Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Aug 1948, p. 14

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"fcfe .V ."Hi L;i -„»•** I Cumulus cloud* round*! whlM « «k* Worth Atlwtte ftohi^ bimta mUMfl which often resemble « flock MMfef eoocera.In ontor to restore « ^ drifting across the sky, arc stocks, the IM» end ! usually a sign of good weather. But duitq| the warmer part of the year and moat of the time In the tropica, cumulus may sometimes build up Into great towers of cloud which become cumi^o-nimbua, or thunderheede, discharging showers* zmin and sometimes halL Moommended that the mesh Mia be increased so that Immature fish can sltp 8ubscrfbe for The PUindealar ' DB. R. MOMB ' • 1M Greet Steeet Pbeae Itt-J. McHenry Office H«ua: T^isaJay aaj 8afr<ay fNa 1* to 4. Evenings by appmt* WATER PUMPS • ] Fairbanks Mm-- Bht*r mmi Pmmp types. All sises. Complete and Ban to install. Samp pumps. Take old ll^TOOM*SALES AND SERVICE Tel. McHenry 552-W-l . ' (Nt ft. from Nell's Ballroom) " { . 3 --WAN! ED TO BUY -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horses, less for down horses and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsbur? - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 314 , 'CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HO<»S, > HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges Frying Tomatoea that are sligMlf green are better tor frying than theee that are entirely ripe. WILLIAM M. CARROLL. JR. Attorney-at-Law lie!* Benton St. *>,' Phone Woodstock 14. - Woodstock. Illinoii' WEINGART TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel Filling -- Black Dirt -- Listestone Trucks for Hire Free Estimating Tel. 655-R-2 McHenry, IB. McHENRY FLORAL 0C>, . -- Phone 404 ' ••fi One Mile South of McHenry on Route SI i£:-2i2i'r ' WELDING • • * Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE--McHenry 51-J 909 South Green St., McHenry* BL Flowers for all occasional i ' ^KJ j FRANK S. MAY ! Trucking j Sand -- Black Dirt -- Crushed Gravel j* Light Excavating --_ Limestone ! Track for Hire Phone McHenry 580-M-l R-l McHenry A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contracture Trucking, Hydraulic.. and Crane Service --RQAD BUILDING-- 204-M McHenry, JOHN F. BRDA ft SON Sheet Metal and Furnace Work 101 N. Green St, McHenry, I1L Phone 243-R 1M. lit AL*S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main St, McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 61S-W-1 or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. Sand Limestone tVERN THELEN Trucking Gravel Black Truck for Hire Tel. McHenry 588-W-l Box 173, Rt 1, McHenry Dirt DR H. S. FIKB Veterinarian On Highway 31 --. Office and Home Tel. McHenry 31 McHenry, 111. Office Hours: 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment Telephone No. S00 STOFFEL A REIHANSPERGER Insurance agents for all classes ef property in the best companies. West McHenry, Illinois CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joslyn A Parker) Office Hours: Weineeday Afternoons--140>5 M Coi VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Cor. Green and Elm Sts., McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoona Other Days By . Appointment Phone McHenry 43 uy. VPwacMfty Office--Koehr Supply Compai S42 Main Street, West McHenry Phone--McHemry 486 Woodstock 11S5 : HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for i Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattle I and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Load- * ing -- TanCage and Meat Scraps 1 for salf. Phones Arlington Heights i 116 or McHenry 659-J-2. Reverse i Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. Kathleen Norris Says; m sti:' Should Girl Choose School or 'Career*? BeD traaiMte.--WNU Featare*. % if INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm and Life Insurance BCDNMBtinf -- RELIABLE COMPANIES When you need insurance of any kind i Phone 43 or 118-M | Green * Elm McHenry! JOSEPH X. WAYNNB Attorney at law 809 Waukegan Road (RFD Box WEST McHENRY, ILL. PHONE McHENRY 492-W 1) FARM DRAINAGE Tiling Work Done With _ Modern Equipment Can Furnish Hie LBO G. ZIMMERMAN Contractor Haw 1699-M-l TCT. TETT^ Woodstock, I1L , BELL & SHALES Interior and Exterior Painting Paper Hanging Also Sprsy Painting 166 N. Green 8t McHenry TeL McHenry 243-J or Crystal Lake 132S-M-1 Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hours-- I Tnesday A Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 5 pjn. Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, I1L FRANK E. LOW • Insurance Writing Fire, Accident A Health Auto, Casualty and Life, in Reliable Companies. Phone 95-J 301 Waukegan St. McHenry,. 111. WAIT A LITTLE .Youth is always a time of discontent, of impetuous desires. The restraints of school, the tedium of studies, the limitations on social life, are irksome to most all adolescents. The more sensible ones make the best of the situation, get what fun they can and prepare for the fuller life that is just ahead. Many, however, like Shirley, who writes the letter quoted today, cannot wait, hither they drudge along, desperately unhappy, or they make a break of some sort and find what real misery means, comments Miss Norris. "" Shirley is only 16, but she has bad enough of school. Her studies, like afgebra and French, seem entirely worthless. Evkn athletics are a bore and waste of time, she thinks. If only her parents W(. uld let her stop school she could get a job and bare the money for clothes and frills that she longs for. But they won't, and to make it worse, they are unable to provide for her in the style she thinks is her due. Her mother, who is remarried, is rather strict, Shirley complains, and disapproves of her boy friends. Shirley likes both her father and her stepfather, but neither can give her much. She is a pretty girl, with some dramatic ability, and as anxious to get into the movies in nearby Hollywood. Miss Norris counsels her to continue her schooling until the end of high school at least. There will be plenty of time for her to try for a "career" in the movies or other fields when she is mature and educated enough to cope with the problems she assuredly will face. BECAUSE 1. 37 years in same jflhce of business. 2. Over 55,000 jobs built. 3. We do our own financing, .No delays, no red tape. r i r ~ i . j W 4 . W e h a v e o u r o w n l u m b e r Exterior Completed V „ ,„d „aUri„ „r<L Inter'or Unfinished 5. We manufacture onr own „ mill work. We Can Build for You Immediately IF YOUR LOT IS PAID FOR This FRAME HOME Partitioned hit* 4 room*. Infay tk* eemfort and neurit/ of year «wa ttai. Sm oar cbolc* ot rfatlfas. fa Sara wltk fast >afft Gnaroataod Caaitractioa. Wa build w IWWa 100-iaHa rod las, IF rOUK LOT IS PAID FOR. to*y moathly taran to salt yoar lacoma. FARM BUILDINGS TO MEET EVERY NEED * USE BEST BUILTS EASY PAY PLAN • Open Saturday and Sunday 9 to 5 p. m. Wednesday noon to 8 p. m. "Wa bat e, of course, gym courses and game* such as Iannis srtd b*sketh*ll. "Just wh*t all this noHsenst ever will mean to my later life I cannot see." ^: By KATHLEEN N&RRIS HERE is a letter from a 16- year-old girl, typical of the problems of so many teen-agers that it seems to me worthy of consideration, despite its obvious immaturity. "Everything about my life is ideal, and it's not good enough," writes Shirley Wilson of Los Angeles. "I'm 16, my half-brother is 9. Mother divorced my father when I was seven; I see him sometimes and like him well enough; but my stepfather is swell, too. I am very ambitious, play the piano, sing and, tiance above the average, and am considered pretty. We have not much money; I get an allowance of S3 a week. Mother buys me very few clothes, and for extra pocket mon,ey I sometimes can touch Doug, my* stepfather. "If they would have sense enough to let me stop school, 1 soon could earn enough money to take care of myself and buy the clothes I need. I know this, as I have been successful in school dramatics, and have been approached by a talent scout two separate times. Grown persons do not realize how deeply a girl suffers when she feels opportunities of all sorts slipping by her, and sees girls her age making a success of life. My mother was not so strict as a girl hefself, but she is very strict with me, antagonizing practically all the boys who ever come around. 