Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Aug 1948, p. 6

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CLASSIFIED S E C T I O N - NOTICE of the greet ids whkh am number of *r in ths «• taw found il iaipossible to keep book* on such matt accounts. Tto» for*, in the future, only ads whkh an paid for before this Mrtfoa of tlM pvff gees to pwn M 10 •'dock on Wednesday mornings will bo prints*. tOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x380 ft., j on Route 31, about two block from I depot. Inquire at 715 Center St. Td. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf FOR SALE--Large oil heater used three months, like new, price >60; ---- small Coleman oil heater, used three weeks, $30; large Jewel gas stove, $15; Urge round oak table, $8. Anna Walter, Box 63, Spring Grove, IU. *1* FOR SALE--Beautiful modem 8- room year 'round house on Fox river; automatic oil heat; all improvements; one hour from Chicago. Tel. Algonquin 2114, Box C-3, Cary, 111.1*14 SALE FOR SALE--14-ft. runabout, custom built, lights, steering wheel and windshield. Best offer takes it. Call Pistakee 635-J-2 Saturday or Sunday or Chicago, Pensacola 1236. *14-2 FOR SALE--From now on ready to show from one to three hundred feeding steers, heifers and cows at my farm on Route 20, two miles west of Belvidere, 111. Clean, healthy cattle on your place at reasonable prices, guaranteed against death 1,0£R for thirty days. Visitors always 'welcome whether you want one or a hundred.; Private sale only, H. L. DUNNING. = : ' 11^4; FOR* SALE-^-Having sold my suitamer home and havuie no place to* FOR SALE--ALL-YEAR HOMES 5 rooms, near bus line;, running water; at McCullom Lake. Price $5,500. 5 rooms, cement basement, bath; at McCullom Lake. Price $6,950. . 4-room modern home; automatic oil heat; hardwood floors; full b*se-» ment; immediate . possession; at Wonder Lake. Prire $10,750. JACOB FRITZ, Realtor, .> at Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37 11-tf '14 .SUNDAY ^ - AUGUST 22 ;A McDONALD FIELD McCULLOM LAKE Onder Lights at 8 p. • THE SHAMROCKS vs. ROY-AL INN Adult Admission--$9c Children--25c COMING SOON! G I B V I N R A-CL1LYMOOR PROPERTY OWNERS IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Watch next issue of Plaindealer for details 14 Ifearsday/Angtigt 19, 1»« npiiiiiH DO N K E tZSr™"* BASBBA L L HELP WANTED -- Laborers. Apply SPRING GROVE Ivar Fredricksen, Wonder Lake. Tel. W. L. 221. 14-tf HELP WANTED--Single man to assist in care of livestock, no dairy, ood home, pleasant work, good pay right mn. Write Box 44, care McHenry Plaindealer. 14-2 HELP WANTED--Short order cook and waitress. Mi Place Restaurant, Green St., McHenry 13-tf HELP WANTED--Men buffers, die casters, polishers, time-keepers, inspectors, platers; no experience necessary; paid vacations; paid holidays; top wages; -first, second and third shifts. Electric Auto Lite Co., Woodstock. 13-tf HELP WANTED--Office girl, must be good typist; permanent position for right party. Admiral Corp. 507 W. felm St., McHenry. 13-tf IFST MLn* Wm JESTIN Flectfooted Kangaroo r:_ _ •EUlASfr .. it. Mary's Catholic Charch Masses: lunday: 7:00, 8*0. 10:00 and 11:80 * Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; 10:00* Week Days: 6:46 and 8:00. si- 1 First Friday: 6:80 and 8:00, Confest ions: ^ Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday- After 8*00 Mass on Thursday; 8:0fl p, m. and 7:00 p. / Msgr. a & Nix, Peeler. „ St. Patrick** CatkoUe Chuck Masses: (by Mn. Oiarlas Freand) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund ent tained at their home on W night in honor of the birthday versary of Mrs. Freund. There was a picnic supper out on the lawn and cards furnished the entertaiment. Mrs. Freund was the happy recipient of many lovely gifts. Those present I were the George McGrath family,-- - | Mr. and Mrs. George W. May, Mr. land Mrs. Paul Weber and daughter. Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mikolett, Mr. and Mrs. Welter Brown and Sunday: 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 <£ildre"» ®r- "Jf1 1# Mr8«I?,uane o'clock " - Mr. and Mrs. Mickey McGovern, Mr. Holy Days: 6:80 and 4:00. - 5lil,e^J. Mrs~ Shirley Dawson and Week Days: 7:00 and 7:80. - 4sughter, Gmny and Mrs. Al into his jeep and instructed his Negro driver to proceed to the plains HELP WANTED -- Two men; no, in quest of a kangaroo. Soon they experience necessary. Overton Motor ,•> spotted one, and the driver drove Sales, 403 Front St., McHenry, III.;-the jeep in hot pursuit. Tel. McHenry 6. 13-2 j For some time they went at breakneck speed without gaining on the animal. Finally, the driver shouted to the HELP WANTED--Machinists from 4 p. m. to 12:30 a. m.; top wages; paid vacations; paid holidays. Elec- ,. , . .. . trie Auto Lite Co-, Woodstock. 13-2 officer: "Ain't no use chasm, that \\Ti.t © todsy for our colorful hbrroo - 'hPEINLTP Q WTAnN TCXEFDIV -- rWnnOnM EANP PAANDD * ,^,/W«, hy^Sam1 ?? " • ^ » birds, pheasants, .etc., also animals track""with grain box* recently com-{chares describing the splendid' 0PP?f-.TUNITY FOR THOSE INTEREST-1 8USe We 18 n0W °m 011 POSITIVE handle same, I will sell all my game for SALE--1935 1 Vfc-ton Chevrolet ,.tnict wjth box, com-, _ . . , such as alligators, snakes, frogs, etc., p]eteiy overhauled: good rubber, Tel. I tunities for men trained m the fol at reasonable prices. Frank Stolfa. *»-« oa« .Thelen subdivision, Boute 1, McHenry -- -- -- - ED IX THIS TYPE WORK AP* a Stolfa, McHenry 92-M."' ° " *13-2; lowing trades: Auto and Diesel-Me-; pLy 'RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 Wn yet! FOR SALE^-Team of good gentle work horses; 6 and 7 years old; j chanics, Auto Body and Fender Re- j |{|VFRSIDE *14-2 FOR SALE--Used stoker; first classibuilders, Electricians, Television,' phonf TO condition.,' Call McIJenry 613-J-2._ _!Radio Service Men, Refrigeration,; DRIVE, McHENRY. 10-tf Objection Overruled , , Father: "Wasn'tthat young Joni&s 13-2; Air-Conditioning, Bldg. Construction, | HELP WANTED--Men and women, I «aw downstairs last night?" - Drafting. Get your start now while boys and girls, 16 years of age or Daughter: "Yes, father." eigh about 3,400. Ed Diedrich, Rich- FOR SALE--ALL \ EAR HOMES, the door of opportunity is open. Write iOVer, to work nights. Apply at Father* "I thought I issued an M. Tel. .0.2. MM gJJO ^ jffi&SSTSfSi ^ FOR SALE -- Used electric dish INGS APPRECIATED; STOMPO- ^7^7^ , . ' ' * . 12-tf washer and waste disposal. $125. N.ATO*S REAL EiSTATE, Woodstock BARN SPRAYING -- Whitewashing - .. Tel. McHenry 178. 14 111<f Call CECEUA E. KNOX, Mc-'or Carbola DDT (formerly AI Phan- ; WANTED I ^ HENRY, Tel. 421-J. *12-8 nenstill's) 607 Front-St., on Route .31, / FOR SALE--White table-top kero- 1----^ -- I across from McHenry Sand & Gravel j p^.RM WANTED 120 acres or •ene stove; apron sink; French win- FOR SALE-New 4-room year-round j Co. Wm. Ahrens, W%st McHenry. ! more; must ^ near McHenry or dows. Tel. McHenry 548-W-l. *14 modern home, close to McHenry.' 14-8 Johnsburg. Catholic school. JACOB A United States Army officer stationed in Australia decided to go on a kangaroo hunt. He climbed FiwrFrTdays': 8:00 Communion dls- Schnieltzer. _ . -- -- - tribated at 6:80, 7:00, 7:80 and . Members of her club met at the 8:00 and during 8:00 mass. , !l®me .of Mrs. Jos. Koberstme ^on Confessions* (Thursday afternoon. Games of five Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 pan. and !