SALE--Frigidaire; con-1 FOR Chevrolet dition; reasonable. Phone McHen BO-R NOTICE i of tfcs imt ads whtti m HAwa&rsjti wfl is irMil FOR SALE -- One Allia-Chelmers Koto-baler and tractor; side rake; used. New this season. Write Box MORILGAS 286, Grayslake, 111., or phone Grayslab* 7011 *1K radio and heater; priced for sale. Tel. McHenry 407-J. MISCELLANEOUS on men's aad women's dethtafi dw cleaning ud vreasfos. For service •lt-4 lake 7911. FOR SALE--Storkline folding baby carriage, like new, half price; man's bicycle, good condition, cheap. Phone S4S-W-2. *15 FOR 8ALB---Five-room yaar "round home on lot 80x100; large garage; near Fox rirer in EmwahT Park. George Pansa, R. F. D., McHenry. •15 COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY H. Herman, 8 JBlrack j UeiHwl «a Highways IS* ami tt Special Vacuum Labi ite on cents per galls* year own roataiasr Original Parte rot SAL* SALE--SPINET PIANO BARFOR SALE--100 to 160 spring chickens, wt lbs.; $1 each. Most be CHEVROLET - FORD - PLYMOUTH and ether cars sold to one 608-W-L party. * TeL McHenry 1 •151 Urea IMilt HJS plu Ux Tabes 141 x It 92.75 plus tax "'^•••^;;,:^^Seat Covers Mastic and Fibre ; $5.95 and ap new, deal«r8, s*mple, FOR SALE--Bunk beds with springs! WO/ld J?,keiT !Und!«ru 'and mattresses, excellent condition,! notes. Write Gordon Neteow < Whole- |16 Phone McHenry 675-R-l. *15 *1» sale representative) 1802 E. Okla- 1 rv homa Ave., Apt. No. 8, Milwaukee. FOR SALE--Gas stove, right hand | V^., 4 --»--: Wis. as to advise when piano may be oven, $12.50; two-burner gas laundry ". MR. g. I seen in McHenry. *15 plate, $2; hand pump $2; ming^^'/^M^ afford to postpone £ou* wkD a kit? rat- a i. j i c?binet, 4 drawers, $2; leather coat, training: for a better jol> under the FOR SALE--Office desk and lather site 42, $5; lawn mower, $5; folding G. I. Bill of Rights. Learn about swivel chair; also day bed. Phone cot, $2; 60 rods barbed wire, $3. Call the increased benefits while attending: McHenry 497-J. .15 McHenry 684-J-l. .^ 16 school. We teach Auto and Diesel FOR SALE--Bed,* innerspring. mattMech ress, vanity and chest of drawers 301 Richmond Road. FQR SALE--Large gasoline with oven on side, $15, color. , Body and Fender work, Rei. stove frigeration, Radio, Television, Electricity. Short 20 week program. You D A N C I K 0 I Saturday night " y afiir--m 1 AUGUST "a" and » -oa* Ftied Shrfaa» FHsd Chicken LILYMOOR of'two adults. Delightful livi^ I ditions. Excellent salanr. J Donald^Milligan. CaUfclgtn 1811 condays, 2817 evenings. 16 WAWifa> •fbaan for (enrol house work and ironing six days week; hours 11 to • p. ja. except Saturday, 9 to I p. m. No supper . good pay. Can McHenry M-2. 15-tf "ilt «dlaaic by Notes Orchestra IS • C ARM y A L • and F E S T I V A t J$A£URniAY, SUNDAY and v-vv?.-,\ MOijDAy ^ *1"* ^ree'1' large ice box, $10; .baby owe ^ to yourself and family to learn -- electric washer withi wringer, $15. about thia offer Don't delay, write for FOR SALE--Modern walnut dining 5,° „rt , 'om Lak®* T®v free facts. Commercial Trades, Box room set, complete, including table, McHenry, 569-M-l. - 1° ^ "A," care Plaindealer.- UFEPT. 4, 5 and t (LABOR DAY) 16 eexxcceelllleenntt ^'ccoonnddiittiioonn , *$1iu0u0.& AAddddrreessss 1™750 ; HSaArlLeyE--DHaovuidsseo n t1ra9i4l1e-r6, 1. 1$85_5ft0.;; OPPORTUNITY--A new office and a new oDDortunitv for three McHenrv Box 7, m care of Plaindealer. 