'Useless' Studies. "What I am studying in school is completely useless -- algebra, French (which I hate), Latin, history and folk-singing. Also we ha^e, of course, gym courses and games such as tennis and basketball. Just what all this nonsense ever will mean to my later Hfe I cannot see. Frankly, I don't wish to be either a French teacher or basketball pro- Jessional. Every grown person I know has forgotten all that a few months after leaving school. What I want to do is get a job; I will learn more in a few weeks of real work. I am really desperately restless and unhappy, and hope you will consider my problem seriously ~ help me." •• • * • . Shirley, my dear, I may WeTT consider your problem seriously, for it is indeed a grave indication of one of our failures as parents and citizens, and it is widespread. . That home is unsatisfying to youth today, that restlessness and discontent are breaking the hearts of thousands of American girls, is no secret to American mothers. Girls escape from home as soon as they can, escape to face disillusionment and discouragement of which they never dreamed, escape to loneliness, bewilderment and mistakes, escape very often to foolish young marriages, for which they have to pay a heavy penalty. Our shops are full of quiet saleswomen, our factories full of workers who ran away from life at 16 and 17, and are awake now from the dream. Unfortunate marriages, hard times, money shortage, lost jobs, these are their story. "I have a little girl of 10," says one of them, wrapping gloves for the purchaser, perhaps dreaming of how nice it would be to be the purchaser, to go out into the morning sunshine, have lunch downtown and plan a cozy dinner for a loved man and children. "My husband? -- Well, he wasn't any good, or I wasn't. I was only 18 when Carol was born; I went back to my mother. Keith never helped mucfh, and I had to go to work." Tragic Defeats. "Sure I was in the movies; I won : a beauty contest that promised me • three jobs," says another 40-year- | old saleswoman, smiling. "I had bit I parts -- sometimes. I ran around latetry Mi lavuML MM Hf (tap litatry The ruina oi Pompeii yielded •oap. Plingr wrote of aoap tai the Aral century. Tat, aoap, even in the Middle A<m, was for only the vary rich. It was a luxury not available to the great maaa^of the people: Soap making was a houaahold art tm America within the la»tn yaara, and H was not untfl lata In the 19th century that invention and patenta began to make poaaible the modern taduatry of today, with tta annual output to the United Staftaa of about a million and a half tona, according to National Patent Council. Large«cale manufacturing operation s , . with i n d i v i d u a l " k e t t l e s " ofi aoap containing up to one millioo pounds per charge, are the result of years of tedious and costly research and the invention of processes, machinery and tools. By far the largest amount of the | soap made is derived from the boil- i ing process, which produces a! "neat" soap into which alkaline builders, fillers, perfumes or other • desired ingredients are incorpo-1 rated. Most toilet soaps of the -bet- ( ter quality are made by the milling process, which allows the cold mixing of fine perfumes which could not withstand the heat of boiling. It te only in the last 20 years that American inventiveness has developed improved soap flakes by spray drying. When hot "neat" soap is sprayed into a current of heated air, the atomized soap particles dry and puff into the expanded bead or bubble form so well known to American housewives. Halley's Comet wfll next be fnlSM. *-- - Iron Mountain. to be &a MiKaat artttelal akfailde roarad down the 'abate of ite Ml toot tmnr last yoar. Jwnpa taw than tte length of a football Add. «ko project, are the foal for riders wHhJjte skill and daring to "reach HiHK WALUU eaters ef beautiful wall See them before decorator kitchen. Cetera the-tile will not past off. Write for aatfanate or pot it on yourself, luastiwn Mas A Servftee, McHenry, 8$) f«H frtll Nell's ballroom. Phone Plstnkeo 562-W-l. i i i - m r Order ycur rubber stamps at Tbt Plaindealer. TARPAULINS CANVAajGOQDS Large Selection of Material! ORDER EARLY - Specialising is Store and Residence Awnings McHENRY AWNING CO. Phone McHenry 571-W-2 Thog. Thonneson, Prop. IS & with movie folk, thought I was way inside the game. Th6usands of girls are doing that, talking movie patter, knowing an occasional celebrity. Lots get in, but an awfully small percentage stays in. I married, as lots of discouraged girls do. Mar riage was all poverty and