Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Aug 1948, p. 2

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wwmm THE McHENBY PLAHfDKALXB [ f f r n ^ n ;#I> 4I44H4HIHMIHIUMIMI weekly information, forgive ua for [ V group of Wonder Lake women oh w iDmmissic n of the results of the Thursday evening and explained to :| lfowt From , flndian Ridge picnic; for the Gospel j them the purpose of the auxiliary and (Center news; for complete informa-their plans for a women s and chil Wonder Lake » i • • t - !«. I..A1 i /tuAMfl' fA fKa ^Aamffl1 | i m i i i i i i r 1 1 1 1 r -- - U • By VMMM Belli ^Staee the Plaindealer sroes to press one day earlier, some of the regular news for this column had not yet arrived as the deadline struck. To lion concerning the Legion carnival, drens' wing to the hospital. etCa Memberships to the auxiliary, All of these things will be included ^ •" in next week's newt. i for by Mrs. Mary Kay Carman, Mrs. In next week s newt. ^ ^ * A]ice Noren> Mrs. Pauline Grill, Mrs Wonder Lake Get* Much-Needed Policeman A fund of was placed in the First National «tl o~ft ,tlho.s.e. w„,huo„ «r.e»l_y o„n „u„s for their ®ank of Woodstock this week under the name of ..Wonder Lake Police,. WHEN YOU CHOOSE CANDY Choose if Wisely Get Elizabeth Repan, Mrs. June Morin, Mrs. Lillian Druml, Mrs. Dorothy , , , . . Powers, Mrs. Betty Dean, Mrs. Betty several h^undred^dollara Se]sdorf and Mr'a. Dorothy Mac- Eachren. ' Anyone wishing more information and will be drawn on, monthly, by; 35"!^ on!T^W Charles Corey, appointed by the ^'V^"^ one of %8e lad,es Wonifer I^kT " ^ d#*,ty A 8ewin* group may be started, wonder , in the fall, for the hospital shop. A number of civic-minded citizens, Those interested should get in touch fifteen to date, have contributed from, wjth Mrs. Repan. §60 to $100 into this fund so that a| - ' " policeman might be stationed here.! The lovely, lake-front home of ; Several other men have signified Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wurm, new resitheir intentions to contribute to this | dents to Wonder Woods, was broken . fund, and they, along with those who, j„to last Wednesday and damages have already contributed, will be amounting to about $200 was done to listed in next week s column. If the furnishings. Food and beverages there is anyone who would like to j were ^so consumed. contribute to the police fund who ^ former resident of that subhas not been approached on tn% division, James Behringer, was ' matter, he can give his check to Mr.. brought into court and fined $50 and [Corey, to this reporter, to Mr. Fred- $150 costs after he admitted that he vficksen, *° Engvalten, or it was, guilty of this particular discan be deposited in the bank at orderly conduct, as charged. £ Woodstock. ; Thursday, August 19, IMS fteelpe far Oeaa Clothes Load aoiled clothes, lukewarm water for soaking, hot water (soft'oi softened), one to two cups soap, om hot rinse, one lukewarm rinse, one cold rinse, starch (if desired). SoaJ< clothes IB minutes In lukewarm water with or without soap depending on how soiled they are. Fill washlnp machine or tubs with hot, soft water add enough soap for two-inch standing suds. If you have no machine use a plunger to agitate the clothes then boil five to 15 minutes. Wring clothes from soaking water and pul h| w^fhing machine (or tub if no machine Is available) and wash five t< 15 minutes. Rinse in hot, soapy water, then in lukewarm water and finally in cool water, using pMhty ol Care ®f MaMy 8&oea Even though dry tnud comes off shoes more easily than we* mud, specialists advise against the common practice of letting It «uy en before brushing It off. MuJ stains leatlMHr, and the. longer'It stays _n the worse the stain is likely to be. Scrape off moist mud as promptly as possible and then wipe the. leather clean with a soft cloth. Let shoes dry slowly and then polish. Mud should be wiped off leather gloves promptly. ^ CHILD KILLED I Wandering from his K&me to a1 nearby railroad station where hfs I mother MM departed earlier to attend f a show lh Aurora* Thomas Robert