15 Studebaker 1933, $150. John Shadle county men with WEATHER-SEAL. Pin<nrAA<l J||a 'lh a aaa aaa i « • FOR SALE--Gas water heater with R'ng^'°°^ insulated tank, $35. P. A. Braum, poR SALE--New all ^ $10,000,000. business last year and Knowing. We are world's largest Huemann's subdivision, Rt. 3, Mc- 5 ft. bath tub with complete fittings. "m'arkeeir of c™omm«bmin.aiwtioonn wwiinndaoowwss.. Ouuurt H«nry- Still in original crate; $69.50. Frank ?a,es t»1?nt ind,cator wlU show y°u* FOR SALE -- Coii springs, springs and inner spring mattresses; ^ 7~ PassalaquaT Phone McHenry 549-W-2. ^ ?bilitie 1 sA training will follow box »i5 Interviews, 10-12 a. m., 2-4 and 7-9r p. m. Phone for appointment, Ontario beds; dressers; all kinds~of fruit jars. poR SALE--14 ft. Thompson out- 5,1,20' 708 Washington St, Walkeganj1 Scents each. Gen & Is's, third house j board motor .boat complete with can- 15-a from state bridge, going south on|Vas cover, windshield and steering r A w aok r> u- 4 . . Road. Phone McHenry: wheel; 10-hp. Johnson motor; 13-ft. CABINET W ORK--Cabinets built to IS roWboat; log burner stove; Lot 35 °rd<!r: carpenter and plumbing Beach. Phone McHenry work- Cal1 McHenry 674-J-l. *12-4 East River 498-W. FOR SALE -- 10-cu. ft. Norge re fliberator, double door; in good con Orchard 59JB-M-2. ELECTRIC WORK DONE IM- *tW Flosum Farm. Phone°McHenry1 for SALE -- Case Power Corn MEDIATELY--One outlet or an en- "• ~ 15 Binder. $425. McHenry 632-R-2 15 tire. ^e- „ W?rk guaranteed^ ta ----: 1 meet Public Service standards. Tom FOR SALE--Frigidaire in good con- ^ FOR SALE--Ford tractor with culti-1 ^U,an' - McHenry 651-R-2 or Fox dition, $45; A. P. Gehrman, Riverside Drive. - Phone 445-J. W6 S. vator, disc, plow, mower, scraper, Lake 4081. 12-8 McHenry post hole digger, grader, front end SHEET METAL AND FURNACE ^ 1 loader, and scoop. Will not sell trac- WORK -- Gutters and furnaces re- ' AT CLUB LILYMOOR GROUNDS • • • e V «2 miles East of McHiury on Route 120 GAMES "" REFRESHMENTS DANCING IC BY "C-NOTES ORCHESTRA WANTED--Kitchen help, Ml or port time; also waitress, hours noon to 8 p. m. Nagy's Maannt, 188 N. Riverside Drive, McHi Tel. 422. tm7i mm m mm mm WANTED Girl QT woman to work port time or sceaay; experience not necessary. Antonson's Candies, McHenry. Tel. 235-M. 16 ibg Mrs. Fkondl and the , at on Toes- Rev. John Dalciden whers of 8t Ester's the home of Anton 1 night for their ™»e vu slso m sodU o«sBing^t <*»}s and refrsahmmti won servw. „*ri' N. Frennd is risitinz Mrs. Pisaboth Freund in McHo^r HELP WANTED--Boy, Krause News Agency, 308 Elm St. TeL McHenry 879. *15 HELP WANTED--Mechanic, Inquire McHenry Sand it ^Gravel Co. Tel. McHenry 97-J.. 15-2 HELP WANTED -- Laborers. Apply Ivar Fredricksen, Wonder Lake. Tel. W. L. 221. ' 14-tf, HELP WANTED--Single man to assist in care of livestock, no dairy, ?:ood home, pleasant work, good pay or right mn. Write B< of McHenry Plaindealer. HELP WANTED--Short order cook and waitress. Mi Place Restaurant, Green St., McHenry 13-tf HELP WANTED--Men buffers, die1 casters, polishers, time-keepers, in- i spectors, platers; no experience neces-l sary; paid vacations; paid holidays: j top wages,-1 first, second and third: shifts. Electric Auto Lite Co., Wood-! stock. 13-tf' MOVIES TAKEN ON GROUNDS SPONSORED BY LILYMOOR PROPERTY OWNERS IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION EVERYBODY WELCOME 15 FOR SALES--Having sold mer home and having no ^ ^ ^ handle same, I will sell all game health I wish to sell my livestock, birds, pheasants, etc., also animals machinery, hay, grain and lease from U„,ITII, .. such as alligators, snakes, frogs, etc., the present to March, 1950, , to the MONTHLY at reasonable prices. Frank Stolfa, 220-A exceptionally fine modern dairy SERVICE - Thelen subdivision, Route 1, McHenry. farm, located 3 miles north of Johns-' ",a,"t^ned: my sum.! Separately. McHenry 632-R-2. 15 ^red. John" McDon^ Bowman St.J ^l^W place to FOR SALE--Due to my physical McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 772-M. McHenry. Tel. McHenry my frame fiPAltVi T wi«Vt fn qpII mv ItvoefAplr I lU-ti --1 • • -- 1 • •' and Lime: Pearl St., 60-R. 15-tf HELP WANTS) -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MEG. CO., 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE 89. 