Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Aug 1948, p. 1

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Since the old school burned to the ground a few years ago, a iporary structure has been Duilt, it is hoped that some day in the too distant future a new edifice be erected to accommodate the of the growing community. Die carnival will be held on Saturday evening and from early after- Man on Sunday to the late evening konrs. It will be conducted on the grounds surrounding Nell's ballroom wahas adverse weather necessitates -•ovine into the spacious building. _ln either event, the colorful festivities now being planned will be Jield. Although the pastor, Fr. Neidert, holds no official title in the organ iziog of the carnival, his enthusiasm •ad experienced advice is proving invaluable to those in charge. General chairmen are Peter P. Freund and Lae Freund and the two parish trustees, Peter Freund, Jr., and Anton M. Schmitt. Carnival Chaiitaea Stands will be in charge of Joseph & Schmitt, Joseph Frett, Harold Fox, Alfred Oeffling, Math Schmitt, Michael Schaefer and Fred J. Smith. Bach of these men has been busy •electing workers to assist them. ^ Hie ladies, too, will have a hand in making the carnival a success, their efforts being centered especially in the food category. Those in charge will be Mrs. Helen Hettermann and Mi*. John Thelen, president and vicepresident of the B. V. M. sodality; and Mrs. Alvina Miller and Mrs. Isabel Stilling, ehief ranger and viceduef ranger of the Lady Foresters. At 5 o'clock on Sunday afternoon a buffet lunch will be served by the ladies and throughout the carnival there will be food and refreshment booths. There will be numerous stands, with valuable prises to be offered. Entertainment will include games and other amusements. The general public is cordially invited to attend. SERVICES THURSDAY FOR MRS. MAGDALENA BOHR Mrs. Magdalena Bohr, 77, a resident of this community all hef life, died early Tuesday morning, August 17, 1948, after a lingering illness. For the past three years she had been in failing health, and her condition became serious six months ago. The deceased was born on May 30, 1871, irt McHenry, and in 1898 was married to John A. Schaefer, who preceded her in death in 1900. Three. years later she married Nicholas) "?e »«ason of carnivals and faira Bohr, and the couple lived at the! continues as great plans are in the ANNUAL FAIR ATTRACTS MANY COUNTY YOUTHS 4-H Town Will Be Scene of Colorful Svent August 23-24 present home on 112 W, Broad street until his death in 1923. Previous to moving into town, Mrs. Bohr had lived on a farm near McHenry. While her chief interest was in her making for the McHenry County 4-H Town county fair. It will be held on Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 23 and 24, at 4-H town, Woodstock, when • iic> uuu iiiisint 1(1 HIT 1 tih ret .2.7 2. mem...b.e.r s ,, of, a°gr i.c ultural home and family, until poor health! clubs exhibit their projects. did not permit, Mrs. iBohr was an' Entries are expected to reach 164 untiring worker in events sponsored i '°f dairy, twelve beef, ten sheep, by St. Mary's church and the several! thirty-five swine, twenty-three pena societies to which she belonged. She Poultry, twenty-four garden prohelped to organize and was a charter j?0*8* eight home. ground beautificamember of Riverview Camp, R. N. i t'on projects, twelve pens of rabbits, A., and also worked faithfully in the I seventeen tractor record books, three Christian Mothers organization and improvement record books, five St. Clara's Court, Catholic Order, of j electricity displays and one honey Foresters. A host of friends ac- exhibit. quired through these associations, as i The program is being planned to well as her family, mourn her pass- • emphasize the various phases of 4-H 'n8T- *• i project work. Club members are Survivors include