*un£red »erfu PL^ed and p£zes ^enl 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., and on Thurs- ^ 5 Ma A th + Nl«sger,iv Mr t s iri^.red days before First Fridays: 4:00 A^on,M^f' Mrs- William to 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. gr£z' ^nk F,n,\ey and M": Rev. Edward_ _C._ C oakley, Pastor, | ^by the uh osdtee,slcsl.0 US lunch was servgd Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Mr- and Mrs. Jake Miller are (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) enjoying a trip to Yellowstone Park. John St., % block east of Hwy. 31 Among those from here who at- West McHenry, Illinois. tended the funeral of Hubert Freund Sunday School: 9:00 a. m. of St. Mary's church on Saturday Sunday Worship Service: 10:15 morning were Mr. and Mrs. Ford a. m. vHanford, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Freund, You are Cordially invited to.attend Mi. and Mrs. John Jung, Mr. and dur services. -Mrs. Charles Freund and Mr. and For information phone 65-M; i iMrs- G«orge A. May. Our heartfelt • Walter C. Johannes, Pa&on ! sympathy is extended to his bereaved S t 1 • family. • ; Community Methodist Ckil^t"i Louis Schumacher of Stanley, Wis., Church School: 9:30. .-' and Tony Schumacher of Cadout, Morning Worship: 10:45. : i Wis., visited relatives here this week- Junior League: 7 p. m. !Lnd- They were dinner guests in the that critter ain't put his front feet anymore. Daughter: "Yes, Dad, but he appealed to a higher court and Mother said, 'yes'." FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH FOR SALE--Two rowboats and 12-ft. Phone McHenry 227-J. 10-tf - * FRITZ, Realtor, at Johnsburg. Tel. 1 v" 1 *vni/wBVi> «nu -.v.. ----- " -- ; " GENERAL CONTRACTOR for ce- upupnrv 07 11 f# catboat. T. P. Mathews, Jr. Phone FOR SALE-- 120 bass, 2 switch ac- ment plastering, and brickwork. Nick, ^ " 11 Wonder Lake 306. ^ -- -w ---- ' .. ; (iicuit ^laovci niiu w* ivi%" v* «v»\ . ...... 14 cbrdian; never used; cheap. Russell Hapler Route 3> McHenry, 111. Phone WANTED--Consignment and i ^ Holochwort, Wonder Lake. *13-4, McHenry 654-R-l. Also 2826 N. J Second-hand jAore. Gen & Is's, FOR SALE--All year home; four Rp oc,k we.l.l S„ t., Cp.h .ic ago 18. Phone; house from state bridire. eoine ^rSa™t^th:p»rJ°mmLOil near Emerald Park, pi ice# 8$h80,00000:. gF 0rRoo mSsA, LwEa' teFrO f,Xro nRt.I VEPrRic e $7,250. Bewick 9022 Call Hank Nell, with Jacob Fritz, 4 rooms; near beach. Price $4,000. realtor, Johnsburg.. .Phone McHenry Duplex, 4 & 4 rooms, near beach. 37- 14 Price $6,500. 5 rooms, water front, in Sunnyside, north of Johnsburg:. Price $7,950. JACOB FRITZ, Realtor. at Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37. • ll-tf FOR SALE--Full size bed with coil, springs, innerspring mattress and! small chest of drawers; maple wood;' $35; wicker porch set with cushions, covers, three chair?, stand and day bed, $35. Call McHenry 229-R. *14 WONDER LAKE --^ HOME ---- APPLIANCES resale, third Phone j bridge, going south 14-13 on East River Road. Phone McHenry 493-W. 10-tf for/ business, irdf Gas Sta- W ANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan. 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beruty Shoppe.) * 15-tf NISCELLANEOUS Official board meeting on second iFord Hanford home on Sunday. Wednesday of month at 8 p. m. ' Joseph Brick, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. A cordial invitation is extended to j George Brick and George Wagner j you and your family to come and and 80n of Chicago were callers in Worship with us. : town on Saturday afternoon. Wayne B. Price, Pastor. The carnival held at St. Peter's church grounds last Sunday was a St. John's Catholic Church, Johnabarg huge success. The winner of special Masses: prizes were Albert Segali of Chi- Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00. cago, William Althoff of McHenry, Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00 Martin Nimsgern, and, a party from Weekdays: 8:00. May wood. First Friday: 6:85 and 8:00 Approximately twenty men enjoyed onfess'ons- a delicious fish dinner at the Abbott Saturdays: 7:30 to 8 and 2:3® t» S. Tr m°,ut Farm on Friday night. " Thursday before First Fridsv-- , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Huff and family of Chicago spent last week- FOR SALE--Six-room .furnished cottage on Fox river; inside bath; hot ALTERATIONS -Call Vincent Schiawater; 2-car