10-tf , . NOTICE or 8PBCIAL TOWN MLBCTION WHEREAS, there has- Imiolofijis bow flkd with the Town Clerk of McHenry Township, McHenry County. lUto*". » Petition requesting a Special Town Elsction to vote for or •C»inst on annual tax not to exceed •1*7 Per cont of the fuU, fair cash rdm, as wjosltaod or sssssssd by the Dspoitusut of Bovonue, for the purpose of constructing or grajsl, wekTinSdam, or^SS hwd roods, or for improving, malntofaring or ropoving earth roods by draining, grading, oil-treating '.or Iww, Thtrrfon, Notice Is Hereby g*™' *1 Md dUlton of SpMbl Traa*BKSmt - M*yt •Wl» Faul,' P°*« of soUaitting to the If«al and Mrs. Qiarles Freund, son, Tom- voters of said Township the followmy, spent Thursday in Waukegan. 1 ing proposition :• vt¥il *nd Mra' w^ttor Smith and Shall a Special Tar for Rood Fife children were callers in town onl poses he Levied? Thursday That for said election said Town- Mr. and Mra. Jake Miller and Mr.1 ship shall constitute one (1) voting and Mrs. Ben May returned on precinct. The polling place for this Saturday from a trip to Yellowstone Special Town Election is the city Pa T rk- , ' hall located at McHenry, Illinois, in Little Jerry Miller, son of Mr. and said Township, McHenry Counts, Mrs. Clarence Miller, narrowly Illinois. escaped serious injury on Friday! The polls at said election will be when he fell out of the back seat of open from 6:00 "o'clock A. M. to 5:00 the car while his mother was driv- o'clock P. M. of said day. ing. He suffered a slight concussion' Given under my hand at McHenry and was badly bruised. j Illinois, this 9th day of August, A. D. Among' those from here Who at- 1948. tended the water fights and carnival1 SI WALTER at Lake Villa on Sunday night were 15 ' '. X V' Town Clerk. - the George Sanders family, Charles1 • ^ 1 • Freund family, LeaAper Lay family,! -- . __ and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner. . ! Driveways oa Farms Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mikcliet at- Correctly planned farm drlveway ii tended a picnic near Chicago on ewientlal to the safety of the farm Sunday afternoon. . family. Eachr year among farm peoa a l«wn party at the pie more than one third of the acciiUbert Bntz home on Tuesday after- dent victims result from motor-vernPe& M. to£.sa srs - zz HELP WANTED--Men and women, boys and girls, 16 years of age or over, to work nights. Apply at Admiral Corporation, 507 W. Elm. St., McHenry, or call McHenry 470. 12-tf U8DA Urges Parasite Control BOOKKEEPING Records installed and Elmer P. Adams; Cer WANTED WANTED--Consignment and * reside Second-hand store. Gen & Is's, third FOR SALE--At McCullom Lake, 5- furnished house, including oil burg on River Road. Charles Miles, | *1?^ ^a T x Consultant. One mile north i house from state bridge, going' south R-l Spring Grove, 111. Tel. Richmond ? ox *ir e m? U. S. 12; Fox 1 on East River Road. Open 'Wednes- 9211. Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 5501 | day> Thursday and Friday from 9 to 5 stove, table-top range, cabinet sink, FnR oAIE. moK,. ,oc !---- j and Saturdays from 9 to 9. 15-tf large electric refrigerator, screens nho M H R17 n 9 PAINTING -- Interior and exterior. •nd storm windows Immediate occu-; ? McHenry 617-R^2. 15: piastic tile; rubber flooring. First pancy. Used year round. $5,500. FOR SALE Two beautiful lakp'class work. Insured. (For free esti-iT . . ~ .. . . , lot,, ..^50 ft, w-w-L ^h hsu ' fishing, good deer and bear country;' WANTED -- must be near 120 acres McHenry 5-tf FOR SALE--Team of good gentle, priced for quick sale; $135 each. 5°"es: « ai|d 7 years old; Allan McKim, phone McHenry weigh about_3.400. Eki Diednch, Rich- 567-M-2 or write West McHenry, 111. mond. 111. TeL 1012. *14-2 •15-2 FOR SALE--New Boe-Craft 1le6--fitt.