four children,; expected to have reported in by 10 nings John William Schaefer of Petite; o'clock Monday morning, with the | nival HUNDREDS ATTENDED VFW SUMMER FESTIVAL Everyone who attended the Veterans of Foreign Wars second annual summer festival last weekend in city park is in agreement that it was one of the finest such events ever to, be Eresented for the enjoyment of Mc- [enry residents and visiting guests. The three-day event was packed with fun for the kiddies as well as providing a genuine good time for the older folks too. While rides were previously only as the flat type, carnival sponsors and the general public who find thrills in 'this type of entertainment were pleasantly surprised to find a ferris wheel as one of the attractions. Something new and very popular was the miniature roller coaster for the tiny tots. The prises offered were of good quality and many- a housewife walked off the grounds with ftvamile of pride in the gift she had received. Edibles not only looked taaty but proved just that to the hungry folks who found HOOELS SELECTED FM MOTHERS CM SHOW SPECIAL VALUES ARE OFFERED IN NUEIKY STORES Late Summer and .Fall Items Make Dollar Go Farther Lake, Mrs. Albert (Genevieve) Sengstock of DesPlaines, George M. Bohr and Ernest Bohr of McHenry; also ] five grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. One daughter, Kath- |ryn, preceded her in death. The body is resting at the Jacob Justen Sons funeral home until 9:30 i o'clock on Thursday morning, when j last rites will be conducted from St. ! Mary's church, with burial in the church cemetery. SUMMER OUTING FOR HANDICAPPED CHILDREN ENDS . Understanding Care ; - Helps To Hake Useful . Lives For* Youngsters "tlr is more blessed to give than to receive," and when that gift is in the form of service to those less fortunate who have no help for themselves, then that blessing must be supreme. The old adage contains not fiction but truth, as one may see for himself should he chance to visit the Chicago Club For Crippled Children's summer camp at Riverdale subdivision, north of Johnsburg. The gleam in their eyes as staff members tell of the gains made by the youngsters is ample evidence of the deep|nam^d 'irTlddTtion"" to" those" men- unbelievable prices attached to qua! .... «!S«£S!°n J* " **,n#d in this tioned last week. These include Mrs. *y merchandise. that the cool evenings whetted theirioutst*nd,n* work. }Zi0n Baker and Mrs. LeRov Melsck,,. Sln.ce "'j"081 everybody enjoys eatappetites. The camp, which is really unlike! fancy-free, and Mrs. Jules Gonseth, I»ets begin our brief resume of As with the Legionnaires and thejr-? ?ary c*mp life in most respects, I Mrs: Keith Foster and Mrs. William s®m® °J these values with a mentto;* July 4 carnival, the weatherman was ls located on the former Joycel Pries, Jr., table arrarfgements. The;°L;?? . sPec.1®' delicacies will be kind>and even obliged ky sending a! Yi11, was Purchased in thei fancy-free portion of the program] , a. considerably less than the bright noon to nun the long eve-1 | °* by the Chicago club and; promises to be especially interesting ufu.? pnc?.,a W * *8Ull j .J*3 especially attractire. The car-jls known as the CCCC Camp. While because it is novel. It includes any;°. thofe ^ sweet tooth and those was dectdadly a bigger event f^mmer can}P has been conducted on j kind of artistic display which lieg W^o-would rather settle for the more Plans are now completed and the; stage is set for the. garden show j which the Mothers club will sponsor ; tomorrow, Friday, Aug. 20, in the f I Mf Henry public grade school gym- • nasi urn. Mrs. iLillian Cox and her committee have 0 finished last minute details and all is now in readiness for the colorful show. » Models have been selected to we^lr the various types of corsages; an innovation at this year's event. They v , are-Miss Rosalie Williams, Miss