Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Aug 1948, p. 10

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IdMriinc to MI announcement last «««k, no prospective selecmm b« accepted u a volunteer •The has received -greetings* his selective some* board, for tho peace time draft will operations of joint army, air force induction stations, it* provision* being as fol> No registrant may &3s.;v pmt*x ed for voluntary ea n notified by enlhUnent alter In hia local selective •*' :'k.^ ; week, on servfcw board to report for pro-induction physical and mental examination, 2. Selective service local boards will form pools of registrants found qualified for military service at preinduction examinations and will order them to report for induction as calls are received. However, none will be inducted sooner than three weeks after preinduction examination, ^lso none^y yj ^he drawii wtt be ordered to induction !•*« «tar game and has< than 120 days after examinatin. Be- ^ who hold tickets fore actual induction, all will be ^ ^ purchased from -- given another physical examination. Crusader team members) wBl want 3. Current army regulations will be on hand. But the drawing govern all pre-induction physical ex- ig oniy one attraction. The all star animations. They will be used for |^me should be a real battle, and assignment to duties according to races throwing contests, etc. will physical capacity. The minimum ^ at jea8t exciting. Events start mental level for. induction will be ^ 1;0o p. m. 70 as determined by a common Friday eveninf ixamt MHMm (By Sd Murphy) ' Ma«t leaders know that the two uniformed teams In the hassbsW league have been selling chances to pay for their uniforms. With the backing the league now has this procedure is no longer necessary, but the boys are game to pay for these uniforms themselves. That is a great spirit, we think. And this Saturday, August 21, they ing ai t their aft •eball field day. (they may Motor travel in the United is the haaviait in history, as by 10 p«r eeet the previous al^time ^ , soak reached in 1947, Charles .. A jatfamwfcfo suray contacted by | TKEtU fSSer giro hereby that the Chicago Motor Club shews «tten- » pMe hearing' en Mid * dance at slfven leading nationalj >p. - -• - tYSe#t*£ T roafc parks up 6 jn cent for the mf* 1* o'clock p. m.,_Tuesday, Sept six months of this yesi'wer the cor.; ^ mt iWnHaU, WWt Mcrusponding period in 1947. , Henry in this township* and that t "Ike salt aRcgee that the vara at seven o clock general classification test. Mr. Lone will have more sport, films 4 In »en«al tl^. 8 to show the boys and anyone else preference will be .consideredI in as- who is interested. There will be a forty minute baseball reel, forty ..I minutes of football, and an extra The army will have oyer-all respon- ftJm abou(. _ame fishing. it should ibility for the joint induction sys- . plenty 0f time to allow tem, and army-air force recruiting folks to liste* to y the allstar football signing him to one services. For the same isix-month period Anal action on this ordinance will be seven major toll bridges in the mid-1 taken by the Highway Commissioner west, sputh, and northeast report in- at a meeting held at Town Hall, West creases in automobile traffic averag- i McHenry at 2 o'clock p. m., Tuesing 21 per cent. i daj^ Sept. 7th, 1848. main stations will function as joint examining and induction stations for » ! the three services. i •fcv 54,000 VETS FAIL W MAKE APPLICATION TOR BONUS CHECKS i Boys between 14 and 17 ydars of app should remember to enroll in the next bracket which will begin Operation in the Spring. They should Have a parent sign the letter to Mr. "Long and include their age, throwing and batting style (right or left handed) choice of position, and pre- S«ently th, S. hoai)d celebrated the Jjret ann August 11 the Crusaders and versary of its existence with the a - Womler Lake Sailors clawed each nouncement that more thanhalfo other -n a fiye tQ five tie game which Illinois World War II veterans had wgg called because of darkness, btw sent Donus chccks, PifrhAni jAffv Lonr And RonniG The board with its two off.ces fobs as the one for Cook county and the other indicates. Right now Jerry, The average attendance gain o^ 6 per cent in eleven parks is an un« derstatement because it reflects adverse weather conditions which ab* normally delayed the opening of roads and of the touring season af Yosemite and Mount Jtanier parks. Gains ranging up to 17 per cent were reported at the other parks. H. J. MILLER, Highway Commissioner. WALTER ANDERSON, Clerk. (Pub. Aug. 19-26, Sept. 2) Subscribe fur the Piuindealor Lima beans are a round nutritious food, suited for use as a main dish. Subscribe for The Piaindsalsr E W HMa-' 'I i />*?