Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Aug 1948, p. 3

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Oa Parade plaj 3 (By TmM) v Foil*: Over 1,200 ^Mtriou lw donkey wilt bal «aai last ftn day evening toWw the MtPmld't Shamrocks anH the Bcy-Al team llli event dm wUmI a <mkl ttw it hilarious ever to tdn )hw In community and to tap tin, sever Ib the twenty-otie |tmcs ppllaayy*e d by 1 - the Shamrocks, of which they won have they enjoyed a big- Wd After a fun-packed five famines y, the game ended with a eeore of to 2 fan favor of the Shamrock*. There was little of the usual Jubilation among the 8hamroek payers alter the g»n«, for In spite of the S to| « NN tney unanimously concedsi the victory to the donkeys. -IhwMiI |e the rales of the game < the hotter, ararMtthw the ball, and I to iMnl a dsnfcey and complete the «IMMH to seere a nm. The player ! lOtidvlng Ae ball likewise had to jbi mooqjjted te make the out ! To 'stay aboard those bucking, kicking eritters was the players biggest problem. Harold Vycital evoked many laughs from the packed „ Mtiaf the] when the aeiee of the thunder into eenter field, he decided it ] awakened her froa herskep. Her he a lot easier to cany the saddan passing is deeply felt by her of this ethtr way! master Lt. C. Jade Gregory of the . and Ms he did, tins ecor- U. 8. Navy, a vetera* mb> a ran for the Roy-Al side. Ware* as well as aB aefflsss to Ay that the boys on Lake folks. both rides will be eating their meels standing up for the next few weeks after the, abase they suffered. President Frank Route and manger Irv fBudhmg, as well as all the members of the Shamrock Athetotic Club, sponsores of last Sunday's fiasco, are extremely gTsteboth World at McCullom the Roy A1 Inn, Judging from the number of guest« present at Max KoHns thirty-eighth birthday party last Sunday this should be a banner year on his road through Hfe. It was a gay party although a bit disappointing for ..Max since there were no photogra- Food phers present. For thirty years Max Kolin has been shooting the celebrities of the world for Chicago's newspapers, and &XLK0AD F&XXL Market, Crick's Grocery, Mosey Inn, Ringwood; Park Pub and Hoot Noonan, MeHenry; Kannenbergs S^da Parlor and to all the merchants of! since this was Ms day he hsd hoped MeHenry for their co-operation and for a chance to look at a "graphic" help in making this, their first enter- from the receiving end. Mavbe 39 prise, such a great success. Frank' will be your lucky number Max. Rourke also informs us that an an-1 nouncement of another unusual type) Wilbert Heeht, Sr., is a busy man of entertainment will be forthcom-; these days packing the haps for his ing in the near future. i Mrs. for her vacation motor trip j with Mrs. W. C. Hecht, Miss Ethel At a special meeting of the directors; Haroldson and Miss Emily Karlson. of the Property Owners Association; The girls expect to leave next ! held last Sunday at our new beach Thursday providing Wilbert, Sr., j house, definite plans were made for finishes the. Toni job on his frau hy i the promotion of the McCullom Lake th*n- • Festival, to be held Sunday, Sept. 5; Buffalo, N. Y. Ntagra Falls, Wil- 1 beginning 1:30. Among the many mingtoi* Del. and points East are on ' events of the afternoon and evening the gals itinerary. ! will be a soap box derby, bicycle * Sons Pfc. Wilbert Jr.; and' Pfc. 1 parade, doll buggy parade, races for William are expected home from ; classes lawn dancing, treasure hunts,; military training this Saturday, and many other features 6f amuse- ADIOS. j ment*'especially planned for old arid Consumers in 11 states expressed their preferences In milk .to American BOOM Economics association. Thay indicated that safe miDt la one •f the toremoet wanta of c«Mumors. The voters came out strong for tniifc from herds that have' haw ----- had, tested and declared free from milk handled by Ohly la mUk that haa been dairiaa. * qt hnpor- «ha label te Mate grade, type at milk, data produced, butterfat rwitent, name of distributor anvitamin Glaas containers got more than paper containers, equare was the preference at thaw considered shape. Aa Oil FrovaAfc, Aa eM proverb says. "Kvsrything I s t a t t y . . . a s l o n g a a i t htppee to soinebody dss." VERNON J. KNOX, ATTORNEY NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of May Scharlau, Deceased, Notice is hereby given to all personnss that October;, 4th, 1948, is the claim date in the estate of May mens. vttai mm Mies . M With the grist ml 1 Ocreaes en tei|» Old, 1947, shows* a total flSliiS Statea pemSatlou ef iSilMM en tncreaae ot 18,780,100 steee 1S4S. ffa Mee horn In 1MT tc italed 8j86t£88i The figures also ado w that, en Oa average, each person