Mary „ „ sir, an(? ma am, another of Jean Doherty, Miss Dolores Vales, McHenry s gigkntic Dollar Days is Miss Mary Ann Bolger, Mrs. Roy at hand- 0n Aug. 20, busi- Miller, Mrs. Charles Brda, Mrs. Keith "e t s.s men are offering a special invi- Foster and Mrs. Evelvn Hoyte, all of j0? to housewives, working men McHenry, and Miss Marianne Frett and J"st thos« *ho are on vacation to of Oak Park, a summer resident in th.em a TV".1 and ^ the.wonderthis community. Commentators for . w"*ch are being offered at the afternoon and evening will be S.u C u" their original price. Mrs. H. C. Reihansperger and Miss Those .shopp€r8 w^° f L eel ,that "the Kathleen Henn. grass is greener elsewhere" will get Two more committees have been 8 •r^ surprise when they see the JUDGES, REGISTRAB8 APPROVED FOR OCT* # REGISTRATION DAT I The final the only items on display this year* j lady will also find great reductions on The show will also include the hob- ladies' dresses and accessories as well bies of various members, as well as as a variety of household item. Many " " wivaa VII«||||TM T* «9 UVVWVWy •. WCnl .i r vviimuvv«u V|| IVIIIU. Ui HI MBMt U19(li*/ WIllVll »M?» j U 4. . . 1 .. .» . county 4-H judging contest being held 1 than presented last year and its suc- i , e s*me s,te for many seasons, it within the talent of Mothers club , J}! 't®11!® the pantry, at 10:30. All exhibits including fat cess leaves both tha sponsors and; as become greatly enlarged this 1 members and may range from a: , lad,es u-nu eIu -ii stock, poultry, garden, rabbits and]public eagerly awaiting Aueust. p,ast year an>' 's under new owner-! lovely centerpiece to something dif-! n"1V ®r ° items which they will miscellaneous exhibits. will be judged 1949. !i' and nw»agement. [frent in the way of flowers for the Y , ci.u^ °" ®unn8^ the one- Monday afternoon. Proceeds from the carnival will be Twenty-five children between the wall. 1 .7 fa. llhere, ?s a sPec»al Select Champions used to complete the planned Pr°-j!!f5S M °fn 8 years attend the Flowers and vegetables will not he for the'early morni'ne °s>u)DDers St°re Tuesday morning will find the'K1*™ of landscaping and other neces-'fj* 1 °f. ^at 13 referred to as a *1-- --i- -- j;--•--- - - - ^ PP* • judges rating the dairy projects. Se-]sary work on the V. F. W. land easti fraPjU^!c sut"uier outing. They are lectijo n .o f , grand cha.m rp ion,s .w.i l,l be't :-it-h eI. Lc:_i ty. An;y mo rganiza> tions that ?ir0p n,ep n«thnrmouognhtc meAdFi caVl isAoocniUentyln serv- 1 made at 1 p. m. and one-half hour later th^ tractor project members will, put on a safety demonstration. u> w«.iiik wmeni, w uw commanaer, ~y. . n'"'i stilling, donations ot any bakery which is not iivkeenin? with manv At 2 o'clock the county 4-H George Seusler. i JZ Ju A entenn« J"to the |goods will be acceptable. nocketb^oks Friday?^ saU willTfvJ championship game will be played The veterans' organisation is grate- t?1CJ T..?.0*."!?! housewives a chance to make such purchases at moderate prices. Household furniture has been reduced also, some more than one-half, and include' items espec^ajljt<" designed for summer and others for year 'round use. Substantial reductions are also noted by her patience','"understanding' and , radio station, went on the" air for;_ J"*ht iewelry for dark £aU interest in their improvement, quali-; thafirst_ time. in_a_s_er»a_ Uat The men wi„ be de. tbUerrs 'wJdiflllh "finnod3 i>tt available, fPrIecen ,co fP curhPar°g^e^, ; Sfnic^^^"SJer dc,ttYy0 oonn htthhee ltbbaassliss aooff Mrs. C. C. Hoyte tahned . suMPresr.v i^Goeno rgoef »of thJTaTteV^longTn the sewee caS orv eVen todav havf » nric* tm* ^y„^IXCOI4.aent ^ command{r' .epcroonnonmmiic, factors entering into theI| Stilling-... Donations of whfch in keepfng many goods will be acceptable. . _ 0neneA°i!n Jifno campj • between the local Cherry Valley and ful to those who worked to make the dosed last Fridtv Au^'8l/ear (EXPECT TESTING the HunUey teams. I event such a success and also toi ^ *nday' Aug- U- nmr nn A preview will be given of the those who attended. A party is be- , A sta . °f twenty persons direct ON WILA WILL BE large ^ Farm ^Bureau exhibit^ which ing planned for workers, to be held );,* ac u t^vi^> es. °J the^ children through- COMPLETED AUG. 26 . . will be moved to Soldiers Field in in the near future. v . ^ . *» registration day for Chicago on Aug. 27 to appear there L ^ !