garage; east side river, ^ alterations^ and repairing,*14 , Mineral Springs subdivision, "^'first on men's and women s clothing; alsO| i mate. Lessard & FOR SALE--At McCullom Lake, 5- CABINET WORK--Cabinets built to McHenry 634-R-2. A northerner seeking an ideal We are now open for one door west of Standai tion. We handle all home appliances. I : Water correction service is our 1 SITUATION WANTED •-- specialty. WONDER LAKE R-l Ringwood PHONE W L 388 . ' ' • ' 1 evening'o7 Sundays!" Arthur' F."Peii- hamlet and asked an bid mountainprivate road south of"McHenrv. Price' cleaning and pressings For service CARPENTER^ WORK -- Remodeling, can, Spring Grove, 111. *14-2 P!"c_e_ $7,800. R. Wright. •» call McHenry 6!5-R;2. ^4; and repa.nj Freest,-1 -- - ^ ^ealthy^ 12-4' STENOGRAPHER -- Notary public, yOU ever did see. Shucks, nobody legal, real estate, insurance ex- ever dies in thege ts „ pinegr ieanncde ; csotpayti swticoarkl . tOypridnegrs, amdadyre sbse- ihat s .ssttrraannggee, " tthhee nnoorrtthheerrnneerr Friday- 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. ! end with Mike Huff. tT d ' f irk Call McHenS 674-J-l '12-4 CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK stove, table-top range, cabinet sink, ^""k. Call McHemr_b74 J l. 1^4 Asbestos Shin |e8 and InsuiBtton large electric refrigerator, screens ELECTRiC WORK DONE IM- 'rin K™inrs' t CK />ar MEDIATELY--One. outlet or an en- Jnhnini S ^7 ^! tire house. Work guaranteed to g» p ne cHenry 37- meet Public Service standards. Tom FOR SALE--Five-room home; five Allan, McHenry 651-R-2 or Fox lots; 165 feet frontage; 35-ft. chicken Lake 4081. * 12-8 SITUATION WANTED Married man, sober, desires work in farm; has had years of expeiience in farming of all kinds. Call at Buch's and . „ «,_„u Carey Farm, Spring Grove, in the southern town stopped ^at a small evening or Sundays. Arthur F. Peli- Free Estimate ARVIDSON BROTHERS Tel. McHenry 653-M-2 50-tf ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor furnaces. Let us estimate your next job. A°nna' WaTte^ SHEET METAL AND FURNACE ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP Anna Walter, Box M, Spring Grove WORK _ Gutters and furnaces re- 304 Riverside Drive, McHenry, IU. paired. John McDonald, Bowman St., I *46-26 Phone McHenry 760. FOR SALE--1948 Cushman motor McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 772-M. s c o o t e r . C a l l Fox L a k e 5 7 4 2 . * 1 4 - 1 0 - t f j EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY FOR SALE--Tomatoes by the bushel. -MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING! AND REMOVAL--INSURED Peter Weingart. Tel.y-McHenrv 278-R. SERVICE -- Records installed and! FREE ESTIMATES Call after 5 p. m. 14 maintained. Elmer P. Adams; Cer- j J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 163 -' tified Tax Consultant. One mile north Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, 111. FOR SALE--New house, not com- of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12; Fox pleted; 5 rooms. Inquire at 411 Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 5501. W. Elm St. *14 8-tf 45-tf C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. W ood&tock, I1L FOR SALE---Pure bred Holstein bull, TRUCKING -- Livestock and Lime. 11 months old. Herman Brown, Alfred "Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St., 30-tf ,hon, McHenry 614-J-l. -U McHenry. Tel McHenry 60-R. >6-9 WELLS DRILLED OH DRIVEN. FOR SALE--New Boe-Craft 16,ft PAINTING -- Interior and exterior. WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair lnhoards, $1,650 and up. Also fast Plastic tile; rubber flooring. First and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 12-ft. outboards and 14-ft. row- class work. Insured. iFor free esti- Main Street, McHenry. Telephone boats. Boe-Craft Boat Co., S. McHenry mate, phone McHenry 552-W-l. Bert 93-J. 10-tf Ave., Crystal Lake, 111. Closed Sun- Engstrom. 5-tf „ e ~T day afternoons. Tel. C. L. 1273. 