Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Aug 1948, p. 12

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'4? £ftf» ffcur CIAV6B IN REAL WTATB AS8BSST \1.'on tinned from, Page Helen Elbert 6 blk 9 blk Lange, Engal to, al tire. et *1 et al Alfred A It 1 Wk 2 .... Wilton V A Margaret stron, It 2 blk 2 J| R Jacobson et * blk 2 Jacobson et blk 2 -- Agnes Taylor, blk 2 ^ Agnes Taylor, Jacobson blk 2 .... Jacobson blk 2 Jacobson et al trs, 2 ............. Jacobson It 10 blk 2 R Jacofcson It 11 Hk 2 John & Frances . ,lt 12 blk 2 .. * . ^ R .Jacotson It 1 blk 3 R -Jiacobson. et al trs*-' V* : It 2 blk '3 R* Jacobson \ al-: t*S| ' Jt-3 3 •! ,....v..^..;y..~v: Tv7! '"'R - JaccXson^Srmr-TISr • It 4 blk 3 et et trs, tars, trs, tiri» Pelcsarski, et ai tr*» Frances A Froehiielv Nfc (ex E 20 ft It 9) It 8 A 9 blk 9 .* Nick P A Lillian Miller, It 4 blk 12 . Chuck Miller, It 5 blk 12....-- Matt Bauer's AMn. Kathryn Thies, It 6 Augustine M A Agnes M ifteund, It 15 Hanley's Second Addn. Ge'arld P Newman, Its 1 A 2 blk 1 _ Out Lots to West McHenry John Samec, DR 257 p 605 pc bet state hwy A sub ~ ft 1 It 1 blk 5 6.55a Loren Thompson, pt Its 2 A 3 blk 5 Wm A A Clara Soellner, DR 272 p 380 (ex sub) W, of hwy (ex NE 132 ft of ' E 132) It 15 8.74a Venice Park Addn. Unit 1 Bernafd A Julia Justen, It *8 blk 3 Wattles' Addn. to, 7$! West McHcnry _ * j Donald J Hunter, It 1 ........ j®/Janies J Hunter, It 2 ............ v Wattles' Second Addn. to ^4! 9 West McHenry William A Soellner, of & added to blk X 182 ft) blk 1 ... A Nordin, It I 75 75 60 60 76 75 50 50 50 m\ m 1500 1000 J P A AHJwft %. . E lto ft OF w iao ft 6 It 80 r. SI Edwfcl Laboratories, Inc. Its 7, 8> 9, 10, 11, 12 A 18 Difficult Feat 300 A Clock Watcher 25 pc W 1 (ex ,6t..'"»iv..twii: et Val trs, et" ai trs.*,. *'R '.Jacolson •; - / It 5 ttfk 3 U.; ;$» ' E •' Jacobson. :-.It 6 blk 3 .... '1 ' R' J a co'c »<Jii •::.4 I"1-' ,: It 7 blk 3 .....v....-; • '* '! '|jl ' ft ^ jacotswn' et o..";;C;^lt 8>lk 3 .rx.',,.:,...,.v.v....^, ! v^acotstfiia etv It 9 blk 3 .! v"'" ••••• E R Jacobson et al trs, - It 10 blk 3 .... E R Jacobson It 11 blk 3 E R Jacobson et al trs, It 12 blk 3 ..i- •E R Jacobson, et al trs, It 14 blk 3 Steve & Alice Martegani, blk 4 blk blk blk et -al trs, . 25 Kllw :^ff-Pr>arr>-tt Schijlo, It 7 ; ' rtc. Mabel Johnson. It 3 . , v Theo S A Nellie M Olhava, - Its 1 & 2 blk 8 ....... ^^./Elmer & Anna Winkelmaji, DR 301 p 576 (66x67) pt . . . ;blk, 9' .: ******* --' TheoS & Nellie Oljiava, DR 304 p 530 (66x134) jjt- blk 9 »..».• Edw H Nickels, DR 300 p _!; 208 (66x67) pt blk 9 *^iRcbt S & Charlotte Mehr, DR 306 p 461 (216x124) 25 ;*o pt blk 9 ... J Meadow Lane Sub. 2'^ Wm A & Clara Soellner, : ,2&*; ,'25; 800 j 800 100 ,500 iioo TRYING to rest after an exceed- i ingly hard day, poor father was' being bedeviled by an endless j stream of unanswerable questions i from little Willie. , j VWTiat do you do down at the of-| fice?" the youngster asked. •'/Nothing," shouted the father. . It looked as, if the boy had • been shut up for a while, but not for long. After a thoughtful pause, Willie inquired: "Pop, how dd you know when you're through?" MEDICAL TERM It 1 E R It 2 E R It 3 E R It 4 E R tt o Jacobsonblk 4 Jacobson blk 4 ..... Jacobson blk 4 ..... Jacobson "blk 4 ~ et al al al -trs, trs, trs, et »1 trs.' E R J acotson It 6 blk 4 ....: E R Jacobson It 7 blk 4 ..... E R Jacobson . It 8 blk 4 E R Jacobson It 9 blk 4 E R Jacobson It 