*as" in competition tith other wunty exhl "3P" ihibits for a $5,700 purse of prises, v™ yi Pr 'U, in . ; The latter exhibition will be in con- Sn TrP ~ V°^r8 nection with the Cook county fair. dl^i Plans for the McHenry county fair egaid the Oct. 5 date. Those not are being changed somewhat this WARREN JONES IN SEMI-FINALS OF MUSIC FESTIVAL ,out the period, with Mary Sharkey ; Longo acting as camp director. Her love for little ones is characterized WILA, McHenry county's new registered should plan to do so at year. ~Exhibi'ts^"'will olien" Monday family and friends of Warren'is ably assisted in her undertaking| o fficial test. Permission had been J season and for next can also 3^0 that time. i evening so that those who cannot Jones were justly prodd df his success! by the following;: Miss Anna Zuck, granted by the FCC to begin the . , • . • • _ iko _ 1 > a# • _ n. • « i i A. * _ T\ i • • a i sarioe an<l tinAvi am fkji ef n -n,- iT: j , , J *°nes jusuy prood or his success oy tne loliowing: Krarueu oy u.e •• ^ oegin me . reduction. The board of supervisors met last attend during. the day can see what the Chicagoland Music Festival, I camp secretaryrifclia Dulkm and A. | "fries, and upon completion the sta- Smokei| ^ hon®1 shavers will also iek and approved a list of regi- |the young folks are am)mplishing. cllmax of which was held in Soldiers Julian Nardi, registered physical tion expects to go on full time broad- find itonl^of jnterest rars for the various precincts in Another new feature will be the ex- ^'®ld l»st Saturday evening. Last therapists; Rita Harrington, recrea- casting. j Childmi's Needs Those i.n this community who have JURY APPROVED FOR OPENING Of MEW COURT TERM the county. Each precinct will have i dibits of merchants from throughout Friday Warren placed first in the a judee and two deDutv registrars 1 ~.i i HnmiHn ton^-r :•> tion worker; Theresa Nardi, handi- The children haven't been forgotten the varius projects and exhibits. - The county board of supervisors approved a new grand jury, including a regular and supplemental panel, last week, to be called for duty /at the opening of the new term of court. The regular panel was selected as fallows:- McHenry--John Bode and Julia .Josten. Nunda--Victor Long and Blanche Meade. ~ Riley--Arnold Roeker. n Marengo--Florence Atkinson and Yfcany Boyle. Dunham--Art Schutt. Chemung--Jacob Albright and Albert Corlett. Alden--Albert Kingsley. Hartland--Lawrence Meyer. Seneca--Viola Kaiser. Coral--Arthur Frits. Grafton--Henry Bohat|^ JFpr. Dorr--Luman Wilcox, and Ernest Swanson. Greenwood--Don Hoenstein. Hebron--G. M. Houaholder. Richmond--A. R. Anderson. Burton--Charles Freund. Algonquin -- Fred Lazansky, and Pokorny. The supplemental panel includes Jacob Schaefer of McHenry and ~ * Hauckwof Nunda. -- for this community: Precinct One, Ringwood: Clayton C. Harrison, judge; Stanley Hunt »nd, nVQDnunviPii mrw I Carl J. Hallstrom. Polling place, DESPONDENT OVER {Royal Blue store. 1 Precinct Two, West McHenry !"Mrs. Vera Kane, judge; Mrs. Vera Purvey and Mrs. Eva Bacon. Polling place, City Hall. Pvtcinct Three, McHenry: Albert _ , - iv,» ur , , T1| . .. - * iitiie lots, ioo, nave oeen consiaereu* on Saturday morning, where he com-1 These attendants must give all neces- *7®od?t,ck, » testing on an assigned jtems as dresses beine sold for > little ones and at' F U M fr 1 e(|>"e,^y 921 mePacyde?' as low as $1.00. 