10-tf -- HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned bv Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf YEAR-ROUNI* FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, GARBAGE HAULING starters, fuel pumps, distributors Regularly and courteously with the voltage regulators and ignition parts best of service. Also rubbish hauled . _ . MIli AT _ --, , . for Ford and all other cars. Seaco in loads or half loads. FRED WIRTZ. DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest casn Sales & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. i Tel 751-J. 7-tf Pnces Pa»d for cows, horses and Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. iho?8: no help n«>eded to load. Day 4'(.tf CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK and night. Cement mixer for rent, J. M. Stanga- ~ FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE rone, Emerald Park. Phone McHenry TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- 661-J-l. 50-tf SULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. -- Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or CARPENTER AND CEMENT write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl i WORK St., Tel McHenry 18. tf FLOYD S. COOLBY ignt, sunoays and holidays. CaUs Wheeling Rendering Worlu, undays ing Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. 86-tf mailed. Call Selock Secretarial remarked. ««On my way into town Service, McHenry 655-W-l. 4-12 I passed a funeral procession. ' _ "Oh, that," the mountaineer grunt- ~ 1 " ed. "That was only the local under Coiaframes ^ .. fhe fool starved to death " Coldframes are used to "harden, -- off plants from the hotbed. They can also be used to advantage to start seeds where more space is needed than can be provided by flats Indoors. A coldframe differs foir. a hotbed in that it obtains heat from the sun only, having no fermenting manure under the soil. It is located where it will get full rays of the sun and be protected from the wind. Pollsobutylene • Pollsobutylene, which is made from gases evolved in the refining of petroleum, ranges In consistency from a sticky grease to a rubbery solid. Among the many pollsobutylene products already patented are, grafting wax for splicing tree branches, cosmetics, plastic- adhesive tape, electrical insulation, dripless oils for textile machines, paints that resist corrosive chemicals, end a chemical agent for improving the performance of liesel engine fuel. ' BIRTHDAY FUSS When Uncle Eb White was the guest of honor at a party given to mark his 100th birthday, everybody was enthused except Seth Higgins, 99 ye&rs old. "Can't see what all the fuss is about," grumbled Seth. "All Eb's done is grow old and he's taken a year longer at it than me." ^ This Mechanical Age Lonely baby chick taking a Jook around the electric incubator of unmatched eggs: "Well, it looks as it I'll te an only child Mother's blown a fuse." (POWERFUL BREW FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all! makes. Also ribbons for all makes; I carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay S' Woodstock. Phone 649. Phone McHenry 491-R % FOR SALE--Choice river lots, one mile from McHenry; twelve feet: above water level. Priced to sell, i Tel. ^cHenry 227-J. 50-tf j FOR SALE--Used cars and trucks. Downs Nash Sales, McHenry. 44-tf' COMPLETE TILING SERVICE PORCELAIN TILE FOR WALLS AND FLOORS v ™ Call or write for estimate FRED KLING 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 490 CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging, no lawn mess. Septic 103 Main St.' tanks and grease traps cleaned, built, •5-10 repaired. University engineer on all construction. Lake County Sanitary Co. Tel. Libertyville 1346. 48-tf 6-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or eftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round root*. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, He Henry, Phone 866. tf One From Plntareh I Do you know the origin of the phrase: "Where the shoe pinches?" j Plutarch tells the story of the an-' cient Roman being divorced from: his wife. His friends were very ! angry with him and asked: "Isn't! she beautiful? Isn't she virtuous?" j The Roman took off his shoe and J held it up for his friend* to sea, asking, "Isn't this new? Jsn't it well made and handsome?" They all, agreed that it was. "But," said the husband, "none of you can tell where the shoe pinches mo." i St. Peter's Catholic Church, Spring Grove * Sunday--8:00, 10:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 6:90 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00.. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday--^ 2:30 and 7:15. Rev. John L. Paleiden, Pastor. ^Christ The King Mission Wonder Lain Masses: Sundays: 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 6:80 and 8:00 Confessions: Sunday: before each mass. Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 to 8:00 First Fridays, Communion distributed at 6 and 6:30 a. m. and during 6:00 mass. Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. Primitive | Fuegians, now almost extinct, are. : among the most primitive peoples of the world. There are four tribes Of Fuegians, the Yahgan, Alacaloof, ; Ona, and Haush. The Yahgan and | Alacaloof are canoe people of the ! channelways and coastal regions of the Fuegian Archipelago; the Ona and Haush are foot people of the for- ' est fastnessss of Tierra-del-Fueg©, the Ona tribe living like stone ago • men. Gospel Center Winder Center, Wonder Labr (Nonsectarian) Services 1 Sunday Bible School--10:00 A. M.i Morning Worship--11:00 A. M. ! Sunday Evening Service -- 7:45 P. M. I (Second and fourth Sunday of each; month.} . Prayer meeting, Thursday -- 8:0C P. M. 'Bring the family with you to Sunday School and Worship Services. There is a place and a welcome for everyone. FRANK W. ANDERSON, Pastor. Read the Want Ads LiGHTNiNG PROTECTION f o i F A R M P R O P E R T Y is a FIRST RANK Necessity *Provi$Jofl for lightning Protection should b« mod* AHEAD of OMMT MOODS and ortainly boforo th« pvrtkoN of mora _ conveniences or luxuries. IMS NHOHT HAPPEN TO YOU OUKINO THi VCRY NCXT STOftM. Ringwood Church Ringwood, III. Sunday--Public worship, 9:80. Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday eve ning. Rev. Charles Stevens, Paator. Uruguay's Economy The economy of Uruguay is based on cattle and sheep raising. This country supplies 15 to 18 per cent of the world's exports in these fields. C-rder your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. Helen Weber Says: YOU'LL HAVE NO KICKS If you send your cleaning to us. You just can't afford to take chances - we give your clothes %e of care for better wear. - McHenry Cleaners f|M»e 104-M 108 Eha St. Helen Weber, Mgr. New Radii far 'Hams' A new and radically-simplified BARN SPRAYING-- Whitewash or single-side-band radio transmitter DDT. Frank Henkel, P. O. Round I bids fair to double the number of Lake, Volo. Tel. McHenry 543-J-l. radio-phone stations which can be 8-tf; operated without interference. The transmitter was perfected at Stan- WANTED TO BUY ; ford university. The new transmitter requires no special components "Did you test this stuff, Joe?" "Yeah. I poured some in an ssh tray." "Did it turn green?" : "I dunno I can't find the ash tray." . . WANTED TO BUY--We have cash >nH can be readily duplicated by buyers for resort Properties, homes amateurs. It is expected to be used and farms. JACOB FTOTZ, REAL-, ^ commercial and ama- ® L ; . 