Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Sep 1948, p. 4

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Dm wm man ra*c Font v^iwr-fljyBBia y Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by A. Howard Moaher. mgm? Editor--Adele Froehlich I- Entered as second-class matter at jthe postoffice at McHenry, 111., under jthe act of May 8, 1879. One Year .... the MFRGEDKS STILLING AND ROBERT CRIOHTOH j Mrs. George Reiker will sit Cast. At the last meeting of the O. E. S Geoiffe Bohr was initiated, into the MARRIED Oil SATU^tDAT chapter. Refreshments were served by Margaret Reid, Phyllis Nimtz and gt Mary's church was the scene Alice Hoeft. - t> of a lovely wedding BUSS CLARA SCHMUNK, " ' J MR. WILLIAM DRE7ER ENHY PLAINDEALtR , i to California, where relatives and friends. Weekend guests in the B. J. Bre-! i feld home were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brefeld and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carpenter and Miss Mary Brefeld of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Guyn an2 Chicago. ^ 501 MARRIED IN McHENRY NATIONAL CDITORIAI-- SSOCIATION MlM. Road. McHenry became the bride of , Mr. Robert Crichton, son of Mr. and j Zion Lutheran church was the Mrs. Robert Crichton of 1623 W. scene of a beautiful wedding service State street, Rockfcrd. [last Saturday evening, Sept. 4, when, Given in marriage by her father, Miss Clara Schmunk, daughter of, the charming bride was attired in a hotpe on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Meyers Mr. and Mrs. M« rtin Godvin of cago spent a week's vacation Chica«fqt spent a few "days the last relatives in McHenry. of the week vlsitii g Miss Christine Holiday guests of Mrs. Jack Walsh; Adams. - were Mr. and Mrs. George Miller iMUVr ianm«i JMnrrss. Jjoosseenphn Wneeobe£rr aanndu 8rniudM d auurgnih.tue rs ofc ^.Cahwi cago andi kM iss t I Fred Schmunk of Birch Run, Mich., gown of eighteenth century tradition, daughter, Joyce and Mr. and Mrs. , j became the bride of Mr. William the slipper satin being trimmed with £><* Young attended the Walworth; ^®8*^° ®tt*"ded funeral Dreyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. William lace. It was styled with high neck-!County Fair at Elkhern, Wis., last i Dreyer of Forest Park. 111. Rev. 1!S. of marquis, off-the-shoulder! »«k. SbR^i ner, Joseph' Harbst, David Dorn, h'Mmm 9,wm visited '!*< ^ V T - ' '-a \ Dreyi - - _ . . . i Johannes officiated at the service, effect, with festoon of lace, its full 'which was srlemnized at 7 p. m. skirt with i The lovely bride chose a gown of edged in white satin* with fingertip veil held was trimmed with'satin and lace and home » m A • . i . tI Mrs. Hattie Reichow', a fo:rm er -M c- in?r, «iu«epir nun si, uavia i^orn. l.Je * ll %enS f itw dayS Math Dorn and William Wilson, Miss satin, fingertip with satin and. home. She recently returned from linm fieo-ner Leo ^ehaotiai in place by a headpiece of plumes, w as held in place by u headpiece of a visit with her sister, Mrs. Florence fon<:p, Vtledrich all' of Phi i She carried a bouquet of w».ite seed pearls, and she wore a double Amos, in Sergeant, Nebr. Mrs. Rei- >nj «L Mii hnd THH1 n,ifl gladioli. - strand pearl necklace, %gift of trie chow, will resume her duties as a Aurora Y Plastic Demonstration At