1 • The announcement is -- -r -- - - peted for top honors against about ssry care to the . , Jort,y men sin„g ers in q.l.l. voice classifi- t-h--e- same time instill confidence .I.n. channel 221. 4 T Farm folks will find such things » cations. All dramatic tenors were re- the ability of each as an individual to !"a"e e\ery thirty nunutes. In the tractor umbrellas of special interest quired to sing the "Flower Song" care for himself. Two cooks and a intervening period listeners will know durinK these warm August days and from Carmen. housekeeper complete the staff. i they are tuned in only by the abso- wiJ, a,SQ be lnterested in> as w;n cJty Contests were conducted on thei Palsy Victims - -- I Up ^ - n,„ , p-ardners, necessary garden tools. D . . . 'our sides of Chicago, with winners fhe camn is co*noosed entirely or' •», • T ° u Fishermen will note s large count on 5SC-if. fine equipment. Then there are such ILLNESS, GREENWOQDF RESIDENT HANGS SEL# -- -- which~~she waa scheduled to undergo'They were also held in large cities a",lc.iea wicn cereorai psraly-1 the testing by Aug. 25 and soon after standard needs as electrical items Krause, judge; Math Schmitt and this week Mra. OtUlie August Furst, throughout the nation where the rttcnTl oncUoT^hc fonr'nncLnb°nfo? ^ °" xegultr brQ*dca8t'ng- thermos jugs and articles for the Walter Anderson. Polling place 61, committed ajueide on Friday, Aug. number of entries warranted holding crippled children located ?n Chkacro 1 1 medHne cabinet which all wise hom*. BlaJke s garage. ' n hanging herself at her home in such contests. Singers from smaller namelv the Gomners School the Jahn building which contains a Hubbard' makers would do well to take advan* Precinct Four, Johnsburg: William Greenwood.. . O4."1".' tne uompers ocnooi, tne jann ^ . . i * J. Meyers, judge; Peter*Freund, Jr, and Mrs. Hilda May. Polling place, Barber Shop. Recognize Leadership Of McHenry 4-H Girl A very coveted honor in recognition of her leadership and popularity was accorded recently to Miss Ferol Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Martin, who was selected by the ninety-nine girls attending Camp Wetomacheck to represent them at the Junior Leadership camp at East Bay in 1949. Ferol, a senior* in the local high school, is a member of the Ringwood Sunshine 4-H club. She has been in 4-H work for seven years and has attended Camp Wetomacheck five years. Carol Stecker of the Fosdick Girls was chosen as first alternate. tage of. are Now perhaps you are beginning to V • u j u l.cities and towns not competing in the Christopher &hool and tank f^r hydrotherapy treatment. Mrs. Furst s hiMband, Joseph, a the above were matched aginst each tj,e Spalding School for Crinnled '^',c children, all spastic cases, -- -- Cleii!S ,n . asr?' J? t home: other last Friday. Saturday's stmi- Children It is strictlv a non-sec- "•en mentally but are handicapped wonder what to do with the money at 5:30 that morning and discovered finals brought together the winners tarian organization While thp Phi physically in various degrees. They you will save on Dollar Day..Do you ?Ioia1?yHl^iSalS a^notTli . theae v*riou* competitive j ca club undertakes financial sup-.f"^ th® beautiful wooded spacious know that with only $1.00 you can 4.»u p m. tie round a note in which groups. t - th c-mn nnt lawn and the frequent appearance open a savings account in . our Mahis wife said she was taking her life The local tenor has been studying choose the children who will 1*» °' speed boats passing close to shore.! Henry bank, or that for the sama because of Ul^ health. ^At an inquest] voice for many years and since his' :v_n annual nutinM Th»a« One thoughtful river resident brought money you can see to it that the deputy return from service with the army j ___ rpf4Jr_<ljP' i,„ fL„ Bis boat to the camp recently and. weekly news as contained in tha has been a student of Madame Arnt, variou8 clinic, in which they are thrilled the youngsters wfch lengthy, Plaindealer will be delivered to your a*"*1 rtthtewt ^ Tfcto year the,, medie.1! nd«?, CQMIHG KVKHTS Aagoat 19 C. I), of A. Picnic--Bohner's Lake. Aagnst 21, 22, 22 . John's School Registratidh, Johns- Miss Marguerite Johnson Has Enjoyable Western Vacation held by Theron Ehorn, coroner, the Jury returned a verdict of suicide while worrying aver her illness. Mrs. Furst was born in Germany on Aug. 21, 1887. 