Hagan, 2$, months old* son of Mr.1 and Jfip. John Hagan, of Ferry road, Whea Apple Tree* Bear Apple trees do not start to produce profitable crops until they are seven to 10 years of age and have made a growth large enough to support three to eight bushels of apples. Order your rubber staqpps at The Plaindealer. Bolivar, Missouri at Our Store I EVUY BOX YOU BUY HEBE IS GUARANTEED FRESH That's because in our Whitman's Refrigerated Candy Department every box of these delicious confections keeps its richness and tast-iness the way you want them--the way you expect them from Whitman's! Mr. Corey will drive a _ fully- .. Little Johnny Sirtak was. bitten Equipped squad car around this area | on Thursday, by a dog in his neighjand he will patrol the roads of thej borhood. The dog is being watched Lake to see that the law is observed, r for any signs of rabies. Those wishing police assistance are! rr to phone Wonder Lake 136 or Wood- j Jimmie Pavlik spent a few days ];stock 597. The chief will be on. call j last week in Terra Haute and a Seven days each week. i couple pt days in Peoria. > A two-way^ radio will be installed! " N ------ in the squad car as soon as it comes | Residents are asked to remember from the factory. It is expected the [that on Saturday the Women's Auxlatter part of this week, and, when iliary of the Wonder Lake Rod and it comes, will be in close contact1 Gun club will hold their annual ice *rith the sheriff at all times. i cream social and will appreciate Mr. Corey was formerly attached patronage. Cash prises will be to the Woodstock police, assigned to i awarded for decorated bicycles and the schools and parks. He resigned for decorated doll buggies. Informathis position on August 1 to become i tion concerning these events can be the chief deputy of Wonder Lake. j secured from Mrs. Marion Cannon, j Woodstock Women I Company "A" of the 129th Tells About Hospital j Infantry, McHenry county's National Bolper s Dm? Store Mrs. Alice Joslyn and Mrs. Wilna Guard company, left on Saturday flJVlgCl 9 1/lUg kJlUIC Abraham ^ of Woodstock, as!mommg for Camp Ellis, which is representatives of the WWstock about seventy miles from here where PHONE M McHENRY, ILL. Public Hospital Auxiliary, talked to they w,u_tf*e Pa.rt. ,n the annual ! summer field training with other units of the 44th Infantry division. Pelham Q. Woodward, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Woodward of Wonder Woods, is a member of Company "A." Bolivar, Mo., is the largest of 1( cities In the United States bearinf the same name. It was founded ii 1838 and organized as a city in 1881 It lies In rich agricultural country S45 miles southwest of St. Louis ant 180 miles southeast of Kansas City It la the home of Southwest Baptist college, a coeducational Institution oi about 600 students. Bolivar is In th« heart of the Palomino horse breedinj country, and its citizens are juatlj proud of their prised stook ofthest renowned golden horses. Discwary of Sliver Nitrate Snapshots can be taken today to* cause, long ago, alchemists tried to turn silver into gold. They failed to get gold, but they discovered sliver nitrate which is sensitive to light. Centuries later, using silver nitrate, photographic films were developed, and film-making became a leader among the many industrial uses of silver. ,7--7:-- --- THE McHtfNRY BLACKSMITH SHOP ERAL BLACKSMITHING WELDING EINAR OLSEN, Prop. Route 31 West McHenry Our deepest sympathy to Warren Tallman of Hickory Falls, whose mother, Mrs. Flora Tallman, of Greenwood, R. I., died on Monday morning. . « CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird hotLses, lawn furniture, lawn and porch swings, pier and park benches, picnic tables, window boxes, treffises, etc. Kitchen cabinets and cupboards made to order, hand woven wash baskets, shopping and market baskets. Full line of leather belts, suspenders, billfolds, etc. CLARENCE SMITH. Tel. McHenry 583-J-l Johnsbui^f, HI. Visitors in the honje o^ "Sarge" and Edna Duttko \r{t Lookout Point are Mrs. Minnie Scheel, and her daughter, Lydia Scheel, mother and sister respectively of Mrs. Duttko's An aunt, Mrs. Bertha Klopp, has also1 been visiting as has a nephew,' Armond Noel Scheel, of Gages Lake. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Duttko, who celebrated her birthday on Aug. 12, and to Sarge, who celebrated his on August 18. John West started, out with his I aunt and uncle and his cousin, for I a trip east, but sudden illness of his > aunt, Mrs. Helen Keenan, necessitated j emergency surgery ip an Ohio city. Mrs. Keenan is, the sister of Mrs,: West of Lookout Point. TRUSSES Sufferers tocm Hrmia (KuptuM M now enjoy our NO OMRlJt SERVICE --offered to all truss wearers by our experienced fitter* Let them help you in your selectior and application from the finest line of surgical appliance* manufactured. To insure our sustomen ol crust ooov fort and security, we wonmaid MBMIFTIA SPOT PAB IBU8S1S Thaae lightweight sppaanceahelS your rapture securely, requiring only one half the erasure of ordinary Hosiery. Shoutdei Brases, etc.. end our rwioiiiMe priocs vill aurdy pic--e you. Call a ; McHenry Gab Phone 472-1 Fop Courteous Service Hail one of our cabs, and you hail courtesy and comfort. Our friendly drivers are ready to serve you as efficiently as possible to make every trip a pleasure trip. Go the dependable way ... go irfVa McHen Cab! lenry night. Complete line of Lee's poultxy remedies at Wattle* Drug Store, K»- ^Subeeribe for The Plaindealer Read the Want Alf I See T. P. on the Lake Shore for your Real Estate * Insurance WONDER LAKE tfe» lest Opportunity of the year to own yoW ow*» !**«. COZY 4-ROOM HOMEy 2 bedrooms, living room and kitchen. Fttll price/ $4,750.00. Terms. BEAUTIFUL HILLSIDE 'HOME overlooking lake and countryside only one-half block from lake and beach. Large living room, 2 bedrooms with large spacious closets, kitchen and brealaast noolc, dining room, large double floored light and airy second floor with massive cedar lined storage closets, basement and full'bath. Only $9,790.00. ONE OF THE FINEST GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN STORES at Wonder Lake, with living quarters, only $13,000.00 down payment, balance monthly. MAKE UP YOUR MIND TODAY* CHECK REAL BBTATB PRICES ELSEWHERE IF YOU MUST, BUT DONT BE SIDETRACKED-- SEE THE ONE AND ONLY T. PN ON THB LAKE SHORE, FOUR BLOCKS NORTH OF THE ROLAINB GRILL, BEFORE YOU BUY. THE LISTINGS ABOVE ARE ONLY A FEW OF MY CHOICE HOMES. SEE T. P. TODAY. DONT WAIT FOR THAT TOMORROW THAT NEVER COMES. Large choice of beautiful lake front kou> and vacant ft Wonder Lake, McCulloia Lake and Fox River. Lfcrt yonr property FOR RENT or FOR SALE.. T. P. MATHERS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKER Lake Shore Driver Wonder Center Wo&der Lake, 111., P. 0. Ringwood * Phone Wonder Lake 306 Bolger's Drug Store PHONE 44 McHENRY, ILL. "SPEEDY" vewrTl ^ 00 NICK MILLERS JPHENRYGMASE VOR RCfMM BCCAU56 THty HAVE A COMPLETE UNKOPftttlADO'-- I NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARA6E SOl XDUTRE 60IM6 ID HA^EYOUesUF vAM AUIOMOBItS? ^--)r-- (Aikr HWMJmO AL COO MMCP WtCHTEER CU TNHCe VO F AU10M00U fMRtVWDaNC Aiv He uael CoAbaPo- ^ found me AU. item %£%&£ to rrAttorn FRONT STREET ROUTE 31 PHONE 108-R | Eddie and- Kay Druml and their j two sons, Buddy, 6, and Davie, 4, i were weekend visitors in the home of 1 Eddie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Druml. DAY AND NIGHT SHOW AMPHITHEATRE RESERVED SEATS for the WALWORTH COUNTY FAIR SEPT. 3, 4, 5, j6,1948 On Sale Aug. 20 At the Secretary's Office on the Fair Grounds in Elkhorn Sale will continue until all are sold ' Price $1.00, Tax Included--- Mail orders accepted when accompanied by remittance and stamped and self-addressed envelope. /Tickets in cha.rge of J. F. Thorpe, Treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Cormier of Indian Ridge, and Mrs. Calvin Kolar of Shore Hills were among the guests at a reception held at "Shady Oaks," home of Mr. and Mrs. James T. McNeil. Their daughter, Doris, was married on Saturday to John Taylor of Woodstock. At 3:35 p. m. on Saturday, a car being driven by