Methodist Church ^ . _ _ A pot-luck dinner will precede the, Her attendants were Miss AlniJfc bridegroom. Her bridal bouquet was teacher in the 'Chicago' school this plastic demonstration to be held at' gcy)munjt 0f Birch Run, her sister, cascade effect and consisted of while fall. -1 o'clock on Thursday, Sept. 16, at n<5 m8id <,f honor, Miss Bernice r°s®s- j Miss Nancy Carey has enrolled at Chicago; Mr. familyof Pst y Owen Home Prom the Community Methodist church, gchmunk Gf Birch Run, a sister, and The matron of honor and brides- St. Francis Hospital School of Nurs- TWO Months VaC&tion ^scpnoAnncsAoir«end/i hbuy ttnhpe WW.. SP.. O(*. Sa.. 1 tie n il *t* 1 ru«» irai^ «• li « . : n .. i • public is invited to. attaiid, . . * j Circle To Hold -Y*.*--* 'First Fall Meeting" *-• - The first fall meeting of Circle 1" of the W. S- C. S. will be held at the " home of Mrs. J. A. Patterson in Kidmen's kubdivisibn on Tuesday, I. O. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor of Genoa Wis., a friend, as bridesmaids i City, . The dresses iraids were oU all attired similarly in, ing in Evanston. kelly giVen, colonial Miss Marguerite Johnson began Miss Patsy Owen, who has befen • • maid of honor was attired1 in a gown _WltJ?„offr,thersh?.T?ld®r effect^tho her work as a faculty member" at visiting her "mother in Los Angeles, of ^-coloredI taflfet,i with whichbustles lined with flowers. They, wheaton Junior high^ X™la« tiemonthTS Snicae TSchTmutniki fwVore' $roTse eta>ffe£ta and in velvet and long matching mitts. - 9C u«i14 WWecsttffaallll ooff CChhiiccaafgfoo L^™t JS . t a Mrs. Taylor blue taffeta, both haV- .Their corsages were fashioned -of ^nL'4l.,!w .TLT4'"15 S 1 /Sept. 14, at 1:30 p m. Mrs Keck will act as co-hostess. lied a bouquet of glads. Miss be» : matching sweetheart hats trimmed * rived in Chicago on the Los Angeles Schmun" to the maid of honor. ers. Each wore a rhinestone neck- _.Mrs_-_Cary Courier and children and !U!? I !?, "f.11; Announce Betrothal r Of Lilah Mae Fisher , Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Volo announce the engagement to son of Mr Mrs. Earl Stangeland of Wauconda. Howard Voeltz of McHenry, cousin lace, a gift of the bride. ; Mrs. Melvin Yerk of Marengo visited ^ °Ver j of the groom, was best man, and Mrs. Clarence J. Freund of Mc- th* former's mother, Mrs. Nellie Ba- hlgh In the P|ne covered moun- • Frd Schmunk of Birch Run, her Henry, sister of the bride, acted as .c°n on Tht|rsday. V 1 t brothei*, and Robert Kamholz of Mc- watron of honor, while bridesmaids' Mrs. Ada Smith and daughter, Patsv also ^ contacted Lou era Nel- , Henry, his cousin, were groomsmen, were Miss Mary Crichton and Miss Villa, of Elgin grpent a few days last son. . se®ln'f her picture m a re-, , t i , »» *» 0 1 A reception followed tiie service Irene Crichton, sisters of the groom, week visiting in the Robert Thomp- cent issue of the Plamdealer. Lou-; their daughter, Lilah Mae, to Roger the Odd Fellows hall in Crystal of Rockford, Mrs. Leo King of Mc- son home. ?Ta / y ®ttended school in Mc-1 Earl Etangeland, son of Mr. and La]<e for 150 guests. The couple is Henr.y» sister of the bride, and Miss Mrs. Glen Robison and Miss Helen o*ry wf8 we" acquainted with t ^ Wauconda. iivjng fGr the present with Mr. and Patricia McCarthy, cousin