1T»e couple resided in Chicago most of their married life, moving to Greenwood about nine months ago. In addition to the widower, she is survived by a sister, Mrs. Hilda Arneson, and a brother, Bruno, both of Greenwood. Funeral services were held on Tuesday. home for six months for new subof Music in Chicago. I renter* included Conk Pn.mtv hn«ni I AH of the buildings hsve been re- senbers. Uohn J. Broderick of Crystal Lakelt.i rhiUr#n'« M»mnri.i I decorated during the past year. New1 Be sure and read the special supwas awarded first place in the bass- M w < • . rr n.P„!1 outdoor furniture, the work of plement to the Plaindealer this week baritone division for the contest out-] nZ 1!Cla rence Smith of Johnsburg, has for all the special values offered. »d„ejrko,TSsad Xn,pSin "is county™ BOOK in ,h, „Hc division. ! »°WA^BIJEAT by the Chicago Association of Com-!the chtcago Club. Even though the CLERK WOOD'S OFFICE Eight McHenry Lads Enlist For Summer Field Training In the wee hours of Saturday YOUNG SEMINAR STUDENT A year book which contains in- 1 ^ ItDAUflim All CiTITDHAV ^n,1<lr®n a'8p maintains the brace Ajj meai8 during favorable weather formation of interest to everyone Tn ImUWnMl UW OAIUKUAI shop and cast room at.Michael Reese are served on the lawn, a steam table McHenry county is available to tha hospital. I being, an innovation this year. ! public for the first time this week. -- The club has been in existence! The necessary equipment such as It is a book compiled in the offica A tragic accident took the life of since 1930, having been founded by j scales, etc. are part of the nurse's of County Clerk Raymond D. Woods one of the young students attending Mrs. Harry Mandelstam. There are .room, with sand bags, walking bars and already has proved that it August 22> Picnic for Legion Carnival Workars-- V. F. W. Park--4 p. m. Dankey Baaeball--McDonald Field, MeCuUoai Lake--8 p. m. Aagnst 23 Installation .of Legion Officers-- Legion Hall. Plastic Demonstration -- Lutheran dmrch basement. Sponsored by Ladles' Aid of Zion Lutheran church. August 24 O. E. S. Initiation--Acacia, Hall. HaIla-ba-loo\Day--McHenry Country Club. \ _ 2$ ----- ------ Bast River Road Pinochle Club--Mra Ben Diets. Lady Foresters Visit Milwaukee. August 28 Bake Sale--Central Market--Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality of St. Patrick's church.' August 28-29 St. John's Carnival--Nell's Ballroom. Sept. 3, 4, 5 and 6 Annual Fall Festival -- Christ the King Church, Wonder Lake. ST. JOHN'S REGISTRATION . Registration of all new pupils at St. John's school in Johnsburg will be held at convent on Aug. 21, 22 and S3, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. AH new students of any grade jnust register at that time. . v> morning, Aug. 14, a group of local the International Seminar at Todd now 600 members who support this and walking steps in the adjoining will be in great demand. Copies are young men left for Camp Ellis to school in Woodstock last Saturday, worthwhile work. The cost of the room. Much of the equipment is available in the county clerk s office. • - * - . - _ -- . ~ -- - ---• - ...... placed before a large mirror so that Information contained dates back the children can see the progress to the very early history of the they are making. | county, including much of interest A small swimming pool