Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Aug 1948, p. 4

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P»f« Wvwt 4sE*f < /; ;!.'>^"Vr ? -A'fV * '-^ . . ' n •| ' " ••;• 'i;'- tlf * -~ ^ ^ Y~,f ••--» .*i.„,>•-.., i-,.,tol^tL m KcnzN?.? piAi53ZALrm THEMMPLAIIOEALER Poblfehed every Thursday at Mc- , I1L, by A. Howard Moohcr. Editor--Adele Froehlich^ Kntered u second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, I1L, under tht act of May 8, 1879. ; One Year NATI IAL€DITORIAL_ iSSOCIATION the beautiful home which icrrw as a haven for over 100 aged women. The gala occasion will commemorate the twenty-fifth annhrerary of this fine institution. Members may bring a picnic lunch or purchase same on the grounds. A fine pro- Sram is planned for the afternoon, efreshments and entertainment will mca be under the auspices of .the Clara fZ-W w. Francis clubs ot northern Illinois. *W;,; those who worked at the July 4 carnival. -Festivities began at 4 p. m. and continued well into the evening. Games were enjoyed arid a qilntity of tempting food was consumed during the afternoon and evening. * * * Bake Sale On Aug. 28 _ _ - The Altar and Rosary sodality of ! tendance ~and"it"is "hoped that" this i J?1; Patr,ick's church is sponsoring a ' bake sale, to be held at the Pnes market on Saturday, Aug. 28, beginning at 10 o'clock. Those housewives who wish a vacation from ! Foresters Will [Hold Annual Picnic The Catholic Order of Foresters 'will hold its annual basket picnic on {Sunday, Aug. 29, at the V. F. W. Park east of the city. There will be cards for the adults, games for (the children, and valuable prices and ; tasty refreshments for all. Last year there was a record atyear's crowd will top even that num ber. The committee in charge assures Wey and Mrs. Phalin, all of McHenry, Mrs. Zoia, Kathleen Zoia and Mrs. Nell, Jr., of Woodstock; Mrs. Anderson of Chicago: Mrs. Patricia McCannon of Chula Vista, Calif, and Nancy Richards of Milwaukee, Wit; any Attended orkers Picnic Man W A large crowd took the ideal weather tend the rs whichtook .^advantage lasrSunday to ch the local Lea of at- Legion a good time to all who attend. O. E. S. Pilgrimage On Sunday, Sept. 12 Mrs. Clara W. Franci^ wotthy Bernice Hiller ' grand matron of the Order of the Honored At shower Eastern Star of Illinois, apd the Hilli Official* family, will greet the mem- Wednesday has changed her name ber* and friends of the'O. E. S. at to Mrs. Harold Freund, was honored their ovens during these hot summer ^ days would do well to take advan- Miss Bernice Hiller, who since last . ^ne display of baked goods which is promised by the committee in charge. ft:*## *7 •^»{f 4 ,„ f ~ .(.'V *• AtYJMIlKlBS - - /1 t ' i Ntr. , V. * fr-r-wf, i'tSsr Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hunter attended the All-Star football game at the Chicago Stadium last Friday evening. Andrew Wbrwick and John Shade are attending the photographers' Convention held at the Stevens hotel in Chicago his week. I Busan Ninagem and Mrs. Weingart have returned to El y DIVORCE GRANTED Rosinqr of McHenry was a divorce in the county court this week from Frank J. Rosing. RECLASSIFICATION A8KED Robert and Carol Dunlap ace seeking a peremptory writ of mandamus against the City of Woodstock, its cfiyor an/l aldermen and Floyd, building commissioner. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap ask that the court direct the city officials to immediately reclassify the Dunlap property on. Greenwood avenue from residential to business district under the city zoning setup. The plain-, - - -- tiffs also ask that the court order i ™r ®\ °au' Yanda, who have been the city council to direct, Mr. Folyd sending the summer in the West, to issue a permit so that they can _ Mrs. Timothy McClary and son of erect, a building to be used as a i Chicago visited McHenry relatives on general store on this property. Thursday. The Dunlaps appeared before the I _ Clarence Martin ana daughter, Miss Marcella from a trip, Monte, Calif. Andrew Worwick, accompanied by Harry Ostroff of Aurora returned on Friday from a four weeks' trip to the West. Their travels took them to Denver, Colo., Las Vegas and Reno, Nev., Salt Lake City, Utah and Hollywood, CalUL among many Eoints of interest. While in Santa Barbara, Calif., they visited "Mr. and Home at Rockford at a miscellaneous shower held on ^ .. w ? W 12 bSinn^g at Sunday at the Jacob Freund home, **™1 Joy A ce t K.'1"*r i This pilgrimage will enable with twenty-five guests in attendance Samm*r Activities * t .. i .. • i _ a o v/1* WAVA an lAtt«MiiL tswinAf Mr IS ^mWrs tr^w with pride Cards were enjoyed, with prizes J°yce «?