Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jul 1948, p. 7

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Tbomby, Jolyig, 1MI i- ' -( <*;V' Miaa MKi • >--'i' - 4fc*e%S ' •»* • -Sfc -- -*• -• „ , „,. . . . _ '*. ,»,... % .. ,L... "*-. . ' iUf ieaaOiJ gty affair for Um entire summer! I aeason, the directors of the Pftfdrty Owners Asa'n decided to Aai jast | that. ! \ •. v" j. Every . Saturday evening until (Labor Day McCullom Lake beach On ParMlt may succumb to the evils of an as yet unidentified brunette Charmer soon after the Mr. and Mrs. Alan McKim event. (By Yardstick) pa*r- K-k will take on the aspect of a rdi Gras and in addition to thefee doings the Screwy Doxen will also Greetings, folks: £ vif, -I hold their* regular Saturday eve- We are happy to report ttiSt the ning features for the entertainment Property Owners Association mid- j of our permanent as well as summer summer festival held at the beach residents in the Screwy Dosen s park park over the three day weekend was< grounds at the Roy-Al corner, a complete success'in spite of oldj it will be difficult to find a livelier Jupiter Pluvius's best effofts to put Sp0t than McCullom Lake anywhere a damper on thine* on Sunday. j on a Saturday night from now on. Saturday evening's peak crowd: ' was estimated at over 600 people,! Mr. and Mrs. Elmo McKim's all eager to share in the hourly j favorite son, Alan, and the lovely awards and in the grand award pre- Marie Diblik will make September eented at the close of the festivities. 25 a memorable day in their lives In answer to the many requests j according to latest gossip and from from the. folks present to extend this j what we see and hear benedict, Chuck Wally and Helen Nakon of Chi- • cagt) enjoyed* their one week honeymoon stay at the Gunard Johnson cottage on ParkView Lane. These newlyweds have established residence at 4509 So. Karlow Ave. in the big city. [apl< Drive in Knollwood is a model house on the Peter Lenara estate. Messrs. Clem and Fred are the creators of this architectural masterpiece. turned from a moettt'l fishing trip to St. Francis, Ont. Earl tells us that! is one spot where the big ones make no effort to get away. Last Sundays' game between the- McCullom Lake Shamrocks and the Jacksonville School for the Deaf team turned out to be a complete runaway for the Shamrocks. Th» score 19 to 4 in the Shamrocks' favor. Chi^k Ingersol did the pitching, with Fr«t Matthesius on the receiving end. NOTICE Will the woman who made check on MoHfeJiry Htate Bank on June 19,-No. 135, amount $11.60, to Lawton's Clothes, Waukegan, III. please communicate with • LAWTON CLOTHES It GENESEE ST. WAUKEGAN; This week we are happy to add the; name of Mrs. Ella Landers to our ever growing list of permanent residents. Blink Inn by the sea will | undergo a complete remodeling, according to Mrs. Landers' present : plans. i A hearty welcome to n(u Mrs. Ella Landers from your correspondent. '1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nimtz are enjoying a two weeks" motor tour of i Minnesota. They expect to spend a few days visiting with their many I friends in Minneapolis. With a certain Barbara on his mind, Junior Bill Hecht is walking the clouds these days. When Bill fails to. clean up on his Wheaties three mornings straight. It must be love. Two row boats were found adrift in the middle of our lake last Friday. Contact A1 Arreger if'yours is on the missing list. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Siegler and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blake spent a most enjoyable Sunday evening a* •jthe Delavan Gardens in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whiting rewe will offer fifty top gilts bred to our famous herd sircpL it July 30, 8 p. m. These gilts are the easy feeding--quick to market type. They are in perfect condition and bred to farrow in Ajignst and September. - * FARMERS' OPPORTUNITY! A 200 pound pig sells for almost $60.00 at the yards. How can the land produce greater and quicker profit? - ATTEND THIS SALS We believe a tot of these gilte will sell at pffioea fanners would like to pay. EDWARD E. MANNING, Owner 5% .*1- FARM NfcT. 83, MUNDELEIN, ILLINOIS EDWARD E. MANNING, Owner Girl scout Ray Diskis, too, is on the trail of a sweet little Miss up Chicago w*ay we are tpld. Happy landing, Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rosing will establish residence in the Lenard's home on Fountain Lane as soon as remodeling operations are completed, i Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barber en-' joyed the weekend at their cottage on Orchard Dirive. J Mr. and Mrs. Claude Harris of Miami, Fla., and Mr. and Mrs. Stan-, ley Vycital, of Tacoma, Wash, were \ dinner guests at the Harold Vycital's last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edmonds returned to Chicago after enjoying a pleasant two week's vocation at their, cottage on Maple Hill. • Mn and Mrs. Ken Ebey, Jr., cele-! bra ted their eighth wfedding anniversary last Monday, and to this happy pair we say congratulations.., : Nats and Bolts , "Don't be too quick to see dirt Maybe you -forgot te ' clean ^ your glasses." ' Wonder why we never see a "Just, Divorced," sigif on some of those horn tooting cars going through town. ADIOS. Shipyard! Intrust ftatput Of SmII SMftiRf Vessels During the past year shipyards in the United States built 216 self-propelled vessels of more than 100 gross tons each, aggregating 313,360 gross tons, aocording to Marine Engineer ing and Shipping