10 blk 4 ..... et al et ai et ai et ai E R It 1 E R It 2 E R It 3 E R It 4 E R It 5 E R It 6 E R It 7 E R It 8 E R It 9 E R Jacobson blk 5 Jacobson blk 5 Jacobson blk 5 ..... Jacobson blk 5 Jacobson blk 5 Jacobson blk 5 Jacobson blk 5 Jacobson blk 5 et al et ai et al trs, trs,. trs, trs, trs, trs, trs, et al trs, et al et al et--al trs, trs, trs, trs, trs, •••f'25 Wm '••••••r. It 50 Wm It 25J«m It „ 25 Wm I It 25 Wm •: i it '28 "Wm It 25 Wm k It 25 Wm It 25 'Wm It 25, Wm . I It 25 Wm . It *25.'Wm ' L u 25; Wm I it 25; Wm 1 It 25 Wm | It 25 Wm ; i- it 25{ Wm I it 25 Wm et al et af trs, trs, et al trs, et al ill "ai" trs, r*w»»t trs, Jacobson blk 5 .... Jacobson It 10 blk 5 .... Wm. H. A Erna Ellerman, It 11 blk 5 E R Jacobson It 12 blk 5 ..... E R Jacobson H H blk 5 -E R Jaeobeon It 15 blk 5 "1 R Jaccbm . it 16 blk 5 ..... -Jt R Jacobson It 17 blk 5 ..... E R Jacobson et al trs. It 18 blk 5 "T R Jacobson It 19 blk 5 E R Jacobson It 20 blk 5 E R Jacobson It 21 blk 5 E R Jacobson It 22 blk 5 ' E R Jacobson It 23 blk 5 E R Jacobson It 24 blk 5 1 blk 1 A & Clara 2 blk 1 A & Clara 3 blk 1 A & Clara 4 blk 1 A & Clara 5 blk 1 A & Clara JT blk 1. A & Clara 7 blk 1 A & Clara 8 blk 1 A & Clara 9 blk 1 A & Clara 1C blk 1 A & Clara 1 blk 2 A & Clara 2 blk 2 A & Clara 3 blk 2 A & Clara 4 blk 2 A & Clara 5 blk 2 A & Clara 6 blk 2 A A Clara 7 blk 2 A A Clara 8 blk 2 A A Clara ---4- It 9 blk 2 25 Wm A A Clara I It 10 blk 2 BOjWm A A Clara I It 11 blk 2 '60 Wm A A Clara I It 12 blk 2 100 Wm A A Clara It 13 blk 2 59 J Wm A A Clara Soellner, Soellner, Soellner, -.••••••• Soellner, Soellner, • J "Soellner, 50 50 50 50 i 50 50, 50 AuKt Sarah brought to church meetings an acrid wit which often dispelled the dullness of the proceedings like warm sunshine dispelling the morning dew. Not long ago the dirtiness and slovenliness of the janitor, old Pete, came under discussion, and it was generally agreed that he would have to be discharged But kind-hearted old Mrs. Smythe, as usual, intervened on the side of mercy. ' "I hate to see the old fellow go," she exclaimed pityingly. /'He may be dirty and unkept on the outside, but, my friends, I am sure clean and pure on the inside. Po we have . to discharge him?" ".That or turn the dirty beggar inside out," Aunt Sarah wryly, chaili t o g e d . ' ' ' . * Off • the Record 1 A customer in a Boston* animal store was contemplating the purchase of a parrot, which, so far, had evidenced no sign of life other than to cock a malevolent eye at her. Finally, she asked, "Does he talk?" The salesman looked embarrassed. "Yes, ma'am, he talks, but he doesn't wish to be quoted.""* Soellner, Soellner, Soellner, Soeiirier, Soellner, Soellner, Soellner, Soellner, Soellner, Soellner, Soellner, Soellnefr, Soellner, Soelhier, Soellner, Soellner, Soellner, Soeiiner, Soellner, 50 50 50, so; 50 50 50 80 j 50 5011 50 j 501 Checking the emergency cases <>1 the day, the nurse gave a puzzled look after spotting the doctor's note; "Shot in the lumbar region." In the interest of clarity, she quickly changed the doctor's statement to read. "Shot in the woods." It Requires Faith Customer: "Waiter,, I can't see any chicken in this soup." Waiter: "Of course not. Did you ever see any hQrses in horse-radish?" ^ Vt£RONG DIAGNOSIS Doctor (to his daughter): "Did ^you tell the young man. that I *hink he's no good?" Daughter: "Yes, dad, but that didn't faze him. He said it wasn't the first wrong diagnosis you