of the Welch of Wbodstock visited McHenrv ,a^, J1®,. t,m®- The latter re- The bride-to-be is a graduate of Mrg^pved Feltz on Waukegan street, groom, of Rockford. | relative? last T^rsdav ^ gretted that time limited her to only enjoying water State Teachers college, White-! The bride attended the Birch Run 1,nJ ^ls Kropsmen were a two weeks' vacation from his sum- retur'n here for th y approaching water, Wis., where she is a member 8 A c.hoo!f an£.,s employed at the t^0 V the^ S^ m*r 801,001 "tud,es at DeKalb- school term. Until the article conof Alpha Sigma Sigma sorority. Mr. Alemite. The bndegrooni is an em- .^h R e" rhirn^ -nH ^iirii^ Mr* and Mrs- HePry Kennebeck, ceming Louora appeared in the paper Stangeland graduated from St. John's of a Forest Park tent and pT® f LSn® w.n<i. # fil" Jr-» dau?hter» Elvira, and son. David, Patsy was unaware th»t she was Miliury Academy at Delafield, Wis.,,awnin^ comPan>^__ ^rocm. Ushe" were CUrence Young retlirned from a vacatio» trip, visiting such a short distance away. j and Clarence J. Freund. Mrs. Stilling chose for her , daughter's wedding a dress of royal : blue, with black accessories and a 1 pink rose corsage. Mrs. Crichton wore an aqua-colored dress with black A wedding which was of interest to: «*e"ories and a similar corsage. During the service, Miss Marion and is now enrolled at the University! rLI!ptoif;nT,hrnrHvhe is a member of ERRER-JOHNSON VOWS Lhi Phi termt^ y j EXCHANGED SATURDAY Pknic Honors IN EVENING SERVICE t* • One good reason is thai n you'll be able to get » more for your money later on. High prices will eventually drop. The dollars you save now will grow in purchasing power thdv. Iijonger you hold on to them. Be ready when thfl change comes. Open an account with ? M and bank something every pay day* ^McHENRY STATE BANK •1" Member Federal Reserve System J -\^T"l(eHiber Federal Dnoilt Inanrarxe Corvoratlea " : ' MI m 11111111 m in 11111111 H »1 tun m m 1 n m 111 OTTFT OF PTTTNRTNWSB OOTOKCTTTOD PIBOMI Petroleur% fumishes the paraffin j ^ u puwn „ noted for its beer and microcrystalline vfiaxes ttat ' and Strasbourg for Its pate, so Is Dimake waxed paper r^olsture-prooC. 4 celebrated for the strong, light | ycikm mustard that or^gtaiated tker*. Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. Bead the Want Ada the 'On altar This of the Day O Two Students Richard Paddock and Jerry Wege-j ner were guests of honor at a pot»i luck dinner last Thursday in the city many McHenry residents was solem- j J j service, Miss Manon Park. They are leaving this week to nized Iast Saturday evening, Sept. 4, V?^a if°!.OS' , j «T" th«ir S,UdieS " St- ™e,"y,uet%nr,".the..f.n.<'e.Sl3^!l Present besides their mothers, Mrs. 9.e^ge Erber' who reside south of »» arl Paddcck and Mrs. Martin Wege- McHenry, was married to Mr. Ken-.' ; the boy's grandmother, "eth Johnson, son cf the Arthur' ^FolJ?S,n,p thf nuPt,als l» reception ^.,,-a Wagner, of Volo. Mrs.1 Johnsons of Crystal Lake. The Marv\ St gPatrfrk'Wtrho ? i ll" t?, •Margaret. Wegener, Mrs. Pete Engeln nuptials were read by Rev. Gehrs1 „ ,y fc"S,t Pat™k 3 school hall The • and, LaVerne Lorraine and Immanual Lutheran church in J,,.ni' CpLbf,l.