Review, marine industry publication. This compares with an output of 198 vessels in 1046, aggregating 683,867 gross tons. It Indicates the increasing demand for smaller vessels, as the average size of the ships built in 1947 was only 1,450 gross tons as compared with 3,454 gross tons in 1946. Of the total tonnage produced last year 82 per cent consisted of seagoing vessels, each over 2,000 gross tons. Forty vessels ef this class were built, including four large seagoing dredges. These large seagoing vessels totaled 257,584 gross tons and required a total of 321,620 horsepower for propulsion. Of this tonnage, 58 per cent consisted of cargo vessels and 20 par cent of combination pasaenger and cargo ships. Only one tanker was built but she was the largest vessel of this type ever built, having a deadweight of 27,028 tons. Atlantic coast yards led In production of seagoing vessels of over 2,000 grass tons each, producing 43 per cent of this tonnage. The Gulf coast was a close second, however, yards in this region producing 40 per cent, while Pacific coast yards turned out only 1? par gg TlaM Variety la rations helps hens to tajr well. Wet mash or pellets may be used to vary the feed and stimulate the appetite of the layers If feed con* sumption lags andk egg production drop*. ' Woolly Mammoth The woolly mammoth is a cloee relative to the modern elephant. Perfectly preserved skeletons have been found in Siberia where they have lain frozen in the ice for thousands of years. ,1s ^. J,*.; ^ j&n is. Feet and M--Ui Va Stferta at the Argentina sontroi foot and mouth newly developed vaccine have ted attention of U. 8. authorities tempting to stop the spread at Infection In Mexico. Argentina Oapatated Furaltni*--„ Tfttptthted furniture 'vas fffit offered In a commercial way about 1025. The offerings were very meager, consisting primarily of kitchen , table* and chairs. Today unpainted 1 furniture is available in better selection. It Is especially popular with people who live doubled up in apart- | ments. WHEN YOU CHOOSE CANDY Qimm H WUely Get at Our Storcl •X YOU BUY It GUARANTEED FICtI That's because in our Whitman's Refrigerated Gaudy Department every box of these delicious confections keeps its richness and tastiness the way you want them--the way you expect then fraas Whitman's! Bolger's Drug Store T. B. Vaeelaation Safe A 13-yepr controlled study of cUlus of calmette and guerin, BCO, j vaccination against tuberculosis, the longest continuous experiment1 in the United States, has resulted in the conclusion that its application tor all age groups is a safe and effective procedure, according to American Medical association. BCO is a noa> j virulent bovine tubercle bacillus < originally isolated from the milk of a tuberculous cow in 1906. The virulence of this organism then was re- ^ duced by the regular tranfers on a bile potato medium over a period of 13 years. In 19S1, after discovery that the organism was harmless and that it affonied a certain degree of protection to animals against virulent tubercle bacilli, human application was begun, only those who reacted negatively to a tuberculin test being vaccinated. Since that time it has been estimated that some 10 million vaccinations have been performed throughout the PHbNE 40 McBENRY, ILL. IrtsU White James Hoban, a native of Ireland, who had resided for some time in Charleston, S. C., in 1792 won a prize of $500 offered for the best de> i sign for the President's house. Construction began in 17S2, but President Adams in 1800 was the first to occupy the mansion. HURRY! HURRY! A i McGULLOM LAKE ! W: i Follow the Crowds ' TTgTT."""";', " . • --^#7--. ' ' . . ' To McCullom Lake Beach Every Saturday Evening . ....... .... --......i;.. ^ -• at 8 p. m. a PleaSant Evetlifig Throughout the Summer Sesison With Your Neighbors ?UN fOR ALL Awards every hour on the'hour and in addition a Grand Award at the close of the evening's for Young and Sponsored by the PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION OF McCULLOM LAKE " DAN DANIELS LAKE SHORE CLUB LLININGT BOOM NOW OPEN troifi 6 p iQ. until closincr, daily ^ Somplete Dinners DAN at tiie HAMMOND ORGAN invite yon to come to the LAKE SHORE CLUB on Route 120 -- Lily Lak# McHenry, 111. NOW ATA&P GIANT Luscious * SOUTH CAROLINA $4.39 3 lbs. for 29c * California Lettuce lg. si*e 17c Home Grown, Yellow Sweet Corn 5 for 29c Home Grown Ye" low Onions S lbs. for 19c Cantaloupe jvnbo sise 25c NOW ON SAU! AliatfST ISSVI MICKELBERRY'S Womon s Day &KINLESS FRANKS COPY RING BALOGNA SLICED BACON ILLER & HART 0ANNED HAMS IrisM «r Spry COMSTOCK %t\«4 Apples BANQUET Whsls SblskM .^Vml. CAMFFIRE MarshMllews IONA Perk aid Btais KELLO««'S M Variety H* MSIRI Kstsbup "fit 23c Deer Wbele Beets Z^tSc CAMPtELL'S K.,.. VE«ETAILi •fvips VEGETARIAN. win* ASP Saierfciwrt ARMOUR'S Dried Beef rr.iw Butter Seais KlEAl vu Bowl Covers f 27e t tins' He r/rOZ. 2--25c PACKAGES FdS MICE OF ONE PUR0 • • • • • • • • M C G S . FOR BAKING OR COOKING DEL RICH MARGARINE • GETS CLOTHES SNOWY WHfTl i f>7 ..TIN NO. 2 20c O"f Mis IW UV*IIM« SUa I* N»t WMNMT SWEKTHIART TOILKT SOAP SSnt* SLU WRITE • v;vi . ^ ^ir WORKS WONDERS FOR YOUR WASH ^ >?' SWERL . • . . .. . .'k, . &3F FOR SNACKS. ARMOUR'S DEVILED RAMv.. FOR son. SMOOTH SKIN PALMOUVI TOILKT SOAP IATW SIZE CAKES 29« SOAF OF LOVELY WOMEN ¥ LSX TOILET SDAP • • 4 HEALTHFUL--NOURISHING KHZ HIT FMK FOR DAINTY THINGS UX FUSES . . . . . . . . ^ 3 4 * NSW IMPtOVM AMSRICAN PAMLY FLAWS 1 \^\ \«w\ * ' I-" ^

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