- icnn Q.. -- „ .... , inboards, $1,650 and up. Also fast'FOi! . 8AL^"~RecJS>dl5i?ne1 washing 12-ft. outboaHs and 14-ft. tow- I Sach'nei, Q™* Electric Co- Green Ooe-Craft Boat Co., S. McHenry j street' McHenry. YEAR-ROUND GARBAGE HAULING Regularly and courteous! best of service. Alsq^ rulwish hauled in loads or half loads. FRED WIRTZ. Tel. 751-J. 7-tf McHenry 87. Tel. 11-tf WANTED--Watches and jewelry to aMyt iawh it)hia nl<thMel ' aGrlee'n- street, McHenry. (Front part MMsh Hauled ^ Bmaty 3^,*.) Av^, CrysUl Lake, ffl. CTosed Sun- j FOR SALE--Hot water boiler and day -afternoons. Tel. C. L. 1273. 10-tf • stoker for 6-room house; good con- *Wt SALE--G«n.r«b>n, wm.tuM., I <"U°°- C"' MeH«nry 5a R' 1? sterters, fuel pumps, distributors i FOR SALE--22-ft. mahogony Chris voltage regulators and ignition parts 1 Craft utility; 1946 model; practically for Ford ond all other cars. Seaco I new A Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. , CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK _ Cement mixer for rent, J. M. Stangarone, Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 661-J-l. 50-tf Call McHenry 478. 15 Pvoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. | FOR SALE--Farm machinery, com- 41-tf jplete Set, including J. D. tractor and COMPLETE TILING SERVICE PORCELAIN TILE FOR WALLS AND FLOORS Call or write for estimate FRED KUNG •18 W. Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake, HI. thone Crystal Lake 490 6-tf r: r • ^ *... SITUATION WANTED POSITION WANTED -- Local man wants work in or near McHenry. Machine shop experience; has mechanical ability. Phone 658-M-2. *15 WORK WANTED--To drive truck on sales route, in or near McHenry. Write Plaindealer Box 8. '15 POSITION WANTED--'Bookkeeping, typing and general office work; experienced. Tel. MeHenry 678-J-l *15 MID sup Trtiraa U A vrxrrr r« cultivator, new 1-row J. D. corn TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- manure TpTeader" sUo*filTer" w^on' dril1, corn' Planter, etc. Five I 8P1RAYlKG -- Whitewashing nu naa year8 OI experience in iarm- 23te ill 1 miU^cnoVC^f Purel>red Holstein cows with records; I °r (formerly A1 Phan- ing of al, kinds Call at Buch's and S^T^l IfJkjSSv^ ir 5 one heifer calf. Apply Wm. Horton, nenstill s) 607 Front St, on Route 31 Carey Farm Spring Grove, in the Mctienry 18. tf Rt 1?3 between Rt8. 45 and 21. Tel.! »cro2» froi?. McHe^ Sa m n,d T? Gravel | evening or Sundays. Arthur F. Peli- SITUATION WANTED -- Married man, sober, desires work on farm; has had years of farm- FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS. ADD- Antioch 578-M-2. IKG machines. ~ •15! Co. Wm. Ahrens, Elm St., McHenry. McHenry. •14-8 Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf FOR SALE--Choice river lots, one mile from McHenry; twelve feet ^bove water level. Priced to sell. GENERAL^CONTRACTOR for cement, plastering, and brickwork. Nick *ig Hasler. Route 8, McHenry, III". Phone McHenry 654-R-l. Also 2816 N. Rockwell St., Chicago 18. Phone Brunswick 9022. 14-13 McHenry 227-J. 50-tf FOR SALE--500 feet of barberry hedge, cheap. Buyer must remove. El* C • ' CfC? nthJT'wTl CARPENTER. *ORK.-- Remodeling FOR SALE--Used cars and trucks.! Downs Nash Sales, McHenry. 44-tf Wonder Lake. one Hebron 921. 15-2 can, Spring Grove* HL *14-2 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--Used 250 or 500 gallon oil tank. Tel. McHenry 440-R. 15 urrs FOR SALE--Lou, 60x850 ft. on Route 81, about two block from!Bm*U; depot. Inquire at 715 Center Sf.. INGS 1U. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf I NATO'S REAL ESTATE, Woodstock 111., Call CECELIA E. KNOX, Mc- FOR SALE--14-ft. runabout, custom HENRY. Tel. 421-J. *12-8 FOR SALE--ALL YEAR HOMES, $5,000 and up. FARMS, large and CHOICE LOTS; LISTAPPRECIATED; STOMPObuilt, lights, windshield. Best offer takes it. Call | FOR SALE--New 4-room year-round steering wheel and Pbtakee 635-J-2 Saturday or Sunday modern home, close to or Chicago, Pensaccla 1236. *14-2 Phone McHenry 227-J. ^ __ _ rooms. McHenry 10-tf SALE--ALL-YEAR HOMES FOR SALE-- 120 bass, 2 switch ac- . , ** r< if T e'i. cordian; never used; cheap. Russell S5 500 McCullom Lake- Wnce Holochwort, Wonder Lake. *13-4 WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes __ j nllaira a# >11 O-J_ ra j Elld fftritlS. JACOB rlUTZ| REAL" Zt iLld t S J LOR' MeHenry 634-R-2. 12-4 87, or Chicago, Lincoln 1383. 8-tf CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK Asbestos Shingles and Insulstion Free Estimate ARVIDSON BROTHERS Tel. McHenry 658-M-2 50-tf FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT -- Lady only. Phone McHenry 4S3-R. 14-2 , Ascending the Smokies More different kinds of trees are encountered in an ascent of the Great Smoky mountains than one finds In all of Europe. A total of 130 native tree species grow In the < Smokies. In addition to 1,4G0 species of flowering plants, botanists have discovered 49 ferns and fern allies, 325 mosses and liverworts^ over 200 lichens and 1,200 fungi. Many trees familiar to Americans in many parts of the nation here assume enormous size, among them the tulip tree, black cherry and Canadian hemlock. and Ryo About two ond one-half gallows oC alcohol are made from ft bushel of corn or wheat. Internal parasites of livestock can be controlled at a highly rewarding degree, resulting in less waste of grain and other feeds and offering better opportunity to maintain sound foundation animals for future expansion of livestock production when grains are again plentiful, says the U. S. department of agriculture. Department specialists say internal parasites cause infested animals and poultry to require more grain and other feeds than healthy stock in or: der to produce the same amount of meat, milk, eggs, and related products. Internal parasites increase the number of deaths amonsj young animals, frequently stunt survivors, cause marketed animals to be infers lor, and often are the cause of condemnations of parts ana carcasses. A publication, "Save Grain by Controlling Internal Parasites" Is available through county agricultural agents, state agricultural colleges, sad the USDA. Washington. D. C. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, MeHenry. g-tf Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. • ( Chewing Tobooeo Chewing tobacco production hi 1947 was estimated at 98 million pounds about 11 million below IMS. DJSJJUCT MANAGER An old well rated company caii use one high type experienced man in surrounding territories. Duties: To hire, train and supervise local salesmen selling direct to farmers. Most complete quality line. Big future. Unusual repeat business. We pay you during the training. For complete information, write to Sales Manager, 42nd it Jones, Omaha, Nebr. ~ NYE DRUG STORE Herman 7. Nye, R. Ph. Phone 26 Riverside Drive, MeHenry ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor furnaces. Let us estimate your next job. ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP 304 Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. *46-26 Phone McHenry 760. S rooms, cement basement, bath; at FOR SALE, FOX RIVER HOMES „_•JdcCullom Lake. Price $6,950. ! 5 rooms, water front. Price $7,250. 4-room modern home; automatic oil 4 rooms, near beach. Price $4,000. heat; hardwood floors; full base- Duplex, 4 A 4 rooms, near beach, ment; immediate possession; at! Price $6,500. Wonder Lake. Prire $10,750. • ;6. rooms, water front, in Sunnyside. JACOB FRITZ, Realtor, { north of Johnsburg. Price $7,950. at Johnaborg j JACOB FRITZ, Realtor. Tei. McHenry 87 11-tf . at Johnsburg Subscribe for The Plaindealer TeL McHenry 87. 