^1 "LI; Betty, Mrs. Alvin Peterson and Crystal Lake. dauphters, Bernice and Vivian, Mrs.' Given in marriage, by her father, Martha Rothermel and Shirley and Miss Erber was charming in a bridal Joan Wegener. I go*.vn of white satin, with long train Earl ner, Ml! street, Rockfcrd, having postponed their honeymoon trip until October. The former Miss Stilling; is a gi;iduate of the McHenry hijfh school C. D. cf A. Plans For Initiation and fingertip veil, the latter held in t,|e c,®ss of 19^5 and last June place by a tiara of rhinestones. She £ wore a turquoise necklace, 'ift of Nursing in Rockford. The bride- Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573,.th® groom, and carried a bouquet of his education in -r » * • wVii«-A --1 --1 M , Rockford and is employed by his in the K. of C. hall on Thursday "for1 '^M^.^EltheVErbeTTf'crystal Lake' p?'Ier^ntI,nvF0LTw"0tHherS Fansano, _the first business meeting of the fall the bride's sister-in-law, acted as| Camp y, Rockfoid. , Catholic Daughters of America, met white roses and stephanotis. I A. 1_ TT _ # y 1 1 11 HV1 1 A ! ft«A ll^ «h ^ L. A.. u I-- _ _ # #' 1 BRIDAL COUPLE season. Plans were made for initia- matron of honor, wearing a green' tion of new members. Father Baum-, sa^'n gown with net overskirt. On! hofer, chaplain of the court, then '^eJ" head was a wreath of yellow, gave a very interesting instruction; stephanotis and she carried yellow . on the Graces. At the conclusion. asttrs. f of the meeting, the committee, with' Bridesmaids were Mrs. Eloise Elizabeth Schoewer and Sophie White Erber of Wonder Lake, sister-in-law' as chairmen, served refreshments. J °f the bride, and Miss Alda Miller The social meeting of the month of McHenry, a friend. They were! will be held on Thursday, Sept. 16, attired similarly in gowns of gold, with Clara Adams, chairman, assisted Sfltin with net overskirt. They wore! by Marie Wagner Anna Adams, headpieces of green stephanotis and j Marguerite Adams, Evelyn Carey and carried matching colored asters. I Kathryn Conway. I The pretty little flower girl was * * * 'the bridegroom's cousin, Carol Locktoath Bfcttf - I wood, of Crystal Lake, who wore a J fcetinmt Sunday ' j floor length dress of white net,! The family of Math Bauer held a trimmed with satin ribbon, and a j reunion at Veterans Acres, near white headpiece made of stephanotis. Crystal Lake, last Sunday, with a She carried a basket of rose petals.) •picnic dinner and supper and a social: Gene Johnson, the groom's brother, afternoon. was best man, and ushers were Ray Present were twenty-nine mem-' Erber, the bride's brother, and Rowan I bers of the family, including Mr. and Lockwood of Crystal Lake. The ring! Mrs. John Feltz, Mr. and Mrs. A1 bearer was George Rolland Erber of Baur and family and Mr. and Mrs.! Wonder Lake, nephew of the bride.! Lany Dhom and son of McHenry; |. Both mothers were attired similarly I Mr. and Mrs. David Berthold and *n dresses of light brown, with dark: family of Villa Park; Mr. and Mrs. brown accessories. They wore cor-j Herman Salzman and family of s«ges of yellow roses. MR. AND MRS. JAMES KRfiLLE Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lar- The church was beautifully deco- In a lovely wedding service which sen of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Ber- rated for the occasion with bouquets was solemnized before the fireplace nard Baur ami family