/-> Zj / £> miAm LEONARD and VOGEL, Anctioueers :W: t ^-Monday, August 23 ^ ' commencing at 12 o'clock D. S, T. sharp. 250 Head of Choice Dairy Cattle The following cattle originating from Wisconsin, M inneso and Iowa, have bcteh caiefully selected, and have plenty type, size and quality for milk production. 160 HEAD SPRINGERS, FRESH COWS AMD HEIFERS (Majority of these are Holstein with, tome Chwrnsey am Colored Cows.) 60 head first calf Holstein Springers. -V v . ; * X 40 head bred and open Holstein heififtra. ' 2 | 5 st'ock bulls. . . (T. B. and Bangs tested,) USUAL THORP TERMS. * STANLEY BURNIDGE & SON IT'S HA"" lui Crene ShampM 4-OZ.MI 95< 49< ,ence. Translated into cash the checks ye] . un men in the circuit. disbursement of »213,- ^ ^ j at short 838,786.79. With the and Don Blake played standout *C'- nun me e x c e p t i o n of d i s p u t e d _ a m e g It is i n t e r e s t i n g to watch bonus application and tardy claims ^ow quickly young men like Don the bonus board expects to finish develope. The same may be paying the bonus by December 1. sajd for Davy Kent who is hustling Richard Yates Rowe, the state all the way por Wonder Lake Pat l treasurer and member of the Service ira]iow at second and Bob Wohnrode( R e c o g n i t i o n b o a r d , announced t h a t a t t b i r d were e s p e c i a l l y n o t i c e d by, bonus applications are expected to gp^tatore. David Kent, playing fall short of the 915,000 original center for the Crusaders, made one i estimate and that a reserve of about j backing up second which cer- | $25,000,000 may he returned to the ^inly saved a and possibly the [state at the end of the biennium on^^^g for his team. The Wonder Lake Jone 30 , . . outfit has been practicing often, we Bno lig er ls Drvr ug SOt ore i Of the checks paid to date, more „nfier<,tand Thev show It. than 15,000 have been paid 40 the Saturday evening, August 14, the ° ° beneficiaries of those killed m action Lu Lake Mudhens bounced back to PHONE 4# • McHENRY, ILL. and those of veterahs who have died wh- the Ramblers 9-3. Dodd at first I since their separation from service. fQr the Ramblers piayed a heady Top figures is $900 which is paid The RamMerg have not re- | to the next of km of those killed in *ejve( j service. whpn thpv Jo Deadline for filing for bonus checks q„0„f„tnr<j ceived many breaks, but watch them 00*- \/N<e UNDIES iOR CHILDREN r * SIZES rtel* TEA ROSE WRITE is June 30, 1949 and the board an- Spectators at our games may be surprised occasionally by some of the SPECIAL SALE ON BATTERIES and TIRES land they a!» V. , tf plate BATTSKIE3 . for Fords s.ooiae riRESTom TIBES as low aa $13.50 $11.95 plus tax SEAT COVEKS to fit all can, $9.95 and up BASEBALLS, BATS, OLOVES and SHOES WALTER J. FREUND PhoneM« Tires -- Tubes -- Batteries -- Acceeeoriee and Tube Vulcanising Bicycle Repairing All Work Guaranteed OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Weat McBeary Vt mile Southwest of Elgin, South Street «nd McLeaft Blvd., Elgin, Illinois. /%"' - pnI WMI FINANCE CORPORATION ticipates that there are^ nearly'64,000 thin P officials do. We might write who have failed to date to make a£ » explain the theory of our | plication. Those remaining to be " rm._ 1 - -1- 1..