made." A LINE ACCESSOR* Otn mm drtH Chat madt" look bjr aalnff toOortnc technique that j>rnf--lonal tailwa wm. Although tallorlnc raqulrea aklttftd aewing and much patience, the results are worth the effort. Well tailored dresses of flood quality material and good , construction are expensive. One-third the'value of the garment is represented by the cost of the fabric, one-third by style, and une-third by cutting, fitting, and workmanship. Three important steps in tailoring a garment are selecting material, laying the pattern, and Cutting and marking, says Mrs. Helen Barnard, Missouri university home economist. > Choose a fabric wisely in. relation^ to money to be spent and garment to be made. A close firm weave will contribute,to long service and dura* bility. > - Check the pattern for passible alt5 teration. Lay it on the r-ctcrial ac4 cording to the diagram included in. the pattern. The yarns of the fabric, are known as the lengthwise or warp and crosswise or filling yarns are re-, ferred to as the grain of the me.tor-- ial. Unless the' pattern is placed with, the grain of the material, the par-; ment will not hang correctly. Use plenty of pins in pinning the*, pattern to the material. For best results In cutting usg- Isha|p scissors and long strokes. Make; all necessary markings using tailorg chalk or tailors tacks. Do not removA4 :" the pattern from any part before "you are ready to work with it. . . . „ a t m _ V CM la gtviu' to on. a ntfhtalag rod aaay tad tfr tattttm perfect^ t» out of a hundred on barn* hnftdlaga where very. Ut- •aatal enter* Into the oohabve- Subscribe for The Plaindealer TT, -- ! mi i * Bait and j*epyee Adheetre tape la Cha toden pf Mdt and en than a oork. It la doeen't gat Into the vary effective. -4- S:d Wcbworms Rtiin Lawns; Method of Control Given 50 50 et al trs, et et et et et al trs, ai tare, al trs, "id trs, ai trs. City ef McHenry West Side Fox River Katherine Conway, Its 3 A 6 blk .2 Katherine Conway, it 4 / blk 2 JE F Kelter, It 1 blk 6 Geo A Oliver Hiller, It 1 A 4 • blk 21 John J & Frances J Vycital, It 9 blk 24 Lakeview John N Freund. It 6 blk 3 .... Paul P & Adelin C Karls, W% It 3 A It 2 blk 4 Harold & Calla Freund, It 3 A 4 blk 4 Midstream Addn. Unit 1 --Frank A Cecilia Adam«, EU It 3 & 4 R J A Florence Rothermel. It 22. John SchoWer, It 28 ' •Frances W'irtz, It 33 James Rothermel, It 36 ' - Rigene L Adams, W% It 45 A 44 Alfonse R. Wirtz, E% 'it 45 East Side Fo* River f Outside. Corp.) Wm A Lilah Jordon, S'A Its 5 A 6 blk 7 Wm W Freund, ex N 42 ft It 7 blk 10 Wm H Lawrence A wit Nii Its 5 A 6 blk 7 Geo R Justen, ex N 42 ft it 8 blk 10 " Edgewater Sub. (Outaide Corp.) Gertrude Weber, it 6 blk 2 Josephine Paul, It 10 blk 6 Feger's Out Lots (Outside Corp.) Chas J A Marie A Corso. It 4 blk 1 Leonard A Mary Ann Thennes, Its 5 A 14 blk 1 Alex A Loretta Adams, It 15 blk 1 City of West McHenry Inside Corp "R I A Margaret Overton. N% It 11 blk 2 Mayme Buss, sub It 1 It 7 blk 3 'Nettie Weber, ex E 50 ft ' sub 3 It 5 blk 4 sub 3 _ _ blk 4 ^Howard Wattles, (ex 50 ft) It 5 blk 4 pc adj It 6 Wk 4 3Warren H. Stoller, S% k, , (ex E 20 ft It t) It 8 A"9" Wk • 25 900 500' i H80' 950 , It 14 blk 2 56 Wm A A Clara I It 15 blk 2 50, Wm A A Clara j. It 16 blk 2 60 Wm A A Clara Soeiiner, =4 It 17 blk 2 50 Wm A A Clara Soellner, j It 18 blk 2 25 Wm A A Clara Soellner, H IS blk 2 ....... 