• <-a ail t>f the members to view witn pria ™- merited by Mrg HUda ^1^ H Mr8 |ohc Daughters of America, held its . Bertha Freund, Miss Frances Bauer f"nual P1?"'® at i th* »uminer hom« ?f and the guest of honor. ' A tasty the, grand regent, Ella Buss at Boblunch was served at the close of the! ne*" s Lake, Wis., last Thursday, with afternoon . , . a J?°°d crowd in attendance. Cards r' - - • • •• were enjoyed during the afternoon, as were fishing and boating. A pot-luck dinner and supper were served, the ladies leaving in the evening tired, but with the memory o# a day well spent. On Thursday, Sept 2, the first business meeting will be held at the K. of C. hall. Father Baumhofer will be present to continue his instruc- The committee for this Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 673, Cath- McHenry, Illinois FRI. - SAT, AUG. 27-28 Red Camero* Cathy Downs . "PANHANDLE" PI as News 1 Cartes* SVN. - MON, AUG. 29 - N Peggy Cummins - Chas. Ceburn "GREEN GRASS OF WYOMING" Plus--World News ft Cartoon TUESDAY (FOR THglEE DAYS) In Technicolor Walt Disney's *®AMBT > Observed ^Seventh --^-7-^--: Eirthday Sunday' Lois May, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Joseph May, celebrated and her seventh birthday anniversary on Sunday, although the actual date was Aug. 19. She entertained twenty little guests at a party held at the May home on John sreet, where the . ... children enjoyed games and a de- t,0n tarns. „ , licious lunch. Lois was presented | "^^ting includes Elizabeth Schoewer, with a variety of lovely gifts. zoning board of appeals and asked to have the property reclassification. The matter^ was then taken before the city council antl the council twice upheld the decision of the zoning board. . - BREACH OF CONTRACT Clyde, Charles and Eugene Zoia doing business as the Zoia Monument' Co., Woodstock, are seeking 1305.90 from iLeo L. Donahue, according, to a bill for breach of contract filed in circuit court . The bill contends that the plaintiff and defendant entered a contract for erection of markers on seven graves in the Catholic cemetery in Huntley for |305.90 tvtfc the amount has not been paid. SEEKS $90,000 A suit to recover $90,000 was filed , in circuit court this past week on chairman, assisted by Mary Audino, | behalf of Beth Pettis and Walte* and. Mrs. Charles Corso a few days last week In attendance were Ruthann,.Judy _White, Rosemary Carey, J Greenhalgh of Rockford, naming and Joyce Phannenstill, Josephine, | Fleming and Lena Stumm. Josephine Olsen and the Immanuel Jean and Judy Freund, Janice and' ~/*e sponsejp a jwhlic.Women's Home Association of Chi- Marilyn Bungard, Gail and Tamara! on Thursday, Nov. 4. cago, defendants. Smalfeldt, Geraldine, Gene and Jean-'_ . , . . " ! The accident that resulted in the nette Freund, Dorothy Stoffel, Joan At ou (damage suit occurred May 24 last Collins, Jean ffend Joan Tonyan, I Shower year. The automobile owned by George Ensign and Joann May. | Ml.98 Kathleen Zoia entertained at' Walter Greenhalgh and operated by • • . 1® miscellaneous shower at her home] Ruth Greenhalgh was traveling east Personal Shower For Terry Phalin ; Miss Dorothy FrfePlsfl and Miss k Julia Foley were co-hostesses at a in Woodstock last week in honor of | on Route 12, in Richmond. ing The de- Rita, and Mr. ani and son spent in Wisconsin. The Conrad • Woesch family of Fair Oaks spent several days in Chicago the past week, where they were called by the death of her father. Anton Schreiber. Miss Rosemary Doherty is spending this week with friends in Berwyn. Mrs. John Murtaugh, Mrs. Ethel Reemer and son, Allen, Mrs. John Lang and Mrs. Artie 'Bardi visited at Walworth, Wis., one day last week. George Whitcomb and Leonard , hJ.eft Saturday on a trip through the West. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pidgeon of Chicago visited a few days the past week in the Walter Brooks home. , Patsy Owen has been vacationing in California. Richard Hayes of Chicago spent a recent day with his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes. Miss Joan Reihansperger spent the weekend with friends in Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bonslett of Evanston visited relatives in McHenry on Thursday, enroute to Wisconsin. Mrs. Joseph Mahoney and children Colleen and Terrence, have returned IT'S EASIER TO £TOP ^ CHECK... •% ; tkan it is to stop a thief. Open * v checking account with us and cazrf J-- : * checkbook instud of eztza ,oa^' McHENRY STATE BANI^ Member Federal Reserve System Miss Terry Phalin. Gifts were ar-, fendants car was operated by Josep- rhira^n VC J"e'urtie^ ranged on a table beneath a white phine Olsen when the crash occurred] iisiSr fn n _ „ cr?P« paper umbrella with carnation j Speed, negligence and carlessness is hi,' ' K the, WUIiam F- Doherty personal shower held last week at j *r,m\ , e luncheon table was at- j charged. Mr. Greenhalgh asks $15,- j^r' and Mrs Herh R»ilmri«ruirMr ^hhoe_n of_ri°n.g[ mMe^i-shso lTIIeer_r0y3 SPih<aitlli!nn,o nad 1br°i^de! ; ww^h?teel.V y de.c 0rated ,n P,nk and |,2d 2a®m ages and Beth Pettis asks $75,000 Witnessed the All-Star football^ame of this week. Thirty-three guests T Quests, present were Joan Durland, for injuries. enjoyed an evening of games, after S?e^' ^r° v Agnfts which an appetizing lunch was w A Nancy Carey, Ehda Page ani served. Prise winners were Miss! ?J1S" Phalin, all of McHenry^ Phalin, Mrs. Harry Anderson of j ?n w°,a' ' Jean Ellen Chicago and Miss Joanne Knox. j .ola, anj Marge _Kuppe of Wood- Guests were Helen, Julia, Joanne ? a".d Nancy Richards of Wawaand Lucille Knox, Esther Freund, | .. .... v ., Phyllis Smith, Cecile Tonyan, Nadyne ^?a. W11J the bride Lewis, Josephine Guercio, Glorice „ John Zoia at St. Patricks church Jackson, Shirley Patzke, Betty Smith,1 M(ifIen,71' next Saturday. The couple Leoda McCarthy, Mary Grace Stilling | w i lH J refld« 1" Macomb, where he is a Angela Brown^ Jean Marie Merko- ent at Western State College. vie, LeVerne Hobbs, Anamae Vogt, T ~-- m i l l c ft FRI. - SAT., AUG. 27. - 29 Roy Rogers in "UNDER CALIFORNIA STARS" In Trucolor ~ -- Co-Hit-- ~ ~ "BLONDIE'S REWARD" SUN. - MON.. AUB. 29 - 30 TUES.-WED., AUG. SI - SEPT. 1 Greatest Thrill Show > Of All-Time 2 • Sensational - Spine Tingling Features - 2 *4CONGORILLA" • and ^-- "BORNEO" Land of the Devil °rtft Don't Forget Kiddies' Cartoon Show Every Sat. Matinee! Eileen Smith, Loretta Kunz, Marion Freund, Mary Ann Noonan, Gladys Stilling, Marilyn Phalin, Bertha! Smith, Mrs. A. P. JFreund, Mrs. j AUGUST BRIDE P0pumk w SINGLES '"WILLIAM TELL OVERTURE" "MAHARAJAH OF MAGADOrf* "LOVE SOMEBODY" "YOU CALL EVERYBODY DARLIN'" "RAM BUN' ROSE" "TWELFTH STREET BAG" "MY HAPPINESS" "ITS MAGIC" Photo by Medlar MRS. JOHN T. TAYLOR COMING "fcVENl* August 26 East River Road Pinochle Club--Mrs. Ben Dietz. Lady Foresters Visit Milwaukee. August 28 Bake Sale--Central Market--Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality of St. Patrick's church. August 28-29 St. John's Carnival--Nell's Ballroom. August 29 Anftual Basket Picnic for Foresters-- V. F. W. Park. Water Fights--Riverside Drive, McHenry-- 2 p. m. September 2 C. D. of A. Business Meeting. Sept. 3, 4, 5 and 6 Annual Pall Festival -- Christ the . game in Chicago on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gustafson and daughter, Mercedes, of Chicago' visited her mother, Mrs. Edith Hayeg,1 last weekend. Recent guests in the Walter Brooks home were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knobloch and Eugene Brennan of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton of Maywood visited relatives here on Sunday. Mrs. E. E. Denman returned to her home in Qurnee last week from a Waukegaii hospital and is much improved. Mrs. Phillip Thennes has returned home from Sacred Heart sanitarium, where she was confined for several weeks. The J. Albert Woll family of Washington, D. C., has been visiting McHenry relatives. Sister Veronica and her cousin, Sister Sultice, have returned to Chicago after spending a few days witn' Federal Deveait Insurance Corperatiea ^fY MATTERS YOUR MONtf* Five Take Lead In Lily Lake! MFTHODIST fHIIRfH NfflR Church Attendance Contest tHURtn nUito Five children are leading in the*^ ,H8!A Su2,day' AaS*»t 22. deUgatw mThmoLt,t r T =£ held at the Lily Lake schoolhouse1 of the world met at Amsterdam, and sponsored by the Moody Bible Holland, and opened the First Aa> Institute of Chicago. They are Billy ®en>My of the Wbrld Council at and Darleen Dick, Diane Cartan, ?1 hurche^ Archbishop Soder- Robert Tanner and Ernestine Roda- ec ™ PX.', rifn,il ^7°^' if " ncke, all of whom have attended each ™,m!? f*i:, L? CtUriC4he^T Sunday. In second place are Arleen rehes shouW not and Nancy Erhardt. Rev. Harold ^,lIfl eR 1, authority, but Belle Wright is pastor of the church, i 7®uld.m*Je lts ,nfi"en ® u felt' which is not denominational. I !t. afJ wlJh spiritual Services are held at 3 o'clock each ™th°Juy'.hui ^ould I"ake lts mf\ur Sunday afternoon. Residents of Mc-1 !"?e. fe,U' in ®° as can ac} with Henry and the surrounding area are cSp.'k* «' k f w?uld invited to attend, as well as Lily 5! 01? • i- Lake residents. Attendance prizes teth ®!,.the Jh"8tian consc»en«»- .re airplane ridaa. with Re,. & as pilot. BIRTHS -- U&1 ' ******** »jjfl CARD OF THANK* ^ In this manner I wish to thank Before her marriage to' the son of j friends for cards, gifts, flowers, visits the George Taylors of Woodstock on jarM* other kindnesses during the time Saturday, Aug. 14, the above pictured * was confined to the sanitarium and bride was Miss Doris McNeil, since my return home. daughter of Mr. and Mr3. McNeil of "Shady Oaks' James T. farm, become in and hear our sensational twe*n M J cHen'7 an.d J Woodstock. The long-playing Colombia records that newlyweds will reside at 346 Lincoln play up to forty-five minutes. - . .--_ -s;- Also large selection of albuM, classical and popular numbers. Select your needles here.! Join our record clufe. §14 W. Main Street. McHenry Tel. McHenry 12S-J •. a. A A A A. A A vvvvvvvvvvv™™ avenue, Woodstock. At MARRIED WEDNESDAY King Church, Wonder Lake. September 23 Bazaar and Card Party--Acacia Hall 1 the former's sister,"Mrs. John 'Bolger.: --Sponsored by O. E. S. , Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett and November .4 [children attended the Railroad Fair Public Party--Sponsored by G. D. in Chicago on Sunday, of A. Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen ana. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freund attendee j CARD OF THANKS' the Milwaukee Fair one day this' I wish to extend my thanks to alljppst week. 1 my friends and neighoors for cards,; The Misses Florence and Genevieve I flowers and ether kindnesses extend-; Knox and Miss Nellie Doherty spent ed during my illness, both while lja few days this past week at the) was confined to the hospital and after Dells, Wis. j Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Regner and! James Geary of Volo attended the Wisconsin State Fair on Sunday. I Miss Virginia Williams, R. N. and! a friend from Hines hosital spent a I few days the past week in the Joseph; Williams home. t Vern Schafer of Princeton, 111.,1 spent a few days in the Elmer Winkleman home, after which he and James Winkleman left on a vacation trip into Ely, Minnesota. <• Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Schaffer spent Sunday visiting in^JPalatine. Mrs. Mae Zimmer returned with them for a few days. 1 Christ have become greater. That is why the time has come to believe in the unity of Christians and to take decisive steps to express that unity." ; Now, nearly thirty years after this ; statement was made, such a meet- | ing is actually being held. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Meyers of' The purpose of this World .Council Rt. 2, McHenry, are the parents of a ?f Churches is not to create Christdaughter, born at St. Therese hospi- 'an unity but to give organized and tal, Waukegan, on Aug. 19. f living expression to the profound A son was born on Aug. W at the unity which actually exists between Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs.: followers of Jesus Christ. He Thomas A. Harrison of Pistakee Bay. organization i3 being literally forced Mr. and Mrs. Robert von Bampus >nto existence by the Christians*' of Wonder Lake are the .parents of awareness of their unity on the one a son, Stephen, born at the Wood-! hand, and by the demands ot. our stock hospital on Aug. 17. divided and suffering world on the' Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Beam of Day- tither. ten, Ohio, announce the birth of a,w^n'y as these 1,400 men, women son on Aug. 22 Mrs. Beam is the ar*d young people receive the spiritformer Miss Erma Hunt of McHenry..-ual support of Christians throughout The Beams have three daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson are the parents of a son, born at the Woodstock hospital on Aug. 23. the world w(ill they be able to forge instruments through which our common Lord may transform the world. 'Let \is give these pioneers our my return home. BERTHA M. Spring Grove, vvuoivv IV IIV3(lli«t VII V V*" B1 V1IC9C (JlVIKCl 8 UUI Mr. and Mrs. Willis Dorwaldt, who j support through prayer and through reside east of McHenry, are the our attendance at worship in the parents of a son, born on Aug. 21 church of our choice. This Sunday at the Woodstock hospital. {the Sacrament will be administered, • ; and new members received into our Complete line of Beebe livestock iellowshipremedlii es at Henry*^ Wattles Drug Stora, Me> 8-tfl Htsfl th# Want Ads! '15 MRS. PHILLIP THENNES. CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this opportunity to thank the* various committees, other workers, business houses and T w all those who .i.n. an,y w. ay helpj ed to Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ward, accompa a nuptial service which took: make our Mothers club garden and {|€r parents, Mr. and Mrs Jlace on Wednesday, Aug. 25, at St. hobby ,*how such a success. I amjyre." Kibbons of Kankakee, are enohn's church, Miss Bernice Hiller, gi-^-*-1 *-1~ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hiller of Johnsburg, became the brid« of Harold W. Freund, son of the Jacob Freunds of McHenry. Complete grateful to all for their co-operation, j |°y'ng a week's fishing trip to Rice LILLIAN COX, chairman. CARD OF THANKS . . In this manner we wish to express details of the wedding will apear in: our sincere thanks to friends and next week's issue of the Plaindealer., neighbors for floral offerings, spiritual j bouquets, cards of sympathy, dona- CONGRATULATIONS ~ j tions of cars and the other kindions Mrs. Margaret, nesses extended in our bereavement. Sulltvan of Woodstock, mother of | We are especially grateful for the Mrs. Norbert Yegge of McHenry, who; services of Msgr. Nix, and Fathers Congratulations to Mrs Voi egge 01 Mcnenry, wno; fathers 0'° celebrated lier eightieth birthday an- Baumhofer, Miller, Neidert and Dal- f. f Lake, Wis. Carol Ann Schaffer is spending this week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Skoney, in Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Jung' and Mr. and Mrs. Leo 'Blake attended the Milwaukee Fair on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Altman and children of Pontiac, Mich., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James niversary at a family gathering held' ejden. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Yegge and;*15 I C E CREAM - -- - --. --- FLAVORS FOR AUGUST REAL PEACH TOASTED HAZEL-NUT COCOANUT-PINEAPPia > VANILLA NEAPOLITAN BOLQER'S DRUG STORE PHOHS 40 Kv . . HcHKNSY sen, Jack, attended. : AMONG THE 8ICK THE FAMILY OF HUBERT FREUND. K Mrs. surgery week. Fred Rogers • underwent in a Chicago hospital last CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity {to thank friends and neighbors for j spiritual bouquets, floral offerings, _ ^ I sympathy cards, donations of cars 8i8ter, Mrs. *Etail Prucha,'^ of"*River- Edward Stoffel is vacationing in California. . 