™. i paid number about 350,000. Geriatricians Needjd Tha United States in coming yean will have greater need for geriatricians physicians who specialize In medical problems of the aged, than for pediatricians specializing on children, says Oden W. Anderson, instructor in public health oconomics at the University of Michigan school of pub* Uc health. Within the next 35 years the number of persons 65 years and over probably will double, he points out. . Complete ime of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf * Reinforced et el peh 1 strain. * Long life «ImKc. * Kaft reyoa fabric that BAST'S McHENRY FOX LAKE ROUND McHenry, Illinois Fftl. - SAT., AUG. 2t-21 Bud Abott - Lou Costello (1) "THE NOOSE HANGS HIGH" In Color Walter Abel Marie Walsh (2) "THE FABULOUS JOE" SUN. - MONm AUG. 22 - 21 Joel McCrea Frances Dae Charles Bickford - Joseph Calleia "FOUR FACES WEST* Pins -- World News * Cartoon TUES. (ONE DAY) Tom Conway Jane Vincent (1) " THE CHALLENGE" William Bishop - Gloria Henry (2) "ADVENTURES OF SILVERADO" WED. - THURS. Joe E. Brown - Noreen Nash (1) "THE TENDER YEARS' Donald Woods - Bobby Blake (2) "THE RETURN OF RIN TIN TIN" program. The boys do not have to be taught to want to win. They have that. They do, however have to learn the fundimentals of the game under fire. It is unreasonable to expect the boys to react instinctively now to surprise situations. That is why the league is trying to hold the game down somewhat and prohibits stealing or taking more than one base on an over throw. The games would result in good ball scores. What4 - we want to teach is batting, throwing, and the feel of a diamond. The. next bracket will find more of the advanced baseball such as squeeze plays, bat and run, stealing, and the like. This seems to mAke sense. In that very vein Hugh Murphy had the pitchers from all teams work out with him last Friday evej ning. Another evening will see catchers given special instruction by- Tony Freund. Infielders and outfielders will have their turns soon. If this league keeps going and with the Jielp of God and the men behind? it, it will, McHenry will be the center of an area producing the best ball teams in the state &&>"' Dollar Day Specials Na. 2 None Such Sugar Peas 2 c*ns fSc No. 2 Yz LSbby's Kodots Figs • • • • 2 cans 69c Na. 2 Richelieu Tomato Juice 8 cans fl-00 iJfe. 12 oa. Red Tag Breakfast Prnaes ; 4 |ars tl.OP Save on Canning Costs--^Special Value No. 2Vi None Sudi Fussy Wassy Peaches, 24 cans to case - -- case $10.30 • IS os. Ocean Baray Apricot-Cr»nberry Pveserves, 24 Jars to : ease 12.40 |DIC KDW5 .1 w MA ARORD 1K/ ECTT w • : h M ' W E N P . - x> Population of Japan is Increasing at the rate of a million a year. At present Japan is growing only about 80% of its food requirements. Oleridng "W. F. Powers, Representative Phone Woodstock 110 mamMfolhotm rin 1 l l e ri THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY D« the stage In Person BEN CARTER SHOW" Featurii|g llM Paradise Riders Sonny Boy The Wonder Horse --In Conjunction With-- On the Screen *BIG TOWN AFTER DARK K), ttMve'a no point In merel|r i»i»hlRgfouhad4alltfaepappf powar of a brand-nsfw 1MB Fireball engine undar the bonnet ol your trusty oMBuidi Children 25e--Adults Mc (Including Tax) FRI. - SAT., AUG. 28-21 * * Co-Hit 'ALONG THE OREGON TRAIL' SUN. - MON.. AUG. 22-23 By Technicolor "ROMANCE ON THE HIGH SEAS" with Jack Carson Stsrts TUES., A^G. 24th CROSBY Not when you can yourself up a full portion of the tame thrilling llgjlimi las nutter of aday or so. As If by magic, you cancel out tha* thousand* of mfleaof driving you've done. Grose off the leaky piston rings, worn bearings, tired ignition •ystem. Scratch the threat of a Mostly engine overhaul. And figure tha extra worth of your car whan you're ready to turn it in. All you have to do la come in anf see' ua. We can put n freeh-from* tho>production-line 1HS Firebafl engine into any Buick from 1937 models on. It's a completely new Buick engine -- spick-and-span from htad to pan-fully equipped wittMlU^e items litt«4iii thep»pel.' The Job doesn't take long--from one to two days. The coat is OK, too-surprisingly low. It varies a hit from model to model, but it'a always low enough to make this Ileal a prise bargain. We'll give you the exact figure if you'll drive your jCar in. Don't put It off. Make up your mind to drive a( 1948 - powered car now. Gome in and talk it over. LOOK WHAT YOU OCTAU FACTORT-NfWI New Cylinder •l+Ck - Pins and (Unas No w Pvsli Rods , • ***]? Timing New Cyflndor New OH Now OR Now Volvos audi New Reckor- Mow flywheel H•P,wltf njnvnR c1f iv iww %wrh New CnHbiireler New Air Oocmmt .I•W W RHMIVlM Now Wsrtor ' 1- R. L OVERJQN MOTOR SALES .il: ... ». iA?.* 4-.. L .. . . , --V 'SaAjL. ,%.t ,

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