proves one to long time residents of this area, of the greaest attractions at camp, The book waa undertaken after Mr. from a trip through Washington, Waukegan. " of the dead youth in China, went to Wednesday, proving a gala affair not with the advancement each child has Woods had made a thorough study of Oregon and British Columbia. Dur-, Those to take the training are Pvt. the pool to keep an engagement to only for the children but also for the made during the saason beine care- the county. .... ing her stay in California she James McCulla, Pvt. William Hecht, take pictures and found his glasses,! thirty-five members of the club who fully recorded. While none learned Among things contained in it are attended several radio broadcasts in Pvt. Thomas Kent, Pvt. Lawrence slippers and a towel on a chair near "me fr°m Chicago to celebrate with to swiin,, several yere able to float the roster of board of supervisors, Hollywood and once acted as judge Haug, Pvt. Wilbert Hecht, Pvt. the pool. She called another stu- the youngsters. The party was also'by ;he close of the season and the standing committees of the boardland in the Queen For a Day program. | Robert Felse, Pvt. Robert Svoboda, dent, Gunther Rosinus, of Germany, 'n appreciation of the outstanding Miss Marguerite Johnson is re- j-take part in the annual field train-! Aug. 14. Tang Chin Kang, 24, better summer outing for one child during turning the last of this week"from ing erf the Illinois National Guard i known as Sidney Tang, lost his life this past summer was between $660 a several week's vacation spent in' with other units of the forty-fourth I in the Todd swimming pool, his body a"d $®00. San Diego and Los Angeles, Calif, infantry division. The lads are con- being found by a fellow student. I The fourth annual birthday party With friends, she recently returned nee ted with the Lake county unit at Victoria Chung, a former classmate was held at the camp last week 1 ®nly Miss Johnson will spend the next and Pvt. Harry Mueller. ' two weeks with her parents, the George Johnsons, before resuming her teaching career at Wheaton on Sept. 1. FINAL RITES FOR VETERAN The casketed remains of Lieut. Burton McBroom, son of Mr. and Attempted Theft Told By Ringwood Resident t A report was made to the sheriff's office last week by Mrs. Henry Williams of Ringwood in which «he Mrs. John McBroom of Woodstock, ] told of two negroes who were caught I arrived this week Tuesday from over-1 by the family as they were attemptj seas, with final burial now being, ing to steal two iron kettles used ! arranged by the V. F. W. and Ameri-, for feeding and watering stock in !can Legion. Lieut. McBroom was1 their field. 1 killed in action on June 2, 1944, at On being caught, they returned the ' Ansio Beach in Italy. i native of Woodstock. who was on the nearby tennis court, service of Mrs. Mandelstam. One of who identified the clothes as belong-. the highlights of the day's events Ing to Tang. was the surprise presentation to the More help was summoned and the'club bY the children of a beautiful, others had conquered their fear of general information in regard to water. Each progressive step, no the function of that group of men. matter how small, is important and Also. contained in it are facts about encouraging to these little tots who the board of review, the permanent have more than an average .burden registration of electors, elections. ! TO RECEIVE MEDAL j Elmer H. Hultsch of McHenry, master sergeant r.nd assistant instructor in the Illinois army reserve ' office, will receive body removed after which artificiid colored picture of Mrs. Mandelstam, thrust upon them so early in life, absent voter's ballot, discharge respiration was employed for fifteen (who is affectionately known as Their cheerful spirit and sincere ap- papers recorded, birth and death minutes without success. I "Mandy" by the