of Davenport, of white gladioli. Soloist was Mrs. in the Merwin Strever residence, Seco Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reeb of Robert Meyer of Crystal Lake, who Manor, in Arcadia, Mo., their Hebron. sang 'The Lord's Prayer" and "True daughter, Joanne, exchanged marital _ _ * * V _-v jLoye- I vows with Mr. James Krelle of Jason Rennehan , A wedding reception at the recrc- • Chicago on Saturday, Aug. 28. The 91 Years Old ation hall on the lake front was at-! couple will reside in Rogers Park. Old timers in this community Will tended by 300 guests, with a threeread with interest of the ninety-first tier cake occupying a prominent place CARD OF THANKS , birthday anniversary on Aug. 28 of °n the serving table. A buffet lunch; In this manner we wish to express Jason Willard Rennehan, who ob-, served, the wedding cake being our sincere thanks to kind friends served the occasion quietly at the c"t and served by the bride's aunt, for their assistance in our bereavehome of his brother, George Renne- Mrs. Martha Schorr, of DesPlaines. ment. We are especially grateful for han, of Round Lake. The new bride is a graduate of floral cgerings, cards of sympathy The nonegenarian was born in 1857 the McHenry high school with the and to donors of crs. These kindon the old Rennehan home on the class of 1944 and has been...gmnleyed nesses were very much appreciated, east side of Round Lake. The home at the Oaks in Crystal Lake. The MRS. HAROLD D1CKOW , was known as Rennehan Resort and groom, a Crystal Lake graduate, 17 AND FAMILY. was operated by George P. Rennehan. spent three and one-half years in the -- j Jascn was baptized on Sept. 1, navy and is now employed at the Former OrepnwnnH Man Tlifid' 1857, by Rev. A. Eustice at St Pat- Curvin Machine Shop in Crystal t . greenw ood Man lJiea rick's church, McHenry. His parents 'Lake. The couple will live in that West JTOllOWjng ACCide&t ' were the late Thomas and Johanna, city. ---~rr- J | Sutton Rennehan, who came to Illi-; v -- - Dale Webster, 28, a former resident' noiS'in the covered wagon days. 1 nnrntmrAAn r«TOT !c' Greenwood, was killed in an auto- 1 **Mr. and Mrs. George Ren- GREENWOOD GIRL {mobile accident in Compton, Calif., "f. an? Sl , X0.Uj*f was in BECAME BRIDE 0? ~ last week, according to word received • «««. Ce e birthd®y observ- T ATTPl-WP* A PTnv [from his sister, Violet Webster. He ance- ~ LAURENCE A. RICE was a veteran of World War II and You save over 50%... Your choice of these big name bands and stars! Check the ones you want, king 8hs arf with Below is listed only a few of the records which will "Be on sale, starting Monday, Sept. 13, and continuing through Saturday, Sept. 18. 3 "FOUR OR FIVE TIMES" "I'VE FOUND A NEW BABY** (Hampton's Orchestra) "I LOVE YOU TRULY" "LA GOLONDRINA" (Wayne King's Orchestra) "ALICE BLUE GOWN" "SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES" TLL NEVER MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN" "YOU CANT TELL THE DEPTH OF THE WELL" (Louis Prina's jii_. Orchestra) "I'LL DANCE AT YOUR WEDDING" (Wayne King's Orchestra) ' CAROLINA IN THE MORNING" "ELI. ELI" ' (Tony Martin) DONG Honored At Bridal Shower | after his discharge made his home Of interest locally was the mar- on the west coast. Miu Hoim'nAiu,. * r> J Ti'F* last Friday, Set. 3, of Miss Survivors include the widow, Mary; who la«t - Greenwood, Helen Marie Rehberg, daughter of two daughters, Delores, 4, and Pabridp nf T u,._^_eveno"g c,arn®, the Herman Rehberg of Greenwowod, and tricia, six months; three sisters, Vio- WM honored w Ll,Cef °f ^ MlJ A- R^e, son of Mr let and Mrs. Leota Dermont, reUidmiscellannpous a B"rpr'se ®!