atolT psresat more food In IStTthn psfiod. • hithe 18MMH > •MFLORENCE PHOENIX, Administrator. (Pub. Aug. 26, Sept. 2-9) Complete Mao of Lsets Maisdiss at Wattks Drug Henry. -ANNOUNCEMENT . Eivoiside Bake Shop will be closed from Sept 7 through Sept. 13. Will open Tuesday, Sept. 14. ? RICHARD JAOEE, Owner; TIEAT YOURSELF to the vacation of a lifetime. Visit the thrilling Railroad Fair and the magnificent pageant "Wheels A-Rolling," depicting a century of railroading. See the replica of Chicago's first railroad station, a full-scale reproduction of Yellowstone Pack's "Old Faithful," t typical dude* ranch with rodeo show, dioramic presentations of western vacationlands. These are just a few of the attractions offered by the Railroad Fair. Enjoy Chicago's beaches and boulevards, world-famous museums, big league baseball, fascinating night life. Vacation in Chicago now or in September. A perfect anting for your Labor Day week-end! Year Chicago and North Western agent will he glad te give yom complete details abomfrail fares and lew-cost Chicago all-expense tours. CHICAGO Ml NORTH WESTERN SYSTEM PIONEER RA1LR05D OF CHICAGO AND fHE WEST SINCE 1848 Greyhound leads,.. young alike. Cash priies totaling j 1,000 dollars will be awarded to thej winners in the aboVe contest. All , entrants in the Soap Box derby must j I be boys between the ages of 7 to 14 j 1 inclusive. Entrants in the bicycle I parade must be girls between 7 and J14.' The doll buggy parade will be 'strictly for tots under seven. To te eligible for entrance in these contest it is necessary to register | your name, address, and age at Sig's rood Market on the Midway, i Registration closes Saturday noon,; 1 Sert. 4. In view of the heavy regi- ' stration thus far in the soap „ box I derby event it may be necessary to ! close registration earlier, so--get ; busy you local speed demons before | the outside boys crowd you out. j Preliminary elimination runs will i be held Thursday afternoon, Sept. 2, I at 2 p. m. on Orchard Drive. The | starting point will be Scheubert's hill ' and ending at the beach. Three j judges will he appointed, whose decision on the winners in all contests will be final. More about these doings .in next week's column.. • Your Greyhound Super Coach window Is frame for a living eoene you'll long remember. Whan you go Greyhound you go the "front-door" rentes and aoo the no/ beauty of Amerioa. Greyhound travel givea yon an uaaurpaaaed dose up view el aH the glorioua things you don't want to miaa. • iWti alee enjoy the friendliaeee and oouxtesy of Greyhound travel. And Greyhound faxes, as always, save you more than any 'other form of tranaportation. Go Greyhound. You 11. see asore, and save more/ GREYHOUND Last Thursday twelve members of Madison, Wisconsin's social elites repaid a visit the gr&cious Mrs. Nellie Palm of Maple Hill Drive made to their camp last winter. The ladies motored from Madison, arriving in time' to enjoy a delicious luncheon after that the spacious lawn on the Palm estate blossomed forth with card tables and the fun began. The ladies from Madison who noted last Thursday as their most pleasurable day in their diaries were Mrs. Goeden, Mrs. Pearl Ward, Mrs. Emma Merkline, Mrs. Mabel Lennox, Mrs. Emma Endress, Mrs. Katherine SmelUer, Mrs. Lena Jordan, Mrs. Peggy- O'Niel, Mrs. Kate Gross, Mrs. Jeanette Ward, Mrs. Schultse, Miss Florence Laughlin and Miss Ann Deer. We sacDy report that "Becky" passed away last week to receive her just reward for a life well spent. "Becky," the only veteran with three years of service in the army during the last war who never made a beef about a bonus, the grub they fed : her or the many hours of sleiepless duty she was called on to perform. Her only reward, an honorable discharge certified for three years of service to her country and upon her homecoming a new collar and chain which were responsible for her demise. I The many days, weeks snd months "Becky" Was called to duty under fire of the enemy did things to her. Somehow Becky wasn't the same and, so it happened one night last week when a sudden flash of lightning, a crash of thunder, during a local rainstorm caused Beck to jerk on her leash so hard as to break her neck. During her army training ' Becky" was taught to dive for the nearest fox hole when the shells began bursting overhead, evidently that is what she instinctively tried to do ;i~1 Sunday, September 5th, 1:30 p.m. SOAP BOX DERBY BICYCLE PARADE DOLL ByOGY PARADE Men. Treasure Hunt for the Kiddies and Loads of Entertainment Features. $1,000 IN CASH PRIZES $1,000 Sponsored 4>y~" PROPERTY OWNERS ASS'N OP McCULLOH UK| Watch Next Week's Plaindealer for Further Details. M- -A.