la 1*1. ttiie waa t par cant ahava tha warllmt peak of IMi. and ttw value wna m par cant W ANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan. 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Bec.trty Shoppe.) ft-tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, st Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1888. 2-tf WANTED TO BUY--Live poultry, all kinds; Wm. Staines, West McHenry, Phone McHenry 607-R-2. *4-10 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER -- Notary public, legal, real. estate, insurance exv perience; statistical typing, address-' ing and copy work. Orders may be mailed. Call Selock Secretarial Service, McHenry 655-W-l. 4*12 LOST LOST--Missing from our seawall July 20, flat-bottom steel rowboat, painted green. Reward for information where it can be found. Call Severinhaus, Phone Pistakee 194. 11 LOST -- Thursday, in Johnsburg, black purse with sum of money and papers. Reward. Mrs. Franci? Artwick, Rt. 1, McHenry. Phone 621-M-l. *11 U. S. Army Clostt Military Comttiry is Switzorlanl W00L. H?P Quick removable grain tight box fof BWg. Construction, Mechanical Draft- #®*ne^1,ct^on s.ervic®s SULATION. Guaranteed not to settle, livestock, et^.; trailer hitch; oversize ing. Earn while you learn at Ameri- American dead buried in Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or heavy duty tires, brand new spare; ca's greatest trade school. Learn the U. S. military cemetery at Mun- Sr4*™, , °m tx iq' r* grille guard. This is a full 1-ton about the increased benefits under! singen, Switzerland, were held prior St., Tel. McHenry 18. - u truck in perfect condition, mechani- G. I. Bill. Full details - no obliga-ito the removal of the bodies to FOR SALE-Choice building lots, a"? appearence. Shamrock tion - write now while we have open- a permanent American military 100 ft.^ by 200 ft.* gas electricity' Farlri8> West McHenJry-- Phone Mc-, inps, Box 50, care Plaindealer. 8-4, cemetery in Europe, or transporta- ' t' Henry 492-J. 11 -r--- ---- -- tion to the United States in accordance with desires of the next-of-kin. Creation "of the American military cemetery at Munsingen goes back to the time when disabled American planes, limping back to bases ip Italy. and. North Africa after bombing raids in Germany, were forced down on Swiss terriaf fee Intwier Krua Ml America's rata of lo ir m Beyfteaaa Oat Ml n oa i ay througli Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern entertained at their home on Sunday in honor of the birthday of Mrs.1 Lucille Nelson and little Linda Lu Lent's first birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Bob iLent and I Linda, Mrs. Lucille Nelson, son,1 Botoby, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence; Nimsgern, Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell and family of Sharon and| Jimmie and Sharon O'Neil of Chicago. | Mr. and Mrs. Barker and children! of Chicago visited her mother, Mrs.j John Kattnar, over the weekend. | Sunday dinner guests in tha Charles Frevmd home were Mrs.1 Shirley Dawson and daughter, Ginny. Walter Brown, Mrs. Arthur Kattner and Mrs. Charles- Freund visited Mrs. Brown at the Woodstock The food shortage can living coats cut down by eating aoy beans Instead of mare expensive foods, says Archibald Shame!. Unl- , ; „ vanity of California citrus expert hospital on Saturday night ment atatlon adantlat Ha advocates ' them aa a protein and bread auhatl* tute. Shamel, a retired official of tha federal agricultural department, playad a large part In Introducing hy« brld com. Among those from here who attended the carnival at Hebron on Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mr. and Mrs. Leander Lay, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund, the John Sheets family and George Sanders family. Af NICKELS IWMCA1 ONLY/ New. Different. Just aat thrdiatmrf-reUg. Provhiaa natural, rainlike ahonrar beat ft* aQlanvna. RaiaKiaf Model K.$6.9$ Nickels Hardware Phone 2 Main Street Weet McHenry FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Drug WALGREEN AGENCY HERMAN 7. NYE, R. PH COUPON PHONE 26 McHENRY COalc^f^ccn Oruij St< ALCOHOL 70% KTHYL KUBBING COMPOUND--WHT i> 25< CUT1CURA B W1DGER B |N AIL CLI|P • WM a • B (erLri"m-i.f.l) . 23* CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK water under pressure. Walter J. Walsh. Phone McHenry 608-R-l. *11 pOR SALE--6-room modern cottage, CemeTt mixer"for^entTj.* M Stanga FOR SALE--ALL-YEAR HOMES, fox River front, Country Club sub.; rone Emerald Park. Phone McHenry' $5,000 and up. STOMPANATO'S insu,a.tfd; 1 ?as J1®81: tv?° toilet '®cl11" 661-J-l. 50-tf REAL ESTATE, Woodstock, 111. • ld«al I a««u?^ndinJfi8V, Call CECELIA E. KNOX, McHenry. Phone Crystal Lake 1348-J-2. *11 CARPENTER AND CEMENT Tel. 421-J. 4 8 poR SALE Secretary desk and FLOYD^^COOLEY FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS. ADD- ^okc»se; tw» Wnson rugs; 6-ft. McHenry 491-R 103 Main St. ING MACHINES. Service on all Fngulaire. Tel. McHenry 692-J-2. ",ime Also ribbons for all makes; 11 MEDICATED SKIN SOAP makes. a<iy FOR SALE--Red striped sofa bed. j Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf Tff1 MeHpnrv 124.M ' ni Simi?le ?fr;oVmm ^MHcH^eernvryr,iV ettwl.levlv?e ' ffZeett FOI SALE--Smair GE refrigerator.! price ?50 w Nicholas, Rt. 1, Mc- j Tel. McHenry 227-Ji PnCed Henry. Phone Pistakee 693-J-2. *11' FOR SALE--Used cars and trucks.F0R SA!