}d Mrs. Harold Rice of rural Elgin.; ing in the west, and Mrs. Arline sister Mrs Stanlev J1®1 The .®ervice took place in the Com- Stedman of Belvidere; two brothers. Brown tme S ' r m™ity Methodist church in McHenry,! Gordon and Willard, of Woodstock. Pinnow, Miss Violet^ehberg CHURCH NOTES the bride-elect. The table was attractively decorated with pastel colors and over her father, was attired in a street! length dress of black print and black! accessories. She wore a corsage of1 Worshipper's Sunday morning, were Lh? £ £ garden sprinkler j roses and mums. Her only attendant thrilled by the violin solos played by P* white crepe was Miss Violet Rehberg of Barrine- Gordon Scholle, accompanied by Mrs. W1fh, "treamers from the [ton, her sister, who chose a print! Harry Barr at the organ. Gordon spout to each gift. i dress and a pink and white cor- Played "Angels' Serenade" by Braga, _r.„fT>on^ „ the guests were Mrs. ] sage. Edwin Geske of Aleonauin 1 ar,d ' "Berceuse" by Godard. A whole- Wllliam Rehberg, the bride-to-be's! served the groom as best man. hearted invitation is extended Gor- Eand mot her and Mrs. George Reh- After the ceremony, a reception for don to lead us in our worship again ** °# m Mrs- Arthur Reh- fifty guests was held, followed by ala"d we hope in the near future. Deiy of Elgin, Mrs. LaVern Rehberg, dinner for thirty relatives from Bar- A cordial welcome is extended ir™t daughter, LaVIon, and Miss rington, Woodstock, Algonquin, Elgin Miss Louanne Howorka, who has xon- Barnngton; Mrs. and Ringwood. in the home of Mr.! sented to teach our junior girls' class William Rehberg, Jr., of Algonquin ; j and Mrs. Stanley Brwn in McHenry. i 'n Sunday School. Miss Hulda Pinnow and Mrs. Emil, After a honeymoon trip of several' Plans jre being made to resume Pinnow of Crystal Lake; Mrs. Har-.days, the couple will reside near the choir reheasals in the near fuvey Brown and daughter, Mavis and Union, where the bridegroom is ture, watch these notes for the date Barbara, of Wilmot, Wis.; and Mrs. employed on a farm. The bride has I and time. Mrs. Keith Foster will be Arthur Bentley of Greenwood. • . • Advance Officers* ' . Night on Sept. 14 « Advance Officers NigJit will be held at Acacia Masonic Temple on' Tuesday evening, Sept. 14, when many visiting members of other j c h a p t e r s w i l l h o l d o f f i c e . M r . a n d j been home'maker for- her father and . our organist while Mrs. Harry Barr three brothers since the death of her iis on vacation in Ohio. mother four years ago. Lightning on the Farm Lightning burns twice as many farm buildings, as are burned from any other cause. See you in church Sunday. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf fisad the Wanv Ads "NONE BUT THE LONELlf ^ HEART** (Dorsey's Orchestra) "BASIN STREET BLUES" "KEEPIN' OUT OF MISCHPF NOW',' ("Fats" Waller) "VIPERS DRAG" "HANDFUL OF KEYS" ("Fats" Waller) "TWO SLEEPY PEOPLE?