quarrel ing, with two little boys to care for I love them, of course, and I feel sorry for Dan. He was only a kid too. I'd do it all differently now." Wrecks, along the shores of happier and more balanced lives. AnH so many of them start with just Shirley's mood, rebellion agains* study, economy, home duties, horn* dullness. If you will consider these years aspreparation for a full and usefu' life, Shirley, you presently will dis cover that the destiny for which yoi hunger is moving toward you as in evitably as are the days and th> years. Latin and algebra never ap pealed to me as indispensable, bu why not try making yourself usefu at home, training yourself to be i good housekeeper, finding amuse ments and occupations that are broadening and educational, watch ing your speech, reading worth while books? These possibilities are all read> to your hand and, while you are pa tiently pursuing them, they wi' alter your ideals in a way that wil give you entirely new vistas of en joyment. Develop a well-rounder character, make of yourself the sor of woman you in your own heart art mire most, and leave the rest t fate. You cannot escape success i' you have built a personality worth> of it. Anything snatched now caend only in bitter disappointment Call a Phone 472-J Get Better Service With Our Taxi! You'll arrive at your destination looking and feeling much better if you take a cab. Any time yon call us, night or day, a quick, comfortable cab wil) pick you up. STEEL BUILDINGS U&minumUtreteci Convenient Sizes lew Coif Per Sq. Ft. WIDI PUT WIDI e Strong trustless construction, straight sidewalls - no wasted spac*. t > e Adaptable to many commercial, industrial and farm uses. • Erected ayeks. is days instead of •miw m* O>. For. Information Call McKlNNEY STEEL & SALES CO. 8 Madison St. Phone Majestic 477 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. L IIIHHIII|IIHIIIIIIMIIHjll!WHnMHlllll|llllllllllllllll|llllllll|l|llll|IHIIUIIiyiUtllll|ll GIRLS ADMIRAL CORPORATION IS NOW IN ACTUAL PRODUCTION . at onr new ' • McHENRY 507 ELM ST, McHENRY (Formerly K&Jger-Frasiar Agency B14g-) Light, Clean, Interesting Work *Home it unsatisfying to youth." Paper. Money Counter A Washington inventor, Thoma' E. Hayes, has built a machine tha sorts and counts paper money. The machine has five compart ments, for $K $2, $5, $10 and $20 bills respectively. At the top of each compartment is a pair of rollers between which the operator feed^ the bills. As the rollers snatch the bills away they are counted auto matically ,on a register at the top ot the compartment, and at the same time their value is transferred to a totalizer. WHY T&AVEI^ FARTHER, when you can secure employment at or gear home? . : Take pride in your job! Join the vast throngs who build America's Finest Radio Sets! Experience Not Necessary • :.'I^ • BEST BUILT CO. Branch Office McHENRY, ILL. 115 RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHENRY 743 Come In. Write or I'HONE McHENRY 743 MAIL THIS COUPON TODA* Please give me a Free Estimate. I My lot is paid for and I am ready to build. a* City turn Corpuscle or Electron? Back in the 1890's the physicists were arguing heatedly over whether it should be "corpuscle" or "electron" for the smallest particle of negative electricity, also a vital component of the atom itself. Dr. G. Johnston Stoney, Irish mathematician, finally won the decision. Hence, modern-day electron, electronics and electronic • Bend the Went Ads Chemical Beeearch In USSR Chemical research in psogress in the USSR now is influenced not only by that country's immediate needs, but also by large scale projects of long duration in which traditions of the Russian school of chemistry play an important role. Various inducements, such as honors, prizes and con ; tests are belqg widely employed j among Russian technologists and j scientists .to aid in the industrial pro- ! gram of development. Stop In and See Our Employee Counselor ' 'or Call McHenry 470 Employment office will be open each, day ^ a. m. to 4 p. m. sdilllllllllUlllllllltllllllllllHIIIUIIIlllllllllllllUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIlllUlllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllKlllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIt

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