0 A n S T ^ l i t e u r f i e l d . S i m u l t a n e o u s t r a n s m i s sion and reception are made possible for the first time with this new 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 2-tf LOST arrangement, thus making amateur LOST--Child's gray and tan tweed! radio contacts exactly Uke phone coat, size 3. Lost at carnival grounds. calls. s Sunday night. Reward. Mrs. Jos. | Glosson. Tel. McHenry 476-W. *14 FOUND Saving Bread If every one of the 143 million persons in this country would prevent FOUND--On carnival grounds Sun-1 the waste of just one slice of bread, day evening, key ring with two keys, almost nine million ldhves of bread one No. 93 and other with figure 5. would be saved. At 15 cents a loaf, Owner may have same by calling at1 the rriney saving would be more Plaindealer office<*nd paying for ad.; than a million dollars. That was brought out recently by" the home economics department at Cornell. Practical Viewpoint The teacher, telling her class aboul various types of leather, ended hei discussion with the question: "Now who can tell me the chief use for cowhide?" A small boy who had been gazing off into space during most of the period surprised the teacher by raising his hand. '"Yes, Jimmy?" ^ "To hold the cow together." Weed Pa* Paper industry consumed 12,380,000 tons of wood pulp in 1M6 and approximately the same tonnage in 1947. It takes 15 years to produce a crop of fast-growing pine, and 25 to 40 years for spruce. Total paper output of all kinds last year reached 21 million tons. A fitImrt •/ tkt ttiU t«rah| rmbi isrm. The records of Iht National Board of Fire Underwriters show Stat lightning ranks FIRST Among the known causes of Iocs to farm barns. It ranks SECOND among the known causes of lots to farm homes. The Lightning loss record being what it is -- NO ONE can afford to bo without an opproved and fully Guaranteed Lightning Protection system. KM MTMUO INFORMATION CONSULT O* WKfTI TODAY Reinicke Electric Oo. Engineering, Construction Maintenance Phone Crystal Lake 130£-R-2 Crystal Lake, 111. - CIITIFIIO INSTAlliaS Nobody Believes Him FOR RENT William Fitelson, probably New York's most successful theatrical attorney, tells of a trial in an upstate town in which the examining lawyei was trying to ascertain the vericity of the defendant by questioning one of his farmer neighbors. The answer was highly enlightening. "Can't say he don't never tell the ......... truth," the witness averred, "but . A disgracefully large amount of if he wanted his hojjs/ to come tc ROOM FOR RENT -- Lady only.! !>re.a? j? was l ted> *}om« ^onor^iata ?.V* ** glt 80me0n* Phone McHenry 433-R. 14-2 in*i»t, through leaving half a roll on to call em. a Plate; massing up that extra half -Little White Houseslice of bread, burning the toast or , __ letting a loaf grow old and moldy. ' House/ where To prevent this waste, they advise: J? en. !)e First, take only as much bread as . ^ ' , you can eat--no more; second, keep ? .jj* ^ bread in a ventilated box or wrapped turned over to the »t*te of to a moisture proof paper; third, Ju£* 25' ,1047' ** ^ salvage leftover pieces and use in Qforgi* Warm Springs foundation, to poultry dressing, scalloped dishes, whom President Roosevelt had willed and desserts that cell for bread , ^ crumbs. r ' | Complete line of Lee's poultry Order your rubber stamps at The remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Mc- Plainde&ler. . Henry. ft-tf USSR Meteorological Stations An innovation in the Soviet Union's meteorological service is an automatic weather station of Soviet design that registers atmospheric pressure temperature, wind direction and velocity and broadcasts the data over the radio at regular intervals. Several of these stations, which uo not have to be visited by a maintenance man more than once a year, were set up recently in various part* of tl* country difficult of access. STEEL BUILDINGS &6iimMtmte0e>toe£ MB f i l l WIDI w C--vfitwt Sim lew CM» Per Sq. FY. • Strang tnnHiu coesaiMOsa, straight sMswalts - no wsstss SpiQ9. e AdsptsMs ts sissy cowwssrcist, industrial and fsrsi esss. a tracts* days iastssd 32 MIT WIDI For Information Call . McKINNEY STEEL & SALES CO. _ 8 Madison St. Phone Majestic 477 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS.

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