25 i Wm A A Clara It 20 blk 2 25 Wm A A Clara I It 1 blk 3 26 Wm A A Clara ! It 2 blk 3 --Si-Wm A A Clara j It 3 blk 3 Wm A A Clara . It 4 blk 3 Wm A A Clara It 5 blk 3 Wm A A Clara It 6 blk 3 Wm A A Clara i It 7 blk 3 f300 Wm A A Clara 1400 It 8 blk 3 H Wm A A Clara kft] It 9 blk 3 i Wm. A A Clara Soellner, It 10 blk 3 |Wm A A Clara Soeiiner, it 11 bye 3 Wm A A Clara Soeiiner, It 12 blk 3 Wm A A Clara Soellner, It 13 blk 3 < Wm A A Clara Soellner, It 14 blk 3 ----.. Wm A A, Clara Soeiiner, 750 It 15 blk 3 Wm A A Clara Soellner, 750 It 16 blk 3 .....: 750 Wm A A Clara Soeiiner, 300 It 17 blk 3 750,W,n A A Clara Soeiiner, | it 18 blk 3 550 Wm A A Clara 500! It 19 blk 3 ; Wm A A Clara i It 20 blk 3 Wm A A Clara 1 blk 4 A A Clara 2 blk 4 A A Clara 3 blk 4 A A Clara 4 blk 4 A A Clara 5 blk 4 A A Clara It 6 blk 4 Win A A Clara It 7 blk 4 Wm A A Clara It 8 blk 4 Wm A A Clara It 9 blk 4 Wm A & Clara It 10 blk 4 Wm A & Clara It 11 blk 4 Wm A & Clara It 12 blk 4 Ernest W & It 13 blk 4 Ernest W A It 14 blk 4 50 50 Shirty Business Soh (learning the business): "Father, there's a man here who wants to know if these shirts shrink." Father: "Does the shirt he tried on fit him?" -1--~' Son: "No, it's too big." Father: "Then it shrinks." Makes Him Blind "My boy friend hates the aight 60 of liquor." "TJien why does ha drinkf" "To get it out Of sight." _ The boss and clerks ,had gone out for lunch, leaving only a pretty young bookkeeper in charge of the store. A handsome young man entered and asked: "Do you keep auto accessories?" To which the young lady smiled and replied: "Only me." SIGHTSEEING TOUR The inexperienced golfer had led his eaddy a merry chase. "Do you think I'm the worst player aa the daks, Sam?" he asked. "Well, Mr: Jones, I wouldn't anally say that," answered Sana diplomatically. "But I've certainly seen places m these links today that Fro never fore." Soellner, Soellner, Soellner, Soellner, Soellner, Soellner, Soellner, BCr Soellner, Soellner, Soellner, Telephone Quia "Won't you give me your telephone number?" he murmuped. 'It's in the book/Vehe said. "Splepdid." be sighed-. "And what's your naifiat" "That's in the book, too," she snapped. If brown patches show up lawn, sod webworms may be doing the damage, although this is not always the case, says Dr. R. M. Bohart of the University of California college of agriculture. One way to tell is by the shape of .the spots. If they are irregular, it's probably the webworm. If the etches are round, it's most likely fungu3. The next test is to* examine the grass near the dead areas. I it's v.tbworm, the grass will be short and uneven where the larvae have' fed, and wasps and. yellowjackets rr.i^ht be found feeding on the larvae. Also, there will be many adult moths around in the shrubbery and nearby window ledges. 4 To be certain, ' spray the grass around the damaged area with a pyrethrum solution and the webworm larvae will come wriggling to the surface. The best way to control sod webworms is to mix five pounds of acid j lead arsenate in 50 gallons of water j and sprinkle it over the lawn. Only j one treatment is needed, and this amount of solution should cover about 1,000 square feet. Pyrethrum, rotenone, or dichloroethyl ether solutions can be used, but the webworms may come back again after these treatments. fir--fir Pnflt Orrftr Tmkf hm CLINTON MARTIN West McHenry, Dl. Vitamin "A" For Calves . Scoura and pneumonia are apt to occur in calvea which do not get enough vitamin A during the first few months of life. Oelaraia'a