1 Rev. and Mrs. Wayne Price and family have returned from a three weeks' trip to the East. I Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey spent last week on a trip into northern Wisconsin. i Dr, Otto Kolar of Cicero and his' Dogs Big AM to Hunters During the 1947 pheasant season one out of 11 hunters took along his dog and one out of every five hunting parties had a hunting dog to find dead and crippled birds. These facts were revealed by analysis of interviews in the field with 4,841 hunters. That Rover paid for Ids dog biscuits and place behind the stove is Shawn bar the fact that hunters using dogs loot only one bird for every nine shot down. Hunters not using dogs lost one out at every four birds shot down, or twice as many for each bird brought to bag as dog-using hunters. Hunters using dogs on pheasants required two hours hunting for each bird in their hunting coat. For hunters without dogs it took three hours to bring a bird to bag. The field check revealed the labrador as the most popular dog in use, with springer spaniel running second in numbers used, cocker spaniel third, pointer and peak* tied for fourth, and fifth. and the many other kindnesses extended during the illness and at the time of the death of Mrs. Magdaiena Bohr. W\e al^> wish to thank the pallbearers. THE CHILDREN. CARD OF THANKS In this manner I would like to thank the kind friends who remembered me with cards, flowers and gifts during the past year. They were all very mocn appreciated. 15 MRS. M. SCHEUNEMANN. Subecribe for The Plaindealer 'Benehn* OMbies In western Knrope, the countries of Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) represent an aggregate population of nearly SO million people. These people have set the first practical step toward unity in Europe through the conclusion of thei Benelux agreements which ultimately will lead to cooperation on | uniform plan of the economies of their countries. Like the United States, the Benelux side, are spending a few weeks at their Pistakee Bay home. ' Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Yegge and son, Jack, attended the wake of, Jame Kolar in Cicero on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen have returned after spending a week in the home of their son, Dr. Jerome Justen, in Momence, 111. While there they attended the lovely 8-day gladioli festival. 1 Miss Susan Nimsgern returned on; Monday to St. Francis hospital, 1 Evanston, where she is employed. I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blake, Mr. and | Mrs. William Blake, Mr. and Mrs. < Mike Degan, Mrs. Alex Justen and 1 John Degan of Johnsburg attended the funeral of Peter Riemann in Milwaukee last week. countries live the capitalistic system of free enterprise. Labor and management have worked out • program of cooperation. Need Rubber The Plaindealer. Order at GREENWOOD RESIDENT DIES Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock last Thursday from the Mer-! win funeral home in Woodstock for Mrs. Irene Nusbaum, 35, of Greenwood, who passed away on Aug. 10. She was born on Nov. 6, 1912, at Crystal Lake. Rev. A. 7. Tavenner officiated at the services, with bnria! in Greenwood. t Complete line of Beebe livestock remediee at Wattles Drug Store, Me- - •-« \ . ' NOBODY HAS MOM STYISS NOBODY HAS PMfSft tABMCS a NOBOflY HAS MOM VAfcMTY fe#1 / NOBODY HAS C0TTGHS. LIKE THESE FO|^ • StM tar A•< II to Mi II M 44 • S»lsM Prints: Wwlxr-Fni Cihw • CI-->!«, NOBODY KNOWS likft you homemakefs what a buy this it! 80-square percale, broadcloth, and poplin dresses for only 2.29. Better be here early, they're too. good to GrownMed. Hie fvisadhr Stove #SO. COLLETTS, Owntr Authorised Dealer SSI Main Street McHenry 4SS Weet McHenry '/

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