>E--ALL-YEAR HOMES Downs Nash Sales, McHenry. 44-tf 5 ro°ms' "ear bus bne; running ' 1 ; water; at $5,500. COMPLETE TILING SERVICE PORCELAIN TILE FOR WALLS AND FLOORS Call or write -for estimate FRED KLING . 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake, 111. HI I Phone Crystal Lake 490 *5-10 tory. American planes based in England which could hot return to theiir bases also found refuge there. Originally fliers k^led in action or who died subsequently through forced landings in Switzerland were buried in the cemetery near which j they landed. As the number of - ~ American planes forced to land in Switzerland increaaed, however, the McCullom Lake. Price,>' America.n milit.a ry- atta„c he, a4r ra.n.g ed. FOR saLK Five-room vear round $5 500 CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling for purchase of a small plot of land home; s'h i• ng'l edJ ; aluminum storm! 5_ rooms, cement b--ase,m ent, bath; at and repairs of all kinds. Free esti- adjacent to the Munsingen cemetery windows; tile bathroom; 2 bedrooms; ! McCullom Lake. Price $6,950._ '?} !,' ... R 9 Coleman furnace; electric hot water 4-room modern home; automatic oil y . Lessard A Panza. ybeater; modern wall cabinets. 1M 1 mile from McHenry. Maurice Panza, Emerald Park Heights. Tel. McHenry | 634-R-2. *11; Order ycui rubber stamps at The: Plaindealer. heat; hardwood floors; full basement; immediate possession; ^ at Wonder Lake. Prire $10,750. , JACOB FRITZ, Realtor, at Johnsburg Pbone for the purpose of bringing the 7'5tf i American dead together in one GENERAL CONTRACTOR for ce- burial ground. The walls, bulwarks ment, plastering, and brickwork. Nick | terraces of were Hasler. Route 8, McHenry, 111. Phone • quarried and built by American in* TeL McHenry 37 11-tf McHenry Rockwell Brunswick 9022. 654-R-l. Also 2826 N., terneea. in Switzerland. St., Chicago 18. Phone I •51-131 Helen Weber Says: v In ancient S _ i growers organized a guild* tha Mesta. At that time they had tha beat aheep ^>ain, the ahMp growers grew very powerful. The CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK j Asbestos Shingles and Insulstion Free Estimste ' ARVIDSON BROTHERS I Tel. McHenry 653-M-2 50-tf i in the world, ihe Merinoe, whidi -ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 1 ^ b**D d*vdttD*d fr0m * ne* ^ Floor furnaces. Let us estimate your next job. ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP 304 Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. *46-26 Phone McHenry 760. .--And with your clothes send them to us -- They will be safe and secure and will be freshly cleaned with the best • mv? *. - • ' -- |l^&Henry Cleaners £ ; Phone 104-M 103 Elm St. ' B^ea Weber, Mgr. ' EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL--INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Bex 163 Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, IU. 45-ti C. J. H. DIEHL Waedstock Plana Tuner Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. 30-tf Waadatack, 11L sheep brought Into Spain from North Africa by tha floora. Marino wool waa greatly deaired by aU European countriea but lawa paohibited shipment out of Spain. Anyone who tried to take thaaa aheep out of the country was put to death. The Mesta were ghrea valuable righta by Ferdinand and Iaabella, Spain's rulara. Large stripe of graaaland ware- set aside for tha Bods. Ferdinand and Isabella added to their riches by imposing taxes en wool WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN* WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and fiTfft*n pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 LMcH VHsht In flight, a sparroWa wtags make IS strokes a second. Main 9S-J. Street, lenry. Telephone 10-tf HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned Eddie s Sanitary Service. Eddie uff, I^op. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash Erices paid for cows, horses and ogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 86--fcf Order your rubber stamps at Plaindealer. COPYING t Old Photograph Snapshots and Proofs for whieh negatives are not available. $1.CX$ WORWIOK'S STUDIO .Phone 275 117 Riverside Dr., McHenry Metflea» far LAV SOA 21 IT* (Limit 2) . (I.imti 21 WOODBURY Hnt MILK OF MAGNESIA U.S.P. 50c AFTER SHAVE.LOTION (Ltmn I) IVORY Flakes LARGE PACKAGE, LOW PRICED Here's Help for Summer run Coo ling All Purpose k 9>ai.. Gtnuine Honthkh GOLD RIM FIELDERS PLASTIC GLOVE GOGGLES 32* E-Z POUR Cm PICNIC JUG 31S 14-es. tattle AR-O-OIL SHAMPOO .C'ympic Thermic PICNIC JUG 422 FLASHU6NTTvr»odT... TI0SITE SUN GLASSES MURINE for Your CYES 49c /BABY NEEDS Mot*er/ IWt Mte 7&ft tMsefa TUFTEX BABY A AC ANTS OMM* A t D Otoum P«r- ISc Slse aTRATE of la small, kuge MAGNESI erawdiuak JUaa extpvlorae siaa Gra«/aa(ev fOccitoe FORMULA PITC H--tpr--f enc FvVaxtf HER 50 Zinc StMrat« oec POWDER. 1-ol size 49 (LlRMt I) Dextii-Mwtote 157c MEAD*ST Pound aisa w • ISc Tfactere GREEN SOAP 17^ (Limit 2) PLASTIC SOAPBOX 13c Cxtre GCNTLE STORK CASTILE 2>»25 Street ana rretl Johnson's POWDER t | r < c n S t o r e

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