kiddies) to be peciation of those who are helping records, marriage license information At the request of the young man's hung in the dining room. Below it'them become stronger and more use- and many- other items. - father T S Tang, of Shanghai is hung-a framed testimonial to this! ful citizens is a pleasure to see. | Also included are the names of China' who was contacted via cable gracious benefactor. Take the baby of the camp for in- attorneys. Republican and Demoby the American Red Cross, funeral At the close of the pleasant day, | stance, who is best known only by cratic committeemen, Mc Henry- Services and burial were scheduled the club members were presented j his nickname of "Happy" bestowed county postmasters, newspapers, facts for Woodstock I with leis. the -Hawaiian manner of! upon him by the other children, about township valuations, city and The young man spoke English very'saving "Farwell and return." The! "Happy" turned 3 years old while at village valuations, statement of taxes v„. ,„uriRB me. well and had made several appear- children were all given lockets, ever- camn this summer and was feted by paid for 1947 and total tax rat«- He Vlg a items to Mrs. William, who sent them lances before Woodstock-civic croups sharp pens and studded belts, gifts his little associates. But the birth- Names of city and village officials of on their way. She reported the name in decent weeks. He was a grad- from the club. > day cake in all its glory and the the county, park and fire i»tricj on the side of the truck was LJuate of St John's University in, Thursday was open house at the material gifts which he received were members and members ik school Casey, 1260 S. Throop St., Chicago. I Shanghai and attended the Univer-J club, the only time during the six- insignificant compared t^ another gift boards of education also appear. ! | sitv of Pennsylvania He was a for-' weeks' period when parents were al- which he realized because of the big HELD FOR ASSAULT 'mer rflajor in the Chinese army. Jewed to visit the children. Also heart and humanitarian spirit of Harold J. Keller, 23, of Mt. Carrol, i bronze star; 111., was arrested by State Patrolmen JOIN'S ASSOCIATION I present was Dr. Irving Wolin, noted some of his fellowmcn. During his H. E. L. Lacy of West McHeiWR= PURCHASES HOME ' orthopedist, and a member of the comparatively short vacation "Hap- has been elected to membership in medal on* Friday" for bravery in i John E. Murrie and" Thomas R^ Walk! The home of the late John Schae-' club's medical advisory board. py" learned to take solid food and the American Atenl-en-Ang«M action during the Reno-Amo last week, charged with attacking a fer on Pearl street was sold at The camp includes the main build- later to feed himself, a seemingly Breeders Association at (hica?o ancampaign in 1944. Col. John G. White,114-year-old Volo girl. He was taken public auction this past week to ing, a nearby structure used for trivial accomplishment but one which nounces Secretary .H rank K,charas, of the Chicago sub-office, Illinois into custody of state patrolmen short- Henry F. Schaefer of east Waukegan Fleepine ouarters, the medical build- warmed the heart of his family and k*^y was one of the t P. _ state senior instructor, organized ly afterwards and >vas transferred to street, McHenry, who moved here^ a in<>\ consisting of nurse's room and those whose chief interest lies in see- bred Aberdeen-Angus breeders rom array reserves, will make the presen-1 the county jail in Waukegan to await few years ago from Ingleside. tation at the Hotel Knickerbocker. hearing. - purchase price was $11,100. adioinine space for therapeutic treat- ing less fortunate persons come to Illinois elected during the past moA ment, and "The Water Hole," a lead more formal and useful lives. to membership m the organisation. \

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