-: MAKE "SOMEBODY" HAPPY TODAY! REQUEST CILLECTS TIILET TANK IIISTItt^ Nmm £aw Ikt Mtd Gift for Forgetfulness "Dear Clara," wrote the- young man "pardon me, but I'm getting so forgetful. I proposed to you last night, but I've really forgotten whether you said *yes' or 'no.' " "D&ar Will." she replied, "so glad to hear from you. I knew I said 'no* to somebody last night, but had forgotten who it was." Double Threat "I'd fire you in a minute," cried the angry manager, "if I thought I could get* another man to fill your job." "And I'd quit in a minute," sighed the weary bookkeeper, "if I was through with my night course in "Does your orchestra ever play requests?' "Certainly. What would you like to have us play?" "Pinochle!" Dags Cant Beet A woman went to buy a drinking bowl tor her dog, and the shopkeeper asked her if she would like one with the inscription, "For the dog." "It really doesn't matter," she replied. "My husband never drinks water, and the dog can't read." No more thrilling goffer tmeetkeart, sister, daughter or aothsd Mece than a Hope Chsss, LANS is the emfy tested JMOMAk. TIGHT Cheit in the world--mkk Laae's saclasivs |lsr**aM tm fssteres. Backed hy free ssoA insurance policy! COSM in todagg i from oar beautiful aew sutos, jut arrived! Simple Geography Teacher: "What i s A u s t r a l i a bounded by, Tommy?" Tommy (eagerly): "Kangaroos." GwhUM TWFrtNirSM* Next te Bank W4 Peter M. Justen Furniture Ca rhone63 - West MeHenry Oot-Maehtos Drtafcs Soon to tp introduced is a refrigerated ; coin-vending machine that diapmaes six kinds of chilled fruit and vegetable drinka for 10 cents a can. The machine holda SO six-ounce cans in each of its six racks, 900 cans In all. The customer deposits a dime in the coin chute, preasea a button under the Savor ha wanta and a can of Juice is delivered to his hand. On one aide of the ir*a knife-type can opener kept at 180 degreea for aanitation nufcft a clean incision in the can top Just big enough te admit a straw. These vending machlnee will be installed at induatrial plants, bus terminals, airline and railway waiting rooms mid raere> etion centers. Record Food Experts Exports of food reached the record high total during IM7 of- 19,- 186,000 long tons sccordlng to the 1MS-47 annual report of the production and marketing administration. Included in this total ware wheat and wheat flour (grain equivalent), 10,618,000 long tons; other grainscorn, barley, oats, rye, rice and grain sorghums, 4,678AM; fats and oils, >14,000; meets, 182,000; dairy products, 502,000, and other foods, including potatoes, tratta, vegetables, auto, fish, dry beane and peas, and sugar, 2,041,000 long tona. About 83 per cent of the total food exported during the year waa pro. cured by the Commodity Credit corporation, using Prodnctkm and administration fertilities Dogs With EacephaMHe Dog owners are being warned by American Veterinary liadical associativa that encephalitis, a virus disease affecting the brain and nervous system, may he responsible for a great many of the dog losses heretofore attributed to distemper. The dlssaas has stricken more then 800 doga in the St. Cloud, Minn., area in the past year. An attack of usually begine with violent convulsions, followed by a lethargy in which the dog appeara to be watting in its sleep. Anti-encephalitis serum is an effective treatment in early stages of the disease. Prevention by vaccinetion still is in the experimental stage. Th* great aUpmpose car! Many evergreens that have turned brown this sprlx* as result of drying out tfte past winter are likely to recover. They should not be destroyed until lt is aboilutaly certain they Pootiac is the right car for so many people because it does all things--so anmsaally well If, for instance, you are concerned with economy as most of us are--you will find that Pontiac Is virtually as inexpensive to own and operate as any fall sire car you could buy. If you like to tour and take long tripe--you will find that Pontiac is one of the easiest-riding, nicest-handling cars ever bsdk. oieed to "put your best foot forward" •GMR When you --go to a fashionable wedding or some other social event--you will find that your Pontiac looks "right at home." And if you have to make hard daily trips over rough country roads--you will find that Pootiac can "take it" like the thoroughbred it is. Truly, regardless of what you want a car to do, Pontiac provides a splendid answer to your problem. And this is always true of Pontiac, year alter year--for Pontiac is deliberately de» signed to be America's "all-perpose" car. M ttsdre Metir Brim emdWtinSU»mm»Tim eedi R. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 ntONT STRUT MoHSHBY, IUJHOtB

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