K. IB. Richards on route 31, was involved in a collision with a Grayhound bus being driven by Anthony L. Mantelle, 1544 Sherwin Ave., Chicago. Accompanying Mr. Richards was A1 Repan. Both men are from Wonder Lake and they were returning from a round of golf at the life- Henry course. . The bus was passing a car behind the Richards car and, apparently, did not see Mr. Richard making a left turn into McCullom Lake road. Mr. Richards drove into a field to avoid a more serious accident. No one was injured. State Policemen Murrie and Walk investigated the accident. comparisons CLUB LILYMOOR on Route 120 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS AUGUST 20 and 21 • "0" Notes Orchestra --- o -- French Fried Shrimp Softball Team The Wonder Lake softball team had another game Sunday that developed into a very strange one. It was the first time the team ever played a game against a pitcher that would sit down for a rest after every pitch and carried on a conversation with the batter, but nevertheless his plans went wrong as the W.. L. boys won 18-6 after a slow start. This is the boys thirteenth win against four loftses. Big blows of the game were by Ron Wilhelm, who had a home run in the first with one on base, George Freund, who had a perfect day at bat with four hits for four times at bat, including two 3-base hits; Ken j Fossler who pitched the game and Bud Scbau and George Cross who shared the catching honors. Come out and support our home team, folks. They like to play for big crowds. COMPARE THE VALUE Yes, compare the features--compare the prices--compare what you |ef for what you. pay--and you, too, will come to the conclusion that Chevrolet is first in value. It alone gives Big-Car feature after Big-Car feature for Big-Car motoring results--and gives them at prices which are lower than those of any other car in the field I 0 COMPARE THE FEATURES Christ the King Chaech Masses at 9, 10 and 11. Plans are for the big (Labor rapidly going forward >or Day Fall Festival which will last three days and which will feature the annual hunt for Miss Winder Lake. Amateur night will be held on September 8 and all amateurs who would like to participate are asked to contact Vincent Adams at 198, have no phone, drop him route 1, West McHenry. Hjrou • mrd. Egg Expectancy A high quality hen may lay 100 eggs per year, and, if fed adequately, may produce a dozen eggs on leaa thlb five pounds of feed. Others, not bred for high production, may lay less than 100 eggs per year and may need eight pound* of feed or mere to produce a dozen eggs. Only Chevrolet combines the Unitized Knee-Action Ride for gliding smoothness... the world's champion,, Valve-in-Head engine for performance and economy ... Body by Fisher for tasteful beauty and luxury . . . and Fisher Unisteel Construction plus Unitized Knee-Action plus Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes for all-round safety protection! COMPARE THE POPULARITY You can identify, the biggest tola* in any list of products by picking out the one product which enjoys greatest popularity, year after year; and, of course, in the field of motor cars, that one product is Chevrolet! More people are buying Chevrolets, and more people are driving Chevrolets tKari any other make of car, this year as for the total 1-7-year period, 1931 to datel COMPARE THE. PRICES You^l agree with millions of other car buyers tjjat prices--like quality--are a major consideration in these times; and just as Chevrolet's Big-Car quality is unique in its price range, so Chevrolet's prices are the louiest in its field. Moreover. Chevrolet also saves you substantial sums on gas, oil and upkeep--just to help ymt budget all the more! ' Only. Chevrolet gin* BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES. . . that's why CHEVROLET- W OtUy y CH EVROLET / -IS FIRST! The first American to engage i& leat packing was William Pynchon, i of Springfield, Mass., who in 1665 meat Pynchon, started to drive cattle to Boston. CLARK CHEVORLET SALES PHONE 277 JIcHENRY, ILLINOIS

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