Trent Colorado haa some 15,000 miles of trout fiaWnt watera. Which have their from year round atop the Rockfea. rURFLB wm RAGE 4501 It •I W'm. 6001 H Wm 550 600 100 100 60© 680 400 450 800 It Wm It Wm It W'm 2410 150 100 Soellner, Soeiiner, Soeiiner, Soeiiner, Soeiiner, Soeiiner, Soeiiner, Soeiiner, Soeiiner, Soellner, Sk>ellner, Soeiiner, Soeiiner, Soeiiner, Heien Harth, Helen Harth, Soeiiner, Soellner, Wm A & Clara It 15 blk 4 W'm A &• • Clara It 16 blk 4 «r „ Village of Ringwood Wm. Hepburn, S pt A E pt It 6 50 50 50 i 50; . 50 50 -50 « | 501 60 60 50 50 60 50 50 50 60 50 50 60 60 50 60 60 60 One Sunday morning a father met hia four-year-old aon, an ardent radio listener, just aa he was coming out of Sunday school. The son was asked what the children had been doing. "Oh, they sang," he answered. "And what did they sing?" was the inquiry. "I don't know what they were singing," replied the lad, "but I sang 'One Meat Bell'." Bolivia 1,- to OapeHatmaad ffcoaa the ef the Andes to the South Atthe greater part ef South America. Its greatest is about §80 miles. DINING ROOM and " Now Featuring Nightly Steve Stephani One of America's "Top Noteh" Feature Organists at the Hammond Ofgan ® will be pleased to play all request numbefs. Plus Th§ Best Food Particular " People Desire ^ f lbs. "Z" Invites Ton to Corns to the VILLA HOTKL B180KT •n Pistakee Bay, PHONB PBTAKKI 4il Subscribe for The Plaindealer Woman (to floorwalker) --"I was to meet my husband here two hours ago. Have you seen him?" Floorwalker -- "Anything distihetive about him?" Woman--"Well, by this time he's probably purple." 750 Uncle Sam Says $ Vacation Time! What • wealth of memories this bring* to mind. Or the keen anticipation with which we waited for those trips to the sea shore or to the mountain*. The wonderful times we enjored are stUI vhrld remembrance*. But how about the future? Can yon look forward to the hazards of that future with the same asauranee? You can If yom have a nice nest-erg of U. S. Savings Bonds. Slmplv •San up for the Payroll Savings Plan where you work or for the self-employed join the Bind A-Month Club at your U. S. 3>MMfy Identified "I've called for a parcel addressed to Mr. Smith," the man announced in the village post office. "Oh, 'ave 'ee," replied the postmaster. *But 'ow do Oi know 'ee are Mr. Smith?" "Why, have a look at this," the man answered, taking out a photograph of himself. "That looks like me, doesn't it?" "Ah, so it do," answered the postmaster, and handed over the parcel. Night Preparations A little boy from the crowded tenement section of a large American city waa sent to the country to, ^tay on a farm for the summer. first day there, the setting sun wa* gilding the grass and roses of the old-fashioned garden, and he sat on a little stool beside the farmer^ wife as she plucked a chicken. He watched the operation gravely/for some time. Then he spoke: /"Do you take off their clothes/every night, lady?" ^ Poison Ivy Poison ivy ia a plant which Is either a low shrub or a creeping vine. The p'ant leaves which may be notched or smooth, are arranged in groups at three on short stalfca of unequal length. The leaves are ahiny, dark green in summer and brilliant orange or acarlet in the fall. The plant may be found id the woods or m the open in dry or moist locations along fence rows, patha ro*dw*ya, and In yarda en tzeee and poets. time trouble

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