11-tf FOR RENT -- Five-room house, Orchard Beach. Phono McHenry 50-R. *15 FOR RENT--Six-room house on lake front; completely furnished; oil heat, hot water, fireplace; at Wonder Lake. Call W. L. 208. *15 EXPERIENCED WANTED TO RENT LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL--INSURED FREE ESTIMATES WANTED TO RENT -- House or J. W. RAYCRAFT. P. O. Box 168 apsrtment; four in family. Must be Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, 111. ^ °r "e,ar McHenry. Phone Supt. 45_tf C. H. Duker or write Raymond Car Large LI8TERINE 14-os. 69c 1.00 Wildroot . Cream Oil HAIR TOMtO 89c Helen Weber Says: GET READY NOW FOR ^ R4CK TO SKJHOOI. Bring the children's clothes in now for a really deluxe cleaning --A good impression the first day is important. 1S4-M - Hsiao Weber. 1M Elm St. Nr. C. J. H. D1EHL Woodstock Piano Tuner ^ Phone 208-W, 526 Washington 30-tf Woodfctock, I1L son, Red Bud, III. 15 LOST WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN. WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 208 Main Street, McHenry. , Telephone 98-J. 10-tf LOST -- Pink shell-rimmed eye glasses on Saturday in McHenry; reward. Tel. McHenry 68-J. *15 HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash Krices paid for cows, horses and ogs; no help needsd to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging, no lawn mess. Septic tanks and grease traps cleaned, built, repaired. University engineer on all construction. Lake County Sanitary Co. Tel. Libertyville 1846. 48-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbago each weok, MHTN* Grain One way to tmrrtTtr the supply ci Sains for human food is to iding oo much of it to rats, _ weevils and other tnsoet pools, cording to the U. 8. department of agriculture. The department estimates that insects cause the loos of at least 5 per oont of stored grain and cereal produets every year. The agricultural research admin* istratkm adds that rodents destroy „ ^m, another 4 per cent, aooording to reliable estimates. "These losses are oven more challenging when translated into grain and money. Iasssts ore estimated to destroy over M0 -h"*" dollars worth of stored (rains annually at 1MB prices, and tats and mice account for another M million dollars worth," officials or eftener if rates. John E. Jflfir P.'<X Box 274,T ~Mc^ to the nasso of the twit- Henry, PhoM 885. tf j --~ gss&t sf a spert which Is • sclentitle improvemeat over the old lawn sport of croquet. The name was 4svlsed by the simple process of cutting off the head (c) and the tail (t) et Reasonable year round route. BARN SPRAYING-- Whitewash or DDT. Frank Henkel, P. 0. Round ] Lake, Volo. Tel. McHenry 543-J-l. 8-fcf Full Pint FITOH SHAMPOO 89o Gilbert ALARM CLOCKS 3.75 Lominons Dial Our fountain is a mighty popular place! You'll know why, once you've tasted one of our delectable sodas and sundaes made of rich, wholesome ice cream and topped with delicious goodness. You'll keep coming back for more when you've tried our tafrty sandwiches, steaming, flavorful coffee. It's a treat any time of day when you stop at our clean, sparkling fountain. Why not try it today? BADGER ICE CREAM pint 1 gallon - 2.26 y2 gallon 2yt gallon 5.00 Formula SHAMPOO LanoUied 4 os. 1.00 jar 89c BRQJJANTINE 4 os. 45c $6 os. Perfection COLD CREAM 1.29 . Walgreen HEAT TABLETS 100's - 39c newlNEW! NEVV/ di<zC rt vesta*! W. A. MINERAL OIL 16 os.- 39c Johnson BABY OIL Full Pint 89c 4/5 Quart HIRAM WALKERf GIN 90 m Mm 4/5NQuart' CENTURY CLUB WHISKEY ^Straight 3 years old 86 proof 3.89 t Q d l t j i c t n SDi i k j S t o r e