* "THE MINOR DRAY" ("Fats" Waller)--- -- "YEARS AND YEARS AGO'*--- "CONN." (Herfcie Fields' Orchestra) "AM I STILL PART OF, YOUR HEART-* "LEFT BY THE WAYSIDE'*, (Buchanan Brothers) "LAURA" "WHEN YUBA PLAYS THE RUMBA ON THE TUBA" (S. Jones) "THROUGH** "SUNRISE SERENADE" (Beneke with Miller Orchestra) "TALLAHASSEE" "I WISH I DIDN'T LOVE YOU SO" (V. Monroe's Orchestra) "I AINT MAD AT YOU** "THE JUNGLE KING** (Connt Basle) "SERENADE OF THE BELLS" "THAT'S WHAT EVERY YOUNG GIRL SHOULD KNOW" (S. Kaye's Orchestrs) "FORGIVING YOU" "THE LITTLE OLD RED MILL" (S. Ksye's Orchestra) MY "DING DADDY FROM DUMAS" "SOME LITTLE BUG IS GOING TO FIND YOU" (Phil Harris) "WHY SHOULD I CRY OVER YOU?" "THOSE THINGS MONEY CANT BUY" (Betty Rhodes) -PEGGY 0*NEIL"' "MICKEY" a (Dennis Day) -----. -PUT YOURSELF IN PLACE, BABY** "JUST AROUND THE CORNER" (Betty Rhodes) "LOADED PISTOLS^ LOADSP DICE" "NOW YOU'VE GONE AND HURT MY SOUTHERN PRIDE" (Phil Harris) "AN OLD SOMBRERO" "DREAMY LULLABY" (Beneke's Orchestra) "AINT I LOSIN' YOU* "SAMMY'S NIGHTMARE" (EL Hawkins) "GOLDEN BARINGS" "TENDERLY (C. "DON'T YOU WANT A MAN LIKE ME" "BLUE AND SENTIMENTAL" (Count Basie's Orchestra) "THERE I GO" "G'BYE NOW** (V. Monroe's Orchestra) "MEAN OLD 'FRISCO BLUES" "I'M IN THE, MOOD" Arthur "Big Boy" Crodup) "SENTIMENTAL RHAPSODY" "YOU CAN'T MAKE MONEY DREAMIN'" (Dorsey's Orchestra) "YOU'RE TOO DANGEROUS, CHERIE" "NO LONGER" (F. Martin's Orchestra) "SPANISH FANDANGO" "THE LEST DEAL IN TOWN" (Spade Cooley) "BROKE AND HUNGRY BLUES" "KID MAN BLUES" (Big Maceo) k "THE LOVLINESS OF YOU" -- ^COMPLETELY YOURS" (V. Monroe's Orchestra) "TFRFSJ fUTi t?con IBnlloA "TAMBOURINE" "A MAN COULD BE A WONDERFUL THING** (Ray McKinley's Orchestra) "THE GANG THAT SANG HEART OF MY HEART" "HINDUSTAN" (Three Suns) 'THE LAST THING I WANT IS YOUR PITY" "fcUT NONE LIKE YOU" (C. Spivak's Orchestra) '^CRYING FOR JOY" "JIME AND AGAIN" # Russ Case's Orchestra) *rM LOOKING OVER A FOUR , LEAF CLOVER" "LIMEHOUSE BLUES" (Curly Hicks) "DR. CLAYTON BLUES" CHEATING AND LYING .• , BLUES" I--- (Dr. Clayton) "MANANA" THOUGHTLESS "WISHING" Larry Green's Orchestra) 'MY GAL IS MINE ONCE MORE" "STARLIGHT RENDEZVOUS" (T. Dorsev*s Orchestra) THE TUNE OF THE TIP OF MY HEART" "I'LL ALWAYS BE IN LOVE. WITH YOU" (S.. Kaye's Orchestra) "I MAY BE WRONG" ARMS'- (Joe Loss) "PAGLIACCI, VE8TI LA GIUBBA" "REQUESTFULLY YOURS" "J_~ (V. Monroe's Orchestra) "CONCERTO TO THE MOON" "MOTHER NATURE'S LULLABY" (Larry Green's Orchestra) "CLOSED FOR REPAIRS" "AMERICAN PATROL" (Bill Boyd) GABRIEL'S HEATER" FAREW(T?'L DoTJU*s"o«kestra) TO MAKE LOVE TO fBYE BYE BLACKBIRD" "HOLD ME" (George Olsen--Little Jack Little) "SHINE" Spivak's Orchestr«) MEBONY RHAPSODY" LETS TRY IT AGAIN" ' • " <DUOrShS?"" "SHE'S A SOLID KILLER DECEMBER" DILLER" (Tampa Rai) "LOVE IS FUN" 'AT THE CANDLELIGHT CAFE" (The Three Suns) "SPRING IN "I WANNA" ~ (Bervl Davis) "LITTLE GIRL" "JUST CANCEL MY DREAM' _ (Larry Green's Orchestra/ YOU (E. Hawkins) "A LOVELY RAINY AFTERNOON" -RAMBLIN AROUND" (Beneke's Orchestra) *A BOY, FROM TEXAS" *•- ^ ^ n'M IN LOVE, CANT YOU _ TELL" ^ (Three Sans) T*S MONDAY EVERY DAY" VE ONLY MYSELF TO BLAME" (Count Basie's Orchestra) @ THE STARS WHO MAKE THE HITS ARE ON RCA VICTOR RECORDS! _)• • . • 514 West Main Phone 123-J McHenry, Illinois ...

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